Compartment mapper
The compartment mapper builds compartment maps for Node.js style
applications, finding their dependencies and describing how to create
Compartments for each package in the application.
Creating a compartment map for a Node.js application allows us to harness
the SES module loader to encapsulate each dependency and grant the least
necessary authority to each third-party package, mitigating prototype pollution
attacks and some supply chain attacks.
Since most Node.js packages do not modify objects in global scope,
many libraries and applications work in Compartments without modification.
Evaluating an application from a file system
The importLocation
function evaluates a compartmentalized application off the
file system.
The globals
are properties to add to the globalThis
in the global scope
of the application's main package compartment.
The modules
are built-in modules to grant the application's main package
import fs from "fs";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { importLocation } from "@endo/compartment-mapper";
const read = async location => fs.promises.readFile(fileURLToPath(location));
const { namespace: moduleExports } = await importLocation(
globals: { console },
modules: { fs },
The compartment mapper does nothing to arrange for the realm to be frozen.
The application using the compartment mapper is responsible for applying the
[SES] shim (if necessary) and calling lockdown
to freeze the realm (if
The compartment mapper is also not coupled specifically to Node.js IO and does
not import any powerful modules like fs
The caller must provide read powers in the first argument as either a ReadPowers
object or as a standalone read
function. ReadPowers has optional functions
which can be used to unlock compatibility features. When fileURLToPath
available, __dirname
and __filename
will be provided to CJS modules. When
is available, it will be called whenever a CJS module calls
type ReadPowers = {
read: (location: string) => Promise<Uint8Array>,
canonical: (location: string) => Promise<string>,
computeSha512?: (bytes: Uint8Array) => string,
fileURLToPath?: (location: string | URL) => string,
pathToFileURL?: (path: string) => URL,
requireResolve?: (
fromLocation: string,
specifier: string,
options?: { paths?: string[] },
) => string
TODO: A future version will allow application authors to distribute their
choices of globals and built-in modules to third-party packages within the
application, as with LavaMoat.
The importLocation
function internally uses loadLocation
Use loadLocation
to defer execution or evaluate multiple times with varying
globals or modules in the same process.
returns an Application object with an
import({ globals?, modules? })
Writing an application archive
Use writeArchive
to capture an application in an archival format.
Archives are zip
files with a compartment-map.json
manifest file.
import fs from "fs";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { writeArchive } from "@endo/compartment-mapper";
const read = async location => fs.promises.readFile(fileURLToPath(location));
const write = async (location, content) =>
fs.promises.writeFile(fileURLToPath(location), content);
const moduleSpecifier = new URL('app.js', import.meta.url).toString();
const archiveLocation = new URL('', import.meta.url).toString();
await writeArchive(write, read, archiveLocation, moduleSpecifier);
The writeArchive
function internally uses makeArchive
Using makeArchive
directly gives you the archive bytes.
Evaluating an application from an archive
Use importArchive
to run an application from an archive.
Note the similarity to importLocation
import fs from "fs";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { importArchive } from "@endo/compartment-mapper";
const read = async location => fs.promises.readFile(fileURLToPath(location));
const { namespace: moduleExports } = await importArchive(
globals: { console },
modules: { fs },
The importArchive
function internally composes loadArchive
Use loadArchive
to defer execution or run multiple times with varying
globals or modules in the same process.
Use parseArchive
to construct a runner from the bytes of an archive.
and parseArchive
return an Application object with an
import({ globals?, modules? })
and parseArchive
do not run the archived application,
so they can be used to safely check its hash.
Script bundles
From @endo/compartment-mapper/script.js
, the makeScript
function is similar
to makeArchive
but generates a string of JavaScript suitable for eval
embedding in a web page with a <script>
Endo uses this "bundle" format to bootstrap an environment up to the point it
can call importArchive
, so bundles are at least suitable for creating a
script that subsumes ses
, @endo/compartment-mapper/import-archive.js
, and
other parts of Endo, but is not as feature-complete as importArchive
import url from "url";
import fs from "fs";
import { makeScript } from "@endo/compartment-mapper/script.js";
import { makeReadPowers } from "@endo/compartment-mapper/node-powers.js";
const readPowers = makeReadPowers({ fs, url });
const options = {};
const script = await makeScript(readPowers, moduleSpecifier, options);
The script is suitable for evaluating as a script in a web environment.
The script is in UTF-8 format and uses non-ASCII characters, so may require
headers or tags to specify the encoding.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="script.js"></script>
Evaluation of script
returns the emulated exports namespace of the entry
const script = await makeScript(readPowers, moduleSpecifier, options);
const globalEval = eval;
const moduleExports = globalEval(script);
Scripts can include ESM, CJS, and JSON modules, but no other module languages
like bytes or text.
