channelId | required | Identifier of channel | '88099916-6b18-11e9-9b46-1681be663d3e' |
apiUrl | required | Override an API URL of widget | |
wsUrl | required | Override an websocket URL of the widget | |
refLinks | false | Enables ability to run certain action using a ?ref=<payload> link in navigation | |
inactivityTimerEnabled | false | Webchat will a postback after certain timeout | |
inactivityTimerTimeout | 20000 | Timeout in miliseconds | |
inactivityTimerPayload | 'user-timeout-on-page' | An actions payload to be fired as inactivity postback | |
userDataAction | 'user-data-update' | An action name, which will be sent as a postback and it will contain collected data about page | |
userDataAppId | null | Application name used in postback by userDataUpdate | |
startAppId | null | Application name used in postback by start action | |
tokenRefreshInterval | 20000 | Interval in miliseconds to refresh the credentials | |
retryInterval | 5000 | Websockets reconnect interval in miliseconds | |
wsAuthTokenIntervalMs | 60000 | Authorization token over Websocket interval in milliseconds. Default value 60000ms. 0 means Authorization token over Websocket will be omitted. | |
getStarted | null | Override the action, which will occur after pressing the start button | 'start-elsewhere' |
isTeaserActive | true | Interactive Teaser handle minimize and reveal Coversation functionality | |
resetSessionOnInit | false | Init with or without conversation history | |
onConnectionErrorHandler | null | Register function, which is called in case of Webchat connection error instead of display InitFailedOverlay | |
useEventsDecorators | true | Allow display visual decorators before and after Event on click. | |
sharedContext | {} | An object or function returning an object - this object is used to extend the shared context on its initialization. | |
useImagesAsFullscreenOverlay | true | Allow display images as fullscreen overlay with zoom and download ability. | |
spinnerMode | 'classic' | Supported values: 'classic' 'george' 'heygeorge' .
'classic' : The first loading screen contains a bar spinner with text underneath. Reconnecting is shown in the conversation (as a messge). Again as a bar spinner with text underneath.
'george' : First loading screen uses a circular spinner same as in the George, with text underneath. Reconnecting is shown as a semi-opaque overlay above the conversation. It is a circular spinner same as in the George, with text underneath.
'heygeorge' : It is identical to the George option, but the first loading screen / reconnecting is displayed with a spinnerDelayMs (500ms) delay and contains no text. Just a circular spinner. | 'classic' |
spinnerDelayMs | 0 | Number of milliseconds after which the display of the connecting/reconnecting spinner will be delayed. | |
externalAuthorization | null | If provided, the "external authorization token" is validated against MEP service, hashed and added to the conversation token under key "ea". If the authorization token doesn't validate or the hash doesn't match the "ea" value previously stored, the conversation gets restarted. | |
externalAuthorizationMethod | 'property' | Specify a token acquisition method for the externalAuthorization property. Valid values are 'property' | 'oidc' | 'tokenExchange' | 'tokenExchangeInvalidationPost' . 'property' - the externalAuthorization property is taken into account. 'oidc' - externalAuthorization is performed by an internal OIDC process, the externalAuthorization property is ignored. 'tokenExchnage' - externalAuthorization is performed by an internal tokenExchange process, the externalAuthorization property is ignored. 'tokenExchangeInvalidationPost' - externalAuthorization is performed by an internal tokenExchange process, but the invalidation is not with DELETE method, but POST method. | |
externalAuthorizationAutorecovery | false | Valid only if the <GeorgeChat /> component is used. If set to true remount Webchat component and invoke start postback on error OIDC process occured. | |
externalAuthorizationTokenExchangeAccessToken | null | TokenExchange Access Token. Value is used on externalAuthorizationMethod equals 'tokenExchange' only. Valid only if the <GeorgeChat /> component is used. | |
externalAuthorizationTokenExchangeUrl | null | TokenExchange URL. Value is used on externalAuthorizationMethod equals 'tokenExchange' only. Valid only if the <GeorgeChat /> component is used. | '' |
externalAuthorizationTokenInvalidationUrl | null | OIDC/TokenExchange invalidation URL. Valid only if the <GeorgeChat /> component is used. | '' |
externalAuthorizationTokenExchangeKeepAccessTokenInCookie | false | This flag decides whether the Chat Token will be kept in cookies or not. If true , Chat Token will be saved to a browser cookies, then starts the process of checking cookies for Chat token change | |
showClientIdentity | false | Allow hide/show client icon in conversation. In the case of <GeorgeChat /> component is used, the parameter default value is true | |
useAuthenticatedFlag | false | Enable support of the authenticated feature. Each client event is extended with persona object. Authenticated client icon is decorated with the "verified" badge. | true |
useInvalidationWhenSessionExpired | false | This flag decides whether invalidation token service will be called or not, when the session have been expired | |
supportedLanguages | ['en', 'cs'] | An array of two-letter ISO 639-1 language codes. | |
fallbackLanguage | 'en' | Two-letter ISO 639-1 language code used when detection failed. Language code detection is performed according to the attribute lang of the <html> tag. | |
hideOnUnsupportedLanguage | true | Hide Webchat widget on unsupported language detected. | |
theme | null
In the case of <GeorgeChat /> component is used, the parameter is ignored and its value is set to 'george' . | Some graphical themes have also its own language sets. | 'flp' |
onStateChange | null | Callback handler that is called on the Widget State change. The function has two arguments: (state: string, prevState: string|null) . state and prevState , both of which can take the values listed in the following table. | |
onActivity | null | Callback handler that is called for each conversational activity. | |
allowBrowserTabConversationSeparation | false
In the case of <GeorgeChat /> component is used, the parameter is ignored and its value is set to true . | It is only taken into account in combination with the ignoreBrowserCookie channel setting. If allowBrowserTabConversationSeparation is set to true , sessionStorage is used to store the conversation session - this makes it possible to run separate conversations per Browser Tab. Otherwise (and by default) localStorage is used. | |
maintenanceModeAllowed | false
In the case of <GeorgeChat /> component is used, the parameter is ignored and its value is set to true . | Allow turn on maintenance mode. | |
maintenanceModeMessage | {} | Static maintenance mode message. Overrides language file message. | { en: "Maintenance mode", cs: "Režim údržby" } |
maintenanceChatHidden | false | Allow hide/show widget while maintenance mode is on. | |
expandOnMaintenanceMessage | false | Expand widget on visible maintenance message. | |
finishedChatBehaviour | 'minimize' | 'minimize' | 'hide' | 'keepexpanded' | 'keepexpanded_on_closing_screen' . When the conversation is finished: When ('minimize' ) is used, the Chat Widget is minimized. Only the Teaser keeps visible. When 'hide' is used, the whole Widget (the Teaser included) gets hidden. When 'keepexpanded' is used, the whole Widget keeps expanded and the user has to press the "Start the chat" button to start a new conversation. When 'keepexpanded_on_closing_screen' is used, the whole Widget keeps expanded on closing screen. This option is suitable for use alongside 'allowClosingStatesInUrl' set to true. | |
languagePackage | In case no languagePackage is provided, the defaultlanguagePackage will be used | Set language-package, due to the every country specifications. Suffix -cz means which country language-pack will be used | george-cz |
highlightChatAllowed | false | Allow showing message alerts on a chat | |
showAlertsOnExpandedChat | false | Show message alert even if the chat is expanded | |
ignoreFocusChangeOnMinimizedChat | false | Ignore any focus changes on a chat component, when the chat is minimized. Focus changes affect showing/hiding message alerts. This flag depends on highlightChatAllowed | |
allowClosingStatesInUrl | false | Promote to and react on closing states changes in hash part of url. Namely closing (NPS) screen (closing-screen ) and finish state (closed ). Its necessary for George mobile integration. Valid values true or false . | |
