Block Protocol – Service Module
This package implements the Block Protocol Service module for blocks and embedding applications.
To get started:
yarn add @blockprotocol/service
or npm install @blockprotocol/service
- Follow the instructions to use the service module as a block or an embedding application
To create a ServiceBlockHandler
, pass the constructor an element in your block, along with any callbacks you wish to register to handle incoming messages.
React example
For React, we provide a useServiceBlockModule
hook, which accepts a ref
to an element, and optionally any callbacks
you wish to provide on initialization.
Custom elements
Create a ServiceBlockHandler
in your element. If you are using our template, you can add this in the constructedCallback instance method (Lit docs) and make it available for use in your element.
connectedCallback() {
if (!this.serviceModule || this.serviceModule.destroyed) {
this.serviceModule = new ServiceBlockHandler({
element: this,
retrieveDirections(data) {
if (!this.serviceModule) {
throw new Error("Service module not available");
this.serviceModule.mapboxRetrieveDirections(args).then(() => { ... });
Embedding applications
You should construct one ServiceEmbedderHandler
per block.
It is not currently possible to wrap multiple blocks with a single handler.
To create a ServiceEmbedderHandler
, pass the constructor:
- An
wrapping your block callbacks
to respond to messages from the block
import { ServiceEmbedderHandler } from "@blockprotocol/service";
const serviceModule = new ServiceEmbedderHandler({
callbacks: { ... },
element: elementWrappingTheBlock,
For React embedding applications, we provide a useServiceEmbedderModule
hook, which accepts a ref
to an element, and optionally any additional constructor arguments you wish to pass.
import { useServiceEmbedderModule } from "@blockprotocol/service";
import { useRef } from "react";
export const App = () => {
const wrappingRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const { serviceModule } = useServiceEmbedderModule(blockRef);
return (
<div ref={wrappingRef}>
<Block />