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Comparing version 1.24.1 to 1.25.0



@@ -38,3 +38,11 @@ /**

var content = React.createElement("div", { className: textClasses }, this.props.children);
// add width and height to the children, for use in shouldComponentUpdate in truncatedFormat
// note: these aren't actually used by truncated format, just in shouldComponentUpdate
var modifiedChildren =, function (child) {
if (style != null && React.isValidElement(child)) {
return React.cloneElement(child, { parentCellHeight: style.height, parentCellWidth: style.width });
return child;
var content = React.createElement("div", { className: textClasses }, modifiedChildren);
return (React.createElement("div", { className: classes, style: style, title: tooltip },

@@ -41,0 +49,0 @@ React.createElement(loadableContent_1.LoadableContent, { loading: loading, variableLength: true }, content)));

@@ -25,2 +25,10 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

* Height of the parent cell. Used by shouldComponentUpdate only
parentCellHeight?: string;
* Width of the parent cell. Used by shouldComponentUpdate only
parentCellWidth?: string;
* Sets the popover content style to `white-space: pre` if `true` or

@@ -27,0 +35,0 @@ * `white-space: normal` if `false`.



@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ /**

var classNames = require("classnames");
var PureRender = require("pure-render-decorator");
var React = require("react");

@@ -17,2 +18,4 @@ var Classes = require("../../common/classes");

// not truncated. Note: could be modified by styles
// Note 2: this doesn't come from the width of the popover element, but the "right" style
// on the div, which comes from styles

@@ -83,13 +86,23 @@ var TruncatedPopoverMode;

// if the popover handle exists, take it into account
var popoverHandleAdjustmentFactor = this.state.isTruncated ? CONTENT_DIV_WIDTH_DELTA : 0;
// add a slight bit of buffer space where we don't show the popover, to deal with cases
// where everything isn't pixel perfect
popoverHandleAdjustmentFactor += .5;
var isTruncated = this.contentDiv !== undefined &&
(this.contentDiv.scrollWidth - popoverHandleAdjustmentFactor > this.contentDiv.clientWidth ||
this.contentDiv.scrollHeight > this.contentDiv.clientHeight);
if (this.state.isTruncated !== isTruncated) {
this.setState({ isTruncated: isTruncated });
if (this.contentDiv === undefined) {
this.setState({ isTruncated: false });
var isTruncated = this.state.isTruncated;
// take all measurements at once to avoid excessive DOM reflows.
var _a = this.contentDiv, containerHeight = _a.clientHeight, containerWidth = _a.clientWidth, actualContentHeight = _a.scrollHeight, contentWidth = _a.scrollWidth;
// if the content is truncated, then a popover handle will be present as a
// sibling of the content. we don't want to consider that handle when
// calculating the width of the actual content, so subtract it.
var actualContentWidth = isTruncated
: contentWidth;
// we of course truncate the content if it doesn't fit in the container. but we
// also aggressively truncate if they're the same size with truncation enabled;
// this addresses browser-crashing stack-overflow bugs at various zoom levels.
// (see:
var shouldTruncate = (isTruncated && actualContentWidth === containerWidth)
|| actualContentWidth > containerWidth
|| actualContentHeight > containerHeight;
this.setState({ isTruncated: shouldTruncate });

@@ -105,4 +118,7 @@ return TruncatedFormat;

TruncatedFormat = tslib_1.__decorate([
], TruncatedFormat);
exports.TruncatedFormat = TruncatedFormat;

@@ -7,1 +7,3 @@ export declare const COLUMN_HEADER_CELL_MENU_DEPRECATED: string;

export declare const TABLE_NUM_FROZEN_ROWS_BOUND_WARNING: string;

@@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ /*

exports.TABLE_NUM_FROZEN_ROWS_BOUND_WARNING = ns + " <Table> numFrozenRows must be in [0, numRows]";
exports.TABLE_EXPAND_FOCUSED_REGION_MULTI_ROW_REGION = ns + " <Table> Cannot expand a FULL_COLUMNS selection using a multi-row region";
exports.TABLE_EXPAND_FOCUSED_REGION_MULTI_COLUMN_REGION = ns + " <Table> Cannot expand a FULL_COLUMNS selection using a multi-column region";

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ /**

import { IRegion } from "../../regions";
import { IFocusedCellCoordinates } from "../cell";
import { ICellCoordinates, IFocusedCellCoordinates } from "../cell";

@@ -14,1 +14,13 @@ * Returns the proper focused cell for the given set of initial conditions.

export declare function getInitialFocusedCell(enableFocus: boolean, focusedCellFromProps: IFocusedCellCoordinates, focusedCellFromState: IFocusedCellCoordinates, selectedRegions: IRegion[]): IFocusedCellCoordinates;
* Returns a new cell-coordinates object that includes a focusSelectionIndex property.
* The returned object will have the proper IFocusedCellCoordinates type.
export declare function toFullCoordinates(cellCoords: ICellCoordinates, focusSelectionIndex?: number): IFocusedCellCoordinates;
* Expands an existing region to new region based on the current focused cell.
* The focused cell is an invariant and should not move as a result of this
* operation. This function is used, for instance, to expand a selected region
* on shift+click.
export declare function expandFocusedRegion(focusedCell: IFocusedCellCoordinates, newRegion: IRegion): IRegion;

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ /**

var regions_1 = require("../../regions");
var Errors = require("../errors");

@@ -28,4 +29,5 @@ * Returns the proper focused cell for the given set of initial conditions.

else if (selectedRegions.length > 0) {
// focus the top-left cell of the first selection
return tslib_1.__assign({}, regions_1.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(selectedRegions[0]), { focusSelectionIndex: 0 });
// focus the top-left cell of the last selection
var lastIndex = selectedRegions.length - 1;
return tslib_1.__assign({}, regions_1.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(selectedRegions[lastIndex]), { focusSelectionIndex: lastIndex });

@@ -38,3 +40,52 @@ else {

exports.getInitialFocusedCell = getInitialFocusedCell;
* Returns a new cell-coordinates object that includes a focusSelectionIndex property.
* The returned object will have the proper IFocusedCellCoordinates type.
function toFullCoordinates(cellCoords, focusSelectionIndex) {
if (focusSelectionIndex === void 0) { focusSelectionIndex = 0; }
return tslib_1.__assign({}, cellCoords, { focusSelectionIndex: focusSelectionIndex });
exports.toFullCoordinates = toFullCoordinates;
* Expands an existing region to new region based on the current focused cell.
* The focused cell is an invariant and should not move as a result of this
* operation. This function is used, for instance, to expand a selected region
* on shift+click.
function expandFocusedRegion(focusedCell, newRegion) {
switch (regions_1.Regions.getRegionCardinality(newRegion)) {
case regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS: {
var _a = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "col", "cols"), indexStart = _a[0], indexEnd = _a[1];
return regions_1.Regions.column(indexStart, indexEnd);
case regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS: {
var _b = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "row", "rows"), indexStart = _b[0], indexEnd = _b[1];
return regions_1.Regions.row(indexStart, indexEnd);
case regions_1.RegionCardinality.CELLS:
var _c = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "row", "rows"), rowIndexStart = _c[0], rowIndexEnd = _c[1];
var _d = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "col", "cols"), colIndexStart = _d[0], colIndexEnd = _d[1];
return regions_1.Regions.cell(rowIndexStart, colIndexStart, rowIndexEnd, colIndexEnd);
return regions_1.Regions.table();
exports.expandFocusedRegion = expandFocusedRegion;
function getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, focusedCellDimension, regionDimension) {
var sourceIndex = focusedCell[focusedCellDimension];
var _a = newRegion[regionDimension], destinationIndex = _a[0], destinationIndexEnd = _a[1];
if (destinationIndex !== destinationIndexEnd) {
if (regionDimension === "rows") {
else if (regionDimension === "cols") {
return sourceIndex <= destinationIndex
? [sourceIndex, destinationIndex]
: [destinationIndex, sourceIndex];

