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Create source bundles from ES Modules

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21.5 MB



Bundle Source

This package creates source bundles from ES Modules, compatible with Endo applications, Agoric contracts, and SwingSet vats.

To bundle a program that enters at program.js from the command line, use the bundle-source tool:

> yarn bundle-source --cache-json bundles program.js program

To do the same programmatically:

import 'ses';
import bundleSource from '@endo/bundle-source';
import url from 'url';

const sourceBundleURL = new URL('program.js', import.meta.url);
const sourceBundlePath = url.fileURLToPath(sourceBundleURL);
const sourceBundleP = bundleSource(sourceBundlePath);

…to get a promise for a source bundle, that resolves after reading the named sources and bundling them into a form that vats can load, as indicated by the moduleFormat below.

The resulting bundle is suitable for use with @endo/import-bundle. The default format is of a bundle is "endoZipBase64".

Source maps

With the moduleFormat of endoZipBase64, the bundler can generate source maps but does not include them in the bundle itself. Use the cacheSourceMaps option to render source maps into a per-user per-host cache.

The @endo/import-bundle utility can add references to these generated source maps when it unpacks a bundle, provided a suitable computeSourceMapLocation power, like the one provided by @endo/import-bundle/source-map-node.js.

import 'ses';
import { importBundle } from '@endo/import-bundle';
import { computeSourceMapLocation } from '@endo/import-bundle/source-map-node.js';
await importBundle(
  { endowments: { console } },
  { computeSourceMapLocation },

Use the @endo/cli to find your cache.

> yarn add -D @endo/cli
> yarn endo where cache

Use the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable to override the default location of caches in general. The caches will be in endo/source-map and endo/source-map-track. The former is a content-address-store keyed on the SHA-512 of each bundled module file. The latter is a location-address-store keyed on the SHA-512 of the fully qualified path of the module source, indicating the last known bundle hash. The bundler uses the tracker to ensure that the cache only contains one source map for every physical module. It is not yet quite clever enough to collect source maps for sources that do not exist.

getExport moduleFormat

The most primitive moduleFormat is the "getExport" format. It generates source like:

function getExport() {
  let exports = {};
  const module = { exports };
  // CommonJS source translated from the inputs.
  return module.exports;

To evaluate it and obtain the resulting module namespace, you need to endow a require function to resolve external imports.

nestedEvaluate moduleFormat

This is logically similar to the getExport format, except that the code may additionally depend upon a nestedEvaluate(src) function to be used to evaluate submodules in the same context as the parent function.

The advantage of this format is that it helps preserve the filenames within the bundle in the event of any stack traces.

Also, the toplevel getExport(filePrefix = "/bundled-source") accepts an optional filePrefix argument (which is prepended to relative paths for the bundled files) in order to help give context to stack traces.

endoZipBase64 moduleFormat

An Endo (zip, base64) bundle is an object with properties:

  • moduleFormat is "endoZipBase64"
  • endoZipBase64 is a base 64 encoded zip file.
  • endoZipBase64Sha512, if present, is the SHA-512 of the compartment-map.json file inside the endoZipBase64 archive. If the compartment-map.json includes the SHA-512 of every module, this is sufficient as a hash of the bundled application for checking its integrity and is consistent regardless of whether the program is extracted from the archive.

To inspect the contents of a bundle in a JSON file:

jq -r .endoZipBase64 | base64 -d | xxd | less

To extract the contents:

jq -r .endoZipBase64 | base64 -d >
unzip -d bundle

Inside the zip file, the compartment-map.json expresses the entire linkage of the bundled program starting at its entry module, with explicitly marked "exit" modules (host modules that must be endowed).

The compartment map then names all of its compartments, and within each compartment, specifies each module that will be evaluated in that compartment. These indicate the path within the archive of the physical text of the module. The parser indicates how importBundle or the equivalent Compartment Mapper utilities will interpret the physical text of the module.

To avoid entraining large dependencies and a slow precompilation step, modules in a bundle are currently precompiled, so instead of finding source text, you will find a JSON record describing the bindings and behavior of the module, including code that is similar to the source but not identical.

The bundle may have any of these "parser" properties:

  • pre-mjs-json: precompiled ESM
  • pre-cjs-json: precompiled CommonJS
  • json: raw JSON (exports the corresponding value as default)
  • text: UTF-8 encoded text (exports the corresponding string as default)
  • bytes: bytes (exports the corresponding Uint8Array as default)

The JSON of a pre-mjs-json module will have all the properties of an object generated with StaticModuleRecord from @endo/static-module-record, but particularly:

  • __syncModuleProgram__: the code, which has been transformed from the ESM source to a program that a compartment can evaluate and bind to other ESM modules, and also had certain censorship-evasion transforms applied.

So, to extract the source-similar program for visual inspection:

jq -r .__syncModuleProgram module.js > module.source.js


Last updated on 07 May 2024

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