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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 1.1.3 to 2.0.0



@@ -0,1 +1,7 @@

# 2.0.0 (2020-09-03)
### Breaking Changes
- E11, Edge 16-18 and Safari 10 not supported
# 1.1.3 (2020-07-19)

@@ -2,0 +8,0 @@


'use strict';
const index = require('./index-033a337e.js');
const patch = require('./patch-49391e40.js');
const index = require('./index-41eedf68.js');
patch.patchBrowser().then(options => {
Stencil Client Patch Browser v2.0.2 | MIT Licensed |
const patchBrowser = () => {
const importMeta = (typeof document === 'undefined' ? new (require('u' + 'rl').URL)('file:' + __filename).href : (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src || new URL('deckdeckgo-drag-resize-rotate.cjs.js', document.baseURI).href));
const opts = {};
if ( importMeta !== '') {
opts.resourcesUrl = new URL('.', importMeta).href;
return index.promiseResolve(opts);
patchBrowser().then(options => {
return index.bootstrapLazy([["deckgo-drr.cjs",[[1,"deckgo-drr",{"unit":[1],"resize":[1028],"drag":[1],"rotation":[4],"text":[516],"width":[32],"height":[32],"minWidth":[32],"minHeight":[32],"top":[32],"left":[32],"rotate":[32],"selected":[32],"moving":[32],"editing":[32]}]]]], options);



@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-033a337e.js');
const index = require('./index-41eedf68.js');

