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Comparing version 2.0.3 to 2.1.0-beta.1



@@ -11,20 +11,56 @@ # Changelog

* Added a `MalformedContext` error to the `OpenError`, `ChannelError` and `ResolveError` enumerations, to be used when `broadcast`, `open`, `findIntents`, `raiseIntents` and other related functions are passed an invalid context Object. ([#972](
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Fixed
## [FDC3 Standard 2.1]( - 2023-09-13
### Added
* Added `CreateInteraction` intent. To be used when a user wants to record an interaction into a system. New context `Interaction` also introduced. An interaction might be a call, IM, email, a meeting (physical or virtual) or the preparation of some specialist data. ([#747](
* Added `TransactionResult` context. A context type representing the result of a transaction initiated via FDC3. Its purpose is to provide a status and message (where needed) for the transaction and MAY wrap a returned context object. ([#761] (
* Added a `MalformedContext` error to the `OpenError`, `ChannelError` and `ResolveError` enumerations, to be used when `broadcast`, `open`, `findIntents`, `raiseIntents`, and other related functions are passed an invalid context Object. ([#972](
* Added error examples to the /v2 App Directory API routes ([#973](
* Added a `SendChatMessage` intent to be used when a user wants to send a message to an existing chat room. ([#794](
* Added a context type representing a chat message (``). ([#794](
* Added a context type representing a chat room (``). ([#794](
* Added a chat `Message` type in order to describe messages with rich content and attachments. ([#779](
* Added an `Action` type, encapsulating either a `Context` or the association of a `Context` with an `Intent` inside another object. ([#779](
* Added a `ViewChat` Intent to be used when a user wants to open an existing chat room. ([#796](
* Added a `ViewMessages` intent to be used when a user wants to search and see a list of messages. ([#797](
* Added a context type representing a ChatSearchCriteria (``). ([#797](
* Added an indication that applications, that can be launched to receive intents or context via a raised intent or open with context, SHOULD add their context or intent listeners via the API within 15 seconds, and that Desktop Agents MUST allow at least a 15 second timeout for them to do so, and MAY set a longer timeout ([#987](
* Added [@experimental]( `Order`, `OrderList`, `Product`, `Trade` & `TradeList` context types. ([#1021](
* Added Agent Bridging as an [@experimental]( 5th part of the FDC3 Standard. ([#968](
* Added a description of the standards use of JSON Schema to define context types and Bridging messages. ([#1020](
* Documentation for standardized Context types was added to their JSON Schema files and TypeScript interfaces generated from them, so that they may act as a 'single source of truth' for Context definitions. ([#1020](
### Changed
* Updated definition of the `ChatInitSettings` context type to use the new `Message` type. ([#779](
* Updated the `StartChat` intent to return a reference to the room. ([#794](
* Updated definition of the `Instrument` context type to include optional market identifiers ([#819](
* Corrected API functions and object types to always use `string` instead of `String` ([#924](
* Updated definition of the `otherConfig` element of the `Chart` context type from an Object to an array of Contexts as this allows the `type` of each additional item of config to be examined before it is used ([#985](
* Corrected the appD `interop.appChannels` metadata to use an `id` field to identify channels, rather than `name` ([#981](
* The App Directory OpenAPI schema was converted from YAML to JSON Schema, containing the same definitions. ([#1035](
### Deprecated
* Deprecated the `name` field in AppD records, to match deprecation of API signatures and metadata objects using `name` (see ([#722](
)) in 2.0 ([#928])(
* Deprecated `IntentMetadata.displayName` and the appD record's `interop.intents.listensFor[].displayName` field in favour of using intent names for display (which are required to be recognizable) as it can be set differently for each application in the appD ([#926](
* Deprecated the `name` field in AppD records, to match the deprecation of API signatures and metadata objects using `name` (see [#722]( in 2.0. ([#928](
* Deprecated `IntentMetadata.displayName` and the appD record's `interop.intents.listensFor[].displayName` field in favor of using intent names for display (which are required to be recognizable) as it can be set differently for each application in the appD ([#926](
* Deprecated the `customConfig` field in an AppD record due to the lack of a standard API to retrieve it. To be replaced with an `applicationConfig` element with a Desktop Agent API call to retrieve it in a future version (see [#1006]( for more details). Also deprecates the `customCOnfig` element of an Intent configuration due to a lack of documented use cases. ([#982](
### Fixed
* Corrected chatInitSettings context schema to incorporate the Context schema. ([#869](
* Corrected schema syntax in chatInitSettings and renamed the `public` property to `isPublic` (as `public` is a reserved keyword in javascript). ([#875](
* Further clarified the difference between the behavior of User channels and other channel types on joinUserChannel/addContextListener. ([#971](
* Clarified description of the behavior of `IntentResolution.getResult()` when the intent handler returned void (which is not an error). ([#1004](
* An error was fixed in the appD schema where launch details sub-schemas were combined with `oneOf`, rather than `anyOf`. This causes validation errors for web or online native apps as their details elements overlap on a `url` field. ([#1034](
* The appD `icon` and `screenshot` sub-schemas were updated to require the `src` value is set and restrict additional values, ensuring that common mistakes (such as ussing a `url` rather than `src` field are caught by the schemas when used to validate. ([#1037](
* Linting, spell checking other corrections were applied to markdown syntax throughout the FDC3 documentation ([#1032](
* Corrected bad example URLs in the App Directory overview/discovery page in the current and past versions as they did not agree with the paths provided in the API specification and OpenAPI schema. ([#1060](

@@ -31,0 +67,0 @@ ## [npm v2.0.3] - 2023-05-31

@@ -17,2 +17,6 @@ /**

readonly instanceId?: string;
/** The Desktop Agent that the app is available on. Used in Desktop Agent Bridging to identify the Desktop Agent to target.
* @experimental Introduced in FDC3 2.1 and may be refined by further changes outside the normal FDC3 versioning policy.
readonly desktopAgent?: string;



@@ -25,3 +25,5 @@ /**

/** An optional set of, implementation specific, metadata fields that can be used to disambiguate instances, such as a window title or screen position. Must only be set if `instanceId` is set. */
readonly instanceMetadata?: Record<string, any>;
readonly instanceMetadata?: {
[key: string]: any;
/** A more user-friendly application title that can be used to render UI elements */

@@ -28,0 +30,0 @@ readonly title?: string;

@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ /**

* If an error occurs while opening the app, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `OpenError` enumeration.
* If an error occurs while opening the app, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `OpenError` enumeration, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent Bridge) the `BridgingError` enumeration.

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ * ```javascript

* If the resolution fails, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration. This includes the case where no apps are found that resolve the intent, when the `ResolveError.NoAppsFound` message should be used, and when an invalid context object is passed as an argument, when the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` message should be used.
* If the resolution fails, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent Bridge) the `BridgingError` enumeration. This includes the case where no apps are found that resolve the intent, when the `ResolveError.NoAppsFound` message should be used, and when an invalid context object is passed as an argument, when the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` message should be used.

@@ -133,3 +133,3 @@ * Result types may be a type name, the string "channel" (which indicates that the app

* If the resolution fails, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration. This includes the case where no intents with associated apps are found, when the `ResolveError.NoAppsFound` message should be used, and when an invalid context object is passed as an argument, when the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` message should be used.
* If the resolution fails, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent Bridge) the `BridgingError` enumeration. This includes the case where no intents with associated apps are found, when the `ResolveError.NoAppsFound` message should be used, and when an invalid context object is passed as an argument, when the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` message should be used.

@@ -187,3 +187,3 @@ * The optional `resultType` argument may be a type name, the string "channel" (which indicates that the app

* If the request fails for another reason, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration.
* If the request fails for another reason, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent Bridge) the `BridgingError` enumeration.

@@ -224,3 +224,3 @@ * ```javascript

* Raises a specific intent for resolution against apps registered with the desktop agent.
* Raises a specific intent for resolution against apps registered with the Desktop Agent.

@@ -230,3 +230,3 @@ * The desktop agent MUST resolve the correct app to target based on the provided intent name and context data. If multiple matching apps are found, the user MAY be presented with a Resolver UI allowing them to pick one, or another method of Resolution applied to select an app.

* If a target app for the intent cannot be found with the criteria provided or the user either closes the resolver UI or otherwise cancels resolution, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration. If a specific target `app` parameter was set, but either the app or app instance is not available, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with either the `ResolveError.TargetAppUnavailable` or `ResolveError.TargetInstanceUnavailable` string as its `message`. If an invalid context object is passed as an argument the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` string as its `message`.
* If a target app for the intent cannot be found with the criteria provided or the user either closes the resolver UI or otherwise cancels resolution, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent Bridge) the `BridgingError` enumeration. If a specific target `app` parameter was set, but either the app or app instance is not available, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with either the `ResolveError.TargetAppUnavailable` or `ResolveError.TargetInstanceUnavailable` string as its `message`. If an invalid context object is passed as an argument the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` string as its `message`.

@@ -280,3 +280,3 @@ * If you wish to raise an Intent without a context, use the `fdc3.nothing` context type. This type exists so that apps can explicitly declare support for raising an intent without context.

* If a target intent and app cannot be found with the criteria provided or the user either closes the resolver UI or otherwise cancels resolution, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration. If a specific target `app` parameter was set, but either the app or app instance is not available, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with either the `ResolveError.TargetAppUnavailable` or `ResolveError.TargetInstanceUnavailable` string as its `message`. If an invalid context object is passed as an argument the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` string as its `message`.
* If a target intent and app cannot be found with the criteria provided or the user either closes the resolver UI or otherwise cancels resolution, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with a `message` chosen from the `ResolveError` enumeration, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent Bridge) the `BridgingError` enumeration. If a specific target `app` parameter was set, but either the app or app instance is not available, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with either the `ResolveError.TargetAppUnavailable` or `ResolveError.TargetInstanceUnavailable` string as its `message`. If an invalid context object is passed as an argument the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` object with the `ResolveError.MalformedContext` string as its `message`.

