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Comparing version 0.0.6 to 0.0.7


"name": "@flatfile/blueprint-utils",
"version": "0.0.6",
"version": "0.0.7",
"description": "A helper for generating valid blueprint.",

@@ -33,4 +33,5 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@flatfile/api": "^1.5.31",
"@flatfile/blueprint": "^0.0.9"

@@ -1,118 +0,3 @@

# @flatfile/utils-debugger
# @flatfile/blueprint-utils
This package is a utility debugger designed to facilitate the tracking, logging and debugging of various events, issues and processes in your application. It features a colorful console output for better visibility and understanding of the status of your system.
## Features
- HTTP request logging
- Event subscription logging
- Event logging
- Logging for warnings, success, and errors
- General purpose logging
## Usage
The @flatfile/utils-debugger package provides a `Debugger` class which exposes several static methods. Each of these methods are designed to log specific types of events or issues.
Here is a brief overview of the available methods:
### logHttpRequest(params)
Logs details about HTTP requests. It takes an object with the following properties:
- `method`: The HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.)
- `url`: The request URL.
- `statusCode`: The HTTP status code.
- `headers`: The request headers.
- `startTime`: The time when the request started.
- `error` (optional): Any error that occurred during the request.
The log includes the method, status code, URL, and time elapsed since the start of the request.
✓ 100ms GET 200
### logEventSubscriber(query, filter)
Logs details about an event subscriber.
- `query`: The query or array of queries the subscriber is listening for.
- `filter`: The filter applied to the subscriber (optional).
↳ on(user.created), {}
### logEvent(event)
Logs details about a given event.
- `event`: The event object to log. It must have `topic`, `createdAt`, and `id` properties.
▶ user.created 5:58:30.572 PM 4hs98r
### logWarning(message), logSuccess(message), logError(message, label, prefix)
Logs warnings, successes, and errors.
- `message`: The message to log.
- `label` and `prefix` are optional parameters for the `logError` function.
⚠️ Disk space running low
✅ File uploaded successfully
🔴 Error:FileError File not found
### log(callback)
A general purpose log method, it accepts a callback function that returns the string to log. The callback receives a colors object that you can use to apply color to parts of your message.
## Installation
To install the @flatfile/utils-debugger package, use npm or yarn:
npm install @flatfile/utils-debugger
yarn add @flatfile/utils-debugger
## Dependencies
This package has a dependency on the ansi-colors package for coloring console output.
## Examples
import { Debugger } from '@flatfile/utils-debugger'
method: 'GET',
url: '',
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
topic: 'user.created',
createdAt: new Date(),
id: 'abcd1234',
Debugger.logWarning('Disk space running low')
Debugger.logSuccess('File uploaded successfully')
Debugger.logError('File not found', 'FileError', 'Upload')
This package offers utilities for working with blueprint easily.
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