@@ -12,449 +12,449 @@ function unifyEvent(e) {

const deckdeckgoDrrCss = ":host{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;contain:size;width:var(--width);height:var(--height);-webkit-transform:rotate(var(--rotate, 0deg));transform:rotate(var(--rotate, 0deg));position:absolute;top:var(--top);left:var(--left);-webkit-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none)}:host(.text){contain:layout}:host(.selected.draggable:not(.drag)){cursor:move}:host(.selected){outline:var(--deckgo-drr-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}::slotted(*){width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--user-select, none);user-select:var(--user-select, none);-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;pointer-events:var(--pointer-events, none)}div.anchor{position:absolute;width:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px);padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-desktop, 16px)}div.anchor>div{width:100%;height:100%;border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-background, #3880ff);border:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border)}{top:0}{cursor:ne-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%);transform:translate(50%, -50%)}{cursor:nw-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);transform:translate(-50%, -50%)}div.anchor.end{right:0}div.anchor.bottom{bottom:0}div.anchor.bottom.end{cursor:se-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(50%, 50%);transform:translate(50%, 50%)}div.anchor.bottom.start{cursor:sw-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 50%);transform:translate(-50%, 50%)}div.anchor.start{left:0}div.border{position:absolute},div.border.bottom{width:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px));height:16px}div.border.end,div.border.start{top:50%;height:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px));width:16px}{top:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:n-resize}div.border.end{right:0;-webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%);transform:translate(50%, -50%);cursor:e-resize}div.border.bottom{bottom:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 50%);transform:translate(-50%, 50%);cursor:s-resize}div.border.start{left:0;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:w-resize}div.rotate{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -100%);transform:translate(-50%, -100%);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-width, 24px);width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-height, 32px)}div.rotate div.action{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 0);transform:translate(-50%, 0);cursor:crosshair;width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-height, 16px);border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-background);border:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}div.rotate div.presentation{position:absolute;bottom:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 0);transform:translate(-50%, 0);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-height, calc(100% - 16px - 1px));border-right:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-border-right, 1px solid #3880ff)}@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse){div.anchor{padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-mobile)},div.border.bottom{height:4px}div.border.end,div.border.start{width:4px}}";
const deckdeckgoDrrCss = ":host{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;contain:size;width:var(--width);height:var(--height);transform:rotate(var(--rotate, 0deg));position:absolute;top:var(--top);left:var(--left);-webkit-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none)}:host(.text){contain:layout}:host(.selected.draggable:not(.drag)){cursor:move}:host(.selected){outline:var(--deckgo-drr-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}::slotted(*){width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--user-select, none);user-select:var(--user-select, none);touch-action:none;pointer-events:var(--pointer-events, none)}div.anchor{position:absolute;width:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px);padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-desktop, 16px)}div.anchor>div{width:100%;height:100%;border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-background, #3880ff);border:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border)}{top:0}{cursor:ne-resize;transform:translate(50%, -50%)}{cursor:nw-resize;transform:translate(-50%, -50%)}div.anchor.end{right:0}div.anchor.bottom{bottom:0}div.anchor.bottom.end{cursor:se-resize;transform:translate(50%, 50%)}div.anchor.bottom.start{cursor:sw-resize;transform:translate(-50%, 50%)}div.anchor.start{left:0}div.border{position:absolute},div.border.bottom{width:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px));height:16px}div.border.end,div.border.start{top:50%;height:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px));width:16px}{top:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:n-resize}div.border.end{right:0;transform:translate(50%, -50%);cursor:e-resize}div.border.bottom{bottom:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, 50%);cursor:s-resize}div.border.start{left:0;transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:w-resize}div.rotate{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, -100%);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-width, 24px);width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-height, 32px)}div.rotate div.action{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, 0);cursor:crosshair;width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-height, 16px);border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-background);border:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}div.rotate div.presentation{position:absolute;bottom:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, 0);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-height, calc(100% - 16px - 1px));border-right:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-border-right, 1px solid #3880ff)}@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse){div.anchor{padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-mobile)},div.border.bottom{height:4px}div.border.end,div.border.start{width:4px}}";
const DeckdeckgoDragResizeRotate = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
index.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.drrSelect = index.createEvent(this, "drrSelect", 7);
this.drrDidChange = index.createEvent(this, "drrDidChange", 7);
this.unit = 'percentage';
// Size
this.resize = true;
// Position
this.drag = 'all';
// Rotate
this.rotation = true;
// Text content editable
this.text = false;
this.minWidth = 10;
this.minHeight = 10;
constructor(hostRef) {
index.registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.drrSelect = index.createEvent(this, "drrSelect", 7);
this.drrDidChange = index.createEvent(this, "drrDidChange", 7);
this.unit = 'percentage';
// Size
this.resize = true;
// Position
this.drag = 'all';
// Rotate
this.rotation = true;
// Text content editable
this.text = false;
this.minWidth = 10;
this.minHeight = 10;
this.selected = false;
this.updated = false;
this.moving = false;
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.parentWidth = null;
this.parentHeight = null;
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
this.editing = false;
this.start = async ($event) => {
if (!$event || !$ {
// If we click elsewhere or select another component, then this component should loose focus and values need to be reset for next usage
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
if (this.selected) {
this.selected = false;
this.updated = false;
this.moving = false;
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.parentWidth = null;
this.parentHeight = null;
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
this.editing = false;
this.start = async ($event) => {
if (!$event || !$ {
// If we click elsewhere or select another component, then this component should loose focus and values need to be reset for next usage
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
if (this.selected) {
this.selected = false;
if (!this.editing) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
this.selected = true;
await this.initStartPositions($event);
this.transform = ($event) => {
const moved = this.move($event);
const resized = this.size($event);
const rotated = this.rotateShape($event);
this.updated = moved || resized || rotated;
this.stop = () => {
this.dbclick = async ($event) => {
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
this.editing = true;
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
await this.moveCursorToEnd(element);
if (!this.editing) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
this.selected = true;
await this.initStartPositions($event);
this.transform = ($event) => {
const moved = this.move($event);
const resized = this.size($event);
const rotated = this.rotateShape($event);
this.updated = moved || resized || rotated;
this.stop = () => {
this.dbclick = async ($event) => {
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
this.editing = true;
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
await this.moveCursorToEnd(element);
async componentWillLoad() {
await this.init();
await this.attachEventListeners();
async componentDidLoad() {
await this.displaySlot();
async componentWillUnload() {
if (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize) {
await this.detachEventListeners();
async componentWillLoad() {
await this.init();
await this.attachEventListeners();
async attachEventListeners() {
const editable = this.el && this.el.parentElement && !this.el.parentElement.classList.contains('deckgo-read-only');
if (editable && document && (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize)) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
async componentDidLoad() {
await this.displaySlot();
async detachEventListeners() {
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
async componentWillUnload() {
if (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize) {
await this.detachEventListeners();
async init() {
this.width ='--width') ? parseFloat('--width')) : 0;
this.height ='--height') ? parseFloat('--height')) : 0; ='--top') ? parseFloat('--top')) : 0;
this.left ='--left') ? parseFloat('--left')) : 0;
this.rotate ='--rotate') ? parseFloat('--rotate')) : 0;
if (this.text) {
this.resize = false;
async attachEventListeners() {
const editable = this.el && this.el.parentElement && !this.el.parentElement.classList.contains('deckgo-read-only');
if (editable && document && (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize)) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
async displaySlot() {
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element && === 'none') { = '';
async detachEventListeners() {
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
isTargetEvent($event) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
return selected && selected.isEqualNode(this.el);
initTextEditable() {
if (!this.text || !this.el) {
async init() {
this.width ='--width') ? parseFloat('--width')) : 0;
this.height ='--height') ? parseFloat('--height')) : 0; ='--top') ? parseFloat('--top')) : 0;
this.left ='--left') ? parseFloat('--left')) : 0;
this.rotate ='--rotate') ? parseFloat('--rotate')) : 0;
if (this.text) {
this.resize = false;
document.addEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick.bind(this), { once: true });
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
element.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true');
async displaySlot() {
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element && === 'none') { = '';
resetTextEditable() {
if (!this.text) {
isTargetEvent($event) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
return selected && selected.isEqualNode(this.el);
this.editing = false;
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
initTextEditable() {
if (!this.text || !this.el) {
document.addEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick.bind(this), { once: true });
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
element.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true');
async initStartPositions($event) {
this.startX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
this.startY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
await this.initParentSize();
initStartPositionsMove() {
this.startWidth = isNaN(this.width) ? 0 : this.width;
this.startHeight = isNaN(this.height) ? 0 : this.height;
this.startTop =;
this.startLeft = this.left;
initStartPositionsRotation() {
const rect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2;
this.centerY = + rect.height / 2;
initStartPositionsResize() {
const theta = (Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const css = window.getComputedStyle(this.el);
const l = parseFloat(css.left);
const t = parseFloat(;
const w = parseFloat(css.width);
const h = parseFloat(css.height);
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const c0_x = l + w / 2.0;
const c0_y = t + h / 2.0;
const q0_x = l + matrix.a * w;
const q0_y = t + matrix.b * h;
const p0_x = l + matrix.c * w;
const p0_y = t + matrix.d * h;
this.qp0_x = q0_x * cos_t - q0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.qp0_y = q0_x * sin_t + q0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
this.pp_x = p0_x * cos_t - p0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.pp_y = p0_x * sin_t + p0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
async initParentSize() {
// The deckgo-slide-aspect-ratio template exposes a getContainer function which return a reference to the effective container.
if (this.el.parentElement && typeof this.el.parentElement.getContainer === 'function') {
const parent = await this.el.parentElement.getContainer();
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetHeight, 'height');
resetTextEditable() {
if (!this.text) {
this.editing = false;
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
else {
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight, 'height');
async initStartPositions($event) {
this.startX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
this.startY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
await this.initParentSize();
move($event) {
if (!this.moving || this.drag === 'none') {
return false;
initStartPositionsMove() {
this.startWidth = isNaN(this.width) ? 0 : this.width;
this.startHeight = isNaN(this.height) ? 0 : this.height;
this.startTop =;
this.startLeft = this.left;
if (this.drag === 'x-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, false, true);
initStartPositionsRotation() {
const rect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2;
this.centerY = + rect.height / 2;
else if (this.drag === 'y-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, true, false);
initStartPositionsResize() {
const theta = (Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const css = window.getComputedStyle(this.el);
const l = parseFloat(css.left);
const t = parseFloat(;
const w = parseFloat(css.width);
const h = parseFloat(css.height);
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const c0_x = l + w / 2.0;
const c0_y = t + h / 2.0;
const q0_x = l + matrix.a * w;
const q0_y = t + matrix.b * h;
const p0_x = l + matrix.c * w;
const p0_y = t + matrix.d * h;
this.qp0_x = q0_x * cos_t - q0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.qp0_y = q0_x * sin_t + q0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
