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@enact/core - npm Package Versions



published 1.9.3 •



[1.9.3] - 2017-10-03


  • Moonstone Icons font file to include the latest designs for several icons
  • moonstone/Panels/ApplicationCloseButton to expose its backgroundOpacity prop
  • sampler Icon and IconButton samples to include updated images assets


  • moonstone/Button and moonstone/IconButton to be properly visually muted when in a muted container
  • moonstone/Icon not to read out image characters
  • moonstone/Icon to correctly display focused state when using external image
  • moonstone/Picker to increment and decrement normally at the edges of joined picker
  • moonstone/Scrollable not to accumulate paging scroll by pressing page up/down in scrollbar
  • moonstone/VirtualList to apply "position: absolute" inline style to items
  • ui/Transition to recalculate height when a resize occurs
published 1.9.2 •



[1.9.2] - 2017-09-26


  • moonstone/ExpandableList preventing updates when its children had changed
published 1.9.1 •



[1.9.1] - 2017-09-25


  • moonstone/ExpandableList run-time error when using an array of objects as children
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer blocking pointer events when the controls were hidden
published 1.9.0 •



[1.9.0] - 2017-09-22


  • moonstone/styles/mixins.less mixins: .moon-spotlight-margin() and .moon-spotlight-padding()
  • moonstone/Button property noAnimation to support non-animating pressed visual
  • sampler locale Vietnamese to the locale list knob
  • ui/styles/mixins.less mixins: .remove-margin-on-edge-children() and .remove-padding-on-edge-children() to better handle edge margins on container components


  • i18n to classify Vietnamese as a non-latin language
  • moonstone/TimePicker to use "AM/PM" instead of "meridiem" for label under meridiem picker
  • moonstone/IconButton default style to not animate on press. NOTE: This behavior will change back to its previous setting in release 2.0.0.
  • moonstone/Popup to warn when using scrimType 'none' and spotlightRestrict 'self-only'
  • moonstone/Scroller to block spotlight during scroll
  • moonstone/ExpandableItem and derivatives to always pause spotlight before animation
  • spotlight to block handling repeated key down events that were interrupted by a pointer event
  • ui/Holdable to cancel key hold events when the pointer moves
  • ui/Holdable and ui/Changeable back to Components and moved performance improvements elsewhere


  • moonstone/Input height for non-latin locales
  • moonstone/VirtualGridList to not move focus to wrong column when scrolled from the bottom by holding the "up" key
  • moonstone/VirtualList to focus an item properly when moving to a next or previous page
  • moonstone/Scrollable to move focus toward first or last child when page up or down key is pressed if the number of children is small
  • moonstone/VirtualList to scroll to preserved index when it exists within dataSize for preserving focus
  • moonstone/Picker buttons to not change size
  • moonstone/Panel to move key navigation to application close button on holding the "up" key.
  • moonstone/Picker to show numbers when changing values rapidly
  • moonstone/Popup layout in large text mode to show close button correctly
  • moonstone/Picker from moving scroller when pressing 5-way keys in joined Picker
  • moonstone/Input so it displays all locales the same way, without cutting off the edges of characters
  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator to hide tooltip when 5-way keys are pressed for disabled components
  • moonstone/Picker to not tremble in width when changing values while using a numeric width prop value
  • moonstone/Picker to not overlap values when changing values in vertical
  • moonstone/ContextualPopup pointer mode focus behavior for spotlightRestrict='self-only'
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to prevent interacting with more components in pointer mode when hidden
  • moonstone/Scroller to not repaint its entire contents whenever partial content is updated
  • moonstone/Slider knob positioning after its container is resized
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to maintain focus when media controls are hidden
  • moonstone/Scroller to scroll expandable components into view when opening when pointer has moved elsewhere
  • spotlight to not try to focus something when the window is activated unless the window has been previously blurred
  • spotlight to prevent containers that have been unmounted from being considered potential targets
  • ui/FloatingLayer to not asynchronously attach a click handler when the floating layer is removed
  • ui/ViewManager to correctly position items when changing mid-transition
published 1.8.0 •



[1.8.0] - 2017-09-07


  • moonstone/Dialog property showDivider, will be replaced by noDivider property in 2.0.0


  • moonstone/Popup callback property onShow which fires after popup appears for both animating and non-animating popups


  • i18n package to use latest iLib
  • moonstone/Popup callback property onHide to run on both animating and non-animating popups
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer state playbackRate to media events
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer support for spotlightDisabled
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer thumbnail positioning and style
  • moonstone/VirtualList to render when dataSize increased or decreased
  • moonstone/Dialog style
  • moonstone/Popup, moonstone/Dialog, and moonstone/Notification to support node type for children
  • moonstone/Scroller to forward onKeyDown events
  • ui/Holdable and ui/Changeable to be PureComponents to reduce the number of updates


  • moonstone/Scrollable to enable focus when wheel scroll is stopped
  • moonstone/VirtualList to show scroll thumb when a preserved item is focused in a Panel
  • moonstone/Scroller to navigate properly with 5-way when expandable child is opened
  • moonstone/VirtualList to stop scrolling when focus is moved on an item from paging controls or outside
  • moonstone/VirtualList to move out with 5-way navigation when the first or last item is disabled
  • moonstone/IconButton Tooltip position when disabled
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer Tooltip time after unhovering
  • moonstone/VirtualList to not show invisible items
  • moonstone/IconButton Tooltip position when disabled
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to display feedback tooltip correctly when navigating in 5-way
  • moonstone/MarqueeDecorator to work with synchronized marqueeOn 'render' and hovering as well as marqueOn 'hover' when moving rapidly among synchronized marquees
  • moonstone/Input aria-label for translation
  • moonstone/Marquee to recalculate inside moonstone/Scroller and moonstone/SelectableItem by bypassing shouldComponentUpdate
  • spotlight/Spottable to clean up internal spotted state when blurred within onSpotlightDisappear handler
published 2.0.0-alpha.2 •



[2.0.0-alpha.2] - 2017-08-29


  • ui/Scroller and ui/VirtualList
published 2.0.0-alpha.1 •



[2.0.0-alpha.1] - 2017-08-27


  • ui/Layout which provides a technique for laying-out components on the screen using Cells, in rows or columns
  • ui/Touchable to support consistent mouse and touch events along with hold gesture


  • moonstone/Button, moonstone/Checkbox, moonstone/FormCheckbox, moonstone/IconButton, moonstone/IncrementSlider, moonstone/Item, moonstone/Picker, and moonstone/RangePicker, moonstone/Switch and moonstone/VideoPlayer to use ui/Touchable


  • ui/Holdable and ui/Pressable which were replaced by ui/Touchable
published 1.7.0 •



[1.7.0] - 2017-08-23


  • moonstone/TextSizeDecorator and it will be replaced by moonstone/AccessibilityDecorator
  • moonstone/MarqueeDecorator property marqueeCentered and moonstone/Marquee property centered will be replaced by alignment property in 2.0.0


  • moonstone/TooltipDecorator config property to direct tooltip into a property instead of adding to children
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer prop thumbnailUnavailable to fade thumbnail
  • moonstone/AccessibilityDecorator with highContrast and textSize
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer high contrast scrim
  • moonstone/MarqueeDecoratorand moonstone/Marquee property alignment to allow setting alignment of marquee content
  • spotlight/SpotlightContainerDecorator config option continue5WayHold to support moving focus to the next spottable element on 5-way hold key.
  • spotlight/SpotlightContainerDecorator config option continue5WayHold to support moving focus to the next spottable element on 5-way hold key
  • spotlight/Spottable ability to restore focus when an initially disabled component becomes enabled


  • moonstone/Scrollbar to disable paging control down button properly at the bottom when a scroller size is a non-integer value
  • moonstone/VirtualList, moonstone/VirtualGridList, and moonstone/Scroller to scroll on keydown event instead of keyup event of page up and page down keys
  • moonstone/VirtualGridList to scroll by item via 5 way key
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to read target time when jump by left/right key
  • moonstone/IconButton to not use MarqueeDecorator and Uppercase


