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Wrapper around the aws-sdk providing various helper utilities

Version published


Wraps aws-sdk and provides some utilities for simplifying common actions. Also attempts to simplify credential resolution.


$ npm i @buzuli/aws


const aws = require('@buzuli/aws')

Default aws-sdk credential resolution

const { sdk } = aws

Custom configuration

const { sdk } = aws.configure({ credentials, region })

Resolve credential chain asynchronously (supports SSO)

Requires the following fields in the identified profile

  • sso_region: string | Name of the AWS region (e.g., us-east-1)
  • sso_account_id: integer | AWS account number (e.g., 123456789000)
  • sso_role_name: string | The role to assume on successful authentication.
  • sso_start_url: url | The start URL of the OIDC identity service.

If you do not have a ~/.aws/credentials file, make sure you don't have AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG exported in your environment.

const { sdk } = await aws.resolve({ profile, timeout })

Table of Contents



The configuration format for AWS SDK components.

If this is missing for any SDK setup function (e.g., aws.s3()), it will pull from the default provider chain.

  • region | The AWS region (e.g., us-west-2).
  • credentials | A Credentials implementation or an object containing the following.
  • credentials.accessKeyId | The auth key identity
  • credentials.secretAccessKey | The auth key secret
  • credentials.sessionToken | The session token (if available)


Configures the SDK with custom credentials and region.


Returns an object containing the base SDK and all supported service utilities:



Attempts to resolve the credentials chain, starting with SSO credentials.

aws.resolve({ config, logger, profile, quiet, timeout, verbose }?)

  • config: object | Custom config to use instead of loading from disk.
  • logger: object = console | Custom logger object.
  • profile: number = default | Profile to load for SSO.
  • quiet: boolean = false | Only log warning and error messages.
  • timeout: number = 120 | Maximum number of seconds to wait for SSO auth to complete.
  • verbose: boolean = false | Log verbose messages.

Returns a Promise which, on success, returns an object containing the base SDK and all supported service utilities:



The AWS JavaScript SDK.


Miscellaneous utilities.

  • s3.formatUri(bucket: string, key: string, options: object) -> uri
    • options.color: boolean = false
  • s3.parseUri(uri: string) -> { bucket: string, key: string }


Interact with AWS Athena.

aws.athena({ config, s3Config }?)

Returns the AWS Athena utilities, exposing the resources below.


The raw SDK, inititalized with the supplied configuration.


Cancels an Athena query.


  • queryrId: string | The ID of the query to cancel.

Returns a promise which indicates the outcome of the query cancellation.


List Athena queries.


Returns a promis which, on success, supplies a list of Athena queries.


Load an Athena query from a file, optionally applying substitutions.

athena.loadQuery(fileName, substitutions)

  • fileName: string | The name of the file from which the query should be loaded.
  • substitutions: object | Mapping of names to values for parameterized queries containing {{<substitution-field-name>}}.

Returns a promise which will supply the query string on success.


Poll a query until completion or timeout.

athena.queryDone(queryId, options)

  • queryId: string | The ID of the query to await.
  • options.timeout: number = 600000 | The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the query to complete before reporting failure.
  • options.pollInterval: number = 5000 | The number of milliseconds to delay between poll attempts.
  • options.progress: boolean = true | Whether to report query progress on each poll event.

Returns a promise which indicates the outcome of the query.

On completion resolves with { queryId, duration, bytesScanned, state, timedOut, success }:

  • queryId: string | The ID of the query.
  • bytesScanned: number | The number of bytes read by the query.
  • state: string | The outcome state of the query.
  • timedOut: boolean | Indicates whether the query timed out.
  • success: boolean | Indicates whether the query succeeded.
  • durations: object | The durations metrics for each part of the query.
  • durations.queue: number | The time (in seconds) that the query spent queued.
  • durations.plan: number | The time (in seconds) taken to plan the query after it left the queue.
  • durations.exec: number | The time (in seconds) taken to execute the query after planning completed.
  • durations.publish: number | The time (in seconds) taken to publish results after the query finished executing.
  • number | The total amount of time Athena took to process the query.

Fetch the results (or a sample of the results) from a query.

athena.queryResults(queryId, options)

  • queryId: string | The ID of the query for which results should be retrieved.
  • options.sampleSize: number = 1024 | The maximum number of bytes to fetch (0 to skip the sample; negative value to fetch everything).

Returns a promise which will contain the sample/full query results.


Determine the status of a query.


  • queryId: string | The ID of the query to evaluate.

Returns a promise which will contain the query status if the query was found.