this.pp_x = p0_x * cos_t - p0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.pp_y = p0_x * sin_t + p0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
else {
this.deltaMove($event, true, true);
async initParentSize() {
// The deckgo-slide-aspect-ratio template exposes a getContainer function which return a reference to the effective container.
if (this.el.parentElement && typeof this.el.parentElement.getContainer === 'function') {
const parent = await this.el.parentElement.getContainer();
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetHeight, 'height');
else {
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight, 'height');
return true;
size($event) {
if (!this.resize) {
return false;
move($event) {
if (!this.moving || this.drag === 'none') {
return false;
if (this.drag === 'x-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, false, true);
else if (this.drag === 'y-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, true, false);
else {
this.deltaMove($event, true, true);
return true;
if (!this.selected || !this.startX || !this.startY) {
return false;
size($event) {
if (!this.resize) {
return false;
if (!this.selected || !this.startX || !this.startY) {
return false;
if (!this.dragBottomEnd &&
!this.dragTopEnd &&
!this.dragBottomStart &&
!this.dragTopStart &&
!this.dragTop &&
!this.dragEnd &&
!this.dragBottom &&
!this.dragStart) {
return false;
return true;
if (!this.dragBottomEnd &&
!this.dragTopEnd &&
!this.dragBottomStart &&
!this.dragTopStart &&
!this.dragTop &&
!this.dragEnd &&
!this.dragBottom &&
!this.dragStart) {
return false;
deltaMove($event, top, left) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const deltaX = this.convertToUnit(delta.x, 'width');
const deltaY = this.convertToUnit(delta.y, 'height');
if (top) {
const maxTop = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentHeight) - this.startHeight; = this.startTop + deltaY > 0 ? (this.startTop + deltaY < maxTop ? this.startTop + deltaY : maxTop) : 0;
if (left) {
const maxLeft = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentWidth) - this.startWidth;
this.left = this.startLeft + deltaX > 0 ? (this.startLeft + deltaX < maxLeft ? this.startLeft + deltaX : maxLeft) : 0;
return true;
deltaMove($event, top, left) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const deltaX = this.convertToUnit(delta.x, 'width');
const deltaY = this.convertToUnit(delta.y, 'height');
if (top) {
const maxTop = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentHeight) - this.startHeight; = this.startTop + deltaY > 0 ? (this.startTop + deltaY < maxTop ? this.startTop + deltaY : maxTop) : 0;
deltaResize($event) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const qp_x = this.qp0_x + delta.x;
const qp_y = this.qp0_y + delta.y;
const cp_x = (qp_x + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y = (qp_y + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
const mtheta = (-1 * Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_mt = Math.cos(mtheta);
const sin_mt = Math.sin(mtheta);
let q_x = qp_x * cos_mt - qp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let q_y = qp_x * sin_mt + qp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
let p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const wtmp = matrix.a * (q_x - p_x) + matrix.c * (p_x - q_x);
const htmp = matrix.b * (q_y - p_y) + matrix.d * (p_y - q_y);
let w;
let h;
if (wtmp < this.minWidth || htmp < this.minHeight) {
w = Math.max(this.minWidth, wtmp);
h = Math.max(this.minHeight, htmp);
const theta = -1 * mtheta;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const dh_x = -sin_t * h;
const dh_y = cos_t * h;
const dw_x = cos_t * w;
const dw_y = sin_t * w;
const qp_x_min = this.pp_x + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_x + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_x;
const qp_y_min = this.pp_y + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_y + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_y;
const cp_x_min = (qp_x_min + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y_min = (qp_y_min + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
q_x = qp_x_min * cos_mt - qp_y_min * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
q_y = qp_x_min * sin_mt + qp_y_min * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
else {
w = wtmp;
h = htmp;
const l = matrix.c * q_x + matrix.a * p_x;
const t = matrix.d * q_y + matrix.b * p_y;
this.left = this.convertToUnit(l, 'width');
this.width = this.convertToUnit(w, 'width'); = this.convertToUnit(t, 'height');
this.height = this.convertToUnit(h, 'height');
if (left) {
const maxLeft = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentWidth) - this.startWidth;
this.left = this.startLeft + deltaX > 0 ? (this.startLeft + deltaX < maxLeft ? this.startLeft + deltaX : maxLeft) : 0;
rotateShape($event) {
if (!this.rotating) {
return false;
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
this.rotate = Math.atan2(currentX - this.centerX, currentY - this.centerY) * (180 / Math.PI) * -1 + 180;
return true;
deltaResize($event) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const qp_x = this.qp0_x + delta.x;
const qp_y = this.qp0_y + delta.y;
const cp_x = (qp_x + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y = (qp_y + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
const mtheta = (-1 * Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_mt = Math.cos(mtheta);
const sin_mt = Math.sin(mtheta);
let q_x = qp_x * cos_mt - qp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let q_y = qp_x * sin_mt + qp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
let p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const wtmp = matrix.a * (q_x - p_x) + matrix.c * (p_x - q_x);
const htmp = matrix.b * (q_y - p_y) + matrix.d * (p_y - q_y);
let w;
let h;
if (wtmp < this.minWidth || htmp < this.minHeight) {
w = Math.max(this.minWidth, wtmp);
h = Math.max(this.minHeight, htmp);
const theta = -1 * mtheta;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const dh_x = -sin_t * h;
const dh_y = cos_t * h;
const dw_x = cos_t * w;
const dw_y = sin_t * w;
const qp_x_min = this.pp_x + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_x + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_x;
const qp_y_min = this.pp_y + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_y + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_y;
const cp_x_min = (qp_x_min + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y_min = (qp_y_min + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
q_x = qp_x_min * cos_mt - qp_y_min * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
q_y = qp_x_min * sin_mt + qp_y_min * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
getDelta($event) {
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
return {
x: this.dragBottom || this.dragTop ? 0 : currentX - this.startX,
y: this.dragStart || this.dragEnd ? 0 : currentY - this.startY,
else {
w = wtmp;
h = htmp;
convertToUnit(value, ratio) {
if (this.unit === 'px') {
return value;
if (this.unit === 'viewport') {
const windowSize = ratio === 'width' ? window.innerWidth || screen.width : window.innerHeight || screen.height;
return (value * 100) / windowSize;
const parentSize = ratio === 'width' ? this.parentWidth : this.parentHeight;
return (value * 100) / parentSize;
const l = matrix.c * q_x + matrix.a * p_x;
const t = matrix.d * q_y + matrix.b * p_y;
this.left = this.convertToUnit(l, 'width');
this.width = this.convertToUnit(w, 'width'); = this.convertToUnit(t, 'height');
this.height = this.convertToUnit(h, 'height');
rotateShape($event) {
if (!this.rotating) {
return false;
convertParentUnit(value) {
return this.unit === 'percentage' ? 100 : value;
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
this.rotate = Math.atan2(currentX - this.centerX, currentY - this.centerY) * (180 / Math.PI) * -1 + 180;
return true;
getDelta($event) {
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
return {
x: this.dragBottom || this.dragTop ? 0 : currentX - this.startX,
y: this.dragStart || this.dragEnd ? 0 : currentY - this.startY,
convertToUnit(value, ratio) {
if (this.unit === 'px') {
return value;
startMove() {
if (this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragTopStart) {
if (this.dragTop || this.dragEnd || this.dragBottom || this.dragStart) {
if (this.rotating) {
this.moving = true;
if (this.unit === 'viewport') {
const windowSize = ratio === 'width' ? window.innerWidth || screen.width : window.innerHeight || screen.height;
return (value * 100) / windowSize;
stopAndReset(emitUpdate) {
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
if (emitUpdate && this.updated) {
this.updated = false;
const parentSize = ratio === 'width' ? this.parentWidth : this.parentHeight;
return (value * 100) / parentSize;
convertParentUnit(value) {
return this.unit === 'percentage' ? 100 : value;
startMove() {
if (this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragTopStart) {
stopMove() {
this.moving = false;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
if (this.dragTop || this.dragEnd || this.dragBottom || this.dragStart) {
stopRotate() {
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
if (this.rotating) {
stopResize() {
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.moving = true;
stopAndReset(emitUpdate) {
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
if (emitUpdate && this.updated) {
resizeMatrix() {
const a = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragEnd ? 1 : 0;
const b = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragStart || this.dragBottom ? 1 : 0;
const c = a === 1 ? 0 : 1;
const d = b === 1 ? 0 : 1;
return {
this.updated = false;
stopMove() {
this.moving = false;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
stopRotate() {
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
stopResize() {
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
resizeMatrix() {
const a = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragEnd ? 1 : 0;
const b = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragStart || this.dragBottom ? 1 : 0;
const c = a === 1 ? 0 : 1;
const d = b === 1 ? 0 : 1;
return {
async moveCursorToEnd(contentEditableElement) {
if (window && document && document.createRange && contentEditableElement) {
const range = document.createRange();
const selection = window.getSelection();
async moveCursorToEnd(contentEditableElement) {
if (window && document && document.createRange && contentEditableElement) {
const range = document.createRange();
const selection = window.getSelection();
render() {
const widthUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vw' : this.unit;
const heightUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vh' : this.unit;
return (index.h(index.Host, { style: {
'--width': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.width}${widthUnit}`,
'--height': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.height}${heightUnit}`,
'--top': `${}${heightUnit}`,
'--left': `${this.left}${widthUnit}`,
'--rotate': this.rotate ? `${this.rotate}deg` : `0deg`,
'--pointer-events': `${this.editing ? 'all' : 'none'}`,
'--user-select': `${this.text ? 'text' : 'none'}`,
}, class: `${this.selected ? 'selected' : ''} ${this.text ? 'text' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' ? 'draggable' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' && this.moving ? 'drag' : ''}` }, this.renderEdgesAnchors(), this.renderBorderAnchors(), this.renderRotateAnchor(), index.h("slot", null)));
renderEdgesAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
render() {
const widthUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vw' : this.unit;
const heightUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vh' : this.unit;
return (index.h(index.Host, { style: {
'--width': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.width}${widthUnit}`,
'--height': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.height}${heightUnit}`,
'--top': `${}${heightUnit}`,
'--left': `${this.left}${widthUnit}`,
'--rotate': this.rotate ? `${this.rotate}deg` : `0deg`,
'--pointer-events': `${this.editing ? 'all' : 'none'}`,
'--user-select': `${this.text ? 'text' : 'none'}`,
}, class: `${this.selected ? 'selected' : ''} ${this.text ? 'text' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' ? 'draggable' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' && this.moving ? 'drag' : ''}` }, this.renderEdgesAnchors(), this.renderBorderAnchors(), this.renderRotateAnchor(), index.h("slot", null)));
return [
index.h("div", { class: "anchor top end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
index.h("div", { class: "anchor bottom end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
index.h("div", { class: "anchor bottom start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
index.h("div", { class: "anchor top start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopStart = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
renderBorderAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
renderEdgesAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
return [
index.h("div", { class: "anchor top end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
index.h("div", { class: "anchor bottom end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
index.h("div", { class: "anchor bottom start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
index.h("div", { class: "anchor top start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopStart = true) }, index.h("div", null)),
return [
index.h("div", { class: "border top", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTop = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTop = true) }),
index.h("div", { class: "border end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragEnd = true) }),
index.h("div", { class: "border bottom", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottom = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottom = true) }),
index.h("div", { class: "border start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragStart = true) }),
renderRotateAnchor() {
if (!this.selected || !this.rotation) {
return undefined;
renderBorderAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
return [
index.h("div", { class: "border top", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTop = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTop = true) }),
index.h("div", { class: "border end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragEnd = true) }),
index.h("div", { class: "border bottom", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottom = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottom = true) }),
index.h("div", { class: "border start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragStart = true) }),
renderRotateAnchor() {
if (!this.selected || !this.rotation) {
return undefined;
return (index.h("div", { class: "rotate" }, index.h("div", { class: "action", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.rotating = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.rotating = true) }, index.h("div", null)), index.h("div", { class: "presentation" })));
get el() { return index.getElement(this); }
return (index.h("div", { class: "rotate" }, index.h("div", { class: "action", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.rotating = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.rotating = true) }, index.h("div", null)), index.h("div", { class: "presentation" })));
get el() { return index.getElement(this); }

