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@@ -1,4 +0,161 @@

export * from './models';
export * from './plugins';
export * from './useCalendar';
export * from './utils';
import * as react from 'react';
interface DateCell extends Record<string, unknown> {
value: Date;
interface WeekRow extends Record<string, unknown> {
value: DateCell[];
interface MonthMatrix extends Record<string, unknown> {
value: WeekRow[];
declare enum CalendarViewtype {
Month = "month",
Week = "week",
Day = "day"
type WeekDayType = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
declare function withDateProps(baseDate: Date, cursorDate: Date): <T extends DateCell>(cell: T) => T & {
date: number;
isCurrentMonth: boolean;
isCurrentDate: boolean;
isWeekend: boolean;
declare function withKeyProps(keyPrefix: string): <T extends DateCell>(cell: T) => T & {
key: string;
interface UseCalendarOptions {
defaultDate?: Date | number | string;
defaultWeekStart?: WeekDayType;
defaultViewType?: CalendarViewtype;
declare function useCalendar({ defaultDate, defaultWeekStart, defaultViewType, }?: UseCalendarOptions): {
headers: {
weekDays: ({
value: Date;
} & {
key: string;
body: {
value: {
key: string;
value: ({
value: Date;
} & {
date: number;
isCurrentMonth: boolean;
isCurrentDate: boolean;
isWeekend: boolean;
} & {
key: string;
} | {
value: {
key: string;
value: ({
value: Date;
} & {
date: number;
isCurrentMonth: boolean;
isCurrentDate: boolean;
isWeekend: boolean;
} & {
key: string;
} | {
value: {
key: string;
value: ({
value: Date;
} & {
date: number;
isCurrentMonth: boolean;
isCurrentDate: boolean;
isWeekend: boolean;
} & {
key: string;
navigation: {
toNext: () => void;
toPrev: () => void;
setToday: () => void;
setDate: (date: Date) => void;
view: {
type: CalendarViewtype;
setViewType: react.Dispatch<react.SetStateAction<CalendarViewtype>>;
setWeekStartsOn: react.Dispatch<react.SetStateAction<0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6>>;
isMonthView: boolean;
isWeekView: boolean;
isDayView: boolean;
showMonthView: () => void;
showWeekView: () => void;
showDayView: () => void;
cursorDate: Date;
year: number;
month: number;
day: number;
weekStartsOn: WeekDayType;
startWeekdayInMonth: number;
weeksInMonth: number;
weekendDays: {
value: Date;
today: {
weekIndex: number;
dateIndex: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
getDateCellByIndex: (weekIndex: number, dayIndex: number) => {
value: Date;
declare function arrayOf(count: number): number[];
declare function generateID(prefix: string): string;
declare function isSameDate(baseDate: Date, targetDate: Date): boolean;
declare function isSameYearAndMonth(baseDate: Date, targetDate: Date): boolean;
declare function parseDate(date: Date): {
year: number;
month: number;
day: number;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B): (...args: A) => B;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C): (...args: A) => C;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C, D>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D): (...args: A) => D;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C, D, E>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E): (...args: A) => E;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C, D, E, F>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F): (...args: A) => F;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C, D, E, F, G>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G): (...args: A) => G;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G, gh: (this: void, g: G) => H): (...args: A) => H;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G, gh: (this: void, g: G) => H, hi: (this: void, h: H) => I): (...args: A) => I;
