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This command line interface tool in the [OpenAttestation CLI]( repository turns `.json` documents into OpenAttestation verifiable documents. It applies the OpenAttestation algorithm to produce a has

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OpenAttestation (CLI)

This command line interface tool in the OpenAttestation CLI repository turns .json documents into OpenAttestation verifiable documents. It applies the OpenAttestation algorithm to produce a hash of the .json document, and then creates a file with the data and proof of integrity.


There are two ways to install the CLI, including binary and NPM. Additionally, you can use NPX to execute the code in the package directly.


To install the binary on your operating system, download the corresponding file from the CLI release page.

Note: There is an existing issue that the size of the binaries must be reduced, which is tracked in GitHub. If you want to contribute your feedback to resolve it, see this issue here.


If you are a Linux or MacOS user with npm installed on your machine, you can also install the CLI using the following command:

npm install -g @govtechsg/open-attestation-cli

The above command will install the open-attestation CLI to your machine. Be sure to have node.js installed, so that you can run the command.


If you only want to execute a few commands, you can also opt to use npx:

npx -p @govtechsg/open-attestation-cli open-attestation <arguments>

Upon installation, a configuration folder will be created at ~/.config/open-attestation/.

Important: The CLI is referred to as open-attestation when you run a command. The assumption is the CLI is available in your execution path. If not, you must change open-attestation to reflect the full path to the executable.

Supported networks

Network IDNameNetworkType
1Ethereum MainnetmainnetProduction
11155111Ethereum Testnet SepoliasepoliaTest
137Polygon MainnetpolygonProduction
80002Polygon Testnet AmoyAmoyTest
50XDC NetworkxdcProduction
51XDC Apothem NetworkxdcapothemTest


Network fees

For more information on network fees, see the Ethereum documentation.

Adjusting preset gas price

To adjust transaction gas price, use the priority variable to scale against the market price.

Calculation: Priority * Previous block priority fee = Priority fee to use

The table below shows some examples:

PriorityPrevious block priority feePriority fee to use
111 * 1 = 1
1.211.2 * 1 = 1.2
212 * 1 = 2
1101 * 10 = 10
1.2101.2 * 10 = 12
2102 * 10 = 20
Fee information

To display an estimated price of a transaction, use the --dry-run option in your command.

The following shows a command example:

open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network sepolia --dry-run

The response looks like:

/!\ Welcome to the fee table. Please read the information below to understand the transaction fee

The table below displays information about the cost of the transaction on the Mainnet network, depending on the gas price selected. Multiple modes are displayed to help you choose a gas price depending on your needs:

Information about the network:
Costs based on block number: 4275264
│ (index) │ block number │ gas price (gwei) │ max priority fee per gas (gwei) │ max fee per gas (gwei) │
│ current │   4275264    │  '0.629067134''2.5''3.758131382'      │
Information about the transaction:
Estimated gas required: 869810 gas, which will cost approximately US$0.86837 based on prevailing gas price.
│ (index)  │       gas cost        │ priority fee price │     max fee price     │
│   GWEI   │   '547168.88382454''2174525.0''3268860.25737742'   │
│   ETH    │ '0.00054716888382454''0.002174525''0.00326886025737742' │
│  ETHUSD  │        0.86837        │      3.45105       │        5.18781        │
│  ETHSGD  │        1.18247        │      4.69931       │        7.06426        │
│ MATICUSD │        0.00027        │      0.00109       │        0.00165        │
│ MATICSGD │        0.00037        │      0.00149       │        0.00225        │
Please read the information above to understand the table
List of features with the required options

The following is a feature list and the options each feature requires.

FeaturePrivate KeyWalletAws Kms
Create config✔️
Deploy document store
Deploy token registry
Dns txt create
Dns txt get
Document store issue
Document store revoke
Document store grant ownership
Document store revoke ownership
Document store transfer ownership
Token registry issue
Token registry mint
Transaction cancel
Wallet create
Wallet decrypt
Wallet encrypt
Filter (obfuscate) document
Sign document
Encrypt document
Decrypt document
Wrap document
Unwrap document
Verify document
Change holder (Title Escrow)
Nominate change of owner (Title Escrow)
Endorse transfer to owner (Title Escrow)
Endorse change of owner (Title Escrow)
Surrender document (Title Escrow)
Reject surrendered document (Title Escrow)
Accept surrendered document (Title Escrow)

Wrapping documents

The wrap command processes all documents in the input directory. It will add the issuance proofs to the individual documents. Additionally, you'll get the Batch Document Root (merkleRoot) value. Thereafter, you can issue all the documents in a single batch with the merkleRoot later.