  • query: Query | The query text.
  • workGroup: string | The Athena workgroup in which the query ran.
  • queryId: string | The ID of the query to evaluate.
  • queryType: string | the type of query (DDL | DML).
  • schema: string | the schema containing the query resources.
  • bytesScanned: integer | The number ob bytes read by the query.
  • durations: float | The duration of the query in seconds (floating point value; see durations from queryDone()).
  • submittedAt: timestamp | The submission time of the query.
  • completedAt: timestamp | The completion time of the query (if applicable).
  • finished: boolean | Indicates whether the query finished.
  • state: string | The outcome state of the query.
  • stateReason: string | The reason for the state transition.
  • manifestLocation: string | The query manifest file location.
  • outputLocation: object | The location of the query results on S3 (see outputLocation from startQuery()).

Run a query and wait for it to complete optionally


  • options.query: string | The query (DDL or SQL) to run.
  • options.queryTag: string | A supplimental identifier which will be included in the query token.
  • options.workGroup: string | The Athena workgroup where the query should be run (uses the default if none is supplied).
  • options.resultBucket: string | The S3 bucket where query results should be written.
  • options.resultPrefix: string | The prefix to append to query result S3 keys.
  • options.timeout: number = 600000 | The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the query to complete before reporting failure.
  • options.pollInterval: number = 5000 | The number of milliseconds to delay between poll attempts.
  • options.progress: boolean = false | Whether to report query progress on each poll event.

Returns a promise which will resolve on query completion with a summary of the query.

On completion resolves with { queryId, result, duration, bytesScanned, token, success, timedOut }

  • queryId: string | The ID of the query.
  • durations: float | The duration of the query in seconds (floating point value; see durations from queryDone()).
  • bytesScanned: number | The number of bytes read by the query.
  • token: string | The query token.
  • state: string | The outcome state of the query.
  • success: boolean | Indicates whether the query succeeded.
  • timedOut: boolean | Indicates whether the query timed out.
  • outputLocation: object | The location of the query results on S3 (see outputLocation from startQuery()).

Start a new Athena query (DDL or SQL).


  • options.workGroup: string | The Athena workgroup where the query should be run (uses the default if none is supplied).
  • options.resultBucket: string | The S3 bucket where query results should be written.
  • options.resultPrefix: string | The prefix to append to query result S3 keys.
  • options.query: string | The query (DDL or SQL) to run.
  • options.token: string | A token for the query (must be unique within Athena for this AWS account).

Returns a promise which will resolve with query details if the query starts successfully.

On completion resolves with { queryId, resultLocation }

  • queryId: string | The ID of the query.
  • outputLocation: object | The location of the query results on S3 (will be written when the query completes successfully).
    • outputLocation.bucket : string | The bucket where the results will be written.
    • outputLocation.key : string | The key which will contain the results CSV.
    • outputLocation.url : string | The location of the results CSV in URL form.

Scan Athena queries.


Returns an async iterator listing Athena queries.


Interact with AWS CloudWatch Events.

aws.cloudwatchEvents({ config })

Returns the AWS CloudWatch Events utilities, exposing the resources below.


The raw SDK, initialized with the supplied configuration.


Update (patch) a rule. This fetches the existing configuration, patches it with the supplied options, and performs a put against the API to replace the rule's definition.


Returns a Promise which will be resolved with the outcome on completion.


Interact with AWS DynamoDB.

aws.dynamodb({ config })

Returns the AWS DynamoDB utilities, exposing the resources below.


The raw SDK, initialized with the supplied configuration.


Fetch multiple entries from a DynamoDB table.

dynamodb.batchGet(table, entries, attributes)

  • table: string | The table from which to fetch entries.
  • entries: [object] | The entries to fetch from the table (supply partition and sort keys).
  • attributes: [string] | The attributes (columns) to fetch.

Returns a Promise which will be resolved with the outcome (may include unprocessed records) on success.


Write multiple entries to a DynamoDB table.

dynamodb.batchPut(table, entries)

  • table: string | The table to which entries should be written.
  • entries: [object] | The entries to write to the table (supply partition and sort keys plus any extra data values desired).

Returns a Promise which will be resolved with the matching records on success.


Interact with AWS EC2.

aws.ec2({ config })

Returns the AWS EC2 utilities, exposing the resources below.


The raw SDK, initialized with the supplied configuration.


Interact with AWS Lambda.

aws.lambda({ config })

Returns the AWS Lambda utilities, exposing the resources below.


The raw SDK, inititalized with the supplied configuration.


