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CLI tools to serve & build projects based on Discovery.js

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Tools for Discovery.js

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CLI tools to serve & build projects based on Discovery.js


npm install @discoveryjs/cli


discovery (serve)


    discovery [config] [options]


        --bail                    Exit immediately on first warmup task failure
        --no-bg-update            Disable background data cache updates
        --no-cache                Disable data caching
        --cache-persistent        Use persistent caches system
        --cachedir [dir]          Path to store cache files (using .discoveryjs-cache by default when
                                  [dir] is not set)
        --embed [mode]            Specify an embed API: by-config (default), enable (when [mode] omitted)
                                  or disable
        --entry-names [pattern]   Specify the file names of the output HTML files corresponding to each
        --no-check-cache-ttl      Disable data cache TTL checking before using it
    -c, --config <filename>       Path to config (JavaScript or JSON file), if not specified then looking
                                  for .discoveryrc.js, .discoveryrc.json, .discoveryrc or "discovery"
                                  section in package.json in the listed order
        --cors                    Enable CORS, i.e. allows data fetching for any origin
        --dev                     Enable developer mode
        --experimental-jsonxl     Enable experimental binary data encoding (codename JSONXL)
    -h, --help                    Output usage information
        --no-minify               Disable JS and CSS minification
    -m, --model <name>            Specify a model (multi-model mode only)
        --no-model-data-upload    Disable model data upload feature
        --no-model-download       Disable model download feature
        --no-model-reset-cache    Disable model cache reset feature
    -p, --port <n>                Listening port (default: 8123)
        --prebuild [path]         Prebuild model's static in path (path is optional, `build` by default)
        --tmpdir <dir>            Path to directory of temporary cache files which are generating before
                                  committing to cache directory
    -v, --version                 Output version
        --no-warmup               Disable model's data cache warm up on server start

To create and launch a server in your script, use createServer() method which returns express's application:

const discovery = require('@discoveryjs/cli');
const PORT = 1234;

discovery.createServer({ /* options */ }).listen(PORT, function() {
    console.log(`Server listen on http://localhost:${this.address().port}`);

discovery-build (build)


    discovery-build [config] [options]


        --no-cache                Disable data caching
        --cachedir [dir]          Path to store cache files (using .discoveryjs-cache by default when
                                  [dir] is not set)
        --check-cache-ttl         Check data cache TTL before using it, option enforces to use actual
                                  (according to TTL) data only
        --clean                   Clean the output directory before emit a build files
    -c, --config <filename>       Path to config (JavaScript or JSON file), if not specified then looking
                                  for .discoveryrc.js, .discoveryrc.json, .discoveryrc or "discovery"
                                  section in package.json in the listed order
        --no-data                 Don't include data into a model build
        --no-data-compression     Disable HTML embedded data compression, when --single-file option is used
        --embed [mode]            Specify an embed API: by-config (default), enable (when [mode] omitted)
                                  or disable
        --experimental-jsonxl     Enable experimental binary data encoding (codename JSONXL)
    -h, --help                    Output usage information
        --no-minify               Disable JS and CSS minification
    -m, --model <name>            Specify a model (multi-model mode only)
        --no-model-data-upload    Ignore model data upload feature setup in config
        --model-download          Enable model download feature
        --model-reset-cache       Enable model cache reset feature
    -o, --output <path>           Path for a build result (`build` by default)
        --pretty-data [indent]    Pretty print of model data if any
        --serve-only-assets       Include server only assets
    -s, --single-file             Output a model build as a single HTML file per model
        --sourcemap [mode]        Enable source map generation, optional "mode" can be: linked (default,
                                  when [mode] is omitted), external or inline (see
                         for detail)
        --tmpdir <dir>            Path to directory of temporary cache files which are generating before
                                  committing to cache directory
    -v, --version                 Output version


Discovery CLI allows to define a single or multiple predefined models. A model is a composition of data fetch script, prepare data function and a set of pages, views and other helpers. All parts of the model are optional. CLI commands may work in following modes depending on config (see Configuration):

  • single – a single model mode, when no index page involved. Enables when config have no models field, or --model option is used;
  • multi – multiple models mode, a set of models and index page that lists models. Enables when config contains models field and no --model option is used;
  • modlefree – model free mode, when no any model is specified. Enables when no config is specified

Single model

This mode uses when you need to serve or to build just a single model. To enable this mode, your config must no contain models field or command should be lauched with --model option (i.e. discovery --model model-slug). In this mode the root route will lead to model's default page.

