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Comparing version 1.1.0 to 2.0.0-beta.0



@@ -6,2 +6,33 @@ # Change Log

# [2.0.0-beta.0]( (2021-07-12)
* feat!: major design tokens release ([8c5aa99](
### Features
* add babel and TS configs ([b185e8e](
* add build scripts ([4898564](
* add migration guide ([d307bfe](
* add unit tests and snapshots ([a800389](
* create a script to build new tokens base JS file ([5df6d0c](
* replace tsconfig with inline script ([fb092fd](
* small tokens adjustments ([adde667](
* transformedBaseTokens util fix ([d75f07f](
* update build script ([51e9f87](
* update package docs ([bf62123](
* update package entry points and build paths ([21504ac](
* update some text tokens names ([a4df33e](
* update token name ([d65f98f](
* new design tokens
# [1.1.0]( (2021-05-28)

@@ -8,0 +39,0 @@


"name": "@datacamp/waffles-tokens",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.0",
"description": "",
"main": "lib/core-tokens.json",
"main": "lib/tokens.common.js",
"module": "lib/tokens.esm.js",
"types": "lib/tokens.d.ts",
"files": [

@@ -11,7 +13,12 @@ "lib"

"scripts": {
"build": "yarn clean && node build.js",
"watch": "nodemon --ignore lib/ -e js,json build.js",
"clean": "rm -rf build",
"prepare": "yarn clean && yarn build",
"test": "jest"
"build": "yarn clean && yarn build:legacy-tokens && yarn build:new-tokens && yarn build:types && yarn build:cjs && yarn build:esm && yarn clean:base-tokens",
"clean": "rimraf lib",
"clean:base-tokens": "rimraf lib/tokens.js",
"prepare": "yarn build",
"test": "jest",
"build:legacy-tokens": "node buildLegacyTokens.js",
"build:new-tokens": "node buildNewTokens.js",
"build:esm": "BABEL_ENV=esm babel ./lib/tokens.js --out-file ./lib/tokens.esm.js --config-file ./babel7.config.js",
"build:cjs": "BABEL_ENV=cjs babel ./lib/tokens.js --out-file ./lib/tokens.common.js --config-file ./babel7.config.js",
"build:types": "tsc lib/tokens.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --skipLibCheck --outDir lib"

