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This CLI tool turns .json documents into any open-attestation verifiable documents. It applies the OpenAttestation algorithm to produce a hash of the json document and then creates a file with the data and proof of integrity.

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Document CLI tool

This CLI tool turns .json documents into any open-attestation verifiable documents. It applies the OpenAttestation algorithm to produce a hash of the json document and then creates a file with the data and proof of integrity.


npm install -g @govtechsg/open-attestation-cli

The above command will install the open-attestation CLI to your machine. You will need to have node.js installed to be able to run the command.

You can also opt to use npx:

npx -p @govtechsg/open-attestation-cli open-attestation <arguments>

Wrapping Documents

This command process all documents in the input directory. It will add the issuance proofs to the individual documents. Additionally, you'll get the Batch Document Root (merkleRoot) value. Thereafter, you can issue all the documents in a single batch with the merkleRoot later.


open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/example.0.json

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc

The command will display the result in the console. If you need to save the file you can use the --output-file file.


open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/example.0.json --output-file ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json

✔  success   Batch Document Root: 0x5d318c8083aac18f8075ca2a2eac74b06f2cc37d6ccad680c7c80c9bb36f7be1

If you need to wrap a folder you will need to provide the --output-dir options to specify in which folder the documents must be wrapped in.


open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents

✔  success   Batch Document Root: 0x5d318c8083aac18f8075ca2a2eac74b06f2cc37d6ccad680c7c80c9bb36f7be1

You can also provide an optional JSON schema document to perform extra check on the documents


open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --schema ./examples/schema.json

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./examples/wrapped-documents/ -s ./examples/schema.json

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc

The JSON schema parameter also allow for http endpoint returning valid JSON schema:


open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --schema

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ -s

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc

You can also re-wrap a document by editing a wrapped document content and using the --unwrap option:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/example.0.json --output-file ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json

# edit the recipient name in ./tmp/wrapped-documents/example.0.json for instance for Your Name to Another Name
open-attestation wrap ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json --of ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.1.json --unwrap

You can disable the --batched option to wrap multiple documents individually (i.e. they will not have the same merkle root):

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --batched false
✔  success   All documents have been individually wrapped

By default the CLI will use open-attestation schema v2 but you can opt in for open-attestation schema v3 using open-attestation-v3 option:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --open-attestation-v3
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --oav3

Document privacy filter

This allows document holders to generate valid documents which hides certain evidences. Useful for hiding grades lol.

open-attestation filter <inputDocumentPath> <outputDocumentPath> [filters...]


open-attestation filter examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json tmp/example.0.out.json key1

✔  success  Obfuscated document saved to: tmp/example.0.out.json

Encrypting document

This allows you to encrypt document in order to share and store them safely.

open-attestation encrypt <inputDocumentPath> <outputEncryptedPath>


open-attestation encrypt ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json ./tmp/encrypted.json

✔  success   Encrypted document saved to: tmp/encrypted.json
⚠  warning   Here is the key to decrypt the document: don't lose it: 9bac5be27bac31d852fc1e48eb9d5249ec6ad7978da23377b5879f7a24994cb2

Decrypting document

This allows you to decrypt document encrypted using the method above.

open-attestation decrypt <input> <output> <key>


open-attestation decrypt ./src/__tests__/fixture/did-dns-encrypted.json decrypted.json 88da9b9cd61cfc1677ae7e79dba9b3aeba4b40c95f94c950759e76c6210b5402

✔  success   Decrypted document saved to: decrypted.json

Deploying Token Registry

Deploys a token registry contract on the blockchain

open-attestation deploy token-registry <registry-name> <registry-symbol> [options]

Example - with private key set in OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable (recommended). More options.

open-attestation deploy token-registry "My Sample Token" MST --network ropsten

✔  success   Token registry deployed at 0x4B127b8d5e53872d403ce43414afeb1db67B1842

Deploying Document Store

Deploys a document store contract on the blockchain

open-attestation deploy document-store <store-name> [options]

Example - with private key set in OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable (recommended). More options.

open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten

✔  success   Document store deployed at 0x4B127b8d5e53872d403ce43414afeb1db67B1842

Token registry


Issue a hash to a token registry deployed on the blockchain

open-attestation token-registry issue --address <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --to <TO> [options]

Example - with private key set in OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable (recommended). More options.

open-attestation token-registry mint --network ropsten --address 6133f580aE903b8e79845340375cCfd78a45FF35 --to 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90 --tokenId 0x10ee711d151bc2139473a57531f91d961b639affb876b350c31d031059cdcc2c

✔  success   Token with hash 0x10ee711d151bc2139473a57531f91d961b639affb876b350c31d031059cdcc2c has been issued on 6133f580aE903b8e79845340375cCfd78a45FF35 with the initial recipient being 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90

mint can be used instead of issue and will be strictly equivalent.

