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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 3.429.0 to 3.430.0



@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ "use strict";

useFipsEndpoint: (_b = options.useFipsEndpoint) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false,
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc"
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc",
var package_default = { version: "3.387.0" };
var package_default = { version: "3.429.0" };
const sha256_browser_1 = require("@aws-crypto/sha256-browser");

@@ -36,22 +36,124 @@ const util_user_agent_browser_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser");

const util_endpoints_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-endpoints");
var p = "required";
var q = "fn";
var r = "argv";
var s = "ref";
var a = "PartitionResult";
var s = "required";
var t = "fn";
var u = "argv";
var v = "ref";
var a = "isSet";
var b = "tree";
var c = "error";
var d = "endpoint";
var e = { [p]: false, "type": "String" };
var f = { [p]: true, "default": false, "type": "Boolean" };
var g = { [s]: "Endpoint" };
var h = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var i = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var j = {};
var k = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var l = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var m = [g];
var n = [h];
var o = [i];
var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: e, UseDualStack: f, UseFIPS: f, Endpoint: e }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "aws.partition", [r]: [{ [s]: "Region" }], assign: a }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "isSet", [r]: m }, { [q]: "parseURL", [r]: m, assign: "url" }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: n, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { type: b, rules: [{ conditions: o, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { endpoint: { url: g, properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { conditions: [h, i], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k, l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c }] }, { conditions: n, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k], type: b, rules: [{ type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c }] }, { conditions: o, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c }] }, { endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] };
var e = "PartitionResult";
var f = "getAttr";
var g = { [s]: false, type: "String" };
var h = { [s]: true, default: false, type: "Boolean" };
var i = { [v]: "Endpoint" };
var j = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var k = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var l = {};
var m = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [{ [v]: e }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var n = { [v]: e };
var o = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var p = [j];
var q = [k];
var r = [{ [v]: "Region" }];
var _data = {
version: "1.0",
parameters: { Region: g, UseDualStack: h, UseFIPS: h, Endpoint: g },
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: [i] }],
type: b,
rules: [
{ conditions: p, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ conditions: q, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ endpoint: { url: i, properties: l, headers: l }, type: d },
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: r }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "aws.partition", [u]: r, assign: e }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [j, k],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m, o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c },
conditions: p,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "stringEquals", [u]: ["aws-us-gov", { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "name"] }] }],
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c },
conditions: q,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c },
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
{ error: "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region", type: c },
var ruleSet = _data;

@@ -61,7 +163,7 @@ var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => {

logger: context.logger
logger: context.logger,
var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j;
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k;
return ({

@@ -73,7 +175,8 @@ apiVersion: "2019-06-10",

endpointProvider: (_d = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.endpointProvider) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : defaultEndpointResolver,
logger: (_e = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.logger) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : new smithy_client_2.NoOpLogger(),
serviceId: (_f = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.serviceId) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : "SSO OIDC",
urlParser: (_g = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.urlParser) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : url_parser_1.parseUrl,
utf8Decoder: (_h = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : util_utf8_1.fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: (_j = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : util_utf8_1.toUtf8
extensions: (_e = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.extensions) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : [],
logger: (_f = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.logger) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : new smithy_client_2.NoOpLogger(),
serviceId: (_g = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.serviceId) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : "SSO OIDC",
urlParser: (_h = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.urlParser) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : url_parser_1.parseUrl,
utf8Decoder: (_j = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : util_utf8_1.fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: (_k = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : util_utf8_1.toUtf8,

@@ -102,5 +205,23 @@ };

useDualstackEndpoint: (_j = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.useDualstackEndpoint) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : (() => Promise.resolve(config_resolver_2.DEFAULT_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT)),
useFipsEndpoint: (_k = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : (() => Promise.resolve(config_resolver_2.DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT))
useFipsEndpoint: (_k = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : (() => Promise.resolve(config_resolver_2.DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT)),
const region_config_resolver_1 = require("@aws-sdk/region-config-resolver");
const protocol_http_1 = require("@smithy/protocol-http");
const smithy_client_4 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var asPartial = (t2) => t2;
var resolveRuntimeExtensions = (runtimeConfig, extensions) => {
const extensionConfiguration = {
...asPartial((0, region_config_resolver_1.getAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration)(runtimeConfig)),
...asPartial((0, smithy_client_4.getDefaultExtensionConfiguration)(runtimeConfig)),
...asPartial((0, protocol_http_1.getHttpHandlerExtensionConfiguration)(runtimeConfig)),
extensions.forEach((extension) => extension.configure(extensionConfiguration));
return {
...(0, region_config_resolver_1.resolveAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration)(extensionConfiguration),
...(0, smithy_client_4.resolveDefaultRuntimeConfig)(extensionConfiguration),
...(0, protocol_http_1.resolveHttpHandlerRuntimeConfig)(extensionConfiguration),
var SSOOIDCClient = class extends smithy_client_1.Client {

@@ -115,4 +236,5 @@ constructor(...[configuration]) {

const _config_6 = (0, middleware_user_agent_1.resolveUserAgentConfig)(_config_5);
this.config = _config_6;
const _config_7 = resolveRuntimeExtensions(_config_6, (configuration === null || configuration === void 0 ? void 0 : configuration.extensions) || []);
this.config = _config_7;
this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_retry_1.getRetryPlugin)(this.config));

@@ -130,10 +252,11 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_content_length_1.getContentLengthPlugin)(this.config));

exports.SSOOIDCClient = SSOOIDCClient;
const smithy_client_4 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const smithy_client_5 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const middleware_endpoint_2 = require("@smithy/middleware-endpoint");
const middleware_serde_1 = require("@smithy/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_5 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const protocol_http_1 = require("@smithy/protocol-http");
const smithy_client_6 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const types_1 = require("@smithy/types");
const protocol_http_2 = require("@smithy/protocol-http");
const smithy_client_7 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var SSOOIDCServiceException = class _SSOOIDCServiceException extends smithy_client_7.ServiceException {
const smithy_client_8 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var SSOOIDCServiceException = class _SSOOIDCServiceException extends smithy_client_8.ServiceException {
constructor(options) {

@@ -149,3 +272,3 @@ super(options);