@@ -461,0 +461,0 @@ = deckdeckgoDrrCss;

@@ -5,8 +5,14 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-033a337e.js');
const patch = require('./patch-49391e40.js');
const index = require('./index-41eedf68.js');
Stencil Client Patch Esm v2.0.2 | MIT Licensed |
const patchEsm = () => {
return index.promiseResolve();
const defineCustomElements = (win, options) => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return Promise.resolve();
return patch.patchEsm().then(() => {
return patchEsm().then(() => {
return index.bootstrapLazy([["deckgo-drr.cjs",[[1,"deckgo-drr",{"unit":[1],"resize":[1028],"drag":[1],"rotation":[4],"text":[516],"width":[32],"height":[32],"minWidth":[32],"minHeight":[32],"top":[32],"left":[32],"rotate":[32],"selected":[32],"moving":[32],"editing":[32]}]]]], options);

@@ -13,0 +19,0 @@ });

@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ {

"name": "@stencil/core",
"version": "1.16.4",
"typescriptVersion": "3.9.7"
"version": "2.0.2",
"typescriptVersion": "4.0.2"

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ "collections": [],

import { Component, h, Host, Prop, State, Element, Event, Build } from '@stencil/core';
import { unifyEvent } from '@deckdeckgo/utils';
export class DeckdeckgoDragResizeRotate {
constructor() {
this.unit = 'percentage';
// Size
this.resize = true;
// Position
this.drag = 'all';
// Rotate
this.rotation = true;
// Text content editable
this.text = false;
this.minWidth = 10;
this.minHeight = 10;
constructor() {
this.unit = 'percentage';
// Size
this.resize = true;
// Position
this.drag = 'all';
// Rotate
this.rotation = true;
// Text content editable
this.text = false;
this.minWidth = 10;
this.minHeight = 10;
this.selected = false;
this.updated = false;
this.moving = false;
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.parentWidth = null;
this.parentHeight = null;
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
this.editing = false;
this.start = async ($event) => {
if (!$event || !$ {
// If we click elsewhere or select another component, then this component should loose focus and values need to be reset for next usage
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
if (this.selected) {
this.selected = false;
this.updated = false;
this.moving = false;
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.parentWidth = null;
this.parentHeight = null;
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
this.editing = false;
this.start = async ($event) => {
if (!$event || !$ {
// If we click elsewhere or select another component, then this component should loose focus and values need to be reset for next usage
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
if (this.selected) {
this.selected = false;
if (!this.editing) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
this.selected = true;
await this.initStartPositions($event);
this.transform = ($event) => {
const moved = this.move($event);
const resized = this.size($event);
const rotated = this.rotateShape($event);
this.updated = moved || resized || rotated;
this.stop = () => {
this.dbclick = async ($event) => {
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
this.editing = true;
const element = this.el.querySelector(Build.isBrowser ? `:scope > *` : '> *');
if (element) {
await this.moveCursorToEnd(element);
if (!this.editing) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
this.selected = true;
await this.initStartPositions($event);
this.transform = ($event) => {
const moved = this.move($event);
const resized = this.size($event);
const rotated = this.rotateShape($event);
this.updated = moved || resized || rotated;
this.stop = () => {
this.dbclick = async ($event) => {
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
this.editing = true;
const element = this.el.querySelector(Build.isBrowser ? `:scope > *` : '> *');
if (element) {
await this.moveCursorToEnd(element);
async componentWillLoad() {
await this.init();
await this.attachEventListeners();
async componentDidLoad() {
await this.displaySlot();
async componentWillUnload() {
if (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize) {
await this.detachEventListeners();
async componentWillLoad() {
await this.init();
await this.attachEventListeners();
async attachEventListeners() {
const editable = this.el && this.el.parentElement && !this.el.parentElement.classList.contains('deckgo-read-only');
if (editable && document && (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize)) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
async componentDidLoad() {
await this.displaySlot();
async detachEventListeners() {
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
async componentWillUnload() {
if (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize) {
await this.detachEventListeners();
async init() {
this.width ='--width') ? parseFloat('--width')) : 0;
this.height ='--height') ? parseFloat('--height')) : 0; ='--top') ? parseFloat('--top')) : 0;
this.left ='--left') ? parseFloat('--left')) : 0;
this.rotate ='--rotate') ? parseFloat('--rotate')) : 0;
if (this.text) {
this.resize = false;
async attachEventListeners() {
const editable = this.el && this.el.parentElement && !this.el.parentElement.classList.contains('deckgo-read-only');
if (editable && document && (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize)) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
async displaySlot() {
const element = this.el.querySelector(Build.isBrowser ? `:scope > *` : '> *');
if (element && === 'none') { = '';
async detachEventListeners() {
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
isTargetEvent($event) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
return selected && selected.isEqualNode(this.el);
initTextEditable() {
if (!this.text || !this.el) {
async init() {
this.width ='--width') ? parseFloat('--width')) : 0;
this.height ='--height') ? parseFloat('--height')) : 0; ='--top') ? parseFloat('--top')) : 0;
this.left ='--left') ? parseFloat('--left')) : 0;
this.rotate ='--rotate') ? parseFloat('--rotate')) : 0;
if (this.text) {
this.resize = false;
document.addEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick.bind(this), { once: true });
const element = this.el.querySelector(Build.isBrowser ? `:scope > *` : '> *');
if (element) {
element.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true');
async displaySlot() {
const element = this.el.querySelector(Build.isBrowser ? `:scope > *` : '> *');
if (element && === 'none') { = '';
resetTextEditable() {
if (!this.text) {
isTargetEvent($event) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
return selected && selected.isEqualNode(this.el);
this.editing = false;
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
initTextEditable() {
if (!this.text || !this.el) {
document.addEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick.bind(this), { once: true });
const element = this.el.querySelector(Build.isBrowser ? `:scope > *` : '> *');
if (element) {
element.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true');
async initStartPositions($event) {
this.startX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
this.startY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
await this.initParentSize();
initStartPositionsMove() {
this.startWidth = isNaN(this.width) ? 0 : this.width;
this.startHeight = isNaN(this.height) ? 0 : this.height;
this.startTop =;
this.startLeft = this.left;
initStartPositionsRotation() {
const rect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2;
this.centerY = + rect.height / 2;
initStartPositionsResize() {
const theta = (Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const css = window.getComputedStyle(this.el);
const l = parseFloat(css.left);
const t = parseFloat(;
const w = parseFloat(css.width);
const h = parseFloat(css.height);
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const c0_x = l + w / 2.0;
const c0_y = t + h / 2.0;
const q0_x = l + matrix.a * w;
const q0_y = t + matrix.b * h;
const p0_x = l + matrix.c * w;
const p0_y = t + matrix.d * h;
this.qp0_x = q0_x * cos_t - q0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.qp0_y = q0_x * sin_t + q0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
this.pp_x = p0_x * cos_t - p0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.pp_y = p0_x * sin_t + p0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
async initParentSize() {
// The deckgo-slide-aspect-ratio template exposes a getContainer function which return a reference to the effective container.
if (this.el.parentElement && typeof this.el.parentElement.getContainer === 'function') {
const parent = await this.el.parentElement.getContainer();
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetHeight, 'height');
resetTextEditable() {
if (!this.text) {
this.editing = false;
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
else {
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight, 'height');
async initStartPositions($event) {
this.startX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
this.startY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
await this.initParentSize();
move($event) {
if (!this.moving || this.drag === 'none') {
return false;
initStartPositionsMove() {
this.startWidth = isNaN(this.width) ? 0 : this.width;
this.startHeight = isNaN(this.height) ? 0 : this.height;
this.startTop =;
this.startLeft = this.left;
if (this.drag === 'x-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, false, true);
initStartPositionsRotation() {
const rect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2;
this.centerY = + rect.height / 2;
else if (this.drag === 'y-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, true, false);
initStartPositionsResize() {
const theta = (Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const css = window.getComputedStyle(this.el);
const l = parseFloat(css.left);
const t = parseFloat(;
const w = parseFloat(css.width);
const h = parseFloat(css.height);
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const c0_x = l + w / 2.0;
const c0_y = t + h / 2.0;
const q0_x = l + matrix.a * w;
const q0_y = t + matrix.b * h;
const p0_x = l + matrix.c * w;
const p0_y = t + matrix.d * h;
this.qp0_x = q0_x * cos_t - q0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.qp0_y = q0_x * sin_t + q0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
this.pp_x = p0_x * cos_t - p0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.pp_y = p0_x * sin_t + p0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
else {
this.deltaMove($event, true, true);
async initParentSize() {
// The deckgo-slide-aspect-ratio template exposes a getContainer function which return a reference to the effective container.
if (this.el.parentElement && typeof this.el.parentElement.getContainer === 'function') {
const parent = await this.el.parentElement.getContainer();
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetHeight, 'height');
else {
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight, 'height');
return true;
size($event) {
if (!this.resize) {
return false;
move($event) {
if (!this.moving || this.drag === 'none') {
return false;
if (this.drag === 'x-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, false, true);
else if (this.drag === 'y-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, true, false);
else {
this.deltaMove($event, true, true);
return true;
if (!this.selected || !this.startX || !this.startY) {
return false;
size($event) {
if (!this.resize) {
return false;
if (!this.selected || !this.startX || !this.startY) {
return false;
if (!this.dragBottomEnd &&
!this.dragTopEnd &&
!this.dragBottomStart &&
!this.dragTopStart &&
!this.dragTop &&
!this.dragEnd &&
!this.dragBottom &&
!this.dragStart) {
return false;
return true;
if (!this.dragBottomEnd &&
!this.dragTopEnd &&
!this.dragBottomStart &&
!this.dragTopStart &&
!this.dragTop &&
!this.dragEnd &&
!this.dragBottom &&
!this.dragStart) {
return false;
deltaMove($event, top, left) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const deltaX = this.convertToUnit(delta.x, 'width');
const deltaY = this.convertToUnit(delta.y, 'height');
if (top) {
const maxTop = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentHeight) - this.startHeight; = this.startTop + deltaY > 0 ? (this.startTop + deltaY < maxTop ? this.startTop + deltaY : maxTop) : 0;
if (left) {
const maxLeft = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentWidth) - this.startWidth;
this.left = this.startLeft + deltaX > 0 ? (this.startLeft + deltaX < maxLeft ? this.startLeft + deltaX : maxLeft) : 0;
return true;
deltaMove($event, top, left) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const deltaX = this.convertToUnit(delta.x, 'width');
const deltaY = this.convertToUnit(delta.y, 'height');
if (top) {
const maxTop = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentHeight) - this.startHeight; = this.startTop + deltaY > 0 ? (this.startTop + deltaY < maxTop ? this.startTop + deltaY : maxTop) : 0;
deltaResize($event) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const qp_x = this.qp0_x + delta.x;
const qp_y = this.qp0_y + delta.y;
const cp_x = (qp_x + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y = (qp_y + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
const mtheta = (-1 * Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_mt = Math.cos(mtheta);
const sin_mt = Math.sin(mtheta);
let q_x = qp_x * cos_mt - qp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let q_y = qp_x * sin_mt + qp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
let p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const wtmp = matrix.a * (q_x - p_x) + matrix.c * (p_x - q_x);
const htmp = matrix.b * (q_y - p_y) + matrix.d * (p_y - q_y);
let w;
let h;
if (wtmp < this.minWidth || htmp < this.minHeight) {
w = Math.max(this.minWidth, wtmp);
h = Math.max(this.minHeight, htmp);
const theta = -1 * mtheta;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const dh_x = -sin_t * h;
const dh_y = cos_t * h;
const dw_x = cos_t * w;
const dw_y = sin_t * w;
const qp_x_min = this.pp_x + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_x + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_x;
const qp_y_min = this.pp_y + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_y + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_y;
const cp_x_min = (qp_x_min + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y_min = (qp_y_min + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
q_x = qp_x_min * cos_mt - qp_y_min * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
q_y = qp_x_min * sin_mt + qp_y_min * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
else {
w = wtmp;
h = htmp;
const l = matrix.c * q_x + matrix.a * p_x;
const t = matrix.d * q_y + matrix.b * p_y;
this.left = this.convertToUnit(l, 'width');
this.width = this.convertToUnit(w, 'width'); = this.convertToUnit(t, 'height');
this.height = this.convertToUnit(h, 'height');
if (left) {
const maxLeft = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentWidth) - this.startWidth;
this.left = this.startLeft + deltaX > 0 ? (this.startLeft + deltaX < maxLeft ? this.startLeft + deltaX : maxLeft) : 0;
rotateShape($event) {
if (!this.rotating) {
return false;
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
this.rotate = Math.atan2(currentX - this.centerX, currentY - this.centerY) * (180 / Math.PI) * -1 + 180;
return true;
deltaResize($event) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const qp_x = this.qp0_x + delta.x;
const qp_y = this.qp0_y + delta.y;
const cp_x = (qp_x + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y = (qp_y + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
const mtheta = (-1 * Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_mt = Math.cos(mtheta);
const sin_mt = Math.sin(mtheta);
let q_x = qp_x * cos_mt - qp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let q_y = qp_x * sin_mt + qp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
let p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const wtmp = matrix.a * (q_x - p_x) + matrix.c * (p_x - q_x);
const htmp = matrix.b * (q_y - p_y) + matrix.d * (p_y - q_y);
let w;
let h;
if (wtmp < this.minWidth || htmp < this.minHeight) {
w = Math.max(this.minWidth, wtmp);
h = Math.max(this.minHeight, htmp);
const theta = -1 * mtheta;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const dh_x = -sin_t * h;
const dh_y = cos_t * h;
const dw_x = cos_t * w;
const dw_y = sin_t * w;
const qp_x_min = this.pp_x + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_x + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_x;
const qp_y_min = this.pp_y + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_y + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_y;
const cp_x_min = (qp_x_min + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y_min = (qp_y_min + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
q_x = qp_x_min * cos_mt - qp_y_min * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
q_y = qp_x_min * sin_mt + qp_y_min * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
getDelta($event) {
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
return {
x: this.dragBottom || this.dragTop ? 0 : currentX - this.startX,
y: this.dragStart || this.dragEnd ? 0 : currentY - this.startY,
else {
w = wtmp;
h = htmp;
convertToUnit(value, ratio) {
if (this.unit === 'px') {
return value;
if (this.unit === 'viewport') {
const windowSize = ratio === 'width' ? window.innerWidth || screen.width : window.innerHeight || screen.height;
return (value * 100) / windowSize;
const parentSize = ratio === 'width' ? this.parentWidth : this.parentHeight;
return (value * 100) / parentSize;
const l = matrix.c * q_x + matrix.a * p_x;
const t = matrix.d * q_y + matrix.b * p_y;
this.left = this.convertToUnit(l, 'width');
this.width = this.convertToUnit(w, 'width'); = this.convertToUnit(t, 'height');
this.height = this.convertToUnit(h, 'height');
rotateShape($event) {
if (!this.rotating) {
return false;
convertParentUnit(value) {
return this.unit === 'percentage' ? 100 : value;
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
this.rotate = Math.atan2(currentX - this.centerX, currentY - this.centerY) * (180 / Math.PI) * -1 + 180;
return true;
getDelta($event) {
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
return {
x: this.dragBottom || this.dragTop ? 0 : currentX - this.startX,
y: this.dragStart || this.dragEnd ? 0 : currentY - this.startY,
convertToUnit(value, ratio) {
if (this.unit === 'px') {
return value;
startMove() {
if (this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragTopStart) {
if (this.dragTop || this.dragEnd || this.dragBottom || this.dragStart) {
if (this.rotating) {
this.moving = true;
if (this.unit === 'viewport') {
const windowSize = ratio === 'width' ? window.innerWidth || screen.width : window.innerHeight || screen.height;
return (value * 100) / windowSize;
stopAndReset(emitUpdate) {
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
if (emitUpdate && this.updated) {
this.updated = false;
const parentSize = ratio === 'width' ? this.parentWidth : this.parentHeight;
return (value * 100) / parentSize;
convertParentUnit(value) {
return this.unit === 'percentage' ? 100 : value;
startMove() {
if (this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragTopStart) {
stopMove() {
this.moving = false;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
if (this.dragTop || this.dragEnd || this.dragBottom || this.dragStart) {
stopRotate() {
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
if (this.rotating) {
stopResize() {
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.moving = true;
stopAndReset(emitUpdate) {
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
if (emitUpdate && this.updated) {
resizeMatrix() {
const a = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragEnd ? 1 : 0;
const b = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragStart || this.dragBottom ? 1 : 0;
const c = a === 1 ? 0 : 1;
const d = b === 1 ? 0 : 1;
return {
this.updated = false;
stopMove() {
this.moving = false;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
stopRotate() {
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
stopResize() {
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
resizeMatrix() {
const a = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragEnd ? 1 : 0;
const b = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragStart || this.dragBottom ? 1 : 0;
const c = a === 1 ? 0 : 1;
const d = b === 1 ? 0 : 1;
return {
async moveCursorToEnd(contentEditableElement) {
if (window && document && document.createRange && contentEditableElement) {
const range = document.createRange();
const selection = window.getSelection();
async moveCursorToEnd(contentEditableElement) {
if (window && document && document.createRange && contentEditableElement) {
const range = document.createRange();
const selection = window.getSelection();
render() {
const widthUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vw' : this.unit;
const heightUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vh' : this.unit;
return (h(Host, { style: {
'--width': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.width}${widthUnit}`,
'--height': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.height}${heightUnit}`,
'--top': `${}${heightUnit}`,
'--left': `${this.left}${widthUnit}`,
'--rotate': this.rotate ? `${this.rotate}deg` : `0deg`,
'--pointer-events': `${this.editing ? 'all' : 'none'}`,
'--user-select': `${this.text ? 'text' : 'none'}`,
}, class: `${this.selected ? 'selected' : ''} ${this.text ? 'text' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' ? 'draggable' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' && this.moving ? 'drag' : ''}` },
h("slot", null)));
renderEdgesAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
render() {
const widthUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vw' : this.unit;
const heightUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vh' : this.unit;
return (h(Host, { style: {
'--width': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.width}${widthUnit}`,
'--height': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.height}${heightUnit}`,
'--top': `${}${heightUnit}`,
'--left': `${this.left}${widthUnit}`,
'--rotate': this.rotate ? `${this.rotate}deg` : `0deg`,
'--pointer-events': `${this.editing ? 'all' : 'none'}`,
'--user-select': `${this.text ? 'text' : 'none'}`,
}, class: `${this.selected ? 'selected' : ''} ${this.text ? 'text' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' ? 'draggable' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' && this.moving ? 'drag' : ''}` },
h("slot", null)));
return [
h("div", { class: "anchor top end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor top start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopStart = true) },
h("div", null)),
renderBorderAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
renderEdgesAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
return [
h("div", { class: "anchor top end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor top start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopStart = true) },
h("div", null)),
return [
h("div", { class: "border top", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTop = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTop = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragEnd = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border bottom", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottom = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottom = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragStart = true) }),
renderRotateAnchor() {
if (!this.selected || !this.rotation) {
return undefined;
renderBorderAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
return [
h("div", { class: "border top", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTop = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTop = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragEnd = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border bottom", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottom = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottom = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragStart = true) }),
return (h("div", { class: "rotate" },
h("div", { class: "action", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.rotating = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.rotating = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "presentation" })));
static get is() { return "deckgo-drr"; }
static get encapsulation() { return "shadow"; }
static get originalStyleUrls() { return {
"$": ["deckdeckgo-drr.scss"]
}; }
static get styleUrls() { return {
"$": ["deckdeckgo-drr.css"]
}; }
static get properties() { return {
"unit": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "'percentage' | 'viewport' | 'px'",
"resolved": "\"percentage\" | \"px\" | \"viewport\"",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "unit",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "'percentage'"
"resize": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": true,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "resize",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "true"
"drag": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "'x-axis' | 'y-axis' | 'all' | 'none'",
"resolved": "\"all\" | \"none\" | \"x-axis\" | \"y-axis\"",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "drag",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "'all'"
"rotation": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "rotation",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "true"
"text": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "text",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "false"
renderRotateAnchor() {
if (!this.selected || !this.rotation) {
return undefined;
}; }
static get states() { return {
"width": {},
"height": {},
"minWidth": {},
"minHeight": {},
"top": {},
"left": {},
"rotate": {},
"selected": {},
"moving": {},
"editing": {}
}; }
static get events() { return [{
"method": "drrSelect",
"name": "drrSelect",
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"composed": true,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"complexType": {
"original": "HTMLElement | undefined",
"resolved": "HTMLElement",
"references": {
"HTMLElement": {
"location": "global"
return (h("div", { class: "rotate" },
h("div", { class: "action", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.rotating = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.rotating = true) },
h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "presentation" })));
static get is() { return "deckgo-drr"; }
static get encapsulation() { return "shadow"; }
static get originalStyleUrls() { return {
"$": ["deckdeckgo-drr.scss"]
}; }
static get styleUrls() { return {
"$": ["deckdeckgo-drr.css"]
}; }
static get properties() { return {
"unit": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "'percentage' | 'viewport' | 'px'",
"resolved": "\"percentage\" | \"px\" | \"viewport\"",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "unit",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "'percentage'"
"resize": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": true,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "resize",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "true"
"drag": {
"type": "string",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "'x-axis' | 'y-axis' | 'all' | 'none'",
"resolved": "\"all\" | \"none\" | \"x-axis\" | \"y-axis\"",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "drag",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "'all'"
"rotation": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "rotation",
"reflect": false,
"defaultValue": "true"
"text": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "text",
"reflect": true,
"defaultValue": "false"
}, {
"method": "drrDidChange",
"name": "drrDidChange",
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"composed": true,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"complexType": {
"original": "HTMLElement | undefined",
"resolved": "HTMLElement",
"references": {
"HTMLElement": {
"location": "global"
}; }
static get states() { return {
"width": {},
"height": {},
"minWidth": {},
"minHeight": {},
"top": {},
"left": {},
"rotate": {},
"selected": {},
"moving": {},
"editing": {}
}; }
static get events() { return [{
"method": "drrSelect",
"name": "drrSelect",
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"composed": true,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"complexType": {
"original": "HTMLElement | undefined",
"resolved": "HTMLElement",
"references": {
"HTMLElement": {
"location": "global"
}, {
"method": "drrDidChange",
"name": "drrDidChange",
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"composed": true,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"complexType": {
"original": "HTMLElement | undefined",
"resolved": "HTMLElement",
"references": {
"HTMLElement": {
"location": "global"
}]; }
static get elementRef() { return "el"; }
}]; }
static get elementRef() { return "el"; }

