Dopt AI Assistant React SDK
The Dopt AI Assistant React SDK is a React framework-specific client for accessing Dopt's AI API. This SDK is a thin abstraction on top of @dopt/ai-assistant-javascript
and is useful mainly for wrapping asynchronous and streaming javascript functions into meaningful React hooks.
The SDK lives in our open-source monorepo odopt.
It is published to npm as @dopt/ai-assistant-react
Via npm:
npm install @dopt/ai-assistant-react
Via Yarn:
yarn add @dopt/ai-assistant-react
Via pnpm:
pnpm add @dopt/ai-assistant-react
To configure the Dopt provider you will need:
- A AI API key (generated in Dopt)
- A user identifier (user being an end-user you've identified to Dopt)
You can initialize Dopt in your app by integrating the <DoptAiProvider />
as follows:
import { DoptAiProvider } from '@dopt/ai-assistant-react';
import Application from './application';
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root');
<DoptAiProvider userId={userId} apiKey={aiApiKey}>
<Application />
A hook for getting complete answers (and citations, if any) from an assistant given a query
and / or context
. This hook wraps the streaming API into a stateful abstraction which will be updated as more results are streamed from the AI API.
A hook for getting search results (a list of documents) from an assistant given a query
and / or context
. This hook wraps an async fetch request into a stateful abstraction which will be completed once the documents are returned from the search.
Example usage
Accessing an AI Assistant
Using the useAssistant hook:
import { useAssistant } from '@dopt/ai-assistant-react';
import { Modal } from '@your-company/modal';
export function Application() {
const assistant = useAssistant('dopt-assistant', {
return (
<div className='ai-assistant-content'>
<div className='ai-assistant-documents'>
Looking to provide feedback or report a bug? Open an issue or contact us at
All contributions are welcome! Feel free to open a pull request.