@@ -32,3 +32,2 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IColumnHeaderProps): boolean;
render(): JSX.Element;

@@ -48,3 +47,2 @@ private wrapCells;

private toRegion;
private isSelectedRegionRelevant;

@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ /**

_this.getCellExtremaClasses = function (index, endIndex) {
return _this.props.grid.getExtremaClasses(0, index, 1, endIndex);
_this.getCellExtremaClasses = function (index, indexEnd) {
return _this.props.grid.getExtremaClasses(0, index, 1, indexEnd);

@@ -90,23 +90,15 @@ _this.getColumnWidth = function (index) {

_this.isSelectedRegionRelevant = function (selectedRegion) {
var regionCardinality = regions_1.Regions.getRegionCardinality(selectedRegion);
return regionCardinality === regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS
|| regionCardinality === regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_TABLE;
return _this;
ColumnHeader.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (nextProps) {
return header_1.shouldHeaderComponentUpdate(this.props, nextProps, this.isSelectedRegionRelevant);
ColumnHeader.prototype.render = function () {
var _a = this.props,
// from IColumnHeaderProps
cellRenderer = _a.cellRenderer, onColumnWidthChanged = _a.onColumnWidthChanged,
renderHeaderCell = _a.cellRenderer, onColumnWidthChanged = _a.onColumnWidthChanged,
// from IColumnWidths
minColumnWidth = _a.minColumnWidth, maxColumnWidth = _a.maxColumnWidth, defaultColumnWidth = _a.defaultColumnWidth,
minSize = _a.minColumnWidth, maxSize = _a.maxColumnWidth, defaultColumnWidth = _a.defaultColumnWidth,
// from IColumnIndices
columnIndexStart = _a.columnIndexStart, columnIndexEnd = _a.columnIndexEnd,
indexStart = _a.columnIndexStart, indexEnd = _a.columnIndexEnd,
// from IHeaderProps
spreadableProps = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["cellRenderer", "onColumnWidthChanged", "minColumnWidth", "maxColumnWidth", "defaultColumnWidth", "columnIndexStart", "columnIndexEnd"]);
return (React.createElement(header_1.Header, tslib_1.__assign({ convertPointToIndex: this.convertPointToColumn, endIndex: this.props.columnIndexEnd, fullRegionCardinality: regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS, getCellExtremaClasses: this.getCellExtremaClasses, getCellIndexClass: Classes.columnCellIndexClass, getCellSize: this.getColumnWidth, getDragCoordinate: this.getDragCoordinate, getIndexClass: Classes.columnIndexClass, getMouseCoordinate: this.getMouseCoordinate, handleResizeDoubleClick: this.handleResizeDoubleClick, handleResizeEnd: this.handleResizeEnd, handleSizeChanged: this.handleSizeChanged, headerCellIsReorderablePropName: "isColumnReorderable", headerCellIsSelectedPropName: "isColumnSelected", isCellSelected: this.isCellSelected, isGhostIndex: this.isGhostIndex, maxSize: this.props.maxColumnWidth, minSize: this.props.minColumnWidth, renderGhostCell: this.renderGhostCell, renderHeaderCell: this.props.cellRenderer, resizeOrientation: resizeHandle_1.Orientation.VERTICAL, startIndex: this.props.columnIndexStart, toRegion: this.toRegion, wrapCells: this.wrapCells }, spreadableProps)));
return (React.createElement(header_1.Header, tslib_1.__assign({ convertPointToIndex: this.convertPointToColumn, fullRegionCardinality: regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS, getCellExtremaClasses: this.getCellExtremaClasses, getCellIndexClass: Classes.columnCellIndexClass, getCellSize: this.getColumnWidth, getDragCoordinate: this.getDragCoordinate, getIndexClass: Classes.columnIndexClass, getMouseCoordinate: this.getMouseCoordinate, handleResizeDoubleClick: this.handleResizeDoubleClick, handleResizeEnd: this.handleResizeEnd, handleSizeChanged: this.handleSizeChanged, headerCellIsReorderablePropName: "isColumnReorderable", headerCellIsSelectedPropName: "isColumnSelected", indexEnd: indexEnd, indexStart: indexStart, isCellSelected: this.isCellSelected, isGhostIndex: this.isGhostIndex, maxSize: maxSize, minSize: minSize, renderGhostCell: this.renderGhostCell, renderHeaderCell: renderHeaderCell, resizeOrientation: resizeHandle_1.Orientation.VERTICAL, toRegion: this.toRegion, wrapCells: this.wrapCells }, spreadableProps)));

@@ -113,0 +105,0 @@ return ColumnHeader;

/// <reference types="react" />
import * as React from "react";
import { Grid } from "../common";
import { IFocusedCellCoordinates } from "../common/cell";
import { IClientCoordinates } from "../interactions/draggable";

@@ -14,2 +15,6 @@ import { IReorderableProps } from "../interactions/reorderable";

* The currently focused cell.
focusedCell?: IFocusedCellCoordinates;
* The grid computes sizes of cells, rows, or columns from the

@@ -53,6 +58,2 @@ * configurable `columnWidths` and `rowHeights`.

* The highest cell index to render.
endIndex: number;
* The cardinality of a fully selected region. Should be FULL_COLUMNS for column headers and

@@ -75,2 +76,10 @@ * FULL_ROWS for row headers.

* The highest cell index to render.
indexEnd: number;
* The lowest cell index to render.
indexStart: number;
* The maximum permitted size of the header in pixels. Corresponds to a width for column headers and

@@ -91,5 +100,5 @@ * a height for row headers.

* The lowest cell index to render.
* An array containing the table's selection Regions.
startIndex: number;
selectedRegions: IRegion[];

@@ -102,3 +111,3 @@ * Converts a point on the screen to a row or column index in the table grid.

getCellExtremaClasses: (index: number, endIndex: number) => string[];
getCellExtremaClasses: (index: number, indexEnd: number) => string[];

@@ -179,2 +188,3 @@ * Provides the index class for the cell. Should be Classes.columnCellIndexClass for column

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps?: IInternalHeaderProps): void;
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps?: IInternalHeaderProps, nextState?: IHeaderState): boolean;
componentWillUpdate(nextProps?: IInternalHeaderProps, nextState?: IHeaderState): void;

@@ -196,13 +206,1 @@ render(): JSX.Element;

* In the current architecture, ColumnHeaderCell and RowHeaderCell each need to include this same
* shouldComponentUpdate code at their level. To avoid writing the same code in two places, we
* expose this utility for each higher-level component to leverage in their own respective
* shouldComponentUpdate functions.
* (See:
* @param props - the current props
* @param nextProps - the next props
export declare function shouldHeaderComponentUpdate<T extends IHeaderProps>(props: T, nextProps: T, isSelectedRegionRelevant: (selectedRegion: IRegion) => boolean): boolean;

@@ -20,5 +20,9 @@ /**

var regions_1 = require("../regions");

@@ -38,7 +42,10 @@ var Header = (function (_super) {

_this.locateDragForSelection = function (_event, coords) {
_this.locateDragForSelection = function (_event, coords, returnEndOnly) {
if (returnEndOnly === void 0) { returnEndOnly = false; }
var coord = _this.props.getDragCoordinate(coords.current);
var startIndex = _this.activationIndex;
var endIndex = _this.props.convertPointToIndex(coord);
return _this.props.toRegion(startIndex, endIndex);
var indexStart = _this.activationIndex;
var indexEnd = _this.props.convertPointToIndex(coord);
return returnEndOnly
? _this.props.toRegion(indexEnd)
: _this.props.toRegion(indexStart, indexEnd);

