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Comparing version 3.3.0 to 3.4.0


/// <reference types="node" />
import type * as gax from 'google-gax';
import type { Callback, CallOptions, Descriptors, ClientOptions, LROperation, PaginationCallback } from 'google-gax';
import type { Callback, CallOptions, Descriptors, ClientOptions, LROperation, PaginationCallback, IamClient, IamProtos, LocationsClient, LocationProtos } from 'google-gax';
import { Transform } from 'stream';

@@ -34,2 +34,4 @@ import * as protos from '../../protos/protos';

iamClient: IamClient;
locationsClient: LocationsClient;
pathTemplates: {

@@ -496,2 +498,260 @@ [name: string]: gax.PathTemplate;

* Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy
* if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {Object} [request.options]
* OPTIONAL: A `GetPolicyOptions` object for specifying options to
* `GetIamPolicy`. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.
* This object should have the same structure as {@link google.iam.v1.GetPolicyOptions | GetPolicyOptions}.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
getIamPolicy(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
setIamPolicy(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
testIamPermissions(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Gets information about a location.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* Resource name for the location.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link | CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link | Location}.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const [response] = await client.getLocation(request);
* ```
getLocation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<>;
* Lists information about the supported locations for this service. Returns an iterable object.
* `for`-`await`-`of` syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* The resource that owns the locations collection, if applicable.
* @param {string} request.filter
* The standard list filter.
* @param {number} request.pageSize
* The standard list page size.
* @param {string} request.pageToken
* The standard list page token.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link|CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that allows {@link | async iteration }.
* When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing
* {@link | Location}. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page,
* so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const iterable = client.listLocationsAsync(request);
* for await (const response of iterable) {
* // process response
* }
* ```
listLocationsAsync(request:, options?: CallOptions): AsyncIterable<>;
* Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
* method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
* service.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* const name = '';
* const [response] = await client.getOperation({name});
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
getOperation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
* server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`. Returns an iterable object.
* For-await-of syntax is used with the iterable to recursively get response element on-demand.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation collection.
* @param {string} request.filter - The standard list filter.
* @param {number=} request.pageSize -
* The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API
* response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this
* parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is
* performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of
* resources in a page.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that conforms to {@link | iteration protocols}.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* for await (const response of client.listOperationsAsync(request));
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
listOperationsAsync(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions): AsyncIterable<>;
* Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
* makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
* guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
* {@link Operations.GetOperation} or
* other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
* operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
* the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
* an {@link Operation.error} value with a {@link google.rpc.Status.code} of
* 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.cancelOperation({name: ''});
* ```
cancelOperation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<,, {} | undefined | null>, callback?: Callback<,, {} | undefined | null>): Promise<>;
* Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
* no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
* operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.deleteOperation({name: ''});
* ```
deleteOperation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<>;
* Return a fully-qualified connectivityTest resource name string.

@@ -498,0 +758,0 @@ *

@@ -132,2 +132,4 @@ "use strict";

this.iamClient = new this._gaxModule.IamClient(this._gaxGrpc, opts);
this.locationsClient = new this._gaxModule.LocationsClient(this._gaxGrpc, opts);
// Determine the client header string.

@@ -666,2 +668,278 @@ const clientHeader = [`gax/${this._gaxModule.version}`, `gapic/${version}`];

* Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy
* if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {Object} [request.options]
* OPTIONAL: A `GetPolicyOptions` object for specifying options to
* `GetIamPolicy`. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.
* This object should have the same structure as {@link google.iam.v1.GetPolicyOptions | GetPolicyOptions}.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
getIamPolicy(request, options, callback) {
return this.iamClient.getIamPolicy(request, options, callback);
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
setIamPolicy(request, options, callback) {
return this.iamClient.setIamPolicy(request, options, callback);
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
testIamPermissions(request, options, callback) {
return this.iamClient.testIamPermissions(request, options, callback);
* Gets information about a location.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* Resource name for the location.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link | CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link | Location}.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const [response] = await client.getLocation(request);
* ```
getLocation(request, options, callback) {
return this.locationsClient.getLocation(request, options, callback);
* Lists information about the supported locations for this service. Returns an iterable object.
* `for`-`await`-`of` syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* The resource that owns the locations collection, if applicable.
* @param {string} request.filter
* The standard list filter.
* @param {number} request.pageSize
* The standard list page size.
* @param {string} request.pageToken
* The standard list page token.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link|CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that allows {@link | async iteration }.
* When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing
* {@link | Location}. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page,
* so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const iterable = client.listLocationsAsync(request);
* for await (const response of iterable) {
* // process response
* }
* ```
listLocationsAsync(request, options) {
return this.locationsClient.listLocationsAsync(request, options);
* Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
* method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
* service.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* const name = '';
* const [response] = await client.getOperation({name});
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
getOperation(request, options, callback) {
return this.operationsClient.getOperation(request, options, callback);
* Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
* server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`. Returns an iterable object.
* For-await-of syntax is used with the iterable to recursively get response element on-demand.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation collection.
* @param {string} request.filter - The standard list filter.
* @param {number=} request.pageSize -
* The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API
* response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this
* parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is
* performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of
* resources in a page.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that conforms to {@link | iteration protocols}.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* for await (const response of client.listOperationsAsync(request));
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
listOperationsAsync(request, options) {
return this.operationsClient.listOperationsAsync(request, options);
* Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
* makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
* guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
* {@link Operations.GetOperation} or
* other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
* operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
* the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
* an {@link Operation.error} value with a {@link google.rpc.Status.code} of
* 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.cancelOperation({name: ''});
* ```
cancelOperation(request, options, callback) {
return this.operationsClient.cancelOperation(request, options, callback);
* Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
* no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
* operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.deleteOperation({name: ''});
* ```
deleteOperation(request, options, callback) {
return this.operationsClient.deleteOperation(request, options, callback);
// --------------------