$fault: "client",

@@ -165,3 +288,3 @@ = "AccessDeniedException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -181,3 +304,3 @@ = "AuthorizationPendingException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -197,3 +320,3 @@ = "ExpiredTokenException";

$fault: "server",

@@ -213,3 +336,3 @@ = "InternalServerException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -229,3 +352,3 @@ = "InvalidClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -244,3 +367,3 @@ = "InvalidGrantException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -260,3 +383,3 @@ = "InvalidRequestException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -276,3 +399,3 @@ = "InvalidScopeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -292,3 +415,3 @@ = "SlowDownException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -308,3 +431,3 @@ = "UnauthorizedClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -324,3 +447,3 @@ = "UnsupportedGrantTypeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -337,7 +460,7 @@ = "InvalidClientMetadataException";

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",
const resolvedPath = `${(basePath === null || basePath === void 0 ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/token`;
let body;
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_6.take)(input, {
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_7.take)(input, {
clientId: [],

@@ -350,5 +473,5 @@ clientSecret: [],

refreshToken: [],
scope: (_) => (0, smithy_client_6._json)(_)
scope: (_) => (0, smithy_client_7._json)(_),
return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({
return new protocol_http_2.HttpRequest({

@@ -360,3 +483,3 @@ hostname,

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -367,12 +490,12 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",
const resolvedPath = `${(basePath === null || basePath === void 0 ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/client/register`;
let body;
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_6.take)(input, {
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_7.take)(input, {
clientName: [],
clientType: [],
scopes: (_) => (0, smithy_client_6._json)(_)
scopes: (_) => (0, smithy_client_7._json)(_),
return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({
return new protocol_http_2.HttpRequest({

@@ -384,3 +507,3 @@ hostname,

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -391,12 +514,12 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",
const resolvedPath = `${(basePath === null || basePath === void 0 ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/device_authorization`;
let body;
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_6.take)(input, {
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_7.take)(input, {
clientId: [],
clientSecret: [],
startUrl: []
startUrl: [],
return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({
return new protocol_http_2.HttpRequest({

@@ -408,3 +531,3 @@ hostname,

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -416,12 +539,12 @@ };

const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),
const data = (0, smithy_client_6.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_6.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
accessToken: smithy_client_6.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_6.expectInt32,
idToken: smithy_client_6.expectString,
refreshToken: smithy_client_6.expectString,
tokenType: smithy_client_6.expectString
const data = (0, smithy_client_7.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_7.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
accessToken: smithy_client_7.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_7.expectInt32,
idToken: smithy_client_7.expectString,
refreshToken: smithy_client_7.expectString,
tokenType: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -434,3 +557,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -477,3 +600,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -486,13 +609,13 @@ }

const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),
const data = (0, smithy_client_6.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_6.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
authorizationEndpoint: smithy_client_6.expectString,
clientId: smithy_client_6.expectString,
clientIdIssuedAt: smithy_client_6.expectLong,
clientSecret: smithy_client_6.expectString,
clientSecretExpiresAt: smithy_client_6.expectLong,
tokenEndpoint: smithy_client_6.expectString
const data = (0, smithy_client_7.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_7.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
authorizationEndpoint: smithy_client_7.expectString,
clientId: smithy_client_7.expectString,
clientIdIssuedAt: smithy_client_7.expectLong,
clientSecret: smithy_client_7.expectString,
clientSecretExpiresAt: smithy_client_7.expectLong,
tokenEndpoint: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -505,3 +628,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -527,3 +650,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -536,13 +659,13 @@ }

const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),
const data = (0, smithy_client_6.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_6.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
deviceCode: smithy_client_6.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_6.expectInt32,
interval: smithy_client_6.expectInt32,
userCode: smithy_client_6.expectString,
verificationUri: smithy_client_6.expectString,
verificationUriComplete: smithy_client_6.expectString
const data = (0, smithy_client_7.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_7.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
deviceCode: smithy_client_7.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_7.expectInt32,
interval: smithy_client_7.expectInt32,
userCode: smithy_client_7.expectString,
verificationUri: smithy_client_7.expectString,
verificationUriComplete: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -555,3 +678,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -580,13 +703,13 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);

var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_6.withBaseException)(SSOOIDCServiceException);
var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_7.withBaseException)(SSOOIDCServiceException);
var de_AccessDeniedExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -596,12 +719,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_AuthorizationPendingExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -611,12 +734,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -626,12 +749,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InternalServerExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -641,12 +764,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidClientExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -656,12 +779,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidClientMetadataExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -671,12 +794,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidGrantExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -686,12 +809,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -701,12 +824,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidScopeExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -716,12 +839,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_SlowDownExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -731,12 +854,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_UnauthorizedClientExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -746,12 +869,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_UnsupportedGrantTypeExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_6.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_6.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_6.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString,

@@ -761,5 +884,5 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_6.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);

@@ -772,6 +895,6 @@ var deserializeMetadata = (output) => {

extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"],
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"]
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"],
var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => (0, smithy_client_6.collectBody)(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body));
var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => (0, smithy_client_7.collectBody)(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body));
var parseBody = (streamBody, context) => collectBodyString(streamBody, context).then((encoded) => {

@@ -818,3 +941,3 @@ if (encoded.length) {

var CreateTokenCommand = class _CreateTokenCommand extends smithy_client_5.Command {
var CreateTokenCommand = class _CreateTokenCommand extends smithy_client_6.Command {
constructor(input) {

@@ -829,3 +952,3 @@ super();

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -845,3 +968,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "CreateToken",

@@ -861,4 +988,5 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

const middleware_serde_2 = require("@smithy/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_8 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var RegisterClientCommand = class _RegisterClientCommand extends smithy_client_8.Command {
const smithy_client_9 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const types_2 = require("@smithy/types");
var RegisterClientCommand = class _RegisterClientCommand extends smithy_client_9.Command {
constructor(input) {

@@ -873,3 +1001,3 @@ super();

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -889,3 +1017,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "RegisterClient",

@@ -904,4 +1036,5 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

const middleware_serde_3 = require("@smithy/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_9 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = class _StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand extends smithy_client_9.Command {
const smithy_client_10 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const types_3 = require("@smithy/types");
var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = class _StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand extends smithy_client_10.Command {
constructor(input) {

@@ -916,3 +1049,3 @@ super();

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -932,3 +1065,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "StartDeviceAuthorization",

