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Comparing version 2.2.9 to 2.2.10


"name": "@fooloomanzoo/input-picker-pattern",
"version": "2.2.9",
"version": "2.2.10",
"authors": [

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "Johannes Brautzsch <fooloomanzoo>"

[![Published on](](
## input-picker-pattern
The repository includes various helper components and standard styles used in elements like [number-input](, [text-input](, [color-input](, [datetime-input](, [datetime-picker]( and [color-picker](
mixin to extend an element with a test for an expected input type and implement a polyfill, when wanted or needed
It includes the following component-pattern:
- input-pattern
- input-picker-pattern
and component-mixins:
- overlay-picker-mixin
- form-element-mixin
- switch-container-mixin
and style-mixins:
- dropdown-style
- dropdown-tip-style
- input-shared-style
- input-picker-shared-style
and components:
- overlay-element
- A simple element, that creates an overlay using `iron-overlay-behavior`.
### default style-properties and -mixins
#### input-shared-style
Custom property | Description | Default
`--input-color` | text-color of the input | inherit
`--input-background` | background of the input | transparent
`--input-border-width` | border-width of the input | thin
`--input-border-style` | border-style of the input | dotted
`--input-border-color` | border-color of the input | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
`--input-padding` | padding of the input | 0.25em
`--input-border-radius` | border-radius of the input | 0.25em
`--input-transition-duration` | transition-duration of the input | 250ms
`--input-transition-property` | transition-property of the input | background
`--input-transition-timing-function`| transition-timing-function of the input | cubic-bezier(0.6, 1, 0.2, 1)
`--input-align` | text-align of the input input | center
`--input-cursor` | cursor of the input input | initial
`--input-focus-color` | text-color of the focused and hovered input | inherit
`--input-focus-background` | background of the focused and hovered input | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
`--input-focus-border-style` | border-style of the focused and hovered input | dotted
`--input-focus-border-color` | border-color of the focused and hovered input | rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
`--input-invalid-color` | text-color of the invalid input | inherit
`--input-invalid-background` | background of the invalid input | rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.25)
`--input-invalid-border-style` | border-style of the invalid input | dotted
`--input-invalid-border-color` | border-color of the invalid input | rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)
`--input-disabled-color` | text-color of the disabled input | inherit
`--input-disabled-background` | background of the disabled input | transparent
`--input-disabled-font-style` | font-style of the disabled elements | oblique
`--input-disabled-opacity` | opacity of the disabled input | 0.9
`--input-placeholder-color` | text-color of the placeholder | inherit
`--input-placeholder-opacity` | opacity of the placeholder | 0.75
`--input-placeholder-align` | text-align of the placeholder | center
`--input-selection-color` | text-color of the selected text | inherit
`--input-selection-background` | background of the selected text | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
`--input-style` | mixin applied to the input | {}
`--input-focus` | mixin applied to the focused and hovered input| {}
`--input-invalid` | mixin applied to the invalid input | {}
`--input-disabled` | mixin applied to the disabled input | {}
`--input-placeholder` | mixin applied to the placeholder | {}
For custom-inputs like `number-input`, `integer-input` and `text-input`, that are used inside the element, you can additionally use:
Custom property | Description | Default
`--inner-input-color` | text-color of the inner input element | inherit
`--inner-input-background` | background of the inner input element | transparent
`--inner-input-border-width` | border-width of the inner input element | thin
`--inner-input-border-style` | border-style of the inner input element | dotted
`--inner-input-border-color` | border-color of the inner input element | transparent
`--inner-input-padding` | padding of the inner input element | 0
`--inner-input-border-radius` | border-radius of the inner input element | 0.1em
`--inner-input-focus-color` | text-color of the focused and hovered inner input element | currentColor
`--inner-input-focus-background` | background of the focused and hovered inner input element | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
`--inner-input-focus-border-style` | border-style of the focused and hovered inner input element | dotted
`--inner-input-focus-border-color` | border-color of the focused and hovered inner input element | rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
`--inner-input-invalid-color` | text-color of the invalid inner input element | inherit
`--inner-input-invalid-background` | background of the invalid inner input element | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
`--inner-input-invalid-border-style` | border-style of the invalid inner input element | dotted
`--inner-input-invalid-border-color` | border-color of the invalid inner input element | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
#### input-picker-shared-style
Custom property | Description | Default
`--input-picker-color` | text-color of the picker | #dfdfdf
`--input-picker-background` | background of the picker | #252525
`--input-picker-padding` | padding of the picker | 0.25em
`--input-picker-border-radius` | border-radius | 0.5em
`--input-picker-box-shadow` | box-shadow | 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 1px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
`--input-icon-border-radius` | border-radius of the icons | 0.3em
`--input-icon-padding` | padding of the icons and buttons | 0.5em
`--input-icon-height` | height of the icons and buttons | 1em
`--input-icon-width` | width of the icons and buttons | 1em
`--input-icon-background` | background of the icons and buttons | transparent
`--input-icon` | mixin applied to the icons and buttons | {}
`--input-picker` | mixin applied to the picker | {}
The icons will apply all `--input-focus-*`-properties when hovered or focused. The native inputs, select-boxes and buttons apply the related style properties. Some `--input-`properties are set by default:
Custom property | Default
`--input-cursor` | pointer
`--inner-input-padding` | 0.1em
`--inner-input-border-radius` | 0.2em
`--inner-input-focus-color` | #f1f1f1
`--inner-input-focus-background` | --primary-color, #394FE8
`--input-disabled` | { font-weight: lighter; }
#### drop-down-tip-style
Custom property | Description | Default
--dropdown-tip-size | dimensions of the tip of the dropdown | 6px
--dropdown-tip-gap | gap to the outside of the tip | 12px
--dropdown-tip-background | background of the tip of the dropdown | --input-picker-background, transparent
#### overlays
Have a look at iron-overlay-behavior's [repository]( to find out more about its style-properties.

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