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Comparing version 5.0.0-3.3.0 to 5.0.0-4.0.0-beta.1


declare module 'gi://Amtk?version=5' {
import Amtk5 from '@girs/amtk-5';
export default Amtk5;
import Amtk from '@girs/amtk-5';
export default Amtk;
declare module 'gi://Amtk' {
import Amtk5 from '@girs/amtk-5';
import Amtk5 from 'gi://Amtk?version=5';
export default Amtk5;

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ }

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@


@@ -10,3 +9,3 @@ * Type Definitions for Gjs (

import './amtk-5-ambient.d.ts';
import './amtk-5-import.d.ts';

@@ -31,502 +30,454 @@ * Amtk-5

export namespace Amtk {
* #AmtkFactoryFlags permits to control how a factory function creates the
* object, to ignore some steps.
* @bitfield
enum FactoryFlags {
* No flags.
* A wrapper function for g_action_map_add_action_entries() that checks
* duplicates.
* This function first checks - for each entry - that the `action_map` doesn't
* already contain a #GAction with the same name. A warning is printed if an old
* action will be dropped. In any case, it then calls
* g_action_map_add_action_entries() with the same arguments as passed to this
* function.
* This function also checks if there are duplicates in the `entries` array
* itself.
* @param action_map a #GActionMap.
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #GActionEntry structs.
* @param user_data the user data for signal connections.
function action_map_add_action_entries_check_dups(
action_map: Gio.ActionMap,
entries: Gio.ActionEntry[],
user_data?: any | null,
): void;
* Do not associate the created object with the
* #GAction. For example if the object to create is a #GtkActionable, do not
* call gtk_actionable_set_detailed_action_name().
* Free the resources allocated by Amtk. For example it unrefs the singleton
* objects.
* It is not mandatory to call this function, it's just to be friendlier to
* memory debugging tools. This function is meant to be called at the end of
* main(). It can be called several times.
function finalize(): void;
* Do not set an icon.
* Like g_menu_append_item() but with (transfer full) for the `item` parameter.
* @param menu a #GMenu.
* @param item a #GMenuItem to append.
function gmenu_append_item(menu: Gio.Menu, item: Gio.MenuItem): void;
* Do not set a label/short description.
* Like g_menu_append_section() but with (transfer full) and a different type
* for the `section` parameter, and calls g_menu_freeze() on `section`.
* @param menu a #GMenu.
* @param label the section label, or %NULL.
* @param section a #GMenu with the items of the section.
function gmenu_append_section(menu: Gio.Menu, label: string | null, section: Gio.Menu): void;
* Do not set a tooltip/long description.
* Initializes the Amtk library (e.g. for the internationalization).
* This function can be called several times, but is meant to be called at the
* beginning of main(), before any other Amtk function call.
function init(): void;
function menu_item_get_long_description(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): string | null;
* Ignore completely the accelerators.
* Sets an icon to a #GtkMenuItem.
* If the child widget of `item` is already a #GtkBox, all #GtkImage widgets
* inside that box are first destroyed. A #GtkImage for `icon_name` is then
* inserted to the box.
* If the child widget of `item` is not a #GtkBox (it's usually the
* #GtkAccelLabel), it is replaced by a new #GtkBox and the initial child widget
* is inserted to the #GtkBox, alongside the icon.
* As a consequence, if you want to call functions on the #GtkAccelLabel, it's
* easier to do it before calling this function.
* @param item a #GtkMenuItem.
* @param icon_name an icon name.
function menu_item_set_icon_name(item: Gtk.MenuItem, icon_name: string): void;
* Ignore the accelerators for
* documentation purposes only. For example do not add/configure a
* #GtkAccelLabel.
* Sets the long description of `menu_item`. A possible use-case is to display it
* in a #GtkStatusbar, or as a tooltip.
* @param menu_item a #GtkMenuItem.
* @param long_description the long description, or %NULL to unset it.
function menu_item_set_long_description(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem, long_description?: string | null): void;
function shortcuts_group_new(title: string): Gtk.Container;
function shortcuts_section_new(title: string): Gtk.Container;
* Do not call
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* Creates a new #GtkShortcutsWindow. The #GtkWindow:modal property is set to
* %TRUE.
* It is on purpose that the return type is #GtkShortcutsWindow, not #GtkWidget
* or something else, so in C when you declare the variable as
* #GtkShortcutsWindow it's easier to find it later (searching "GtkShortcuts"
* will return something in your codebase).
* @param parent the #GtkWindow:transient-for.
* @returns a new #GtkShortcutsWindow.
* A wrapper function for g_action_map_add_action_entries() that checks
* duplicates.
* This function first checks - for each entry - that the `action_map` doesn't
* already contain a #GAction with the same name. A warning is printed if an old
* action will be dropped. In any case, it then calls
* g_action_map_add_action_entries() with the same arguments as passed to this
* function.
* This function also checks if there are duplicates in the `entries` array
* itself.
* @param action_map a #GActionMap.
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #GActionEntry structs.
* @param user_data the user data for signal connections.
function action_map_add_action_entries_check_dups(action_map: Gio.ActionMap, entries: Gio.ActionEntry[], user_data: any | null): void
* Free the resources allocated by Amtk. For example it unrefs the singleton
* objects.
* It is not mandatory to call this function, it's just to be friendlier to
* memory debugging tools. This function is meant to be called at the end of
* main(). It can be called several times.
function finalize(): void
* Like g_menu_append_item() but with (transfer full) for the `item` parameter.
* @param menu a #GMenu.
* @param item a #GMenuItem to append.
function gmenu_append_item(menu: Gio.Menu, item: Gio.MenuItem): void
* Like g_menu_append_section() but with (transfer full) and a different type
* for the `section` parameter, and calls g_menu_freeze() on `section`.
* @param menu a #GMenu.
* @param label the section label, or %NULL.
* @param section a #GMenu with the items of the section.
function gmenu_append_section(menu: Gio.Menu, label: string | null, section: Gio.Menu): void
* Initializes the Amtk library (e.g. for the internationalization).
* This function can be called several times, but is meant to be called at the
* beginning of main(), before any other Amtk function call.
function init(): void
function menu_item_get_long_description(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): string | null
* Sets an icon to a #GtkMenuItem.
* If the child widget of `item` is already a #GtkBox, all #GtkImage widgets
* inside that box are first destroyed. A #GtkImage for `icon_name` is then
* inserted to the box.
* If the child widget of `item` is not a #GtkBox (it's usually the
* #GtkAccelLabel), it is replaced by a new #GtkBox and the initial child widget
* is inserted to the #GtkBox, alongside the icon.
* As a consequence, if you want to call functions on the #GtkAccelLabel, it's
* easier to do it before calling this function.
* @param item a #GtkMenuItem.
* @param icon_name an icon name.
function menu_item_set_icon_name(item: Gtk.MenuItem, icon_name: string): void
* Sets the long description of `menu_item`. A possible use-case is to display it
* in a #GtkStatusbar, or as a tooltip.
* @param menu_item a #GtkMenuItem.
* @param long_description the long description, or %NULL to unset it.
function menu_item_set_long_description(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem, long_description: string | null): void
function shortcuts_group_new(title: string): Gtk.Container
function shortcuts_section_new(title: string): Gtk.Container
* Creates a new #GtkShortcutsWindow. The #GtkWindow:modal property is set to
* %TRUE.
* It is on purpose that the return type is #GtkShortcutsWindow, not #GtkWidget
* or something else, so in C when you declare the variable as
* #GtkShortcutsWindow it's easier to find it later (searching "GtkShortcuts"
* will return something in your codebase).
* @param parent the #GtkWindow:transient-for.
* @returns a new #GtkShortcutsWindow.
function shortcuts_window_new(parent: Gtk.Window): Gtk.ShortcutsWindow
* Utility function to be able to port an application gradually to #GAction,
* when #GtkUIManager and #GtkAction are still used. Porting to #GAction should
* be the first step.
* For `detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix,` see the
* g_action_parse_detailed_name() function. The `"app."` or `"win."` prefix (or
* any other #GActionMap prefix) must not be included in
* `detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix`. For example a valid
* `detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix` is `"open"` or
* `"insert-command::foobar"`.
* The same #GAction can be bound to several #GtkAction's (with different
