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This service is in charge of hosted search page share modal.
Getting Started
Developer Setup
To contribute to this project, just follow the following steps:
Install all dependencies
- Node 14 (before installing node you might want to look at the side note below)
Instead of installing node directly on your machine, using a node version manager might make it easier to prevent incompatibility issue with other project.
You can check out NVM for more info.
Install pnpm
- pnpm is the main package manager to run most of the scripts. For installation, you can refer to this official document.
Setup a frontend development environment
To install all npm packages use pnpm install
To build the ui library and install it in the service use pnpm build
To contribute to this project, please follow these steps
Run unit tests
You can run all the Test Suites by running this command in the root of the project
pnpm test
You can run a specific test suite by running this command
pnpm test <path of the file> // here is an example: pnpm test src/index.spec.ts
You can enable the watch mode to all the test suites by running this command
pnpm test:watchAll
You can enable the watch mode to a specific test suite by running this command
pnpm test:watch <path of the file> // here is an example: pnpm test:watch src/index.spec.ts
Publishing the package
The package will be automatically published by the CI/CD.
Just remember to use the conventional commits with something else than chore