Scripts do not support live
bindings, dynamic
, or import.meta
Scripts do not isolate modules to a compartment.
accepts all the options of makeArchive
(string, default ""
Specifies a prefix to occur on each module's sourceURL
comment, as injected
at runtime.
Should generally end with /
if non-empty.
This can improve stack traces.
or undefined
, default undefined
By default, makeBundle
generates a bundle that can be evaluated in any
By specifying "cjs"
, the bundle can assume there is a host CommonJS
function available for resolving modules that exit the bundle.
The default is require
on globalThis
The require
function can be overridden with a curried runtime option.
(boolean, default false
Disabled by default, for bundles that may be embedded on a web page with a
Content Security Policy.
Enable for any environment that can use eval
or other suitable evaluator
(like a Hardened JavaScript Compartment
By default and when useEvaluate
is explicitly false
, the text of a module
includes an array of module evaluator functions.
Example is illustrative and neither a compatibility guarantee nor even
(modules => options => {
for (const module of modules) {
function () { },
function () { },
Each of these functions is generated by Endo's emulation of a JavaScript
which we use elsewhere in the Compartment Mapper to emulate Compartment
module systems at runtime, as in the Compartment Mapper's own importArchive
With useEvaluate
, the script instead embeds the text for each module as a
string, along with a package-relative source URL, and uses an eval
to produce the corresponding function
(modules => options => {
for (const [module, sourceURL] of modules) {
evalWithSourceURL(module, sourceURL)();
["(function () { /* ... */ })", "bundle/dependency.js"],
["(function () { /* ... */ })", "bundle/dependent.js"],
With useEvaluate
, the bundle will instead capture a string for
each module function and use an indirect eval
to revive them.
This can make the file locations and line numbers in stack traces more
From @endo/compartment-mapper/script-lite.js
, the makeScriptFromMap
a compartment map, like that generated by mapNodeModules
instead of the entry module's
The -lite.js
modules, in general, do not entrain a specific compartment
Functor bundles
From @endo/compartment-mapper/functor.js
, the makeFunctor
function is similar
to makeScript
but generates a string of JavaScript suitable for eval
but not
suitable for embedding as a script. But, the completion value of the script
is a function that accepts runtime options and returns the entry module's emulated
module exports namespace, adding a level of indirection.
In this example, we use a Hardened JavaScript Compartment
to confine the
execution of the functor and its modules.
const functorScript = await makeFunctor(readPowers, moduleSpecifier, options);
const compartment = new Compartment();
const moduleExports = compartment.evaluate(functorScript)({
evaluate: compartment.evaluate,
sourceUrlPrefix: 'file:///Users/you/project/',
The functor runtime options include:
: for functors made with useEvaluate
specifies a function to use to evaluate each module.
The default evaluator is indirect eval
: for functors made with format
of "cjs"
, provides the behavior
for require
calls that exit the bundle to the host environment.
Defaults to the require
in lexical scope.
: specifies a prefix to occur on each module's sourceURL
as injected at runtime.
Overrides the sourceUrlPrefix
provided to makeFunctor
, if any.
From @endo/compartment-mapper/functor-lite.js
, the makeFunctorFromMap
a compartment map, like that generated by mapNodeModules
instead of the entry module's
The -lite.js
modules, in general, do not entrain a specific compartment
Package Descriptors
The compartment mapper uses Compartments, one for each Node.js package your
application needs.
The compartment mapper generates a compartment graph from Node.js packaged
module descriptors: the package.json
files of the application and all its
Consequently, an application must have a package.json
Each package has its own descriptor, package.json
Some standard properties of the descriptor are relevant and used by a
compartment map.
The compartment map will contain one compartment for each package.json
necessary to build the application.
Like Node.js, the compartment mapper trusts the package manager to arrange the
packages such that a satisfactory version of every package's dependencies rests
in a parent directory, under node_modules
The main
, browser
, and exports
properties determine the modules each
package exports to other compartments.
The exports
property describes package entry points and can be influenced
by build conditions.
Currently, the only conditions supported by the compartment mapper are
, browser
, and endo
The imports
condition indicates that the module map should use ESM modules
over CommonJS modules or other variants, and endo
The browser
condition also draws in the browser
property from
instead of main
The endo
condition only indicates that this tool is in use.
If no exports
apply to the root of the compartment namespace ("."
the main
property serves as a default.