Document Store


Issue a hash to a document store deployed on the blockchain

open-attestation document-store issue --address <DOCUMENT_STORE_ADDRESS> --hash <HASH> [options]

Example - with private key set in OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable (recommended). More options.

open-attestation document-store issue --network ropsten --address 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6 --hash 43033b53a462036304f526aeaf3aaeea8d905997d6fde3bb1a02188eadbaaec1

✔  success   Document/Document Batch with hash 0x0c1a666aa55d17d26412bb57fbed96f40ec5a08e2f995a108faf45429ae3511f has been issued on 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6


Revoke a hash to a document store deployed on the blockchain

open-attestation document-store revoke --address <DOCUMENT_STORE_ADDRESS> --hash <HASH> [options]

Example - with private key set in OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable (recommended). More options.

open-attestation document-store revoke --network ropsten --address 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6 --hash 43033b53a462036304f526aeaf3aaeea8d905997d6fde3bb1a02188eadbaaec1

✔  success   Document/Document Batch with hash 0x0c1a666aa55d17d26412bb57fbed96f40ec5a08e2f995a108faf45429ae3511f has been revoked on 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6


Verify if a document is valid.

open-attestation document-store verify --document ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json --network ropsten

…  awaiting  Verifying examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json
✔  success   The document is valid

DID Direct Signing

Sign on an OA document directly with a private key.

open-attestation sign ./examples/unsigned-documents -f ./examples/sample-key -p did:ethr:0x6813Eb9362372EEF6200f3b1dbC3f819671cBA69#controller --output-dir ./examples/signed-documents

DNS TXT record

Create a temporary DNS TXT record in OpenAttestation sandbox

open-attestation dns txt-record create --address 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc --networkId 10
✔  success   Record created at and will stay valid until Thu Jul 02 2020 13:51:34 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)

Get the list of DNS TXT records associated to a domain

open-attestation dns txt-record get --location
│ (index) │    type    │    net     │ netId │   addr   │ dnssec │
│    0    │ 'openatts''ethereum''10''0xabcd'false  │

Filter the list of DNS TXT records associated to a domain on a specific network

open-attestation dns txt-record get --location --networkId 3
│ (index) │    type    │    net     │ netId │                     addr                     │ dnssec │
│    0    │ 'openatts''ethereum''3''0x2f60375e8144e16Adf1979936301D8341D58C36C'false  │
│    1    │ 'openatts''ethereum''3''0x532C9Ff853CA54370D7492cD84040F9f8099f11B'false  │
│    2    │ 'openatts''ethereum''3''0x53f3a47C129Ea30D80bC727556b015F02bE63811'false  │
│    3    │ 'openatts''ethereum''3''0x8Fc57204c35fb9317D91285eF52D6b892EC08cD3'false  │
│    4    │ 'openatts''ethereum''3''0xdcA6Eea7024151c270b50FcA9E67161119B06BAD'false  │


Creating a wallet

open-attestation wallet create --of ./tmp

ℹ  info      Creating a new wallet
? Wallet password [hidden]
…  awaiting  Encrypting Wallet [====================] [100/100%]
ℹ  info      Wallet with public address 0x6348a96D96D56665C2E9619f81355918779f3d9E successfully created. Find more details:
✔  success   Wallet successfully saved into /path/to/tmp

Encrypting a wallet (see below to find out how to provide the key)

open-attestation wallet encrypt --of ./tmp

ℹ  info      Encrypting a wallet
? Wallet password [hidden]
…  awaiting  Encrypting Wallet [====================] [100/100%]
ℹ  info      Wallet with public address 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90 successfully created. Find more details:
✔  success   Wallet successfully saved into /path/to/tmp