  • moonstone/VirtualList and moonstone/VirtualGridList to focus the correct item when page up and page down keys are pressed
  • moonstone/VirtualList not to lose focus when moving out from the first item via 5way when it has disabled items
  • moonstone/VirtualList to not lose focus when moving out from the first item via 5way when it has disabled items
  • moonstone/Slider to align tooltip with detached knob
  • moonstone/FormCheckbox to display correct colors in light skin
  • moonstone/Picker and moonstone/RangePicker to forward onKeyDown events when not joined
  • moonstone/SelectableItem to display correct icon width and alignment
  • moonstone/LabeledItem to always match alignment with the locale
  • moonstone/Scroller to properly 5-way navigate from scroll buttons
  • moonstone/ExpandableList to display correct font weight and size for list items
  • moonstone/Divider to not italicize in non-italic locales
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer slider knob to follow progress after being selected when seeking
  • moonstone/LabeledItem to correctly position its icon. This affects all of the Expandables, moonstone/DatePicker and moonstone/TimePicker.
  • moonstone/Panels.Header and moonstone/Item to prevent them from allowing their contents to overflow unexpectedly
  • moonstone/Marquee to recalculate when vertical scrollbar appears
  • moonstone/SelectableItem to recalculate marquee when toggled
  • spotlight to correctly restore focus to a spotlight container in another container
  • spotlight to not try to focus something when the window is activated if focus is already set


  • moonstone/Input large-text mode
published 1.6.1 •



[1.6.1] - 2017-08-07


  • moonstone/Icon and moonstone/IconButton to no longer fit image source to the icon's boundary
published 1.6.0 •



[1.6.0] - 2017-08-04


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer ability to seek when holding down the right and left keys. Sensitivity can be adjusted using throttling options jumpDelay and initialJumpDelay.

  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property no5WayJump to disable jumping done by 5-way

  • moonstone/VideoPlayer support for the "More" button to use tooltips

  • moonstone/VideoPlayer properties moreButtonLabel and moreButtonCloseLabel to allow customization of the "More" button's tooltip and Aria labels

  • moonstone/VideoPlayer property moreButtonDisabled to disable the "More" button

  • moonstone/Picker and moonstone/RangePicker prop aria-valuetext to support reading custom text instead of value

  • moonstone/VideoPlayer methods showControls and hideControls to allow external interaction with the player

  • moonstone/Scroller support for Page Up/Page Down keys in pointer mode when no item has focus


  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to handle play, pause, stop, fast forward and rewind on remote controller
  • moonstone/Marquee to also start when hovered if marqueeOnRender is set
  • spotlight containers using a restrict value of 'self-only' will ignore leaveFor directives when attempting to leave the container via 5-way


  • moonstone/IconButton to fit image source within IconButton
  • moonstone icon font sizes for wide icons
  • moonstone/ContextualPopupDecorator to prefer setting focus to the appropriate popup instead of other underlying controls when using 5-way from the activating control
  • moonstone/Scroller not scrolled via 5 way when moonstone/ExpandableList is opened
  • moonstone/VirtualList no not let the focus move outside of container even if there are children left when navigating with 5way
  • moonstone/Scrollable to update disability of paging controls when the scrollbar is set to visible and the content becomes shorter
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to focus on hover over play/pause button when video is loading
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer to update and display proper time while moving knob when video is paused
  • moonstone/VideoPlayer long title overlap issues
  • moonstone/Panels.Header to apply marqueeOn prop to subTitleBelow and titleBelow
  • moonstone/Picker wheeling in moonstone/Scroller
  • moonstone/IncrementSlider and moonstone/Picker to read value changes when selecting buttons
  • spotlight to not blur and re-focus an element that is already focused
  • ui/PlaceholderDecorator to update bounds of Scroller when the visible state changed