Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
npm install @cerebral/firebase
The Firebase provider is a Cerebral friendly wrapper around the Firebase client. By default the Firebase client is heavily event based, even just getting some value, handling authentication etc. This is useful in some types of apps, but Cerebral has a very straight forward way of thinking about side effects. You will find that a lot of the API exposed by the Firebase client is simplified!
import {Controller} from 'cerebral'
import FirebaseProvider from '@cerebral/firebase'
const controller = Controller({
providers: [
config: {
apiKey: '{apiKey}',
authDomain: '{authDomain}',
databaseURL: '{databaseURL}',
storageBucket: '{storageBucket}'
// Tasks related options:
// Prefix the specs triggered. This is useful in
// development when multiple developers are working
// on the same instance.
specPrefix: 'CJ',
// Use a different queue path.
queuePath: 'myqueue' // default = 'queue',
// Set to true if you are using debugger cross client
// and server
sendTaskExecutionDetails: false
Important notes
The Cerebral firebase provider uses dot notation to keep consistency with Cerebral itself
All factories supports template tags, allowing you to dynamically create paths and points to values
Cancel setting a value when Firebase detects disconnect.
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {cancelOnDisconnect} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
Register a new user with email and password.
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
const email = state.get('register.email')
const password = state.get('register.password')
return firebase.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((response) => {
user: { uid: 'someuid', ... }
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {createUserWithEmailAndPassword} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
createUserWithEmailAndPassword(state`newUser.email`, state`newUser.password`),
response: { user: {} }
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {createUserWithEmailAndPassword} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
createUserWithEmailAndPassword(state`newUser.email`, state`newUser.password`), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Use deleteFile
to remove an uploaded file. Specify the containing folder and filename.
function someAction({ firebase, props }) {
return firebase.deleteFile('folderName', props.fileName)
.then(() => {
// No output
import {props, state, string} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {deleteFile} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
// No output
// Alternatively with explicit paths
), {
success: [],
error: []
import {props, state, string} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {deleteFile} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
), {
success: [
// No output
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
The Firebase errors are passed to signal and global catch handlers, or .catch
handler in your actions.
import {FirebaseProviderError} from '@cerebral/firebase'
// Error structure
name: 'HttpProviderError',
message: 'Some firebase error message'
stack: '...'
import {FirebaseProviderAuthenticationError} from '@cerebral/firebase'
// Error structure
name: 'HttpProviderError',
message: 'Some firebase error message'
code: 10 // firebase auth error code
stack: '...'
Will get the download url of a given file in firebase storage.
function someAction({ firebase, props }) {
return firebase.getDownloadURL('images', `${props.path}.jpg`)
.then((response) => {
response: https://foo.com/myImage.jpg
import { getDownloadURL } from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
getDownloadURL('images', string`${props`path`}.jpg`), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: https://foo.com/myImage.jpg } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: { ... } } */
Will resolve to {user: {}}
if user exists. If user was redirected from Facebook/Google etc. as part of first sign in, this method will handle the confirmed registration of the user.
function someAction({ firebase }) {
return firebase.getUser()
.then((response) => {
user: {...},
isRedirected: false
import {getUser} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
response: {...}
import {getUser} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
getUser(), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Link an anonymous account with Facebook, Google or Github.
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
return firebase.linkWithFacebook({
redirect: false, // Use popup or redirect. Redirect typically for mobile
scopes: [] // Facebook scopes to access
.then((response) => {
name: 'Bob',
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {linkWithFacebook} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
redirect: state`useragent.media.small`
response: {...}
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {linkWithFacebook} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
redirect: state`useragent.media.small`
}), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Similar you can sign in with Google or GitHub.
