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Comparing version 25.6.0 to 25.7.0


import { request } from "../request";
export { searchChannels } from "@esri/hub-common";
* search channels
* @export
* @param {ISearchChannelsParams} options
* @return {*} {Promise<IPagedResponse<IChannel>>}
export function searchChannels(options) {
options.httpMethod = "GET";
return request(`/channels`, options);
* create channel

@@ -15,0 +5,0 @@ *

@@ -1,244 +0,2 @@

* sort orders
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var SortOrder;
(function (SortOrder) {
SortOrder["ASC"] = "ASC";
SortOrder["DESC"] = "DESC";
})(SortOrder || (SortOrder = {}));
* reactions to posts
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var PostReaction;
(function (PostReaction) {
PostReaction["CLAPPING_HANDS"] = "clapping_hands";
PostReaction["CONFUSED"] = "confused";
PostReaction["DOWN_ARROW"] = "down_arrow";
PostReaction["EYES"] = "eyes";
PostReaction["FACE_WITH_TEARS_OF_JOY"] = "face_with_tears_of_joy";
PostReaction["FIRE"] = "fire";
PostReaction["GRINNING"] = "grinning";
PostReaction["HEART"] = "heart";
PostReaction["LAUGH"] = "laugh";
PostReaction["ONE_HUNDRED"] = "one_hundred";
PostReaction["PARTYING"] = "partying";
PostReaction["PARTY_POPPER"] = "party_popper";
PostReaction["RAISING_HANDS"] = "raising_hands";
PostReaction["ROCKET"] = "rocket";
PostReaction["SAD"] = "sad";
PostReaction["SLIGHTLY_SMILING"] = "slightly_smiling";
PostReaction["SURPRISED"] = "surprised";
PostReaction["THINKING"] = "thinking";
PostReaction["THUMBS_UP"] = "thumbs_up";
PostReaction["THUMBS_DOWN"] = "thumbs_down";
PostReaction["TROPHY"] = "trophy";
PostReaction["UP_ARROW"] = "up_arrow";
PostReaction["WAVING_HAND"] = "waving_hand";
PostReaction["WINKING"] = "winking";
PostReaction["WORLD_MAP"] = "world_map";
})(PostReaction || (PostReaction = {}));
* platform sharing access values
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var SharingAccess;
(function (SharingAccess) {
SharingAccess["PUBLIC"] = "public";
SharingAccess["ORG"] = "org";
SharingAccess["PRIVATE"] = "private";
})(SharingAccess || (SharingAccess = {}));
* possible statuses of a post
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var PostStatus;
(function (PostStatus) {
PostStatus["PENDING"] = "pending";
PostStatus["APPROVED"] = "approved";
PostStatus["REJECTED"] = "rejected";
PostStatus["DELETED"] = "deleted";
PostStatus["HIDDEN"] = "hidden";
})(PostStatus || (PostStatus = {}));
* possible discussionn content types, i.e. a post can be about an item, dataset, or group
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var DiscussionType;
(function (DiscussionType) {
DiscussionType["GROUP"] = "group";
DiscussionType["CONTENT"] = "content";
DiscussionType["BOARD"] = "board";
})(DiscussionType || (DiscussionType = {}));
* source of a post, i.e. app context
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var DiscussionSource;
(function (DiscussionSource) {
DiscussionSource["HUB"] = "hub";
DiscussionSource["AGO"] = "ago";
DiscussionSource["URBAN"] = "urban";
})(DiscussionSource || (DiscussionSource = {}));
* relations of post entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var PostRelation;
(function (PostRelation) {
PostRelation["REPLIES"] = "replies";
PostRelation["REACTIONS"] = "reactions";
PostRelation["PARENT"] = "parent";
PostRelation["CHANNEL"] = "channel";
})(PostRelation || (PostRelation = {}));
* relations of reaction entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var ReactionRelation;
(function (ReactionRelation) {
ReactionRelation["POST"] = "post";
})(ReactionRelation || (ReactionRelation = {}));
* filters of channel entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var ChannelFilter;
(function (ChannelFilter) {
ChannelFilter["HAS_USER_POSTS"] = "has_user_posts";
})(ChannelFilter || (ChannelFilter = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var CommonSort;
(function (CommonSort) {
CommonSort["CREATED_AT"] = "createdAt";
CommonSort["CREATOR"] = "creator";
CommonSort["EDITOR"] = "editor";
CommonSort["ID"] = "id";
CommonSort["UPDATED_AT"] = "updatedAt";
})(CommonSort || (CommonSort = {}));
* Role types
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var Role;
(function (Role) {
Role["READ"] = "read";
Role["WRITE"] = "write";
Role["READWRITE"] = "readWrite";
Role["MODERATE"] = "moderate";
Role["MANAGE"] = "manage";
Role["OWNER"] = "owner";
})(Role || (Role = {}));
* Post sorting fields
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var PostSort;
(function (PostSort) {
PostSort["BODY"] = "body";
PostSort["CHANNEL_ID"] = "channelId";
PostSort["CREATED_AT"] = "createdAt";
PostSort["CREATOR"] = "creator";
PostSort["DISCUSSION"] = "discussion";
PostSort["EDITOR"] = "editor";
PostSort["ID"] = "id";
PostSort["PARENT_ID"] = "parentId";
PostSort["STATUS"] = "status";
PostSort["TITLE"] = "title";
PostSort["UPDATED_AT"] = "updatedAt";
})(PostSort || (PostSort = {}));
* Post types
* @export
* @enum{string}
export var PostType;
(function (PostType) {
PostType["Text"] = "text";
PostType["Announcement"] = "announcement";