* parameter values for the #GAction), but the reverse is not true, one
* #GtkAction cannot be bound to several #GAction's.
* This function:
* - Calls g_action_activate() when the #GtkAction #GtkAction::activate signal
* is emitted.
* - Binds the #GAction #GAction:enabled property to the #GtkAction
* #GtkAction:sensitive property. The binding is done with the
* the #GAction and the target is the #GtkAction.
* When using this function, you should set the callback to %NULL in the
* corresponding #GtkActionEntry.
* @param g_action_map a #GActionMap.
* @param detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix a detailed #GAction name without the #GActionMap prefix; the #GAction must be present in `g_action_map`.
* @param gtk_action_group a #GtkActionGroup.
* @param gtk_action_name a #GtkAction name present in `gtk_action_group`.
function utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action(g_action_map: Gio.ActionMap, detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix: string, gtk_action_group: Gtk.ActionGroup, gtk_action_name: string): void
* Utility function to be able to port an application gradually to #GAction and
* #AmtkActionInfo, when #GtkUIManager is still used. This function goes one
* step further compared to amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action(). With
* amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action(), only the #GAction must exist. With
* amtk_utils_create_gtk_action(), both the #GAction and #AmtkActionInfo must
* exist (so typically you need to convert the #GtkActionEntry's into
* #AmtkActionInfoEntry's).
* This function creates a #GtkAction from a #GAction plus its corresponding
* #AmtkActionInfo.
* The #GtkAction is created with the information provided by the
* #AmtkActionInfo (retrieved with amtk_action_info_central_store_lookup() with
* `detailed_g_action_name_with_prefix` as argument). Only the first accelerator
* is taken into account.
* Once the #GtkAction is created, it is added to the `gtk_action_group,` and
* amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action() is called.
* @param g_action_map a #GActionMap.
* @param detailed_g_action_name_with_prefix a detailed #GAction name with the #GActionMap prefix; the #GAction must be present in `g_action_map`.
* @param gtk_action_group a #GtkActionGroup.
* @param gtk_action_name the name of the #GtkAction to create and add to `gtk_action_group`.
function utils_create_gtk_action(g_action_map: Gio.ActionMap, detailed_g_action_name_with_prefix: string, gtk_action_group: Gtk.ActionGroup, gtk_action_name: string): void
* This function wraps `menubar` into a container, to allow the menubar to shrink
* below its minimum width.
* A possible use-case: have two applications side-by-side on a single screen.
* @param menubar a #GtkMenuBar.
* @returns a new widget that contains @menubar.
function utils_get_shrinkable_menubar(menubar: Gtk.MenuBar): Gtk.Widget
* Gets the URI of `item`. `item` must be a child of `menu`. `menu` must be a
* #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
* This function has been written because the value returned by
* gtk_recent_chooser_get_current_uri() is not updated when #GtkMenuItem's of a
* #GtkRecentChooserMenu are selected/deselected.
* @param menu a #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
* @param item a #GtkMenuItem.
* @returns the URI of @item. Free with g_free() when no longer needed.
function utils_recent_chooser_menu_get_item_uri(menu: Gtk.RecentChooserMenu, item: Gtk.MenuItem): string | null
* Removes the mnemonics from `str`. Single underscores are removed, and two
* consecutive underscores are replaced by one underscore (see the documentation
* of gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic()).
* @param str a string.
* @returns the new string with the mnemonics removed. Free with g_free() when no longer needed.
function utils_remove_mnemonic(str: string): string | null
module ActionInfoCentralStore {
function shortcuts_window_new(parent: Gtk.Window): Gtk.ShortcutsWindow;
* Utility function to be able to port an application gradually to #GAction,
* when #GtkUIManager and #GtkAction are still used. Porting to #GAction should
* be the first step.
* For `detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix,` see the
* g_action_parse_detailed_name() function. The `"app."` or `"win."` prefix (or
* any other #GActionMap prefix) must not be included in
* `detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix`. For example a valid
* `detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix` is `"open"` or
* `"insert-command::foobar"`.
* The same #GAction can be bound to several #GtkAction's (with different
* parameter values for the #GAction), but the reverse is not true, one
* #GtkAction cannot be bound to several #GAction's.
* This function:
* - Calls g_action_activate() when the #GtkAction #GtkAction::activate signal
* is emitted.
* - Binds the #GAction #GAction:enabled property to the #GtkAction
* #GtkAction:sensitive property. The binding is done with the
* the #GAction and the target is the #GtkAction.
* When using this function, you should set the callback to %NULL in the
* corresponding #GtkActionEntry.
* @param g_action_map a #GActionMap.
* @param detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix a detailed #GAction name without the #GActionMap prefix; the #GAction must be present in @g_action_map.
* @param gtk_action_group a #GtkActionGroup.
* @param gtk_action_name a #GtkAction name present in @gtk_action_group.
function utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action(
g_action_map: Gio.ActionMap,
detailed_g_action_name_without_prefix: string,
gtk_action_group: Gtk.ActionGroup,
gtk_action_name: string,
): void;
* Utility function to be able to port an application gradually to #GAction and
* #AmtkActionInfo, when #GtkUIManager is still used. This function goes one
* step further compared to amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action(). With
* amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action(), only the #GAction must exist. With
* amtk_utils_create_gtk_action(), both the #GAction and #AmtkActionInfo must
* exist (so typically you need to convert the #GtkActionEntry's into
* #AmtkActionInfoEntry's).
* This function creates a #GtkAction from a #GAction plus its corresponding
* #AmtkActionInfo.
* The #GtkAction is created with the information provided by the
* #AmtkActionInfo (retrieved with amtk_action_info_central_store_lookup() with
* `detailed_g_action_name_with_prefix` as argument). Only the first accelerator
* is taken into account.
* Once the #GtkAction is created, it is added to the `gtk_action_group,` and
* amtk_utils_bind_g_action_to_gtk_action() is called.
* @param g_action_map a #GActionMap.
* @param detailed_g_action_name_with_prefix a detailed #GAction name with the #GActionMap prefix; the #GAction must be present in @g_action_map.
* @param gtk_action_group a #GtkActionGroup.
* @param gtk_action_name the name of the #GtkAction to create and add to @gtk_action_group.
function utils_create_gtk_action(
g_action_map: Gio.ActionMap,
detailed_g_action_name_with_prefix: string,
gtk_action_group: Gtk.ActionGroup,
gtk_action_name: string,
): void;
* This function wraps `menubar` into a container, to allow the menubar to shrink
* below its minimum width.
* A possible use-case: have two applications side-by-side on a single screen.
* @param menubar a #GtkMenuBar.
* @returns a new widget that contains @menubar.
function utils_get_shrinkable_menubar(menubar: Gtk.MenuBar): Gtk.Widget;
* Gets the URI of `item`. `item` must be a child of `menu`. `menu` must be a
* #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
* This function has been written because the value returned by
* gtk_recent_chooser_get_current_uri() is not updated when #GtkMenuItem's of a
* #GtkRecentChooserMenu are selected/deselected.
* @param menu a #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
* @param item a #GtkMenuItem.
* @returns the URI of @item. Free with g_free() when no longer needed.
function utils_recent_chooser_menu_get_item_uri(menu: Gtk.RecentChooserMenu, item: Gtk.MenuItem): string;
* Removes the mnemonics from `str`. Single underscores are removed, and two
* consecutive underscores are replaced by one underscore (see the documentation
* of gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic()).
* @param str a string.
* @returns the new string with the mnemonics removed. Free with g_free() when no longer needed.
function utils_remove_mnemonic(str: string): string;
* #AmtkFactoryFlags permits to control how a factory function creates the
* object, to ignore some steps.
enum FactoryFlags {
* No flags.
* Do not associate the created object with the
* #GAction. For example if the object to create is a #GtkActionable, do not
* call gtk_actionable_set_detailed_action_name().
* Do not set an icon.
* Do not set a label/short description.
* Do not set a tooltip/long description.
* Ignore completely the accelerators.
* Ignore the accelerators for
* documentation purposes only. For example do not add/configure a
* #GtkAccelLabel.
* Do not call