Just use linkWithGoogle
or linkWithGithub
instead of linkWithFacebook
function someAction({ firebase }) {
// Turn off listener at specific path and
// specific event
firebase.off('posts', 'onChildChanged')
// Turn off all listeners at specific path
// Turn off all listeners of specific event at wildcard path
firebase.off('posts.*', 'onChildChanged')
// Turn off all listeners at wildcard path
import {string} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {off} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
// Same API as in actions, also wildcard
off('posts', 'onChildChanged'),
// Compose using string tag
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.onChildAdded('posts', 'posts.postAdded', {
// Merged with the payload passed on new data
payload: {},
// Read Firebase docs for these options
endAt: 5,
equalTo: 5,
limitToFirst: 5,
limitToLast: 5,
orderByChild: 'count',
orderByKey: true,
orderByValue: true,
startAt: 5,
// posts.postAdded called with { key, value, ...payload }
This will immediately grab and trigger the signal posts.postAdded
for every post grabbed. Note this is just registering a listener, not returning a value from the action. The signal is triggered with the payload: { key: 'someKey', value: {} }
To stop listening for updates to the posts:
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.off('posts', 'onChildAdded');
import {state, string, signal} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {onChildAdded} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
onChildAdded(string`foo.bar`, signal`some.signal`, {
orderByChild: 'count',
limitToFirst: state`config.limitToFirst`
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.onChildChanged('posts', 'posts.postChanged', {
// Same options as above
// posts.postChanged called with { key, value, ...payload }
This will trigger the signal posts.postChanged
whenever a post is changed in the selection. The signal is triggered with the payload: { key: 'someKey', value: {} }
To stop listening:
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.off('posts', 'onChildChanged');
import {onChildChanged} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
import {string, signal} from 'cerebral/tags'
export default [
onChildChanged(string`foo.bar`, signal`some.signal`, {
// Same options as above
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.onChildRemoved('posts', 'posts.postRemoved', {
// Same options as above
// posts.postRemoved called with { key, ...payload }
This will trigger the signal posts.postRemoved
whenever a post is removed from the selection. The signal is triggered with the payload: { key: 'someKey' }
To stop listening:
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.off('posts', 'onChildRemoved');
import {onChildRemoved} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
import {string, signal} from 'cerebral/tags'
export default [
onChildRemoved(string`foo.bar`, signal`some.signal`, {
// Same options as above
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.onValue('someKey.foo', 'someModule.fooUpdated', {
payload: {}, // Merged with the payload passed on new data
// someModule.fooUpdate called with { value, ...payload }
This will NOT immediately grab the value and trigger the signal passed, the first event is discarded for more predictable behaviour. To grab existing value, just use value
To stop listening for updates to the value:
function someAction({ firebase }) {
firebase.off('someKey.foo', 'onValue');
import {onValue} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
import {string, signal} from 'cerebral/tags'
export default [
onValue(string`foo.bar`, signal`some.signal`)
Generates a new child location using a unique key and returns its reference from the action. An example being {key: "-KWKImT_t3SLmkJ4s3-w"}
function someAction({firebase}) {
return firebase.push('users', {
name: 'Bob'
.then((response) => {
key: 'someKey'
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {push} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
push('users', state`newUser`),
response: {...}
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {push} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
push('users', state`newUser`), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
{key: 'theAddedKey'}
Upload a new file at the given location. Please note that the file is not stored inside the realtime database but into Google Cloud Storage (please consult filrebase documentation). This means that you need to take care of storage security as well.
Note that put
expects a folder as first argument and will use the name of the provided file. If you want to control the filename, add this in the options. In this case, make sure to respect file type and extension...
function someAction({ firebase, props }) {
return firebase.put('folderName', props.file, {
progress({progress, bytesTransferred, totalBytes, state}) {
/* do whatever */
// Override name, make sure you set same extension
filename: 'customName.png'
// optional payload added to progress callback
{ type: 'avatar'
.then((response) => {
url: 'urlToFile',
filename: 'nameOfFile'
... payload
import {props, signal, string, state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {put} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
// we expect props.file to contain a file provided by
// a user in an <input type='file' />
export default [
put(string`posts.all.${props`postId`}`, props`file`, {
// Trigger a signal which receives payload
progress: signal`gallery.progress`
// Set progress on a state value
progress: state`gallery.progress`
response: {...}
import {props, signal, string, state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {put} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
// we expect props.file to contain a file provided by
// a user in an <input type='file' />
export default [
put(string`posts.all.${props`postId`}`, props`file`, {
progress: signal`gallery.progress`
progress: state`gallery.progress`
}), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Remove the data at this database location.
function someAction({ firebase}) {
return firebase.remove('foo.bar')
.then(() => {
// No output
import {props, string} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {remove} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
// No output
import {props, string} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {remove} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
remove(string`users.${props`userKey`}`), {
success: [
// No output
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
return firebase.sendPasswordResetEmail(state.get('user.email'))
.then(() => {
// No output
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {sendPasswordResetEmail} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
// No output
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {sendPasswordResetEmail} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
sendPasswordResetEmail(state`user.email`), {
success: [
// No output
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Write data to this database location. This will overwrite any data at this location and all child locations. Passing null for the new value is equivalent to calling remove(); all data at this location or any child location will be deleted.
function someAction({firebase}) {
return firebase.set('foo.bar', 'baz')
.then(() => {
// No output
import {props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {set} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
set('foo.bar', props`foo`),
// No output
import {props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {set} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
set('foo.bar', props`foo`), {
success: [
// No output
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Sets a value when Firebase detects user has disconnected.
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
firebase.setOnDisconnect(`activeUsers.${state.get('app.user.uid')}`, 'someValue')
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {setOnDisconnect} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
setOnDisconnect(string`activeUsers.${state`app.user.uid`}`, null)
This login will method will resolve to existing anonymous or create a new one for you.
function someAction({ firebase }) {
return firebase.signInAnonymously()
.then((user) => {
name: 'Bob',
import {signInAnonymously} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
response: {...}
import {signInAnonymously} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
signInAnonymously(), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Sign in a custom token.