The following shows a command example:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/example.0.json

The response looks like:

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
Specifying the output file while wrapping documents

The wrap command will display the result in the console. If you need to save the file, use the --output-file option in your command.

The following shows a command example with the --output-file option:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/example.0.json --output-file ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json

The response looks like:

✔  success   Batch Document Root: 0x5d318c8083aac18f8075ca2a2eac74b06f2cc37d6ccad680c7c80c9bb36f7be1
Specifying the output directory while wrapping documents

If you need to wrap a folder, use the --output-dir option to specify in which folder all the documents will be wrapped.

The following shows a command example with the --output-dir option:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents

The response looks like:

✔  success   Batch Document Root: 0x5d318c8083aac18f8075ca2a2eac74b06f2cc37d6ccad680c7c80c9bb36f7be1
Providing an optional JSON schema while wrapping documents

You can also provide an optional JSON schema document using the --schema option to perform an extra check on the documents.

The following shows a command example with the --schema option:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --schema ./examples/schema.json

The response looks like:

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
Short form of the --schema option

Alternatively, you can use -s in the command, which is the short form of --schema.

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./examples/wrapped-documents/ -s ./examples/schema.json

The response looks like:

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
HTTP endpoint in the --schema option

The schema parameter also accepts a remote JSON schema.

The following shows a command example containing an HTTP endpoint:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --schema

The response looks like:

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
HTTP endpoint in the short form -s

Similarly, you can also use the short form -s to replace the --schema option in the command:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ -s

The response looks like:

✔  success  Batch Document Root: 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc
Editing a wrapped document

You can also re-wrap a document through editing the wrapped document content and using the --unwrap option.

  • Run the command below to wrap a raw document:

    open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/example.0.json --output-file ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json
  • After the first round of wrapping, edit the content in the wrapped document. For example, change your name to another name in example.0.json.

  • To re-wrap the document after editing, run the command below with the --unwrap option:

    open-attestation wrap ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json --of ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.1.json --unwrap
Wrapping documents individually

You can disable the --batched option to wrap multiple documents individually. Consequently, these documents will not have the same merkle root.

The following shows a command example with the --batched option disabled:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ --output-dir ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --batched false

The response looks like:

✔  success   All documents have been individually wrapped
Changing the OpenAttestation CLI version

By default, the CLI will use OpenAttestation schema V2, but you can opt in for OpenAttestation schema V3 using the --open-attestation-v3 option:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --open-attestation-v3

Alternatively, you can use the short form --oav3 to replace --open-attestation-v3 in the command:

open-attestation wrap ./examples/raw-documents/ ./examples/wrapped-documents/ --oav3

Note: Transferable Records must be wrapped individually as each of them will be minted to a unique title escrow that represents the document's beneficiary and holder entities. For more information about title escrow, see here.

Unwrapping documents

The unwrap command processes a wrapped document in the input directory. It will unwrap it to its raw document form, and display it in the console.

The following shows a command example of unwrap:

open-attestation unwrap ./examples/v2/wrapped-documents/example.0.json

The response looks like:

✔  success   The document has been unwrapped
Specifying the output file while unwrapping documents

The unwrap command will display the result in the console. If you need to save the file, use the --output-file option.

The following shows a command example with the --output-file option:

open-attestation unwrap ./examples/v2/wrapped-documents/example.0.json --output-file ./examples/v2/raw-documents/example.0.json

The response looks like:

✔  success   The document has been unwrapped
Specifying the output directory while unwrapping documents

If you need to unwrap a folder, use the --output-dir option to specify in which folder all the documents will be unwrapped.