@@ -293,4 +293,6 @@ * ```javascript

* Adds a listener for incoming intents from the Desktop Agent. The handler function may return void or a promise that resolves to an `IntentResult`, which is either a `Context` object, representing any data that should be returned to the app that raised the intent, a `Channel` Object, a `PrivateChannel` over which data responses will be sent, or `void`. The `IntentResult` will be returned to the app that raised the intent via the `IntentResolution` and retrieved from it using the `getResult()` function.
* Adds a listener for incoming intents raised by other applications, via calls to `fdc3.raiseIntent` or `fdc3.raiseIntentForContext. If the application is intended to be launched to resolve raised intents, it SHOULD add its intent listeners as quickly as possible after launch or an error MAY be returned to the caller and the intent and context may not be delivered. The exact timeout used is set by the Desktop Agent implementation, but MUST be at least 15 seconds.
* The handler function may return void or a promise that should resolve to an `IntentResult`, which is either a `Context` object, representing any data that should be returned to the app that raised the intent, a `Channel` Object, a `PrivateChannel` over which data responses will be sent, or `void`. The `IntentResult` will be returned to app that raised the intent via the `IntentResolution` and retrieved from it using the `getResult()` function.
* The Desktop Agent MUST reject the promise returned by the `getResult()` function of `IntentResolution` if: (1) the intent handling function's returned promise rejects, (2) the intent handling function doesn't return a promise, or (3) the returned promise resolves to an invalid type.

@@ -347,6 +349,8 @@ *

* Adds a listener for incoming context broadcasts from the Desktop Agent via User channels. If the consumer is only interested in a context of a particular type, they can they can specify that type. If the consumer is able to receive context of any type or will inspect types received, then they can pass `null` as the `contextType` parameter to receive all context types.
* Adds a listener for incoming context broadcasts from the Desktop Agent (via a User channel or ``API call. If the consumer is only interested in a context of a particular type, they can they can specify that type. If the consumer is able to receive context of any type or will inspect types received, then they can pass `null` as the `contextType` parameter to receive all context types.
* Context broadcasts are only received from apps that are joined to the same User channel as the listening application, hence, if the application is not currently joined to a channel no broadcasts will be received. If this function is called after the app has already joined a channel and the channel already contains context that would be passed to the context listener, then it will be called immediately with that context.
* Context broadcasts are primarily received from apps that are joined to the same User Channel as the listening application, hence, if the application is not currently joined to a User Channel no broadcasts will be received from channels. If this function is called after the app has already joined a channel and the channel already contains context that would be passed to the context listener, then it will be called immediately with that context.
* Context may also be received via this listener if the application was launched via a call to ``, where context was passed as an argument. In order to receive this, applications SHOULD add their context listener as quickly as possible after launch, or an error MAY be returned to the caller and the context may not be delivered. The exact timeout used is set by the Desktop Agent implementation, but MUST be at least 15 seconds.
* Optional metadata about the context message, including the app that originated the message, SHOULD be provided by the desktop agent implementation.

@@ -378,3 +382,3 @@ *

* If the channel already contains context that would be passed to context listeners assed via `fdc3.addContextListener` then those listeners will be called immediately with that context.
* If the channel already contains context that would be passed to context listeners added via `fdc3.addContextListener` then those listeners will be called immediately with that context.

@@ -415,3 +419,3 @@ * An app can only be joined to one channel at a time.

* The `PrivateChannel` type is provided to support synchronisation of data transmitted over returned channels, by allowing both parties to listen for events denoting subscription and unsubscription from the returned channel. `PrivateChannels` are only retrievable via raising an intent.
* The `PrivateChannel` type is provided to support synchronization of data transmitted over returned channels, by allowing both parties to listen for events denoting subscription and unsubscription from the returned channel. `PrivateChannels` are only retrievable via raising an intent.

@@ -505,2 +509,4 @@ * * It is intended that Desktop Agent implementations:

* If the app is not found, the promise MUST be rejected with an `Error` Object with the `message` given by `ResolveError.TargetAppUnavailable`, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent Bridge) an error from the `BridgingError` enumeration.
* ```js

@@ -507,0 +513,0 @@ * let appIdentifier = { appId: "" }

@@ -16,3 +16,5 @@ /**

/** Returned if a call to the `open` function is made with an invalid context argument. Contexts should be Objects with at least a `type` field that has a `string` value.*/
MalformedContext = "MalformedContext"
MalformedContext = "MalformedContext",
/** @experimental Returned if the specified Desktop Agent is not found, via a connected Desktop Agent Bridge.*/
DesktopAgentNotFound = "DesktopAgentNotFound"

@@ -36,3 +38,5 @@ /** Constants representing the errors that can be encountered when calling the `findIntent`, `findIntentsByContext`, `raiseIntent` or `raiseIntentForContext` methods on the DesktopAgent (`fdc3`). */

/** Returned if a call to one of the `raiseIntent` functions is made with an invalid context argument. Contexts should be Objects with at least a `type` field that has a `string` value.*/
MalformedContext = "MalformedContext"
MalformedContext = "MalformedContext",
/** @experimental Returned if the specified Desktop Agent is not found, via a connected Desktop Agent Bridge.*/
DesktopAgentNotFound = "DesktopAgentNotFound"

@@ -55,1 +59,11 @@ export declare enum ResultError {

export declare enum BridgingError {
/** @experimental Returned if a Desktop Agent did not return a response, via Desktop Agent Bridging, within the alloted timeout. */
ResponseTimedOut = "ResponseToBridgeTimedOut",
/** @experimental Returned if a Desktop Agent that has been targeted by a particular request has been disconnected from the Bridge before a response has been received from it. */
AgentDisconnected = "AgentDisconnected",
/** @experimental Returned for FDC3 API calls that are specified with arguments indicating that a remote Desktop agent should be targeted (e.g. raiseIntent with an app on a remote DesktopAgent targeted), when the local Desktop Agent is not connected to a bridge. */
NotConnectedToBridge = "NotConnectedToBridge",
/** @experimental Returned if a message to a Bridge deviates from the schema for that message sufficiently that it could not be processed. */
MalformedMessage = "MalformedMessage"

@@ -29,2 +29,5 @@ /**

readonly UserChannelMembershipAPIs: boolean;
/** Used to indicate whether the experimental Desktop Agent Bridging
* feature is implemented by the Desktop Agent.*/
readonly DesktopAgentBridging: boolean;

@@ -31,0 +34,0 @@ /** The calling application instance's own metadata, according to the Desktop Agent (MUST include at least the `appId` and `instanceId`). */

@@ -62,5 +62,6 @@ /**

* `getResult()` function of the `IntentResolution` with a string from
* the `ResultError` enumeration.
* the `ResultError` enumeration, or (if connected to a Desktop Agent
* Bridge) the `BridgingError` enumeration.
getResult(): Promise<IntentResult>;

@@ -0,1 +1,5 @@

* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright FINOS FDC3 contributors - see NOTICE file
import { AppIdentifier, AppIntent, Channel, Context, ContextHandler, IntentHandler, IntentResolution, Listener, ImplementationMetadata, AppMetadata, PrivateChannel } from '..';

@@ -2,0 +6,0 @@ /**

@@ -0,4 +1,9 @@

* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright FINOS FDC3 contributors - see NOTICE file
export declare enum ContextTypes {
Chart = "fdc3.chart",
ChatInitSettings = "",
ChatRoom = "",
Contact = "",

@@ -11,9 +16,12 @@ ContactList = "fdc3.contactList",

InstrumentList = "fdc3.instrumentList",
Interaction = "fdc3.interaction",
Nothing = "fdc3.nothing",
Organization = "fdc3.organization",
Portfolio = "fdc3.portfolio",
Position = "fdc3.position",
Nothing = "fdc3.nothing",
ChatSearchCriteria = "",
TimeRange = "fdc3.timerange",
TransactionResult = "fdc3.transactionResult",
Valuation = "fdc3.valuation"
export declare type ContextType = ContextTypes | string;

@@ -6,2 +6,3 @@ /**

import { DesktopAgent } from './api/DesktopAgent';
import * as BridgingTypes from './bridging/BridgingTypes';
export * from './api/AppIdentifier';

@@ -28,2 +29,3 @@ export * from './api/AppIntent';

export * from './intents/Intents';
export { BridgingTypes };
declare global {

@@ -30,0 +32,0 @@ interface Window {

@@ -0,2 +1,8 @@

* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright FINOS FDC3 contributors - see NOTICE file
export declare enum Intents {
CreateInteraction = "CreateInteraction",
SendChatMessage = "SendChatMessage",
StartCall = "StartCall",

@@ -6,2 +12,3 @@ StartChat = "StartChat",

ViewAnalysis = "ViewAnalysis",
ViewChat = "ViewChat",
ViewChart = "ViewChart",

@@ -12,2 +19,3 @@ ViewContact = "ViewContact",

ViewInteractions = "ViewInteractions",
ViewMessages = "ViewMessages",
ViewNews = "ViewNews",

@@ -14,0 +22,0 @@ ViewOrders = "ViewOrders",

"name": "@finos/fdc3",
"version": "2.0.3",
"version": "2.1.0-beta.1",
"author": "Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS)",

@@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ "homepage": "",

"start": "tsdx watch",
"prebuild": "npm run typegen && npm run typegen-bridging",
"build": "tsdx build",
"test": "tsdx test --verbose",
"lint": "tsdx lint src/api test",
"preprepare": "npm run typegen && npm run typegen-bridging",
"prepare": "tsdx build",
"typegen": "node quicktypeUtil.js src/context/schemas src/context/ContextTypes.ts && tsdx lint src/context --fix"
"typegen": "node s2tQuicktypeUtil.js schemas/context src/context/ContextTypes.ts && tsdx lint src/context/ --fix",
"typegen-bridging": "node s2tQuicktypeUtil.js schemas/api schemas/bridging schemas/context/context.schema.json src/bridging/BridgingTypes.ts && tsdx lint src/bridging/ --fix"

@@ -49,3 +52,3 @@ "peerDependencies": {},

"jest-mock-extended": "^1.0.13",
