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@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import T, { useEffect as Ve } from "react";

function $({ node: e = [], from: t, source: n, parent: r = t || n, to: u, target: s, child: a = u || s, scope: m = {}, meta: g = {}, family: p = { type: "regular" }, regional: S } = {}) {
function $({ node: e = [], from: t, source: n, parent: r = t || n, to: u, target: s, child: a = u || s, scope: m = {}, meta: g = {}, family: p = { type: "regular" }, regional: h } = {}) {
let c = le(r), d = le(p.links), o = le(p.owners), i = [];
k(e, (f) => f && M(i, f));
let l = { id: Pt(), seq: i, next: le(a), meta: g, scope: m, family: { type: p.type || "crosslink", links: d, owners: o } };
return k(d, (f) => M(me(f), l)), k(o, (f) => M(he(f), l)), k(c, (f) => M(, l)), S && W && je(X(W), [l]), l;
return k(d, (f) => M(me(f), l)), k(o, (f) => M(he(f), l)), k(c, (f) => M(, l)), h && W && je(X(W), [l]), l;

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function ee(e, t, n) {

let m, g, p, S, c, d, o = { isRoot: ue, currentPage: D, scope: O, isWatch: ce, isPure: fe };
let m, g, p, h, c, d, o = { isRoot: ue, currentPage: D, scope: O, isWatch: ce, isPure: fe };
ue = 0;
for (; S = Kt(); ) {
let { idx: i, stack: l, type: f } = S;
for (; h = Kt(); ) {
let { idx: i, stack: l, type: f } = h;
p = l.node, D = c =, O = I(l), c ? d = c.reg : O && (d = O.reg);

@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ let b = !!c, R = !!O, w = { fail: 0, scope: p.scope };

if (y.order) {
let { priority: h, barrierID: _ } = y.order, E = _ ? c ? `${c.fullID}_${_}` : _ : 0;
if (v !== i || f !== h) {
_ ? be.has(E) || (be.add(E), Me(v, l, h, _)) : Me(v, l, h);
let { priority: S, barrierID: _ } = y.order, E = _ ? c ? `${c.fullID}_${_}` : _ : 0;
if (v !== i || f !== S) {
_ ? be.has(E) || (be.add(E), Me(v, l, S, _)) : Me(v, l, S);
continue e;

@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ }

case "compute":
let h =;
if (h.fn) {
ce = x(p, "op") === "watch", fe = h.pure;
let _ = ? (0, h.fn)(X(l), w.scope, l) : Qt(w, h.fn, l);
h.filter ? g = !_ : l.value = _, ce = o.isWatch, fe = o.isPure;
let S =;
if (S.fn) {
ce = x(p, "op") === "watch", fe = S.pure;
let _ = ? (0, S.fn)(X(l), w.scope, l) : Qt(w, S.fn, l);
S.filter ? g = !_ : l.value = _, ce = o.isWatch, fe = o.isPure;

@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ }

let v = X(l), y = I(l);
if (k(, (h) => {
B("child", c, h, l, v, y);
if (k(, (S) => {
B("child", c, S, l, v, y);
}), y) {
x(p, "needFxCounter") && B("child", c, y.fxCount, l, v, y), x(p, "storeChange") && B("child", c, y.storeChange, l, v, y), x(p, "warnSerialize") && B("child", c, y.warnSerializeNode, l, v, y);
let h = y.additionalLinks[];
h && k(h, (_) => {
let S = y.additionalLinks[];
S && k(S, (_) => {
B("child", c, _, l, v, y);

@@ -130,3 +130,3 @@ });

function A(e, t) {
let n = K({ or: t, and: typeof e == "string" ? { name: e } : e }), r = (a, ...m) => (ne(!x(r, "derived"), "call of derived event", "createEvent"), ne(!fe, "unit call from pure function", "operators like sample"), D ? ((g, p, S, c) => {
let n = K({ or: t, and: typeof e == "string" ? { name: e } : e }), r = (a, ...m) => (ne(!x(r, "derived"), "call of derived event", "createEvent"), ne(!fe, "unit call from pure function", "operators like sample"), D ? ((g, p, h, c) => {
let d = D, o = null;

@@ -137,3 +137,3 @@ if (p)

let i = g.create(S, c);
let i = g.create(h, c);
return Xe(d), i;