The following shows a command example with the --output-dir option:

open-attestation unwrap ./examples/v2/wrapped-documents --output-dir ./examples/v2/raw-documents

The response looks like:

✔  success   The documents have been individually unwrapped into folder ./examples/v2/raw-documents

Document privacy filter

Using the filter command, the document holders can generate valid documents and obfuscate certain fields, such as those fields containing sensitive information that they prefer not to disclose.

The following shows the syntax of the filter command:

open-attestation filter <inputDocumentPath> <outputDocumentPath> [filters...]

The following is a command example:

open-attestation filter examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json tmp/example.0.out.json key1

The response looks like:

✔  success  Obfuscated document saved to: tmp/example.0.out.json

Encrypting a document

With the encrypt command, you can encrypt the documents to share and store them safely.

The following shows the syntax of the encrypt command:

open-attestation encrypt <inputDocumentPath> <outputEncryptedPath>

The following is a command example:

open-attestation encrypt ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json ./tmp/encrypted.json

The response looks like:

✔  success   Encrypted document saved to: tmp/encrypted.json
⚠  warning   Here is the key to decrypt the document: don't lose it: 9bac5be27bac31d852fc1e48eb9d5249ec6ad7978da23377b5879f7a24994cb2

Decrypting a document

Using the decrypt command, you can decrypt documents that were encrypted using the encrypt method.

The following shows the syntax of the decrypt command:

open-attestation decrypt <input> <output> <key>

The following is a command example:

open-attestation decrypt ./src/__tests__/fixture/did-dns-encrypted.json decrypted.json 88da9b9cd61cfc1677ae7e79dba9b3aeba4b40c95f94c950759e76c6210b5402

The response looks like:

✔  success   Decrypted document saved to: decrypted.json

Token Registry

Deploying a new Token Registry

The deploy token-registry command deploys a token registry contract on the blockchain. You can use the --factory-address flag with the Factory Contract that were deployed using this command.

To deploy a standalone token registry, refer to the Token-Registry repository.

The following shows the syntax of the deploy token-registry command:

open-attestation deploy token-registry <registry-name> <registry-symbol> --factory-address <factory-address> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation deploy token-registry "My Sample Token" MST --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Token registry deployed at 0x4B127b8d5e53872d403ce43414afeb1db67B1842
Issuing a document to token registry

The token-registry issue command issues a hash to a token registry deployed on the blockchain.

  • The --tokenId option indicates the document hash
  • The --beneficiary option indicates the beneficiary's wallet address
  • The --holder option indicates the document holder's wallet address

The following shows the syntax of the token-registry issue command:

open-attestation token-registry issue --network <NETWORK> --address <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --beneficiary <BENEFICIARY> --holder <HOLDER> [options]

Important: In this command, you can use mint instead of issue and they will be strictly equivalent.

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

In the example below:

  • You will use 0x6FFeD6E6591b808130a9b248fEA32101b5220eca as beneficiary and holder.
  • You will need to replace the value above with a wallet address you control, to be able to perform different actions on the transferable records later.
  • The key.txt file stores the private key to token registry.
open-attestation token-registry issue --address 0x8431012Bc040942B59e3C5bf428221eab0b2f723 --tokenId 0x0d9839a8034cb783d98bd57bcbaafb4dc3614c4193d2edf8a655c1ec6635b7ea --beneficiary 0x6FFeD6E6591b808130a9b248fEA32101b5220eca --holder 0x6FFeD6E6591b808130a9b248fEA32101b5220eca -n sepolia -f key.txt

The response looks like:

✔  success   Token with hash 0x0d9839a8034cb783d98bd57bcbaafb4dc3614c4193d2edf8a655c1ec6635b7ea has been issued on 0x8431012Bc040942B59e3C5bf428221eab0b2f723 with the initial recipient being 0x6FFeD6E6591b808130a9b248fEA32101b5220eca and initial holder 0x6FFeD6E6591b808130a9b248fEA32101b5220eca
Token Registry roles

The interfaces for the assignment and revocation of roles are available in the Token Registry repository.

Document Store

Deploying a new document store

The deploy document-store command deploys a document store contract on the blockchain.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation deploy document-store <store-name> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Document store deployed at 0x4B127b8d5e53872d403ce43414afeb1db67B1842
Specifying a different owner

By default, the owner of the document store will be the deployer. You can specify a different owner using the --owner option.

