W-CF stands for Web Configuration Framework and is a JavaScript framework for 3D product configuration. It consists of several ES6 JavaScript modules.
1. Modules
The modules are categorized and structured into several folders. They can be found in the modules
folder of the W-CF distribution. These are the main module folders:
: wrapper for the EAIWS basket functionality to manage an article list
: tools and functions for OFML article configuration using the EAIWS
: core functionality for the W-CF framework (e.g. the 3D view, tools, commands)
: JavaScript wrapper for the SOAP-Api of the EAIWS
: tools and functions for space planning
: optional browser polyfills
: a collection of utility functions and classes for the W-CF framework
1.1 Installing and using the modules
To use the modules you have to install them using npm
. For correct installation of all dependencies version 7+ of npm
is required.
Please use the following command for the installation: npm i @easterngraphics/wcf
After the installation the modules can be imported from @easterngraphics/wcf/modules/...
. Example:
import { EaiwsSession } from "@easterngraphics/wcf/modules/eaiws";
It is also recommended to setup a build task to copy the W-CF resources (styles, data) from node_modules/@easterngraphics/wcf/
to your distribution directory.
2. Using wcfConfig to configure W-CF
is a global object which is used to configure different parts of W-CF.
To support loading of resources on demand the dataPath
has to be defined at the start of the application. Example:
import { wcfConfig } from "@easterngraphics/wcf/modules/utils";
wcfConfig.dataPath = "wcf/data/";
3. Polyfills
W-CF provides a core-js
based polyfill of stable ES and web standards for the last 3 browser versions.
If your build environment (e.g. Babel) does not already provide polyfills it is recommended to import it
as your first import in your application to get the best compatibility with different browsers and versions.
import "@easterngraphics/wcf/modules/polyfill/core-js";
Additionally you need to add core-js
to the dependencies in your package.json.
"dependencies": {
"core-js": "^3.37.1"
4. Migrating to modules
If you are currently using a non-module W-CF (version < 8.0.0) you will have to migrate to modules if you want to use the latest W-CF version. If your application itself is not module based you should consider to switch to modules. If this is not an option you have to build your own bundle of W-CF.
Here are the basic steps in order to use the W-CF modules
- delete the old W-CF distribution from your project (scripts, data, styles, libs)
- execute
npm i @easterngraphics/wcf
- if TypeScript is used remove references to the old W-CF
files from your tsconfig.json
- update your code to import and use the modules instead of the old namespaces
- setup a build task to copy the W-CF resources (styles, data) from
to your distribution directory
4.1 Bundle size
If you want to have a minimal bundle size and you are importing classes from BabylonJs there some rules:
- Do not import from the root index of BabylonJs. If you do this you will end up with all BabylonJs modules in your bundle. Instead import as close as possible from the desired module itself.
import { Vector3 } from "@babylonjs/core";
Correct: import { Vector3 } from "@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.vector";
- Avoid using the
class. Using this class will bundle all "builders" to your code. You should import only the functions you need from @babylonjs/core/Meshes/Builders
e.g.: import { CreatePlane } from "@babylonjs/core/Meshes/Builders/planeBuilder";
More information about this topic can be found here: https://doc.babylonjs.com/divingDeeper/developWithBjs/treeShaking#tree-shaking
4.2 Troubleshooting
- If you get the error
Type 'Timeout' is not assignable to type 'number'.
you are perhaps importing jszip
in your project. JSZip is globally loading the node
types and this generates a conflict with the setTimeout()
function. To solve this issue you should call window.setTimeout()
instead of just setTimeout()
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