@@ -181,4 +181,4 @@ })(r, u, a, m) : r.create(a, m)), u = ct(), s = Object.assign(r, { graphite: $({ meta: ht("event", r, n), regional: 1 }), create: (a) => (ee({ target: r, params: a, scope: O }), a), watch: (a) => mt(r, a), map: (a) => Re(r, te, a, [q()]), filter: (a) => Re(r, "filter", a.fn ? a : a.fn, [q(qe, 1)]), filterMap: (a) => Re(r, "filterMap", a, [q(), G((m) => !j(m), 1)]), prepend(a) {

a.graphite = $({ scope: { state: r, fn: g }, node: [G((i, l, f) => (f.scope && !f.scope.reg[] && (f.b = 1), i)), Ht(r), G((i, l, { a: f, b }) => !j(i) && (i !== f || b), 1), g && q(Je, 1), _e({ from: re, target: r })], child: u, meta: m, regional: 1 });
let p = x(a, "serialize"), S = x(a, "derived"), c = p === "ignore", d = !p || c ? 0 : p, o = x(a, "sid");
return o && (c || Z(a, "storeChange", 1), r.sid = o, d && (r.meta = { ...r == null ? void 0 : r.meta, serialize: d })), o || c || S || Z(a, "warnSerialize", 1), P(S || !j(e), "current state can't be undefined, use null instead"), je(a, [u]), n != null && n.domain &&, S || (a.reinit = A(), a.reset(a.reinit)), a;
let p = x(a, "serialize"), h = x(a, "derived"), c = p === "ignore", d = !p || c ? 0 : p, o = x(a, "sid");
return o && (c || Z(a, "storeChange", 1), r.sid = o, d && (r.meta = { ...r == null ? void 0 : r.meta, serialize: d })), o || c || h || Z(a, "warnSerialize", 1), P(h || !j(e), "current state can't be undefined, use null instead"), je(a, [u]), n != null && n.domain &&, h || (a.reinit = A(), a.reset(a.reinit)), a;

@@ -194,3 +194,3 @@ function kt() {

let n = K(V(e) ? { handler: e } : e, t), r = A(V(e) ? { handler: e } : e, t), u = C(r);
Z(u, "op", r.kind = "effect"), r.use = (o) => (P(V(o), ".use argument should be a function"), S.scope.handler = o, r), r.use.getCurrent = () => S.scope.handler;
Z(u, "op", r.kind = "effect"), r.use = (o) => (P(V(o), ".use argument should be a function"), h.scope.handler = o, r), r.use.getCurrent = () => h.scope.handler;
let s = r.finally = A({ named: "finally", derived: 1 }), a = r.done = s.filterMap({ named: "done", fn({ status: o, params: i, result: l }) {

@@ -202,3 +202,3 @@ if (o === "done")

return { params: i, error: l };
} }), g = r.doneData ={ named: "doneData", fn: ({ result: o }) => o }), p = r.failData ={ named: "failData", fn: ({ error: o }) => o }), S = $({ scope: { handlerId: x(u, "sid"), handler: r.defaultConfig.handler || (() => P(0, `no handler used in ${r.getType()}`)) }, node: [G((o, i, l) => {
} }), g = r.doneData ={ named: "doneData", fn: ({ result: o }) => o }), p = r.failData ={ named: "failData", fn: ({ error: o }) => o }), h = $({ scope: { handlerId: x(u, "sid"), handler: r.defaultConfig.handler || (() => P(0, `no handler used in ${r.getType()}`)) }, node: [G((o, i, l) => {
let f = i, b = f.handler;

@@ -211,6 +211,6 @@ if (I(l)) {

}, 0, 1), G(({ params: o, req: i, handler: l, args: f = [o] }, b, R) => {
let w = er(R), v = et(o, i, 1, s, R, w), y = et(o, i, 0, s, R, w), [h, _] = Zt(l, y, f);
h && (z(_) && V(_.then) ? _.then(v, y) : v(_));
let w = er(R), v = et(o, i, 1, s, R, w), y = et(o, i, 0, s, R, w), [S, _] = Zt(l, y, f);
S && (z(_) && V(_.then) ? _.then(v, y) : v(_));
}, 0, 1)], meta: { op: "fx", fx: "runner" } });
u.scope.runner = S, M(u.seq, G((o, { runner: i }, l) => {
u.scope.runner = h, M(u.seq, G((o, { runner: i }, l) => {
let f = N(l) ? { params: o, req: { rs(b) {

