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TypeScript is Porting Its Compiler to Go for 10x Faster Builds
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
Advanced tools
A GRIP interface library for JavaScript. For use with HTTP reverse proxy servers that support the GRIP interface, such as Pushpin.
Supported GRIP servers include:
Authors: Katsuyuki Ohmuro harmony7@pex2.jp, Konstantin Bokarius kon@fanout.io
and async
into js-grip
, simplifying use and deployment.npm install @fanoutio/grip
Examples for how to publish HTTP response and HTTP stream messages to GRIP proxy endpoints via the Publisher class.
const { Publisher, PublishException } = require('@fanoutio/grip');
// Publisher can be initialized with or without an endpoint configuration.
// Each endpoint can include optional JWT authentication info.
// Multiple endpoints can be included in a single configuration.
const publisher = new Publisher({
'control_uri': 'https://api.fanout.io/realm/<myrealm>',
'control_iss': '<myrealm>',
'key': Buffer.from('<myrealmkey>', 'base64'),
// Add additional endpoints by applying an endpoint configuration:
{'control_uri': '<myendpoint_uri_1>'},
{'control_uri': '<myendpoint_uri_2>'},
// Publish across all configured endpoints.
// The publish methods return a promise that resolves to a void value.
// If the publish fails, they reject with an PublishException object.
try {
await publisher.publishHttpResponse('<channel>', 'Test Publish!');
console.log('Publish successful!');
} catch(ex) {
if (ex instanceof PublishException) {
console.log("Publish failed!");
console.log("Message: " + ex.message);
console.log("Context: ");
} else {
throw ex;
try {
await publisher.publishHttpStream('<channel>', 'Test Publish!');
console.log('Publish successful!');
} catch(ex) {
if (ex instanceof PublishException) {
console.log("Publish failed!");
console.log("Message: " + ex.message);
console.log("Context: ");
} else {
throw ex;
When the client connects to a GRIP proxy over HTTP, the proxy forwards the request to the origin and adds the Grip-Sig
header to the proxied request.
Validate the Grip-Sig
request header from incoming GRIP messages. This ensures that the message was sent from a valid
source and is not expired. Note that when using Fanout.io the key is the realm key, and when using Pushpin the key
is configurable in Pushpin's settings.
var { validateSig } = require('grip');
var isValid = validateSig(req.headers['grip-sig'], '<key>');
The origin subscribes the client to a channel and instructs it to long poll. This is done by instantiating a GripInstruct
object to generate the applicable response headers.
const http = require('http');
const { validateSig, GripInstruct } = require('@fanoutio/grip');
http.createServer((req, res) => {
// Validate the Grip-Sig header:
if (!validateSig(req.headers['grip-sig'], '<key>')) {
res.end('invalid grip-sig token');
// Instatiate GripInstruct object
const gripInstruct = new GripInstruct();
// To optionally set a timeout value in seconds:
// gripInstruct.setHoldLongPoll(<timeout_value>);
// Instruct the client to long poll via the response headers:
res.writeHead(200, gripInstruct.toHeaders());
res.end('[start longpoll]\n');
}).listen(80, '');
console.log('Server running...');
When the response status code is 304, keep in mind that some web servers, such as recent versions of Apache, do not allow
sending of custom headers along with a 304 response. In this case, send a 200 response and then use gripInstruct.setStatus()
to indicate the intended status to the GRIP proxy.
const http = require('http');
const { validateSig, GripInstruct } = require('@fanoutio/grip');
http.createServer((req, res) => {
// Validate the Grip-Sig header:
if (!validateSig(req.headers['grip-sig'], '<key>')) {
res.end('invalid grip-sig token');
// We intend to return a 304 status.
// Instatiate GripInstruct object
const gripInstruct = new GripInstruct();
// Set 304 here
// Return 200 for this response.
res.writeHead(200, gripInstruct.toHeaders());
res.end('[start longpoll]\n');
}).listen(80, '');
console.log('Server running...');
A client connects to a GRIP proxy via WebSockets and the proxy forward the request to the origin. The origin accepts the connection over a WebSocket and responds with a control message indicating that the client should be subscribed to a channel. Note that in order for the GRIP proxy to properly interpret the control messages, the origin must provide a 'grip' extension in the 'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' header. To accomplish this with nodejs-websocket, edit Connection.js and ensure that the following header is appended to the 'this.socket.write()' function call in the answerHandshake() method: 'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: grip; message-prefix=""\r\n' To accomplish this with ws, add the ws.on('headers', ...) check to your app, for example:
wss.on('headers', function processHeaders(headers, req) {
headers.push('Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: grip; message-prefix=""');
/* ... */
server.on('upgrade', function upgrade(request, socket, head) {
wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, function done(ws) {
wss.emit('connection', ws, request);
var ws = require("nodejs-websocket")
var {
} = require('@fanoutio/grip');
ws.createServer(function (conn) {
// Subscribe the WebSocket to a channel:
const subscribeMessage = 'c:' + createWebSocketControlMessage('subscribe', {'channel': '<channel>'})
// As an example way to check our subscription, wait and then
// publish a message to the subscribed channel:
setTimeout(() => {
var publisher = new Publisher({
'control_uri': '<myendpoint>',
new WebSocketMessageFormat('Test WebSocket Publish!!')
