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Comparing version 6.0.0-alpha.4 to 6.0.0



@@ -732,2 +732,56 @@ import { AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/core';

* @name hasPermissionBtScan (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31+)
* Determine whether scan privileges in Android API 31+
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ hasPermission: boolean }>}
hasPermissionBtScan(): Promise<{
hasPermission: boolean;
* @name requestPermissionBtScan (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Request scan privileges in Android API 31.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ requestPermission: boolean }>}
requestPermissionBtScan(): Promise<{
requestPermission: boolean;
* @name hasPermissionBtConnect (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Determine if device has the permission to connect or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ hasPermission: boolean }>}
hasPermissionBtConnect(): Promise<{
hasPermission: boolean;
* @name requestPermissionBtConnect (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Prompt permission settings page. requestPermissionBtConnect property returns whether connect permission has been granted or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ requestPermission: boolean }>}
requestPermissionBtConnect(): Promise<{
requestPermission: boolean;
* @name hasPermissionBtAdvertise (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Determine if device has the permission to advertise or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ hasPermission: boolean }>}
hasPermissionBtAdvertise(): Promise<{
hasPermission: boolean;
* @name requestPermissionBtAdvertise (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Prompt permission settings page. requestPermissionBtAdvertise property returns whether connect permission has been granted or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ requestPermission: boolean }>}
requestPermissionBtAdvertise(): Promise<{
requestPermission: boolean;
* @name initializePeripheral

@@ -734,0 +788,0 @@ * Initialize Bluetooth on the device. Must be called before anything else.


'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var tslib = require('tslib');
var core$1 = require('@angular/core');
var i0 = require('@angular/core');
var core = require('@awesome-cordova-plugins/core');
function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) {
var n = Object.create(null);
if (e) {
Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
if (k !== 'default') {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
enumerable: true,
get: function () { return e[k]; }
n.default = e;
return Object.freeze(n);
var i0__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(i0);
exports.AndroidGattTransportMode = void 0;

@@ -92,2 +109,8 @@ (function (AndroidGattTransportMode) {

BluetoothLE.prototype.requestLocation = function () { return core.cordova(this, "requestLocation", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };
BluetoothLE.prototype.hasPermissionBtScan = function () { return core.cordova(this, "hasPermissionBtScan", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };
BluetoothLE.prototype.requestPermissionBtScan = function () { return core.cordova(this, "requestPermissionBtScan", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };
BluetoothLE.prototype.hasPermissionBtConnect = function () { return core.cordova(this, "hasPermissionBtConnect", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };
BluetoothLE.prototype.requestPermissionBtConnect = function () { return core.cordova(this, "requestPermissionBtConnect", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };
BluetoothLE.prototype.hasPermissionBtAdvertise = function () { return core.cordova(this, "hasPermissionBtAdvertise", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };
BluetoothLE.prototype.requestPermissionBtAdvertise = function () { return core.cordova(this, "requestPermissionBtAdvertise", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };
BluetoothLE.prototype.initializePeripheral = function (params) { return core.cordova(this, "initializePeripheral", { "callbackOrder": "reverse", "observable": true }, arguments); };

@@ -178,2 +201,4 @@ BluetoothLE.prototype.addService = function (params) { return core.cordova(this, "addService", { "callbackOrder": "reverse" }, arguments); };

BluetoothLE.ɵfac = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.16", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: BluetoothLE, deps: null, target: i0__namespace.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable });
BluetoothLE.ɵprov = i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.16", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: BluetoothLE });
BluetoothLE.pluginName = "BluetoothLE";

@@ -186,8 +211,9 @@ BluetoothLE.plugin = "cordova-plugin-bluetoothle";