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

import{b as t}from"./p-d1bc1279.js";import{p as i}from"./p-666007b3.js";i().then(i=>t([["p-69b93902",[[1,"deckgo-drr",{unit:[1],resize:[1028],drag:[1],rotation:[4],text:[516],width:[32],height:[32],minWidth:[32],minHeight:[32],top:[32],left:[32],rotate:[32],selected:[32],moving:[32],editing:[32]}]]]],i));
import{p as t,b as e}from"./p-cfd6891c.js";(()=>{const e=import.meta.url,i={};return""!==e&&(i.resourcesUrl=new URL(".",e).href),t(i)})().then(t=>e([["p-46224d10",[[1,"deckgo-drr",{unit:[1],resize:[1028],drag:[1],rotation:[4],text:[516],width:[32],height:[32],minWidth:[32],minHeight:[32],top:[32],left:[32],rotate:[32],selected:[32],moving:[32],editing:[32]}]]]],t));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, h, H as Host, g as getElement } from './index-a4a96ce2.js';
import { r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, h, H as Host, g as getElement } from './index-decc3be6.js';

@@ -7,449 +7,449 @@ function unifyEvent(e) {

const deckdeckgoDrrCss = ":host{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;contain:size;width:var(--width);height:var(--height);-webkit-transform:rotate(var(--rotate, 0deg));transform:rotate(var(--rotate, 0deg));position:absolute;top:var(--top);left:var(--left);-webkit-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none)}:host(.text){contain:layout}:host(.selected.draggable:not(.drag)){cursor:move}:host(.selected){outline:var(--deckgo-drr-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}::slotted(*){width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--user-select, none);user-select:var(--user-select, none);-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;pointer-events:var(--pointer-events, none)}div.anchor{position:absolute;width:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px);padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-desktop, 16px)}div.anchor>div{width:100%;height:100%;border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-background, #3880ff);border:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border)}{top:0}{cursor:ne-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%);transform:translate(50%, -50%)}{cursor:nw-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);transform:translate(-50%, -50%)}div.anchor.end{right:0}div.anchor.bottom{bottom:0}div.anchor.bottom.end{cursor:se-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(50%, 50%);transform:translate(50%, 50%)}div.anchor.bottom.start{cursor:sw-resize;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 50%);transform:translate(-50%, 50%)}div.anchor.start{left:0}div.border{position:absolute},div.border.bottom{width:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px));height:16px}div.border.end,div.border.start{top:50%;height:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px));width:16px}{top:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:n-resize}div.border.end{right:0;-webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%);transform:translate(50%, -50%);cursor:e-resize}div.border.bottom{bottom:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 50%);transform:translate(-50%, 50%);cursor:s-resize}div.border.start{left:0;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:w-resize}div.rotate{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -100%);transform:translate(-50%, -100%);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-width, 24px);width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-height, 32px)}div.rotate div.action{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 0);transform:translate(-50%, 0);cursor:crosshair;width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-height, 16px);border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-background);border:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}div.rotate div.presentation{position:absolute;bottom:0;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, 0);transform:translate(-50%, 0);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-height, calc(100% - 16px - 1px));border-right:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-border-right, 1px solid #3880ff)}@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse){div.anchor{padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-mobile)},div.border.bottom{height:4px}div.border.end,div.border.start{width:4px}}";
const deckdeckgoDrrCss = ":host{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;contain:size;width:var(--width);height:var(--height);transform:rotate(var(--rotate, 0deg));position:absolute;top:var(--top);left:var(--left);-webkit-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none);user-select:var(--deckgo-drr-user-select, none)}:host(.text){contain:layout}:host(.selected.draggable:not(.drag)){cursor:move}:host(.selected){outline:var(--deckgo-drr-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}::slotted(*){width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-moz-user-select:var(--user-select, none);-ms-user-select:var(--user-select, none);user-select:var(--user-select, none);touch-action:none;pointer-events:var(--pointer-events, none)}div.anchor{position:absolute;width:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px);padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-desktop, 16px)}div.anchor>div{width:100%;height:100%;border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-background, #3880ff);border:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-border)}{top:0}{cursor:ne-resize;transform:translate(50%, -50%)}{cursor:nw-resize;transform:translate(-50%, -50%)}div.anchor.end{right:0}div.anchor.bottom{bottom:0}div.anchor.bottom.end{cursor:se-resize;transform:translate(50%, 50%)}div.anchor.bottom.start{cursor:sw-resize;transform:translate(-50%, 50%)}div.anchor.start{left:0}div.border{position:absolute},div.border.bottom{width:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-width, 16px));height:16px}div.border.end,div.border.start{top:50%;height:calc(100% - var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-height, 16px));width:16px}{top:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:n-resize}div.border.end{right:0;transform:translate(50%, -50%);cursor:e-resize}div.border.bottom{bottom:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, 50%);cursor:s-resize}div.border.start{left:0;transform:translate(-50%, -50%);cursor:w-resize}div.rotate{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, -100%);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-width, 24px);width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-height, 32px)}div.rotate div.action{position:absolute;top:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, 0);cursor:crosshair;width:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-width, 16px);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-height, 16px);border-radius:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border-radius, 50%);background:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-background);border:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-action-border, 1px solid #3880ff)}div.rotate div.presentation{position:absolute;bottom:0;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%, 0);height:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-height, calc(100% - 16px - 1px));border-right:var(--deckgo-drr-rotate-anchor-presentation-border-right, 1px solid #3880ff)}@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse){div.anchor{padding:var(--deckgo-drr-anchor-padding-mobile)},div.border.bottom{height:4px}div.border.end,div.border.start{width:4px}}";
const DeckdeckgoDragResizeRotate = class {
constructor(hostRef) {
registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.drrSelect = createEvent(this, "drrSelect", 7);
this.drrDidChange = createEvent(this, "drrDidChange", 7);
this.unit = 'percentage';
// Size
this.resize = true;
// Position
this.drag = 'all';
// Rotate
this.rotation = true;
// Text content editable
this.text = false;
this.minWidth = 10;
this.minHeight = 10;
constructor(hostRef) {
registerInstance(this, hostRef);
this.drrSelect = createEvent(this, "drrSelect", 7);
this.drrDidChange = createEvent(this, "drrDidChange", 7);
this.unit = 'percentage';
// Size
this.resize = true;
// Position
this.drag = 'all';
// Rotate
this.rotation = true;
// Text content editable
this.text = false;
this.minWidth = 10;
this.minHeight = 10;
this.selected = false;
this.updated = false;
this.moving = false;
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.parentWidth = null;
this.parentHeight = null;
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
this.editing = false;
this.start = async ($event) => {
if (!$event || !$ {
// If we click elsewhere or select another component, then this component should loose focus and values need to be reset for next usage
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
if (this.selected) {
this.selected = false;
this.updated = false;
this.moving = false;
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.parentWidth = null;
this.parentHeight = null;
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
this.editing = false;
this.start = async ($event) => {
if (!$event || !$ {
// If we click elsewhere or select another component, then this component should loose focus and values need to be reset for next usage
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
if (this.selected) {
this.selected = false;
if (!this.editing) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
this.selected = true;
await this.initStartPositions($event);
this.transform = ($event) => {
const moved = this.move($event);
const resized = this.size($event);
const rotated = this.rotateShape($event);
this.updated = moved || resized || rotated;
this.stop = () => {
this.dbclick = async ($event) => {
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
this.editing = true;
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
await this.moveCursorToEnd(element);
if (!this.editing) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
this.selected = true;
await this.initStartPositions($event);
this.transform = ($event) => {
const moved = this.move($event);
const resized = this.size($event);
const rotated = this.rotateShape($event);
this.updated = moved || resized || rotated;
this.stop = () => {
this.dbclick = async ($event) => {
if (!this.isTargetEvent($event)) {
this.editing = true;
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
await this.moveCursorToEnd(element);
async componentWillLoad() {
await this.init();
await this.attachEventListeners();
async componentDidLoad() {
await this.displaySlot();
async componentWillUnload() {
if (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize) {
await this.detachEventListeners();
async componentWillLoad() {
await this.init();
await this.attachEventListeners();
async attachEventListeners() {
const editable = this.el && this.el.parentElement && !this.el.parentElement.classList.contains('deckgo-read-only');
if (editable && document && (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize)) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
async componentDidLoad() {
await this.displaySlot();
async detachEventListeners() {
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
async componentWillUnload() {
if (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize) {
await this.detachEventListeners();
async init() {
this.width ='--width') ? parseFloat('--width')) : 0;
this.height ='--height') ? parseFloat('--height')) : 0; ='--top') ? parseFloat('--top')) : 0;
this.left ='--left') ? parseFloat('--left')) : 0;
this.rotate ='--rotate') ? parseFloat('--rotate')) : 0;
if (this.text) {
this.resize = false;
async attachEventListeners() {
const editable = this.el && this.el.parentElement && !this.el.parentElement.classList.contains('deckgo-read-only');
if (editable && document && (this.drag !== 'none' || this.resize)) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchstart', this.start.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.transform.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.stop.bind(this), { passive: true });
async displaySlot() {
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element && === 'none') { = '';
async detachEventListeners() {
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.start, true);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.transform, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.stop, true);
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
isTargetEvent($event) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
return selected && selected.isEqualNode(this.el);
initTextEditable() {
if (!this.text || !this.el) {
async init() {
this.width ='--width') ? parseFloat('--width')) : 0;
this.height ='--height') ? parseFloat('--height')) : 0; ='--top') ? parseFloat('--top')) : 0;
this.left ='--left') ? parseFloat('--left')) : 0;
this.rotate ='--rotate') ? parseFloat('--rotate')) : 0;
if (this.text) {
this.resize = false;
document.addEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick.bind(this), { once: true });
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
element.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true');
async displaySlot() {
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element && === 'none') { = '';
resetTextEditable() {
if (!this.text) {
isTargetEvent($event) {
const selected = $'deckgo-drr');
return selected && selected.isEqualNode(this.el);
this.editing = false;
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
initTextEditable() {
if (!this.text || !this.el) {
document.addEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick.bind(this), { once: true });
const element = this.el.querySelector( `:scope > *` );
if (element) {
element.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true');
async initStartPositions($event) {
this.startX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
this.startY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
await this.initParentSize();
initStartPositionsMove() {
this.startWidth = isNaN(this.width) ? 0 : this.width;
this.startHeight = isNaN(this.height) ? 0 : this.height;
this.startTop =;
this.startLeft = this.left;
initStartPositionsRotation() {
const rect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2;
this.centerY = + rect.height / 2;
initStartPositionsResize() {
const theta = (Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const css = window.getComputedStyle(this.el);
const l = parseFloat(css.left);
const t = parseFloat(;
const w = parseFloat(css.width);
const h = parseFloat(css.height);
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const c0_x = l + w / 2.0;
const c0_y = t + h / 2.0;
const q0_x = l + matrix.a * w;
const q0_y = t + matrix.b * h;
const p0_x = l + matrix.c * w;
const p0_y = t + matrix.d * h;
this.qp0_x = q0_x * cos_t - q0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.qp0_y = q0_x * sin_t + q0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
this.pp_x = p0_x * cos_t - p0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.pp_y = p0_x * sin_t + p0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
async initParentSize() {
// The deckgo-slide-aspect-ratio template exposes a getContainer function which return a reference to the effective container.
if (this.el.parentElement && typeof this.el.parentElement.getContainer === 'function') {
const parent = await this.el.parentElement.getContainer();
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetHeight, 'height');
resetTextEditable() {
if (!this.text) {
this.editing = false;
if (document) {
document.removeEventListener('dblclick', this.dbclick, true);
else {
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight, 'height');
async initStartPositions($event) {
this.startX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
this.startY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
await this.initParentSize();
move($event) {
if (!this.moving || this.drag === 'none') {
return false;
initStartPositionsMove() {
this.startWidth = isNaN(this.width) ? 0 : this.width;
this.startHeight = isNaN(this.height) ? 0 : this.height;
this.startTop =;
this.startLeft = this.left;
if (this.drag === 'x-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, false, true);
initStartPositionsRotation() {
const rect = this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.centerX = rect.left + rect.width / 2;
this.centerY = + rect.height / 2;
else if (this.drag === 'y-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, true, false);
initStartPositionsResize() {
const theta = (Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const css = window.getComputedStyle(this.el);
const l = parseFloat(css.left);