PostType["Poll"] = "poll";
PostType["Question"] = "question";
})(PostType || (PostType = {}));
* Channel sorting fields
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var ChannelSort;
(function (ChannelSort) {
ChannelSort["ACCESS"] = "access";
ChannelSort["CREATED_AT"] = "createdAt";
ChannelSort["CREATOR"] = "creator";
ChannelSort["EDITOR"] = "editor";
ChannelSort["ID"] = "id";
ChannelSort["LAST_ACTIVITY"] = "last_activity";
ChannelSort["UPDATED_AT"] = "updatedAt";
})(ChannelSort || (ChannelSort = {}));
* relations of channel entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var ChannelRelation;
(function (ChannelRelation) {
ChannelRelation["CHANNEL_ACL"] = "channelAcl";
})(ChannelRelation || (ChannelRelation = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var AclCategory;
(function (AclCategory) {
AclCategory["GROUP"] = "group";
AclCategory["ORG"] = "org";
AclCategory["USER"] = "user";
AclCategory["ANONYMOUS_USER"] = "anonymousUser";
AclCategory["AUTHENTICATED_USER"] = "authenticatedUser";
})(AclCategory || (AclCategory = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var AclSubCategory;
(function (AclSubCategory) {
AclSubCategory["ADMIN"] = "admin";
AclSubCategory["MEMBER"] = "member";
})(AclSubCategory || (AclSubCategory = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
export var DiscussionSettingType;
(function (DiscussionSettingType) {
DiscussionSettingType["CONTENT"] = "content";
})(DiscussionSettingType || (DiscussionSettingType = {}));
export { SortOrder, PostReaction, SharingAccess, PostStatus, DiscussionType, DiscussionSource, PostRelation, ReactionRelation, ChannelFilter, CommonSort, Role, PostSort, PostType, ChannelSort, ChannelRelation, AclCategory, AclSubCategory, DiscussionSettingType, } from "@esri/hub-common";
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.removeChannelActivity = exports.removeChannelNotificationOptOut = exports.createChannelNotificationOptOut = exports.fetchChannelNotifcationOptOut = exports.removeChannel = exports.updateChannel = exports.fetchChannel = exports.createChannel = exports.searchChannels = void 0;
exports.removeChannelActivity = exports.removeChannelNotificationOptOut = exports.createChannelNotificationOptOut = exports.fetchChannelNotifcationOptOut = exports.removeChannel = exports.updateChannel = exports.fetchChannel = exports.createChannel = void 0;
const request_1 = require("../request");
var hub_common_1 = require("@esri/hub-common");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "searchChannels", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.searchChannels; } });
* search channels
* @export
* @param {ISearchChannelsParams} options
* @return {*} {Promise<IPagedResponse<IChannel>>}
function searchChannels(options) {
options.httpMethod = "GET";
return request_1.request(`/channels`, options);
exports.searchChannels = searchChannels;
* create channel

@@ -19,0 +9,0 @@ *

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DiscussionSettingType = exports.AclSubCategory = exports.AclCategory = exports.ChannelRelation = exports.ChannelSort = exports.PostType = exports.PostSort = exports.Role = exports.CommonSort = exports.ChannelFilter = exports.ReactionRelation = exports.PostRelation = exports.DiscussionSource = exports.DiscussionType = exports.PostStatus = exports.SharingAccess = exports.PostReaction = exports.SortOrder = void 0;
* sort orders
* @export
* @enum {string}
var SortOrder;
(function (SortOrder) {
SortOrder["ASC"] = "ASC";
SortOrder["DESC"] = "DESC";
})(SortOrder = exports.SortOrder || (exports.SortOrder = {}));
* reactions to posts
* @export
* @enum {string}
var PostReaction;
(function (PostReaction) {
PostReaction["CLAPPING_HANDS"] = "clapping_hands";
PostReaction["CONFUSED"] = "confused";
PostReaction["DOWN_ARROW"] = "down_arrow";
PostReaction["EYES"] = "eyes";
PostReaction["FACE_WITH_TEARS_OF_JOY"] = "face_with_tears_of_joy";
PostReaction["FIRE"] = "fire";
PostReaction["GRINNING"] = "grinning";
PostReaction["HEART"] = "heart";
PostReaction["LAUGH"] = "laugh";
PostReaction["ONE_HUNDRED"] = "one_hundred";
PostReaction["PARTYING"] = "partying";
PostReaction["PARTY_POPPER"] = "party_popper";
PostReaction["RAISING_HANDS"] = "raising_hands";
PostReaction["ROCKET"] = "rocket";
PostReaction["SAD"] = "sad";
PostReaction["SLIGHTLY_SMILING"] = "slightly_smiling";
PostReaction["SURPRISED"] = "surprised";
PostReaction["THINKING"] = "thinking";
PostReaction["THUMBS_UP"] = "thumbs_up";
PostReaction["THUMBS_DOWN"] = "thumbs_down";
PostReaction["TROPHY"] = "trophy";
PostReaction["UP_ARROW"] = "up_arrow";
PostReaction["WAVING_HAND"] = "waving_hand";
PostReaction["WINKING"] = "winking";
PostReaction["WORLD_MAP"] = "world_map";
})(PostReaction = exports.PostReaction || (exports.PostReaction = {}));
* platform sharing access values
* @export
* @enum {string}
var SharingAccess;
(function (SharingAccess) {
SharingAccess["PUBLIC"] = "public";
SharingAccess["ORG"] = "org";
SharingAccess["PRIVATE"] = "private";
})(SharingAccess = exports.SharingAccess || (exports.SharingAccess = {}));
* possible statuses of a post