@@ -21,11 +28,13 @@ "author": "",

"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "7.13.0",
"@babel/core": "7.12.7",
"deep-cleaner": "^1.2.1",
"jest": "^26.6.1",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"nodemon": "^2.0.7",
"omit-deep-lodash": "^1.1.5",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"style-dictionary": "^2.10.3",
"tinycolor2": "^1.4.2"
"gitHead": "8cdde08cc7299618ff402e6d80110836939780d3"
"gitHead": "1391db6f9207257d16a80a2857e61e70e11a206f"
# Tokens
Usage documentation available at [](
Usage documentation is available at [Waffles tokens documentation](
It is possible to import tokens either with `import tokens from '@datacamp/waffles-tokens'` or individual groups with `import { colors } from '@datacamp/waffles-tokens'`. Thanks to types definitions tokens auto-completion is supported. Other legacy tokens could be imported from `@datacamp/waffles-tokens/lib/name-of-legacy-tokens-file`.
This package contains the all the design tokens used across waffles, and also the build methods to generate exposed files with these values.
This package contains all the design tokens used across Waffles, and also the build methods to generate exposed files with these values.
## Structure
All tokens are stored in the `/properties` directory as json files. On build these are deep merged and augmented with the transforms. This full data structure is then passed to the formatters to output different files. This is all orchestrated using [Style Dictionary]( and controlled with the `build.js` file.
### New tokens
The new tokens are generated from [base-tokens.json](base-tokens.json). The structure of that file is compatible with [Figma Tokens]( plugin. In the first build step regular JS file (ES module with explicit and default exports) is generated with `build:new-tokens` script, assuming `lib` directory already exists. It serves as a base for transpiling both ESM and CJS modules (with appropriate `build:cjs` and `build:esm` scripts). Last step is to generate TS typings with `build:types`.
### Legacy tokens
The legacy tokens are for now kept for backward compatibility reasons. All tokens are stored in the `/properties` directory as json files. On build, these are deep merged and augmented with the transforms. This full data structure is then passed to the formatters to output different files. This is all orchestrated using [Style Dictionary]( and controlled with the `buildLegacyTokens.js` file.
## Outputs
- **core-tokens.json** is the main exported tokens file. It is a flattened and simplified version of the tokens.
- **future-tokens.json** is the full tokens file that will be made the main export in the future. The structure of this file is **not** fixed or documented, so should be used with caution! Within waffles packages this is the version that will be used, since breaking changes can be absorbed. At some point in the future once it is more stable, this will be made the main export of the package.
- **tokens.esm.js** is the main exported tokens file.
- **tokens.d.ts** are autogenerated TS types definitions.
- **core-tokens.json** is the legacy tokens file.
- **future-tokens.json** is the legacy tokens file, used internally by most React components.
- **variables.scss** contains the same data as the **core-tokens** file but exposed as scss variables. This is used in to generate utility classes and stylesheets in other packages.
## Migration guide (v1 -> v2)
Tokens has been updated to stay in line with [Design Guidelines]( and to be compatible with [Figma Tokens]( plugin.
### Deprecated tokens groups
- 🚨 `spatial` group is deprecated
- use tokens from `sizing`, `spacing`, and `zIndex` groups
- 🚨 `border` group is deprecated
- use tokens from `borderRadius` group
- 🚨 `animation` group is deprecated
### Completely new tokens groups
- 🟢 new group `sizing`
- 🟢 new group `spacing`
- 🟢 new group `borderWidth`
- 🟢 new group `opacity`
- 🟢 new group `zIndex`
- 🟢 new group `borderRadius`
- 🚨 `border.radius` -> `borderRadius.medium`
- 🟢 new `circle` border radius token
### Updated tokens groups
- 🔄 changes in `colors` group:
- 🟢 new brand colors `brandFacebook`, `brandTwitter`, `brandGoogle`, `brandLinkedIn`
- 🟢 new text colors `navySubtleTextOnDark`, `navySubtleTextOnLight`
- 🟢 new `greyDark` color
- 🚨 `navyText` -> `navyDark`
- 🚨 `greenText` -> `greenDarkText`
- 🚨 `redText` -> `redDarkText`
- 🚨 `orangeText` -> `orangeDarkText`
- 🚨 `yellowText` -> `yellowDarkText`
- 🚨 `blueText` -> `blueDarkText`
- 🚨 `purpleText` -> `purpleDarkText`
- 🚨 `pinkText` -> `pinkDarkText`
- 🚨 `beige100` -> `beigeSubtle`
- 🚨 `beige200` -> `beigeLight`
- 🚨 `beige300` -> `beige`
- 🚨 `beige400` -> `beigeMedium`
- 🚨 `grey100` -> `greySubtle`
- 🚨 `grey200` -> `greyLight`
- 🚨 `grey300` -> `grey`
- 🚨 `grey400` -> `greyMedium`
- 🔄 changes in `breakpoints` group
- 🟢 new `small`, `medium`, `large` breakpoints
- 🚨 all old tokens are deprecated
- 🔄 changes in `boxShadow` group
- 🟢 new `thin`, `medium`, `thick`, `xthick` tokens
- 🚨 all old tokens are deprecated
### Renamed and updated tokens groups
- 🔄 `fontFamily` -> `fontFamilies`
- 🚨 tokens now contains whole CSS font stacks, no need to specify additional fallback fonts
- 🔄 `fontSize` -> `fontSizes`
- 🚨 `micro` -> `small`
- 🚨 `small` -> `small`
- 🚨 `base` -> `medium`
- 🚨 `h6` -> `small`
- 🚨 `h5` -> `small`
- 🚨 `h4` -> `medium`
- 🚨 `h3` -> `large`
- 🚨 `h2` -> `xlarge`
- 🚨 `h1` -> `xxlarge`
- 🟢 new `huge` token
- 🔄 `fontWeight` -> `fontWeights`
- 🔄 `letterSpacings` -> `letterSpacing`
- 🚨 `base` -> `default`
- 🚨 `mediumHeading` -> `tight`
- 🚨 `largeHeading` -> `tight`
- 🟢 new `relaxed` token
- 🔄 `lineHeight` -> `lineHeights`
- in most cases use the same `lineHeight` in tandem with `fontSize`
- 🚨 `base` -> `medium`
- 🚨 `heading` -> `large`
- 🚨 `largeHeading` -> `xlarge`
- 🟢 new `small` token
- 🟢 new `xxlarge` token
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