Decrypt a wallet to get information about it. Some information might be sensitive

open-attestation wallet decrypt wallet.json
⚠  warning   You are about to reveal the private key of your wallet. Please type the following word into the terminal to prove that you understand the risks: active-aqua-swordtail
? ack: active-aqua-swordtail
ℹ  info      User consented to risks
? Wallet password [hidden]
…  awaiting  Decrypting Wallet [====================] [100/100%]
ℹ  info      Wallet successfully decrypted
✔  success   Wallet information:
- address: 0x19bf1b00f78f521999d9A4246818F362fcaA1A96
- public key: 0x04e1a6facd0fee89e44ae51c1352e32224e79caaa3ccf5afa9d77f10f92f7c4c584ccdf6cfb9a71584c18408a1a0e12341556757268117afebda00d6d6e71133bf
- private key ....

Providing the wallet

When interacting with blockchain you will likely need to provide a way to access your wallet. All functions - when the wallet is required - will provide multiples ways for you to pass it in:

  • Using encrypted-wallet-path option where you provide a path to an encrypted wallet (recommended).
  • Using OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable holding the private key.
  • Using --key-file option where you provide a path to a file containing the private key.
  • Using --key option where you provide the private key directly to the command (Note that in this case, the private key may be stored in the machine's bash history).


# Using encrypted-wallet-path option
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten --encrypted-wallet-path /path/to/wallet.json
# Then you will be prompted to type your password to decrypt the wallet
? Wallet password [input is hidden]

# Using environment variable
export OA_PRIVATE_KEY=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten

# Using private key stored in file
echo -n 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 >> ./examples/sample-key
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten --key-file ./examples/sample-key
rm ./examples/sample-key

# Providing the key to the command
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten --key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003

List of features with the options available

Private KeyWalletAws Kms
Create config✔️
Deploy document store
Deploy title escrow
Deploy title escrow creator
Deploy token registry
Dns txt create
Dns txt get
Document store issue
Document store revoke
Token registry issue
Token registry mint
Transaction cancel
Wallet create
Wallet decrypt
Wallet encrypt
Filter (obfuscate) document
Sign document
Verify document

Config file

This command will generate a config file with sandbox DNS, document store and token registry.

Please note that a template config file and a wallet.json file must be provided in order for this command to work.

Please also note that there must have funds in the Ropsten wallet, as we require to pay some gas fees to generate the config file.


open-attestation config create --output-dir ./examples/config --encrypted-wallet-path /path/to/wallet.json --config-template-path /path/tp/config.json

You will need:

  • --output-dir option specify which folder the config file will be created in.
  • --encrypted-wallet-path option indicates a path to an encrypted wallet.
  • --config-template-path option to provide a path to a config file.
  • --config-type option specify which default template to use to create the config file.

Cancel pending transaction

This command will cancel pending transaction.

Please note that a this action is irreversible.

You will need:

  • --nonce option specify which transaction to cancel.
  • --gas-price option, the gas price is required to be higher than the pending transaction.
  • --transaction-hash transaction hash option can be used as an alternative to nonce and gas-price option. Using this option will automatically increase the transaction gas price by 100%.
  • options to provide the wallet (
open-attestation transaction cancel --nonce <pending transaction nonce> --gas-price <gas price> [option]


open-attestation transaction cancel --nonce 1 --gas-price 300 --network ropsten --encrypted-wallet-path /path/to/wallet
open-attestation transaction cancel --transaction-hash 0x000 --network ropsten --encrypted-wallet-path /path/to/wallet


Run the command with --help to get additional information

open-attestation deploy
open-attestation document-store
open-attestation encrypt
open-attestation filter
open-attestation verify
open-attestation wrap
open-attestation sign


To run on local for development

npm run dev -- <command> <options>


npm run test

Performance testing

To run performance testing for OA functionality


Monitor the response time for batched documents wrapping.

The Default command will testing: 2 documents without base64 image in 1 iteration.

npm run benchmark

The number of documents and iteration can be modified using these options.

  • First argument : Number of document for batched wrapping
  • Second argument : Number of performance test iteration to achieve higher accuracy
  • Third argument : File path for testing ( For window user, please encase the path in " " quotation marks )


npm run benchmark 4 1 performance-tests/unwrapped_document_wImage.json


Package last updated on 14 Jul 2021

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