Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
This package is the shared library for the nodejs and web SDK's.
This package is the shared library for the nodejs and web SDK's.
The following example demonstrates how a simple transfer can be created.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date(Date.now() + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n, // the next nonce for this account, can be found using getNextAccountNonce
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const simpleTransfer: SimpleTransferPayload = {
amount: new GtuAmount(100n),
toAddress: new AccountAddress("4hXCdgNTxgM7LNm8nFJEfjDhEcyjjqQnPSRyBS9QgmHKQVxKRf"),
const simpleTransferAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: simpleTransfer,
type: AccountTransactionType.SimpleTransfer,
The following example demonstrates how a simple transfer with a memo can be created.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date(Date.now() + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n, // the next nonce for this account, can be found using getNextAccountNonce
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const simpleTransferWithMemo: SimpleTransferWithMemoPayload = {
amount: new GtuAmount(100n),
toAddress: new AccountAddress("4hXCdgNTxgM7LNm8nFJEfjDhEcyjjqQnPSRyBS9QgmHKQVxKRf"),
memo: new DataBlob(Buffer.from('6B68656C6C6F20776F726C64', 'hex')),
const simpleTransferWithMemoAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: simpleTransferWithMemo,
type: AccountTransactionType.SimpleTransferWithMemo,
The following example demonstrates how a register data transaction can be created.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date(Date.now() + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n, // the next nonce for this account, can be found using getNextAccountNonce
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const registerData: RegisterDataPayload = {
data: new DataBlob(Buffer.from('6B68656C6C6F20776F726C64', 'hex')) // Add the bytes you wish to register as a DataBlob
const registerDataAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: registerData,
type: AccountTransactionType.RegisterData,
The following example demonstrates how a configure delegation transaction can be created. Note that although all the fields are optional, they are all required, when becoming a delegator.
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date(Date.now() + 3600000)),
nonce: 1n, // the next nonce for this account, can be found using getNextAccountNonce
sender: new AccountAddress("4ZJBYQbVp3zVZyjCXfZAAYBVkJMyVj8UKUNj9ox5YqTCBdBq2M"),
const configureDelegationPayload: ConfigureDelegationPayload = {
stake: new GtuAmount(1000000000n),
delegationTarget: {
delegateType: DelegationTargetType.Baker,
bakerId: 100n
restakeEarnings: true,
const configureDelegationAccountTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: configureDelegationPayload,
type: AccountTransactionType.ConfigureDelegation,
The following example demonstrates how to create a credential for an existing account. This credential can then be deployed onto the account by the account owner with an update credentials transaction. See Create an update credentials transaction for how to create this transaction payload using the output from the example below. See Construct IdentityInput for how to construct an IdentityInput.
const lastFinalizedBlockHash = (await client.getConsensusStatus()).lastFinalizedBlock;
const cryptographicParameters = await client.getCryptographicParameters(lastFinalizedBlockHash);
if (!cryptographicParameters) {
throw new Error('Cryptographic parameters were not found on a block that has been finalized.');
// The parts of the identity required to create a new credential, parsed from
// e.g. a wallet export.
const identityInput: IdentityInput = ...
// Require just one key on the credential to sign. This can be any number
// up to the number of public keys added to the credential.
const threshold: number = 1;
// The index of the credential that will be created. This index is per identity
// and has to be in sequence, and not already used. Note that index 0 is used
// by the initial credential that was created with the identity.
const credentialIndex: number = 1;
// In this example the credential will have one signing key, but there
// could be multiple. The signatures on the credential must be supplied
// in the same order as the keys are here.
const publicKeys: VerifyKey[] = [
schemeId: "Ed25519",
verifyKey: "c8cd7623c5a9316d8e2fccb51e1deee615bdb5d324fb4a6d33801848fb5e459e"
// The attributes to reveal about the account holder on chain. In the case of an
// empty array no attributes are revealed.
const revealedAttributes: AttributeKey[] = [];
// The next step creates an unsigned credential for an existing account.