declare function pipe<A extends unknown[], B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J>(ab: (this: void, ...a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G, gh: (this: void, g: G) => H, hi: (this: void, h: H) => I, ij: (this: void, i: I) => J): (...args: A) => J;
declare function pipeWith<A, B>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B): B;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C): C;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C, D>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D): D;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C, D, E>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E): E;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C, D, E, F>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F): F;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G): G;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G, gh: (this: void, g: G) => H): H;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G, gh: (this: void, g: G) => H, hi: (this: void, h: H) => I): I;
declare function pipeWith<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J>(a: A, ab: (this: void, a: A) => B, bc: (this: void, b: B) => C, cd: (this: void, c: C) => D, de: (this: void, d: D) => E, ef: (this: void, e: E) => F, fg: (this: void, f: F) => G, gh: (this: void, g: G) => H, hi: (this: void, h: H) => I, ij: (this: void, i: I) => J): J;
declare function withKey<T>(arr: T[], keyPrefix: string): (T & {
key: string;
export { CalendarViewtype as CalendarViewType, type DateCell, type MonthMatrix, type UseCalendarOptions, type WeekDayType, type WeekRow, arrayOf, generateID, isSameDate, isSameYearAndMonth, parseDate, pipe, pipeWith, useCalendar, withDateProps, withKey, withKeyProps };

@@ -1,2 +0,312 @@

var H=Object.defineProperty;var R=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var X=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var Z=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var ee=e=>H(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});var te=(e,t)=>{for(var o in t)H(e,o,{get:t[o],enumerable:!0})},oe=(e,t,o,a)=>{if(t&&typeof t=="object"||typeof t=="function")for(let r of X(t))!,r)&&(o||r!=="default")&&H(e,r,{get:()=>t[r],enumerable:!(a=R(t,r))||a.enumerable});return e};var ie=(e=>(t,o)=>e&&e.get(t)||(o=oe(ee({}),t,1),e&&e.set(t,o),o))(typeof WeakMap!="undefined"?new WeakMap:0);var de={};te(de,{CalendarViewType:()=>n,arrayOf:()=>f,generateID:()=>p,isSameDate:()=>k,isSameYearAndMonth:()=>b,parseDate:()=>A,pipe:()=>L,pipeWith:()=>O,useCalendar:()=>re,withDateProps:()=>B,withKey:()=>l,withKeyProps:()=>g});var q=(a=>(a.Month="month",a.Week="week",a.Day="day",a))(q||{}),n=q;var I=require("date-fns");function f(e){return[ Array(e).keys()]}var S=0,M=new Map;function p(e){if(M.has(e)){let o=M.get(e)+1;M.set(e,o),S=o}else{let t=1;M.set(e,t),S=t}return`${e}-${S}`}var z=require("date-fns");var c=require("date-fns");function W(e){return(0,c.setHours)((0,c.setMinutes)((0,c.setSeconds)((0,c.setMilliseconds)(e,0),0),0),0)}function k(e,t){let o=W(e),a=W(t);return(0,z.isEqual)(o,a)}var F=require("date-fns");function b(e,t){return(0,F.isSameMonth)(t,e)&&(0,F.isSameYear)(t,e)}function A(e){return{year:e.getFullYear(),month:e.getMonth(),day:e.getDate()}}function L(...e){return(...t)=>e.reduce((o,a,r)=>a(...r===0?o:[o]),t)}function O(e,...t){return L(...t)(e)}function l(e,t){return>({...o,key:p(t)}))}function