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Embed markdown documents in your documentation sites

Version published

Table of contents

  • In action
  • Overview
  • Getting Started
  • API

In action

Example site


This addon contains a NotesBlock that you can integrate into any page, as well as a standalone NotesPage

Getting Started


yarn add@component-controls/addon-notes --dev

Add to a document

The notes will be assigned to all the stories in the current document

in mystory.stories.tsx

import { Document } from '@component-controls/core';
import design_notes from './design-assets/';;

export default {
  title: 'MyStory',
  plugins: {
    notes: {
      title: 'Design brief',
      items: [design_notes],
} as Document;

Add to a story

The notes will be assigned only to a specific story. This allows multiple stories in the document to have different notes associated with them.

in mystory.stories.tsx

import React from 'react';
import { Document, Example } from '@component-controls/core';

export default {
  title: 'MyStory',
} as Document;

export const story: Example = () => <Button>click me</Button>; = {
  plugins: {
    notes: [
      # Introduction
      some **markdown**

Insert into an MDX document

in mystory.mdx

title: MyStory
import { NotesBlock } from '@component-controls/addon-notes';

# Introduction
some **markdown**

Configure props globally

You can globally change the default options of the NotesBlock component

in .config/runtime.tsx

import { RuntimeConfiguration } from "@component-controls/core";

const config: RuntimeConfiguration = {
  components: {
    notes: {
      title: 'Design files'

export default config;



react component

defined in @component-controls/addon-notes/plugins/addon-notes/src/NotesBlock/NotesBlock.tsx