@@ -948,6 +1085,6 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

var SSOOIDC = class extends SSOOIDCClient {
(0, smithy_client_4.createAggregatedClient)(commands, SSOOIDC);
(0, smithy_client_5.createAggregatedClient)(commands, SSOOIDC);

@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ "use strict";

useFipsEndpoint: (_b = options.useFipsEndpoint) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false,
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc"
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc",
var package_default = { version: "3.387.0" };
var package_default = { version: "3.429.0" };
const util_user_agent_node_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node");

@@ -37,22 +37,124 @@ const config_resolver_2 = require("@smithy/config-resolver");

const util_endpoints_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-endpoints");
var p = "required";
var q = "fn";
var r = "argv";
var s = "ref";
var a = "PartitionResult";
var s = "required";
var t = "fn";
var u = "argv";
var v = "ref";
var a = "isSet";
var b = "tree";
var c = "error";
var d = "endpoint";
var e = { [p]: false, "type": "String" };
var f = { [p]: true, "default": false, "type": "Boolean" };
var g = { [s]: "Endpoint" };
var h = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var i = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var j = {};
var k = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var l = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var m = [g];
var n = [h];
var o = [i];
var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: e, UseDualStack: f, UseFIPS: f, Endpoint: e }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "aws.partition", [r]: [{ [s]: "Region" }], assign: a }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "isSet", [r]: m }, { [q]: "parseURL", [r]: m, assign: "url" }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: n, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { type: b, rules: [{ conditions: o, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { endpoint: { url: g, properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { conditions: [h, i], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k, l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c }] }, { conditions: n, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k], type: b, rules: [{ type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c }] }, { conditions: o, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c }] }, { endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] };
var e = "PartitionResult";
var f = "getAttr";
var g = { [s]: false, type: "String" };
var h = { [s]: true, default: false, type: "Boolean" };
var i = { [v]: "Endpoint" };
var j = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var k = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var l = {};
var m = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [{ [v]: e }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var n = { [v]: e };
var o = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var p = [j];
var q = [k];
var r = [{ [v]: "Region" }];
var _data = {
version: "1.0",
parameters: { Region: g, UseDualStack: h, UseFIPS: h, Endpoint: g },
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: [i] }],
type: b,
rules: [
{ conditions: p, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ conditions: q, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ endpoint: { url: i, properties: l, headers: l }, type: d },
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: r }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "aws.partition", [u]: r, assign: e }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [j, k],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m, o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c },
conditions: p,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "stringEquals", [u]: ["aws-us-gov", { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "name"] }] }],
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c },
conditions: q,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c },
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
{ error: "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region", type: c },
var ruleSet = _data;

@@ -62,7 +164,7 @@ var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => {

logger: context.logger
logger: context.logger,
var getRuntimeConfig = (config) => {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j;
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k;
return ({

@@ -74,7 +176,8 @@ apiVersion: "2019-06-10",

endpointProvider: (_d = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.endpointProvider) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : defaultEndpointResolver,
logger: (_e = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.logger) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : new smithy_client_2.NoOpLogger(),
serviceId: (_f = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.serviceId) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : "SSO OIDC",
urlParser: (_g = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.urlParser) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : url_parser_1.parseUrl,
utf8Decoder: (_h = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : util_utf8_1.fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: (_j = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : util_utf8_1.toUtf8
extensions: (_e = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.extensions) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : [],
logger: (_f = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.logger) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : new smithy_client_2.NoOpLogger(),
serviceId: (_g = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.serviceId) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : "SSO OIDC",
urlParser: (_h = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.urlParser) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : url_parser_1.parseUrl,
utf8Decoder: (_j = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Decoder) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : util_utf8_1.fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: (_k = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.utf8Encoder) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : util_utf8_1.toUtf8,

@@ -103,3 +206,3 @@ };

default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE
default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || util_retry_1.DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE,

@@ -109,5 +212,23 @@ sha256: (_g = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.sha256) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : hash_node_1.Hash.bind(null, "sha256"),

useDualstackEndpoint: (_j = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.useDualstackEndpoint) !== null && _j !== void 0 ? _j : (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_2.NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS),
useFipsEndpoint: (_k = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_2.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS)
useFipsEndpoint: (_k = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.useFipsEndpoint) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_2.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS),
const region_config_resolver_1 = require("@aws-sdk/region-config-resolver");
const protocol_http_1 = require("@smithy/protocol-http");
const smithy_client_5 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var asPartial = (t2) => t2;
var resolveRuntimeExtensions = (runtimeConfig, extensions) => {
const extensionConfiguration = {
...asPartial((0, region_config_resolver_1.getAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration)(runtimeConfig)),
...asPartial((0, smithy_client_5.getDefaultExtensionConfiguration)(runtimeConfig)),
...asPartial((0, protocol_http_1.getHttpHandlerExtensionConfiguration)(runtimeConfig)),
extensions.forEach((extension) => extension.configure(extensionConfiguration));
return {
...(0, region_config_resolver_1.resolveAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration)(extensionConfiguration),
...(0, smithy_client_5.resolveDefaultRuntimeConfig)(extensionConfiguration),
...(0, protocol_http_1.resolveHttpHandlerRuntimeConfig)(extensionConfiguration),
var SSOOIDCClient = class extends smithy_client_1.Client {

@@ -122,4 +243,5 @@ constructor(...[configuration]) {

const _config_6 = (0, middleware_user_agent_1.resolveUserAgentConfig)(_config_5);
this.config = _config_6;
const _config_7 = resolveRuntimeExtensions(_config_6, (configuration === null || configuration === void 0 ? void 0 : configuration.extensions) || []);
this.config = _config_7;
this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_retry_1.getRetryPlugin)(this.config));

@@ -137,10 +259,11 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_content_length_1.getContentLengthPlugin)(this.config));

exports.SSOOIDCClient = SSOOIDCClient;
const smithy_client_5 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const smithy_client_6 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const middleware_endpoint_2 = require("@smithy/middleware-endpoint");
const middleware_serde_1 = require("@smithy/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_6 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const protocol_http_1 = require("@smithy/protocol-http");
const smithy_client_7 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const types_1 = require("@smithy/types");
const protocol_http_2 = require("@smithy/protocol-http");
const smithy_client_8 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var SSOOIDCServiceException = class _SSOOIDCServiceException extends smithy_client_8.ServiceException {
const smithy_client_9 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var SSOOIDCServiceException = class _SSOOIDCServiceException extends smithy_client_9.ServiceException {
constructor(options) {