B(e,t){return function(o){let{value:a}=o,r=b(t,a),h=k(e,a),x=(0,I.isWeekend)(a);return{...o,date:(0,I.getDate)(a),isCurrentMonth:r,isCurrentDate:h,isWeekend:x}}}function g(e){return function(t){return{...t,key:p(e)}}}var s=require("date-fns"),u=require("react");var D=require("date-fns");function G(e,{weekStartsOn:t}){let{year:o,month:a,day:r}=A(e),h=ne(e,t),x=ae(e,h),v=f(7).map(d=>({value:(0,D.setDay)(e,d+t)})),m=(d,y)=>{let w=d*7+y-h+1;return{value:new Date(o,a,w)}};return{cursorDate:e,year:o,month:a,day:r,weekStartsOn:t,startWeekdayInMonth:h,weeksInMonth:x,weekendDays:v,today:{weekIndex:se(r,h),dateIndex:(0,D.getDay)(e)},getDateCellByIndex:m}}function ne(e,t){let o=((0,D.startOfMonth)(e).getDay()-t)%7;return o<0?o+7:o}function ae(e,t){let o=(0,D.getDaysInMonth)(e);return Math.ceil((t+o)/7)}function se(e,t){return(e+t)%7>0?Math.floor((e+t)/7):Math.floor((e+t)/7)-1}var T=require("react");function V(){let[e,t]=(0,T.useState)(!1);return(0,T.useEffect)(()=>{t(!0)},[]),e}function re({defaultDate:e,defaultWeekStart:t=0,defaultViewType:o=n.Month}={}){let a=V(),r=(0,u.useMemo)(()=>e!=null?new Date(e):new Date,[e,a]),[h,x]=(0,u.useState)(t),[v,m]=(0,u.useState)(r),[d,y]=(0,u.useState)(o),w=G(v,{weekStartsOn:h}),{weekendDays:P,weeksInMonth:J,today:K,getDateCellByIndex:U}=w,Y=(0,u.useCallback)(i=>{switch(i){case n.Month:case n.Week:return{weekDays:l(P,"weekdays")};case n.Day:default:return{weekDays:l([{value:v}],"weekdays")}}},[v,P]),j=(0,u.useCallback)(i=>({value:f(i).map(C=>({key:p("weeks"),value:f(7).map(E=>O(U(C,E),B(r,v),g("days")))}))}),[r,v,U]),N=(0,u.useCallback)(i=>{let C=j(J),{weekIndex:E,dateIndex:Q}=K;return{[n.Month]:C,[n.Week]:{value:[C.value[E]]},[n.Day]:{value:[{key:"week-day-type",value:[C.value[E]?.value[Q]]}]}}[i]},[j,K,J]),_=(0,u.useMemo)(()=>{switch(d){case n.Month:return i=>(0,s.addMonths)((0,s.startOfMonth)(i),1);case n.Week:return i=>(0,s.addWeeks)((0,s.startOfWeek)(i,{weekStartsOn:h}),1);case n.Day:return i=>(0,s.addDays)(i,1)}},[d,h]),$=(0,u.useMemo)(()=>{switch(d){case n.Month:return i=>(0,s.subMonths)((0,s.startOfMonth)(i),1);case n.Week:return i=>(0,s.subWeeks)((0,s.startOfWeek)(i,{weekStartsOn:h}),1);case n.Day:return i=>(0,s.subDays)(i,1)}},[d,h]);return(0,u.useMemo)(()=>({...w,headers:Y(d),body:N(d),navigation:{toNext:()=>m(i=>_(i)),toPrev:()=>m(i=>$(i)),setToday:()=>m(new Date),setDate:i=>m(i)},view:{type:d,setViewType:y,setWeekStartsOn:x,isMonthView:d===n.Month,isWeekView:d===n.Week,isDayView:d===n.Day,showMonthView:()=>y(n.Month),showWeekView:()=>y(n.Week),showDayView:()=>y(n.Day)}}),[w,N,Y,_,$,d])}module.exports=ie(de);
// src/models/CalendarViewType.ts
var CalendarViewtype = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CalendarViewtype2) => {
CalendarViewtype2["Month"] = "month";
CalendarViewtype2["Week"] = "week";
CalendarViewtype2["Day"] = "day";
return CalendarViewtype2;
})(CalendarViewtype || {});
var CalendarViewType_default = CalendarViewtype;
// src/plugins/withDateProps.ts
import { getDate, isWeekend as _isWeekend } from "date-fns";
// src/utils/arrayOf.ts
function arrayOf(count) {
return [ Array(count).keys()];
// src/utils/generateID.ts
var randomId = 0;
var map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function generateID(prefix) {
if (map.has(prefix)) {
const id = map.get(prefix);
const newId = id + 1;
map.set(prefix, newId);
randomId = newId;
} else {
const id = 1;
map.set(prefix, id);
randomId = id;
return `${prefix}-${randomId}`;
// src/utils/isSameDate.ts
import { isEqual } from "date-fns";
// src/utils/resetTimeOfDate.ts