* @export
* @enum {string}
var PostStatus;
(function (PostStatus) {
PostStatus["PENDING"] = "pending";
PostStatus["APPROVED"] = "approved";
PostStatus["REJECTED"] = "rejected";
PostStatus["DELETED"] = "deleted";
PostStatus["HIDDEN"] = "hidden";
})(PostStatus = exports.PostStatus || (exports.PostStatus = {}));
* possible discussionn content types, i.e. a post can be about an item, dataset, or group
* @export
* @enum {string}
var DiscussionType;
(function (DiscussionType) {
DiscussionType["GROUP"] = "group";
DiscussionType["CONTENT"] = "content";
DiscussionType["BOARD"] = "board";
})(DiscussionType = exports.DiscussionType || (exports.DiscussionType = {}));
* source of a post, i.e. app context
* @export
* @enum {string}
var DiscussionSource;
(function (DiscussionSource) {
DiscussionSource["HUB"] = "hub";
DiscussionSource["AGO"] = "ago";
DiscussionSource["URBAN"] = "urban";
})(DiscussionSource = exports.DiscussionSource || (exports.DiscussionSource = {}));
* relations of post entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
var PostRelation;
(function (PostRelation) {
PostRelation["REPLIES"] = "replies";
PostRelation["REACTIONS"] = "reactions";
PostRelation["PARENT"] = "parent";
PostRelation["CHANNEL"] = "channel";
})(PostRelation = exports.PostRelation || (exports.PostRelation = {}));
* relations of reaction entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
var ReactionRelation;
(function (ReactionRelation) {
ReactionRelation["POST"] = "post";
})(ReactionRelation = exports.ReactionRelation || (exports.ReactionRelation = {}));
* filters of channel entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
var ChannelFilter;
(function (ChannelFilter) {
ChannelFilter["HAS_USER_POSTS"] = "has_user_posts";
})(ChannelFilter = exports.ChannelFilter || (exports.ChannelFilter = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
var CommonSort;
(function (CommonSort) {
CommonSort["CREATED_AT"] = "createdAt";
CommonSort["CREATOR"] = "creator";
CommonSort["EDITOR"] = "editor";
CommonSort["ID"] = "id";
CommonSort["UPDATED_AT"] = "updatedAt";
})(CommonSort = exports.CommonSort || (exports.CommonSort = {}));
* Role types
* @export
* @enum {string}
var Role;
(function (Role) {
Role["READ"] = "read";
Role["WRITE"] = "write";
Role["READWRITE"] = "readWrite";
Role["MODERATE"] = "moderate";
Role["MANAGE"] = "manage";
Role["OWNER"] = "owner";
})(Role = exports.Role || (exports.Role = {}));
* Post sorting fields
* @export
* @enum {string}
var PostSort;
(function (PostSort) {
PostSort["BODY"] = "body";
PostSort["CHANNEL_ID"] = "channelId";
PostSort["CREATED_AT"] = "createdAt";
PostSort["CREATOR"] = "creator";
PostSort["DISCUSSION"] = "discussion";
PostSort["EDITOR"] = "editor";
PostSort["ID"] = "id";
PostSort["PARENT_ID"] = "parentId";
PostSort["STATUS"] = "status";
PostSort["TITLE"] = "title";
PostSort["UPDATED_AT"] = "updatedAt";
})(PostSort = exports.PostSort || (exports.PostSort = {}));
* Post types
* @export
* @enum{string}
var PostType;
(function (PostType) {
PostType["Text"] = "text";
PostType["Announcement"] = "announcement";
PostType["Poll"] = "poll";
PostType["Question"] = "question";
})(PostType = exports.PostType || (exports.PostType = {}));
* Channel sorting fields
* @export
* @enum {string}
var ChannelSort;
(function (ChannelSort) {
ChannelSort["ACCESS"] = "access";
ChannelSort["CREATED_AT"] = "createdAt";
ChannelSort["CREATOR"] = "creator";
ChannelSort["EDITOR"] = "editor";
ChannelSort["ID"] = "id";
ChannelSort["LAST_ACTIVITY"] = "last_activity";
ChannelSort["UPDATED_AT"] = "updatedAt";
})(ChannelSort = exports.ChannelSort || (exports.ChannelSort = {}));
* relations of channel entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
var ChannelRelation;
(function (ChannelRelation) {
ChannelRelation["CHANNEL_ACL"] = "channelAcl";
})(ChannelRelation = exports.ChannelRelation || (exports.ChannelRelation = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
var AclCategory;
(function (AclCategory) {
AclCategory["GROUP"] = "group";
AclCategory["ORG"] = "org";
AclCategory["USER"] = "user";
AclCategory["ANONYMOUS_USER"] = "anonymousUser";
AclCategory["AUTHENTICATED_USER"] = "authenticatedUser";
})(AclCategory = exports.AclCategory || (exports.AclCategory = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
var AclSubCategory;
(function (AclSubCategory) {
AclSubCategory["ADMIN"] = "admin";
AclSubCategory["MEMBER"] = "member";
})(AclSubCategory = exports.AclSubCategory || (exports.AclSubCategory = {}));
* @export
* @enum {string}
var DiscussionSettingType;
(function (DiscussionSettingType) {
DiscussionSettingType["CONTENT"] = "content";
})(DiscussionSettingType = exports.DiscussionSettingType || (exports.DiscussionSettingType = {}));