@@ -156,3 +279,3 @@ super(options);

$fault: "client",

@@ -172,3 +295,3 @@ = "AccessDeniedException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -188,3 +311,3 @@ = "AuthorizationPendingException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -204,3 +327,3 @@ = "ExpiredTokenException";

$fault: "server",

@@ -220,3 +343,3 @@ = "InternalServerException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -236,3 +359,3 @@ = "InvalidClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -251,3 +374,3 @@ = "InvalidGrantException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -267,3 +390,3 @@ = "InvalidRequestException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -283,3 +406,3 @@ = "InvalidScopeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -299,3 +422,3 @@ = "SlowDownException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -315,3 +438,3 @@ = "UnauthorizedClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -331,3 +454,3 @@ = "UnsupportedGrantTypeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -344,7 +467,7 @@ = "InvalidClientMetadataException";

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",
const resolvedPath = `${(basePath === null || basePath === void 0 ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/token`;
let body;
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_7.take)(input, {
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_8.take)(input, {
clientId: [],

@@ -357,5 +480,5 @@ clientSecret: [],

refreshToken: [],
scope: (_) => (0, smithy_client_7._json)(_)
scope: (_) => (0, smithy_client_8._json)(_),
return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({
return new protocol_http_2.HttpRequest({

@@ -367,3 +490,3 @@ hostname,

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -374,12 +497,12 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",
const resolvedPath = `${(basePath === null || basePath === void 0 ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/client/register`;
let body;
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_7.take)(input, {
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_8.take)(input, {
clientName: [],
clientType: [],
scopes: (_) => (0, smithy_client_7._json)(_)
scopes: (_) => (0, smithy_client_8._json)(_),
return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({
return new protocol_http_2.HttpRequest({

@@ -391,3 +514,3 @@ hostname,

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -398,12 +521,12 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",
const resolvedPath = `${(basePath === null || basePath === void 0 ? void 0 : basePath.endsWith("/")) ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/device_authorization`;
let body;
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_7.take)(input, {
body = JSON.stringify((0, smithy_client_8.take)(input, {
clientId: [],
clientSecret: [],
startUrl: []
startUrl: [],
return new protocol_http_1.HttpRequest({
return new protocol_http_2.HttpRequest({

@@ -415,3 +538,3 @@ hostname,

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -423,12 +546,12 @@ };

const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),
const data = (0, smithy_client_7.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_7.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
accessToken: smithy_client_7.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_7.expectInt32,
idToken: smithy_client_7.expectString,
refreshToken: smithy_client_7.expectString,
tokenType: smithy_client_7.expectString
const data = (0, smithy_client_8.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_8.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
accessToken: smithy_client_8.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_8.expectInt32,
idToken: smithy_client_8.expectString,
refreshToken: smithy_client_8.expectString,
tokenType: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -441,3 +564,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -484,3 +607,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -493,13 +616,13 @@ }

const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),
const data = (0, smithy_client_7.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_7.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
authorizationEndpoint: smithy_client_7.expectString,
clientId: smithy_client_7.expectString,
clientIdIssuedAt: smithy_client_7.expectLong,
clientSecret: smithy_client_7.expectString,
clientSecretExpiresAt: smithy_client_7.expectLong,
tokenEndpoint: smithy_client_7.expectString
const data = (0, smithy_client_8.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_8.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
authorizationEndpoint: smithy_client_8.expectString,
clientId: smithy_client_8.expectString,
clientIdIssuedAt: smithy_client_8.expectLong,
clientSecret: smithy_client_8.expectString,
clientSecretExpiresAt: smithy_client_8.expectLong,
tokenEndpoint: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -512,3 +635,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -534,3 +657,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -543,13 +666,13 @@ }

const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
const contents = (0,{
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),
const data = (0, smithy_client_7.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_7.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
deviceCode: smithy_client_7.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_7.expectInt32,
interval: smithy_client_7.expectInt32,
userCode: smithy_client_7.expectString,
verificationUri: smithy_client_7.expectString,
verificationUriComplete: smithy_client_7.expectString
const data = (0, smithy_client_8.expectNonNull)((0, smithy_client_8.expectObject)(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
deviceCode: smithy_client_8.expectString,
expiresIn: smithy_client_8.expectInt32,
interval: smithy_client_8.expectInt32,
userCode: smithy_client_8.expectString,
verificationUri: smithy_client_8.expectString,
verificationUriComplete: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -562,3 +685,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -587,13 +710,13 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);

var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_7.withBaseException)(SSOOIDCServiceException);
var throwDefaultError = (0, smithy_client_8.withBaseException)(SSOOIDCServiceException);
var de_AccessDeniedExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -603,12 +726,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_AuthorizationPendingExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -618,12 +741,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_ExpiredTokenExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -633,12 +756,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InternalServerExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -648,12 +771,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidClientExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -663,12 +786,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidClientMetadataExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -678,12 +801,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidGrantExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -693,12 +816,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidRequestExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -708,12 +831,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_InvalidScopeExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -723,12 +846,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_SlowDownExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -738,12 +861,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_UnauthorizedClientExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -753,12 +876,12 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
var de_UnsupportedGrantTypeExceptionRes = async (parsedOutput, context) => {
const contents = (0,{});
const contents = (0,{});
const data = parsedOutput.body;
const doc = (0, smithy_client_7.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_7.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_7.expectString
const doc = (0, smithy_client_8.take)(data, {
error: smithy_client_8.expectString,
error_description: smithy_client_8.expectString,

@@ -768,5 +891,5 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),
return (0, smithy_client_7.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);
return (0, smithy_client_8.decorateServiceException)(exception, parsedOutput.body);

@@ -779,6 +902,6 @@ var deserializeMetadata = (output) => {

extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"],
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"]
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"],
var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => (0, smithy_client_7.collectBody)(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body));
var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => (0, smithy_client_8.collectBody)(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body));
var parseBody = (streamBody, context) => collectBodyString(streamBody, context).then((encoded) => {