items((string, type))[]NotesBlockOwnProps
titlestringBlockContainerOwnPropsoptional section title for the block.
descriptionstringBlockContainerOwnPropsoptional markdown description.
idstringBlockContainerOwnPropsoptional id to be used for the block if no id is provided, one will be calculated automatically from the title.
collapsiblebooleanBlockContainerOwnPropsif false, will nothave a collapsible frame.
data-testidstringBlockContainerOwnPropstesting id
plainbooleanBlockContainerOwnPropsinner container variant or plain
slotstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
styleCSSProperties | undefinedHTMLAttributes
keyKey | null | undefinedAttributes
sxThemeUICSSObject | ThemeDerivedStylesAttributesThe ThemeUIStyleObject extends [style props]( such that properties that are part of the Theme will be transformed to their corresponding values. Other valid CSS properties are also allowed.
defaultCheckedboolean | undefinedHTMLAttributes
defaultValuestring | number | ReadonlyArray<string> | undefinedHTMLAttributes
suppressContentEditableWarningboolean | undefinedHTMLAttributes
suppressHydrationWarningboolean | undefinedHTMLAttributes
accessKeystring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
classNamestring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
contentEditableBooleanish | "inherit" | undefinedHTMLAttributes
contextMenustring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
dirstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
draggableBooleanish | undefinedHTMLAttributes
hiddenboolean | undefinedHTMLAttributes
langstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
placeholderstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
spellCheckBooleanish | undefinedHTMLAttributes
tabIndexnumber | undefinedHTMLAttributes
translate"yes" | "no" | undefinedHTMLAttributes
radioGroupstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
roleAriaRole | undefinedHTMLAttributes
aboutstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
datatypestring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
prefixstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
propertystring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
resourcestring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
typeofstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
vocabstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
autoCapitalizestring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
autoCorrectstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
autoSavestring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
colorstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
itemPropstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
itemScopeboolean | undefinedHTMLAttributes
itemTypestring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
itemIDstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
itemRefstring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
resultsnumber | undefinedHTMLAttributes
securitystring | undefinedHTMLAttributes
unselectable"on" | "off" | undefinedHTMLAttributes
inputMode"none" | "text" | "tel" | "url" | "email" | "numeric" | "decimal" | "search" | undefinedHTMLAttributesHints at the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents
isstring | undefinedHTMLAttributesSpecify that a standard HTML element should behave like a defined custom built-in element
aria-activedescendantstring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a composite widget, textbox, group, or application.
aria-atomicboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates whether assistive technologies will present all, or only parts of, the changed region based on the change notifications defined by the aria-relevant attribute.
aria-autocomplete"none" | "inline" | "list" | "both" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be presented if they are made.
aria-busyboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates an element is being modified and that assistive technologies MAY want to wait until the modifications are complete before exposing them to the user.
aria-checkedboolean | "false" | "mixed" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates the current "checked" state of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other widgets.
aria-colcountnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.
aria-colindexnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines an element's column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.
aria-colspannumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
aria-controlsstring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
aria-currentboolean | "false" | "true" | "page" | "step" | "location" | "date" | "time" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements.
aria-describedbystring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
aria-detailsstring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies the element that provides a detailed, extended description for the object.
aria-disabledboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.
aria-dropeffect"none" | "copy" | "execute" | "link" | "move" | "popup" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates what functions can be performed when a dragged object is released on the drop target.
aria-errormessagestring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies the element that provides an error message for the object.
aria-expandedboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed.
aria-flowtostring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies the next element (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion, allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order.
aria-grabbedboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates an element's "grabbed" state in a drag-and-drop operation.
aria-haspopupboolean | "false" | "true" | "menu" | "listbox" | "tree" | "grid" | "dialog" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element.
aria-hiddenboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API.
aria-invalidboolean | "false" | "true" | "grammar" | "spelling" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application.
aria-keyshortcutsstring | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element.
aria-labelstring | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines a string value that labels the current element.
aria-labelledbystring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
aria-levelnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the hierarchical level of an element within a structure.
aria-live"off" | "assertive" | "polite" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates that an element will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region.
aria-modalboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates whether an element is modal when displayed.
aria-multilineboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line.
aria-multiselectableboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants.
aria-orientation"horizontal" | "vertical" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous.
aria-ownsstring | undefinedAriaAttributesIdentifies an element (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child relationship between DOM elements where the DOM hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship.
aria-placeholderstring | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value. A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.
aria-posinsetnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
aria-pressedboolean | "false" | "mixed" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates the current "pressed" state of toggle buttons.
aria-readonlyboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates that the element is not editable, but is otherwise operable.
aria-relevant"additions" | "additions removals" | "additions text" | "all" | "removals" | "removals additions" | "removals text" | "text" | "text additions" | "text removals" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates what notifications the user agent will trigger when the accessibility tree within a live region is modified.
aria-requiredboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates that user input is required on the element before a form may be submitted.
aria-roledescriptionstring | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element.
aria-rowcountnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the total number of rows in a table, grid, or treegrid.
aria-rowindexnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines an element's row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.
aria-rowspannumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
aria-selectedboolean | "false" | "true" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates the current "selected" state of various widgets.
aria-setsizenumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
aria-sort"none" | "ascending" | "descending" | "other" | undefinedAriaAttributesIndicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order.
aria-valuemaxnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the maximum allowed value for a range widget.
aria-valueminnumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the minimum allowed value for a range widget.
aria-valuenownumber | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the current value for a range widget.
aria-valuetextstring | undefinedAriaAttributesDefines the human readable text alternative of aria-valuenow for a range widget.
dangerouslySetInnerHTMLtype | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCopyClipboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCopyCaptureClipboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCutClipboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCutCaptureClipboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPasteClipboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPasteCaptureClipboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCompositionEndCompositionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCompositionEndCaptureCompositionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCompositionStartCompositionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCompositionStartCaptureCompositionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCompositionUpdateCompositionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCompositionUpdateCaptureCompositionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onFocusFocusEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onFocusCaptureFocusEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onBlurFocusEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onBlurCaptureFocusEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onChangeFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onChangeCaptureFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onBeforeInputFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onBeforeInputCaptureFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onInputFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onInputCaptureFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onResetFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onResetCaptureFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSubmitFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSubmitCaptureFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onInvalidFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onInvalidCaptureFormEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onErrorReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onErrorCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onKeyDownKeyboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onKeyDownCaptureKeyboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onKeyPressKeyboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onKeyPressCaptureKeyboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onKeyUpKeyboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onKeyUpCaptureKeyboardEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAbortReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAbortCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCanPlayReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCanPlayCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCanPlayThroughReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onCanPlayThroughCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDurationChangeReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDurationChangeCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onEmptiedReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onEmptiedCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onEncryptedReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onEncryptedCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onEndedReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onEndedCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadedDataReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadedDataCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadedMetadataReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadedMetadataCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadStartReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLoadStartCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPauseReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPauseCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPlayReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPlayCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPlayingReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPlayingCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onProgressReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onProgressCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onRateChangeReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onRateChangeCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSeekedReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSeekedCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSeekingReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSeekingCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onStalledReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onStalledCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSuspendReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSuspendCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTimeUpdateReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTimeUpdateCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onVolumeChangeReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onVolumeChangeCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onWaitingReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onWaitingCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAuxClickMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAuxClickCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onClickMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onClickCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onContextMenuMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onContextMenuCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDoubleClickMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDoubleClickCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragEndDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragEndCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragEnterDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragEnterCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragExitDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragExitCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragLeaveDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragLeaveCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragOverDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragOverCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragStartDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDragStartCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDropDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onDropCaptureDragEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseDownMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseDownCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseEnterMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseLeaveMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseMoveMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseMoveCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseOutMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseOutCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseOverMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseOverCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseUpMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onMouseUpCaptureMouseEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSelectReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onSelectCaptureReactEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchCancelTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchCancelCaptureTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchEndTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchEndCaptureTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchMoveTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchMoveCaptureTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchStartTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTouchStartCaptureTouchEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerDownPointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerDownCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerMovePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerMoveCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerUpPointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerUpCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerCancelPointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerCancelCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerEnterPointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerEnterCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerLeavePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerLeaveCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerOverPointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerOverCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerOutPointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onPointerOutCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onGotPointerCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onGotPointerCaptureCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLostPointerCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onLostPointerCaptureCapturePointerEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onScrollUIEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onScrollCaptureUIEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onWheelWheelEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onWheelCaptureWheelEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAnimationStartAnimationEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAnimationStartCaptureAnimationEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAnimationEndAnimationEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAnimationEndCaptureAnimationEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAnimationIterationAnimationEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onAnimationIterationCaptureAnimationEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTransitionEndTransitionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
onTransitionEndCaptureTransitionEventHandler | undefinedDOMAttributes
refExclude<R, string> | undefinedPropsWithRef
encodeHTML*: encodeHTML
at*: function (
index*: number
) => T | undefined
cssInterpolationPrimitive | ArrayInterpolation<> | FunctionInterpolation<>BoxOwnProps
mResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on top, left, bottom and right
marginResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on top, left, bottom and right
mtResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on top
marginTopResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on top
mrResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on right
marginRightResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on right
mbResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on bottom
marginBottomResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on bottom
mlResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on left
marginLeftResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on left
mxResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on left and right
marginXResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on left and right
myResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on top and bottom
marginYResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsMargin on top and bottom
pResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on top, left, bottom and right
paddingResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on top, left, bottom and right
ptResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on top
paddingTopResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on top
prResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on right
paddingRightResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on right
pbResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on bottom
paddingBottomResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on bottom
plResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on left
paddingLeftResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on left
pxResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on left and right
paddingXResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on left and right
pyResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on top and bottom
paddingYResponsiveValue | undefinedSpacePropsPadding on top and bottom
bgResponsiveValue | undefinedBackgroundColorPropsThe color utility parses a component's color and bg props and converts them into CSS declarations. By default the raw value of the prop is returned. Color palettes can be configured with the ThemeProvider to use keys as prop values, with support for dot notation. Array values are converted into responsive values. [MDN Reference](
backgroundColorResponsiveValue | undefinedBackgroundColorProps
opacityResponsiveValue | undefinedOpacityPropsThe opacity CSS property sets the transparency of an element or the degree to which content behind an element is visible. [MDN reference](




Package last updated on 14 Jan 2022

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