@@ -51,6 +58,5 @@ _this.locateDragForReordering = function (_event, coords) {

_this.renderCells = function () {
var startIndex = _this.props.startIndex;
var endIndex = _this.props.endIndex;
var _a = _this.props, indexStart = _a.indexStart, indexEnd = _a.indexEnd;
for (var index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) {
for (var index = indexStart; index <= indexEnd; index++) {

@@ -65,3 +71,3 @@ }

_this.renderNewCell = function (index) {
var extremaClasses = _this.props.getCellExtremaClasses(index, _this.props.endIndex);
var extremaClasses = _this.props.getCellExtremaClasses(index, _this.props.indexEnd);
var renderer = _this.props.isGhostIndex(index)

@@ -93,3 +99,3 @@ ? _this.props.renderGhostCell

var modifiedHandleResizeHandleDoubleClick = function () { return _this.props.handleResizeDoubleClick(index); };
var baseChildren = (React.createElement(selectable_1.DragSelectable, { allowMultipleSelection: _this.props.allowMultipleSelection, disabled: isEntireCellTargetReorderable, ignoredSelectors: ["." + Classes.TABLE_REORDER_HANDLE_TARGET], key: getIndexClass(index), locateClick: _this.locateClick, locateDrag: _this.locateDragForSelection, onFocus: _this.props.onFocus, onSelection: _this.handleDragSelectableSelection, onSelectionEnd: _this.handleDragSelectableSelectionEnd, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: _this.props.selectedRegionTransform },
var baseChildren = (React.createElement(selectable_1.DragSelectable, { allowMultipleSelection: _this.props.allowMultipleSelection, disabled: isEntireCellTargetReorderable, focusedCell: _this.props.focusedCell, ignoredSelectors: ["." + Classes.TABLE_REORDER_HANDLE_TARGET], key: getIndexClass(index), locateClick: _this.locateClick, locateDrag: _this.locateDragForSelection, onFocus: _this.props.onFocus, onSelection: _this.handleDragSelectableSelection, onSelectionEnd: _this.handleDragSelectableSelectionEnd, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: _this.props.selectedRegionTransform },
React.createElement(resizable_1.Resizable, { isResizable: _this.props.isResizable, maxSize: _this.props.maxSize, minSize: _this.props.minSize, onDoubleClick: modifiedHandleResizeHandleDoubleClick, onLayoutLock: _this.props.onLayoutLock, onResizeEnd: modifiedHandleResizeEnd, onSizeChanged: modifiedHandleSizeChanged, orientation: _this.props.resizeOrientation, size: _this.props.getCellSize(index) }, React.cloneElement(cell, cellProps))));

@@ -141,2 +147,7 @@ return _this.isReorderHandleEnabled()

Header.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (nextProps, nextState) {
return !utils_1.Utils.shallowCompareKeys(this.state, nextState)
|| !utils_1.Utils.shallowCompareKeys(this.props, nextProps, { exclude: SHALLOW_COMPARE_PROP_KEYS_BLACKLIST })
|| !utils_1.Utils.deepCompareKeys(this.props, nextProps, SHALLOW_COMPARE_PROP_KEYS_BLACKLIST);
Header.prototype.componentWillUpdate = function (nextProps, nextState) {

@@ -168,3 +179,3 @@ var resetKeysBlacklist = { exclude: RESET_CELL_KEYS_BLACKLIST };

Header.prototype.wrapInDragReorderable = function (index, children, disabled) {
return (React.createElement(reorderable_1.DragReorderable, { disabled: disabled, key: this.props.getIndexClass(index), locateClick: this.locateClick, locateDrag: this.locateDragForReordering, onReordered: this.props.onReordered, onReordering: this.props.onReordering, onSelection: this.props.onSelection, selectedRegions: this.props.selectedRegions, toRegion: this.props.toRegion }, children));
return (React.createElement(reorderable_1.DragReorderable, { disabled: disabled, key: this.props.getIndexClass(index), locateClick: this.locateClick, locateDrag: this.locateDragForReordering, onReordered: this.props.onReordered, onReordering: this.props.onReordering, onSelection: this.props.onSelection, onFocus: this.props.onFocus, selectedRegions: this.props.selectedRegions, toRegion: this.props.toRegion }, children));

@@ -174,28 +185,3 @@ return Header;

exports.Header = Header;
* In the current architecture, ColumnHeaderCell and RowHeaderCell each need to include this same
* shouldComponentUpdate code at their level. To avoid writing the same code in two places, we
* expose this utility for each higher-level component to leverage in their own respective
* shouldComponentUpdate functions.
* (See:
* @param props - the current props
* @param nextProps - the next props
function shouldHeaderComponentUpdate(props, nextProps, isSelectedRegionRelevant) {
if (!utils_1.Utils.shallowCompareKeys(props, nextProps, { exclude: ["selectedRegions"] })) {
return true;
var relevantSelectedRegions = props.selectedRegions.filter(isSelectedRegionRelevant);
var nextRelevantSelectedRegions = nextProps.selectedRegions.filter(isSelectedRegionRelevant);
// ignore selection changes that didn't involve any relevant selected regions (FULL_COLUMNS
// for column headers, or FULL_ROWS for row headers)
if (relevantSelectedRegions.length > 0 || nextRelevantSelectedRegions.length > 0) {
return !utils_1.Utils.deepCompareKeys(relevantSelectedRegions, nextRelevantSelectedRegions);
return false;
exports.shouldHeaderComponentUpdate = shouldHeaderComponentUpdate;

@@ -27,3 +27,2 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IRowHeaderProps): boolean;
render(): JSX.Element;

@@ -42,3 +41,2 @@ private wrapCells;

private toRegion;
private isSelectedRegionRelevant;

@@ -45,0 +43,0 @@ /**

@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ /**

_this.getCellExtremaClasses = function (index, endIndex) {
return _this.props.grid.getExtremaClasses(index, 0, endIndex, 1);
_this.getCellExtremaClasses = function (index, indexEnd) {
return _this.props.grid.getExtremaClasses(index, 0, indexEnd, 1);

