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Comparing version 0.7.0-0.1.0 to 0.7.0-rc-0.1.0



@@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ # Install Agones using Helm

| `agones.image.sdk.alwaysPull` | Tells if the sdk image should always be pulled | `false` |
| `` | Image name for the ping service | `agones-ping` |
| `` | Image pull policy for the ping service | `IfNotPresent` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Image name for the ping service | `agones-ping` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Image pull policy for the ping service | `IfNotPresent` |
| `agones.controller.http.port` | Port to use for liveness probe service and metrics | `8080` |

@@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ | `agones.controller.healthCheck.initialDelaySeconds` | Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) | `3` |

| `agones.controller.generateTLS` | Set to true to generate TLS certificates or false to provide your own certificates in `certs/*` | `true` |
| `` | Whether to install the [ping service][ping] | `true` |
| `` | The number of replicas to run in the deployment | `2` |
| `` | Expose the http ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | The string response returned from the http service | `ok` |
| `` | The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | The [Service Type][service] of the HTTP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | Expose the udp ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | Number of UDP packets the ping service handles per instance, per second, per sender | `20` |
| `` | The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | The [Service Type][service] of the UDP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | Seconds between every liveness probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | Number of times before giving up (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | Number of seconds after which the probe times out (in seconds) | `1` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Whether to install the [ping service][ping] | `true` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The number of replicas to run in the deployment | `2` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Expose the http ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The string response returned from the http service | `ok` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The [Service Type][service] of the HTTP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Expose the udp ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Number of UDP packets the ping service handles per instance, per second, per sender | `20` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The [Service Type][service] of the UDP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Seconds between every liveness probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Number of times before giving up (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Number of seconds after which the probe times out (in seconds) | `1` |
| `gameservers.namespaces` | a list of namespaces you are planning to use to deploy game servers | `["default"]` |

@@ -128,0 +128,0 @@ | `gameservers.minPort` | Minimum port to use for dynamic port allocation | `7000` |

"name": "@helm-charts/agones-agones",
"version": "0.7.0-0.1.0",
"version": "0.7.0-rc-0.1.0",
"description": "a library for hosting, running and scaling dedicated game servers on Kubernetes.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ # `@helm-charts/agones-agones`

| Field | Value |
| ------------------- | ------ |
| Repository Name | agones |
| Chart Name | agones |
| Chart Version | 0.7.0 |
| NPM Package Version | 0.1.0 |
| Field | Value |
| ------------------- | -------- |
| Repository Name | agones |
| Chart Name | agones |
| Chart Version | 0.7.0-rc |
| NPM Package Version | 0.1.0 |

@@ -76,3 +76,3 @@ <details>

tag: 0.7.0
tag: 0.7.0-rc

@@ -201,4 +201,4 @@ name: agones-controller

| `agones.image.sdk.alwaysPull` | Tells if the sdk image should always be pulled | `false` |
| `` | Image name for the ping service | `agones-ping` |
| `` | Image pull policy for the ping service | `IfNotPresent` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Image name for the ping service | `agones-ping` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Image pull policy for the ping service | `IfNotPresent` |
| `agones.controller.http.port` | Port to use for liveness probe service and metrics | `8080` |

@@ -211,16 +211,16 @@ | `agones.controller.healthCheck.initialDelaySeconds` | Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) | `3` |

| `agones.controller.generateTLS` | Set to true to generate TLS certificates or false to provide your own certificates in `certs/*` | `true` |
| `` | Whether to install the [ping service][ping] | `true` |
| `` | The number of replicas to run in the deployment | `2` |
| `` | Expose the http ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | The string response returned from the http service | `ok` |
| `` | The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | The [Service Type][service] of the HTTP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | Expose the udp ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | Number of UDP packets the ping service handles per instance, per second, per sender | `20` |
| `` | The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | The [Service Type][service] of the UDP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | Seconds between every liveness probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | Number of times before giving up (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | Number of seconds after which the probe times out (in seconds) | `1` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Whether to install the [ping service][ping] | `true` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The number of replicas to run in the deployment | `2` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Expose the http ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The string response returned from the http service | `ok` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The [Service Type][service] of the HTTP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Expose the udp ping service via a Service | `true` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Number of UDP packets the ping service handles per instance, per second, per sender | `20` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The port to expose on the service | `80` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) The [Service Type][service] of the UDP Service | `LoadBalancer` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Initial delay before performing the first probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Seconds between every liveness probe (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Number of times before giving up (in seconds) | `3` |
| `` | ( ⚠️ release candidate feature ⚠️ ) Number of seconds after which the probe times out (in seconds) | `1` |
| `gameservers.namespaces` | a list of namespaces you are planning to use to deploy game servers | `["default"]` |

@@ -227,0 +227,0 @@ | `gameservers.minPort` | Minimum port to use for dynamic port allocation | `7000` |

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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