Create a lambda function.


Returns a promise indicating the result of the creation operation.


Fetch a lambda by name.


  • name: string | The name of the Lambda to fetch.

Return a promise which will contain the Lambda function's details on success.


Invoke a lambda.


Returns a promise indicating the outcome.


List the Lambdas for this account.



Apply tags to a Lambda.

lambda.tag(arn, tags)

  • arn: string | The arn identifying the lambda to which tags should be added.
  • tags: object | An object mapping tag names to values.

Returns a promise indicating the outcome.


Fetch a list of tags for the identified lambda.


  • arn: string | The arn of the Lambda from which tags should be fetched.

Returns a promise which will supply an array of tags on success.


Remove tags from a Lambda.

lambda.untag(arn, tagNames)

  • arn: string | The arn identifying the lambda from which tags should be removed.
  • tagNames: object | An array of tag names to remove.

Returns a promise indicating the outcome.


Update the code associated with a Lambda.


Returns a promise indicating the outcome.


Update a Lambda's configuration.


Returns a promise indicating the outcome.


Update a Lambda's execution concurrency (maximum simultaneously executing instances).

lambda.updateConcurrency(name, concurrency)

  • name: string | The name of the lambda to update.
  • concurrency: number | The new concurrency level for the Lambda.

Returns a promise indicating the outcome.

Interact with AWS SES.{ config })


The raw SDK, inititalized with the supplied configuration.


ses.send(sender, options)

  • sender : string | The sender e-mail address (must be a verified e-mail address within SES).
  • Array[string] | The e-mail addresse(s) of the primary recipient(s).
  • Array[string] | The e-mail addresse(s) of secondary (carbon-copied) recipient(s).
  • options.bcc: Array[string] | The e-mail addresse(s) of the secret (blind carbon-copied) recipient(s).
  • options.reply: Array[string] | The e-mail addresse(s) to which replies should be sent.
  • options.subject: string | The subject of the e-mail.
  • options.text: string | Text body of the e-mail.
  • options.html: string | HTML body of the e-mail (allows advanced formatting).
  • options.attachments: Array[object] | These are nodemailer attachments.

Returns a Promise which will supply an object containing the MessageId on success.


Interact with AWS SQS.

aws.sqs({ config })


The raw SDK, inititalized with the supplied configuration.


Acknowledges (deletes) a message from an SQS queue.

sqs.ack(queue, message)

  • queue: string | The URL of the queue from which the message was retrieved.
  • message: object | The message object (must contain the ReceiptHandle field).

Fetch estimated counts on messages in various states in the queue.


  • queue: string | The URL of the queue from which the message was retrieved.

Returns a Promise which contains an object on success.

{ available, delayed, inFlight, total }

  • available: number | The number of messages which can be read immediately.
  • delayed: number | The number of messages which are not yet available due to the delivery delay setting on the queue.
  • inFlight: number | The number of messages which have been read, and are awaiting ack or re-queue timeout.
  • total: number | The total number of messages in the queue (all states).

Fetches a sample of messages from the queue.

sqs.peek(queue, options)

  • queue: string | The URL of the queue from which the message was retrieved.
  • options.limit: number = 1 | The maximum number of messages to retrieve (max is 10).
  • options.maxWait: number | The maximum number of seconds to wait for up to limit messages (max is 15).
  • options.requeueDelay: number | The number of seconds before received messages are once again available for receipt (max is 900).

Returns a Promise which contains a list of messages on success.


Lists the SQS queues associated with this account.


Returns a Promise which contains the list of queues on success.


Sends a message to an SQS queue.

sqs.send(queue, message, options)

  • queue: string | The URL of the queue to which the message will be sent.
  • message: string | The message text.
  • options.delay: number | The number of seconds the message should be delayed before the queue will deliver it to a consumer.
  • string | A unique identifier used to deduplicate messages delivered within the same 5-minute window.
  • options.groupId: string | For FIFO queues only. A uniqueue identifier for the message group, indicating the FIFO too which the message belongs within the queue.

Returns a Promise which which contains the message details on success.


Interact with AWS S3.

aws.s3({ config })

Returns the AWS S3 utilities, exposing the resources below.


The raw SDK, inititalized with the supplied configuration.


Fetch a list of the S3 buckets owned by this account.


Returns a promise which, on success, will contain a list of buckets:

Array<{ bucket, created }>

  • bucket: String | The name of the bucket.
  • created: Date | The bucket creation timestamp.