"quicktype": "^23.0.19",
"quicktype": "^23.0.49",
"tsdx": "^0.14.1",

@@ -52,0 +55,0 @@ "tslib": "^2.0.1",

@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

# <a href=''><img src='./website/static/img/fdc3-logo-2019-color.png' height='150' alt='FDC3 Logo' aria-label='' /></a>
# FDC3 - Financial Desktop Connectivity and Collaboration Consortium
<a href=''><img src='./website/static/img/fdc3-logo-2019-color.png' height='150' alt='FDC3 Logo' aria-label='' /></a>
[![Latest Standard](](

@@ -12,178 +14,161 @@ [![npm](](

FDC3 aims to provide an open standard for interoperability on the financial desktop. This includes standardized verbs to invoke actions between applications (called "intents"), a standardized data format, an OpenAPI app directory standard, and standardized API operations.
## What Is It?
The standard currently consists of four specifications:
[FDC3]( is an open standard for applications on financial desktop to interoperate and exchange data with each other.
1. [API Specification](
2. [Intents Specification](
3. [Context Data Specification](
4. [App Directory Specification](
- Users benefit from a more joined-up experience, which reduces the "friction" in getting common tasks done,
- By enabling applications to:
- launch other apps (build a launcher),
- respond to activity in other apps (context sharing),
- request functionality from other apps (raising intents).
The specifications are informed by agreed [business use cases](,
and implemented and used by leading [financial industry participants](
### What Are The Benefits?
See for more information, including on [compliance] and the [FDC3 charter], as well as a comprehensive [API Reference]. You can also take the free [FDC3 Training]( for an introduction to FDC3's core concepts and usage.
#### 📇 Help Manage Information Overload
[FDC3 Charter]:
[API Reference]:
> Finance is an information-dense environment.
> Typically, traders will use serveral different displays so that they can keep track of multiple information sources at once.
> FDC3 helps with this by sharing the "context" between multiple applications, so that they collectively track the topic the user is focused on.
# Supported Platforms
#### 🏃‍♂️ Work Faster
As an open standard, FDC3 can be implemented on any platform and in any language.
> FDC3 standardizes a way to call actions between applications (called "intents").
> Applications can raise intents for other apps to resolve, extending each other's functionality.
> Instead of the user copy-and-pasting bits of data from one application to another, FDC3 makes sure the intents have the data they need to seamlessly transition activity between applications.
All that is required is a "desktop agent" that supports the FDC3 standard, which is responsible for co-ordinating application interactions.
#### 🖥️ Platform Agnostic
## Web
> As an open standard, FDC3 can be implemented on any platform and in any language.
> All that is required is a "Desktop Agent" that implements the FDC3 standard, which is responsible for co-ordinating application interactions. (For a list of open source and proprietary desktop agents, see "Platform providers" [here](
> FDC3 is successfully running on Web and Native platforms in financial institutions around the world.
For web applications to be FDC3-enabled, they need to run in the context of an agent that makes the FDC3 API available to the application. This desktop agent is also responsible for launching and co-ordinating applications. It could be a browser extension, web app, or full-fledged desktop container framework.
#### 🔌 End the Integration Nightmare
### Example
> By providing support for FDC3, vendors and financial organizations alike can avoid the bilateral or trilateral integration projects that plague desktop app roll-out, cause vendor lock-in and result in a slow pace of change on the Financial Services desktop.
// declare FDC3-compliant data
const instrument = {
type: 'fdc3.instrument',
id: {
ticker: 'AAPL',
ISIN: 'US0378331005',
#### 👐 Open Standards Promote Innovation
// invoke an action in another application, with the required data
const result = await fdc3.raiseIntent('ViewAnalysis', instrument)
> FDC3 is developed collaboratively by a [consortium of industry participants]( including banks, agent vendors, app developers and FinTech firms. By design, FDC3 is open to extension. We have an active community working on growing and improving the standard with new data and intents.
// join the red channel and broadcast data to subscribers
await fdc3.joinChannel('red')
## How Does It Work?
// set up a listener for incoming data
const listener = fdc3.addContextListener('', contact => { })
FDC3 includes a standardized API for a Desktop agent, an OpenAPI App Directory, standard verbs to invoke actions between applications (called "intents"), standard formats for data passed between applications (called "context data") and a wire-protocol for Desktop Agents to communicate with each other (called "Desktop Agent Bridging").
### Installation
Hence, the standard currently consists of five parts:
To access the APIs in your application, simply install the FDC3 npm package:
1. [API Part](
2. [App Directory Part](
3. [Intents part](
4. [Context Data Part](
5. [Agent Bridging Part]( [`@experimental`](
# npm
npm install @finos/fdc3
The specifications are informed by agreed [business use cases](, and implemented and used by leading [financial industry participants](
# yarn
yarn add @finos/fdc3
### More Resources
# pnpm
pnpm install @finos/fdc3
- See <> for more information, including on [Compliance]( and the [FDC3 charter](, as well as a comprehensive [API Reference](
- You can also take the free [FDC3 Training]( for an introduction to FDC3's core concepts and usage.
- The [FDC3 Community Page Training Tab]( also contains a selection of online resources to browse.
