Gelato Relay SDK
SDK to integrate into Gelato Multichain Relay
Table of Contents
yarn add @gelatonetwork/gelato-relay-sdk
npm install @gelatonetwork/gelato-relay-sdk
Gelato Relay SDK offers a convenient suite of functions in order to interact with Gelato Relay API.
Gelato Relay API is a service that allows users and developers to get transactions mined fast, reliably and securely, without having to deal with the low-level complexities of blockchains.
As requests are submitted to Gelato Relay API, a network of Gelato Executors will execute and get said transactions mined as soon as they become executable (hence paying for gas fees). ECDSA signatures enforce the integrity of data whenever necessary, while gas fee refunds can be handled in any of our supported payment types. In this way, users and developers no longer have to become their own central point of failure with regards to their blockchain infrastructure, which may improve on the UX, costs, security and liveness of their Web3 systems.
Quick Start
Below is a simple example in order to get us started. We get Gelato Relay to call a HelloWorld
smart contract on our behalf. Note that in this example there is no dependency on RPC providers, as we simply build all transaction data, its required sponsorSignature
and send to Gelato Relay API. sponsorSignature
is required by sponsor
in order for Gelato to securely credit payments, but in this example we do not enforce any payment to be made as it is a testnet. In this way, interacting with a blockchain is simplified to sending a POST
request to a web server.
Backend example
import { Wallet, utils } from "ethers";
import { GelatoRelaySDK } from "@gelatonetwork/gelato-relay-sdk";
const forwardRequestExample = async () => {
const chainId = 5;
const target = "0x8580995EB790a3002A55d249e92A8B6e5d0b384a";
const NATIVE_TOKEN = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE";
const wallet = Wallet.createRandom();
const sponsor = await wallet.getAddress();
console.log(`Mock PK: ${await wallet._signingKey().privateKey}`);
console.log(`Mock wallet address: ${sponsor}`);
const data = `0x4b327067000000000000000000000000eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee`;
const paymentType = 1;
const maxFee = "1000000000000000000";
const gas = "200000";
const sponsorNonce = 0;
const enforceSponsorNonce = false;
const enforceSponsorNonceOrdering = false;
const forwardRequest = GelatoRelaySDK.forwardRequest(
const digest = GelatoRelaySDK.getForwardRequestDigestToSign(forwardRequest);
const sponsorSignature: utils.BytesLike = utils.joinSignature(
await wallet._signingKey().signDigest(digest)
await GelatoRelaySDK.sendForwardRequest(forwardRequest, sponsorSignature);
console.log("ForwardRequest submitted!");
Frontend example
Using ReactJS and Wagmi.
Generate the payload using getForwardRequestWalletPayloadToSign
method than sign it using signTypedDataAsync
import { useSignTypedData } from 'wagmi';
const { signTypedDataAsync } = useSignTypedData();
const generatedParams = GelatoRelaySDK.getForwardRequestWalletPayloadToSign(forwardRequest);
const sponsorSignature = await signTypedDataAsync(generatedParams);
const requestId = await GelatoRelaySDK.sendForwardRequest(forwardRequest, sponsorSignature);
console.log("ForwardRequest submitted!", requestId);
Payment Types
Upon sending messages and signatures to Gelato Relay API, Gelato Executors will acknowledge and execute them as soon as they are ready, hence paying gas fees in native token. Gelato Executors can have their fee costs refunded, plus a small fraction as incentive, in one of the following options:
Synchronous Payment (Type 0)
: This means that the target
smart contract will pay Gelato Relay's smart contract as the call is forwarded. Payment can be done in feeToken
, where it is expected to be a whitelisted payment token.