var hub_common_1 = require("@esri/hub-common");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "SortOrder", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.SortOrder; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "PostReaction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.PostReaction; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "SharingAccess", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.SharingAccess; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "PostStatus", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.PostStatus; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "DiscussionType", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.DiscussionType; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "DiscussionSource", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.DiscussionSource; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "PostRelation", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.PostRelation; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "ReactionRelation", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.ReactionRelation; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "ChannelFilter", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.ChannelFilter; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "CommonSort", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.CommonSort; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Role", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.Role; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "PostSort", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.PostSort; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "PostType", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.PostType; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "ChannelSort", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.ChannelSort; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "ChannelRelation", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.ChannelRelation; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "AclCategory", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.AclCategory; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "AclSubCategory", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.AclSubCategory; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "DiscussionSettingType", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return hub_common_1.DiscussionSettingType; } });

@@ -1,11 +0,4 @@

import { ISearchChannelsParams, ICreateChannelParams, IFetchChannelParams, IUpdateChannelParams, IRemoveChannelParams, IChannel, IRemoveChannelResponse, IFetchChannelNotificationOptOutParams, ICreateChannelNotificationOptOutParams, IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutParams, IRemoveChannelActivityParams, IPagedResponse, IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutResult, IRemoveChannelActivityResult, IChannelNotificationOptOut } from "../types";
import { ICreateChannelParams, IFetchChannelParams, IUpdateChannelParams, IRemoveChannelParams, IChannel, IRemoveChannelResponse, IFetchChannelNotificationOptOutParams, ICreateChannelNotificationOptOutParams, IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutParams, IRemoveChannelActivityParams, IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutResult, IRemoveChannelActivityResult, IChannelNotificationOptOut } from "../types";
export { searchChannels } from "@esri/hub-common";
* search channels
* @export
* @param {ISearchChannelsParams} options
* @return {*} {Promise<IPagedResponse<IChannel>>}
export declare function searchChannels(options: ISearchChannelsParams): Promise<IPagedResponse<IChannel>>;
* create channel

@@ -12,0 +5,0 @@ *

@@ -1,986 +0,1 @@

import { IPagingParams, IPagedResponse as IRestPagedResponse, IUser } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-types";
import { IHubRequestOptions } from "@esri/hub-common";
import { Geometry } from "geojson";
* sort orders
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum SortOrder {
ASC = "ASC",
* reactions to posts
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum PostReaction {
CLAPPING_HANDS = "clapping_hands",
CONFUSED = "confused",
DOWN_ARROW = "down_arrow",
EYES = "eyes",
FACE_WITH_TEARS_OF_JOY = "face_with_tears_of_joy",
FIRE = "fire",
GRINNING = "grinning",
HEART = "heart",
LAUGH = "laugh",
ONE_HUNDRED = "one_hundred",
PARTYING = "partying",
PARTY_POPPER = "party_popper",
RAISING_HANDS = "raising_hands",
ROCKET = "rocket",
SAD = "sad",
SLIGHTLY_SMILING = "slightly_smiling",
SURPRISED = "surprised",
THINKING = "thinking",
THUMBS_UP = "thumbs_up",
THUMBS_DOWN = "thumbs_down",
TROPHY = "trophy",
UP_ARROW = "up_arrow",
WAVING_HAND = "waving_hand",
WINKING = "winking",
WORLD_MAP = "world_map"
* platform sharing access values
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum SharingAccess {
PUBLIC = "public",
ORG = "org",
PRIVATE = "private"
* representation of AGOL platform sharing ACL
* NOTE: orgs is an array to enable future org-org sharing/discussion
* @export
* @interface IPlatformSharing
export interface IPlatformSharing {
groups: string[];
orgs: string[];
access: SharingAccess;
* possible statuses of a post
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum PostStatus {
PENDING = "pending",
APPROVED = "approved",
REJECTED = "rejected",
DELETED = "deleted",
HIDDEN = "hidden"
