Permission Client for Node
Permission Client is a Javascript module for Node and is an SDK for Entur Permission Store providing local cache of user permissions.
A similar SDK also exists for Java called Permission Client for Java.
Using Permission Client will help you satisfy Enturs Application Security Requirements related to Authorisation.
If you have any questions about how to use Permission Store please use the Slack channel #work-tilgangstyring.
Other more general questions related to authentication and/or authorization can be directed to #talk-sikkerhet.
Minimum requirements
Requirement | Functionality | Comment |
ES2020 | All | |
Node21 | PermissionDeliverRepository | |
Optional requirements
Requirement | Functionality | Comment |
typescript | All | |
@stomp/stompjs + websocket | In Memory Cache | Used to save network traffic and faster refresh rates. |
Getting Started
In this getting started guide we will describe how to set up a Node application with authorisation delivered by Permission Client for Node.
Links to other frameworks and services that are mentioned/relevant for this guide:
Setup Express Application
Permission Client for Node is provided as a standalone javascript module, but in this getting started guide we will be using it along with the Express framework.
Verify your Express setup:
- Check you have a running Express application.
- Performs authentication and validated JWT. You can use express-oauth2-jwt-bearer or your favorite package.
- Application has an internal/partner auth0 m2m client it can use.
Internal clients can easily be provisioned for your project as described in The DevOps Handbook and how to implement authentication.
- Set up your test framework like Jest.
Notice: express-oauth2-jwt-bearer v1.6.0 don't support Node 21+.
Workaround implement your own PermissionDeliverRepository or use permission-client-node v3.1.0
Add Permission Client package
yarn add @entur-partner/permission-client-node
Create permissions
In this chapter we will show how to use Permission Client to secure a REST endpoint.
Permissions for the application will be defined in typescript to be used in Setup Permission Client for Node chapter.
Permissions defined by applications must be in line with the guidelines described in Confluence here.
Here is an example file myPermissions.ts:
import { ApplicationPermission, BusinessCapability } from '@entur-partner/permission-client-node'
export const APPLICATION_PERMISSIONS : ApplicationPermission[] = [];
export const OPERATION1_CREATE : BusinessCapability = {operation: 'operation1', access: 'OPPRETT'};
export const OPERATION1_READ : BusinessCapability = {operation: 'operation1', access: 'LES'};
export const OPERATION2_READ : ApplicationPermission = {operation: 'operation2', access: 'LES', responsibilityType: 'name1.attributt1'};
Setup Permission Client for Node
Setup of Permission Client in your Node application involves initialisation of TokenFactory and AuthorizeCache. Here is an example:
import { TokenOptions, TokenFactory } from '@entur-partner/permission-client-node'
import { AuthorizeCacheType, Application, PermissionDeliverRepository } from '@entur-partner/permission-client-node'
import PermissionClient from '@entur-partner/permission-client-node'
import { APPLICATION_PERMISSIONS } from './myPermissions'
const clientTokenOptions : TokenOptions = {
domain: '',
clientId: '<MNG_AUTH0_INT_CLIENT_ID>',
clientSecret: '<MNG_AUTH0_INT_CLIENT_SECRET>',
audience: '',
refreshBeforeMinValidSeconds: 600
const application : Application = {
name : 'MyApplication',
refreshRate : 300
let permissionClient: AuthorizeCache;
const initPermissionClient = async () => {
try {
const accessTokenFactory = new TokenFactory(clientTokenOptions);
const permissionStoreUrl = new URL('permission-store URL');
const repository = new PermissionDeliverRepository(application, accessTokenFactory, permissionStoreUrl);
permissionClient = await PermissionClient(AuthorizeCacheType.IN_MEMORY, APPLICATION_PERMISSIONS, repository);
permissionClient.setScheduleErrorHandler((error) => {
logger.warning('PermissionClient scheduler failed', error);
});'PermissionClient initialized');
} catch (error) {
logger.error('Failed to initialize PermissionClient', error);
throw Error('Failed to initialize PermissionClient. Please make sure permission store cache configurations are correct and try again.');
export { initPermissionClient, permissionClient };
Defining and implementing permissions checks in the application is a central part of using Permission Client. Permission Client supports two types of permissions:
- Business Capability
- Responsibility Set
Business Capability Permissions is typically used for securing REST endpoints. And Responsibility Permissions is a good candidate when you want you securely share data between partners.
Permissions can be:
- Restricted to a single or every organisation.
- Restricted with the superuser flag.
Business Capability
Business capability is a right typically used to control access to endpoints.
Business Capability are defined in code and used when creating PermissionClient. Example:
export const OPERATION_CREATE : BusinessCapability = {operation: 'operation', access: 'OPPRETT'};
Responsibility Set
Responsibility Set is a right designed to control access to data through permissions and agreements.
This permission works similar to Business Capability, but in addition an agreement must be registered that the users organisation is allowed to access
target data element.
Responsibility Sets are defined in code and used when creating PermissionClient. Example:
export const OPERATION_READ : ApplicationPermission = {operation: 'operation', access: 'LES', responsibilityType: 'name.attributt'};
Agreements are used in tandem with responsibility sets to restrict access to data based on which organisation the user/client belongs to. I.e. an agreement is used to describe the relationship between an organisation and some data element.
An application using Responsibility Sets will also normally maintain Agreements in its UI or delegates this to a related UI.
Note: Agreements can only be changed by the same application that created it.
To administrate agreements using Permission Client, applications can use the following methods on PermissionDeliverRepository:
- async getAgreements(responsibilitySet: ResponsibilitySet): Promise<Agreement[]>
- async storeAgreement(agreement: Agreement): Promise
- async deleteAgreement(agreementId: bigint): Promise
- async deleteObject(objectKey: ObjectKey): Promise // Similar to deleteAgreement, difference that it will delete all Agreements related to one object.
An Agreement is defined from:
- operation
- access
- responsibilityType
- responsibilityKey
- organisationId
Cache types
Permission Client for Node only supports one cache type: IN_MEMORY cache.
Cache type IN-MEMORY is for production.
Optional: Push notifications
When the application is running in one of the internal GKE environments (dev, tst/staging, prd),
you can tell Permission Client to use Permission Store push notifications through websockets,
rather than polling the Store directly at a regular interval.
To do this, add websocket dependencies:
yarn add @stomp/stompjs websocket
And when you create PermissionClient pass the parameter typescript{ communicationType: CommunicationType.SocketJS }
const permissionClient = await PermissionClient(AuthorizeCacheType.IN_MEMORY, APPLICATION_PERMISSIONS, repository, { communicationType: CommunicationType.SocketJS });
LOCAL_TEST_CACHE is a cache type for running automatic tests. LOCAL_TEST_CACHE is not implemented for Permission Client for Node. It's expected that mock functionality in Jest will be used in automatic tests.
Use Permission Store without downtime
Starting from version 3.0.0 of Permission Client, each instance of your running service will receive a unique instance ID.
This ID is used to track the permissions required by your service,
allowing Permission Store to calculate the total permission requirements for your application.
When introducing new permissions, it's sometimes necessary to add them to application.yaml before using them in your code.
This ensures that role management can be performed before the corresponding restrictions are enforced during code execution.
Get source
Clone module from GitHub with:
git clone
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Run Jest tests:
yarn test
Create a NPM user account on Send your user to tech-lead in Entur Partner and ask to be added to Entur Partner organisation.
Upgrade version with:
yarn version [--major | --minor | --patch]
Publishing with:
yarn publish