const t = parseFloat(;
const w = parseFloat(css.width);
const h = parseFloat(css.height);
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const c0_x = l + w / 2.0;
const c0_y = t + h / 2.0;
const q0_x = l + matrix.a * w;
const q0_y = t + matrix.b * h;
const p0_x = l + matrix.c * w;
const p0_y = t + matrix.d * h;
this.qp0_x = q0_x * cos_t - q0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.qp0_y = q0_x * sin_t + q0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
this.pp_x = p0_x * cos_t - p0_y * sin_t - c0_x * cos_t + c0_y * sin_t + c0_x;
this.pp_y = p0_x * sin_t + p0_y * cos_t - c0_x * sin_t - c0_y * cos_t + c0_y;
else {
this.deltaMove($event, true, true);
async initParentSize() {
// The deckgo-slide-aspect-ratio template exposes a getContainer function which return a reference to the effective container.
if (this.el.parentElement && typeof this.el.parentElement.getContainer === 'function') {
const parent = await this.el.parentElement.getContainer();
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? parent.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(parent.offsetHeight, 'height');
else {
this.parentWidth = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetWidth, 'width');
this.parentHeight = this.unit === 'percentage' ? this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight : this.convertToUnit(this.el.parentElement.offsetHeight, 'height');
return true;
size($event) {
if (!this.resize) {
return false;
move($event) {
if (!this.moving || this.drag === 'none') {
return false;
if (this.drag === 'x-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, false, true);
else if (this.drag === 'y-axis') {
this.deltaMove($event, true, false);
else {
this.deltaMove($event, true, true);
return true;
if (!this.selected || !this.startX || !this.startY) {
return false;
size($event) {
if (!this.resize) {
return false;
if (!this.selected || !this.startX || !this.startY) {
return false;
if (!this.dragBottomEnd &&
!this.dragTopEnd &&
!this.dragBottomStart &&
!this.dragTopStart &&
!this.dragTop &&
!this.dragEnd &&
!this.dragBottom &&
!this.dragStart) {
return false;
return true;
if (!this.dragBottomEnd &&
!this.dragTopEnd &&
!this.dragBottomStart &&
!this.dragTopStart &&
!this.dragTop &&
!this.dragEnd &&
!this.dragBottom &&
!this.dragStart) {
return false;
deltaMove($event, top, left) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const deltaX = this.convertToUnit(delta.x, 'width');
const deltaY = this.convertToUnit(delta.y, 'height');
if (top) {
const maxTop = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentHeight) - this.startHeight; = this.startTop + deltaY > 0 ? (this.startTop + deltaY < maxTop ? this.startTop + deltaY : maxTop) : 0;
if (left) {
const maxLeft = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentWidth) - this.startWidth;
this.left = this.startLeft + deltaX > 0 ? (this.startLeft + deltaX < maxLeft ? this.startLeft + deltaX : maxLeft) : 0;
return true;
deltaMove($event, top, left) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const deltaX = this.convertToUnit(delta.x, 'width');
const deltaY = this.convertToUnit(delta.y, 'height');
if (top) {
const maxTop = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentHeight) - this.startHeight; = this.startTop + deltaY > 0 ? (this.startTop + deltaY < maxTop ? this.startTop + deltaY : maxTop) : 0;
deltaResize($event) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const qp_x = this.qp0_x + delta.x;
const qp_y = this.qp0_y + delta.y;
const cp_x = (qp_x + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y = (qp_y + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
const mtheta = (-1 * Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_mt = Math.cos(mtheta);
const sin_mt = Math.sin(mtheta);
let q_x = qp_x * cos_mt - qp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let q_y = qp_x * sin_mt + qp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
let p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const wtmp = matrix.a * (q_x - p_x) + matrix.c * (p_x - q_x);
const htmp = matrix.b * (q_y - p_y) + matrix.d * (p_y - q_y);
let w;
let h;
if (wtmp < this.minWidth || htmp < this.minHeight) {
w = Math.max(this.minWidth, wtmp);
h = Math.max(this.minHeight, htmp);
const theta = -1 * mtheta;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const dh_x = -sin_t * h;
const dh_y = cos_t * h;
const dw_x = cos_t * w;
const dw_y = sin_t * w;
const qp_x_min = this.pp_x + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_x + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_x;
const qp_y_min = this.pp_y + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_y + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_y;
const cp_x_min = (qp_x_min + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y_min = (qp_y_min + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
q_x = qp_x_min * cos_mt - qp_y_min * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
q_y = qp_x_min * sin_mt + qp_y_min * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
else {
w = wtmp;
h = htmp;
const l = matrix.c * q_x + matrix.a * p_x;
const t = matrix.d * q_y + matrix.b * p_y;
this.left = this.convertToUnit(l, 'width');
this.width = this.convertToUnit(w, 'width'); = this.convertToUnit(t, 'height');
this.height = this.convertToUnit(h, 'height');
if (left) {
const maxLeft = this.convertParentUnit(this.parentWidth) - this.startWidth;
this.left = this.startLeft + deltaX > 0 ? (this.startLeft + deltaX < maxLeft ? this.startLeft + deltaX : maxLeft) : 0;
rotateShape($event) {
if (!this.rotating) {
return false;
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
this.rotate = Math.atan2(currentX - this.centerX, currentY - this.centerY) * (180 / Math.PI) * -1 + 180;
return true;
deltaResize($event) {
const delta = this.getDelta($event);
const qp_x = this.qp0_x + delta.x;
const qp_y = this.qp0_y + delta.y;
const cp_x = (qp_x + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y = (qp_y + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
const mtheta = (-1 * Math.PI * 2 * this.rotate) / 360;
const cos_mt = Math.cos(mtheta);
const sin_mt = Math.sin(mtheta);
let q_x = qp_x * cos_mt - qp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let q_y = qp_x * sin_mt + qp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
let p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x + sin_mt * cp_y + cp_x;
let p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x - cos_mt * cp_y + cp_y;
const matrix = this.resizeMatrix();
const wtmp = matrix.a * (q_x - p_x) + matrix.c * (p_x - q_x);
const htmp = matrix.b * (q_y - p_y) + matrix.d * (p_y - q_y);
let w;
let h;
if (wtmp < this.minWidth || htmp < this.minHeight) {
w = Math.max(this.minWidth, wtmp);
h = Math.max(this.minHeight, htmp);
const theta = -1 * mtheta;
const cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
const sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
const dh_x = -sin_t * h;
const dh_y = cos_t * h;
const dw_x = cos_t * w;
const dw_y = sin_t * w;
const qp_x_min = this.pp_x + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_x + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_x;
const qp_y_min = this.pp_y + (matrix.a - matrix.c) * dw_y + (matrix.b - matrix.d) * dh_y;
const cp_x_min = (qp_x_min + this.pp_x) / 2.0;
const cp_y_min = (qp_y_min + this.pp_y) / 2.0;
q_x = qp_x_min * cos_mt - qp_y_min * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
q_y = qp_x_min * sin_mt + qp_y_min * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
p_x = this.pp_x * cos_mt - this.pp_y * sin_mt - cos_mt * cp_x_min + sin_mt * cp_y_min + cp_x_min;
p_y = this.pp_x * sin_mt + this.pp_y * cos_mt - sin_mt * cp_x_min - cos_mt * cp_y_min + cp_y_min;
getDelta($event) {
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
return {
x: this.dragBottom || this.dragTop ? 0 : currentX - this.startX,
y: this.dragStart || this.dragEnd ? 0 : currentY - this.startY,
else {
w = wtmp;
h = htmp;
convertToUnit(value, ratio) {
if (this.unit === 'px') {
return value;
if (this.unit === 'viewport') {
const windowSize = ratio === 'width' ? window.innerWidth || screen.width : window.innerHeight || screen.height;
return (value * 100) / windowSize;
const parentSize = ratio === 'width' ? this.parentWidth : this.parentHeight;
return (value * 100) / parentSize;
const l = matrix.c * q_x + matrix.a * p_x;
const t = matrix.d * q_y + matrix.b * p_y;
this.left = this.convertToUnit(l, 'width');
this.width = this.convertToUnit(w, 'width'); = this.convertToUnit(t, 'height');
this.height = this.convertToUnit(h, 'height');
rotateShape($event) {
if (!this.rotating) {
return false;
convertParentUnit(value) {
return this.unit === 'percentage' ? 100 : value;
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
this.rotate = Math.atan2(currentX - this.centerX, currentY - this.centerY) * (180 / Math.PI) * -1 + 180;
return true;
getDelta($event) {
const currentX = unifyEvent($event).clientX;
const currentY = unifyEvent($event).clientY;
return {
x: this.dragBottom || this.dragTop ? 0 : currentX - this.startX,
y: this.dragStart || this.dragEnd ? 0 : currentY - this.startY,
convertToUnit(value, ratio) {
if (this.unit === 'px') {
return value;
startMove() {
if (this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragTopStart) {
if (this.dragTop || this.dragEnd || this.dragBottom || this.dragStart) {
if (this.rotating) {
this.moving = true;
if (this.unit === 'viewport') {
const windowSize = ratio === 'width' ? window.innerWidth || screen.width : window.innerHeight || screen.height;
return (value * 100) / windowSize;
stopAndReset(emitUpdate) {
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
if (emitUpdate && this.updated) {
this.updated = false;
const parentSize = ratio === 'width' ? this.parentWidth : this.parentHeight;
return (value * 100) / parentSize;
convertParentUnit(value) {
return this.unit === 'percentage' ? 100 : value;
startMove() {
if (this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragTopStart) {
stopMove() {
this.moving = false;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
if (this.dragTop || this.dragEnd || this.dragBottom || this.dragStart) {
stopRotate() {
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
if (this.rotating) {
stopResize() {
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
this.moving = true;
stopAndReset(emitUpdate) {
this.startX = null;
this.startY = null;
if (emitUpdate && this.updated) {
resizeMatrix() {
const a = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragEnd ? 1 : 0;
const b = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragStart || this.dragBottom ? 1 : 0;
const c = a === 1 ? 0 : 1;
const d = b === 1 ? 0 : 1;
return {
this.updated = false;
stopMove() {
this.moving = false;
this.startTop = null;
this.startLeft = null;
stopRotate() {
this.rotating = false;
this.centerX = null;
this.centerY = null;
stopResize() {
this.dragBottomEnd = false;
this.dragTopEnd = false;
this.dragBottomStart = false;
this.dragTopStart = false;
this.dragTop = false;
this.dragEnd = false;
this.dragBottom = false;
this.dragStart = false;
this.startWidth = null;
this.startHeight = null;
resizeMatrix() {
const a = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragTopEnd || this.dragEnd ? 1 : 0;
const b = this.dragBottomEnd || this.dragBottomStart || this.dragStart || this.dragBottom ? 1 : 0;
const c = a === 1 ? 0 : 1;
const d = b === 1 ? 0 : 1;
return {
async moveCursorToEnd(contentEditableElement) {
if (window && document && document.createRange && contentEditableElement) {
const range = document.createRange();
const selection = window.getSelection();
async moveCursorToEnd(contentEditableElement) {
if (window && document && document.createRange && contentEditableElement) {
const range = document.createRange();
const selection = window.getSelection();
render() {
const widthUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vw' : this.unit;
const heightUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vh' : this.unit;
return (h(Host, { style: {
'--width': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.width}${widthUnit}`,
'--height': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.height}${heightUnit}`,
'--top': `${}${heightUnit}`,
'--left': `${this.left}${widthUnit}`,
'--rotate': this.rotate ? `${this.rotate}deg` : `0deg`,
'--pointer-events': `${this.editing ? 'all' : 'none'}`,
'--user-select': `${this.text ? 'text' : 'none'}`,
}, class: `${this.selected ? 'selected' : ''} ${this.text ? 'text' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' ? 'draggable' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' && this.moving ? 'drag' : ''}` }, this.renderEdgesAnchors(), this.renderBorderAnchors(), this.renderRotateAnchor(), h("slot", null)));
renderEdgesAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
render() {
const widthUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vw' : this.unit;
const heightUnit = this.unit === 'percentage' ? '%' : this.unit === 'viewport' ? 'vh' : this.unit;
return (h(Host, { style: {
'--width': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.width}${widthUnit}`,
'--height': this.text ? 'auto' : `${this.height}${heightUnit}`,
'--top': `${}${heightUnit}`,
'--left': `${this.left}${widthUnit}`,
'--rotate': this.rotate ? `${this.rotate}deg` : `0deg`,
'--pointer-events': `${this.editing ? 'all' : 'none'}`,
'--user-select': `${this.text ? 'text' : 'none'}`,
}, class: `${this.selected ? 'selected' : ''} ${this.text ? 'text' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' ? 'draggable' : ''} ${this.drag !== 'none' && this.moving ? 'drag' : ''}` }, this.renderEdgesAnchors(), this.renderBorderAnchors(), this.renderRotateAnchor(), h("slot", null)));
return [
h("div", { class: "anchor top end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true) }, h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true) }, h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true) }, h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor top start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopStart = true) }, h("div", null)),
renderBorderAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
renderEdgesAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
return [
h("div", { class: "anchor top end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopEnd = true) }, h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomEnd = true) }, h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor bottom start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottomStart = true) }, h("div", null)),
h("div", { class: "anchor top start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTopStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTopStart = true) }, h("div", null)),
return [
h("div", { class: "border top", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTop = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTop = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragEnd = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border bottom", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottom = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottom = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragStart = true) }),
renderRotateAnchor() {
if (!this.selected || !this.rotation) {
return undefined;
renderBorderAnchors() {
if (!this.selected || !this.resize) {
return undefined;
return [
h("div", { class: "border top", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragTop = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragTop = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border end", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragEnd = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragEnd = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border bottom", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragBottom = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragBottom = true) }),
h("div", { class: "border start", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.dragStart = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.dragStart = true) }),
renderRotateAnchor() {
if (!this.selected || !this.rotation) {
return undefined;
return (h("div", { class: "rotate" }, h("div", { class: "action", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.rotating = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.rotating = true) }, h("div", null)), h("div", { class: "presentation" })));
get el() { return getElement(this); }
return (h("div", { class: "rotate" }, h("div", { class: "action", onClick: ($event) => $event.stopPropagation(), onMouseDown: () => (this.rotating = true), onTouchStart: () => (this.rotating = true) }, h("div", null)), h("div", { class: "presentation" })));
get el() { return getElement(this); }