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
module ActionInfoCentralStore {
// Constructor properties interface
// Constructor properties interface
interface ConstructorProperties extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProperties {
interface ConstructorProps extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProps {}
class ActionInfoCentralStore extends GObject.Object {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfoCentralStore>;
interface ActionInfoCentralStore {
// Constructors of Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
constructor(properties?: Partial<ActionInfoCentralStore.ConstructorProps>, ...args: any[]);
parent: GObject.Object
priv: ActionInfoCentralStorePrivate
_init(...args: any[]): void;
// Owm methods of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
// Own static methods of Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
lookup(action_name: string): ActionInfo
static get_singleton(): ActionInfoCentralStore;
// Class property signals of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
// Own methods of Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
connect(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
connect_after(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
emit(sigName: string, ...args: any[]): void
disconnect(id: number): void
lookup(action_name: string): ActionInfo;
class ActionInfoCentralStore extends GObject.Object {
module ActionInfoStore {
// Constructor properties interface
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
static name: string
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfoCentralStore>
// Constructors of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStore
constructor(config?: ActionInfoCentralStore.ConstructorProperties)
_init(config?: ActionInfoCentralStore.ConstructorProperties): void
static get_singleton(): ActionInfoCentralStore
module ActionInfoStore {
// Constructor properties interface
interface ConstructorProperties extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProperties {
interface ConstructorProps extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProps {}
class ActionInfoStore extends GObject.Object {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfoStore>;
interface ActionInfoStore {
// Constructors of Amtk.ActionInfoStore
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStore
constructor(properties?: Partial<ActionInfoStore.ConstructorProps>, ...args: any[]);
parent: GObject.Object
priv: ActionInfoStorePrivate
_init(...args: any[]): void;
// Owm methods of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStore
static ['new'](): ActionInfoStore;
* Inserts `info` into `store` and into the #AmtkActionInfoCentralStore. Both the
* `store` and central store must <emphasis>not</emphasis> already contain an
* #AmtkActionInfo with the same action name. The stores take their own
* reference on `info`.
* @param info an #AmtkActionInfo.
add(info: ActionInfo): void
* Calls amtk_action_info_store_add() for each entry.
* If `translation_domain` is not %NULL, g_dgettext() is used to translate the
* `label` and `tooltip` of each entry before setting them to the #AmtkActionInfo.
* An API similar to g_action_map_add_action_entries().
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #AmtkActionInfoEntry structs.
* @param translation_domain a gettext domain, or %NULL.
add_entries(entries: ActionInfoEntry[], translation_domain: string | null): void
* Checks for each #AmtkActionInfo of `store` that it has been used (see
* amtk_action_info_has_been_used()). If an #AmtkActionInfo has not been used, a
* warning is printed and might indicate dead code.
* You probably want to call this function on the application store after
* creating the menu and toolbar. But it can also be useful for a store provided
* by a library, to easily see which actions are not used by the application.
check_all_used(): void
lookup(action_name: string): ActionInfo
* Calls gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() for all #AmtkActionInfo's part
* of `store` with the accelerators returned by amtk_action_info_get_accels().
* This function does *not* call amtk_action_info_mark_as_used(), because if it
* did it would not be possible to detect dead code in `store` with
* amtk_action_info_store_check_all_used().
* This function is not recommended if `store` is provided by a library, because
* a future version of the library may add accelerators that are not wanted in
* the application. So for a library store, you should let #AmtkFactory call
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* This function can be convenient for an application store, in combination with
* %AMTK_FACTORY_IGNORE_ACCELS_FOR_APP (and/or having a %NULL #GtkApplication in
* #AmtkFactory). It has the advantage that
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() is called only once per action, not
* each time that a #GtkApplicationWindow is created.
* This function can also be useful if – for some actions – the objects are not
* created directly with #AmtkFactory on application startup, but are created
* later, on demand. For example to create a #GtkShortcutsWindow with
* #AmtkFactory, containing information about actions that are not added to any
* menu or toolbar.
* @param application a #GtkApplication.
set_all_accels_to_app(application: Gtk.Application): void
// Own methods of Amtk.ActionInfoStore
// Class property signals of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStore
* Inserts `info` into `store` and into the #AmtkActionInfoCentralStore. Both the
* `store` and central store must <emphasis>not</emphasis> already contain an
* #AmtkActionInfo with the same action name. The stores take their own
* reference on `info`.
* @param info an #AmtkActionInfo.
add(info: ActionInfo): void;
* Calls amtk_action_info_store_add() for each entry.
* If `translation_domain` is not %NULL, g_dgettext() is used to translate the
* `label` and `tooltip` of each entry before setting them to the #AmtkActionInfo.
* An API similar to g_action_map_add_action_entries().
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #AmtkActionInfoEntry structs.
* @param translation_domain a gettext domain, or %NULL.
add_entries(entries: ActionInfoEntry[], translation_domain?: string | null): void;
* Checks for each #AmtkActionInfo of `store` that it has been used (see
* amtk_action_info_has_been_used()). If an #AmtkActionInfo has not been used, a
* warning is printed and might indicate dead code.
* You probably want to call this function on the application store after
* creating the menu and toolbar. But it can also be useful for a store provided
* by a library, to easily see which actions are not used by the application.
check_all_used(): void;
lookup(action_name: string): ActionInfo;
* Calls gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() for all #AmtkActionInfo's part
* of `store` with the accelerators returned by amtk_action_info_get_accels().
* This function does *not* call amtk_action_info_mark_as_used(), because if it
* did it would not be possible to detect dead code in `store` with
* amtk_action_info_store_check_all_used().
* This function is not recommended if `store` is provided by a library, because
* a future version of the library may add accelerators that are not wanted in
* the application. So for a library store, you should let #AmtkFactory call
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* This function can be convenient for an application store, in combination with
* %AMTK_FACTORY_IGNORE_ACCELS_FOR_APP (and/or having a %NULL #GtkApplication in
* #AmtkFactory). It has the advantage that
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() is called only once per action, not
* each time that a #GtkApplicationWindow is created.
* This function can also be useful if – for some actions – the objects are not
* created directly with #AmtkFactory on application startup, but are created
* later, on demand. For example to create a #GtkShortcutsWindow with
* #AmtkFactory, containing information about actions that are not added to any
* menu or toolbar.
* @param application a #GtkApplication.
set_all_accels_to_app(application: Gtk.Application): void;
connect(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
connect_after(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
emit(sigName: string, ...args: any[]): void
disconnect(id: number): void
module ApplicationWindow {
// Constructor properties interface
class ActionInfoStore extends GObject.Object {
interface ConstructorProps extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProps {
application_window: Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
applicationWindow: Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
statusbar: Gtk.Statusbar;
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStore
class ApplicationWindow extends GObject.Object {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ApplicationWindow>;
static name: string
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfoStore>
// Own properties of Amtk.ApplicationWindow
// Constructors of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStore
constructor(config?: ActionInfoStore.ConstructorProperties)
static new(): ActionInfoStore
_init(config?: ActionInfoStore.ConstructorProperties): void
module ApplicationWindow {
// Constructor properties interface
interface ConstructorProperties extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProperties {
// Own constructor properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindow
* The #GtkApplicationWindow.
applicationWindow?: Gtk.ApplicationWindow | null
get application_window(): Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
* The #GtkApplicationWindow.
get applicationWindow(): Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
* The #GtkStatusbar. %NULL by default.
statusbar?: Gtk.Statusbar | null
get statusbar(): Gtk.Statusbar;
set statusbar(val: Gtk.Statusbar);
// Constructors of Amtk.ApplicationWindow
interface ApplicationWindow {
constructor(properties?: Partial<ApplicationWindow.ConstructorProps>, ...args: any[]);
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindow
_init(...args: any[]): void;
* The #GtkApplicationWindow.
readonly applicationWindow: Gtk.ApplicationWindow
* The #GtkStatusbar. %NULL by default.
statusbar: Gtk.Statusbar
// Own static methods of Amtk.ApplicationWindow
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindow
* Creates the base of a simple and generic #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
* The #GtkRecentChooser is configured to show files only recently used with the
* current application, as returned by g_get_application_name(). If recent files
* are added to the default #GtkRecentManager with
* gtk_recent_manager_add_item(), the files will normally show up in the
* #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
static create_open_recent_menu_base(): Gtk.RecentChooserMenu;
* Returns the #AmtkApplicationWindow of `gtk_window`. The returned object is
* guaranteed to be the same for the lifetime of `gtk_window`.
* @param gtk_window a #GtkApplicationWindow.
static get_from_gtk_application_window(gtk_window: Gtk.ApplicationWindow): ApplicationWindow;
parent: GObject.Object
priv: ApplicationWindowPrivate
// Own methods of Amtk.ApplicationWindow
// Owm methods of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindow
* Connects to the #AmtkMenuShell::menu-item-selected and
* #AmtkMenuShell::menu-item-deselected signals of `menu_shell` to push/pop the
* long description of #GtkMenuItem's to the #AmtkApplicationWindow:statusbar.
* The long description is retrieved with amtk_menu_item_get_long_description().
* So amtk_menu_item_set_long_description() must have been called, which is the
* case if the #GtkMenuItem has been created with #AmtkFactory.
* @param menu_shell a #GtkMenuShell.
connect_menu_to_statusbar(menu_shell: Gtk.MenuShell): void;
* An alternative to gtk_recent_chooser_set_show_tips(). Shows the full path in
* the #AmtkApplicationWindow:statusbar when a #GtkMenuItem of `menu` is
* selected.
* The full path is retrieved with
* amtk_utils_recent_chooser_menu_get_item_uri().
* @param menu a #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
connect_recent_chooser_menu_to_statusbar(menu: Gtk.RecentChooserMenu): void;
* This function creates a #GtkRecentChooserMenu with
* amtk_application_window_create_open_recent_menu_base(), and setup these
* additional things:
* - The #GtkRecentChooserMenu is connected to the statusbar with
* amtk_application_window_connect_recent_chooser_menu_to_statusbar().
* - When the #GtkRecentChooser::item-activated signal is emitted,
* g_application_open() is called (with an empty hint), so the #GApplication
* must have the %G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN flag set.
* @returns a new #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
create_open_recent_menu(): Gtk.Widget;
* Creates a #GtkMenuItem with a simple and generic #GtkRecentChooserMenu as
* submenu. The #GtkRecentChooserMenu is created with
* amtk_application_window_create_open_recent_menu().
* @returns a new #GtkMenuItem.
create_open_recent_menu_item(): Gtk.Widget;
get_application_window(): Gtk.ApplicationWindow;
get_statusbar(): Gtk.Statusbar | null;
* Sets the #AmtkApplicationWindow:statusbar property.
* @param statusbar a #GtkStatusbar, or %NULL.
set_statusbar(statusbar?: Gtk.Statusbar | null): void;
* Connects to the #AmtkMenuShell::menu-item-selected and
* #AmtkMenuShell::menu-item-deselected signals of `menu_shell` to push/pop the
* long description of #GtkMenuItem's to the #AmtkApplicationWindow:statusbar.
* The long description is retrieved with amtk_menu_item_get_long_description().
* So amtk_menu_item_set_long_description() must have been called, which is the
* case if the #GtkMenuItem has been created with #AmtkFactory.
* @param menu_shell a #GtkMenuShell.
connect_menu_to_statusbar(menu_shell: Gtk.MenuShell): void
* An alternative to gtk_recent_chooser_set_show_tips(). Shows the full path in
* the #AmtkApplicationWindow:statusbar when a #GtkMenuItem of `menu` is
* selected.
* The full path is retrieved with
* amtk_utils_recent_chooser_menu_get_item_uri().
* @param menu a #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
connect_recent_chooser_menu_to_statusbar(menu: Gtk.RecentChooserMenu): void
* This function creates a #GtkRecentChooserMenu with
* amtk_application_window_create_open_recent_menu_base(), and setup these
* additional things:
* - The #GtkRecentChooserMenu is connected to the statusbar with
* amtk_application_window_connect_recent_chooser_menu_to_statusbar().
* - When the #GtkRecentChooser::item-activated signal is emitted,
* g_application_open() is called (with an empty hint), so the #GApplication
* must have the %G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN flag set.
* @returns a new #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
create_open_recent_menu(): Gtk.Widget
* Creates a #GtkMenuItem with a simple and generic #GtkRecentChooserMenu as
* submenu. The #GtkRecentChooserMenu is created with
* amtk_application_window_create_open_recent_menu().
* @returns a new #GtkMenuItem.
create_open_recent_menu_item(): Gtk.Widget
get_application_window(): Gtk.ApplicationWindow
get_statusbar(): Gtk.Statusbar | null
* Sets the #AmtkApplicationWindow:statusbar property.
* @param statusbar a #GtkStatusbar, or %NULL.
set_statusbar(statusbar: Gtk.Statusbar | null): void
module Factory {
// Constructor properties interface
// Class property signals of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindow
interface ConstructorProps extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProps {
application: Gtk.Application;
default_flags: FactoryFlags;
defaultFlags: FactoryFlags;
connect(sigName: "notify::application-window", callback: (($obj: ApplicationWindow, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
connect_after(sigName: "notify::application-window", callback: (($obj: ApplicationWindow, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
emit(sigName: "notify::application-window", ...args: any[]): void
connect(sigName: "notify::statusbar", callback: (($obj: ApplicationWindow, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
connect_after(sigName: "notify::statusbar", callback: (($obj: ApplicationWindow, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
emit(sigName: "notify::statusbar", ...args: any[]): void
connect(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
connect_after(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
emit(sigName: string, ...args: any[]): void
disconnect(id: number): void
class Factory extends GObject.Object {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<Factory>;
class ApplicationWindow extends GObject.Object {
// Own properties of Amtk.Factory
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindow
static name: string
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ApplicationWindow>
// Constructors of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindow
constructor(config?: ApplicationWindow.ConstructorProperties)
_init(config?: ApplicationWindow.ConstructorProperties): void
* Creates the base of a simple and generic #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
* The #GtkRecentChooser is configured to show files only recently used with the
* current application, as returned by g_get_application_name(). If recent files
* are added to the default #GtkRecentManager with
* gtk_recent_manager_add_item(), the files will normally show up in the
* #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
* @returns a new #GtkRecentChooserMenu.
static create_open_recent_menu_base(): Gtk.RecentChooserMenu
* Returns the #AmtkApplicationWindow of `gtk_window`. The returned object is
* guaranteed to be the same for the lifetime of `gtk_window`.
* @param gtk_window a #GtkApplicationWindow.
* @returns the #AmtkApplicationWindow of @gtk_window.
static get_from_gtk_application_window(gtk_window: Gtk.ApplicationWindow): ApplicationWindow
module Factory {
// Constructor properties interface
interface ConstructorProperties extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProperties {
// Own constructor properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.Factory