@@ -80,23 +80,15 @@ _this.getRowHeight = function (index) {

_this.isSelectedRegionRelevant = function (selectedRegion) {
var regionCardinality = regions_1.Regions.getRegionCardinality(selectedRegion);
return regionCardinality === regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS
|| regionCardinality === regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_TABLE;
return _this;
RowHeader.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (nextProps) {
return header_1.shouldHeaderComponentUpdate(this.props, nextProps, this.isSelectedRegionRelevant);
RowHeader.prototype.render = function () {
var _a = this.props,
// from IRowHeaderProps
onRowHeightChanged = _a.onRowHeightChanged, renderRowHeader = _a.renderRowHeader,
onRowHeightChanged = _a.onRowHeightChanged, renderHeaderCell = _a.renderRowHeader,
// from IRowHeights
minRowHeight = _a.minRowHeight, maxRowHeight = _a.maxRowHeight, defaultRowHeight = _a.defaultRowHeight,
minSize = _a.minRowHeight, maxSize = _a.maxRowHeight, defaultRowHeight = _a.defaultRowHeight,
// from IRowIndices
rowIndexStart = _a.rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd = _a.rowIndexEnd,
indexStart = _a.rowIndexStart, indexEnd = _a.rowIndexEnd,
// from IHeaderProps
spreadableProps = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["onRowHeightChanged", "renderRowHeader", "minRowHeight", "maxRowHeight", "defaultRowHeight", "rowIndexStart", "rowIndexEnd"]);
return (React.createElement(header_1.Header, tslib_1.__assign({ convertPointToIndex: this.convertPointToRow, endIndex: this.props.rowIndexEnd, fullRegionCardinality: regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS, getCellExtremaClasses: this.getCellExtremaClasses, getCellIndexClass: Classes.rowCellIndexClass, getCellSize: this.getRowHeight, getDragCoordinate: this.getDragCoordinate, getIndexClass: Classes.rowIndexClass, getMouseCoordinate: this.getMouseCoordinate, handleResizeEnd: this.handleResizeEnd, handleSizeChanged: this.handleSizeChanged, headerCellIsReorderablePropName: "isRowReorderable", headerCellIsSelectedPropName: "isRowSelected", isCellSelected: this.isCellSelected, isGhostIndex: this.isGhostIndex, maxSize: this.props.maxRowHeight, minSize: this.props.minRowHeight, renderGhostCell: this.renderGhostCell, renderHeaderCell: this.props.renderRowHeader, resizeOrientation: resizeHandle_1.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, startIndex: this.props.rowIndexStart, toRegion: this.toRegion, wrapCells: this.wrapCells }, spreadableProps)));
return (React.createElement(header_1.Header, tslib_1.__assign({ convertPointToIndex: this.convertPointToRow, fullRegionCardinality: regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS, getCellExtremaClasses: this.getCellExtremaClasses, getCellIndexClass: Classes.rowCellIndexClass, getCellSize: this.getRowHeight, getDragCoordinate: this.getDragCoordinate, getIndexClass: Classes.rowIndexClass, getMouseCoordinate: this.getMouseCoordinate, handleResizeEnd: this.handleResizeEnd, handleSizeChanged: this.handleSizeChanged, headerCellIsReorderablePropName: "isRowReorderable", headerCellIsSelectedPropName: "isRowSelected", indexEnd: indexEnd, indexStart: indexStart, isCellSelected: this.isCellSelected, isGhostIndex: this.isGhostIndex, maxSize: maxSize, minSize: minSize, renderGhostCell: this.renderGhostCell, renderHeaderCell: renderHeaderCell, resizeOrientation: resizeHandle_1.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, toRegion: this.toRegion, wrapCells: this.wrapCells }, spreadableProps)));

@@ -103,0 +95,0 @@ return RowHeader;

/// <reference types="react" />
import * as React from "react";
import { IFocusedCellCoordinates } from "../common/cell";
import { ICoordinateData } from "../interactions/draggable";

@@ -29,5 +30,11 @@ import { IRegion } from "../regions";

* When the user reorders something, this callback is called with the new
* focus cell for the newly selected set of regions.
onFocus: (focusedCell: IFocusedCellCoordinates) => void;
* An array containing the table's selection Regions.
* @default []
selectedRegions: IRegion[];
selectedRegions?: IRegion[];

@@ -58,2 +65,3 @@ export interface IDragReorderable extends IReorderableProps {

export declare class DragReorderable extends React.Component<IDragReorderable, {}> {
static defaultProps: Partial<IDragReorderable>;
private selectedRegionStartIndex;

@@ -66,2 +74,3 @@ private selectedRegionLength;

private handleDragEnd;
private maybeSelectRegion(region);

@@ -51,3 +51,3 @@ /**

// select the new region to avoid complex and unintuitive UX w/r/t the existing selection
var regionRange = isRowHeader ? region.rows : region.cols;

@@ -74,3 +74,3 @@ _this.selectedRegionStartIndex = regionRange[0];

var newRegion = _this.props.toRegion(reorderedIndex, reorderedIndex + length - 1);
_this.props.onSelection(regions_1.Regions.update([], newRegion));
// resetting is not strictly required, but it's cleaner

@@ -93,4 +93,15 @@ _this.selectedRegionStartIndex = undefined;

DragReorderable.prototype.maybeSelectRegion = function (region) {
var nextSelectedRegions = [region];
if (!utils_1.Utils.deepCompareKeys(nextSelectedRegions, this.props.selectedRegions)) {
// move the focused cell into the newly selected region
this.props.onFocus(tslib_1.__assign({}, regions_1.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(region), { focusSelectionIndex: 0 }));
return DragReorderable;
DragReorderable.defaultProps = {
selectedRegions: [],
DragReorderable = tslib_1.__decorate([

@@ -97,0 +108,0 @@ PureRender

@@ -12,5 +12,10 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

* and a mouse drag will select the current column/row/cell only.
* @default false
allowMultipleSelection: boolean;
allowMultipleSelection?: boolean;
* The currently focused cell.
focusedCell?: IFocusedCellCoordinates;
* When the user focuses something, this callback is called with new

@@ -35,4 +40,5 @@ * focused cell coordinates. This should be considered the new focused cell

* An array containing the table's selection Regions.
* @default []
selectedRegions: IRegion[];
selectedRegions?: IRegion[];

@@ -68,5 +74,6 @@ * An optional transform function that will be applied to the located

locateDrag: (event: MouseEvent, coords: ICoordinateData) => IRegion;
locateDrag: (event: MouseEvent, coords: ICoordinateData, returnEndOnly?: boolean) => IRegion;
export declare class DragSelectable extends React.Component<IDragSelectableProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: Partial<IDragSelectableProps>;
private didExpandSelectionOnActivate;

@@ -79,6 +86,13 @@ render(): JSX.Element;

private handleClick;
private finishInteraction;
private shouldExpandSelection;
private shouldAddDisjointSelection;
private shouldIgnoreMouseDown(event);
private getDragSelectedRegions(event, coords);
private handleUpdateExistingSelection;
private handleExpandSelection;
private handleAddDisjointSelection;
private handleReplaceSelection;
private maybeInvokeSelectionCallback(nextSelectedRegions);
private invokeOnFocusCallbackForRegion;
private finishInteraction;
private expandSelectedRegions(regions, region, focusedCell?);

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ /**

var React = require("react");
var FocusedCellUtils = require("../common/internal/focusedCellUtils");
var utils_1 = require("../common/utils");

@@ -24,11 +25,10 @@ var dragEvents_1 = require("../interactions/dragEvents");

_this.handleActivate = function (event) {
var _a = _this.props, locateClick = _a.locateClick, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform = _a.selectedRegionTransform;
if (_this.shouldIgnoreMouseDown(event)) {
return false;
var region = _this.props.locateClick(event);
var region = locateClick(event);
if (!regions_1.Regions.isValid(region)) {
return false;
var _a = _this.props, onSelection = _a.onSelection, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform = _a.selectedRegionTransform;
var focusCellCoordinates = regions_1.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(region);
if (selectedRegionTransform != null) {