@@ -456,0 +456,0 @@ = deckdeckgoDrrCss;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

var StyleNode=function(){this.start=0,this.end=0,this.previous=null,this.parent=null,this.rules=null,this.parsedCssText="",this.cssText="",this.atRule=!1,this.type=0,this.keyframesName="",this.selector="",this.parsedSelector=""};function parse(e){return parseCss(lex(e=clean(e)),e)}function clean(e){return e.replace(RX.comments,"").replace(RX.port,"")}function lex(e){var t=new StyleNode;t.start=0,t.end=e.length;for(var r=t,n=0,s=e.length;n<s;n++)if(e[n]===OPEN_BRACE){r.rules||(r.rules=[]);var o=r,a=o.rules[o.rules.length-1]||null;(r=new StyleNode).start=n+1,r.parent=o,r.previous=a,o.rules.push(r)}else e[n]===CLOSE_BRACE&&(r.end=n+1,r=r.parent||t);return t}function parseCss(e,t){var r=t.substring(e.start,e.end-1);if(e.parsedCssText=e.cssText=r.trim(),e.parent){var n=e.previous?e.previous.end:e.parent.start;r=(r=(r=_expandUnicodeEscapes(r=t.substring(n,e.start-1))).replace(RX.multipleSpaces," ")).substring(r.lastIndexOf(";")+1);var 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n=findRegex(VAR_ASSIGN_START,e,r),s=n?n.start:e.length;if(t+=e.substring(r,s),!n)break;r=findEndValue(e,s)}return t}function compileTemplate(e){var t=0;e=removeCustomAssigns(e=e.replace(COMMENTS,"")).replace(TRAILING_LINES,"");for(var r=[];t<e.length;)t=compileVar(e,r,t);return r}function resolveValues(e){var t={};e.forEach((function(e){e.declarations.forEach((function(e){t[e.prop]=e.value}))}));for(var r={},n=Object.entries(t),s=function(e){var t=!1;if(n.forEach((function(e){var n=e[0],s=executeTemplate(e[1],r);s!==r[n]&&(r[n]=s,t=!0)})),!t)return"break"},o=0;o<10;o++){if("break"===s())break}return r}function getSelectors(e,t){if(void 0===t&&(t=0),!e.rules)return[];var r=[];return e.rules.filter((function(e){return e.type===types.STYLE_RULE})).forEach((function(e){var n=getDeclarations(e.cssText);n.length>0&&e.parsedSelector.split(",").forEach((function(e){e=e.trim(),r.push({selector:e,declarations:n,specificity:computeSpecificity(),nu:t})})),t++})),r}function computeSpecificity(e){return 1}var IMPORTANT="!important",FIND_DECLARATIONS=/(?:^|[;\s{]\s*)(--[\w-]*?)\s*:\s*(?:((?:'(?:\\'|.)*?'|"(?:\\"|.)*?"|\([^)]*?\)|[^};{])+)|\{([^}]*)\}(?:(?=[;\s}])|$))/gm;function getDeclarations(e){for(var t,r=[];t=FIND_DECLARATIONS.exec(e.trim());){var n=normalizeValue(t[2]),s=n.value,o=n.important;r.push({prop:t[1].trim(),value:compileTemplate(s),important:o})}return r}function normalizeValue(e){var t=(e=e.replace(/\s+/gim," ").trim()).endsWith(IMPORTANT);return t&&(e=e.substr(0,e.length-IMPORTANT.length).trim()),{value:e,important:t}}function getActiveSelectors(e,t,r){var n=[],s=getScopesForElement(t,e);return r.forEach((function(e){return n.push(e)})),s.forEach((function(e){return n.push(e)})),sortSelectors(getSelectorsForScopes(n).filter((function(t){return matches(e,t.selector)})))}function getScopesForElement(e,t){for(var r=[];t;){var n=e.get(t);n&&r.push(n),t=t.parentElement}return r}function getSelectorsForScopes(e){var t=[];return 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Promise((function(t){{startWatcher(e.doc,e.globalScopes),loadDocument(e.doc,e.globalScopes).then((function(){return t()}))}))})))},e.prototype.addLink=function(e){var t=this;return addGlobalLink(this.doc,this.globalScopes,e).then((function(){t.updateGlobal()}))},e.prototype.addGlobalStyle=function(e){addGlobalStyle(this.globalScopes,e)&&this.updateGlobal()},e.prototype.createHostStyle=function(e,t,r,n){if(this.hostScopeMap.has(e))throw new Error("host style already created");var s=this.registerHostTemplate(r,t,n),o=this.doc.createElement("style");return o.setAttribute("data-no-shim",""),s.usesCssVars?n?(o["s-sc"]=t=s.scopeId+"-"+this.count,o.textContent="/*needs update*/",this.hostStyleMap.set(e,o),this.hostScopeMap.set(e,reScope(s,t)),this.count++):(s.styleEl=o,s.usesCssVars||(o.textContent=executeTemplate(s.template,{})),this.globalScopes.push(s),this.updateGlobal(),this.hostScopeMap.set(e,s)):o.textContent=r,o},e.prototype.removeHost=function(e){var t=this.hostStyleMap.get(e);t&&t.remove(),this.hostStyleMap.delete(e),this.hostScopeMap.delete(e)},e.prototype.updateHost=function(e){var t=this.hostScopeMap.get(e);if(t&&t.usesCssVars&&t.isScoped){var r=this.hostStyleMap.get(e);if(r){var n=resolveValues(getActiveSelectors(e,this.hostScopeMap,this.globalScopes));r.textContent=executeTemplate(t.template,n)}}},e.prototype.updateGlobal=function(){updateGlobalScopes(this.globalScopes)},e.prototype.registerHostTemplate=function(e,t,r){var n=this.scopesMap.get(t);return n||((n=parseCSS(e)).scopeId=t,n.isScoped=r,this.scopesMap.set(t,n)),n},e}();!function(e){!e||e.__cssshim||e.CSS&&e.CSS.supports&&e.CSS.supports("color","var(--c)")||(e.__cssshim=new CustomStyle(e,e.document))}("undefined"!=typeof window&&window);
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n=findRegex(VAR_ASSIGN_START,e,r),s=n?n.start:e.length;if(t+=e.substring(r,s),!n)break;r=findEndValue(e,s)}return t}function compileTemplate(e){var t=0;e=removeCustomAssigns(e=e.replace(COMMENTS,"")).replace(TRAILING_LINES,"");for(var r=[];t<e.length;)t=compileVar(e,r,t);return r}function resolveValues(e){var t={};e.forEach((function(e){e.declarations.forEach((function(e){t[e.prop]=e.value}))}));for(var r={},n=Object.entries(t),s=function(e){var t=!1;if(n.forEach((function(e){var n=e[0],s=executeTemplate(e[1],r);s!==r[n]&&(r[n]=s,t=!0)})),!t)return"break"},o=0;o<10;o++){if("break"===s())break}return r}function getSelectors(e,t){if(void 0===t&&(t=0),!e.rules)return[];var r=[];return e.rules.filter((function(e){return e.type===types.STYLE_RULE})).forEach((function(e){var n=getDeclarations(e.cssText);n.length>0&&e.parsedSelector.split(",").forEach((function(e){e=e.trim(),r.push({selector:e,declarations:n,specificity:computeSpecificity(),nu:t})})),t++})),r}function computeSpecificity(e){return 1}var IMPORTANT="!important",FIND_DECLARATIONS=/(?:^|[;\s{]\s*)(--[\w-]*?)\s*:\s*(?:((?:'(?:\\'|.)*?'|"(?:\\"|.)*?"|\([^)]*?\)|[^};{])+)|\{([^}]*)\}(?:(?=[;\s}])|$))/gm;function getDeclarations(e){for(var t,r=[];t=FIND_DECLARATIONS.exec(e.trim());){var n=normalizeValue(t[2]),s=n.value,o=n.important;r.push({prop:t[1].trim(),value:compileTemplate(s),important:o})}return r}function normalizeValue(e){var t=(e=e.replace(/\s+/gim," ").trim()).endsWith(IMPORTANT);return t&&(e=e.substr(0,e.length-IMPORTANT.length).trim()),{value:e,important:t}}function getActiveSelectors(e,t,r){var n=[],s=getScopesForElement(t,e);return r.forEach((function(e){return n.push(e)})),s.forEach((function(e){return n.push(e)})),sortSelectors(getSelectorsForScopes(n).filter((function(t){return matches(e,t.selector)})))}function getScopesForElement(e,t){for(var r=[];t;){var n=e.get(t);n&&r.push(n),t=t.parentElement}return r}function getSelectorsForScopes(e){var t=[];return 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o=e.createElement("style");o.setAttribute("data-styles",""),o.textContent=s,addGlobalStyle(t,o),r.parentNode.insertBefore(o,r),r.remove()}})).catch((function(e){console.error(e)}))}var CSS_VARIABLE_REGEXP=/[\s;{]--[-a-zA-Z0-9]+\s*:/m;function hasCssVariables(e){return e.indexOf("var(")>-1||CSS_VARIABLE_REGEXP.test(e)}var CSS_URL_REGEXP=/url[\s]*\([\s]*['"]?(?!(?:https?|data)\:|\/)([^\'\"\)]*)[\s]*['"]?\)[\s]*/gim;function hasRelativeUrls(e){return CSS_URL_REGEXP.lastIndex=0,CSS_URL_REGEXP.test(e)}function fixRelativeUrls(e,t){var r=t.replace(/[^/]*$/,"");return e.replace(CSS_URL_REGEXP,(function(e,t){var n=r+t;return e.replace(t,n)}))}var CustomStyle=function(){function e(e,t){,this.doc=t,this.count=0,this.hostStyleMap=new WeakMap,this.hostScopeMap=new WeakMap,this.globalScopes=[],this.scopesMap=new Map,this.didInit=!1}return e.prototype.i=function(){var e=this;return this.didInit||!!0,new Promise((function(t){{startWatcher(e.doc,e.globalScopes),loadDocument(e.doc,e.globalScopes).then((function(){return t()}))}))})))},e.prototype.addLink=function(e){var t=this;return addGlobalLink(this.doc,this.globalScopes,e).then((function(){t.updateGlobal()}))},e.prototype.addGlobalStyle=function(e){addGlobalStyle(this.globalScopes,e)&&this.updateGlobal()},e.prototype.createHostStyle=function(e,t,r,n){if(this.hostScopeMap.has(e))throw new Error("host style already created");var s=this.registerHostTemplate(r,t,n),o=this.doc.createElement("style");return o.setAttribute("data-no-shim",""),s.usesCssVars?n?(o["s-sc"]=t=s.scopeId+"-"+this.count,o.textContent="/*needs update*/",this.hostStyleMap.set(e,o),this.hostScopeMap.set(e,reScope(s,t)),this.count++):(s.styleEl=o,s.usesCssVars||(o.textContent=executeTemplate(s.template,{})),this.globalScopes.push(s),this.updateGlobal(),this.hostScopeMap.set(e,s)):o.textContent=r,o},e.prototype.removeHost=function(e){var t=this.hostStyleMap.get(e);t&&t.remove(),this.hostStyleMap.delete(e),this.hostScopeMap.delete(e)},e.prototype.updateHost=function(e){var t=this.hostScopeMap.get(e);if(t&&t.usesCssVars&&t.isScoped){var r=this.hostStyleMap.get(e);if(r){var n=resolveValues(getActiveSelectors(e,this.hostScopeMap,this.globalScopes));r.textContent=executeTemplate(t.template,n)}}},e.prototype.updateGlobal=function(){updateGlobalScopes(this.globalScopes)},e.prototype.registerHostTemplate=function(e,t,r){var n=this.scopesMap.get(t);return n||((n=parseCSS(e)).scopeId=t,n.isScoped=r,this.scopesMap.set(t,n)),n},e}();!function(e){!e||e.__cssshim||e.CSS&&e.CSS.supports&&e.CSS.supports("color","var(--c)")||(e.__cssshim=new CustomStyle(e,e.document))}("undefined"!=typeof window&&window);