Asynchronous Gas Tank Payment (Type 1)
: This means that the sponsor
must hold a balance in one of Gelato's Gas Tank smart contracts. The balance could even be held on a different chainId
than the one the transaction is being relayed on (as defined by sponsorChainId
). An event is emitted to tell Gelato how much to charge in the future, which shall be acknowledged in an off-chain accounting system. A sponsorSignature
is expected in order to ensure that the sponsor agrees on being charged up to a maxFee
Synchronous Gas Tank Payment (Type 2)
: Similarly to Type 1
, but sponsor
is expected to hold a balance with Gelato on the same chainId
where the transaction is executed. Fee deduction happens during the transaction. A sponsorSignature
is expected in order to ensure that the sponsor agrees on being charged up to a maxFee
Synchronous Pull Fee Payment (Type 3)
: In this scenario a sponsor
pre-approves the appropriate Gelato Relay's smart contract to spend tokens up so some maximum allowance value. During execution of the transaction, Gelato will credit due fees using IERC20(feeToken).transferFrom(...)
in order to pull fees from his/her account. A sponsorSignature
is expected in order to ensure that the sponsor agrees on being charged up to a maxFee
Note that payment of type 0 is the simplest one, as it requires no sponsor
signature to be provided, but it assumes that the target
smart contract refunds msg.sender
due amount of fees in feeToken
. This may require changes to the internal logic of target
smart contract.
Request Types
type ForwardCall = {
chainId: number;
target: string;
data: BytesLike;
feeToken: string;
gas: string;
is designed to handle payments of type 0, as it requires no signatures.
type ForwardRequest = {
chainId: number;
target: string;
data: BytesLike;
feeToken: string;
paymentType: number;
maxFee: string;
gas: string;
sponsor: string;
sponsorChainId: number;
nonce: number;
enforceSponsorNonce: boolean;
enforceSponsorNonceOrdering: boolean;
is designed to handle payments of type 1, 2 and 3, in cases where all meta-transaction related logic (or other kinds of replay protection mechanisms such as hash based commitments) is already implemented inside target
smart contract. The sponsor
is still required to EIP-712 sign this request, in order to ensure the integrity of payments. Optionally, nonce
may or may not be enforced, by setting enforceSponsorNonce
. Some dApps may not need to rely on a nonce for ForwardRequest
if they already implement strong forms of replay protection.
type MetaTxRequest = {
chainId: number;
target: string;
data: BytesLike;
feeToken: string;
paymentType: number;
maxFee: string;
gas: string;
user: string;
sponsor: string;
sponsorChainId: number;
nonce: number;
deadline: number;
is designed to handle payments of type 1, 2 and 3, in cases where the target
contract does not have any meta-transaction nor replay protection logic. In this case, the appropriate Gelato Relay's smart contract already verifies user
and sponsor
signatures. user
is the EOA address that wants to interact with the dApp, while sponsor
is the account that pays fees.
Sending ForwardCall
ForwardCall are for payments of Type 0.
ForwardCall requests require no signatures and can be submitted by calling the following method in Gelato Relay SDK:
const sendCallRequest = async (
chainId: number,
target: string,
data: string,
feeToken: string,
gas: string
): Promise<string>;
Upon Promise resolution, we get a unique taskId
that identifies our request. taskId
can then be used to query Gelato Status API in order to retrieve more information.
Sending ForwardRequest
ForwardRequest are for payments of Type 1, 2 or 3.
Firstly, we build a ForwardRequest
object using the following method:
const forwardRequest = (
chainId: number,
target: string,
data: BytesLike,
feeToken: string,
paymentType: number,
maxFee: string,
gas: string,
nonce: number,
enforceSponsorNonce: boolean,
sponsor: string,
sponsorChainId?: number,
enforceSponsorNonceOrdering?: boolean
): ForwardRequest;
Then we send request
to Gelato Relay API. sponsorSignature
is the EIP-712 signature from sponsor
. Upon Promise resolution, we get a unique taskId
that identifies our request. taskId
can then be used to query Gelato Status API in order to retrieve more information.
const sendForwardRequest = async (
request: ForwardRequest,
sponsorSignature: BytesLike
): Promise<string>;
Sending MetaTxRequest
MetaTxRequest are for payments of Type 1, 2 or 3.