@@ -825,3 +948,3 @@ if (encoded.length) {

var CreateTokenCommand = class _CreateTokenCommand extends smithy_client_6.Command {
var CreateTokenCommand = class _CreateTokenCommand extends smithy_client_7.Command {
constructor(input) {

@@ -836,3 +959,3 @@ super();

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -852,3 +975,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "CreateToken",

@@ -868,4 +995,5 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

const middleware_serde_2 = require("@smithy/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_9 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var RegisterClientCommand = class _RegisterClientCommand extends smithy_client_9.Command {
const smithy_client_10 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const types_2 = require("@smithy/types");
var RegisterClientCommand = class _RegisterClientCommand extends smithy_client_10.Command {
constructor(input) {

@@ -880,3 +1008,3 @@ super();

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -896,3 +1024,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "RegisterClient",

@@ -911,4 +1043,5 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

const middleware_serde_3 = require("@smithy/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_10 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = class _StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand extends smithy_client_10.Command {
const smithy_client_11 = require("@smithy/smithy-client");
const types_3 = require("@smithy/types");
var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = class _StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand extends smithy_client_11.Command {
constructor(input) {

@@ -923,3 +1056,3 @@ super();

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -939,3 +1072,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "StartDeviceAuthorization",

@@ -955,6 +1092,6 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

var SSOOIDC = class extends SSOOIDCClient {
(0, smithy_client_5.createAggregatedClient)(commands, SSOOIDC);
(0, smithy_client_6.createAggregatedClient)(commands, SSOOIDC);

@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ import { getHostHeaderPlugin, resolveHostHeaderConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header";

useFipsEndpoint: options.useFipsEndpoint ?? false,
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc"
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc",
var package_default = { version: "3.387.0" };
var package_default = { version: "3.429.0" };
import { Sha256 } from "@aws-crypto/sha256-browser";

@@ -32,22 +32,124 @@ import { defaultUserAgent } from "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser";

import { resolveEndpoint } from "@aws-sdk/util-endpoints";
var p = "required";
var q = "fn";
var r = "argv";
var s = "ref";
var a = "PartitionResult";
var s = "required";
var t = "fn";
var u = "argv";
var v = "ref";
var a = "isSet";
var b = "tree";
var c = "error";
var d = "endpoint";
var e = { [p]: false, "type": "String" };
var f = { [p]: true, "default": false, "type": "Boolean" };
var g = { [s]: "Endpoint" };
var h = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var i = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var j = {};
var k = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var l = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var m = [g];
var n = [h];
var o = [i];
var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: e, UseDualStack: f, UseFIPS: f, Endpoint: e }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "aws.partition", [r]: [{ [s]: "Region" }], assign: a }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "isSet", [r]: m }, { [q]: "parseURL", [r]: m, assign: "url" }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: n, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { type: b, rules: [{ conditions: o, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { endpoint: { url: g, properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { conditions: [h, i], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k, l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c }] }, { conditions: n, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k], type: b, rules: [{ type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c }] }, { conditions: o, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c }] }, { endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] };
var e = "PartitionResult";
var f = "getAttr";
var g = { [s]: false, type: "String" };
var h = { [s]: true, default: false, type: "Boolean" };
var i = { [v]: "Endpoint" };
var j = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var k = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var l = {};
var m = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [{ [v]: e }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var n = { [v]: e };
var o = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var p = [j];
var q = [k];
var r = [{ [v]: "Region" }];
var _data = {
version: "1.0",
parameters: { Region: g, UseDualStack: h, UseFIPS: h, Endpoint: g },
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: [i] }],
type: b,
rules: [
{ conditions: p, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ conditions: q, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ endpoint: { url: i, properties: l, headers: l }, type: d },
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: r }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "aws.partition", [u]: r, assign: e }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [j, k],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m, o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c },
conditions: p,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "stringEquals", [u]: ["aws-us-gov", { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "name"] }] }],
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c },
conditions: q,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c },
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
{ error: "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region", type: c },
var ruleSet = _data;

@@ -57,3 +159,3 @@ var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => {

logger: context.logger
logger: context.logger,

@@ -67,2 +169,3 @@ };

endpointProvider: config?.endpointProvider ?? defaultEndpointResolver,
extensions: config?.extensions ?? [],
logger: config?.logger ?? new NoOpLogger(),

@@ -72,3 +175,3 @@ serviceId: config?.serviceId ?? "SSO OIDC",

utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? toUtf8
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? toUtf8,

@@ -87,3 +190,4 @@ import { loadConfigsForDefaultMode } from "@smithy/smithy-client";

bodyLengthChecker: config?.bodyLengthChecker ?? calculateBodyLength,
defaultUserAgentProvider: config?.defaultUserAgentProvider ?? defaultUserAgent({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_default.version }),
defaultUserAgentProvider: config?.defaultUserAgentProvider ??
defaultUserAgent({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_default.version }),
maxAttempts: config?.maxAttempts ?? DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS,

@@ -96,5 +200,23 @@ region: config?.region ?? invalidProvider("Region is missing"),

useDualstackEndpoint: config?.useDualstackEndpoint ?? (() => Promise.resolve(DEFAULT_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT)),
useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? (() => Promise.resolve(DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT))
useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? (() => Promise.resolve(DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT)),
import { getAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration, resolveAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration, } from "@aws-sdk/region-config-resolver";
import { getHttpHandlerExtensionConfiguration, resolveHttpHandlerRuntimeConfig } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { getDefaultExtensionConfiguration, resolveDefaultRuntimeConfig } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
var asPartial = (t2) => t2;
var resolveRuntimeExtensions = (runtimeConfig, extensions) => {
const extensionConfiguration = {
extensions.forEach((extension) => extension.configure(extensionConfiguration));
return {
var SSOOIDCClient = class extends __Client {

@@ -109,4 +231,5 @@ constructor(...[configuration]) {

const _config_6 = resolveUserAgentConfig(_config_5);
this.config = _config_6;
const _config_7 = resolveRuntimeExtensions(_config_6, configuration?.extensions || []);
this.config = _config_7;