Fetch an object from S3.

s3.get(bucket, key, options)

  • bucket: string | The S3 bucket from which to fetch the object.
  • key: string | The S3 key identifying the object to fetch.
  • options.maxBytes: number = 0 | The maximum number of bytes to return (if maxBytes > 0).

Returns a promise which will contain the result on success.


Lists the keys in the named S3 bucket which have the specified prefix.

s3.getKeys(bucket, prefix, options)

  • bucket: string | The bucket from which to list keys.
  • prefix: string | The prefix to which listed keys should be limited.
  • options: object | The options for the scanKeys() function, which this function uses to list keys.
  • options.logger: object | A logger exposing the info() function used to report on progress if supplied.
  • options.progress: ({count, total}) => nil | A functhing to which progress reports are fed on a regular cadence while scanning keys.

Returns a promise which will be resolved with the list of keys on success. The key struture matches that of the key event emitted by the scanKeys() function based on the supplied options.


Lists the key prefixes in the named S3 bucket which have the specified prefix.

s3.getPrefixes(bucket, prefix, options)

  • bucket: string | The bucket from which to list prefixes.
  • prefix: string | The prefix to which listed prefixes should be limited.
  • options.delimiter: string = / | The delimiter which should be used to split prefixes (default is /).

Returns a promise which, on success, will supply an array of string prefixes.


Fetch only the metadata associated with an S3 object.

s3.head(bucket, key)

  • bucket: string | The bucket in which the object resides.
  • key: string | The key of the object for which metadata should be fetched.

Returns a promise which will be resolved with the object metadata on success.


Put an object to an S3 bucket.

s3.put(bucket, key, payload, options)

  • bucket: string | The bucket to which the object should be written.
  • key: string | The key where the object should be stored.
  • payload: string | Buffer | ReadableStream | The content which should be stored to S3.
  • options.contentType: string | The content-type of the payload.
  • options.contentEncoding: string | The content-encoding of the payload.
  • options.publish: boolean = false | Indicates whether the object should be made publicly readable.

Supplies an async generator which yields each key as it is scanned from the S3 bucket.

s3.scanKeys(bucket, prefix, options)

  • bucket: string | The bucket from which to list keys.
  • prefix: string | The prefix to which listed keys should be limited.
  • options.limit: number | The maximum number of keys to retrieve.
  • options.delimiter: string | The delimiter which should be used to group keys.
  • options.includeMetadata: boolen = false | Indicates whether each key should be supplied as an metadata-rich object instead of just they key name (string).

Returns an async generator.

If includeMetadata = false, each generated key is a string which is the key name. Otherwise each generated key is an object: {etag, key, size, timestamp}.


Scans the contents of an S3 object, gzip decompressing if possible, splitting on newlines, and handing each line to the supplied scanner function.

s3.scanLog(bucket, key, scanner)

  • bucket: string | The bucket from which to stream the object.
  • key: string | The key identifying the object to stream.
  • scanner: (line: string) => nil | The handler function which will be called with every line scanned from the log object.

Returns a promise which will resolve on completion of the scan or reject if there was an error with the stream or an unhandled error thrown by the scanner function.


Runs scanLog() against every key in the named bucket with the specified prefix.

s3.scanLogs(bucket, prefix, scanner, options)

  • bucket: string | The bucket from which to stream objects.
  • prefix: string | The prefix identifying the objects to stream.
  • scanner: ({ line: string, key: string }) => nil | The handler function which will be called with every line scanned from matching log objects.
  • options.keyFilter: (key) => boolean | An optional key filter which must return a truthy value for those keys which should be retained.

Returns a promise which will resolve on completion of the scan or reject if there was an error with any of the streams or an unhandled error thrown by the scanner function.


Supplies an async generator which yields incomplete, multi-part uploads as they are scanned from the S3 bucket.

s3.scanMpu(bucket, options)

  • bucket: string | The bucket from which to list uploads.
  • options.limit: number | The maximum number of uploads to retrieve.

Returns an async generator.

Each generated upload is an object: {bucket, key, initiated}.

Starts an S3 select query against an object, providing a stream of records which contain the identified columns from passing records., key, query, progress)

  • bucket: string | The bucket where the object resides.
  • key: string | The key identifying the object to query.
  • query: string | The S3 Select query to run against the object.
  • progress: boolean = false | Indicates whether progress events should be emitted by the supplied stream.

Returns a readable object stream which will supply each record returned by thge select query.

Addition events:

  • cont | A multi-part object has continued scanning on the next part.
  • progress | A progress record has been supplied.
  • stats | A stats record has been supplied indicating the number of bytes: {scanned, processed, returned}.