}, 5000);
}).listen(80, '');
console.log('Server running...');
The WebSocket-Over-HTTP protocol is a simple, text-based protocol for gatewaying between a WebSocket client and a conventional HTTP server. It is available as a feature of Pushpin and Fanout Cloud, and is fully supported by js-grip.
In this case, a client connects to a GRIP proxy via WebSockets and the GRIP proxy communicates with the origin via HTTP.
const http = require('http');
const {
} = require('@fanoutio/grip');
http.createServer(async (req, res) => {
// Validate the Grip-Sig header:
if (!validateSig(req.headers['grip-sig'], 'changeme')) {
res.end('invalid grip-sig token');
// Make sure we have a connection ID
let cid = req.headers['connection-id'];
if (Array.isArray(cid)) {
cid = cid[0];
if (req.headers['connection-id'] == null) {
res.end('connection-id required');
const inEventsEncoded = await new Promise(resolve => {
let body = '';
req.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk;
req.on('end', function() {
const inEvents = decodeWebSocketEvents(inEventsEncoded);
const wsContext = new WebSocketContext(cid, {}, inEvents);
if (wsContext.isOpening()) {
// Open the WebSocket and subscribe it to a channel:
// The above commands made to the wsContext are buffered
// in the wsContext as "outgoing events".
// Obtain them and write them to the response.
const outEvents = wsContext.getOutgoingEvents();
const outEventsEncoded = encodeWebSocketEvents(outEvents);
// As an example way to check our subscription, wait and then
// publish a message to the subscribed channel:
setTimeout(() => {
var publisher = new Publisher({
'control_uri': '<myendpoint>',
new WebSocketMessageFormat('Test WebSocket Publish!!')
}, 5000);
// Set the headers required by the GRIP proxy:
res.writeHead(200, wsContext.toHeaders());
}).listen(80, '');
console.log('Server running...');
All of the APIs are exposed on the root object, so for example you can bring them in as follows:
const { createWebSocketControlMessage, Publisher, Format, Item } = require('@fanoutio/grip');
import { createWebSocketControlMessage, Publisher, Format, Item } from '@fanoutio/grip';
The API exports the following functions, classes, and interfaces.
Function | Description |
validateSig(token, key) | Validate the specified JWT token and key. |
encodeWebSocketEvents(events) | Encode the specified array of WebSocketEvent instances. |
decodeWebSocketEvents(body) | Decode the specified HTTP request body into an array of WebSocketEvent instances when using the WebSocket-over-HTTP protocol. |
parseGripUri(uri) | Parse the specified GRIP URI into a config object that can then be used to construct a Publisher instance. |
createWebSocketControlMessage(type, args) | Generate a WebSocket control message with the specified type and optional arguments. |
Class | Description |
GripInstruct | Class used to create the necessary HTTP headers that instruct the GRIP proxy to hold connections. |
Publisher | Main object used to publish HTTP response and HTTP Stream format messages to GRIP proxies. |
HttpStreamFormat | Format used to publish messages to HTTP stream clients connected to a GRIP proxy. |
HttpResponseFormat | Format used to publish messages to HTTP response clients connected to a GRIP proxy. |
WebSocketContext | WebSocket context |
WebSocketEvent | WebSocket event |
WebSocketMessageFormat | Format used to publish messages to Web Socket clients connected to a GRIP proxy. |
Format | Base class for Format used to publish messages with Publisher . |
Item | Base class for Item used to publish messages with Publisher . |
Interfaces | Description |
IGripConfig | Represents a GRIP client's configuration |
IFormat | Represents a publishing format to be used with Publisher |
IItem | Represents a container used to contain a data object in one or more formats |
Class GripInstruct
Method | Description |
constructor(channels? ) | Create a GripInstruct instance, configuring it with an optional array of channels to bind to. |
addChannel(channels) | Bind to additional channels. |
setHoldLongPoll(timeout?) | Set the Grip-Hold header to the response value, and specify an optional timeout value. |
setHoldStream() | Set the Grip-Hold header to the stream mode. |
setKeepAlive(data, timeout) | Set the Grip-Keep-Alive header to the specified data value and timeout value. The value for data may be provided as either a string or Buffer , and the appropriate encoding will be performed. |
setNextLink(uri, timeout?) | Set the Grip-Link header to the specified uri, with an optional timeout value. |
meta (property) | A property to be set directly on the instance. This is serialized into the Grip-Set-Meta header. |
toHeaders(params) | Turns the current instance into an object that can be sent as HTTP headers. |
Class Publisher
Method | Description |
constructor(configs ) | Create a Publisher instance, configuring it with clients that based on the specified GRIP settings. |
applyConfig(configs) | Apply additional clients based on specified GRIP configs to the publisher instance. |
async publish(channel, item) | Publish an item to the specified channel. |
async publishHttpResponse(channel, data, id?, prevId?) | Publish an HTTP response format message to the specified channel, with optional ID and previous ID. |
async publishHttpStream(channel, item) | Publish an HTTP stream format message to the specified channel, with optional ID and previous ID. |
addClient(client) | Advanced: Add a PublisherClient instance that you have configured on your own. |
The constructor and applyConfig
methods accept either a single object, or an array of objects that implement
the IGripConfig
Interface IGripConfig
Represents the configuration for a GRIP client, such as Pushpin or Fanout Cloud.