import { setHours, setMilliseconds, setMinutes, setSeconds } from "date-fns";
function resetTimeOfDate(date) {
return setHours(setMinutes(setSeconds(setMilliseconds(date, 0), 0), 0), 0);
// src/utils/isSameDate.ts
function isSameDate(baseDate, targetDate) {
const base = resetTimeOfDate(baseDate);
const target = resetTimeOfDate(targetDate);
return isEqual(base, target);
// src/utils/isSameYearAndMonth.ts
import { isSameMonth as _isSameMonth, isSameYear } from "date-fns";
function isSameYearAndMonth(baseDate, targetDate) {
return _isSameMonth(targetDate, baseDate) && isSameYear(targetDate, baseDate);
// src/utils/parseDate.ts
function parseDate(date) {
return {
year: date.getFullYear(),
month: date.getMonth(),
day: date.getDate()
// src/utils/pipe.ts
function pipe(...fns) {
return (...initialParams) => fns.reduce((value, fn, index) => {
const params = index === 0 ? value : [value];
return fn(...params);
}, initialParams);
function pipeWith(value, ...fns) {
return pipe(
// src/utils/withKey.ts
function withKey(arr, keyPrefix) {
return => {
return {
key: generateID(keyPrefix)
// src/plugins/withDateProps.ts
function withDateProps(baseDate, cursorDate) {
return function(cell) {
const { value: targetDate } = cell;
const isCurrentMonth = isSameYearAndMonth(cursorDate, targetDate);
const isCurrentDate = isSameDate(baseDate, targetDate);
const isWeekend = _isWeekend(targetDate);
return {
date: getDate(targetDate),
// src/plugins/withKeyProps.ts
function withKeyProps(keyPrefix) {
return function(cell) {
return {
key: generateID(keyPrefix)
// src/useCalendar.ts
import {
startOfMonth as startOfMonth2,
} from "date-fns";
import { useCallback, useMemo, useState as useState2 } from "react";
// src/core/createCalendarInfo.ts
import { getDay, getDaysInMonth, setDay, startOfMonth } from "date-fns";
function createCalendarInfo(cursorDate, { weekStartsOn }) {
const { year, month, day } = parseDate(cursorDate);
const startWeekdayInMonth = getStartWeekdayInMonth(cursorDate, weekStartsOn);
const weeksInMonth = getWeeksInMonth(cursorDate, startWeekdayInMonth);
const weekendDays = arrayOf(7).map((index) => ({
value: setDay(cursorDate, index + weekStartsOn)
const getDateCellByIndex = (weekIndex, dayIndex) => {
const day2 = weekIndex * 7 + dayIndex - startWeekdayInMonth + 1;
return { value: new Date(year, month, day2) };
return {
today: {
weekIndex: getCurrentWeekIndex(day, startWeekdayInMonth),
dateIndex: getDay(cursorDate)
function getStartWeekdayInMonth(date, weekStartsOn) {
const monthStartsAt = (startOfMonth(date).getDay() - weekStartsOn) % 7;
return monthStartsAt < 0 ? monthStartsAt + 7 : monthStartsAt;
function getWeeksInMonth(date, startWeekdayInMonth) {
const totalDaysOfMonth = getDaysInMonth(date);
return Math.ceil((startWeekdayInMonth + totalDaysOfMonth) / 7);
function getCurrentWeekIndex(day, startWeekdayInMonth) {
if ((day + startWeekdayInMonth) % 7 > 0) {
return Math.floor((day + startWeekdayInMonth) / 7);
return Math.floor((day + startWeekdayInMonth) / 7) - 1;
// src/hooks/useIsMounted.tsx
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
function useIsMounted() {
const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return mounted;
// src/useCalendar.ts
function useCalendar({
defaultWeekStart = 0,
defaultViewType = CalendarViewType_default.Month
} = {}) {
const isMounted = useIsMounted();
const baseDate = useMemo(() => {
return defaultDate != null ? new Date(defaultDate) : /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
}, [defaultDate, isMounted]);
const [weekStartsOn, setWeekStartsOn] = useState2(defaultWeekStart);
