
A Typescript library for interacting with OGC-compliant services
ogc-client is a Typescript library which implements several OGC standards and will help you interact with
them in a user-friendly and consistent way.
Documentation and live demo here!
The following standards are partially implemented:
- WMS - Web Map Service
- WFS - Web Feature Service
- WMTS - Web Map Tile Service
- OGC API (Records and Features)
Why use it?
- ogc-client will abstract the service version so you don't have to worry about it
- ogc-client will handle XML so you only have to deal with native Javascript objects
- ogc-client will hide the complexity of OGC standards behind straightforward APIs
- ogc-client will run heavy tasks in a worker to avoid blocking the main thread
- ogc-client will keep a persistent cache of operations to minimize requests and processing
- ogc-client will tell you if a service is not usable for CORS-related issues
To install ogc-client, run:
$ npm install --save @camptocamp/ogc-client
To use, import API symbols like so:
import { WmsEndpoint, WfsEndpoint } from '@camptocamp/ogc-client';
Note: if you want to disable web worker usage, for example to solve issues with the Referer
header on outgoing
requests, use:
import { enableFallbackWithoutWorker } from '@camptocamp/ogc-client';
All processing will be done on the main thread after this call, including HTTP requests.
Use the latest development version
The @camptocamp/ogc-client
NPM package is updated on every commit on the main
branch under the @dev
tag. To use it:
$ npm install --save @camptocamp/ogc-client@dev
A provided application containing the documentation and demo is located in the app
To start it locally, clone the repository and run the following commands:
$ npm install
$ cd app
$ npm install
$ npm start
The app is based on Vue.js and will showcase most features implemented in the library.
You will need to supply it with valid OGC service urls.