@@ -536,616 +487,427 @@ * The associated #GtkApplication (it is optional, it can be %NULL).

application?: Gtk.Application | null
get application(): Gtk.Application;
* The default #AmtkFactoryFlags.
defaultFlags?: FactoryFlags | null
get default_flags(): FactoryFlags;
set default_flags(val: FactoryFlags);
* The default #AmtkFactoryFlags.
get defaultFlags(): FactoryFlags;
set defaultFlags(val: FactoryFlags);
// Constructors of Amtk.Factory
interface Factory {
constructor(properties?: Partial<Factory.ConstructorProps>, ...args: any[]);
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.Factory
_init(...args: any[]): void;
* The associated #GtkApplication (it is optional, it can be %NULL).
* #AmtkFactory has a weak reference to the #GtkApplication.
readonly application: Gtk.Application
* The default #AmtkFactoryFlags.
defaultFlags: FactoryFlags
static ['new'](application?: Gtk.Application | null): Factory;
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.Factory
static new_with_default_application(): Factory;
parent: GObject.Object
priv: FactoryPrivate
// Own methods of Amtk.Factory
// Owm methods of Amtk-5.Amtk.Factory
* Creates a new #GtkCheckMenuItem for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* See the documentation of amtk_factory_create_check_menu_item_full() for more
* information.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkCheckMenuItem for @action_name.
create_check_menu_item(action_name: string): Gtk.Widget;
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* Note that since it is a #GtkCheckMenuItem the icon is not set, even if it
* would be possible with amtk_menu_item_set_icon_name().
* If the action controls a boolean property, think about using
* #GPropertyAction.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkCheckMenuItem for @action_name.
create_check_menu_item_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget;
* Calls amtk_factory_create_gmenu_item_full() with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GMenuItem for @action_name.
create_gmenu_item(action_name: string): Gio.MenuItem;
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* Creates a new #GMenuItem for `action_name`. It ignores the tooltip, i.e. the
* return value of amtk_action_info_get_tooltip().
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GMenuItem for @action_name.
create_gmenu_item_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gio.MenuItem;
* Creates a new #GtkMenuItem for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuItem for @action_name.
create_menu_item(action_name: string): Gtk.Widget;
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuItem for @action_name.
create_menu_item_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget;
* Creates a new #GtkMenuToolButton for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* See the documentation of amtk_factory_create_menu_tool_button_full() for more
* information.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuToolButton for @action_name.
create_menu_tool_button(action_name: string): Gtk.MenuToolButton;
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* After calling this function, you need to use the #GtkMenuToolButton API to
* set the menu and also possibly set a tooltip to the arrow.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuToolButton for @action_name.
create_menu_tool_button_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.MenuToolButton;
* Calls amtk_factory_create_shortcut_full() with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkShortcutsShortcut for @action_name.
create_shortcut(action_name: string): Gtk.Widget;
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* This function creates a new #GtkShortcutsShortcut for `action_name`.
* For the #GtkShortcutsShortcut:title, the tooltip has the priorioty, with the
* label as fallback if the tooltip is %NULL (the mnemonic is removed from the
* label with amtk_utils_remove_mnemonic()). This can be controlled with the
* The #GtkShortcutsShortcut:accelerator property is set with only the *first*
* accel returned by amtk_action_info_get_accels(). This step can be ignored
* The #GtkShortcutsShortcut:action-name property is set to `action_name` if the
* %AMTK_FACTORY_IGNORE_GACTION flag isn't set. Note that with
* #GtkShortcutsShortcut:action-name all accelerators are displayed (if set to
* the #GtkApplication).
* So depending on whether you want to show only the first accelerator or all
* accelerators, you need to set `flags` appropriately.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkShortcutsShortcut for @action_name.
create_shortcut_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget;
* Calls amtk_factory_create_simple_menu_full() with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #AmtkActionInfoEntry structs.
* @returns a new simple #GtkMenu for @entries.
create_simple_menu(entries: ActionInfoEntry[]): Gtk.Widget;
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* This function:
* - Creates a #GtkMenu;
* - For each #AmtkActionInfoEntry action name from `entries,` creates a
* #GtkMenuItem with amtk_factory_create_menu_item_full() with the same `flags`
* as passed in to this function, and appends it to the #GtkMenu, in the same
* order as provided by the `entries` array.
* So this function is useful only if the #GtkMenu contains only simple
* #GtkMenuItem's, not #GtkCheckMenuItem's nor #GtkRadioMenuItem's.
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #AmtkActionInfoEntry structs.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new simple #GtkMenu for @entries.
create_simple_menu_full(entries: ActionInfoEntry[], flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget;
* Creates a new #GtkToolButton for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkToolButton for @action_name.
create_tool_button(action_name: string): Gtk.ToolItem;
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkToolButton for @action_name.
create_tool_button_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.ToolItem;
get_application(): Gtk.Application | null;
get_default_flags(): FactoryFlags;
* Sets the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property.
* @param default_flags the new value.
set_default_flags(default_flags: FactoryFlags): void;
* Creates a new #GtkCheckMenuItem for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* See the documentation of amtk_factory_create_check_menu_item_full() for more
* information.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkCheckMenuItem for @action_name.
create_check_menu_item(action_name: string): Gtk.Widget
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* Note that since it is a #GtkCheckMenuItem the icon is not set, even if it
* would be possible with amtk_menu_item_set_icon_name().
* If the action controls a boolean property, think about using
* #GPropertyAction.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkCheckMenuItem for @action_name.
create_check_menu_item_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget
* Calls amtk_factory_create_gmenu_item_full() with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GMenuItem for @action_name.
create_gmenu_item(action_name: string): Gio.MenuItem
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* Creates a new #GMenuItem for `action_name`. It ignores the tooltip, i.e. the
* return value of amtk_action_info_get_tooltip().
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GMenuItem for @action_name.
create_gmenu_item_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gio.MenuItem
* Creates a new #GtkMenuItem for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuItem for @action_name.
create_menu_item(action_name: string): Gtk.Widget
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuItem for @action_name.
create_menu_item_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget
* Creates a new #GtkMenuToolButton for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* See the documentation of amtk_factory_create_menu_tool_button_full() for more
* information.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuToolButton for @action_name.
create_menu_tool_button(action_name: string): Gtk.MenuToolButton
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* After calling this function, you need to use the #GtkMenuToolButton API to
* set the menu and also possibly set a tooltip to the arrow.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkMenuToolButton for @action_name.
create_menu_tool_button_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.MenuToolButton
* Calls amtk_factory_create_shortcut_full() with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkShortcutsShortcut for @action_name.
create_shortcut(action_name: string): Gtk.Widget
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* This function creates a new #GtkShortcutsShortcut for `action_name`.
* For the #GtkShortcutsShortcut:title, the tooltip has the priorioty, with the
* label as fallback if the tooltip is %NULL (the mnemonic is removed from the
* label with amtk_utils_remove_mnemonic()). This can be controlled with the
* The #GtkShortcutsShortcut:accelerator property is set with only the *first*
* accel returned by amtk_action_info_get_accels(). This step can be ignored
* The #GtkShortcutsShortcut:action-name property is set to `action_name` if the
* %AMTK_FACTORY_IGNORE_GACTION flag isn't set. Note that with
* #GtkShortcutsShortcut:action-name all accelerators are displayed (if set to
* the #GtkApplication).
* So depending on whether you want to show only the first accelerator or all
* accelerators, you need to set `flags` appropriately.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkShortcutsShortcut for @action_name.
create_shortcut_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget
* Calls amtk_factory_create_simple_menu_full() with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #AmtkActionInfoEntry structs.
* @returns a new simple #GtkMenu for @entries.
create_simple_menu(entries: ActionInfoEntry[]): Gtk.Widget