- FINOS' open source Desktop Agent, [FDC3 Sail]( project written with Node / Electron.
Note that the web application still needs to run in the context of an FDC3 desktop agent to work. For more details, please see the [relevant documentation](
## Supported Platforms
### Usage
- As an open standard, FDC3 can be implemented on any platform and in any language.
- All that is required is a "desktop agent" that supports the FDC3 standard, which is responsible for coordinating application interactions.
- Get started using FDC3 on the web with TypeScript by reading the [supported platforms]( page.
FDC3 can be accessed either via the global window object:
### FDC3 npm module
if (window.fdc3) {
const channel = await window.fdc3.getOrCreateChannel('myChannel')
channel.broadcast({ ... })
The FDC3 npm package does NOT provide a Desktop Agent implementation. Rather, it can by used by web applications to target operations from the API Specification in a consistent way. Each FDC3-compliant desktop agent that the application runs in, can then provide an implementation of the FDC3 API operations.
Or by importing relevant FDC3 functions with ES6 module syntax:
For installation and usage instructions, see: <>
import { getOrCreateChannel } from '@finos/fdc3'
## Getting Involved
// will throw if window.fdc3 is not available
const channel = await getOrCreateChannel('myChannel')
channel.broadcast({ ... })
### Using the standard? Let us know
## Native
The FDC3 standard does not define wire formats for communication. Hence, for native applications to be FDC3-enabled, they need to make use of a library (e.g. a DLL in .Net or Jar file in Java) that provides them with an implementation of the FDC3 API. FDC3-enabled native applications are therefore specific to particular desktop container frameworks (or other suitable environments) that provide the necessary libraries.
If you are an existing individual or corporate user of the FDC3 standard, we would love to hear from you: just email []( with details about how you are using the standard.
Despite this limitation, implementing support for FDC3 in a native application can allow it to interact with a wide variety of FDC3-enabled web applications.
- If you'd like to be listed as on the community page, please fill out the [Usage Form](
- If listing your logo publicly requires legal evaluation, you can reach out **privately** to [FDC3 Maintainers](
# Roadmap
### Interact with the FDC3 community
- [x] Publish versioned NPM packages to ease adoption and implementation of FDC3 APIs.
- [x] Release version 1.2 of the standard with expanded API capabilities.
- [x] Establish a process to accelerate community-contributed context data definitions.
- [ ] Improve the app directory specification, with support for container-agnostic app manifests, and more type metadata around channels and launching apps.
- [ ] Release version 2.0 of the standard with API support for app instances, two-way data flow and requesting channels with context.
- [ ] Introduce a hosted app directory example with sample application definitions.
- [ ] Continue building out business use cases to inform future versions of the FDC3 Standard.
#### GitHub
# Using the standard? Let us know!
- FDC3 activity primarily happens in this [FDC3 GitHub repository]( [Watch]( the repository in order to be notified of new Pull Requests and issues.
If you are an existing individual or corporate user of the FDC3 standard, we would love to hear from you: just email []( with details about how you are using the standard.
#### Slack
If you'd like to be listed as a user of the standard, you can directly send a pull request to update the [FDC3 website]( upload your logo to [this folder]( and update [this file]( with your company's details. If listing your logo publicly requires legal evaluation, you can reach out **privately** to [FDC3 Maintainers](
- The fastest and more interactive way to connect and ask questions to the FDC3 community is to join the [#fdc3 channel on the FINOS slack](
# Getting Involved
#### Email
## Interact with the FDC3 community
- If you'd like to receive official updates, and/or you don't have access to Slack, please send an email to []( You can join the list by sending an email to [](
- To contact the FDC3 maintainers, send an email to [](
### GitHub
FDC3 activity primarily happens in this [FDC3 GitHub repository]( [Watch]( the repository in order to be notified of new Pull Requests and issues.
#### Meetings
### Slack
The fastest and more interactive way to connect and ask questions to the FDC3 community is to join the [#fdc3 channel on the FINOS slack](
- Finally, another great way to interact with the community, is to attend the monthly [FDC3 Standard Working Group Meeting]( and/or the quarterly [FDC3 General Meeting](
- Email []( to be added to the meeting invite directly, or find the meeting in the [FINOS Community Calendar](
### Email
If you'd like to receive official updates, and/or you don't have access to Slack, please send an email to []( You can join the list by sending an email to [](
#### Need help?
### Meetings
Finally, another great way to interact with the community, is to attend the monthly [FDC3 Standard Working Group Meeting]( and/or the quarterly [FDC3 General Meeting]( email []( to be added to the meeting invite directly, or find the meeting in the [FINOS Community Calendar](
- Email []( if you need help getting started in the FDC3 Community.
- If you encounter technical difficulties accessing repositories, joining Slack, mailing lists or meetings, please email [](
### Need help?
Email []( if you need help getting started in the FDC3 Community. If you encounter technical difficulties accessing repositories, joining Slack, mailing lists or meetings, please email [](