@@ -127,5 +250,6 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getContentLengthPlugin(this.config));

import { Command as $Command } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY } from "@smithy/types";
import { HttpRequest as __HttpRequest } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { _json, collectBody, decorateServiceException as __decorateServiceException, expectInt32 as __expectInt32, expectLong as __expectLong, expectNonNull as __expectNonNull, expectObject as __expectObject, expectString as __expectString, map, take, withBaseException } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { ServiceException as __ServiceException } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { _json, collectBody, decorateServiceException as __decorateServiceException, expectInt32 as __expectInt32, expectLong as __expectLong, expectNonNull as __expectNonNull, expectObject as __expectObject, expectString as __expectString, map, take, withBaseException, } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { ServiceException as __ServiceException, } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
var SSOOIDCServiceException = class _SSOOIDCServiceException extends __ServiceException {

@@ -142,3 +266,3 @@ constructor(options) {

$fault: "client",

@@ -157,3 +281,3 @@ = "AccessDeniedException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -172,3 +296,3 @@ = "AuthorizationPendingException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -187,3 +311,3 @@ = "ExpiredTokenException";

$fault: "server",

@@ -202,3 +326,3 @@ = "InternalServerException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -217,3 +341,3 @@ = "InvalidClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -232,3 +356,3 @@ = "InvalidGrantException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -247,3 +371,3 @@ = "InvalidRequestException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -262,3 +386,3 @@ = "InvalidScopeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -277,3 +401,3 @@ = "SlowDownException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -292,3 +416,3 @@ = "UnauthorizedClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -307,3 +431,3 @@ = "UnsupportedGrantTypeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -320,3 +444,3 @@ = "InvalidClientMetadataException";

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",

@@ -333,3 +457,3 @@ const resolvedPath = `${basePath?.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/token`;

refreshToken: [],
scope: (_) => _json(_)
scope: (_) => _json(_),

@@ -343,3 +467,3 @@ return new __HttpRequest({

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -350,3 +474,3 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",

@@ -358,3 +482,3 @@ const resolvedPath = `${basePath?.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/client/register`;

clientType: [],
scopes: (_) => _json(_)
scopes: (_) => _json(_),

@@ -368,3 +492,3 @@ return new __HttpRequest({

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -375,3 +499,3 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",

@@ -383,3 +507,3 @@ const resolvedPath = `${basePath?.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/device_authorization`;

clientSecret: [],
startUrl: []
startUrl: [],

@@ -393,3 +517,3 @@ return new __HttpRequest({

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -402,3 +526,3 @@ };

const contents = map({
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),

@@ -411,3 +535,3 @@ const data = __expectNonNull(__expectObject(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");

refreshToken: __expectString,
tokenType: __expectString
tokenType: __expectString,

@@ -420,3 +544,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -463,3 +587,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -473,3 +597,3 @@ }

const contents = map({
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),

@@ -483,3 +607,3 @@ const data = __expectNonNull(__expectObject(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");

clientSecretExpiresAt: __expectLong,
tokenEndpoint: __expectString
tokenEndpoint: __expectString,

@@ -492,3 +616,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -514,3 +638,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -524,3 +648,3 @@ }

const contents = map({
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),

@@ -534,3 +658,3 @@ const data = __expectNonNull(__expectObject(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");

verificationUri: __expectString,
verificationUriComplete: __expectString
verificationUriComplete: __expectString,

@@ -543,3 +667,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -568,3 +692,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -579,3 +703,3 @@ }

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -585,3 +709,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -595,3 +719,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -601,3 +725,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -611,3 +735,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -617,3 +741,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -627,3 +751,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -633,3 +757,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -643,3 +767,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -649,3 +773,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -659,3 +783,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -665,3 +789,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -675,3 +799,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -681,3 +805,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -691,3 +815,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -697,3 +821,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -707,3 +831,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -713,3 +837,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -723,3 +847,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -729,3 +853,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -739,3 +863,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -745,3 +869,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -755,3 +879,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -761,3 +885,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -770,3 +894,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"],
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"]
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"],

@@ -824,3 +948,3 @@ var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => collectBody(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body));

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -840,3 +964,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "CreateToken",

@@ -856,2 +984,3 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

import { Command as $Command2 } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY as SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY2 } from "@smithy/types";
var RegisterClientCommand = class _RegisterClientCommand extends $Command2 {

@@ -867,3 +996,3 @@ constructor(input) {

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -883,3 +1012,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "RegisterClient",

@@ -899,2 +1032,3 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

import { Command as $Command3 } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY as SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY3 } from "@smithy/types";
var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = class _StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand extends $Command3 {

@@ -910,3 +1044,3 @@ constructor(input) {

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -926,3 +1060,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "StartDeviceAuthorization",

@@ -942,3 +1080,3 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;


@@ -948,2 +1086,2 @@ var SSOOIDC = class extends SSOOIDCClient {

createAggregatedClient(commands, SSOOIDC);
export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException };
export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException, };

@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import { getHostHeaderPlugin, resolveHostHeaderConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header";

useFipsEndpoint: options.useFipsEndpoint ?? false,
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc"
defaultSigningName: "awsssooidc",
var package_default = { version: "3.387.0" };
var package_default = { version: "3.429.0" };
import { defaultUserAgent } from "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node";
import { Hash } from "@smithy/hash-node";

@@ -33,22 +33,124 @@ import { NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS, NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS } from "@smithy/middleware-retry";

