What is @ethersproject/base64?
@ethersproject/base64 is a utility package from the ethers.js library that provides functions for encoding and decoding data in Base64 format. It is particularly useful in the context of Ethereum and blockchain development, where data often needs to be encoded or decoded for various purposes such as data storage, transmission, and smart contract interactions.
What are @ethersproject/base64's main functionalities?
Base64 Encoding
This feature allows you to encode a string into Base64 format. The `encode` function takes a string as input and returns its Base64 encoded representation.
const { encode } = require('@ethersproject/base64');
const data = 'Hello, world!';
const encodedData = encode(data);
Base64 Decoding
This feature allows you to decode a Base64 encoded string back to its original format. The `decode` function takes a Base64 encoded string as input and returns the decoded string.
const { decode } = require('@ethersproject/base64');
const encodedData = 'SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==';
const decodedData = decode(encodedData);
Other packages similar to @ethersproject/base64
The `base-64` package provides simple Base64 encoding and decoding functionalities. It is lightweight and easy to use, making it a good alternative for basic Base64 operations. Compared to @ethersproject/base64, it is more general-purpose and not specifically tailored for Ethereum or blockchain development.
The `js-base64` package is another popular library for Base64 encoding and decoding. It offers additional features such as URL-safe encoding and decoding. It is more feature-rich compared to @ethersproject/base64 and can be used in a wider range of applications beyond blockchain development.
The `buffer` package from Node.js provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for handling binary data, including Base64 encoding and decoding. It is more versatile and powerful compared to @ethersproject/base64, but also more complex to use. It is suitable for applications that require extensive binary data manipulation.
Base64 Coder
function decode(textData: string): Uint8Array
Decodes a base64 encoded string into the binary data.
import * as base64 from "@ethersproject/base64";
let encodedData = "...";
let data = base64.decode(encodedData);
function encode(data: Arrayish): string
Decodes a base64 encoded string into the binary data.
import * as base64 from "@ethersproject/base64";
let data = [ ];
let encodedData = base64.encode(data);
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