// Note that unsignedCredentialForExistingAccount also contains the randomness used,
// which should be saved to later be able to reveal attributes, or prove properties about them.
const existingAccountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const unsignedCredentialForExistingAccount = createUnsignedCredentialForExistingAccount(
// Sign the credential information.
const credentialDigestToSign = getCredentialForExistingAccountSignDigest(unsignedCredentialForExistingAccount.unsignedCdi, existingAccountAddress);
const credentialSigningKey = 'acab9ec5dfecfe5a6e13283f7ca79a6f6f5c685f036cd044557969e4dbe9d781';
const credentialSignature = Buffer.from(await ed.sign(credentialDigestToSign, credentialSigningKey)).toString('hex');
// Combine the credential and the signatures so that the object is ready
// to be submitted as part of an update credentials transaction. This is the
// object that must be provided to the account owner, who can then use it to
// deploy it to their account.
const signedCredentialForExistingAccount: CredentialDeploymentInfo = buildSignedCredentialForExistingAccount(unsignedCredentialForExistingAccount.unsignedCdi, [credentialSignature]);
The following demonstrates how to construct an update credentials transaction, which is used to deploy additional credentials to an account, remove existing credentials on the account or to update the credential threshold on the account. Note that the initial credential with index 0 cannot be removed.
// The signed credential that is to be deployed on the account. Received from the
// credential holder.
const signedCredentialForExistingAccount: CredentialDeploymentInfo = ...
// The credentials that are deployed have to be indexed. Index 0 is used up
// by the initial credential on an account. The indices that have already been
// used can be found in the AccountInfo.
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const accountInfo = await client.getAccountInfo(accountAddress, lastFinalizedBlockHash);
const nextAvailableIndex = Math.max(...Object.keys(accountInfo.accountCredentials).map((key) => Number(key))) + 1;
// The current number of credentials on the account is required, as it is used to calculate
// the correct energy cost.
const currentNumberOfCredentials = BigInt(Object.keys(accountInfo.accountCredentials).length);
const newCredential: IndexedCredentialDeploymentInfo = {
cdi: signedCredentialForExistingAccount,
index: nextAvailableIndex
// List the credential id (credId) of any credentials that should be removed from the account.
// The existing credentials (and their credId) can be found in the AccountInfo.
const credentialsToRemove = ["b0f11a9dcdd0758c8eec717956455deed73a0db59995da2cb20d73ee974eb39aec2c79970c640126827a8fbb84217424"];
// Update the credential threshold to 2, so that transactions require signatures from both
// of the credentials. If left at e.g. 1, then both credentials can create transactions
// by themselves.
const threshold = 2;
const updateCredentialsPayload: UpdateCredentialsPayload = {
newCredentials: [newCredential],
removeCredentialIds: credentialsToRemove,
threshold: threshold,
currentNumberOfCredentials: currentNumberOfCredentials,
The following example demonstrates how to construct a "deployModule" transaction, which is used to deploy a smart contract module.
* @param filePath for the wasm file moudule
* @returns Buffer of the wasm file
function getByteArray(filePath: string): Buffer {
const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
return Buffer.from(data);
//To get the buffer of the wasm file from the previous method
const wasmFileBuffer = getByteArray(wasmFilePath) as Buffer;
const deployModule: DeployModulePayload = {
content: wasmFileBuffer,
version: 0,
const header: AccountTransactionHeader = {
expiry: new TransactionExpiry(new Date(Date.now() + 3600000)),
nonce: nextAccountNonce.nonce,
sender: new AccountAddress(senderAccountAddress),
const deployModuleTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: deployModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.DeployModule,
Finally, to actually deploy the module to the chain, send the constructed deployModuleTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
The following example demonstrates how to initialize a smart contract from a module, which has already been deployed. The name of the contract "INDBank". In this example, the contract does not take any parameters, so we can leave parameters as an empty buffer.
const contractName = 'INDBank';
const params = Buffer.from([]);
//The amount of energy that can be used for contract execution.
const maxContractExecutionEnergy = 300000n;
Create init contract transaction
const initModule: InitContractPayload = {
amount: new GtuAmount(0n), // Amount to send to the contract. If the smart contract is not payable, set the amount to 0.
moduleRef: new ModuleReference('a225a5aeb0a5cf9bbc59209e15df030e8cc2c17b8dba08c4bf59f80edaedd8b1'), // Module reference
contractName: contractName,
parameter: params,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: maxContractExecutionEnergy
const initContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: initModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.InitializeSmartContractInstance,
Finally, to actually initialize the contract on the chain, send the constructed initContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
The following example demonstrates how to update a smart contract.
To update a smart contract we create a 'updateContractTransaction'. To do this we need to specify the name of the receive function, which should contain the contract name as a prefix (So if the contract has the name "INDBank" and the receive function has the name "insertAmount" then the receiveName should be "INDBank.insertAmount").