* possible discussionn content types, i.e. a post can be about an item, dataset, or group
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum DiscussionType {
GROUP = "group",
CONTENT = "content",
BOARD = "board"
* source of a post, i.e. app context
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum DiscussionSource {
HUB = "hub",
AGO = "ago",
URBAN = "urban"
* named parts of a discussion URI, follows this convention:
* ${source}://${type}/${id}_${layer}?features=${...features}&attribute=${attribute}
* coarse-grained uri - hub://item/ab3 -- commenting from hub about item ab3
* --
* fine-grained uri - hub://dataset/3ef_0?features=10,32&attribute=species -- commenting from
* hub about species attribute of features id 10 & 32 in dataset 3ef layer 0
* @export
* @interface IDiscussionParams
export interface IDiscussionParams {
source: string | null;
type: string | null;
id: string | null;
layer: string | null;
features: string[] | null;
attribute: string | null;
* relations of post entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum PostRelation {
REPLIES = "replies",
REACTIONS = "reactions",
PARENT = "parent",
CHANNEL = "channel"
* relations of reaction entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum ReactionRelation {
POST = "post"
* filters of channel entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum ChannelFilter {
HAS_USER_POSTS = "has_user_posts"
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum CommonSort {
CREATED_AT = "createdAt",
CREATOR = "creator",
EDITOR = "editor",
ID = "id",
UPDATED_AT = "updatedAt"
* creator property
* @export
* @interface IWithAuthor
export interface IWithAuthor {
creator: string;
* editor property
* @export
* @interface IWithEditor
export interface IWithEditor {
editor: string;
* sorting properties
* @export
* @interface IWithSorting
export interface IWithSorting<SortEnum> {
sortBy: SortEnum;
sortOrder: SortOrder;
* filtering properties
* @export
* @interface IWithFiltering
export interface IWithFiltering<FilterEnum> {
filterBy: FilterEnum;
* properties that enable temporal querying
* @export
* @interface IWithTimeQueries
export interface IWithTimeQueries {
createdBefore: Date;
createdAfter: Date;
updatedBefore: Date;
updatedAfter: Date;
* temporal properties
* @export
* @interface IWithTimestamps
export interface IWithTimestamps {
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
* paginated response properties
* @export
* @interface IPagedResponse
* @extends {IRestPagedResponse}
* @template PaginationObject
export interface IPagedResponse<PaginationObject> extends IRestPagedResponse {
items: PaginationObject[];
* delete notifications opt out response properties
* @export
* @interface IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutResult
export interface IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutResult {
success: boolean;
channelId: string;
username: string;
* delete channel activity response properties
* @export
* @interface IRemoveChannelActivityResult
export interface IRemoveChannelActivityResult {
success: boolean;
channelId: string;
username: string;
* opt out response properties
* @export
* @interface IChannelNotificationOptOut
export interface IChannelNotificationOptOut {
channelId: string;
username: string;
* options for making requests against Discussion API
* @export
* @interface IDiscussionsRequestOptions
* @extends {RequestInit}
export interface IDiscussionsRequestOptions extends Omit<IHubRequestOptions, "httpMethod" | "isPortal">, Pick<RequestInit, "mode" | "cache" | "credentials"> {
httpMethod?: "GET" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "DELETE";
isPortal?: boolean;
token?: string;
data?: {
[key: string]: any;
* Role types
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum Role {
READ = "read",
WRITE = "write",
READWRITE = "readWrite",
MODERATE = "moderate",
MANAGE = "manage",
OWNER = "owner"
* Interface representing the meta data associated with a discussions
* mention email
* @export
* @interface IDiscussionsMentionMeta
export interface IDiscussionsMentionMeta {
channelId: string;
discussion: string;
postId: string;
replyId?: string;
* @export
* @interface IDiscussionsUser
* @extends {IUser}
export interface IDiscussionsUser extends IUser {
username?: string | null;
* representation of reaction from the service
* @export
* @interface IReaction
* @extends {IWithAuthor}
* @extends {IWithEditor}
* @extends {IWithTimestamps}
export interface IReaction extends IWithAuthor, IWithEditor, IWithTimestamps {
id: string;
value: PostReaction;
postId?: string;
post?: IPost;
* dto for creating a reaction
* @export
* @interface ICreateReaction
export interface ICreateReaction {
postId: string;
value: PostReaction;
* request options for creating a reaction to a post
* @export
* @interface ICreateReactionOptions
* @extends {IHubRequestOptions}
export interface ICreateReactionOptions extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
data: ICreateReaction;
* request options for deleting a reaction
* @export
* @interface IRemoveReactionOptions
* @extends {IHubRequestOptions}