The following shows a command example:

open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --owner 0x1234 --network sepolia
Issuing a document to document store

The document-store issue command issues a hash to a document store deployed on the blockchain.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation document-store issue --address <DOCUMENT_STORE_ADDRESS> --hash <HASH> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation document-store issue --network sepolia --address 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6 --hash 0x43033b53a462036304f526aeaf3aaeea8d905997d6fde3bb1a02188eadbaaec1

The response looks like:

✔  success   Document/Document Batch with hash 0x0c1a666aa55d17d26412bb57fbed96f40ec5a08e2f995a108faf45429ae3511f has been issued on 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6
Revoking a document on document store

The document-store revoke command revokes a hash to a document store deployed on the blockchain.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation document-store revoke --address <DOCUMENT_STORE_ADDRESS> --hash <HASH> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation document-store revoke --network sepolia --address 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6 --hash 0x43033b53a462036304f526aeaf3aaeea8d905997d6fde3bb1a02188eadbaaec1

The response looks like:

✔  success   Document/Document Batch with hash 0x0c1a666aa55d17d26412bb57fbed96f40ec5a08e2f995a108faf45429ae3511f has been revoked on 0x19f89607b52268D0A19543e48F790c65750869c6
Granting a role on document store

The document-store grant-role command grants a role on the document store deployed on the blockchain to a wallet.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation document-store grant-role --address <DOCUMENT_STORE_ADDRESS> --account <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --role <ROLE> [options]

The --role option accepts the following values:

  • admin
  • issuer
  • revoker

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation document-store grant-role --address 0x80732bF5CA47A85e599f3ac9572F602c249C8A28 --new-owner 0xf81ea9d2c0133de728d28b8d7f186bed61079997 --role admin --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Document store 0x80732bF5CA47A85e599f3ac9572F602c249C8A28's role of: admin has been granted to wallet 0xf81ea9d2c0133de728d28b8d7f186bed61079997
Revoking a role on document store

The document-store revoke-role command revokes a role on the document store deployed on the blockchain to a wallet.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation document-store revoke-role --address <DOCUMENT_STORE_ADDRESS> --account <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --role <ROLE> [options]

The --role option accepts the following values:

  • admin
  • issuer
  • revoker

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation document-store revoke-role --address 0x80732bF5CA47A85e599f3ac9572F602c249C8A28 --new-owner 0xf81ea9d2c0133de728d28b8d7f186bed61079997 --role admin --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Document store 0x80732bF5CA47A85e599f3ac9572F602c249C8A28's role of: admin has been revoked from wallet 0xf81ea9d2c0133de728d28b8d7f186bed61079997
Transferring the ownership of document store

The document-store transfer-ownership command transfers the ownership of a document store deployed on the blockchain to another wallet.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation document-store transfer-ownership --address <DOCUMENT_STORE_ADDRESS> --new-owner <HASH> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation document-store transfer-ownership --address 0x80732bF5CA47A85e599f3ac9572F602c249C8A28 --new-owner 0xf81ea9d2c0133de728d28b8d7f186bed61079997 --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Ownership of document store 0x80732bF5CA47A85e599f3ac9572F602c249C8A28 has been transferred to new wallet 0xf81ea9d2c0133de728d28b8d7f186bed61079997

Verifying a document

The verify command runs the verification to check if a document is valid.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation verify --document ./examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json --network sepolia

The response looks like:

…  awaiting  Verifying examples/wrapped-documents/example.0.json
✔  success   The document is valid

DID direct signing

The sign command signs on an OA document directly with a private key.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation sign ./examples/unsigned-documents -f ./examples/sample-key -p did:ethr:0x6813Eb9362372EEF6200f3b1dbC3f819671cBA69#controller --output-dir ./examples/signed-documents

DNS TXT record

You can create, retrieve, or filter DNS TXT records using the commands below.