Firstly we create MetaTxRequest
object using the following SDK's method:
const metaTxRequest = (
chainId: number,
target: string,
data: BytesLike,
feeToken: string,
paymentType: number,
maxFee: string,
gas: string,
user: string,
nonce: number,
sponsor?: string,
sponsorChainId?: number,
deadline?: number
): MetaTxRequest;
Then we send request
to Gelato Relay API. userSignature
is the EIP-712 signature from dApp's user. If sponsorSignature
is not passed, we assume sponsor
is also the user
, so that we set it equal to sponsorSignature
. Upon Promise resolution, we get a unique taskId
that identifies our request. taskId
can then be used to query Gelato Status API in order to retrieve more information.
const sendMetaTxRequest = async (
request: MetaTxRequest,
userSignature: BytesLike,
sponsorSignature?: BytesLike
): Promise<string>;
Querying Task Status
Once a task is submitted to Gelato Relay API, we can use its taskId
in order to query Gelato Status API as follows:
const getStatus = async (
taskId: string
): Promise<TransactionStatus | undefined>;
returns undefined
in case any error has occurred, otherwise it returns an object of type TransactionStatus
defined as follows:
interface TransactionStatus {
service: string;
chain: string;
taskId: string;
taskState: TaskState;
created_at: Date;
lastCheck?: Check;
execution?: Execution;
lastExecution: Date;
enum TaskState {
CheckPending = "CheckPending",
ExecPending = "ExecPending",
ExecSuccess = "ExecSuccess",
ExecReverted = "ExecReverted",
WaitingForConfirmation = "WaitingForConfirmation",
Blacklisted = "Blacklisted",
Cancelled = "Cancelled",
NotFound = "NotFound",
interface Check {
taskState: TaskState;
message?: string;
payload?: Payload;
reason?: string;
interface Execution {
status: string;
transactionHash: string;
blockNumber: number;
created_at: Date;
Estimating maxFee
denotes the maximum fee denominated in feeToken
a sponsor
is willing to pay, and is one of the required parameters in both ForwardRequest
and MetaTxRequest
. Thanks to sponsorSignature
and smart contract logic, Gelato Executors will be strongly disencouraged to over-charge transaction sponsors. Moreover, maxFee
also serves as a buffer to protect against gas price volatility spikes, meaning that transactions will still get mined on time and reliably under said adversarial circumstances. At execution time, Gelato will charge the fair fee according to actual gas cost estimates and gas price used, not the whole maxFee
. In the future, staked Gelato Executors will have a strong incentive to play by the fair rules described in this paragraph even if there is no way for the smart contract to enforce this rule (for instance, payments of Type 1 which use an Off-chain accounting system), as doing otherwise will result in their fee revenues not being paid by the Gelato DAO, and possibly have some or all of their GEL stake slashed.
Below is an example on how to use Gelato Relay SDK in order to calculate suitable maxFee
const estimateMaxFee = async (
chainId: number,
feeToken: string,
gasLimit: number
): Promise<string | undefined> => {
try {
const whitelistedFeeTokens: string[] = (
await GelatoRelaySDK.getFeeTokens(chainId)
).map((token) => {
return token.toLowerCase();
`Whitelisted fee tokens for chainId ${chainId}: ${JSON.stringify(
if (!whitelistedFeeTokens.includes(feeToken.toLowerCase())) {
throw new Error(`feeToken ${feeToken} not whitelisted`);
const totalGasLimit = gasLimit + GelatoRelaySDK.GELATO_GAS_BUFFER;
const maxFee = await GelatoRelaySDK.getMaxFeeEstimate(
console.log(`maxFee estimate for feeToken ${feeToken}: ${maxFee}`);
return maxFee;
} catch (error) {
const errorMsg = (error as Error).message ?? String(error);
console.log(`estimateMaxFee: Failed with error: ${errorMsg}`);
return undefined;
async function main() {
const chainId = 4;
const feeToken = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE";
const gasLimit = 100000;
await estimateMaxFee(chainId, feeToken, gasLimit);