@@ -340,3 +340,3 @@ }, rj(b) {

else if (t.before && !u) {
let S = 0, c = n || !t.noInit || r;
let h = 0, c = n || !t.noInit || r;
k(t.before, (d) => {

@@ -354,3 +354,3 @@ switch (d.type) {

case "field":
S || (S = 1, p.current = Array.isArray(p.current) ? [...p.current] : { ...p.current }), F(e, d.from, n, r), c && (p.current[d.field] = a[a[].id].current);
h || (h = 1, p.current = Array.isArray(p.current) ? [...p.current] : { ...p.current }), F(e, d.from, n, r), c && (p.current[d.field] = a[a[].id].current);

@@ -398,3 +398,3 @@ });

}, ht = (e, t, n) => {
let r = K(n), u = e === "domain", s = It(), { sid: a = null, named: m = null, domain: g = null, parent: p = g } = r, S = m || || (u ? "" : s), c = xt(S, p), d = { op: t.kind = e, name: t.shortName = S, sid: t.sid = Bt(a), named: m, unitId: = s, serialize: r.serialize, derived: r.derived, config: r };
let r = K(n), u = e === "domain", s = It(), { sid: a = null, named: m = null, domain: g = null, parent: p = g } = r, h = m || || (u ? "" : s), c = xt(h, p), d = { op: t.kind = e, name: t.shortName = h, sid: t.sid = Bt(a), named: m, unitId: = s, serialize: r.serialize, derived: r.derived, config: r };
return t.parent = p, t.compositeName = c, t.defaultConfig = r, t.thru = (o) => (ne(0, "thru", "js pipe"), o(t)), t.getType = () => c.fullName, !u && (t.subscribe = (o) => (Nt(o), ? o : (i) => &&, t[Vt] = () => t), d;

@@ -518,4 +518,4 @@ };

var S = typeof window > "u" || typeof window.document > "u" || typeof window.document.createElement > "u" ? p : m;
return Ae.useSyncExternalStore = e.useSyncExternalStore !== void 0 ? e.useSyncExternalStore : S, Ae;
var h = typeof window > "u" || typeof window.document > "u" || typeof window.document.createElement > "u" ? p : m;
return Ae.useSyncExternalStore = e.useSyncExternalStore !== void 0 ? e.useSyncExternalStore : h, Ae;

@@ -539,4 +539,4 @@ var xe = {};

for (var v = arguments.length, y = new Array(v > 1 ? v - 1 : 0), h = 1; h < v; h++)
y[h - 1] = arguments[h];
for (var v = arguments.length, y = new Array(v > 1 ? v - 1 : 0), S = 1; S < v; S++)
y[S - 1] = arguments[S];
r("error", w, y);

@@ -547,3 +547,3 @@ }

var h = t.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, _ = h.getStackAddendum();
var S = t.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, _ = S.getStackAddendum();
_ !== "" && (v += "%s", y = y.concat([_]));

@@ -559,13 +559,13 @@ var E = {

var s = typeof == "function" ? : u, a = e.useState, m = e.useEffect, g = e.useLayoutEffect, p = e.useDebugValue, S = !1, c = !1;
var s = typeof == "function" ? : u, a = e.useState, m = e.useEffect, g = e.useLayoutEffect, p = e.useDebugValue, h = !1, c = !1;
function d(w, v, y) {
S || e.startTransition !== void 0 && (S = !0, n("You are using an outdated, pre-release alpha of React 18 that does not support useSyncExternalStore. The use-sync-external-store shim will not work correctly. Upgrade to a newer pre-release."));
var h = v();
h || e.startTransition !== void 0 && (h = !0, n("You are using an outdated, pre-release alpha of React 18 that does not support useSyncExternalStore. The use-sync-external-store shim will not work correctly. Upgrade to a newer pre-release."));
var S = v();
if (!c) {
var _ = v();
s(h, _) || (n("The result of getSnapshot should be cached to avoid an infinite loop"), c = !0);
s(S, _) || (n("The result of getSnapshot should be cached to avoid an infinite loop"), c = !0);
var E = a({
inst: {
value: h,
value: S,
getSnapshot: v

@@ -575,6 +575,6 @@ }

return g(function() {
L.value = h, L.getSnapshot = v, o(L) && U({
L.value = S, L.getSnapshot = v, o(L) && U({
inst: L
}, [w, h, v]), m(function() {
}, [w, S, v]), m(function() {
o(L) && U({