@@ -714,2 +992,4 @@ // -- Path templates --


@@ -716,0 +996,0 @@ });

/// <reference types="node" />
import type * as gax from 'google-gax';
import type { Callback, CallOptions, Descriptors, ClientOptions, LROperation, PaginationCallback } from 'google-gax';
import type { Callback, CallOptions, Descriptors, ClientOptions, LROperation, PaginationCallback, IamClient, IamProtos, LocationsClient, LocationProtos } from 'google-gax';
import { Transform } from 'stream';

@@ -34,2 +34,4 @@ import * as protos from '../../protos/protos';

iamClient: IamClient;
locationsClient: LocationsClient;
pathTemplates: {

@@ -496,2 +498,260 @@ [name: string]: gax.PathTemplate;

* Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy
* if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {Object} [request.options]
* OPTIONAL: A `GetPolicyOptions` object for specifying options to
* `GetIamPolicy`. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.
* This object should have the same structure as {@link google.iam.v1.GetPolicyOptions | GetPolicyOptions}.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
getIamPolicy(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
setIamPolicy(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
testIamPermissions(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Gets information about a location.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* Resource name for the location.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link | CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link | Location}.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const [response] = await client.getLocation(request);
* ```
getLocation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<, | null | undefined, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<>;
* Lists information about the supported locations for this service. Returns an iterable object.
* `for`-`await`-`of` syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* The resource that owns the locations collection, if applicable.
* @param {string} request.filter
* The standard list filter.
* @param {number} request.pageSize
* The standard list page size.
* @param {string} request.pageToken
* The standard list page token.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link|CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that allows {@link | async iteration }.
* When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing
* {@link | Location}. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page,
* so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const iterable = client.listLocationsAsync(request);
* for await (const response of iterable) {
* // process response
* }
* ```
listLocationsAsync(request:, options?: CallOptions): AsyncIterable<>;
* Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
* method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
* service.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* const name = '';
* const [response] = await client.getOperation({name});
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
getOperation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<[]>;
* Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
* server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`. Returns an iterable object.
* For-await-of syntax is used with the iterable to recursively get response element on-demand.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation collection.
* @param {string} request.filter - The standard list filter.
* @param {number=} request.pageSize -
* The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API
* response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this
* parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is
* performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of
* resources in a page.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that conforms to {@link | iteration protocols}.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* for await (const response of client.listOperationsAsync(request));
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
listOperationsAsync(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions): AsyncIterable<>;
* Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
* makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
* guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
* {@link Operations.GetOperation} or
* other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
* operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
* the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
* an {@link Operation.error} value with a {@link google.rpc.Status.code} of
* 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.cancelOperation({name: ''});
* ```
cancelOperation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<,, {} | undefined | null>, callback?: Callback<,, {} | undefined | null>): Promise<>;
* Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
* no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
* operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.deleteOperation({name: ''});
* ```
deleteOperation(request:, options?: gax.CallOptions | Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>, callback?: Callback<,, {} | null | undefined>): Promise<>;
* Return a fully-qualified connectivityTest resource name string.

@@ -498,0 +758,0 @@ *

@@ -132,2 +132,4 @@ "use strict";

this.iamClient = new this._gaxModule.IamClient(this._gaxGrpc, opts);
this.locationsClient = new this._gaxModule.LocationsClient(this._gaxGrpc, opts);
// Determine the client header string.

