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@@ -23,2 +23,14 @@ import { Time } from "./Time";

* Converts a Time to a string compatible with RFC3339/ISO8601. Similar to
* `toDate(stamp).toISOString()`, but with nanosecond precision.
* @param stamp Time to convert
export declare function toRFC3339String(stamp: Time): string;
* Parses a Time from a string compatible with a subset of ISO8601/RFC3339. Similar to
* `fromDate(new Date(string))`, but with nanosecond precision.
* @param stamp Time to convert
export declare function fromRFC3339String(stamp: string): Time | undefined;
* Convert a Time to a JavaScript Date object. NOTE: sub-millisecond precision is lost.

@@ -25,0 +37,0 @@ * @param stamp Time to convert



@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.areEqual = exports.isGreaterThan = exports.isLessThan = = exports.isTimeInRangeInclusive = exports.clampTime = exports.fromMicros = exports.fromMillis = exports.toMillis = exports.fromNanoSec = exports.fromSec = exports.toSec = exports.toMicroSec = exports.toNanoSec = exports.subtract = exports.add = exports.fixTime = exports.interpolate = exports.percentOf = exports.fromDate = exports.toDate = exports.fromString = exports.toString = exports.isTime = void 0;
exports.areEqual = exports.isGreaterThan = exports.isLessThan = = exports.isTimeInRangeInclusive = exports.clampTime = exports.fromMicros = exports.fromMillis = exports.toMillis = exports.fromNanoSec = exports.fromSec = exports.toSec = exports.toMicroSec = exports.toNanoSec = exports.subtract = exports.add = exports.fixTime = exports.interpolate = exports.percentOf = exports.fromDate = exports.toDate = exports.fromRFC3339String = exports.toRFC3339String = exports.fromString = exports.toString = exports.isTime = void 0;

@@ -47,2 +47,13 @@ * Test if a given object matches the signature of { sec: number; nsec: number }

* Parse fractional seconds (digits following a decimal separator ".") and interpret them as an
* integer number of nanoseconds. Because of the rounding behavior, this function may return 1e9 (a
* value that would be too large for the `nsec` field).
function parseNanoseconds(digits) {
// There can be 9 digits of nanoseconds. If the fractional part is "1", we need to add eight
// zeros. Also, make sure we round to an integer if we need to _remove_ digits.
const digitsShort = 9 - digits.length;
return Math.round(parseInt(digits, 10) * 10 ** digitsShort);
* Converts a string containing floating point number of seconds to a Time. We use a string because

@@ -71,8 +82,5 @@ * nanosecond precision cannot be stored in a 64-bit float for large values (e.g. UNIX timestamps).

// There can be 9 digits of nanoseconds. If the fractional part is "1", we need to add eight
// zeros. Also, make sure we round to an integer if we need to _remove_ digits.
const digitsShort = 9 - second.length;
const nsec = Math.round(parseInt(second, 10) * 10 ** digitsShort);
// It's possible we rounded to { sec: 1, nsec: 1e9 }, which is invalid, so fixTime.
const sec = parseInt(first, 10);
const nsec = parseNanoseconds(second);
return fixTime({ sec: isNaN(sec) ? 0 : sec, nsec });

@@ -82,2 +90,48 @@ }

* Converts a Time to a string compatible with RFC3339/ISO8601. Similar to
* `toDate(stamp).toISOString()`, but with nanosecond precision.
* @param stamp Time to convert
function toRFC3339String(stamp) {
if (stamp.sec < 0 || stamp.nsec < 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid negative time { sec: ${stamp.sec}, nsec: ${stamp.nsec} }`);
if (stamp.nsec >= 1e9) {
throw new Error(`Invalid nanosecond value ${stamp.nsec}`);
const date = new Date(stamp.sec * 1000);
const year = date.getUTCFullYear();
const month = (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const day = date.getUTCDate().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const hour = date.getUTCHours().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const minute = date.getUTCMinutes().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const second = date.getUTCSeconds().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const nanosecond = stamp.nsec.toFixed().padStart(9, "0");
return `${year}-${month}-${day}T${hour}:${minute}:${second}.${nanosecond}Z`;
exports.toRFC3339String = toRFC3339String;
* Parses a Time from a string compatible with a subset of ISO8601/RFC3339. Similar to
* `fromDate(new Date(string))`, but with nanosecond precision.
* @param stamp Time to convert
function fromRFC3339String(stamp) {
const match = /^(\d{4,})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[Tt](\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[Zz]|([+-])(\d\d):(\d\d))$/.exec(stamp);
if (match == null) {
return undefined;
const [, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, frac, plusMinus, offHours, offMinutes] = match;
const offSign = plusMinus === "-" ? -1 : 1;
const utcMillis = Date.UTC(+year, +month - 1, +day, +hour - offSign * +(offHours ?? 0), +minute - offSign * +(offMinutes ?? 0), +second);
if (utcMillis % 1000 !== 0) {
return undefined;
// It's possible we rounded to { sec: 1, nsec: 1e9 }, which is invalid, so fixTime.
return fixTime({
sec: utcMillis / 1000,
nsec: frac != undefined ? parseNanoseconds(frac) : 0,
exports.fromRFC3339String = fromRFC3339String;
* Convert a Time to a JavaScript Date object. NOTE: sub-millisecond precision is lost.

