Appium Helper
Appium is a blackbox e2e testing framework, which means you can run it on any app (even production ones) with no setup required.
However, since it supports many languages and platforms, the docs can be difficult to navigate and find the precise way to do things. This package wraps a webdriverio
client to expose most common e2e testing capabilities you would want to use.
Getting started
Install the helper yarn add
Write your test script
import { AppiumDriver } from "";
test("e2e", async () => {
const driver = await AppiumDriver.create({
appPackage: "com.example",
appActivity: "com.example.MainActivity",
await driver.findElementByText("Welcome");
- Run the appium server
npx appium
in a terminal. If you just installed Appium, you may need to install a driver, e.g., by running npx appium driver install uiautomator2
. - Run your test file in a separate terminal
yarn jest appium.test.ts
Wait for element
You can find an element by text or testID
. The helper will wait for the element to exist and return it:
await driver.findElementByText("Welcome");
await driver.findElementById("welcome_text");
Click element
You can click an element by text or testID
. The helper will wait for the element to exist and click it:
await driver.clickElementByText("Welcome");
await driver.clickElementById("welcome_text");
await driver.scrollDown();
await driver.scrollToEnd();
Start/Stop app
You can also wait for a certain amount of time:
await driver.wait(<delay in ms>);
// e.g.
await driver.wait(5000);
First find the element by its placeholder, value or test id, then use addValue
const input = await driver.findElementByText("Email input Placeholder");
await input.addValue("My username");
Run any other webdriverio commands
just wraps a webdriverio client.
You can still run any webdriverio
commands using:
const client = driver.client;
await client.$("...");