Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
fireactjs-saas is the extension package for building SaaS web applications with Firebase, Reactjs and Stripe in a simple and fast approach. It is based on the @fireactjs/core
package for the user authentication features. Its key features on top of the @fireactjs/core
package are:
To experience the package, go to https://saas-demo.fireactjs.com
For documentation of the package, go to https://fireactjs.com/docs/saas-package/
Instructions for installing Fireactjs SaaS packages and creating your Reactjs SaaS application with the Fireactjs packages.
Before installing the Fireactjs SaaS packages, you must set up your Reactjs application with the Fireactjs Core package for user authentication. Read Fireactjs Installation Guide.
The Fireactjs SaaS project comes with two packages: @fireacjts/saas
for the Reactjs front-end and @fireactjs/saas-cloud-functions
for the server-side Firebase Cloud Functions.
In your Reactjs app root folder, use the following command to install the @fireactjs/saas
npm i @fireactjs/saas
In your /functions
folder where your Firebase Cloud Functions are located, use the following command to install the @fireactjs/saas-cloud-functions
npm i @fireactjs/saas-cloud-functions
Fireactjs SaaS integrates with Stripe to handle subscription payments. You must have a Stripe account to enable the integration.
In Stripe, create a product for your SaaS. You can have multiple subscription plans, including both free and paid plans. Create a price plan under your subscription product for each plan. Stripe will create a price_id
for each price plan.
Create a JSON file called plans.json
in the /src
folder and the /functions
folder to describe the subscription plans of your SaaS product as the example shows below. The plans will be shown in the pricing table as the property values in the Reactjs application and will be used for the subscription process in the cloud functions. It’s important that the priceId
property value of each plan matches the plan’s price_id
in Stripe.
"title": "Free",
"popular": false,
"priceId": "price_1...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 0,
"frequency": "week",
"description": [
"10 users included",
"2 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Email support"
"title": "Weekly",
"popular": true,
"priceId": "price_2...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 10,
"frequency": "week",
"description": [
"20 users included",
"10 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Priority email support"
"title": "Daily",
"popular": false,
"priceId": "price_3...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 5,
"frequency": "day",
"description": [
"50 users included",
"30 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Phone & email support"
For the cloud functions to receive data from Stripe, you will need to create a webhook endpoint with the cloud function webhook URL https://firebse-location-project-id.cloudfunctions.net/fireactjsSaas-stripeWebHook
. Please make sure you replace the domain with your actual Firebase project cloud function domain. Once the webhook is created, you will get an endpoint secret which is needed in the configuration file.
The following Stripe events need to be sent to the endpoint:
FileCreate a file called config.json
in the /src
folder as the example shows below store the configuration settings.
To integrate with Stripe, the Stripe public API key is required for the stripe.pubblic_api_key
The Reactjs application needs the price_id
from Stripe to integrate with the Stripe payment plans. The plans will be shown in the pricing table as the property values in the JSON plans
. It’s important that the priceId
property value of each plan matches the plan’s price_id
in Stripe.
"stripe": {
"public_api_key": "pk_test_..."
"plans": [
"title": "Free",
"popular": false,
"priceId": "price_1...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 0,
"frequency": "week",
"description": [
"10 users included",
"2 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Email support"
"title": "Weekly",
"popular": true,
"priceId": "price_2...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 10,
"frequency": "week",
"description": [
"20 users included",
"10 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Priority email support"
"title": "Daily",
"popular": false,
"priceId": "price_3...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 5,
"frequency": "day",
"description": [
"50 users included",
"30 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Phone & email support"
"permissions": {
"access": {
"default": true,
"admin": false
"admin": {
"default": false,
"admin": true
"subscription": {
"singular": "project",
"plural": "projects"
FileIn the /functions
folder, create a config.json
file as the example shows below.
You will need to put in the stripe secret API key and the endpoint secret in the configuration file to integrate the cloud functions with Stripe.
Plans are also needed for the cloud functions similar to the Reactjs application.
For sending new user invites, the mailgun
JSON is needed. The details are covered in the next section.
