Eko developer command-line tool
eko is the main command-line tool for Eko project development. Use the eko command to create a new project, test your project, deploy your project, create project episodes, etc.
Quick start
First, you will need to sign up for a user at Eko Studio.
Install globally using npm install -g @ekolabs/eko
Login in with you studio user id by running eko user login
Create your first project by running eko project create --name=myFirstProject
See the eko usage by running eko --help
NOTE: on Windows, you will need a recent version of NPM,
see package npm-windows-upgrade for instructions.
Version 3.9.6 has been tested in windows environments and works well.
Other tasks
Play your project locally: eko project test
Deploy your project to staging eko project deploy --staging
Project Episodes
Prepare your project for multiple episodes eko project templatize
Create a new episode eko episode create --num=1
Switch to specific episode eko episode generate --src=ep001