@@ -84,0 +138,0 @@ * @param stamp Time to convert



@@ -38,4 +38,102 @@ "use strict";

describe("toRFC3339String", () => {
it("formats whole values correctly", () => {
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual("1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000Z");
it("formats partial nanos", () => {
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 102, nsec: 304 })).toEqual("1970-01-01T00:01:42.000000304Z");
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 102, nsec: 99900000 })).toEqual("1970-01-01T00:01:42.099900000Z");
it("formats max nanos", () => {
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 102, nsec: 999999999 })).toEqual("1970-01-01T00:01:42.999999999Z");
it("does not format negative times", () => {
expect(() => rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: -1, nsec: 0 })).toThrow();
it("interoperates with Date.parse", () => {
const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2021, 8, 29, 18, 12, 8, 123));
describe("fromRFC3339String", () => {
it("parses nanosecond precision", () => {
sec: 0,
nsec: 0,
sec: 0,
nsec: 1,
sec: 0,
nsec: 0,
sec: 0,
nsec: 100000000,
sec: 0,
nsec: 12300000,
sec: 0,
nsec: 12345678,
it("rounds to nearest nanosecond", () => {
sec: 0,
nsec: 12345679,
sec: 0,
nsec: 999999999,
sec: 1,
nsec: 0,
sec: 2,
nsec: 0,
it("handles time zone offsets", () => {
sec: 1632939128,
nsec: 123456789,
sec: 1632939128,
nsec: 123456789,
sec: 1632939128 - 60,
nsec: 123456789,
sec: 1632939128 + 60,
nsec: 123456789,
sec: 1632939128 - (10 * 60 + 9) * 60,
nsec: 123456789,
sec: 1632939128 + (10 * 60 + 9) * 60,
nsec: 123456789,
it("interoperates with Date.toISOString", () => {
const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2021, 8, 29, 18, 12, 8, 123));
sec: 1632939128,
nsec: 123000000,
describe("toString", () => {
it("formats whole values correction", () => {
it("formats whole values correctly", () => {
expect(rostime.toString({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual("1.000000000");

@@ -171,2 +269,3 @@ });

// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
it("can add two times together", () => {

@@ -194,45 +293,53 @@ testAddition({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 0 });

describe("subtractTimes", () => {
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, { sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 2 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1,
it("subtracts times", () => {
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, { sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 2 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 5, nsec: 100 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 10 })).toEqual({
sec: 3,
nsec: 90,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1e8 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 5e8 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 600000000,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1e9 - 1 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1e9 - 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 5, nsec: 100 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 10 })).toEqual({
sec: 3,
nsec: 90,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1e8 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 5e8 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 600000000,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1e9 - 1 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1e9 - 1,
describe("toNanoSec", () => {
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9) + 1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9) + 1n);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9) + 1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9) + 1n);
describe("toMicroSec", () => {
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(0.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 999 })).toEqual(0.999);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1000 })).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(1e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1000000.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(2e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(2000000.001);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(0.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 999 })).toEqual(0.999);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1000 })).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(1e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1000000.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(2e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(2000000.001);
describe("toSec", () => {
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toBe(1);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toBe(1.000000001);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 999999999 })).toBe(1.999999999);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1000000000 })).toBe(2);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toBe(1);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toBe(1.000000001);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 999999999 })).toBe(1.999999999);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1000000000 })).toBe(2);

@@ -258,27 +365,31 @@ describe("fromSec", () => {

describe("fromNanoSec", () => {
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(0n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(1n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(10n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 10 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9))).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9))).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 });
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(0n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(1n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(10n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 10 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9))).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9))).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 });
describe("toMillis", () => {
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, false)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1001);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(2001);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, false)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1001);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(2001);

@@ -285,0 +396,0 @@ describe("fromMillis", () => {

"name": "@foxglove/rostime",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "1.1.1",
"description": "ROS (Robot Operating System) Time and Duration primitives and helper methods",