TODO: A future version may also respect the imports
TODO: A future version may also respect wildcard patterns in exports
The files
property indicates all of the files in the package that
should be vended out to applications.
The file set implicitly includes all **.js
, **.mjs
, and **.cjs
The file set implicitly excludes anything under node_modules
With the compartment mapper, just as in Node.js, a module specifier that has no
extension may refer either to the file with the js
extension, or if that file
does not exist, to the index.js
file in the directory with the same name.
TODO: The compartment mapper does not yet do anything with the files
but a future version of the compartment mapper will collect these in archives.
The compartment mapper should eventually provide the means for any
compartment to access its own files using an attenuated fs
module or
global, in conjunction with usable values for import.meta.url
ECMAScript modules or __dirname
and __filename
in CommonJS modules.
Language Extensions
Node.js version 14 or greater treats .mjs
files as ECMAScript modules and
files as CommonJS modules.
The .js
extension indicates a CommonJS module by default, to maintain
backward compatibility.
However, packages with type
"module" will treat a .js
file as an ECMAScript
Many Node.js applications using CommonJS modules expect to be able to require
a JSON file like package.json
The compartment mapper therefore supports loading JSON modules from any type of
module, but using this feature may limit compatibility with the Node.js platform
(in which importing a JSON module requires import attributes including
type: "json"
The compartment mapper supports loading CommonJS modules from ECMAScript
modules as well as loading ECMAScript modules from CommonJS modules.
This presumes that the CommonJS modules exclusively use require
calls with a
single string argument, where require
is not lexically bound, to declare
their shallow dependencies, so that these modules and their transitive
dependencies can be loaded before any module executes.
Use of this feature may limit compatibility with the Node.js platform, which did
not support loading ECMAScript modules from CommonJS modules until version 22.
The compartment mapper supports language plugins.
The languages supported by default are:
for ECMAScript modules,
for CommonJS modules,
for JSON modules,
for UTF-8 encoded text files,
for any file, exporting a Uint8Array
as default
for pre-compiled ECMAScript modules captured as JSON in
archives, and
for pre-compiled CommonJS modules captured as JSON in
The compartment mapper accepts extensions to this set of languages with
the parserForLanguage
option supported by many functions.
See src/types/external.ts for the type and expected
behavior of parsers.
These language identifiers are keys for the moduleTransforms
options, which may map each language to a transform
The language identifiers are also the values for a languageForExtension
, and commonjsLanguageForExtension
options to
configure additional extension-to-language mappings for a module and its
transitive dependencies.
For any package that has type
set to "module" in its package.json
will precede languageForExtension
For any packages with type
set to "commonjs" or simply not set,
will precede languageForExtension
This provides an hook for mapping TypeScript's .ts
to either .cts
The analogous workspaceLanguageForExtension
, and
options apply more specifically for
packages that are not under a node_modules
directory, indicating that they
are in the set of linked workspaces and have not been built or published to
In the scope any given package, the parsers
property in package.json
override the extension-to-language mapping.
"parsers": { "png": "bytes" }
TODO: The compartment mapper may elect to respect some properties specified
for import maps.
TODO: A future version of the compartment mapper may add support for
source-to-source translation in the scope of a package or compartment.
This would be expressed in package.json
using a property like
that would contain a map from file extension
to a module that exports a suitable translator.
For browser applications, the compartment mapper would use the translator
modules in two modes.
During development, the compartment mapper would be able to load the
translator in the client, with the browser
The compartment mapper would also be able to run the translator in a separate
non-browser compartment during bundling, so the translator can be excluded
from the production application and archived applications.
TODO: The compartment mapper may also add support for compartment map plugins
that would recognize packages in devDependencies
that need to introduce
For example, packages that use JSX and a virtual DOM would be able to add a
module-to-module translator and endow the compartment with the h
translated modules need.
Source Maps
The makeArchive
, makeAndHashArchive
, and writeArchive
tools can receive a
as one of its options.
The sourceMapHook
receives a source map string
for every module it
archives, along with details compartment
, module
, location
, and sha512
The compartment
is the fully-qualified file URL of the package root.
The module
is the package-relative module specifier.
The location
is the fully-qualified file URL of the module file.
The sha512
, if present, was generated with the computeSha512
power from the
generated module bytes.
The functions importArchive
, loadArchive
, and parseArchive
tools can receive a computeSourceMapLocation
option that recives the same
details as above and must return a URL.
These will be appended to each module from the archive, for debugging purposes.
The @endo/bundle-source
and @endo/import-bundle
tools integrate source maps
for an end-to-end debugging experience.