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
return firebase.signInWithCustomToken(state.get('token'))
import {props, state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {signInWithCustomToken} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
// Alternatively with explicit paths
signInWithCustomToken(state`token`), {
success: [],
error: []
{user: {}}
Sign in a user with email and password.
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
const email = state.get('register.email')
const password = state.get('register.password')
return firebase.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((response) => {
name: 'Bob',
import {props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {signInWithEmailAndPassword} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
signInWithEmailAndPassword(props`email`, props`password`),
response: {...}
import {props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {signInWithEmailAndPassword} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
signInWithEmailAndPassword(props`email`, props`password`), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Sign in a user with Facebook, Google or Github.
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
return firebase.signInWithFacebook({
redirect: false, // Use popup or redirect. Redirect typically for mobile
scopes: [] // Facebook scopes to access
.then((response) => {
name: 'Bob',
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {signInWithFacebook} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
redirect: state`useragent.media.small`
response: {...}
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {signInWithFacebook} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
redirect: state`useragent.media.small`
}), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Similar you can sign in with Google or GitHub.
Just use signInWithGoogle
or signInWithGithub
instead of signInWithFacebook
Sign out user. getUser will now not resolve a user anymore.
function someAction({ firebase }) {
return firebase.signOut()
.then(() => {
// No output
import {signOut} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
// No output
import {signOut} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
signOut(), {
success: [
// No output
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
If you are using the firebase-queue and need to create tasks, you can do that with:
function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
return firebase.task('create_post', {
uid: state.get('app.user.uid'),
text: state.get('posts.newPostText')
.then(() => {
// No output
This will add a task at queue/tasks
. There is no output from a resolved task, it just resolves when the action has been processed.
import {state, props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {task} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
task('some_task', {
uid: state`user.uid`,
data: props`data`
// No output
// Alternatively with explicit paths
task('some_task', {
uid: state`user.uid`,
data: props`data`
}), {
success: [],
error: []
import {state, props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {task} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
task('some_task', {
uid: state`user.uid`,
data: props`data`
}), {
success: [
// No output
error: [
// No output
Atomically modifies the data at the provided location.
Unlike a normal set(), which just overwrites the data regardless of its previous value, transaction() is used to modify the existing value to a new value, ensuring there are no conflicts with other clients writing to the same location at the same time.
To accomplish this, you pass transaction() an update function which is used to transform the current value into a new value. If another client writes to the location before your new value is successfully written, your update function will be called again with the new current value, and the write will be retried. This will happen repeatedly until your write succeeds without conflict or you abort the transaction by not returning a value from your update function.
function someAction({firebase}) {
function transactionFunction(currentData){
if (currentData === null) {
return { foo: 'bar' }
return // Abort the transaction.
return firebase.transaction('some.transaction.path', transactionFunction)
.then((result) => {
return {result: result.value}
} else {
throw new Error('Transaction failed')
.then((response) => {
committed: true,
value: 'new value'
This will add a task at queue/tasks
. There is no output from a resolved task, it just resolves when the action has been processed.
import {transaction} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
function transactionFunction() {...}
export default [
transaction('foo.bar', transactionFunction),
response: {...}
import {transaction} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
function transactionFunction() {...}
export default [
transaction('foo.bar', transactionFunction), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
// No output
Note: Modifying data with set() will cancel any pending transactions at that location, so extreme care should be taken if mixing set() and transaction() to update the same data.
Note: When using transactions with Security and Firebase Rules in place, be aware that a client needs .read access in addition to .write access in order to perform a transaction. This is because the client-side nature of transactions requires the client to read the data in order to transactionally update it.
As opposed to the set() method, update() can be use to selectively update only the referenced properties at the current location (instead of replacing all the child properties at the current location).
function someAction({firebase}) {
return firebase.update('some.path', {
'foo': 'bar',
'items.item1.isAwesome': true
.then(() => {
// No output
import {props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {update} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
update('some.path', {
'foo.bar': props`bar`,
'foo.baz': props`baz`
// No output
// Alternatively with explicit paths
update('some.path', {
'foo.bar': props`bar`,
'foo.baz': props`baz`
}), {
success: [],
error: []
import {props} from 'cerebral/tags'
import {update} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
update('some.path', {
'foo.bar': props`bar`,
'foo.baz': props`baz`
}), {
success: [
// No output
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
function someAction({ firebase }) {
return firebase.value('someKey.foo')
.then((response) => {
key: 'foo',
value: 'some value'
import {value} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
import {state} from 'cerebral/tags'
export default [
response: {...}
// Alternatively with explicit paths
value('foo.bar'), {
success: [],
error: []
import {value} from '@cerebral/firebase/operators'
export default [
value('foo.bar'), {
success: [
/* PROPS: { response: {...} } */
error: [
/* PROPS: { error: {...} } */
Firebase provider for Cerebral
The npm package @cerebral/firebase receives a total of 0 weekly downloads. As such, @cerebral/firebase popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @cerebral/firebase demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 5 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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