"brand": "My Brand",
"site_name": "My SaaS App",
"site_url": "https://app.mydomain.com",
"sign_in_url": "https://app.mydomain.com/sign-in",
"sign_up_url": "https://app.mydomain.com/sign-up",
"stripe": {
"secret_api_key": "sk_test_...",
"end_point_secret": "whsec_..."
"plans": [
"title": "Free",
"popular": false,
"priceId": "price_1...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 0,
"frequency": "week",
"description": [
"10 users included",
"2 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Email support"
"title": "Weekly",
"popular": true,
"priceId": "price_2...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 10,
"frequency": "week",
"description": [
"20 users included",
"10 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Priority email support"
"title": "Daily",
"popular": false,
"priceId": "price_3...",
"currency": "$",
"price": 5,
"frequency": "day",
"description": [
"50 users included",
"30 GB of storage",
"Help center access",
"Phone & email support"
"permissions": {
"access": {
"default": true,
"admin": false
"admin": {
"default": false,
"admin": true
"mailgun": {
"api_key": "...",
"domain": "app.mydomain.com",
"from": "No Reply <no-reply@app.mydomain.com>",
"invite_email": "invite"
The framework integrates with Mailgun to send invite emails when users are invited to join subscription accounts. To setup the integration, retrieve the API key from Mailgun and create a file called mailgun.json
under the src
folder as the example below shows.
"api_key": "...",
"domain": "app.mydomain.com",
"from": "No Reply <no-reply@app.mydomain.com>",
"invite_email": "invite"
In Mailgun, you will need a template for the invite emails. Create a template called invite
with the subject line below.
{{sender}} invited you to {{site_name}}
In the template body, use the following copy.
Hi {{name}},
You received this invite because {{sender}} invited you to join {{site_name}}. Please sign in ({{sign_in_url}}) to accept the invite.
If you don't have a user account yet, please sign up ({{sign_up_url}}) here.
Best regards,
The {{site_name}} team
The invite template supports the following variables:
Note: The invite email is optional for the invite process. You can skip this step but the new users will need to be informed by other methods so that they know where to sign up and sign in to accept the invites.
The SaaS package uses Firestore database to store and manage the subscription data. To secure the data, the following Firestore rules need to be added to your Firestore database rules.
match /users/{userId}/paymentMethods/{paymentMethodId} {
allow read, update, create, delete: if request.auth.uid == userId;
match /subscriptions/{subscriptionId} {
allow read: if request.auth.uid != null && request.auth.uid in resource.data.permissions.access;
allow update: if request.auth.uid != null && request.auth.uid in resource.data.permissions.admin && (!request.resource.data.diff(resource.data).affectedKeys()
.hasAny(['currency', 'ownerId', 'paymentCycle', 'paymentMethod', 'plan', 'price', 'stripePriceId', 'stripeSubscriptionId', 'subscriptionCreated', 'subscriptionCurrentPeriodEnd', 'subscriptionCurrentPeriodStart', 'subscriptionEnded', 'subscriptionStatus']));
match /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/invoices/{invoiceId} {
allow read: if request.auth.uid != null && request.auth.uid in get(/databases/$(database)/documents/subscriptions/$(subscriptionId)).data.permissions.admin;
match /invites/{inviteId} {
allow read, delete: if request.auth.uid != null && request.auth.token.email == resource.data.email;
Replace the code in your src/App.js
with the code below.