const [cursorDate, setCursorDate] = useState2(baseDate);
const [viewType, setViewType] = useState2(defaultViewType);
const calendar = createCalendarInfo(cursorDate, { weekStartsOn });
const { weekendDays, weeksInMonth, today, getDateCellByIndex } = calendar;
const getHeaders = useCallback(
(viewType2) => {
switch (viewType2) {
case CalendarViewType_default.Month:
case CalendarViewType_default.Week:
return {
weekDays: withKey(weekendDays, "weekdays")
case CalendarViewType_default.Day:
return {
weekDays: withKey([{ value: cursorDate }], "weekdays")
[cursorDate, weekendDays]
const createMatrix = useCallback(
(weeksInMonth2) => ({
value: arrayOf(weeksInMonth2).map((weekIndex) => {
return {
key: generateID("weeks"),
value: arrayOf(7).map((dayIndex) => {
return pipeWith(
getDateCellByIndex(weekIndex, dayIndex),
withDateProps(baseDate, cursorDate),
[baseDate, cursorDate, getDateCellByIndex]
const getBody = useCallback(
(viewType2) => {
const matrix = createMatrix(weeksInMonth);
const { weekIndex, dateIndex } = today;
return {
[CalendarViewType_default.Month]: matrix,
[CalendarViewType_default.Week]: {
value: [matrix.value[weekIndex]]
[CalendarViewType_default.Day]: {
value: [
key: "week-day-type",
value: [matrix.value[weekIndex]?.value[dateIndex]]
[createMatrix, today, weeksInMonth]
const setNext = useMemo(() => {
switch (viewType) {
case CalendarViewType_default.Month:
return (date) => addMonths(startOfMonth2(date), 1);
case CalendarViewType_default.Week:
return (date) => addWeeks(startOfWeek(date, { weekStartsOn }), 1);
case CalendarViewType_default.Day:
return (date) => addDays(date, 1);
}, [viewType, weekStartsOn]);
const setPrev = useMemo(() => {
switch (viewType) {
case CalendarViewType_default.Month:
return (date) => subMonths(startOfMonth2(date), 1);
case CalendarViewType_default.Week:
return (date) => subWeeks(startOfWeek(date, { weekStartsOn }), 1);
case CalendarViewType_default.Day:
return (date) => subDays(date, 1);
}, [viewType, weekStartsOn]);
return useMemo(
() => ({
headers: getHeaders(viewType),
body: getBody(viewType),
navigation: {
toNext: () => setCursorDate((date) => setNext(date)),
toPrev: () => setCursorDate((date) => setPrev(date)),
setToday: () => setCursorDate(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()),
setDate: (date) => setCursorDate(date)
view: {
type: viewType,
isMonthView: viewType === CalendarViewType_default.Month,
isWeekView: viewType === CalendarViewType_default.Week,
isDayView: viewType === CalendarViewType_default.Day,
showMonthView: () => setViewType(CalendarViewType_default.Month),
showWeekView: () => setViewType(CalendarViewType_default.Week),
showDayView: () => setViewType(CalendarViewType_default.Day)
[calendar, getBody, getHeaders, setNext, setPrev, viewType]
export {
CalendarViewType_default as CalendarViewType,


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"@types/react": "^18.0.25",
"date-fns": "2.28.0",
"@storybook/react": "7.6.4",
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^6.1.5",
"@testing-library/react-hooks": "8.0.1",
"@types/node": "20.10.4",
"@types/react": "^18.2.43",
"date-fns": "2.30.0",
"playwright": "1.17.1",
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"react-test-renderer": "^18.2.0"
"react-test-renderer": "^18.2.0",
"typescript": "^5.3.3",
"vite": "^5.0.7",
"vitest": "^1.0.4"
"peerDependencies": {
"date-fns": ">= 2",
"react": "^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0"
"react": ">= 18"

@@ -71,4 +65,3 @@ "peerDependenciesMeta": {

"module": "esm/index.mjs"
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