XS (experimental)
The Compartment Mapper can use native XS Compartment
and ModuleSource
certain conditions:
- The application must be an XS script that was compiled with the
package condition.
This causes ses
, @endo/module-source
, and @endo/import-bundle
provide slightly different implementations that can fall through to native
- The application must opt-in with the
__native__: true
option on any
of the compartment mapper methods that import modules like importLocation
and importArchive
Each workflow of the compartment mapper executes a portion of a sequence
of underlying internals.
- search (search.js): Scan the parent directories of a given
until successfully finding and reading a package.json
the containing application.
- map compartments from Node.js packages
(node-modules.js): Find and gather all the
files for the application's transitive dependencies.
Use these to construct a compartment map describing how to construct a
for each application package and how to link the modules each
exports in the compartments that import them.
- load compartments (archive.js): Using
or implicitly through compartment.import
, create a module graph for the
application's entire working set.
When creating an archive, this does not execute any of the modules.
The compartment mapper uses the compartments and a special importHook
records the text of every module the main module needed.
- import modules (import.js,
import-archive.js): Actually execute the working
Around this sequence, we can enter late or depart early to store or retrieve an
The compartment mapper provides workflows that use read
and write
when interacting with a filesystem or work with the archive bytes directly.
This diagram represents the the workflows of each of the public methods like
Each column of pipes |
is a workflow from top to bottom.
Each asterisk *
denotes a step that is taken by that workflow.
The dotted lines .'. : '.'
indicate carrying an archive file from the end of
one workflow to the beginning of another, either as bytes or a location.
In the diagram, "powers" refer to globals and built-in modules that may provide
capabilities to a compartment graph.
For writeArchive
and makeArchive
, these may be provided but will be ignored
since the application does not execute.
loadLocation writeArchive
importLocation | | makeArchive
| | | |
| | | | parseArchive
| | | | | loadArchive
| | | | | | importArchive
| | | | | | |...
search -> * * * * | |'| . '
map compartments -> * * * * .'.| | |' : :
read archive -> | | | ' | * * : :
unpack archive -> | | | : * * * : :
assemble compartments -> * * * : * : : <- powers
load compartments -> * * * : * : :
import modules -> * | | : * : :
pack archive -> * * ' : :
write archive -> * '.' <- data : :
'..............' : <- files
Compartment maps
The compartment mapper works by generating a compartment map from your
application workspace and all of the node_modules
it needs.
A compartment map is similar to a lock file because it collects information
from all of the installed modules.
A compartment map describes how to construct compartments for each
package in your application and link their module namespaces.
The compartment map shape:
type CompartmentMap = {
tags: Conditions,
entry: Entry,
compartments: Record<CompartmentName, Compartment>,
realms: Record<RealmName, Realm>,
type Conditions = Array<Condition>;
type Condition = string;
type Entry = CompartmentModule;
type CompartmentName = string;
type Compartment = {
location: Location,
modules: ModuleMap,
parsers: ParserMap,
types: ModuleParserMap,
scopes: ScopeMap,
realm?: RealmName
type Location = string;
type ModuleMap = Record<InternalModuleSpecifier, Module>;
type Module = CompartmentModule | FileModule | ExitModule;
type CompartmentModule = {
compartment?: CompartmentName,
module?: ExternalModuleSpecifier,
type FileLocation = string
type FileModule = {
location: FileLocation,
parser: Parser,
type ExitName = string;
type ExitModule = {
exit: ExitName
type InternalModuleSpecifier = string;
type ExternalModuleSpecifier = string;
type ParserMap = Record<Extension, Parser>;
type Extension = string;
type Parser = "mjs" | "cjs" | "json";
type ModuleParserMap = Record<InternalModuleSpecifier, Parser>;
>> When the compartment mapper creates an archive, it captures all of the Modules
>> explicitly and erases the scopes entry.
type ScopeMap = Record<InternalModuleSpecifier, Scope>;
type Scope = {
compartment: CompartmentName
type Realm = {
type RealmName = string;
type ModuleParameter = string;
Compartment map policy
The policy
option accepted by the compartment-mapper API methods provides means to narrow down the endowments passed to each compartment independently.
The rules defined by policy get preserved in the compartment map and enforced in the application. To explore how policies work, see Policy Demo.
The shape of the policy
object is based on policy.json
from LavaMoat. MetaMask's LavaMoat generates a policy.json
file that serves the same purposes, using a tool called TOFU: trust on first use.
TODO: Endo policy support is intended to reach parity with LavaMoat's
Policy generation may be ported to Endo.