@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ "license": "MIT",

"author": {
"name": "Foxglove Technologies",
"email": ""
"name": "Foxglove Technologies Inc",
"email": ""

@@ -45,20 +45,21 @@ "homepage": "",

"devDependencies": {
"@foxglove/eslint-plugin": "0.10.0",
"@foxglove/eslint-plugin": "0.13.0",
"@types/eslint": "^7",
"@types/eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3",
"@types/jest": "^26.0.23",
"@types/prettier": "2.3.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "4.28.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "4.28.0",
"esbuild": "0.12.9",
"@types/prettier": "2.3.2",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "4.28.3",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "4.28.3",
"esbuild": "0.12.15",
"esbuild-jest": "0.5.0",
"eslint": "7.29.0",
"eslint": "7.31.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "8.3.0",
"eslint-plugin-filenames": "^1.3.2",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.23.4",
"eslint-plugin-jest": "24.3.6",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "3.4.0",
"jest": "27.0.5",
"prettier": "2.3.1",
"typescript": "4.3.4"
"jest": "27.0.6",
"prettier": "2.3.2",
"typescript": "4.3.5"

@@ -28,1 +28,5 @@ # @foxglove/rostime

3. GitHub Actions will take care of the rest
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@@ -21,4 +21,117 @@ import * as rostime from ".";

describe("toRFC3339String", () => {
it("formats whole values correctly", () => {
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual("1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000Z");
it("formats partial nanos", () => {
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 102, nsec: 304 })).toEqual(
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 102, nsec: 99900000 })).toEqual(
it("formats max nanos", () => {
expect(rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: 102, nsec: 999999999 })).toEqual(
it("does not format negative times", () => {
expect(() => rostime.toRFC3339String({ sec: -1, nsec: 0 })).toThrow();
it("interoperates with Date.parse", () => {
const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2021, 8, 29, 18, 12, 8, 123));
describe("fromRFC3339String", () => {
it("parses nanosecond precision", () => {
sec: 0,
nsec: 0,
sec: 0,
nsec: 1,
sec: 0,
nsec: 0,
sec: 0,
nsec: 100_000_000,
sec: 0,
nsec: 12_300_000,
sec: 0,
nsec: 12_345_678,
it("rounds to nearest nanosecond", () => {
sec: 0,
nsec: 12_345_679,
sec: 0,
nsec: 999_999_999,
sec: 1,
nsec: 0,
sec: 2,
nsec: 0,
it("handles time zone offsets", () => {
sec: 1632939128,
nsec: 123_456_789,
sec: 1632939128,
nsec: 123_456_789,
sec: 1632939128 - 60,
nsec: 123_456_789,
sec: 1632939128 + 60,
nsec: 123_456_789,
sec: 1632939128 - (10 * 60 + 9) * 60,
nsec: 123_456_789,
sec: 1632939128 + (10 * 60 + 9) * 60,
nsec: 123_456_789,
it("interoperates with Date.toISOString", () => {
const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2021, 8, 29, 18, 12, 8, 123));
sec: 1632939128,
nsec: 123_000_000,
describe("toString", () => {
it("formats whole values correction", () => {
it("formats whole values correctly", () => {
expect(rostime.toString({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual("1.000000000");

@@ -172,2 +285,3 @@ });

// eslint-disable-next-line jest/expect-expect
it("can add two times together", () => {

@@ -197,48 +311,56 @@ testAddition({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 0 });

describe("subtractTimes", () => {
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, { sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 2 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1,
it("subtracts times", () => {
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, { sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 2 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 5, nsec: 100 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 10 })).toEqual({
sec: 3,
nsec: 90,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1e8 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 5e8 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 600000000,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1e9 - 1 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1e9 - 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 5, nsec: 100 }, { sec: 2, nsec: 10 })).toEqual({
sec: 3,
nsec: 90,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 1e8 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 5e8 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 600000000,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1e9 - 1 })).toEqual({
sec: 0,
nsec: 1,
expect(rostime.subtract({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, { sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual({
sec: -1,
nsec: 1e9 - 1,
describe("toNanoSec", () => {
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9) + 1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9) + 1n);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(1e9) + 1n);
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9));
expect(rostime.toNanoSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(BigInt(2e9) + 1n);
describe("toMicroSec", () => {
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(0.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 999 })).toEqual(0.999);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1000 })).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(1e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1000000.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(2e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(2000000.001);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(0.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 999 })).toEqual(0.999);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 0, nsec: 1000 })).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(1e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(1000000.001);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 })).toEqual(2e6);
expect(rostime.toMicroSec({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 })).toEqual(2000000.001);
describe("toSec", () => {
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toBe(1);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toBe(1.000000001);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 999999999 })).toBe(1.999999999);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1000000000 })).toBe(2);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 })).toBe(1);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 })).toBe(1.000000001);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 999999999 })).toBe(1.999999999);
expect(rostime.toSec({ sec: 1, nsec: 1000000000 })).toBe(2);