import { resolveEndpoint } from "@aws-sdk/util-endpoints";
var p = "required";
var q = "fn";
var r = "argv";
var s = "ref";
var a = "PartitionResult";
var s = "required";
var t = "fn";
var u = "argv";
var v = "ref";
var a = "isSet";
var b = "tree";
var c = "error";
var d = "endpoint";
var e = { [p]: false, "type": "String" };
var f = { [p]: true, "default": false, "type": "Boolean" };
var g = { [s]: "Endpoint" };
var h = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var i = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [{ [s]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var j = {};
var k = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var l = { [q]: "booleanEquals", [r]: [true, { [q]: "getAttr", [r]: [{ [s]: a }, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var m = [g];
var n = [h];
var o = [i];
var _data = { version: "1.0", parameters: { Region: e, UseDualStack: f, UseFIPS: f, Endpoint: e }, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "aws.partition", [r]: [{ [s]: "Region" }], assign: a }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [{ [q]: "isSet", [r]: m }, { [q]: "parseURL", [r]: m, assign: "url" }], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: n, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { type: b, rules: [{ conditions: o, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c }, { endpoint: { url: g, properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { conditions: [h, i], type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k, l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c }] }, { conditions: n, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [k], type: b, rules: [{ type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] }, { error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c }] }, { conditions: o, type: b, rules: [{ conditions: [l], type: b, rules: [{ endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }, { error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c }] }, { endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: j, headers: j }, type: d }] }] };
var e = "PartitionResult";
var f = "getAttr";
var g = { [s]: false, type: "String" };
var h = { [s]: true, default: false, type: "Boolean" };
var i = { [v]: "Endpoint" };
var j = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseFIPS" }, true] };
var k = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [{ [v]: "UseDualStack" }, true] };
var l = {};
var m = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [{ [v]: e }, "supportsFIPS"] }] };
var n = { [v]: e };
var o = { [t]: "booleanEquals", [u]: [true, { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "supportsDualStack"] }] };
var p = [j];
var q = [k];
var r = [{ [v]: "Region" }];
var _data = {
version: "1.0",
parameters: { Region: g, UseDualStack: h, UseFIPS: h, Endpoint: g },
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: [i] }],
type: b,
rules: [
{ conditions: p, error: "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ conditions: q, error: "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported", type: c },
{ endpoint: { url: i, properties: l, headers: l }, type: d },
conditions: [{ [t]: a, [u]: r }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "aws.partition", [u]: r, assign: e }],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [j, k],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m, o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both", type: c },
conditions: p,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [m],
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [{ [t]: "stringEquals", [u]: ["aws-us-gov", { [t]: f, [u]: [n, "name"] }] }],
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc-fips.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS", type: c },
conditions: q,
type: b,
rules: [
conditions: [o],
type: b,
rules: [
endpoint: {
url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dualStackDnsSuffix}",
properties: l,
headers: l,
type: d,
{ error: "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack", type: c },
endpoint: { url: "https://oidc.{Region}.{PartitionResult#dnsSuffix}", properties: l, headers: l },
type: d,
{ error: "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region", type: c },
var ruleSet = _data;

@@ -58,3 +160,3 @@ var defaultEndpointResolver = (endpointParams, context = {}) => {

logger: context.logger
logger: context.logger,

@@ -68,2 +170,3 @@ };

endpointProvider: config?.endpointProvider ?? defaultEndpointResolver,
extensions: config?.extensions ?? [],
logger: config?.logger ?? new NoOpLogger(),

@@ -73,3 +176,3 @@ serviceId: config?.serviceId ?? "SSO OIDC",

utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? toUtf8
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? toUtf8,

@@ -90,16 +193,36 @@ import { loadConfigsForDefaultMode } from "@smithy/smithy-client";

bodyLengthChecker: config?.bodyLengthChecker ?? calculateBodyLength,
defaultUserAgentProvider: config?.defaultUserAgentProvider ?? defaultUserAgent({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_default.version }),
defaultUserAgentProvider: config?.defaultUserAgentProvider ??
defaultUserAgent({ serviceId: clientSharedValues.serviceId, clientVersion: package_default.version }),
maxAttempts: config?.maxAttempts ?? loadNodeConfig(NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS),
requestHandler: config?.requestHandler ?? new RequestHandler(defaultConfigProvider),
retryMode: config?.retryMode ?? loadNodeConfig({
default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE
retryMode: config?.retryMode ??
default: async () => (await defaultConfigProvider()).retryMode || DEFAULT_RETRY_MODE,
sha256: config?.sha256 ?? Hash.bind(null, "sha256"),
streamCollector: config?.streamCollector ?? streamCollector,
useDualstackEndpoint: config?.useDualstackEndpoint ?? loadNodeConfig(NODE_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS),
useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? loadNodeConfig(NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS)
useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? loadNodeConfig(NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS),
import { getAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration, resolveAwsRegionExtensionConfiguration, } from "@aws-sdk/region-config-resolver";
import { getHttpHandlerExtensionConfiguration, resolveHttpHandlerRuntimeConfig } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { getDefaultExtensionConfiguration, resolveDefaultRuntimeConfig } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
var asPartial = (t2) => t2;
var resolveRuntimeExtensions = (runtimeConfig, extensions) => {
const extensionConfiguration = {
extensions.forEach((extension) => extension.configure(extensionConfiguration));
return {
var SSOOIDCClient = class extends __Client {

@@ -114,4 +237,5 @@ constructor(...[configuration]) {

const _config_6 = resolveUserAgentConfig(_config_5);
this.config = _config_6;
const _config_7 = resolveRuntimeExtensions(_config_6, configuration?.extensions || []);
this.config = _config_7;

@@ -132,5 +256,6 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getContentLengthPlugin(this.config));

import { Command as $Command } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY } from "@smithy/types";
import { HttpRequest as __HttpRequest } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { _json, collectBody, decorateServiceException as __decorateServiceException, expectInt32 as __expectInt32, expectLong as __expectLong, expectNonNull as __expectNonNull, expectObject as __expectObject, expectString as __expectString, map, take, withBaseException } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { ServiceException as __ServiceException } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { _json, collectBody, decorateServiceException as __decorateServiceException, expectInt32 as __expectInt32, expectLong as __expectLong, expectNonNull as __expectNonNull, expectObject as __expectObject, expectString as __expectString, map, take, withBaseException, } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { ServiceException as __ServiceException, } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
var SSOOIDCServiceException = class _SSOOIDCServiceException extends __ServiceException {

@@ -147,3 +272,3 @@ constructor(options) {

$fault: "client",

@@ -162,3 +287,3 @@ = "AccessDeniedException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -177,3 +302,3 @@ = "AuthorizationPendingException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -192,3 +317,3 @@ = "ExpiredTokenException";

$fault: "server",

@@ -207,3 +332,3 @@ = "InternalServerException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -222,3 +347,3 @@ = "InvalidClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -237,3 +362,3 @@ = "InvalidGrantException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -252,3 +377,3 @@ = "InvalidRequestException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -267,3 +392,3 @@ = "InvalidScopeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -282,3 +407,3 @@ = "SlowDownException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -297,3 +422,3 @@ = "UnauthorizedClientException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -312,3 +437,3 @@ = "UnsupportedGrantTypeException";

$fault: "client",

@@ -325,3 +450,3 @@ = "InvalidClientMetadataException";