Creating a temporary DNS TXT record

The dns text-record create command creates a temporary DNS TXT record in the OpenAttestation sandbox.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation dns txt-record create --address 0xf51030c5751a646284c898cff0f9d833c64a50d6f307b61f2c96c3c838b13bfc --networkId 10

The response looks like:

✔  success   Record created at and will stay valid until Thu Jul 02 2020 13:51:34 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)
Getting the DNS TXT record list

The dns txt-record get command gets the list of DNS TXT records associated to a domain.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation dns txt-record get --location

The response looks like:

│ (index) │    type    │    net     │ netId │   addr   │ dnssec │
│    0    │ 'openatts' │ 'ethereum' │ '10'  │ '0xabcd' │ false  │
Filtering the DNS TXT record list

You can use the dns txt-record get command with the --networkId option to filter the list of DNS TXT records associated to a domain on a specific network.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation dns txt-record get --location --networkId 3

The response looks like:

│ (index) │    type    │    net     │ netId │                     addr                     │ dnssec │
│    0    │ 'openatts' │ 'ethereum' │  '3'  │ '0x2f60375e8144e16Adf1979936301D8341D58C36C' │ false  │
│    1    │ 'openatts' │ 'ethereum' │  '3'  │ '0x532C9Ff853CA54370D7492cD84040F9f8099f11B' │ false  │
│    2    │ 'openatts' │ 'ethereum' │  '3'  │ '0x53f3a47C129Ea30D80bC727556b015F02bE63811' │ false  │
│    3    │ 'openatts' │ 'ethereum' │  '3'  │ '0x8Fc57204c35fb9317D91285eF52D6b892EC08cD3' │ false  │
│    4    │ 'openatts' │ 'ethereum' │  '3'  │ '0xdcA6Eea7024151c270b50FcA9E67161119B06BAD' │ false  │


You can create, encrypt, decrypt, or provide a wallet using the commands below.

Creating a wallet

The wallet create command creates a new wallet.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation wallet create --of ./tmp

The response looks like:

ℹ  info      Creating a new wallet
? Wallet password [hidden]
…  awaiting  Encrypting Wallet [====================] [100/100%]
ℹ  info      Wallet with public address 0x6348a96D96D56665C2E9619f81355918779f3d9E successfully created. Find more details:
✔  success   Wallet successfully saved into /path/to/tmp
Encrypting a wallet

Using the wallet encrypt command, you can encrypt a wallet.

Note: If you want to provide the wallet private key, see the "Providing the wallet" section.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation wallet encrypt --of ./tmp

The response looks like:

ℹ  info      Encrypting a wallet
? Wallet password [hidden]
…  awaiting  Encrypting Wallet [====================] [100/100%]
ℹ  info      Wallet with public address 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90 successfully created. Find more details:
✔  success   Wallet successfully saved into /path/to/tmp

Decrypting a wallet

The wallet decrypt command decrypts a wallet to get its information.

Important: Some information revealed by this command can be sensitive, e.g. the wallet private key.

The following is a command example:

open-attestation wallet decrypt wallet.json

The response looks like:

⚠  warning   You are about to reveal the private key of your wallet. Please type "yes" (without quotes) into the terminal to prove that you understand the risks
? ack: yes
ℹ  info      User consented to risks
? Wallet password [hidden]
…  awaiting  Decrypting Wallet [====================] [100/100%]
ℹ  info      Wallet successfully decrypted
✔  success   Wallet information:
- address: 0x19bf1b00f78f521999d9A4246818F362fcaA1A96
- public key: 0x04e1a6facd0fee89e44ae51c1352e32224e79caaa3ccf5afa9d77f10f92f7c4c584ccdf6cfb9a71584c18408a1a0e12341556757268117afebda00d6d6e71133bf
- private key ....
Providing the wallet

When interacting with blockchain, you need to provide a way to access your wallet. All functions that require this provide multiple ways for you to enter your wallet information:

  • It is recommended to use the --encrypted-wallet-path option where you provide a path to an encrypted wallet.

  • Use the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable to hold the private key.

  • Use the --key-file option where you provide a path to a file containing the private key.

  • Use the --key option where you provide the private key directly to the command.

Important: When you use the --key option, the private key may be stored in the machine's bash history.