@@ -38,106 +38,116 @@ region = selectedRegionTransform(region, event);

var foundIndex = regions_1.Regions.findMatchingRegion(selectedRegions, region);
if (foundIndex !== -1) {
// If re-clicking on an existing region, we either carefully
// remove it if the meta key is used or otherwise we clear the
// selection entirely.
if (dragEvents_1.DragEvents.isAdditive(event)) {
var newSelectedRegions = selectedRegions.slice();
newSelectedRegions.splice(foundIndex, 1);
else {
var fullFocusCellCoordinates_1 = {
col: focusCellCoordinates.col,
focusSelectionIndex: null,
row: focusCellCoordinates.row,
var matchesExistingSelection = foundIndex !== -1;
if (matchesExistingSelection) {
_this.handleUpdateExistingSelection(foundIndex, event);
// no need to listen for subsequent drags
return false;
var focusSelectionIndex = null;
if (event.shiftKey && selectedRegions.length > 0) {
_this.didExpandSelectionOnActivate = true;
onSelection(expandSelectedRegions(selectedRegions, region));
focusSelectionIndex = 0;
else if (_this.shouldExpandSelection(event)) {
else if (dragEvents_1.DragEvents.isAdditive(event) && _this.props.allowMultipleSelection) {
onSelection(regions_1.Regions.add(selectedRegions, region));
// the focus should be in the newly created region,
// which is at index of the current list of regions plus one,
// which is the length of the current list of regions
focusSelectionIndex = selectedRegions.length;
else if (_this.shouldAddDisjointSelection(event)) {
else {
focusSelectionIndex = 0;
var fullFocusCellCoordinates = {
col: focusCellCoordinates.col,
focusSelectionIndex: focusSelectionIndex,
row: focusCellCoordinates.row,
return true;
_this.handleDragMove = function (event, coords) {
var nextSelectedRegions = _this.getDragSelectedRegions(event, coords);
if (nextSelectedRegions == null) {
var _a = _this.props, allowMultipleSelection = _a.allowMultipleSelection, focusedCell = _a.focusedCell, locateClick = _a.locateClick, locateDrag = _a.locateDrag, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform = _a.selectedRegionTransform;
var region = allowMultipleSelection
? locateDrag(event, coords, /* returnEndOnly? */ _this.didExpandSelectionOnActivate)
: locateClick(event);
if (!regions_1.Regions.isValid(region)) {
else if (selectedRegionTransform != null) {
region = selectedRegionTransform(region, event, coords);
var nextSelectedRegions = _this.didExpandSelectionOnActivate
? _this.expandSelectedRegions(selectedRegions, region, focusedCell)
: regions_1.Regions.update(selectedRegions, region);
if (!_this.props.allowMultipleSelection) {
// have the focused cell follow the selected region
var mostRecentRegion = nextSelectedRegions[nextSelectedRegions.length - 1];
var focusCellCoordinates = regions_1.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(mostRecentRegion);
var fullFocusCellCoordinates = {
col: focusCellCoordinates.col,
focusSelectionIndex: nextSelectedRegions.length - 1,
row: focusCellCoordinates.row,
if (!allowMultipleSelection) {
// move the focused cell with the selected region
var lastIndex = nextSelectedRegions.length - 1;
var mostRecentRegion = nextSelectedRegions[lastIndex];
_this.invokeOnFocusCallbackForRegion(mostRecentRegion, lastIndex);
_this.handleDragEnd = function (event, coords) {
var nextSelectedRegions = _this.getDragSelectedRegions(event, coords);
if (nextSelectedRegions == null) {
core_1.Utils.safeInvoke(_this.props.onSelectionEnd, nextSelectedRegions);
_this.handleDragEnd = function () {
_this.handleClick = function (event) {
if (_this.shouldIgnoreMouseDown(event)) {
return false;
_this.handleClick = function () {
// Boolean checks
// ==============
_this.shouldExpandSelection = function (event) {
var allowMultipleSelection = _this.props.allowMultipleSelection;
return allowMultipleSelection && event.shiftKey;
_this.shouldAddDisjointSelection = function (event) {
var allowMultipleSelection = _this.props.allowMultipleSelection;
return allowMultipleSelection && dragEvents_1.DragEvents.isAdditive(event);
// Update logic
// ============
_this.handleUpdateExistingSelection = function (selectedRegionIndex, event) {
var _a = _this.props, onSelection = _a.onSelection, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions;
if (dragEvents_1.DragEvents.isAdditive(event)) {
// remove just the clicked region, leaving other selected regions in place
var nextSelectedRegions = selectedRegions.slice();
nextSelectedRegions.splice(selectedRegionIndex, 1);
// if there are still any selections, move the focused cell to the
// most recent selection. otherwise, don't update it.
if (nextSelectedRegions.length > 0) {
var lastIndex = nextSelectedRegions.length - 1;
_this.invokeOnFocusCallbackForRegion(nextSelectedRegions[lastIndex], lastIndex);
var region = _this.props.locateClick(event);
var selectedRegions = _this.props.selectedRegions;
if (!regions_1.Regions.isValid(region)) {
core_1.Utils.safeInvoke(_this.props.onSelectionEnd, []);
return false;
if (_this.props.selectedRegionTransform != null) {
region = _this.props.selectedRegionTransform(region, event);
var nextSelectedRegions;
if (_this.didExpandSelectionOnActivate) {
// we already expanded the selection in handleActivate,
// so we don't want to overwrite it here
nextSelectedRegions = selectedRegions;
else if (selectedRegions.length > 0) {
nextSelectedRegions = regions_1.Regions.update(selectedRegions, region);
else {
nextSelectedRegions = [region];
// clear all selections, but don't update the focused cell
core_1.Utils.safeInvoke(_this.props.onSelectionEnd, nextSelectedRegions);
return false;
_this.handleExpandSelection = function (region) {
var _a = _this.props, focusedCell = _a.focusedCell, onSelection = _a.onSelection, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions;
_this.didExpandSelectionOnActivate = true;
// there should be only one selected region after expanding. do not
// update the focused cell.
var nextSelectedRegions = _this.expandSelectedRegions(selectedRegions, region, focusedCell);
// move the focused cell into the new region if there were no selections before
if (selectedRegions == null || selectedRegions.length === 0) {
_this.handleAddDisjointSelection = function (region) {
var _a = _this.props, onSelection = _a.onSelection, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions;
// add the new region to the existing selections
var nextSelectedRegions = regions_1.Regions.add(selectedRegions, region);
// put the focused cell in the new region
_this.invokeOnFocusCallbackForRegion(region, nextSelectedRegions.length - 1);
_this.handleReplaceSelection = function (region) {
var onSelection = _this.props.onSelection;
// clear all selections and retain only the new one
var nextSelectedRegions = [region];
// move the focused cell into the new selection
_this.invokeOnFocusCallbackForRegion = function (focusRegion, focusSelectionIndex) {
if (focusSelectionIndex === void 0) { focusSelectionIndex = 0; }
var onFocus = _this.props.onFocus;
var focusedCellCoords = regions_1.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(focusRegion);
onFocus(FocusedCellUtils.toFullCoordinates(focusedCellCoords, focusSelectionIndex));
// Other
// =====
_this.finishInteraction = function () {
core_1.Utils.safeInvoke(_this.props.onSelectionEnd, _this.props.selectedRegions);
_this.didExpandSelectionOnActivate = false;

@@ -166,26 +176,33 @@ };

DragSelectable.prototype.getDragSelectedRegions = function (event, coords) {
var _a = this.props, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform = _a.selectedRegionTransform;
var region = this.props.allowMultipleSelection
? this.props.locateDrag(event, coords)
: this.props.locateClick(event);
if (!regions_1.Regions.isValid(region)) {
return undefined;
if (selectedRegionTransform != null) {
region = selectedRegionTransform(region, event, coords);
return this.didExpandSelectionOnActivate
? expandSelectedRegions(selectedRegions, region)
: regions_1.Regions.update(selectedRegions, region);
// Callbacks
// =========
DragSelectable.prototype.maybeInvokeSelectionCallback = function (nextSelectedRegions) {
var selectedRegions = this.props.selectedRegions;
// invoke only if the selection changed
var _a = this.props, onSelection = _a.onSelection, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions;
// invoke only if the selection changed. this is useful only on
// mousemove; there's special handling for mousedown interactions that
// target an already-selected region.
if (!utils_1.Utils.deepCompareKeys(selectedRegions, nextSelectedRegions)) {
DragSelectable.prototype.expandSelectedRegions = function (regions, region, focusedCell) {
if (regions.length === 0) {
return [region];
else if (focusedCell != null) {
var expandedRegion = FocusedCellUtils.expandFocusedRegion(focusedCell, region);
return regions_1.Regions.update(regions, expandedRegion);
else {
var expandedRegion = regions_1.Regions.expandRegion(regions[regions.length - 1], region);
return regions_1.Regions.update(regions, expandedRegion);
return DragSelectable;
DragSelectable.defaultProps = {
allowMultipleSelection: false,
disabled: false,
selectedRegions: [],
DragSelectable = tslib_1.__decorate([