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* This function:
* - Creates a #GtkMenu;
* - For each #AmtkActionInfoEntry action name from `entries,` creates a
* #GtkMenuItem with amtk_factory_create_menu_item_full() with the same `flags`
* as passed in to this function, and appends it to the #GtkMenu, in the same
* order as provided by the `entries` array.
* So this function is useful only if the #GtkMenu contains only simple
* #GtkMenuItem's, not #GtkCheckMenuItem's nor #GtkRadioMenuItem's.
* @param entries a pointer to the first item in an array of #AmtkActionInfoEntry structs.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new simple #GtkMenu for @entries.
create_simple_menu_full(entries: ActionInfoEntry[], flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.Widget
* Creates a new #GtkToolButton for `action_name` with the
* #AmtkFactory:default-flags.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @returns a new #GtkToolButton for @action_name.
create_tool_button(action_name: string): Gtk.ToolItem
* This function ignores the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property and takes the
* `flags` argument instead.
* @param action_name an action name.
* @param flags #AmtkFactoryFlags.
* @returns a new #GtkToolButton for @action_name.
create_tool_button_full(action_name: string, flags: FactoryFlags): Gtk.ToolItem
get_application(): Gtk.Application | null
get_default_flags(): FactoryFlags
* Sets the #AmtkFactory:default-flags property.
* @param default_flags the new value.
set_default_flags(default_flags: FactoryFlags): void
module MenuShell {
// Signal callback interfaces
// Class property signals of Amtk-5.Amtk.Factory
interface MenuItemDeselected {
(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void;
connect(sigName: "notify::application", callback: (($obj: Factory, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
connect_after(sigName: "notify::application", callback: (($obj: Factory, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
emit(sigName: "notify::application", ...args: any[]): void
connect(sigName: "notify::default-flags", callback: (($obj: Factory, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
connect_after(sigName: "notify::default-flags", callback: (($obj: Factory, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
emit(sigName: "notify::default-flags", ...args: any[]): void
connect(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
connect_after(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
emit(sigName: string, ...args: any[]): void
disconnect(id: number): void
interface MenuItemSelected {
(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void;
class Factory extends GObject.Object {
// Constructor properties interface
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.Factory
static name: string
static $gtype: GObject.GType<Factory>
// Constructors of Amtk-5.Amtk.Factory
constructor(config?: Factory.ConstructorProperties)
* Creates a new #AmtkFactory object. Associating a #GtkApplication is optional,
* if it is %NULL gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() won't be called.
* @constructor
* @param application a #GtkApplication, or %NULL.
* @returns a new #AmtkFactory.
constructor(application: Gtk.Application | null)
* Creates a new #AmtkFactory object. Associating a #GtkApplication is optional,
* if it is %NULL gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() won't be called.
* @constructor
* @param application a #GtkApplication, or %NULL.
* @returns a new #AmtkFactory.
static new(application: Gtk.Application | null): Factory
* Calls amtk_factory_new() with g_application_get_default() (it must be a
* #GtkApplication).
* @constructor
* @returns a new #AmtkFactory with the default #GtkApplication.
static new_with_default_application(): Factory
_init(config?: Factory.ConstructorProperties): void
module MenuShell {
// Signal callback interfaces
* Signal callback interface for `menu-item-deselected`
interface MenuItemDeselectedSignalCallback {
($obj: MenuShell, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void
interface ConstructorProps extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProps {
menu_shell: Gtk.MenuShell;
menuShell: Gtk.MenuShell;
* Signal callback interface for `menu-item-selected`
interface MenuItemSelectedSignalCallback {
($obj: MenuShell, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void
class MenuShell extends GObject.Object {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<MenuShell>;
// Own properties of Amtk.MenuShell
// Constructor properties interface
interface ConstructorProperties extends GObject.Object.ConstructorProperties {
// Own constructor properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
* The #GtkMenuShell.
menuShell?: Gtk.MenuShell | null
get menu_shell(): Gtk.MenuShell;
* The #GtkMenuShell.
get menuShell(): Gtk.MenuShell;
// Constructors of Amtk.MenuShell
interface MenuShell {
constructor(properties?: Partial<MenuShell.ConstructorProps>, ...args: any[]);
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
_init(...args: any[]): void;
* The #GtkMenuShell.
readonly menuShell: Gtk.MenuShell
// Own signals of Amtk.MenuShell
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
connect(id: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any): number;
connect_after(id: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any): number;
emit(id: string, ...args: any[]): void;
connect(signal: 'menu-item-deselected', callback: (_source: this, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem) => void): number;
signal: 'menu-item-deselected',
callback: (_source: this, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem) => void,
): number;
emit(signal: 'menu-item-deselected', menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void;
connect(signal: 'menu-item-selected', callback: (_source: this, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem) => void): number;
connect_after(signal: 'menu-item-selected', callback: (_source: this, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem) => void): number;
emit(signal: 'menu-item-selected', menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void;
parent: GObject.Object
priv: MenuShellPrivate
// Own static methods of Amtk.MenuShell
// Owm methods of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
* Returns the #AmtkMenuShell of `gtk_menu_shell`. The returned object is
* guaranteed to be the same for the lifetime of `gtk_menu_shell`.
* @param gtk_menu_shell a #GtkMenuShell.
static get_from_gtk_menu_shell(gtk_menu_shell: Gtk.MenuShell): MenuShell;
get_menu_shell(): Gtk.MenuShell
// Own virtual methods of Amtk.MenuShell
// Own virtual methods of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
vfunc_menu_item_deselected(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void;
vfunc_menu_item_selected(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void;
vfunc_menu_item_deselected(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void
vfunc_menu_item_selected(menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem): void
// Own methods of Amtk.MenuShell
// Own signals of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
get_menu_shell(): Gtk.MenuShell;
connect(sigName: "menu-item-deselected", callback: MenuShell.MenuItemDeselectedSignalCallback): number
connect_after(sigName: "menu-item-deselected", callback: MenuShell.MenuItemDeselectedSignalCallback): number
emit(sigName: "menu-item-deselected", menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem, ...args: any[]): void
connect(sigName: "menu-item-selected", callback: MenuShell.MenuItemSelectedSignalCallback): number
connect_after(sigName: "menu-item-selected", callback: MenuShell.MenuItemSelectedSignalCallback): number
emit(sigName: "menu-item-selected", menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem, ...args: any[]): void
class ActionInfo {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfo>;
// Class property signals of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
// Constructors of Amtk.ActionInfo
connect(sigName: "notify::menu-shell", callback: (($obj: MenuShell, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
connect_after(sigName: "notify::menu-shell", callback: (($obj: MenuShell, pspec: GObject.ParamSpec) => void)): number
emit(sigName: "notify::menu-shell", ...args: any[]): void
connect(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
connect_after(sigName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): number
emit(sigName: string, ...args: any[]): void
disconnect(id: number): void
constructor(properties?: Partial<{}>);
_init(...args: any[]): void;
class MenuShell extends GObject.Object {
static ['new'](): ActionInfo;
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
static new_from_entry(info_entry: ActionInfoEntry, translation_domain?: string | null): ActionInfo;
static name: string
static $gtype: GObject.GType<MenuShell>
// Own methods of Amtk.ActionInfo
// Constructors of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShell
copy(): ActionInfo;
* Returns the accelerators. This function never returns %NULL, it always
* returns a %NULL-terminated array, to be suitable for
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* @returns a %NULL-terminated array of accelerators in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse().
get_accels(): string[];
get_action_name(): string | null;
get_icon_name(): string | null;
* Gets the label. The label has normally a mnemonic. To remove the mnemonic,
* there is the amtk_utils_remove_mnemonic() function.
* @returns the label (i.e. a short description), or %NULL.
get_label(): string | null;
get_tooltip(): string | null;
* Returns whether `info` has been used (for example by an #AmtkFactory
* function). See also amtk_action_info_store_check_all_used().
* @returns whether @info has been used.
has_been_used(): boolean;
* Mark `info` as used. An #AmtkFactory function that uses an #AmtkActionInfo