export interface IRemoveReactionOptions extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
reactionId: string;
* delete reaction response properties
* @export
* @interface IRemoveReactionResponse
export interface IRemoveReactionResponse {
success: boolean;
reactionId: string;
* Post sorting fields
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum PostSort {
BODY = "body",
CHANNEL_ID = "channelId",
CREATED_AT = "createdAt",
CREATOR = "creator",
DISCUSSION = "discussion",
EDITOR = "editor",
ID = "id",
PARENT_ID = "parentId",
STATUS = "status",
TITLE = "title",
UPDATED_AT = "updatedAt"
* Post types
* @export
* @enum{string}
export declare enum PostType {
Text = "text",
Announcement = "announcement",
Poll = "poll",
Question = "question"
* representation of post from service
* @export
* @interface IPost
* @extends {IWithAuthor}
* @extends {IWithEditor}
* @extends {IWithTimestamps}
export interface IPost extends Partial<IWithAuthor>, Partial<IWithEditor>, IWithTimestamps {
id: string;
title: string | null;
body: string;
status: PostStatus;
appInfo: string | null;
discussion: string | null;
geometry: Geometry | null;
featureGeometry: Geometry | null;
postType: PostType;
channelId?: string;
channel?: IChannel;
parentId?: string;
parent?: IPost | null;
replies?: IPost[] | IPagedResponse<IPost>;
replyCount?: number;
reactions?: IReaction[];
* base parameters for creating a post
* @export
* @interface IPostOptions
export interface IPostOptions {
body: string;
title?: string;
discussion?: string;
geometry?: Geometry;
featureGeometry?: Geometry;
appInfo?: string;
asAnonymous?: boolean;
* dto for creating a post in a known channel
* @export
* @interface ICreatePost
* @extends {IPostOptions}
export interface ICreatePost extends IPostOptions {
channelId: string;
* dto for creating a post in a unknown or not yet created channel
* @export
* @interface ICreateChannelPost
* @extends {IPostOptions}
* @extends {ICreateChannel}
export interface ICreateChannelPost extends IPostOptions, ICreateChannel {
* request options for creating post
* @export
* @interface ICreatePostParams
* @extends {IHubRequestOptions}
export interface ICreatePostParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
data: ICreatePost | ICreateChannelPost;
mentionUrl?: string;
* request options for creating reply to post
* @export
* @interface ICreateReplyParams
* @extends {IHubRequestOptions}
export interface ICreateReplyParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
postId: string;
data: IPostOptions;
mentionUrl?: string;
* dto for decorating found post with relations
* @export
* @interface IFetchPost
export interface IFetchPost {
relations?: PostRelation[];
* dto for querying posts in a single channel
* @export
* @interface ISearchChannelPosts
* @extends {Partial<IWithAuthor>}
* @extends {Partial<IWithEditor>}
* @extends {Partial<IPagingParams>}
* @extends {Partial<IWithSorting<PostSort>>}
* @extends {Partial<IWithTimeQueries>}
export interface ISearchPosts extends Partial<IWithAuthor>, Partial<IWithEditor>, Partial<IPagingParams>, Partial<IWithSorting<PostSort>>, Partial<IWithTimeQueries> {
title?: string;
body?: string;
discussion?: string;
geometry?: Geometry;
featureGeometry?: Geometry;
parents?: Array<string | null>;
status?: PostStatus[];
relations?: PostRelation[];
groups?: string[];
access?: SharingAccess[];
channels?: string[];
* dto for updating a post's status
* @export
* @interface IUpdatePostStatus
export interface IUpdatePostStatus {
status: PostStatus;
* dto for updating a post's content
* @export
* @interface IUpdatePost
export interface IUpdatePost {
title?: string;
body?: string;
discussion?: string | null;
geometry?: Geometry | null;
featureGeometry?: Geometry | null;
appInfo?: string | null;
* request options for querying posts
* @export
* @interface ISearchPostsParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface ISearchPostsParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
data?: ISearchPosts;
* request params for getting post
* @export
* @interface IFetchPostParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IFetchPostParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
postId: string;
data?: IFetchPost;
* request options for updating post
* @export
* @interface IUpdatePostParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IUpdatePostParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
postId: string;
data: IUpdatePost;
mentionUrl?: string;
* request options for updating a post's status
* @export
* @interface IUpdatePostStatusParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IUpdatePostStatusParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
postId: string;
data: IUpdatePostStatus;
* request options for deleting a post
* @export
* @interface IRemovePostParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IRemovePostParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
postId: string;
* delete post response properties
* @export
* @interface IRemovePostResponse
export interface IRemovePostResponse {
success: boolean;
postId: string;
* Channel sorting fields
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum ChannelSort {