Field | Description |
control_uri | The Control URI of the GRIP client. |
control_iss | (optional) The Control ISS, if required by the GRIP client. |
key | (optional) The key to use with the Control ISS, if required by the GRIP client. |
Class Format
A base class for all publishing formats that are included in the Item class. Examples of format implementations include JsonObjectFormat and HttpStreamFormat.
The following are exported for their types and use with code completion but with most uses of the library the consumer rarely needs to use them directly.
Functions | Descriptions |
createGripChannelHeader(channels) | Create a GRIP channel header for the specified channels. |
Class | Description |
Auth.Base | Base class for authentication to be used with Publisher . |
Auth.Basic | Represents Basic authentication to be used with Publisher . |
Auth.Jwt | Represents JWT authentication to be used with Publisher . |
Channel | Represents a channel used by a GRIP proxy. |
Response | Represents a set of HTTP response data. |
PublisherClient | Represents an endpoint and its attributes, including authentication, used with Publisher . |
Interfaces | Description |
IExportedChannel | A representation of a channel, containing the name and previous ID value |
IExportedResponse | A representation of all of the non-null data from a Response |
IWebSocketEvent | Decscribes information about a WebSocket event |
IFormatExport | Represents a format-specific hash containing the required format-specific data |
IItemExport | Describes an item that has been serialized for export |
Class Auth.Base
An abstract class that represents authentication to be used with a PublisherClient
Class Auth.Basic
Represents Basic authentication to be used with a PublisherClient
Class Auth.Jwt
Represents JWT (JSON Web Tokens) authentication to be used with a PublisherClient
Class PublisherClient
Represents an endpoint and its configuration, including authentication, that
is used by Publisher
to publish messages to. This class is typically not used
directly, but you may instantiate this on your own if you wish to set up authentication
Method | Description |
constructor(uri ) | Create a PublisherClient instance, initializing it with the given publishing endpoint. |
setAuthBasic(username, password) | Configure this instance with Basic authentication with the specified username and password. |
setAuthJwt(token) setAuthJwt(claim, key?) | Configure this instance with Jwt authentication with the specified claim and key, or with the specified token. |
async publish(channel, item) | Publish a specified item to the specified channel. |
Parse a GRIP URI to extract the URI, ISS, and key values. The values will be returned in a dictionary containing 'control_uri', 'control_iss', and 'key' keys.
var grip = require('@fanoutio/grip');
var config = grip.parseGripUri('http://api.fanout.io/realm/<myrealm>' +
The CommonJS version of this package requires Node v8 or newer.
Require in your JavaScript:
const grip = require('@fanoutio/grip');
const grippub = new grip.Publisher({control_uri: "<endpoint_uri>"});
If you are building a bundle, you may also import in your JavaScript.
import grip from '@fanoutio/grip';
const pub = new grip.Publisher({control_uri: "<endpoint_uri>"});
This package comes with full TypeScript type definitions, so you may use it with TypeScript as well.
import grip, { IGripConfig } from '@fanoutio/grip';
const pub = new grip.Publisher({control_uri: "<endpoint_uri>"});
// IGripConfig is a type declaration.
Included in this package is a demo that publishes a message using a GRIP Stream to a sample server that is proxied behind the open-source Pushpin (https://pushpin.org/) server.
To run the demo:
npm install
npm run build-commonjs
.node demo/grip/server
file:* localhost:3000
curl http://localhost:7999/stream
node demo/grip/publish test "Message"
This demo runs in a browser and streams from the endpoint. This demo uses the fetch API with its ReadableStream interface to read from the streaming endpoint.
Follow Steps 1 through 5 in the demo above to start the server and proxy processes.
In a web browser, open the demo/grip/fetch.html
Click the button labeled Go
. The browser will connect to the
streaming API at http://localhost:7999/stream
In another terminal window follow step 7 in the demo above.
In the web browser that you opened in step 2, you should see the test message.
(C) 2015, 2020 Fanout, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License, see file COPYING for details.
GRIP Interface Library
The npm package @fanoutio/grip receives a total of 1,516 weekly downloads. As such, @fanoutio/grip popularity was classified as popular.
We found that @fanoutio/grip demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
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