BluetoothLE.platforms = ["Android", "iOS"];
BluetoothLE.decorators = [
{ type: core$1.Injectable }
BluetoothLE = tslib.__decorate([], BluetoothLE);
return BluetoothLE;
i0__namespace.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "12.2.16", ngImport: i0__namespace, type: BluetoothLE, decorators: [{
type: i0.Injectable
}], propDecorators: { initialize: [], enable: [], disable: [], getAdapterInfo: [], startScan: [], stopScan: [], retrieveConnected: [], bond: [], unbond: [], connect: [], reconnect: [], disconnect: [], close: [], discover: [], services: [], characteristics: [], descriptors: [], read: [], subscribe: [], unsubscribe: [], write: [], writeQ: [], readDescriptor: [], writeDescriptor: [], rssi: [], mtu: [], requestConnectionPriority: [], isInitialized: [], isEnabled: [], isScanning: [], isBonded: [], wasConnected: [], isConnected: [], isDiscovered: [], hasPermission: [], requestPermission: [], isLocationEnabled: [], requestLocation: [], hasPermissionBtScan: [], requestPermissionBtScan: [], hasPermissionBtConnect: [], requestPermissionBtConnect: [], hasPermissionBtAdvertise: [], requestPermissionBtAdvertise: [], initializePeripheral: [], addService: [], removeService: [], removeAllServices: [], startAdvertising: [], stopAdvertising: [], isAdvertising: [], respond: [], notify: [], encodedStringToBytes: [], bytesToEncodedString: [], stringToBytes: [], bytesToString: [], SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC: [], SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER: [], SCAN_MODE_BALANCED: [], SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY: [], MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE: [], MATCH_MODE_STICKY: [], MATCH_NUM_ONE_ADVERTISEMENT: [], MATCH_NUM_FEW_ADVERTISEMENT: [], MATCH_NUM_MAX_ADVERTISEMENT: [], CALLBACK_TYPE_ALL_MATCHES: [], CALLBACK_TYPE_FIRST_MATCH: [], CALLBACK_TYPE_MATCH_LOST: [] } });
exports.BluetoothLE = BluetoothLE;

@@ -732,2 +732,56 @@ import { AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/core';

* @name hasPermissionBtScan (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31+)
* Determine whether scan privileges in Android API 31+
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ hasPermission: boolean }>}
hasPermissionBtScan(): Promise<{
hasPermission: boolean;
* @name requestPermissionBtScan (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Request scan privileges in Android API 31.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ requestPermission: boolean }>}
requestPermissionBtScan(): Promise<{
requestPermission: boolean;
* @name hasPermissionBtConnect (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Determine if device has the permission to connect or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ hasPermission: boolean }>}
hasPermissionBtConnect(): Promise<{
hasPermission: boolean;
* @name requestPermissionBtConnect (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Prompt permission settings page. requestPermissionBtConnect property returns whether connect permission has been granted or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ requestPermission: boolean }>}
requestPermissionBtConnect(): Promise<{
requestPermission: boolean;
* @name hasPermissionBtAdvertise (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Determine if device has the permission to advertise or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ hasPermission: boolean }>}
hasPermissionBtAdvertise(): Promise<{
hasPermission: boolean;
* @name requestPermissionBtAdvertise (useful only for Android 12+ / API 31)
* Prompt permission settings page. requestPermissionBtAdvertise property returns whether connect permission has been granted or not.
* Will return an error if called on iOS or Android versions prior to 12.0.
* @returns {Promise<{ requestPermission: boolean }>}
requestPermissionBtAdvertise(): Promise<{
requestPermission: boolean;
* @name initializePeripheral

@@ -734,0 +788,0 @@ * Initialize Bluetooth on the device. Must be called before anything else.



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

{"description":"Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps","main":"bundle.js","module":"index.js","typings":"index.d.ts","author":"Daniel Sogl","license":"MIT","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"name":"@awesome-cordova-plugins/bluetooth-le","dependencies":{"@types/cordova":"latest"},"peerDependencies":{"rxjs":"^5.5.0 || ^6.5.0 || ^7.3.0","@awesome-cordova-plugins/core":"^6.0.0-alpha.0"},"version":"6.0.0-alpha.4"}
{"description":"Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps","main":"bundle.js","module":"index.js","typings":"index.d.ts","author":"ionic","license":"MIT","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"name":"@awesome-cordova-plugins/bluetooth-le","dependencies":{"@types/cordova":"latest"},"peerDependencies":{"rxjs":"^5.5.0 || ^6.5.0 || ^7.3.0","@awesome-cordova-plugins/core":"^5.1.0"},"version":"6.0.0"}

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

{"description":"Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps","main":"bundle.js","module":"index.js","typings":"index.d.ts","author":"Daniel Sogl","license":"MIT","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"name":"@awesome-cordova-plugins/bluetooth-le","dependencies":{"@types/cordova":"latest"},"peerDependencies":{"rxjs":"^5.5.0 || ^6.5.0 || ^7.3.0","@awesome-cordova-plugins/core":"^6.0.0-alpha.0"},"version":"6.0.0-alpha.4"}
{"description":"Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps","main":"bundle.js","module":"index.js","typings":"index.d.ts","author":"ionic","license":"MIT","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"name":"@awesome-cordova-plugins/bluetooth-le","dependencies":{"@types/cordova":"latest"},"peerDependencies":{"rxjs":"^5.5.0 || ^6.5.0 || ^7.3.0","@awesome-cordova-plugins/core":"^5.1.0"},"version":"6.0.0"}

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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