The following is a code example using the --encrypted-wallet-path option:

open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network sepolia --encrypted-wallet-path /path/to/wallet.json

The response looks like:

# Then you will be prompted to type your password to decrypt the wallet
? Wallet password [input is hidden]

# Using environment variable
export OA_PRIVATE_KEY=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network sepolia

# Using private key stored in file
echo -n 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 >> ./examples/sample-key
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network sepolia --key-file ./examples/sample-key
rm ./examples/sample-key

# Providing the key to the command
open-attestation deploy document-store "My Name" --network sepolia --key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003

Creating the configuration file

The config create command generates a configuration file named config.json with sandbox DNS, document store, and token registry.

Note: You need a wallet.json file with sufficient funds in the specified network for this command to work. Currently, OpenAttestation does not provide any faucet to dispense funds into wallet.json. You can search online for some faucets.

You can use the following options in this command:

  • --output-dir option specifies in which folder the configuration file will be created.

  • --encrypted-wallet-path option indicates a path to an encrypted wallet.

  • --config-template-url option provides a path to reference a configuration template file hosted on a public URL.

  • --config-template-path option provides a path to reference a config template file locally.

There are two ways of using this command to generate a configuration file. Both ways will return a new configuration file with the sandbox DNS, updated document store, and updated token registry.

These are the reference config templates:

Step 1. Make sure the wallet.json file has sufficient funds.

open-attestation wallet create --output-file wallet.json

Step 2. Generate the configuration file by providing the wallet.json file and a URL to the configuration file template.

open-attestation config create --output-dir ./example-configs --encrypted-wallet-path </path/to>/wallet.json

You need to provide certain information in the response:

// Please fill in the necessary information when prompted.
ℹ  info      Creating a new config file
? Wallet password [hidden]
? Using a config template URL? Yes
? Please enter the config template URL
? Select Network sepolia
Method 2: Using the config-template-path option

Step 1. Make sure the wallet.json file has sufficient funds.

open-attestation wallet create --output-file wallet.json

Step 2. Generate the configuration file by providing the wallet.json file and an existing configuration file.

open-attestation config create --output-dir ./example-configs --encrypted-wallet-path </path/to>/wallet.json

You need to provide certain information in the response:

// Please fill in the necessary information when prompted.
ℹ  info      Creating a new config file
? Wallet password [hidden]
? Using a config template URL? No
? Please enter the config template path </path/to>/config.json
? Select Network sepolia

Canceling a pending transaction

The transaction cancel command cancels a pending transaction.

Important: This action is irreversible.

You need to use the following options:

  • --nonce option specifies which transaction is to be canceled.

  • --gas-price option specifies the gas price, which is required to be higher than the pending transaction.

  • --transaction-hash option can be used as an alternative to the --nonce and --gas-price options. It will automatically increase the transaction gas price by 100%.

  • To learn more about the options for providing the wallet, see this GitHub readme.

The following is the command syntax:

open-attestation transaction cancel --nonce <pending transaction nonce> --gas-price <gas price> [option]

The following shows a command example with the --nonce option:

open-attestation transaction cancel --nonce 1 --gas-price 300 --network sepolia --encrypted-wallet-path /path/to/wallet

The following shows another example with the --transaction-hash option:

open-attestation transaction cancel --transaction-hash 0x000 --network sepolia --encrypted-wallet-path /path/to/wallet

Title escrow

Changing the holder

Using the title-escrow change-holder command, the owner of a transferable record can change the holder.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation title-escrow change-holder --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --newHolder <NEW_HOLDER> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation title-escrow change-holder --token-registry 0x4933e30eF8A083f49d14759b2eafC94E56F0b3A7 --tokenId 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 --newHolder 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90

The response looks like:

✔  success   Transferable record with hash 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990's holder has been successfully changed to holder with address: 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90
Nominating the change of owner

With the title-escrow nominate-change-owner command, the owner of the transferable record can nominate a new owner.

Important: This command will fail if you are not the owner of the transferable record.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation title-escrow nominate-change-owner --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --newOwner <NEW_OWNER_ADDRESS> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

The following shows a command example:

open-attestation title-escrow nominate-change-owner --token-registry 0x4933e30eF8A083f49d14759b2eafC94E56F0b3A7 --tokenId 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 --newOwner 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90

The response looks like:

✔  success   Transferable record with hash 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990's holder has been successfully nominated to new owner with address: 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90
Endorsing the transfer to owner

Using the title-escrow endorse-transfer-owner command, the transferable record holder can endorse the transfer to an approved owner and holder.