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",

@@ -338,3 +463,3 @@ const resolvedPath = `${basePath?.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/token`;

refreshToken: [],
scope: (_) => _json(_)
scope: (_) => _json(_),

@@ -348,3 +473,3 @@ return new __HttpRequest({

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -355,3 +480,3 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",

@@ -363,3 +488,3 @@ const resolvedPath = `${basePath?.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/client/register`;

clientType: [],
scopes: (_) => _json(_)
scopes: (_) => _json(_),

@@ -373,3 +498,3 @@ return new __HttpRequest({

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -380,3 +505,3 @@ };

const headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
"content-type": "application/json",

@@ -388,3 +513,3 @@ const resolvedPath = `${basePath?.endsWith("/") ? basePath.slice(0, -1) : basePath || ""}/device_authorization`;

clientSecret: [],
startUrl: []
startUrl: [],

@@ -398,3 +523,3 @@ return new __HttpRequest({

path: resolvedPath,

@@ -407,3 +532,3 @@ };

const contents = map({
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),

@@ -416,3 +541,3 @@ const data = __expectNonNull(__expectObject(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");

refreshToken: __expectString,
tokenType: __expectString
tokenType: __expectString,

@@ -425,3 +550,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -468,3 +593,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -478,3 +603,3 @@ }

const contents = map({
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),

@@ -488,3 +613,3 @@ const data = __expectNonNull(__expectObject(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");

clientSecretExpiresAt: __expectLong,
tokenEndpoint: __expectString
tokenEndpoint: __expectString,

@@ -497,3 +622,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -519,3 +644,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -529,3 +654,3 @@ }

const contents = map({
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output)
$metadata: deserializeMetadata(output),

@@ -539,3 +664,3 @@ const data = __expectNonNull(__expectObject(await parseBody(output.body, context)), "body");

verificationUri: __expectString,
verificationUriComplete: __expectString
verificationUriComplete: __expectString,

@@ -548,3 +673,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context)
body: await parseErrorBody(output.body, context),

@@ -573,3 +698,3 @@ const errorCode = loadRestJsonErrorCode(output, parsedOutput.body);


@@ -584,3 +709,3 @@ }

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -590,3 +715,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -600,3 +725,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -606,3 +731,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -616,3 +741,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -622,3 +747,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -632,3 +757,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -638,3 +763,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -648,3 +773,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -654,3 +779,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -664,3 +789,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -670,3 +795,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -680,3 +805,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -686,3 +811,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -696,3 +821,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -702,3 +827,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -712,3 +837,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -718,3 +843,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -728,3 +853,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -734,3 +859,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -744,3 +869,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -750,3 +875,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -760,3 +885,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

error: __expectString,
error_description: __expectString
error_description: __expectString,

@@ -766,3 +891,3 @@ Object.assign(contents, doc);

$metadata: deserializeMetadata(parsedOutput),

@@ -775,3 +900,3 @@ return __decorateServiceException(exception, parsedOutput.body);

extendedRequestId: output.headers["x-amz-id-2"],
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"]
cfId: output.headers["x-amz-cf-id"],

@@ -829,3 +954,3 @@ var collectBodyString = (streamBody, context) => collectBody(streamBody, context).then((body) => context.utf8Encoder(body));

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -845,3 +970,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "CreateToken",

@@ -861,2 +990,3 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

import { Command as $Command2 } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY as SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY2 } from "@smithy/types";
var RegisterClientCommand = class _RegisterClientCommand extends $Command2 {

@@ -872,3 +1002,3 @@ constructor(input) {

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -888,3 +1018,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "RegisterClient",

@@ -904,2 +1038,3 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

import { Command as $Command3 } from "@smithy/smithy-client";
import { SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY as SMITHY_CONTEXT_KEY3 } from "@smithy/types";
var StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand = class _StartDeviceAuthorizationCommand extends $Command3 {

@@ -915,3 +1050,3 @@ constructor(input) {

Region: { type: "builtInParams", name: "region" },
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" }
UseDualStack: { type: "builtInParams", name: "useDualstackEndpoint" },

@@ -931,3 +1066,7 @@ }

inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
service: "AWSSSOOIDCService",
operation: "StartDeviceAuthorization",

@@ -947,3 +1086,3 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;


@@ -953,2 +1092,2 @@ var SSOOIDC = class extends SSOOIDCClient {

createAggregatedClient(commands, SSOOIDC);
export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException };
export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException, };

@@ -187,2 +187,2 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException };
export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException, };

@@ -187,2 +187,2 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException };
export { AccessDeniedException, AuthorizationPendingException, CreateTokenCommand, ExpiredTokenException, InternalServerException, InvalidClientException, InvalidRequestException, InvalidScopeException, SSOOIDCClient, SlowDownException, UnauthorizedClientException, UnsupportedGrantTypeException, };
"name": "@aws-sdk/token-providers",
"version": "3.429.0",
"version": "3.430.0",
"description": "A collection of token providers",

@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ "main": "./dist-cjs/index.js",

"@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser": "3.428.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node": "3.428.0",
"@smithy/config-resolver": "^2.0.14",
"@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node": "3.430.0",
"@smithy/config-resolver": "^2.0.15",
"@smithy/fetch-http-handler": "^2.2.3",

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "@smithy/hash-node": "^2.0.11",

"@smithy/middleware-content-length": "^2.0.13",
"@smithy/middleware-endpoint": "^2.1.1",
"@smithy/middleware-retry": "^2.0.16",
"@smithy/middleware-endpoint": "^2.1.2",
"@smithy/middleware-retry": "^2.0.17",
"@smithy/middleware-serde": "^2.0.11",
"@smithy/middleware-stack": "^2.0.5",
"@smithy/node-config-provider": "^2.1.1",
"@smithy/node-config-provider": "^2.1.2",
"@smithy/node-http-handler": "^2.1.7",

@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ "@smithy/property-provider": "^2.0.0",

"@smithy/util-defaults-mode-browser": "^2.0.15",
"@smithy/util-defaults-mode-node": "^2.0.19",
"@smithy/util-defaults-mode-node": "^2.0.20",
"@smithy/util-retry": "^2.0.4",

@@ -66,0 +66,0 @@ "@smithy/util-utf8": "^2.0.0",

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