@@ -666,2 +668,278 @@ const clientHeader = [`gax/${this._gaxModule.version}`, `gapic/${version}`];

* Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy
* if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {Object} [request.options]
* OPTIONAL: A `GetPolicyOptions` object for specifying options to
* `GetIamPolicy`. This field is only used by Cloud IAM.
* This object should have the same structure as {@link google.iam.v1.GetPolicyOptions | GetPolicyOptions}.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.Policy | Policy}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
getIamPolicy(request, options, callback) {
return this.iamClient.getIamPolicy(request, options, callback);
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
setIamPolicy(request, options, callback) {
return this.iamClient.setIamPolicy(request, options, callback);
* Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the
* resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of
* permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error.
* Note: This operation is designed to be used for building
* permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization
* checking. This operation may "fail open" without warning.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} request.resource
* REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested.
* See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.
* @param {string[]} request.permissions
* The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with
* wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more
* information see {@link | IAM Overview }.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout,
* retries, paginations, etc. See {@link | gax.CallOptions} for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} [callback]
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse | TestIamPermissionsResponse}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
testIamPermissions(request, options, callback) {
return this.iamClient.testIamPermissions(request, options, callback);
* Gets information about a location.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* Resource name for the location.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link | CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing {@link | Location}.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const [response] = await client.getLocation(request);
* ```
getLocation(request, options, callback) {
return this.locationsClient.getLocation(request, options, callback);
* Lists information about the supported locations for this service. Returns an iterable object.
* `for`-`await`-`of` syntax is used with the iterable to get response elements on-demand.
* @param {Object} request
* The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string}
* The resource that owns the locations collection, if applicable.
* @param {string} request.filter
* The standard list filter.
* @param {number} request.pageSize
* The standard list page size.
* @param {string} request.pageToken
* The standard list page token.
* @param {object} [options]
* Call options. See {@link|CallOptions} for more details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that allows {@link | async iteration }.
* When you iterate the returned iterable, each element will be an object representing
* {@link | Location}. The API will be called under the hood as needed, once per the page,
* so you can stop the iteration when you don't need more results.
* Please see the {@link | documentation }
* for more details and examples.
* @example
* ```
* const iterable = client.listLocationsAsync(request);
* for await (const response of iterable) {
* // process response
* }
* ```
listLocationsAsync(request, options) {
return this.locationsClient.listLocationsAsync(request, options);
* Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
* method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
* service.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* The second parameter to the callback is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves to an array.
* The first element of the array is an object representing
* {@link google.longrunning.Operation | google.longrunning.Operation}.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* const name = '';
* const [response] = await client.getOperation({name});
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
getOperation(request, options, callback) {
return this.operationsClient.getOperation(request, options, callback);
* Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
* server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`. Returns an iterable object.
* For-await-of syntax is used with the iterable to recursively get response element on-demand.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation collection.
* @param {string} request.filter - The standard list filter.
* @param {number=} request.pageSize -
* The maximum number of resources contained in the underlying API
* response. If page streaming is performed per-resource, this
* parameter does not affect the return value. If page streaming is
* performed per-page, this determines the maximum number of
* resources in a page.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @returns {Object}
* An iterable Object that conforms to {@link | iteration protocols}.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* for await (const response of client.listOperationsAsync(request));
* // doThingsWith(response)
* ```
listOperationsAsync(request, options) {
return this.operationsClient.listOperationsAsync(request, options);
* Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
* makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
* guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
* {@link Operations.GetOperation} or
* other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
* operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
* the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
* an {@link Operation.error} value with a {@link google.rpc.Status.code} of
* 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions} for the
* details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.cancelOperation({name: ''});
* ```
cancelOperation(request, options, callback) {
return this.operationsClient.cancelOperation(request, options, callback);
* Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
* no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
* operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
* `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`.
* @param {Object} request - The request object that will be sent.
* @param {string} - The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
* @param {Object=} options
* Optional parameters. You can override the default settings for this call,
* e.g, timeout, retries, paginations, etc. See {@link
* | gax.CallOptions}
* for the details.
* @param {function(?Error)=} callback
* The function which will be called with the result of the API call.
* @return {Promise} - The promise which resolves when API call finishes.
* The promise has a method named "cancel" which cancels the ongoing API
* call.
* @example
* ```
* const client = longrunning.operationsClient();
* await client.deleteOperation({name: ''});
* ```
deleteOperation(request, options, callback) {
return this.operationsClient.deleteOperation(request, options, callback);
// --------------------

@@ -714,2 +992,4 @@ // -- Path templates --


@@ -716,0 +996,0 @@ });

# Changelog
## [3.4.0]( (2024-03-26)
### Features
* [networkmanagement] add new fields and enum values related to round-trip ([#5171]( ([009e21a](
## [3.3.0]( (2024-03-12)

@@ -4,0 +11,0 @@


"name": "@google-cloud/network-management",
"version": "3.3.0",
"version": "3.4.0",
"description": "networkmanagement client for Node.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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