Important: This command will fail if there is no approved owner or holder information on the transferable record.

The following is the command syntax:

open-attestation title-escrow endorse-transfer-owner --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --newBeneficiary <NEW_OWNER> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

The following shows a command example:

open-attestation title-escrow endorse-transfer-owner --token-registry 0x4933e30eF8A083f49d14759b2eafC94E56F0b3A7 --tokenId 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 --newBeneficiary 0x2f60375e8144e16Adf1979936301D8341D58C36C

The response looks like:

✔  success   Transferable record with hash 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990's holder has been successfully endorsed to approved beneficiary at 0x2f60375e8144e16Adf1979936301D8341D58C36C
Endorsing the change of owner

Using the title-escrow endorse-change-owner command, the transferable record owner can endorse the change to a new owner and holder.

Important: This command will fail if the new holder and owner's addresses you provide are the same as the current owner and holder's addresses.

The following is the command syntax:

open-attestation title-escrow endorse-change-owner --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --newOwner <NEW_OWNER_ADDRESS> --newHolder <NEW_HOLDER_ADDRESS> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation title-escrow endorse-change-owner --token-registry 0x4933e30eF8A083f49d14759b2eafC94E56F0b3A7 --tokenId 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 --newOwner 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90 --newHolder 0x2f60375e8144e16Adf1979936301D8341D58C36C

The response looks like:

✔  success   Transferable record with hash 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990's holder has been successfully endorsed to new owner with address 0x2f60375e8144e16Adf1979936301D8341D58C36C and new holder with address: 0xB26B4941941C51a4885E5B7D3A1B861E54405f90
Surrendering a document

With the title-escrow surrender command, the entity (who is both an owner and a holder) can surrender the transferable record to the token registry.

The following is the command syntax:

open-attestation title-escrow surrender --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation title-escrow reject-surrendered --token-registry 0x4933e30eF8A083f49d14759b2eafC94E56F0b3A7 --tokenId 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Transferable record with hash 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 has been surrendered.
Rejecting a surrendered document

With the title-escrow reject-surrendered command, the token registry can reject a surrendered transferable record.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation title-escrow reject-surrendered --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation title-escrow reject-surrendered --token-registry 0x4933e30eF8A083f49d14759b2eafC94E56F0b3A7 --tokenId 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Surrendered transferable record with hash 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 has been rejected.
Accepting a surrendered document

Using the title-escrow accept-surrendered command, the token registry will be able to accept a surrendered transferable record.

The following shows the command syntax:

open-attestation title-escrow accept-surrendered --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> [options]

For more ways to provide the wallet, see here.

The following command is a recommended example with the private key set in the OA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.

open-attestation title-escrow accept-surrendered --token-registry 0x4933e30eF8A083f49d14759b2eafC94E56F0b3A7 --tokenId 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 --network sepolia

The response looks like:

✔  success   Surrendered transferable record with hash 0x951b39bcaddc0e8882883db48ca258ca35ccb01fee328355f0dfda1ff9be9990 has been accepted.


To get additional information, run each of the following commands with the --help option:

open-attestation deploy
open-attestation document-store
open-attestation encrypt
open-attestation filter
open-attestation verify
open-attestation wrap
open-attestation sign


To start a development server on the local machine, run the command below:

npm run dev -- <command> <options>

To run tests for your projects, run the command below:

npm run test

Performance testing

To run performance testing for OA functionality, follow the instructions below.


Using the npm run benchmark command, you can monitor the response time spent on wrapping a batch of documents.

The default command (with no options) will test two documents without base64 image in one iteration:

npm run benchmark

The number of documents and iterations can be modified using these options below:

  • First argument: The number of documents for batched wrapping

  • Second argument: The number of performance test iterations to achieve higher accuracy

  • Third argument: The file path for testing

    Important: For the Windows user, be sure to provide the file path in quotation marks "".

The following is a command example, testing four documents in one iteration from the specified path:

npm run benchmark 4 1 performance-tests/unwrapped_document_wImage.json


Package last updated on 16 Oct 2024

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