What is @braze/web-sdk?
@braze/web-sdk is a JavaScript library that allows developers to integrate Braze's customer engagement platform into web applications. It provides functionalities for user tracking, messaging, and analytics, enabling personalized and targeted communication with users.
What are @braze/web-sdk's main functionalities?
User Identification
This feature allows you to identify and track users by setting a unique user ID. This is essential for personalizing user experiences and tracking user-specific data.
Custom Events
This feature allows you to log custom events that users trigger within your application. These events can be used for analytics and to trigger personalized messaging.
Braze.logCustomEvent('event_name', { property1: 'value1', property2: 'value2' });
In-App Messaging
This feature enables you to display in-app messages to users. These messages can be used for announcements, promotions, or any other type of user communication.
Push Notifications
This feature allows you to handle push notifications within your web application. You can subscribe to and manage incoming push notifications to engage users effectively.
Braze.subscribeToInAppMessage((message) => { console.log(message); });
User Attributes
This feature allows you to set user attributes, which can be used to personalize user experiences and segment users for targeted messaging.
Braze.setUserAttributes({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', email: 'john.doe@example.com' });
Other packages similar to @braze/web-sdk
Mixpanel is an analytics platform that provides similar functionalities for tracking user interactions and events. It also offers advanced analytics and user segmentation features, making it a strong alternative to Braze.
Firebase is a comprehensive app development platform that includes analytics, messaging, and user engagement tools. It offers similar functionalities to Braze for tracking user behavior and sending targeted messages, but also includes additional services like real-time databases and authentication.
Braze Web SDK
$ npm install --save @braze/web-sdk
Note: The Braze Web SDK is meant to be used client-side in a web application and may not work as expected in a Node.js server environment.
See the Public Github Repo for getting started instructions or our documentation pages for use-case based documentation.
(c) Braze, Inc. 2022 - http://braze.com
License available at https://github.com/braze-inc/braze-web-sdk/blob/master/LICENSE