Deepgram JavaScript SDK

Official JavaScript SDK for Deepgram. Power your apps with world-class speech and Language AI models.
You can install this SDK directly from npm.
npm install @deepgram/sdk
You can now use plain <script>
s to import deepgram from CDNs, like:
<script src=""></script>
or even:
<script src=""></script>
Then you can use it from a global deepgram variable:
const { createClient } = deepgram;
const _deepgram = createClient("deepgram-api-key");
console.log("Deepgram Instance: ", _deepgram);
You can now use type="module" <script>
s to import deepgram from CDNs, like:
<script type="module">
import { createClient } from "";
const deepgram = createClient("deepgram-api-key");
console.log("Deepgram Instance: ", deepgram);
import { createClient } from "@deepgram/sdk";
const deepgram = createClient(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);
Getting an API Key
š To access the Deepgram API you will need a free Deepgram API Key.
Scoped Configuration
A new feature is scoped configuration. You'll be able to configure various aspects of the SDK from the initialization.
import { createClient } from "@deepgram/sdk";
const deepgram = createClient(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY, {
global: { url: "" },
Rest requests in the browser
This SDK now works in the browser. If you'd like to make REST-based requests (pre-recorded transcription, on-premise, and management requests), then you'll need to use a proxy as we do not support custom CORS origins on our API. To set up your proxy, you configure the SDK like so:
import { createClient } from "@deepgram/sdk";
const deepgram = createClient("proxy", {
proxy: { url: "http://localhost:8080" },
Your proxy service should replace the Authorization header with Authorization: token <DEEPGRAM_API_KEY>
and return results verbatim to the SDK.
Remote Files
const { result, error } = await deepgram.listen.prerecorded.transcribeUrl(
url: "",
model: "nova",
See our API reference for more info.
Local Files
const { result, error } = await deepgram.listen.prerecorded.transcribeFile(
model: "nova",
const { result, error } = await deepgram.listen.prerecorded.transcribeFile(
model: "nova",
See our API reference for more info.
Live Audio
const dgConnection ={ model: "nova" });
dgConnection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Open, () => {
dgConnection.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Transcript, (data) => {
source.addListener("got-some-audio", async (event) => {
To see an example, check out our Node.js example or our Browser example.
See our API reference for more info.
Transcribing to captions
import { webvtt } from "@deepgram/captions";
const { result, error } = await deepgram.listen.prerecorded.transcribeUrl(
url: "",
model: "nova",
const vttOutput = webvtt(result);
See our standalone captions library for more information.
Get Projects
Returns all projects accessible by the API key.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjects();
See our API reference for more info.
Get Project
Retrieves a specific project based on the provided project_id.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProject(projectId);
See our API reference for more info.
Update Project
Update a project.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.updateProject(projectId, options);
See our API reference for more info.
Delete Project
Delete a project.
const { error } = await deepgram.manage.deleteProject(projectId);
See our API reference for more info.
List Keys
Retrieves all keys associated with the provided project_id.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectKeys(projectId);
See our API reference for more info.
Get Key
Retrieves a specific key associated with the provided project_id.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectKey(projectId, projectKeyId);
See our API reference for more info.
Create Key
Creates an API key with the provided scopes.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.createProjectKey(projectId, options);
See our API reference for more info.
Delete Key
Deletes a specific key associated with the provided project_id.
const { error } = await deepgram.manage.deleteProjectKey(projectId, projectKeyId);
See our API reference for more info.
Get Members
Retrieves account objects for all of the accounts in the specified project_id.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectMembers(projectId);
See our API reference for more info.
Remove Member
Removes member account for specified member_id.
const { error } = await deepgram.manage.removeProjectMember(projectId, projectMemberId);
See our API reference for more info.
Get Member Scopes
Retrieves scopes of the specified member in the specified project.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectMemberScopes(projectId, projectMemberId);
See our API reference for more info.
Update Scope
Updates the scope for the specified member in the specified project.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.updateProjectMemberScope(
See our API reference for more info.
List Invites
Retrieves all invitations associated with the provided project_id.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectInvites(projectId);
See our API reference for more info.
Send Invite
Sends an invitation to the provided email address.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.sendProjectInvite(projectId, options);
See our API reference for more info.
Delete Invite
Removes the specified invitation from the project.
const { error } = await deepgram.manage.deleteProjectInvite(projectId, email);
See our API reference for more info.
Leave Project
Removes the authenticated user from the project.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.leaveProject(projectId);
See our API reference for more info.
Get All Requests
Retrieves all requests associated with the provided project_id based on the provided options.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectUsageRequest(projectId, requestId);
See our API reference for more info.
Get Request
Retrieves a specific request associated with the provided project_id.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectUsageRequest(projectId, requestId);
See our API reference for more info.
Summarize Usage
Retrieves usage associated with the provided project_id based on the provided options.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectUsageSummary(projectId, options);
See our API reference for more info.
Get Fields
Lists the features, models, tags, languages, and processing method used for requests in the specified project.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectUsageFields(projectId, options);
See our API reference for more info.
Get All Balances
Retrieves the list of balance info for the specified project.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectBalances(projectId);
See our API reference for more info.
Get Balance
Retrieves the balance info for the specified project and balance_id.
const { result, error } = await deepgram.manage.getProjectBalance(projectId, balanceId);
See our API reference for more info.
On-Prem APIs
List On-Prem credentials
const { result, error } = await deepgram.onprem.listCredentials(projectId);
Get On-Prem credentials
const { result, error } = await deepgram.onprem.getCredentials(projectId, credentialId);
Create On-Prem credentials
const { result, error } = await deepgram.onprem.createCredentials(projectId, options);
Delete On-Prem credentials
const { result, error } = await deepgram.onprem.deleteCredentials(projectId, credentialId);
Development and Contributing
Interested in contributing? We ā¤ļø pull requests!
To make sure our community is safe for all, be sure to review and agree to our
Code of Conduct. Then see the
Contribution guidelines for more information.
Getting Help
We love to hear from you so if you have questions, comments or find a bug in the
project, let us know! You can either: