Document CLI tool
This CLI tool turns .json documents into any open-attestation verifiable documents. It applies the OpenAttestation algorithm to produce a hash of the json document and then creates a file with the data and proof of integrity.
npm install -g @govtechsg/open-attestation-cli
The above command will install the open-attestation CLI to your machine. You will need to have node.js installed to be able to run the command.
You can also opt to use npx:
npx -p @govtechsg/open-attestation-cli open-attestation <arguments>
Wrapping Documents
This command process all documents in the input directory and issue all of them in a single
batch. It will then add the issuance proofs to the individual documents.
open-attestation wrap <PathToDocumentsOrFile> <PathToWrappedDocuments>
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ --oav3
✔ success Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
You can also set a single document as input
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/example.0.json ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ --schema ./examples/schema.json --oav3
✔ success Batch Document Root: 0x5d318c8083aac18f8075ca2a2eac74b06f2cc37d6ccad680c7c80c9bb36f7be1
You can also provide an optional JSON schema document to perform extra check on the documents
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ --schema ./examples/schema.json --oav3
✔ success Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ -s ./examples/schema.json --oav3
✔ success Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
The JSON schema parameter also allow for http endpoint returning valid JSON schema:
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ --schema --oav3
✔ success Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ -s --oav3
✔ success Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
By default the CLI will use open-attestation schema v2 but you can opt in for open-attestation schema v3 using open-attestation-v3
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ --open-attestation-v3
open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./tmp/wrapped-documents/ --oav3
Document privacy filter
This allows document holders to generate valid documents which hides certain evidences. Useful for hiding grades lol.
open-attestation filter <inputDocumentPath> <outputDocumentPath> [filters...]
open-attestation filter examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json tmp/example.0.out.json key1
✔ success Obfuscated document saved to: tmp/example.0.out.json
Encrypting document
This allows you to encrypt document in order to share and store them safely.
open-attestation encrypt <inputDocumentPath> <outputEncryptedPath>
open-attestation encrypt ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json ./tmp/encrypted.json
✔ success Encrypted document saved to: tmp/encrypted.json
⚠ warning Here is the key to decrypt the document: don't lose it: 9bac5be27bac31d852fc1e48eb9d5249ec6ad7978da23377b5879f7a24994cb2
Deploying Token Registry
Deploys a token registry contract on the blockchain
open-attestation deploy token-registry <registry-name> <registry-symbol> [options]
Example - with private key set in OA_PRIVATE_KEY
environment variable (recommended)
open-attestation deploy token-registry "My Sample Token" MST --network ropsten
✔ success Token registry deployed at 0x4B127b8d5e53872d403ce43414afeb1db67B1842
Example - with private key file
open-attestation deploy token-registry "My Sample Token" MST --network ropsten --key-file ./examples/sample-key
✔ success Token registry deployed at 0xEb9a6a669c1BA0885827f932F7b49Ce5aA5E0Bd5
Example - with in-lined private key
*Note that for this method, the private key may be stored in the machine's bash history
open-attestation deploy token-registry "My Sample Token" MST --network ropsten --key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003
✔ success Token registry deployed at 0x4004eAb92033409CBAeC4364ACa2e3A3B6C6448e
Deploying Document Store
Deploys a document store contract on the blockchain
open-attestation deploy document-store <store-name> [options]
Example - with private key set in OA_PRIVATE_KEY
environment variable (recommended)
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten
✔ success Document store deployed at 0x4B127b8d5e53872d403ce43414afeb1db67B1842
Example - with private key file
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten --key-file ./examples/sample-key
✔ success Document store deployed at 0xEb9a6a669c1BA0885827f932F7b49Ce5aA5E0Bd5
Example - with in-lined private key
*Note that for this method, the private key may be stored in the machine's bash history
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network ropsten --key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003
✔ success Document store deployed at 0x4004eAb92033409CBAeC4364ACa2e3A3B6C6448e
Run the command without additional args to get help
open-attestation wrap
open-attestation filter
open-attestation encrypt
open-attestation deploy
npm run test