AvocadoJS CLI
The AvocadoJS command-line interface should be installed locally and executed through npm
npm install @avocado/cli --save-dev
Local Commands
Below is an example of running Avocado commands from a webapp's npm scripts within the local package.json
package.json scripts
scripts: {
"avocado.create": "avocado create",
"avocado.sync": "avocado sync"
"build": "tsc && npm run avocado.sync"
CLI Commands
sync [platform] updates + copy
update [platform] updates the native plugins and dependencies based in package.json
copy [platform] copies the web app build into the native app
open [platform] opens the native project workspace (xcode for iOS)
create [platform] create a native project
doctor [platform] checks the current setup for common errors
plugin:generate start a new avocado plugin