@@ -195,42 +212,3 @@ PureRender

exports.DragSelectable = DragSelectable;
function expandSelectedRegions(regions, region) {
if (regions.length === 0) {
return [region];
var lastRegion = regions[regions.length - 1];
var lastRegionCardinality = regions_1.Regions.getRegionCardinality(lastRegion);
var regionCardinality = regions_1.Regions.getRegionCardinality(region);
if (regionCardinality !== lastRegionCardinality) {
// TODO: add proper handling for expanding regions from one cardinality to another depending
// on the focused cell (see: for now,
// just return the new region by itself.
return [region];
// simplified algorithm: expand the most recently selected region, and clear all others.
// TODO: pass the current focused cell into DragSelectable via props, then update this logic
// to leverage the focus cell's coordinates appropriately.
// (see:
if (regionCardinality === regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS) {
var rowStart = Math.min(lastRegion.rows[0], region.rows[0]);
var rowEnd = Math.max(lastRegion.rows[1], region.rows[1]);
return [regions_1.Regions.row(rowStart, rowEnd)];
else if (regionCardinality === regions_1.RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS) {
var colStart = Math.min(lastRegion.cols[0], region.cols[0]);
var colEnd = Math.max(lastRegion.cols[1], region.cols[1]);
return [regions_1.Regions.column(colStart, colEnd)];
else if (regionCardinality === regions_1.RegionCardinality.CELLS) {
var rowStart = Math.min(lastRegion.rows[0], region.rows[0]);
var colStart = Math.min(lastRegion.cols[0], region.cols[0]);
var rowEnd = Math.max(lastRegion.rows[1], region.rows[1]);
var colEnd = Math.max(lastRegion.cols[1], region.cols[1]);
return [regions_1.Regions.cell(rowStart, colStart, rowEnd, colEnd)];
else {
// if we've selected the FULL_TABLE, no need to expand it further.
return [region];

@@ -213,2 +213,9 @@ /**

* Expands an old region to the minimal bounding region that also contains
* the new region. If the regions have different cardinalities, then the new
* region is returned. Useful for expanding a selected region on
* shift+click, for instance.
static expandRegion(oldRegion: IRegion, newRegion: IRegion): IRegion;
* Iterates over the cells within an `IRegion`, invoking the callback with

@@ -215,0 +222,0 @@ * each cell's coordinates.

@@ -495,2 +495,36 @@ /**

* Expands an old region to the minimal bounding region that also contains
* the new region. If the regions have different cardinalities, then the new
* region is returned. Useful for expanding a selected region on
* shift+click, for instance.
Regions.expandRegion = function (oldRegion, newRegion) {
var oldRegionCardinality = Regions.getRegionCardinality(oldRegion);
var newRegionCardinality = Regions.getRegionCardinality(newRegion);
if (newRegionCardinality !== oldRegionCardinality) {
return newRegion;
switch (newRegionCardinality) {
case RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS: {
var rowStart = Math.min(oldRegion.rows[0], newRegion.rows[0]);
var rowEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.rows[1], newRegion.rows[1]);
return Regions.row(rowStart, rowEnd);
case RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS: {
var colStart = Math.min(oldRegion.cols[0], newRegion.cols[0]);
var colEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.cols[1], newRegion.cols[1]);
return Regions.column(colStart, colEnd);
case RegionCardinality.CELLS: {
var rowStart = Math.min(oldRegion.rows[0], newRegion.rows[0]);
var colStart = Math.min(oldRegion.cols[0], newRegion.cols[0]);
var rowEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.rows[1], newRegion.rows[1]);
var colEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.cols[1], newRegion.cols[1]);
return Regions.cell(rowStart, colStart, rowEnd, colEnd);
return Regions.table();
* Iterates over the cells within an `IRegion`, invoking the callback with

@@ -497,0 +531,0 @@ * each cell's coordinates.

@@ -344,2 +344,3 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

private renderMenu;
private handleMenuMouseDown;
private maybeScrollTableIntoView();

@@ -346,0 +347,0 @@ private selectAll;

@@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ /**

return (React.createElement("div", { className: classes, ref: refHandler, onClick: _this.selectAll }, _this.maybeRenderRegions(_this.styleMenuRegion)));
return (React.createElement("div", { className: classes, ref: refHandler, onMouseDown: _this.handleMenuMouseDown }, _this.maybeRenderRegions(_this.styleMenuRegion)));
var _a;
_this.selectAll = function () {
_this.handleMenuMouseDown = function (e) {
// the shift+click interaction expands the region from the focused cell.
// thus, if shift is pressed we shouldn't move the focused cell.
_this.selectAll = function (shouldUpdateFocusedCell) {
var selectionHandler = _this.getEnabledSelectionHandler(regions_2.RegionCardinality.FULL_TABLE);

@@ -76,10 +81,6 @@ // clicking on upper left hand corner sets selection to "all"

// move the focus cell to the top left
var newFocusedCellCoordinates = regions_2.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(regions_2.Regions.table());
var fullFocusCellCoordinates = {
col: newFocusedCellCoordinates.col,
focusSelectionIndex: 0,
row: newFocusedCellCoordinates.row,
if (shouldUpdateFocusedCell) {
var newFocusedCellCoordinates = regions_2.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(regions_2.Regions.table());

@@ -90,3 +91,4 @@ _this.handleSelectAllHotkey = function (e) {

// selecting-all via the keyboard should not move the focused cell.

@@ -115,3 +117,3 @@ _this.columnHeaderCellRenderer = function (columnIndex) {

var _a = _this, grid = _a.grid, locator = _a.locator;
var _b = _this.state, selectedRegions = _b.selectedRegions, viewportRect = _b.viewportRect;
var _b = _this.state, focusedCell = _b.focusedCell, selectedRegions = _b.selectedRegions, viewportRect = _b.viewportRect;
var _c = _this.props, allowMultipleSelection = _c.allowMultipleSelection, fillBodyWithGhostCells = _c.fillBodyWithGhostCells, isColumnReorderable = _c.isColumnReorderable, isColumnResizable = _c.isColumnResizable, loadingOptions = _c.loadingOptions, maxColumnWidth = _c.maxColumnWidth, minColumnWidth = _c.minColumnWidth, selectedRegionTransform = _c.selectedRegionTransform;

@@ -125,3 +127,3 @@ var classes = classNames(Classes.TABLE_COLUMN_HEADERS, (_d = {},

return (React.createElement("div", { className: classes, ref: refHandler },
React.createElement(columnHeader_1.ColumnHeader, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, cellRenderer: _this.columnHeaderCellRenderer, grid: grid, isReorderable: isColumnReorderable, isResizable: isColumnResizable, loading: _this.hasLoadingOption(loadingOptions, regions_2.TableLoadingOption.COLUMN_HEADERS), locator: locator, maxColumnWidth: maxColumnWidth, minColumnWidth: minColumnWidth, onColumnWidthChanged: _this.handleColumnWidthChanged, onFocus: _this.handleFocus, onLayoutLock: _this.handleLayoutLock, onReordered: _this.handleColumnsReordered, onReordering: reorderingHandler, onResizeGuide: resizeHandler, onSelection: _this.getEnabledSelectionHandler(regions_2.RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS), selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform, columnIndexStart: columnIndexStart, columnIndexEnd: columnIndexEnd }, _this.props.children),
React.createElement(columnHeader_1.ColumnHeader, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, cellRenderer: _this.columnHeaderCellRenderer, focusedCell: focusedCell, grid: grid, isReorderable: isColumnReorderable, isResizable: isColumnResizable, loading: _this.hasLoadingOption(loadingOptions, regions_2.TableLoadingOption.COLUMN_HEADERS), locator: locator, maxColumnWidth: maxColumnWidth, minColumnWidth: minColumnWidth, onColumnWidthChanged: _this.handleColumnWidthChanged, onFocus: _this.handleFocus, onLayoutLock: _this.handleLayoutLock, onReordered: _this.handleColumnsReordered, onReordering: reorderingHandler, onResizeGuide: resizeHandler, onSelection: _this.getEnabledSelectionHandler(regions_2.RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS), selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform, columnIndexStart: columnIndexStart, columnIndexEnd: columnIndexEnd }, _this.props.children),