* should call this function. See amtk_action_info_store_check_all_used().
mark_as_used(): void;
* Increments the reference count of `info` by one.
* @returns the passed in @info.
ref(): ActionInfo;
* A function similar to gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* `accels` must not be %NULL, it must be a %NULL-terminated array, to be
* consistent with gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* @param accels a %NULL-terminated array of accelerators in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse().
set_accels(accels: string[]): void;
* Sets the action name, for example `""`. Can be a detailed action
* name, see g_action_parse_detailed_name().
* @param action_name the action name.
set_action_name(action_name: string): void;
set_icon_name(icon_name?: string | null): void;
* Sets the label with a mnemonic. To know how to encode the mnemonic, see the
* documentation of gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic().
* @param label the label (i.e. a short description), or %NULL.
set_label(label?: string | null): void;
set_tooltip(tooltip?: string | null): void;
* Decrements the reference count of `info` by one. If the reference count drops
* to 0, `info` is freed.
unref(): void;
constructor(config?: MenuShell.ConstructorProperties)
_init(config?: MenuShell.ConstructorProperties): void
* Returns the #AmtkMenuShell of `gtk_menu_shell`. The returned object is
* guaranteed to be the same for the lifetime of `gtk_menu_shell`.
* @param gtk_menu_shell a #GtkMenuShell.
* @returns the #AmtkMenuShell of @gtk_menu_shell.
static get_from_gtk_menu_shell(gtk_menu_shell: Gtk.MenuShell): MenuShell
type ActionInfoCentralStoreClass = typeof ActionInfoCentralStore;
abstract class ActionInfoCentralStorePrivate {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfoCentralStorePrivate>;
interface ActionInfo {
// Constructors of Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStorePrivate
// Owm methods of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfo
_init(...args: any[]): void;
copy(): ActionInfo
* Returns the accelerators. This function never returns %NULL, it always
* returns a %NULL-terminated array, to be suitable for
* gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* @returns a %NULL-terminated array of accelerators in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse().
* This struct defines a set of information for a single action. It is for use
* with amtk_action_info_store_add_entries().
* Like #GActionEntry, it is permissible to use an incomplete initialiser in
* order to leave some of the later values as %NULL. Additional optional fields
* may be added in the future.
get_accels(): string[]
get_action_name(): string | null
get_icon_name(): string | null
* Gets the label. The label has normally a mnemonic. To remove the mnemonic,
* there is the amtk_utils_remove_mnemonic() function.
* @returns the label (i.e. a short description), or %NULL.
get_label(): string | null
get_tooltip(): string | null
* Returns whether `info` has been used (for example by an #AmtkFactory
* function). See also amtk_action_info_store_check_all_used().
* @returns whether @info has been used.
has_been_used(): boolean
* Mark `info` as used. An #AmtkFactory function that uses an #AmtkActionInfo
* should call this function. See amtk_action_info_store_check_all_used().
mark_as_used(): void
* Increments the reference count of `info` by one.
* @returns the passed in @info.
ref(): ActionInfo
* A function similar to gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* `accels` must not be %NULL, it must be a %NULL-terminated array, to be
* consistent with gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().
* @param accels a %NULL-terminated array of accelerators in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse().
set_accels(accels: string[]): void
* Sets the action name, for example `""`. Can be a detailed action
* name, see g_action_parse_detailed_name().
* @param action_name the action name.
set_action_name(action_name: string): void
set_icon_name(icon_name: string | null): void
* Sets the label with a mnemonic. To know how to encode the mnemonic, see the
* documentation of gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic().
* @param label the label (i.e. a short description), or %NULL.
set_label(label: string | null): void
set_tooltip(tooltip: string | null): void
* Decrements the reference count of `info` by one. If the reference count drops
* to 0, `info` is freed.
unref(): void
class ActionInfoEntry {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfoEntry>;
class ActionInfo {
// Own fields of Amtk.ActionInfoEntry
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfo
action_name: string;
icon_name: string;
label: string;
accel: string;
tooltip: string;
static name: string
// Constructors of Amtk.ActionInfoEntry
// Constructors of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfo
properties?: Partial<{
action_name: string;
icon_name: string;
label: string;
accel: string;
tooltip: string;
_init(...args: any[]): void;
static new(): ActionInfo
* Creates a new #AmtkActionInfo from an #AmtkActionInfoEntry.
* If `translation_domain` is not %NULL, g_dgettext() is used to translate the
* `label` and `tooltip` before setting them to the #AmtkActionInfo.
* @constructor
* @param info_entry an #AmtkActionInfoEntry.
* @param translation_domain a gettext domain, or %NULL.
* @returns a new #AmtkActionInfo.
static new_from_entry(info_entry: ActionInfoEntry, translation_domain: string | null): ActionInfo
type ActionInfoStoreClass = typeof ActionInfoStore;
abstract class ActionInfoStorePrivate {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ActionInfoStorePrivate>;
interface ActionInfoCentralStoreClass {
// Constructors of Amtk.ActionInfoStorePrivate
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStoreClass
_init(...args: any[]): void;
parent_class: GObject.ObjectClass
padding: any[]
type ApplicationWindowClass = typeof ApplicationWindow;
abstract class ApplicationWindowPrivate {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<ApplicationWindowPrivate>;
abstract class ActionInfoCentralStoreClass {
// Constructors of Amtk.ApplicationWindowPrivate
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStoreClass
_init(...args: any[]): void;
static name: string
type FactoryClass = typeof Factory;
abstract class FactoryPrivate {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<FactoryPrivate>;
interface ActionInfoCentralStorePrivate {
// Constructors of Amtk.FactoryPrivate
class ActionInfoCentralStorePrivate {
_init(...args: any[]): void;
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoCentralStorePrivate
type MenuShellClass = typeof MenuShell;
abstract class MenuShellPrivate {
static $gtype: GObject.GType<MenuShellPrivate>;
static name: string
// Constructors of Amtk.MenuShellPrivate
interface ActionInfoEntry {
_init(...args: any[]): void;
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoEntry
* the action name. Can be a detailed action name, see
* g_action_parse_detailed_name().
* @field
* Name of the imported GIR library
* `see`
action_name: string
const __name__: string;
* the icon name, or %NULL.
* @field
* Version of the imported GIR library
* `see`
icon_name: string
* the label (i.e. a short description) with a mnemonic, or %NULL.
* @field
label: string
* the accelerator, in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse().
* Or %NULL.
* @field
accel: string
* the tooltip (i.e. a long description), or %NULL.
* @field
tooltip: string
const __version__: string;
* This struct defines a set of information for a single action. It is for use
* with amtk_action_info_store_add_entries().
* Like #GActionEntry, it is permissible to use an incomplete initialiser in
* order to leave some of the later values as %NULL. Additional optional fields
* may be added in the future.
* @record
class ActionInfoEntry {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoEntry
static name: string
interface ActionInfoStoreClass {
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStoreClass
parent_class: GObject.ObjectClass
padding: any[]
abstract class ActionInfoStoreClass {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStoreClass
static name: string
interface ActionInfoStorePrivate {
class ActionInfoStorePrivate {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ActionInfoStorePrivate
static name: string
interface ApplicationWindowClass {
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindowClass
parent_class: GObject.ObjectClass
padding: any[]
abstract class ApplicationWindowClass {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindowClass
static name: string
interface ApplicationWindowPrivate {
class ApplicationWindowPrivate {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.ApplicationWindowPrivate
static name: string
interface FactoryClass {
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.FactoryClass
parent_class: GObject.ObjectClass
padding: any[]
abstract class FactoryClass {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.FactoryClass
static name: string
interface FactoryPrivate {
class FactoryPrivate {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.FactoryPrivate
static name: string
interface MenuShellClass {
// Own fields of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShellClass
parent_class: GObject.ObjectClass
menu_item_selected: (amtk_menu_shell: MenuShell, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem) => void
menu_item_deselected: (amtk_menu_shell: MenuShell, menu_item: Gtk.MenuItem) => void
padding: any[]
abstract class MenuShellClass {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShellClass
static name: string
interface MenuShellPrivate {
class MenuShellPrivate {
// Own properties of Amtk-5.Amtk.MenuShellPrivate
static name: string
* Name of the imported GIR library
* @see
const __name__: string
* Version of the imported GIR library
* @see
const __version__: string
export default Amtk;
// END
// END
// @ts-expect-error