### Roadmap
## Why should you get involved in FDC3?
If you or your firm intends to make use of the FDC3 Standard (by implementing a Desktop Agent or App Directory, by adding support to apps to interoperate with others via FDC3, or even by using apps, Desktop Agents or App Directories written by others) then participating in the governance, maintenance and onward development of the FDC3 Standard will help to protect and strengthen the ecosystem developing around FDC3. Doing so will also empower you to help guide the Standard in directions that are relevant to your use or that of your firm.
If you or your firm are new to contributing to open source projects, please see the variety of resources available from FINOS, (such as the [Open Source readiness project](, Linux Foundation ([Participating in Open Source communities]( and others (e.g. [](
Work on FDC3 is split into several working groups and releases.
## What it means to be an FDC3 Participant, Editor or Maintainer
According to [Governance document]( document:
- **"Participants"** are those that have made contributions to the FDC3 Standard Working Group (subject to the [FINOS IP Policy]( The [FDC3 Standard Working Group]( has the specific purpose of defining and releasing subsequent updates to the Standard. In practice, that means people that attend and contribute to meetings, raise issues, pull requests (to submit patches to the Standard) and reviews.
- Working groups each have their own regular meetings in the [FINOS Community Calendar](
- **"Editors"** are responsible for ensuring that the contents of the Standard's documents accurately reflect the decisions that have been made by the group, and that the specification adheres to formatting and content guidelines.
- Releases can be tracked on the [FDC3 Milestones]( page.
- **"Maintainers"** are responsible for organizing activities around developing, maintaining, and updating the specification(s) developed by the Working Group. Maintainers are also responsible for determining consensus and coordinating appeals.
### Contributing
Whilst all 3 roles require some amount of attention, being an Editor or Maintainer will obviously require a greater and more regular investment of time from anyone taking on that role.
If you'd like to contribute to the FDC3 standard, or have noticed something that needs correcting, the first step is to [raise an issue on the FDC3 Github Repo]( and describe what you'd like to see changed. There are a number of issue templates that you can choose from [here](
### How do you become a Participant, Editor or Maintainer?
Becoming an FDC3 participant is as easy as attending meetings and/or raising issues for changes you'd like see in the Standard, commenting on issues others have raised or even asking questions (which can often result in the clarification of the Standard's documentation to help others with the same questions in future).
If you are going to use, implement or benefit from the FDC3 Standard, we also recommend that you sign up as a voting participant. To do so, please use this link: [](;;body=HI%2C%20my%20name%20is%20%3CFirstName%20LastName%3E%20and%20I%!) to send a templated email email to join the enrolled voting participants group. Please note that standard participants are bound to the provisions in the [FINOS IP Policy]( as described in the [FINOS Standards governance document](
- Issues that change the Standard usually need discussion. You can post comments directly on the issue or can ask for it to be added to a Standards Working Group meeting agenda by emailing [](, sending a message to the [#fdc3 channel on the FINOS slack]( or tag the FDC3 maintainers (`@finos/fdc3-maintainers`) in your issue.
- To implement changes in the FDC3 repository resolving an issue please read our [contribution guidelines](
- Contributions merged into the master branch of the FDC3 repository will form part of the next pre-draft of the FDC3 Standard (as defined by the [FDC3 Governance document](./, which must be approved by a Standard Working Group vote before it is accepted as a draft and subsequently released as the next version of the Standard.
- Commits and pull requests to FINOS repositories will only be accepted from those contributors with an active, executed Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA) with FINOS, _OR_ who are covered under an existing and active Corporate Contribution License Agreement (CCLA) executed with FINOS. Commits from individuals not covered under an ICLA or CCLA will be flagged and blocked by the [Linux Foundation `EasyCLA` tool]( Please note that some CCLAs require individuals/employees to be explicitly named on the CCLA.
Upon enrollment as an [FDC3 voting participant](, you will be invited to join the [FINOS GitHub organization]( and the [fdc3-participants]( GitHub team.
_Need an ICLA? Unsure if you are covered under an existing CCLA? Email [](
#### Become an FDC3 Editor or Maintainer
Once you are an enrolled participant in FDC3, you can apply to become an editor or maintainer by contacting the existing FDC3 maintainers at []( and then seeking the approval of the FDC3 Standards Working Group. Generally, the maintainers will look for both a history of contribution to FDC3 and a commitment to investing sufficient time in the role from any prospective candidates before proposing them to the Standards Working Group for approval. If you are new to FDC3, but willing to make the investment of time, the maintainers can work with you to build up a history of contribution.
### Why should you get involved in FDC3?
#### Mailing list
You can contact the FDC3 maintainers by sending an email to [](
If you or your firm intends to make use of the FDC3 Standard (by implementing a Desktop Agent or App Directory, by adding support to apps to interoperate with others via FDC3, or even by using apps, Desktop Agents or App Directories written by others) then participating in the governance, maintenance and onward development of the FDC3 Standard will help to protect and strengthen the ecosystem developing around FDC3. Doing so will also empower you to help guide the Standard in directions that are relevant to your use or that of your firm.