allowChatFocusedInUrl | false | Promote to "chat focused by the User" in hash part of url. Its necessary for Hey George mobile integration. Valid values true or false . | |
allowChatInProgressInUrl | false | Promote to "user write some utterance" in hash part of url. Its necessary for Hey George mobile integration. Valid values true or false . | |
allowLoadingFinishedInUrl | false | Promote to loading finished in hash part of url. Its necessary for Hey George mobile integration. Valid values true or false . | |
allowHideComposerOnCampaign | false | Allow to hide Composer (user input) if it is detected that it is a conversation in a campaign. Valid values true or false . | |
richTextDeeplinkPrefix | | When set, original link in conversation message will be encodeURIComponent and appended to {richTextDeeplinkPrefix}/open_external_link?url= . Except original link startsWith 'georgeapp' . E.g. georgeapp://cz/open_external_link? . When set, anchor in conversation message will applied on template {richTextDeeplinkPrefix}/deeplink?path={anchor}&dataReload=true . E.g. georgeapp://cz/deeplink?path=settings/customersafe&dataReload=true | 'georgeapp://cz' |
processAsAnchorUrlPrefixes | [] | String array of prefixes, wich will be used to detect URLs that will be treated as if they were anchors. And therefore will be threated as deeplinks. Note. the '#' is automatically included in the array. | ['', ''] |
enableBodyScrollLock | false | Enables set of special behavior for mobile devices solving e.g. soft keypad problems. Usable especially for webview. Originally body-scroll-lock packages were allowed to be used here. Usable especially for webview. | true |
useAnonymization | false | Turns on content anonymization. Currently only access_token in url. | true |
useKeepalive | true | In some cases it is preferred to use another method of sending the event. E.g. sending the close-chat can be immediately followed by going to another browser page and it is necessary to ensure that it is sent by HTTP POST with the 'keepalive' attribute. | true |
enableFileUpload | false | Enable the File Upload feature. It extends the capabilities of the Composer component with the ability to attach a file to the message. | true |
fileUploadMaxFileCount | 10 | The maximum number of files that can be attached to each message. | 3 |
fileUploadMaxFileSizeBytes | 10485760 | Maximum number of bytes for each file separately. E.g. 10485760 means 10MiB = (10 * 1024 * 1024)B. | 10485760 |
fileUploadEnabledMode | anytime | Defines when file upload feature is enabled. First of all enableFileUpload must be set to true to enable file upload feature. Valid values are anytime , onadvisor . anytime - file upload is always enable. onadvisor - file upload is enabled only in conversation with banker | anytime |
enableConversationHeader | false | Enables Conversation header with information about advisor/bot and alternative "End Chat" button. This parameter is linked to the functionality of displaying the name of the advisor/bot and the time of its message. | true |
conversationHeaderMode | 'full' | Modifies the ConversationHeader functionality if enabled. Valid values: 'full' , 'offlineOrAdvisorOnly' , 'fullWhenUserFocusedNoneOtherwise' . The default value is 'full'. | 'full' |
channelAvailabilityBasicAuthBase64 | null | Default Channel availability Basic Authentication in BASE64. Will be used when the ConversationHeader is visible. | 'Y2hhbmdlbWU=' |
showDebug | true | Enables visualise debug messages in the conversation. | false |
composerMaxLength | 1000 | Max number of characters allowed enter into the Composer. | 3000 |
enableTopShadow | false | If the shadow on that is displayed when content overflows the height of the container should be visible. Is always true whe conversationHeaderMode is set to false | true |
enableGeorgeActions | false | If set to true, carousel buttons call george action by default if the action is sent by bot | false |
enableWebsocketRequestQueue | false | If set to true, multiple messages are able to get to the message queue prior websocket is connected and then be sent immediately after connection is established | false |
protectedImageUrls | [] | Array of base URLs to which authorization token is sent when images are retrieved. Please note that this is going to slow down image loading a bit so do not use for all URLs! | [''] |