We also need to supply the contract address of the contract instance. This consists of an index and a subindex.
In this example, the contract does not take any parameters, so we can leave the parameters as an empty buffer.
const receiveName = 'INDBank.insertAmount';
const params = Buffer.from([]);
const contractAddress = { index: BigInt(83), subindex: BigInt(0) } as ContractAddress;
//The amount of energy that can be used for contract execution.
const maxContractExecutionEnergy = 30000n;
Create update contract transaction
const updateModule: UpdateContractPayload =
amount: new GtuAmount(1000n),
contractAddress: contractAddress,
receiveName: receiveName,
parameter: params,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: maxContractExecutionEnergy
const updateContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: updateModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.UpdateSmartContractInstance,
Finally, to actually update the contract on the chain, send the constructed updateContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
In the previous sections we have seen how to initialize and update contracts without parameters. In this section we will describe how to initialize and update contracts with parameters. The user should provide the input in the JSON format specified in our documentation.
Let us consider the following example where the contract's initialization parameter is the following structure:
#[derive(SchemaType, Serialize)]
struct MyStruct {
age: u16,
name: String,
city: String,
An example of a valid input would be:
const userInput = {
age: 51,
name: 'Concordium',
city: 'Zug',
An other example could be if the parameter is the following "SomeEnum":
#[derive(SchemaType, Serialize)]
enum AnotherEnum {
#[derive(SchemaType, Serialize)]
enum SomeEnum {
Then the following would be a valid input:
const userInput = {
B: [
D: []
Then the user needs to provide the schema for the module. Here we load the schema from a file:
const modulefileBuffer = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(
Then the parameters can be serialized into bytes:
const inputParams = serializeInitContractParameters(
Then the payload and transaction can be constructed, in the same way as the parameterless example:
const initModule: InitContractPayload = {
amount: new GtuAmount(0n),
moduleRef: new ModuleReference(
contractName: contractName,
parameter: inputParams,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: baseEnergy,
const initContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: initModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.InitializeSmartContractInstance,
Finally, to actually initialize the contract on the chain, send the constructed initContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
To update a contract with parameters, consider the example where the input is an i64 value, like -2000000.
const userInput = -2000000;
const contractName = "my-contract-name";
const receiveFunctionName = "my-receive-function-name";
const receiveName = contractName + '.' + receiveFunctionName;
Then the user need to provide the schema. Here we load the schema from a file:
const modulefileBuffer = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(
Then the parameters can be serialized into bytes:
const inputParams = serializeUpdateContractParameters(
Then we will construct the update payload with parameters obtained
const updateModule: UpdateContractPayload = {
amount: new GtuAmount(1000n),
contractAddress: contractAddress,
receiveName: receiveName,
parameter: inputParams,
maxContractExecutionEnergy: baseEnergy,
} as UpdateContractPayload;
const updateContractTransaction: AccountTransaction = {
header: header,
payload: updateModule,
type: AccountTransactionType.UpdateSmartContractInstance,
Finally, to actually update the contract on the chain, send the constructed updateContractTransaction
to the chain using sendAccountTransaction
. (See Send Account Transaction for how to do this)
The following shows how to generate an account alias. The alias is an alternative address, which is connected to the same account. The getAlias function takes a counter (0 <= counter < 2^24) to determine which alias to return.
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const aliasCount = 1;
const alias: AccountAddress = getAlias(accountAddress, aliasCount);
The following shows how to check if two addresses are aliases.
const accountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGPUe8JsoAcU");
const anotherAccountAddress = new AccountAddress("3sAHwfehRNEnXk28W7A3XB3GzyBiuQkXLNRmDwDGJhiz8WxC5b");
if (isAlias(accountAddress, anotherAccountAddress)) {
... // the addresses are aliases
} else {
... // the addresses are not aliases
The following example demonstrates how to deserialize a contract's state:
const contractName = "my-contract-name"
const schema = Buffer.from(schemaSource); // Load schema from file
const rawContractState = Buffer.from(stateSource); // Could be getinstanceInfo(...).model
const state = deserializeContractState(contractName, schema, rawContractState);
## Deprecation notice
The npm package @concordium/common-sdk receives a total of 632 weekly downloads. As such, @concordium/common-sdk popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @concordium/common-sdk demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 7 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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