@@ -589,3 +589,3 @@ inst: L

return w(ge);
}, [w]), p(h), h;
}, [w]), p(S), S;

@@ -595,4 +595,4 @@ function o(w) {

try {
var h = v();
return !s(y, h);
var S = v();
return !s(y, S);
} catch {

@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ return !0;

var e = T, t = oe;
function n(p, S) {
return p === S && (p !== 0 || 1 / p === 1 / S) || p !== p && S !== S;
function n(p, h) {
return p === h && (p !== 0 || 1 / p === 1 / h) || p !== p && h !== h;
var r = typeof == "function" ? : n, u = t.useSyncExternalStore, s = e.useRef, a = e.useEffect, m = e.useMemo, g = e.useDebugValue;
return Le.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector = function(p, S, c, d, o) {
return Le.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector = function(p, h, c, d, o) {
var i = s(null);

@@ -641,23 +641,23 @@ if (i.current === null) {

i = m(function() {
function b(h) {
function b(S) {
if (!R) {
if (R = !0, w = h, h = d(h), o !== void 0 && l.hasValue) {
if (R = !0, w = S, S = d(S), o !== void 0 && l.hasValue) {
var _ = l.value;
if (o(_, h))
if (o(_, S))
return v = _;
return v = h;
return v = S;
if (_ = v, r(w, h))
if (_ = v, r(w, S))
return _;
var E = d(h);
return o !== void 0 && o(_, E) ? _ : (w = h, v = E);
var E = d(S);
return o !== void 0 && o(_, E) ? _ : (w = S, v = E);
var R = !1, w, v, y = c === void 0 ? null : c;
return [function() {
return b(S());
return b(h());
}, y === null ? void 0 : function() {
return b(y());
}, [S, c, d, o]);
}, [h, c, d, o]);
var f = u(p, i[0], i[1]);

@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ return a(function() {

var e = T, t = oe;
function n(S, c) {
return S === c && (S !== 0 || 1 / S === 1 / c) || S !== S && c !== c;
function n(h, c) {
return h === c && (h !== 0 || 1 / h === 1 / c) || h !== h && c !== c;
var r = typeof == "function" ? : n, u = t.useSyncExternalStore, s = e.useRef, a = e.useEffect, m = e.useMemo, g = e.useDebugValue;
function p(S, c, d, o, i) {
function p(h, c, d, o, i) {
var l = s(null), f;

@@ -696,5 +696,5 @@ l.current === null ? (f = {

var b = m(function() {
var y = !1, h, _, E = function(Y) {
var y = !1, S, _, E = function(Y) {
if (!y) {
y = !0, h = Y;
y = !0, S = Y;
var ye = o(Y);

@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ if (i !== void 0 && f.hasValue) {

var Lt = h, Ee = _;
var Lt = S, Ee = _;
if (r(Lt, Y))
return Ee;
var Oe = o(Y);
return i !== void 0 && i(Ee, Oe) ? Ee : (h = Y, _ = Oe, Oe);
return i !== void 0 && i(Ee, Oe) ? Ee : (S = Y, _ = Oe, Oe);
}, L = d === void 0 ? null : d, U = function() {

@@ -720,3 +720,3 @@ return E(c());

return [U, ge];
}, [c, d, o, i]), R = b[0], w = b[1], v = u(S, R, w);
}, [c, d, o, i]), R = b[0], w = b[1], v = u(h, R, w);
return a(function() {

@@ -793,3 +793,3 @@ f.hasValue = !0, f.value = v;

}, [a, e.view, e.panel, e.modal, e.popout]);
const { virtualView: g, virtualPanel: p, virtualModal: S, virtualPopout: c } = yt(gr);
const { virtualView: g, virtualPanel: p, virtualModal: h, virtualPopout: c } = yt(gr);
Ve(() => {

@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ const d = window.history.state ?? {

a && m && (d.view !== g || d.panel !== p || d.modal !== S || d.popout !== c) && (Ie(g), Pe(p), $e(S), Be(c), _t({
view: n,
panel: r,
modal: u,
popout: s
a && m && (d.view !== g || d.panel !== p || d.modal !== h || d.popout !== c) && (Ie(g), Pe(p), $e(h), Be(c), _t({
view: g,
panel: p,
modal: h,
popout: c

@@ -812,3 +812,3 @@ }, [


@@ -815,0 +815,0 @@ a,

"name": "@blumjs/router",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "2.0.1",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "exports": {

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