Multiple models

In case multiple model should be served by a single service, you may use multi models mode. To activate this mode, the config must contain models field, which defines configuration for each model. In this mode discovery will show model selection page as index page. Every model will have its own route namespace (i.e. slug), and you can switch between models and index page.


In this mode there is no any predefined models. However, you can upload any data by clicking "Load data" button, or drag'n'drop file right into the browser and discover it. This mode uses when no config file is found.


Configuration files are supported in several formats (only one will be used in the priority listed below):

  • .discoveryrc.js (JavaScript)
  • .discoveryrc.json (JSON)
  • .discoveryrc (the same as .discoveryrc.json)
  • discovery property in package.json (JSON)

The config file can be explicitly specified by --config option. When the config is not found, modelfree mode is using.

Model config

Model config consists of the following fields (all fields are optional):

  • name – name of model (used in title)
  • meta – any data (should be serializable to JSON) that will be available in model's setup.js
  • data – function which returns any|Promise<any> or path to a module that exports such a function. Result of the function is using for a model; must be serializable to JSON (i.e. have no cyclic references for now)
  • prepare – path to a module with a function right after data is loaded but before is used (e.g. add cyclic references and relations in darta, mark data objects, add annotations and/or helpers for query engine etc)
  • favicon – path to favicon image; inherits from parent config when not set
  • viewport – value for <meta name="viewport">; inherits from parent config when not set
  • darkmode – setup darkmode feature; inherits from parent config when not set
  • upload – settings for upload data feature; inherits from parent config when not set
  • download – default value for download feature; inherits from parent config when not set
  • view – setup model's views (see Configure view)
  • routers – an array of paths to modules which exports a function (function(router, modelConfig, options): void) that extends model router
  • cache – enables caching for data
  • cacheTtl – specify time to live of data cache. When data cache become too old, new data will be generated on next request. Value might be a number (milliseconds) or a string (e.g. "1m", "1 hour 30 mins" etc; see parse-duration description for possible values)
  • cacheBgUpdate – specify a time period from a moment of previous cache was generated to update it. Once new cache is generated, it will be used for upcoming requests. Value might be a number (milliseconds) or a string (e.g. "1m", "1 hour 30 mins" etc; see parse-duration description for possible values)


const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    name: 'My dashboard',
    data: () => ({ hello: 'world' }),
    prepare: path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/prepare.js'),
    favicon: './path/to/favicon.png',
    viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1',
    view: {
        basedir: __dirname,
        assets: [

Multi-model config

Config should provide JSON or exports an object with following properties:

  • name - name of discovery instance (used in page title)
  • models - object with model configurations, where for each entry the key used as a slug and the value as a config
  • modelBaseConfig – the same as model's config, using as a base for a model config, i.e. { ...modelBaseConfig, ...modelConfig } will be used
  • routers – an array of paths to modules which exports a function (function(router, modelConfig, options): void) that extends app routers
  • favicon – path to favicon image
  • viewport – value for <meta name="viewport">
  • darkmode – setup darkmode feature (default "auto")
  • upload – default value for upload data feature (default false)
  • embed – explicitly enable or disable embed feature (default false)
  • download – default value for download feature (default true)
  • view – setup index page views (see Configure view)


module.exports = {
    name: 'My cool dashboards',
    favicon: './path/to/favicon.png',
    models: {
        one: './path/to/model/config',
        two: require('./path/to/model/config'),
        three: { /* model config */ }

Configure view

  • basedir – directory to resolve relative paths
  • assets – array of paths to .js, .ts and .css files

js files has own scope (as modules) with a reference discovery that points to an App instance from @discoveryjs/discovery

  • serveOnlyAssets – the same as assets, but such assets are included into a model only when the model is serving with serve command, or when the model is built with --serve-only-assets option (disabled by default)
  • noscript – function or path to a module which exports a function to generate content for <noscript> tag; the function can take two arguments: getData an async function returns data, and setup object
  • inspector – option to disable view inspector (default true)
  • router – option to disable default router (default true)
  • bundles – additional bundles
const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    view: {
        basedir: __dirname,
        assets: [
        bundles: {
            'worker.js': './path/to/entry/point.js',
            'some-styles.css': './path/to/entry/point.css'






Package last updated on 21 Jan 2024

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