@@ -267,28 +389,32 @@

describe("fromNanoSec", () => {
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(0n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(1n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(10n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 10 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9))).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9))).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 });
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(0n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(1n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(10n)).toEqual({ sec: 0, nsec: 10 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9))).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(1e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9))).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 });
expect(rostime.fromNanoSec(BigInt(2e9) + 1n)).toEqual({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 });
describe("toMillis", () => {
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, false)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1001);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(2001);
it("works", () => {
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, false)).toEqual(0);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 - 1 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, false)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 0, nsec: 1e6 }, true)).toEqual(1);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(1000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 1, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(1001);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 0 }, true)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, false)).toEqual(2000);
expect(rostime.toMillis({ sec: 2, nsec: 1 }, true)).toEqual(2001);

@@ -295,0 +421,0 @@

@@ -49,2 +49,14 @@ // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public

* Parse fractional seconds (digits following a decimal separator ".") and interpret them as an
* integer number of nanoseconds. Because of the rounding behavior, this function may return 1e9 (a
* value that would be too large for the `nsec` field).
function parseNanoseconds(digits: string) {
// There can be 9 digits of nanoseconds. If the fractional part is "1", we need to add eight
// zeros. Also, make sure we round to an integer if we need to _remove_ digits.
const digitsShort = 9 - digits.length;
return Math.round(parseInt(digits, 10) * 10 ** digitsShort);
* Converts a string containing floating point number of seconds to a Time. We use a string because

@@ -75,8 +87,5 @@ * nanosecond precision cannot be stored in a 64-bit float for large values (e.g. UNIX timestamps).

// There can be 9 digits of nanoseconds. If the fractional part is "1", we need to add eight
// zeros. Also, make sure we round to an integer if we need to _remove_ digits.
const digitsShort = 9 - second.length;
const nsec = Math.round(parseInt(second, 10) * 10 ** digitsShort);
// It's possible we rounded to { sec: 1, nsec: 1e9 }, which is invalid, so fixTime.
const sec = parseInt(first, 10);
const nsec = parseNanoseconds(second);
return fixTime({ sec: isNaN(sec) ? 0 : sec, nsec });

@@ -86,2 +95,58 @@ }

* Converts a Time to a string compatible with RFC3339/ISO8601. Similar to
* `toDate(stamp).toISOString()`, but with nanosecond precision.
* @param stamp Time to convert
export function toRFC3339String(stamp: Time): string {
if (stamp.sec < 0 || stamp.nsec < 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid negative time { sec: ${stamp.sec}, nsec: ${stamp.nsec} }`);
if (stamp.nsec >= 1e9) {
throw new Error(`Invalid nanosecond value ${stamp.nsec}`);
const date = new Date(stamp.sec * 1000);
const year = date.getUTCFullYear();
const month = (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const day = date.getUTCDate().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const hour = date.getUTCHours().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const minute = date.getUTCMinutes().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const second = date.getUTCSeconds().toFixed().padStart(2, "0");
const nanosecond = stamp.nsec.toFixed().padStart(9, "0");
return `${year}-${month}-${day}T${hour}:${minute}:${second}.${nanosecond}Z`;
* Parses a Time from a string compatible with a subset of ISO8601/RFC3339. Similar to
* `fromDate(new Date(string))`, but with nanosecond precision.
* @param stamp Time to convert
export function fromRFC3339String(stamp: string): Time | undefined {
const match =
if (match == null) {
return undefined;
const [, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, frac, plusMinus, offHours, offMinutes] = match;
const offSign = plusMinus === "-" ? -1 : 1;
const utcMillis = Date.UTC(
+month! - 1,
+hour! - offSign * +(offHours ?? 0),
+minute! - offSign * +(offMinutes ?? 0),
if (utcMillis % 1000 !== 0) {
return undefined;
// It's possible we rounded to { sec: 1, nsec: 1e9 }, which is invalid, so fixTime.
return fixTime({
sec: utcMillis / 1000,
nsec: frac != undefined ? parseNanoseconds(frac) : 0,
* Convert a Time to a JavaScript Date object. NOTE: sub-millisecond precision is lost.

@@ -88,0 +153,0 @@ * @param stamp Time to convert

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