Enables code style linting to be configured for Gasket apps.
This plugin is only used by presets for create-gasket-app
and is not installed for apps.
The features of this plugin hooks are in the lifecycles it hooks during the
create process.
During the create process, this plugin will prompt for selections to help choose
the linting configuration.
Which code style do you want configured?
Choices are:
- GoDaddy
- Standard
- Airbnb
- other - This allows manual eslint-config entry in the following prompt.
- none - This exits the create hook for the plugin.
What is the name of the eslint config?
If the code style chosen is other, the plugin will then prompt for the name of
an ESLint shared config.
Do you want stylelint configured?
Some code style allow for stylelint to also be configured. Choose yes to
include config for it, also.
What is the name of the stylelint config?
If the previous prompt was yes, and the chosen code style is other, the plugin
will then prompt for the name of an ESLint stylelint shared config.
Once completed, additional scripts will be added to the app's package for
linting; lint
or stylelint
or both. These can be run individually, and also
a posttest
script is added so that linting will automatically run after npm test
or yarn test
In the postCreate
stage of the create command, the lint:fix
script will be
run which will attempt to fixup any generated files to match the code style.
Sometimes, additional fixup may be required by the user, depending on the code
style and generated content. In these cases, a note will be added to the
warnings section of the create report display in the terminal.
Code Styles
GoDaddy JavaScript Style
When choosing godaddy
as the codeStyle, the eslint config will set up based on
what other packages are added for the app. These include react
, flow
+ flow
, or otherwise just the base.
JavaScript Standard Style
This will install the standard
node binary and use it in the lint
There is no Standard stylelint config at this time.
Airbnb JavaScript Style
When choosing airbnb
as the codeStyle, the eslint config will set up based on
if react
package is added for the app or not. If react
is not present, the
base airbnb config will be used.
Presets can also pre-determine the code style to use. This is useful for teams
to avoid prompts and enforce a particular code style setup. This can be done in
the module for the preset, in the presetPrompt
- (string) One of the choices of code styles:
- (boolean) Enable to add stylelint for the codeStyle
if set.
- (string) Name of a ESLint shared config to add. Only when
no codeStyle
- (string) Name of a stylelint shared config to add. Only
when no codeStyle
For example, say we have some team that wants to always use Airbnb style and
with stylelint for their apps:
export default async function presetPrompt(gasket, context, { prompt }) {
context.codeStyle = 'airbnb';
context.addStylelint = true;
Or, say we have another team with an internal ESLint config
export default async function presetPrompt(gasket, context, { prompt }) {
context.eslintConfig = '@another/eslint-config';
If there is an important and widely used code style that you feel would be a
good addition to the default choices of Code Styles, reach out or submit a PR
with your suggestion.