ACCESS = "access",
CREATED_AT = "createdAt",
CREATOR = "creator",
EDITOR = "editor",
ID = "id",
LAST_ACTIVITY = "last_activity",
UPDATED_AT = "updatedAt"
* relations of channel entity
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum ChannelRelation {
CHANNEL_ACL = "channelAcl"
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum AclCategory {
GROUP = "group",
ORG = "org",
USER = "user",
ANONYMOUS_USER = "anonymousUser",
AUTHENTICATED_USER = "authenticatedUser"
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum AclSubCategory {
ADMIN = "admin",
MEMBER = "member"
* request option for creating a channel ACL permission
* @export
* @interface IChannelAclPermissionDefinition
export interface IChannelAclPermissionDefinition {
category: AclCategory;
subCategory?: AclSubCategory;
key?: string;
role: Role;
restrictedBefore?: string;
* request option for updating a channel ACL permission
* @export
* @interface IChannelAclPermissionUpdateDefinition
* @extends {IChannelAclPermissionDefinition}
export interface IChannelAclPermissionUpdateDefinition extends IChannelAclPermissionDefinition {
channelId: string;
* representation of channel Acl permission from service
* @export
* @interface IChannelAclPermission
* @extends {IChannelAclDefinition}
* @extends {IWithAuthor}
* @extends {IWithEditor}
* @extends {IWithTimestamps}
export interface IChannelAclPermission extends Omit<IChannelAclPermissionDefinition, "restrictedBefore">, IWithAuthor, IWithEditor, IWithTimestamps {
id: string;
restrictedBefore: string;
* settings parameters for creating a channel
* @export
* @interface ICreateChannelSettings
export interface ICreateChannelSettings {
allowedReactions?: PostReaction[];
allowReaction?: boolean;
allowReply?: boolean;
blockWords?: string[];
defaultPostStatus?: PostStatus;
metadata?: IChannelMetadata;
name?: string;
softDelete?: boolean;
* @export
* @interface IChannelMetadata
export interface IChannelMetadata {
guidelineUrl?: string | null;
* permissions parameters for creating a channel
* @export
* @interface ICreateChannelPermissions
export interface ICreateChannelPermissions {
access?: SharingAccess;
allowAnonymous?: boolean;
groups?: string[];
orgs?: string[];
* Not available until the V2 Api is released
* @hidden
channelAclDefinition?: IChannelAclPermissionDefinition[];
* permissions parameters for updating a channel
* @export
* @interface IUpdateChannelPermissions
export interface IUpdateChannelPermissions {
access?: SharingAccess;
allowAnonymous?: boolean;
* permissions and settings options for creating a channel
* @export
* @interface ICreateChannel
* @extends {ICreateChannelSettings}
* @extends {ICreateChannelPermissions}
export interface ICreateChannel extends ICreateChannelSettings, ICreateChannelPermissions {
* representation of channel from service
* @export
* @interface IChannel
* @extends {IWithAuthor}
* @extends {IWithEditor}
* @extends {IWithTimestamps}
export interface IChannel extends IWithAuthor, IWithEditor, IWithTimestamps {
access: SharingAccess;
allowAnonymous: boolean;
allowedReactions: PostReaction[] | null;
allowReaction: boolean;
allowReply: boolean;
blockWords: string[] | null;
channelAcl?: IChannelAclPermission[];
defaultPostStatus: PostStatus;
groups: string[];
metadata: IChannelMetadata | null;
id: string;
name: string | null;
orgs: string[];
posts?: IPost[];
softDelete: boolean;
* parameters/options for updating channel settings
* @export
* @interface IUpdateChannel
* @extends {ICreateChannelSettings}
* @extends {IUpdateChannelPermissions}
* @extends {Partial<IWithAuthor>}
export interface IUpdateChannel extends ICreateChannelSettings, IUpdateChannelPermissions, Partial<IWithAuthor> {
* dto for decorating found channel with relations
* @export
* @interface IFetchChannel
export interface IFetchChannel {
relations?: ChannelRelation[];
* dto for querying channels
* @export
* @interface ISearchChannels
* @extends {Partial<IPagingParams>}
* @extends {Partial<IWithSorting<ChannelSort>>}
* @extends {Partial<IWithTimeQueries>}
* @extends {Partial<IWithFiltering<ChannelFilter>>}
export interface ISearchChannels extends Partial<IPagingParams>, Partial<IWithSorting<ChannelSort>>, Partial<IWithTimeQueries>, Partial<IWithFiltering<ChannelFilter>> {
groups?: string[];
access?: SharingAccess[];
relations?: ChannelRelation[];
* request params for creating a channel
* @export
* @interface ICreateChannelParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface ICreateChannelParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
data: ICreateChannel;
* request params for getting a channel
* @export
* @interface IFetchChannelParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IFetchChannelParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
channelId: string;
data?: IFetchChannel;
* request params for searching channels
* @export
* @interface ISearchChannelsParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface ISearchChannelsParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
data?: ISearchChannels;
* request params for updating a channel's settings