Supplies a raw, readable stream from an S3 object., key)

  • bucket: string | The bucket where the object resides.
  • key: string | The key identifying the object to stream.

Returns a readable stream for the S3 object contents. Any error fetching the resource will be detailed in an error event.


Pipe the contents of one S3 object to a new location on S3, optionally transforming it on the way.

This utility is a bit opinionated, expecting newline-separated records. It will automatically handle gzipped data.

Each line (newline stripped) is handed to the transformer function.

  • If the transformer function is not supplied, lines are forwarded unmodified.
  • If the value returned by transformer is not a string, that line is discarded.
  • If the transformer function throws an error, it will be re-thrown unless the options.ignoreTransformErrors is set to true.

s3.transform(srcBucket, srcKey, dstBucket, dstKey, options)

  • srcBucket: string | The bucket containing the source object.
  • srcKey: string | The key of the source object.
  • dstBucket: string | The bucket to which the transformed object should be uploaded.
  • dstKey: string | The key to which the transformed object should be written.
  • options.transformer: (string) => string | The transformation function to appy to the record.
  • options.gzip: boolean = false | Gzip-compress the transformed data.
  • options.contentType: string | The Content-Type of the uploaded data (S3 default if not supplied).
  • options.publish: boolean = false | Make the transformed resource public.
  • options.partSize: number = 20971520 | The maximum size of each part (S3 multi-part upload buffering).
  • options.queueSize: number = 1 | The queue size to use for upload.
  • options.ignoreTransformErrors: boolean = false | The queue size to use for upload.

Returns a Promise which, on success, will contain a summary of the transform operation:

{ total, transformed, discarded, errors }

  • total: number | The total number of records read.
  • transformed: number | The number of records transformed/forwarded.
  • filtered: number | The number of records filetered (received a non-string value from transformer).
  • errored: number | The number of errors caught (only possible if options.ignoreTransformErrors = true).

The following should always hold true for completed transforms:

total === transformed + filtered + errored


Pipe the contents of a stream directly to a location on S3.

s3.upload(bucket, key, stream, options)

  • bucket: string | The bucket to which the object should be uploaded.
  • key: string | The key to which the object should be written.
  • stream: ReadableStream | The content to pipe to S3.
  • options.contentType: string | The Content-Type of the uploaded data (S3 default if not supplied).
  • options.contentEncoding: string | The Content-Encoding of the uploaded data (S3 default if not supplied).
  • options.publish: boolean = false | Make the transformed resource public.
  • options.partSize: number = 20971520 | The maximum size of each part (S3 multi-part upload buffering).
  • options.queueSize: number = 1 | The queue size to use for upload.

Returns a Promise which indicates the outcome of the upload attempt.


Waits for an S3 object to be created.

s3.whenExists(bucket, key)

  • bucket: string | The bucket where the object resides.
  • key: string | The key identifying the object to wait on.

Returns a promise which will resolve when the object exists.

The SDK has a built-in timeout which will need to be handled and whenExists() called again if you wish to wait longer.


Interact with AWS Step Functions.

aws.stepFunctions({ config })

Returns the AWS Step Functions utilities, exposing the resources below.


The raw SDK, inititalized with the supplied configuration.


List step function activities.


Returns a promise with the activites listing on success.


Creates a new state machine.


Returns a promise indicating whether creation succeeded.


Deletes a state machine.


  • arn: string | The arn of the state machine to delete.

Returns a promise indicating whether deletion succeeded.


Execute a step function.

stepFunctions.execute(arn, name, input)

  • arn: string | The arn of the step function to execute.
  • name: string | The unique name of the function to execute (may be repeated after 90 days).
  • input: string | The input to the step function (pass customized execution parameters here).

Returns a promise indicating whether the execution succeeded.


List step function executions.


Returns a promise with the executions listing on success.


Shows the state of a step function as a list of events.


  • arn: string | The arn of the execution to fetch.

Returns the execution's events on success.


Shows the details of a state machine.


  • arn: string | The arn of the state machine.

Returns the details of the state machine on success.


List defined step function state machines.


Returns a promise with the state machines listing on success.


Stop an execution of a step function.

stepFunctions.stopExecution(arn, options)

  • arn: string | The arn of the execution to stop.
  • options.error: string | The error code indicating the reason for stopping execution.
  • options.cause: string | A more detailed description of the reason for stopping execution.

Returns a promise indicating the outcome of the operation.


Updates an existing state machine.


Returns a promise indicating whether update succeeded.




Package last updated on 17 Feb 2021

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