@@ -8,4 +7,1 @@ import Amtk from 'gi://Amtk?version=5';

"name": "@girs/amtk-5",
"version": "5.0.0-3.3.0",
"version": "5.0.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "GJS TypeScript type definitions for Amtk-5, generated from library version 5.0.0",

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ "type": "module",

"types": "./amtk-5-ambient.d.ts",
"import": "./amtk-5-ambient.js",
"default": "./amtk-5-ambient.js"

@@ -16,35 +17,29 @@ },

"types": "./amtk-5-import.d.ts",
"import": "./amtk-5-import.js",
"default": "./amtk-5-import.js"
".": {
"import": {
"types": "./amtk-5.d.ts",
"default": "./amtk-5.js"
"require": {
"types": "./amtk-5.d.cts",
"default": "./amtk-5.cjs"
"types": "./amtk-5.d.ts",
"import": "./amtk-5.js",
"default": "./amtk-5.js"
"scripts": {
"test": "yarn test:esm && yarn test:cjs",
"test:esm": "NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=9216 tsc --noEmit amtk-5.d.ts",
"test:cjs": "NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=9216 tsc --noEmit amtk-5.d.cts"
"test": "NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=9216 tsc --noEmit amtk-5.d.ts"
"dependencies": {
"@girs/atk-1.0": "^2.50.1-3.3.0",
"@girs/cairo-1.0": "^1.0.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/freetype2-2.0": "^2.0.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/gdk-3.0": "^3.24.41-3.3.0",
"@girs/gdkpixbuf-2.0": "^2.0.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/gio-2.0": "^2.78.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/gjs": "^3.3.0",
"@girs/glib-2.0": "^2.78.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/gmodule-2.0": "^2.0.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/gobject-2.0": "^2.78.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/gtk-3.0": "^3.24.41-3.3.0",
"@girs/harfbuzz-0.0": "^8.2.1-3.3.0",
"@girs/pango-1.0": "^1.51.0-3.3.0",
"@girs/xlib-2.0": "^2.0.0-3.3.0"
"@girs/atk-1.0": "^2.45.1-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/cairo-1.0": "^1.0.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/freetype2-2.0": "^2.0.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/gdk-3.0": "^3.24.39-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/gdkpixbuf-2.0": "^2.0.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/gio-2.0": "^2.77.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/gjs": "^4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/glib-2.0": "^2.77.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/gmodule-2.0": "^2.0.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/gobject-2.0": "^2.77.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/gtk-3.0": "^3.24.39-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/harfbuzz-0.0": "^8.1.1-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/pango-1.0": "^1.51.0-4.0.0-beta.1",
"@girs/xlib-2.0": "^2.0.0-4.0.0-beta.1"

@@ -51,0 +46,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@

GJS TypeScript type definitions for Amtk-5, generated from library version 5.0.0 using [ts-for-gir]( v3.3.0.
GJS TypeScript type definitions for Amtk-5, generated from library version 5.0.0 using [ts-for-gir]( v4.0.0-beta.1.

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@

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