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

module.exports = require('./cjs/index.cjs.js');
export * from './esm/index.js';
"name": "deckdeckgo-drag-resize-rotate-loader",
"typings": "./index.d.ts",
"module": "./index.mjs",
"module": "./index.js",
"main": "./index.cjs.js",
"node:main": "./node-main.js",
"jsnext:main": "./index.es2017.mjs",
"es2015": "./index.es2017.mjs",
"es2017": "./index.es2017.mjs",
"jsnext:main": "./index.es2017.js",
"es2015": "./index.es2017.js",
"es2017": "./index.es2017.js",
"unpkg": "./cdn.js"
export declare class DeckdeckgoDragResizeRotate {
el: HTMLElement;
unit: 'percentage' | 'viewport' | 'px';
resize: boolean;
drag: 'x-axis' | 'y-axis' | 'all' | 'none';
rotation: boolean;
text: boolean;
private width;
private height;
private minWidth;
private minHeight;
private top;
private left;
private rotate;
private selected;
private updated;
private moving;
private drrSelect;
private drrDidChange;
private startX;
private startY;
private startWidth;
private startHeight;
private startTop;
private startLeft;
private dragTopEnd;
private dragBottomEnd;
private dragBottomStart;
private dragTopStart;
private dragTop;
private dragEnd;
private dragBottom;
private dragStart;
private parentWidth;
private parentHeight;
private rotating;
private centerX;
private centerY;
private qp0_x;
private qp0_y;
private pp_x;
private pp_y;
private editing;
componentWillLoad(): Promise<void>;
componentDidLoad(): Promise<void>;
componentWillUnload(): Promise<void>;
private attachEventListeners;
private detachEventListeners;
private init;
private displaySlot;
private start;
private isTargetEvent;
private initTextEditable;
private resetTextEditable;
private initStartPositions;
private initStartPositionsMove;
private initStartPositionsRotation;
private initStartPositionsResize;
private initParentSize;
private transform;
private move;
private size;
private deltaMove;
private deltaResize;
private rotateShape;
private getDelta;
private convertToUnit;
private convertParentUnit;
private startMove;
private stop;
private stopAndReset;
private stopMove;
private stopRotate;
private stopResize;
private resizeMatrix;
private dbclick;
private moveCursorToEnd;
render(): any;
private renderEdgesAnchors;
private renderBorderAnchors;
private renderRotateAnchor;
el: HTMLElement;
unit: 'percentage' | 'viewport' | 'px';
resize: boolean;
drag: 'x-axis' | 'y-axis' | 'all' | 'none';
rotation: boolean;
text: boolean;
private width;
private height;
private minWidth;
private minHeight;
private top;
private left;
private rotate;
private selected;
private updated;
private moving;
private drrSelect;
private drrDidChange;
private startX;
private startY;
private startWidth;
private startHeight;
private startTop;
private startLeft;
private dragTopEnd;
private dragBottomEnd;
private dragBottomStart;
private dragTopStart;
private dragTop;
private dragEnd;
private dragBottom;
private dragStart;
private parentWidth;
private parentHeight;
private rotating;
private centerX;
private centerY;
private qp0_x;
private qp0_y;
private pp_x;
private pp_y;
private editing;
componentWillLoad(): Promise<void>;
componentDidLoad(): Promise<void>;
componentWillUnload(): Promise<void>;
private attachEventListeners;
private detachEventListeners;
private init;
private displaySlot;
private start;
private isTargetEvent;
private initTextEditable;
private resetTextEditable;
private initStartPositions;
private initStartPositionsMove;
private initStartPositionsRotation;
private initStartPositionsResize;
private initParentSize;
private transform;
private move;
private size;
private deltaMove;
private deltaResize;
private rotateShape;
private getDelta;
private convertToUnit;
private convertParentUnit;
private startMove;
private stop;
private stopAndReset;
private stopMove;
private stopRotate;
private stopResize;
private resizeMatrix;
private dbclick;
private moveCursorToEnd;
render(): any;
private renderEdgesAnchors;
private renderBorderAnchors;
private renderRotateAnchor;

@@ -46,6 +46,2 @@ declare type CustomMethodDecorator<T> = (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>) => TypedPropertyDescriptor<T> | void;

assetsDirs?: string[];
* @deprecated Use `assetsDirs` instead
assetsDir?: string;

@@ -85,10 +81,2 @@ export interface ShadowRootOptions {

reflect?: boolean;
/** @deprecated: "attr" has been deprecated, please use "attribute" instead. */
attr?: string;
/** @deprecated "context" has been deprecated. */
context?: string;
/** @deprecated "connect" has been deprecated, please use ES modules and/or dynamic imports instead. */
connect?: string;
/** @deprecated "reflectToAttr" has been deprecated, please use "reflect" instead. */
reflectToAttr?: boolean;

@@ -150,3 +138,3 @@ export interface MethodDecorator {

export declare type ListenTargetOptions = 'parent' | 'body' | 'document' | 'window';
export declare type ListenTargetOptions = 'body' | 'document' | 'window';
export interface StateDecorator {

@@ -236,6 +224,21 @@ (): PropertyDecorator;

* getAssetPath
* Get the base path to where the assets can be found. Use `setAssetPath(path)`
* if the path needs to be customized.
export declare function getAssetPath(path: string): string;
* Used to manually set the base path where assets can be found. For lazy-loaded
* builds the asset path is automatically set and assets copied to the correct
* build directory. However, for custom elements builds, the `setAssetPath(path)` could
* be used to customize the asset path depending on how the script file is consumed.
* If the script is used as "module", it's recommended to use "import.meta.url", such
* as `setAssetPath(import.meta.url)`. Other options include
* `setAssetPath(document.currentScript.src)`, or using a bundler's replace plugin to
* dynamically set the path at build time, such as `setAssetPath(process.env.ASSET_PATH)`.
* But do note that this configuration depends on how your script is bundled, or lack of
* bunding, and where your assets can be loaded from. Additionally custom bundling
* will have to ensure the static assets are copied to its build directory.
export declare function setAssetPath(path: string): string;
* getElement

@@ -256,4 +259,2 @@ */

componentOnReady(): Promise<this>;
/** @deprecated */
forceUpdate(): void;

@@ -324,9 +325,2 @@ /**

export interface ComponentDidUnload {
* The component did unload and the element
* will be destroyed.
componentDidUnload(): void;
export interface ComponentInterface {

@@ -436,2 +430,6 @@ connectedCallback?(): void;

* Fragment
export declare const Fragment: FunctionalComponent<{}>;
* The "h" namespace is used to import JSX types for elements and attributes.

@@ -1534,1 +1532,12 @@ * It is imported in order to avoid conflicting global JSX issues.

export interface CustomElementsDefineOptions {
exclude?: string[];
resourcesUrl?: string;
syncQueue?: boolean;
transformTagName?: (tagName: string) => string;
jmp?: (c: Function) => any;
raf?: (c: FrameRequestCallback) => number;
ael?: (el: EventTarget, eventName: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions) => void;
rel?: (el: EventTarget, eventName: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions) => void;
ce?: (eventName: string, opts?: any) => CustomEvent;
"name": "@deckdeckgo/drag-resize-rotate",
"version": "1.1.3",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "A Web Component to drag, resize and rotate any element",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"es2015": "dist/esm/index.mjs",
"es2017": "dist/esm/index.mjs",
"main": "dist/index.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/index.js",
"es2015": "dist/esm/index.js",
"es2017": "dist/esm/index.js",
"jsnext:main": "dist/esm/index.js",
"types": "dist/types/index.d.ts",

@@ -26,16 +27,16 @@ "collection": "dist/collection/collection-manifest.json",

"devDependencies": {
"@stencil/core": "^1.16.4",
"@stencil/core": "^2.0.2",
"@stencil/postcss": "^1.0.1",
"@stencil/sass": "^1.3.2",
"@stencil/utils": "0.0.5",
"@types/jest": "26.0.5",
"@types/jest": "26.0.13",
"@types/prismjs": "^1.16.1",
"@types/puppeteer": "3.0.1",
"autoprefixer": "^9.8.5",
"autoprefixer": "^9.8.6",
"husky": "^4.2.5",
"jest": "26.1.0",
"jest-cli": "26.1.0",
"prettier": "2.0.5",
"pretty-quick": "^2.0.1",
"puppeteer": "5.2.0"
"jest": "26.4.2",
"jest-cli": "26.4.2",
"prettier": "2.1.1",
"pretty-quick": "^3.0.0",
"puppeteer": "5.2.1"

@@ -71,4 +72,4 @@ "license": "MIT",

"dependencies": {
"@deckdeckgo/utils": "^1.1.0"
"@deckdeckgo/utils": "^1.3.0"

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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