@@ -133,3 +135,3 @@ var _d;

var _a = _this, grid = _a.grid, locator = _a.locator;
var _b = _this.state, selectedRegions = _b.selectedRegions, viewportRect = _b.viewportRect;
var _b = _this.state, focusedCell = _b.focusedCell, selectedRegions = _b.selectedRegions, viewportRect = _b.viewportRect;
var _c = _this.props, allowMultipleSelection = _c.allowMultipleSelection, fillBodyWithGhostCells = _c.fillBodyWithGhostCells, isRowReorderable = _c.isRowReorderable, isRowResizable = _c.isRowResizable, loadingOptions = _c.loadingOptions, maxRowHeight = _c.maxRowHeight, minRowHeight = _c.minRowHeight, renderRowHeader = _c.renderRowHeader, selectedRegionTransform = _c.selectedRegionTransform;

@@ -143,3 +145,3 @@ var classes = classNames(Classes.TABLE_ROW_HEADERS, (_d = {},

return (React.createElement("div", { className: classes, ref: refHandler },
React.createElement(rowHeader_1.RowHeader, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, grid: grid, locator: locator, isReorderable: isRowReorderable, isResizable: isRowResizable, loading: _this.hasLoadingOption(loadingOptions, regions_2.TableLoadingOption.ROW_HEADERS), maxRowHeight: maxRowHeight, minRowHeight: minRowHeight, onFocus: _this.handleFocus, onLayoutLock: _this.handleLayoutLock, onResizeGuide: resizeHandler, onReordered: _this.handleRowsReordered, onReordering: reorderingHandler, onRowHeightChanged: _this.handleRowHeightChanged, onSelection: _this.getEnabledSelectionHandler(regions_2.RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS), renderRowHeader: renderRowHeader, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform, rowIndexStart: rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd: rowIndexEnd }),
React.createElement(rowHeader_1.RowHeader, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, focusedCell: focusedCell, grid: grid, locator: locator, isReorderable: isRowReorderable, isResizable: isRowResizable, loading: _this.hasLoadingOption(loadingOptions, regions_2.TableLoadingOption.ROW_HEADERS), maxRowHeight: maxRowHeight, minRowHeight: minRowHeight, onFocus: _this.handleFocus, onLayoutLock: _this.handleLayoutLock, onResizeGuide: resizeHandler, onReordered: _this.handleRowsReordered, onReordering: reorderingHandler, onRowHeightChanged: _this.handleRowHeightChanged, onSelection: _this.getEnabledSelectionHandler(regions_2.RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS), renderRowHeader: renderRowHeader, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform, rowIndexStart: rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd: rowIndexEnd }),

@@ -161,7 +163,6 @@ var _d;

var _a = _this, grid = _a.grid, locator = _a.locator;
var _b = _this.props, allowMultipleSelection = _b.allowMultipleSelection, fillBodyWithGhostCells = _b.fillBodyWithGhostCells, loadingOptions = _b.loadingOptions, renderBodyContextMenu = _b.renderBodyContextMenu, renderMode = _b.renderMode, selectedRegionTransform = _b.selectedRegionTransform;
var _b = _this.state, focusedCell = _b.focusedCell, selectedRegions = _b.selectedRegions, viewportRect = _b.viewportRect;
var _c = _this.props, allowMultipleSelection = _c.allowMultipleSelection, fillBodyWithGhostCells = _c.fillBodyWithGhostCells, loadingOptions = _c.loadingOptions, renderBodyContextMenu = _c.renderBodyContextMenu, renderMode = _c.renderMode, selectedRegionTransform = _c.selectedRegionTransform;
var numFrozenColumns = _this.getNumFrozenColumnsClamped();
var numFrozenRows = _this.getNumFrozenRowsClamped();
var _c = _this.state, selectedRegions = _c.selectedRegions, viewportRect = _c.viewportRect /*, verticalGuides, horizontalGuides*/;
// const style = grid.getRect().sizeStyle();
var rowIndices = grid.getRowIndicesInRect(viewportRect, fillBodyWithGhostCells);

@@ -178,3 +179,3 @@ var columnIndices = grid.getColumnIndicesInRect(viewportRect, fillBodyWithGhostCells);

return (React.createElement("div", null,
React.createElement(tableBody_1.TableBody, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, cellRenderer: _this.bodyCellRenderer, grid: grid, loading: _this.hasLoadingOption(loadingOptions, regions_2.TableLoadingOption.CELLS), locator: locator, onCompleteRender: onCompleteRender, onFocus: _this.handleFocus, onSelection: _this.getEnabledSelectionHandler(regions_2.RegionCardinality.CELLS), renderBodyContextMenu: renderBodyContextMenu, renderMode: renderMode, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform, viewportRect: viewportRect, columnIndexStart: columnIndexStart, columnIndexEnd: columnIndexEnd, rowIndexStart: rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd: rowIndexEnd, numFrozenColumns: showFrozenColumnsOnly ? numFrozenColumns : undefined, numFrozenRows: showFrozenRowsOnly ? numFrozenRows : undefined }),
React.createElement(tableBody_1.TableBody, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, cellRenderer: _this.bodyCellRenderer, focusedCell: focusedCell, grid: grid, loading: _this.hasLoadingOption(loadingOptions, regions_2.TableLoadingOption.CELLS), locator: locator, onCompleteRender: onCompleteRender, onFocus: _this.handleFocus, onSelection: _this.getEnabledSelectionHandler(regions_2.RegionCardinality.CELLS), renderBodyContextMenu: renderBodyContextMenu, renderMode: renderMode, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform, viewportRect: viewportRect, columnIndexStart: columnIndexStart, columnIndexEnd: columnIndexEnd, rowIndexStart: rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd: rowIndexEnd, numFrozenColumns: showFrozenColumnsOnly ? numFrozenColumns : undefined, numFrozenRows: showFrozenRowsOnly ? numFrozenRows : undefined }),
_this.maybeRenderRegions(_this.styleBodyRegion, quadrantType)));

@@ -181,0 +182,0 @@ };

@@ -28,2 +28,3 @@ /**


@@ -57,8 +58,22 @@ "locator",

_this.renderContextMenu = function (e) {
var _a = _this.props, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions, renderBodyContextMenu = _a.renderBodyContextMenu, grid = _a.grid;
var _a = _this.props, grid = _a.grid, onFocus = _a.onFocus, onSelection = _a.onSelection, renderBodyContextMenu = _a.renderBodyContextMenu, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions;
var numRows = grid.numRows, numCols = grid.numCols;
if (renderBodyContextMenu == null) {
return undefined;
var target = _this.locateClick(e.nativeEvent);
return renderBodyContextMenu(new menus_1.MenuContext(target, selectedRegions, grid.numRows, grid.numCols));
var targetRegion = _this.locateClick(e.nativeEvent);
var nextSelectedRegions = selectedRegions;
// if the event did not happen within a selected region, clear all
// selections and select the right-clicked cell.
var foundIndex = regions_1.Regions.findContainingRegion(selectedRegions, targetRegion);
if (foundIndex < 0) {
nextSelectedRegions = [targetRegion];
// move the focused cell to the new region.
var nextFocusedCell = tslib_1.__assign({}, regions_1.Regions.getFocusCellCoordinatesFromRegion(targetRegion), { focusSelectionIndex: 0 });
var menuContext = new menus_1.MenuContext(targetRegion, nextSelectedRegions, numRows, numCols);
var contextMenu = renderBodyContextMenu(menuContext);
return contextMenu == null ? undefined : contextMenu;