import './App.css';
import firebaseConfig from "./firebaseConfig.json";
import { pathnames, AppTemplate, AuthProvider, AuthRoutes, MainMenu, PublicTemplate, ResetPassword, SignIn, SignUp, UserMenu, UserProfile, UserUpdateEmail, UserUpdateName, UserUpdatePassword, UserDelete, FireactProvider, ActionPages } from '@fireactjs/core';
import { BrowserRouter, Routes } from "react-router-dom";
import { Route } from "react-router-dom";
import LocalFireDepartmentIcon from '@mui/icons-material/LocalFireDepartment';
import { CircularProgress, Box } from '@mui/material';
import authMethods from "./authMethods.json";
import { CreateSubscription, ListSubscriptions, pathnames as subPathnames, PermissionRouter, Settings, SubscriptionMenu, ListUsers, SubscriptionProvider, ListInvoices, ManagePaymentMethods, ChangePlan, CancelSubscription } from '@fireactjs/saas';
import SaaSConfig from './config.json';
const Brand = "FIREACT";
const Logo = ({size, color}) => {
const logoColor = color || 'warning';
return (
<LocalFireDepartmentIcon color={logoColor} fontSize={size} />
const Loader = ({size}) => {
let cpSize = "35px";
case "small":
cpSize = "30px";
case "medium":
cpSize = "35px";
case "large":
cpSize = "45px";
cpSize = "35px";
return (
<Box sx={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center"}}>
<CircularProgress color="warning" size={cpSize} />
<div style={{position: "absolute" }}>
<Logo size={size} />
function App() {
// merge pathnames
for(var key in subPathnames){
pathnames[key] = subPathnames[key];
const config = {
firebaseConfig: firebaseConfig,
brand: "FIREACTJS",
pathnames: pathnames,
authProviders: authMethods,
saas: SaaSConfig
return (
<FireactProvider config={config}>
<AuthProvider firebaseConfig={firebaseConfig} brand={Brand}>
<Route element={<AuthRoutes loader={<Loader size="large" />} />} >
<Route element={<AppTemplate logo={<Logo size="large" />} toolBarMenu={<UserMenu />} drawerMenu={<MainMenu />} />}>
<Route exact path={pathnames.ListSubscriptions} element={<ListSubscriptions loader={<Loader size="large" />} />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.CreateSubscription} element={<CreateSubscription />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.UserProfile} element={<UserProfile />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.UserUpdateEmail} element={<UserUpdateEmail />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.UserUpdateName} element={<UserUpdateName />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.UserUpdatePassword} element={<UserUpdatePassword />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.UserDelete} element={<UserDelete />} />
<Route path={pathnames.Subscription} element={<SubscriptionProvider loader={<Loader size="large" />} />} >
<Route element={<AppTemplate logo={<Logo size="large" />} toolBarMenu={<UserMenu />} drawerMenu={<SubscriptionMenu />} />}>
<Route element={<PermissionRouter permissions={["access"]} />} >
<Route exact path={pathnames.Subscription+"/"} element={<div>Home</div>} />
<Route element={<PermissionRouter permissions={["admin"]} />} >
<Route exact path={pathnames.Settings} element={<Settings loader={<Loader size="large" />} />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.ListUsers} element={<ListUsers loader={<Loader size="large" />} />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.ListInvoices} element={<ListInvoices loader={<Loader size="large" />} />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.ManagePaymentMethods} element={<ManagePaymentMethods loader={<Loader size="large" />} />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.ChangePlan} element={<ChangePlan />} />
<Route exact path={pathnames.CancelSubscription} element={<CancelSubscription />} />
<Route element={<PublicTemplate />}>
<Route path={pathnames.SignIn} element={
logo={<Logo size="large" />}
} />
<Route path={pathnames.SignUp} element={
logo={<Logo size="large" />}
} />
<Route path={pathnames.ResetPassword} element={
logo={<Logo size="large" />}
} />
<Route path={pathnames.ActionPages} element={
logo={<Logo size="large" />}
} />
export default App;
Replace the code in your /functions/index.js
with the following code.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const config = require('./config.json');
let fireactjsSaasFunctions = require('@fireactjs/saas-cloud-functions')(config);
exports.fireactjsSaas = fireactjsSaasFunctions;
By now, your app is ready for the first run locally. Use the command npm start
to start the app.
After testing locally, your app is ready to be deployed to Firebase hosting.
Run npm run build
to build your app
Run firebase deploy
to deploy your app to Firebase. If you see a blank screen in your production URL, make sure you set the build
as the folder in your Firebase settings.
fireactjs-saas is a package for building SaaS with React and Firebase
The npm package @fireactjs/saas receives a total of 6 weekly downloads. As such, @fireactjs/saas popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @fireactjs/saas demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
Did you know?
Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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