* @export
* @interface IUpdateChannelParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IUpdateChannelParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
channelId: string;
data: IUpdateChannel;
* request params for deleting a channel
* @export
* @interface IRemoveChannelParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IRemoveChannelParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
channelId: string;
* delete channel response properties
* @export
* @interface IRemoveChannelResponse
export interface IRemoveChannelResponse {
success: boolean;
channelId: string;
* request params for fetching opt out status
* @export
* @interface IFetchChannelNotificationOptOutParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IFetchChannelNotificationOptOutParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
channelId: string;
* request params for opting out
* @export
* @interface ICreateChannelNotificationOptOutParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface ICreateChannelNotificationOptOutParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
channelId: string;
* request params for opting back in
* @export
* @interface IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
channelId: string;
* request params for deleting channel activity
* @export
* @interface IRemoveChannelActivityParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IRemoveChannelActivityParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
channelId: string;
* representation of a discussion setting record from the service
* @export
* @interface IDiscussionSetting
* @extends {IWithAuthor}
* @extends {IWithEditor}
* @extends {IWithTimestamps}
export interface IDiscussionSetting extends IWithAuthor, IWithEditor, IWithTimestamps {
id: string;
type: DiscussionSettingType;
settings: ISettings;
* @export
* @enum {string}
export declare enum DiscussionSettingType {
CONTENT = "content"
* @export
* @interface ISettings
export interface ISettings {
allowedChannelIds: string[] | null;
* @export
* @interface IRemoveDiscussionSettingResponse
export interface IRemoveDiscussionSettingResponse {
id: string;
success: boolean;
* @export
* @interface ICreateDiscussionSetting
export interface ICreateDiscussionSetting {
id: string;
type: DiscussionSettingType;
settings: ISettings;
* parameters for creating a discussionSetting
* @export
* @interface ICreateDiscussionSettingParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface ICreateDiscussionSettingParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
data: ICreateDiscussionSetting;
* parameters for fetching a discussionSetting
* @export
* @interface IFetchDiscussionSettingParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IFetchDiscussionSettingParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
id: string;
* parameters for removing a discussionSetting
* @export
* @interface IRemoveDiscussionSettingParams
* @extends {IDiscussionsRequestOptions}
export interface IRemoveDiscussionSettingParams extends IDiscussionsRequestOptions {
id: string;
export { SortOrder, PostReaction, SharingAccess, IPlatformSharing, PostStatus, DiscussionType, DiscussionSource, IDiscussionParams, PostRelation, ReactionRelation, ChannelFilter, CommonSort, IWithAuthor, IWithEditor, IWithSorting, IWithFiltering, IWithTimeQueries, IWithTimestamps, IPagedResponse, IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutResult, IRemoveChannelActivityResult, IChannelNotificationOptOut, IDiscussionsRequestOptions, Role, IDiscussionsMentionMeta, IDiscussionsUser, IReaction, ICreateReaction, ICreateReactionOptions, IRemoveReactionOptions, IRemoveReactionResponse, PostSort, PostType, IPost, IPostOptions, ICreatePost, ICreateChannelPost, ICreatePostParams, ICreateReplyParams, IFetchPost, ISearchPosts, IUpdatePostStatus, IUpdatePost, ISearchPostsParams, IFetchPostParams, IUpdatePostParams, IUpdatePostStatusParams, IRemovePostParams, IRemovePostResponse, ChannelSort, ChannelRelation, AclCategory, AclSubCategory, IChannelAclPermissionDefinition, IChannelAclPermissionUpdateDefinition, IChannelAclPermission, ICreateChannelSettings, IChannelMetadata, ICreateChannelPermissions, IUpdateChannelPermissions, ICreateChannel, IChannel, IUpdateChannel, IFetchChannel, ISearchChannels, ICreateChannelParams, IFetchChannelParams, ISearchChannelsParams, IUpdateChannelParams, IRemoveChannelParams, IRemoveChannelResponse, IFetchChannelNotificationOptOutParams, ICreateChannelNotificationOptOutParams, IRemoveChannelNotificationOptOutParams, IRemoveChannelActivityParams, IDiscussionSetting, DiscussionSettingType, ISettings, IRemoveDiscussionSettingResponse, ICreateDiscussionSetting, ICreateDiscussionSettingParams, IFetchDiscussionSettingParams, IRemoveDiscussionSettingParams, } from "@esri/hub-common";


"name": "@esri/hub-discussions",
"version": "25.6.0",
"version": "25.7.0",
"description": "Module to interact with ArcGIS Hub Discussions API in Node.js and modern browsers.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/node/index.js",

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