@@ -97,6 +112,9 @@ // Cell renderers

_this.locateDrag = function (_event, coords) {
_this.locateDrag = function (_event, coords, returnEndOnly) {
if (returnEndOnly === void 0) { returnEndOnly = false; }
var start = _this.activationCell;
var end = _this.props.locator.convertPointToCell(coords.current[0], coords.current[1]);
return regions_1.Regions.cell(start.row, start.col, end.row, end.col);
return returnEndOnly
? regions_1.Regions.cell(end.row, end.col)
: regions_1.Regions.cell(start.row, start.col, end.row, end.col);

@@ -139,3 +157,3 @@ return _this;

TableBody.prototype.render = function () {
var _a = this.props, allowMultipleSelection = _a.allowMultipleSelection, grid = _a.grid, numFrozenColumns = _a.numFrozenColumns, numFrozenRows = _a.numFrozenRows, onFocus = _a.onFocus, onSelection = _a.onSelection, renderMode = _a.renderMode, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform = _a.selectedRegionTransform;
var _a = this.props, allowMultipleSelection = _a.allowMultipleSelection, focusedCell = _a.focusedCell, grid = _a.grid, numFrozenColumns = _a.numFrozenColumns, numFrozenRows = _a.numFrozenRows, onFocus = _a.onFocus, onSelection = _a.onSelection, renderMode = _a.renderMode, selectedRegions = _a.selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform = _a.selectedRegionTransform;
var cells = (renderMode === renderMode_1.RenderMode.BATCH)

@@ -149,3 +167,3 @@ ? this.renderBatchedCells()

return (React.createElement(selectable_1.DragSelectable, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, locateClick: this.locateClick, locateDrag: this.locateDrag, onFocus: onFocus, onSelection: onSelection, onSelectionEnd: this.handleSelectionEnd, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform },
return (React.createElement(selectable_1.DragSelectable, { allowMultipleSelection: allowMultipleSelection, focusedCell: focusedCell, locateClick: this.locateClick, locateDrag: this.locateDrag, onFocus: onFocus, onSelection: onSelection, onSelectionEnd: this.handleSelectionEnd, selectedRegions: selectedRegions, selectedRegionTransform: selectedRegionTransform },
React.createElement(contextMenuTargetWrapper_1.ContextMenuTargetWrapper, { className: classNames(Classes.TABLE_BODY_VIRTUAL_CLIENT, Classes.TABLE_CELL_CLIENT), renderContextMenu: this.renderContextMenu, style: style }, cells)));

@@ -152,0 +170,0 @@ };

"name": "@blueprintjs/table",
"version": "1.24.1",
"version": "1.25.0",
"description": "Scalable interactive table component",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -28,1 +28,7 @@ /*

`${ns} <Table> numFrozenRows must be in [0, numRows]`;
`${ns} <Table> Cannot expand a FULL_COLUMNS selection using a multi-row region`;
`${ns} <Table> Cannot expand a FULL_COLUMNS selection using a multi-column region`;

@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ /**

import { IRegion, Regions } from "../../regions";
import { IFocusedCellCoordinates } from "../cell";
import { IRegion, RegionCardinality, Regions } from "../../regions";
import { ICellCoordinates, IFocusedCellCoordinates } from "../cell";
import * as Errors from "../errors";

@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ /**

} else if (selectedRegions.length > 0) {
// focus the top-left cell of the first selection
// focus the top-left cell of the last selection
const lastIndex = selectedRegions.length - 1;
return {
focusSelectionIndex: 0,
focusSelectionIndex: lastIndex,

@@ -41,1 +43,59 @@ } else {

* Returns a new cell-coordinates object that includes a focusSelectionIndex property.
* The returned object will have the proper IFocusedCellCoordinates type.
export function toFullCoordinates(
cellCoords: ICellCoordinates,
focusSelectionIndex: number = 0,
): IFocusedCellCoordinates {
return { ...cellCoords, focusSelectionIndex };
* Expands an existing region to new region based on the current focused cell.
* The focused cell is an invariant and should not move as a result of this
* operation. This function is used, for instance, to expand a selected region
* on shift+click.
export function expandFocusedRegion(focusedCell: IFocusedCellCoordinates, newRegion: IRegion) {
switch (Regions.getRegionCardinality(newRegion)) {
case RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS: {
const [indexStart, indexEnd] = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "col", "cols");
return Regions.column(indexStart, indexEnd);
case RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS: {
const [indexStart, indexEnd] = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "row", "rows");
return Regions.row(indexStart, indexEnd);
case RegionCardinality.CELLS:
const [rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd] = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "row", "rows");
const [colIndexStart, colIndexEnd] = getExpandedRegionIndices(focusedCell, newRegion, "col", "cols");
return Regions.cell(rowIndexStart, colIndexStart, rowIndexEnd, colIndexEnd);
default: // i.e. `case RegionCardinality.FULL_TABLE:`
return Regions.table();
function getExpandedRegionIndices(
focusedCell: IFocusedCellCoordinates,
newRegion: IRegion,
focusedCellDimension: "row" | "col",
regionDimension: "rows" | "cols",
) {
const sourceIndex = focusedCell[focusedCellDimension];
const [destinationIndex, destinationIndexEnd] = newRegion[regionDimension];
if (destinationIndex !== destinationIndexEnd) {
if (regionDimension === "rows") {
} else if (regionDimension === "cols") {
return sourceIndex <= destinationIndex
? [sourceIndex, destinationIndex]
: [destinationIndex, sourceIndex];

@@ -575,2 +575,39 @@ /**

* Expands an old region to the minimal bounding region that also contains
* the new region. If the regions have different cardinalities, then the new
* region is returned. Useful for expanding a selected region on
* shift+click, for instance.
public static expandRegion(oldRegion: IRegion, newRegion: IRegion): IRegion {
const oldRegionCardinality = Regions.getRegionCardinality(oldRegion);
const newRegionCardinality = Regions.getRegionCardinality(newRegion);
if (newRegionCardinality !== oldRegionCardinality) {
return newRegion;
switch (newRegionCardinality) {
case RegionCardinality.FULL_ROWS: {
const rowStart = Math.min(oldRegion.rows[0], newRegion.rows[0]);
const rowEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.rows[1], newRegion.rows[1]);
return Regions.row(rowStart, rowEnd);
case RegionCardinality.FULL_COLUMNS: {
const colStart = Math.min(oldRegion.cols[0], newRegion.cols[0]);
const colEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.cols[1], newRegion.cols[1]);
return Regions.column(colStart, colEnd);
case RegionCardinality.CELLS: {
const rowStart = Math.min(oldRegion.rows[0], newRegion.rows[0]);
const colStart = Math.min(oldRegion.cols[0], newRegion.cols[0]);
const rowEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.rows[1], newRegion.rows[1]);
const colEnd = Math.max(oldRegion.cols[1], newRegion.cols[1]);
return Regions.cell(rowStart, colStart, rowEnd, colEnd);
return Regions.table();
* Iterates over the cells within an `IRegion`, invoking the callback with

@@ -577,0 +614,0 @@ * each cell's coordinates.

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