If you or your firm are new to contributing to open source projects, please see the variety of resources available from FINOS, (such as the [Open Source readiness project](, Linux Foundation ([Participating in Open Source communities]( and others (e.g. [](
# FDC3 Archive
An archive of FDC3 documentation and meeting notes is available at The mailing list archive for is available at
### What it means to be an FDC3 Participant, Editor or Maintainer
# Contributing
If you'd like to contribute to the FDC3 standard, or have noticed something that needs correcting, the first step is to [raise an issue on the FDC3 Github Repo]( and describe what you'd like to see changed. There are a number of issue templates that you can choose from [here](
According to [Governance document]( document:
Issues that change the Standard usually need discussion. You can post comments directly on the issue or can ask for it to be added to a Standards Working Group meeting agenda by emailing [](, sending a message to the [#fdc3 channel on the FINOS slack]( or tag the FDC3 maintainers (`@finos/fdc3-maintainers`) in your issue.
- **"Participants"** are those that have made contributions to the FDC3 Standard Working Group (subject to the [FINOS IP Policy]( The [FDC3 Standard Working Group]( has the specific purpose of defining and releasing subsequent updates to the Standard. In practice, that means people that attend and contribute to meetings, raise issues, pull requests (to submit patches to the Standard) and reviews.
- **"Editors"** are responsible for ensuring that the contents of the Standard's documents accurately reflect the decisions that have been made by the group, and that the specification adheres to formatting and content guidelines.
- **"Maintainers"** are responsible for organizing activities around developing, maintaining, and updating the specification(s) developed by the Working Group. Maintainers are also responsible for determining consensus and coordinating appeals.
To implement changes in the FDC3 repository resolving an issue please read our [contribution guidelines](
Whilst all 3 roles require some amount of attention, being an Editor or Maintainer will obviously require a greater and more regular investment of time from anyone taking on that role.
Contributions merged into the master branch of the FDC3 repository will form part of the next pre-draft of the FDC3 Standard (as defined by the [FDC3 Governance document](./, which must be approved by the Standard Working Group voting participants before it is accepted as a draft and subsequently released as the next version of the Standard.
#### How do you become a Participant?
Becoming an **FDC3 Participant** is as easy as attending a meeting and/or raising issues for changes you'd like see in the Standard, commenting on issues others have raised or even asking questions (which can often result in the clarification of the Standard's documentation to help others with the same questions in future).
_NOTE:_ Commits and pull requests to FINOS repositories will only be accepted from those contributors with an active, executed Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA) with FINOS, _OR_ who are covered under an existing and active Corporate Contribution License Agreement (CCLA) executed with FINOS. Commits from individuals not covered under an ICLA or CCLA will be flagged and blocked by the [Linux Foundation `EasyCLA` tool]( Please note that some CCLAs require individuals/employees to be explicitly named on the CCLA.
If you are going to use, implement or benefit from the FDC3 Standard, we also recommend that you sign up as a voting participant. To do so, please use this link: [](;;body=HI%2C%20my%20name%20is%20%3CFirstName%20LastName%3E%20and%20I%!) to send a templated email email to join the enrolled voting participants group. Please note that standard participants are bound to the provisions in the [FINOS IP Policy]( as described in the [FINOS Standards governance document](
*Need an ICLA? Unsure if you are covered under an existing CCLA? Email [](*
Upon enrollment as an [FDC3 voting participant](, you will be invited to join the [FINOS GitHub organization]( and the [fdc3-participants]( GitHub team.
# License
#### How do you become an Editor or Maintainer?
Once you are an enrolled participant in FDC3, you can apply to become an **editor** or **maintainer** by contacting the existing FDC3 maintainers at []( and then seeking the approval of the FDC3 Standards Working Group. Generally, the maintainers will look for both a history of contribution to FDC3 and a commitment to investing sufficient time in the role from any prospective candidates before proposing them to the Standards Working Group for approval. If you are new to FDC3, but willing to make the investment of time, the maintainers can work with you to build up a history of contribution.
### FINOS Code of Conduct
Participants in FINOS standards projects should follow the FINOS Code of Conduct, which can be found at: <>
## License
Copyright 2017-2022 FINOS and FDC3 Participants

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## Vulnerabilities / Security
Please see our [Security Policy](
## Intellectual Property Claims
Users of the FDC3 standard are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of
any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that
might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide
supporting documentation.
Users of the FDC3 standard are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.
## FDC3 Archive
An archive of FDC3 documentation and meeting notes is available at <>. The mailing list archive for []( is available at <>

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