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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

!function(t){const e=t.en=t.en||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",All:"All","Almost equal to":"Almost equal to",Angle:"Angle","Approximately equal to":"Approximately equal to",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Arrows:"Arrows","Asterisk operator":"Asterisk operator","Austral sign":"Austral sign","back with leftwards arrow above":"back with leftwards arrow above","Bitcoin sign":"Bitcoin sign",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue","Blue marker":"Blue marker",Bold:"Bold","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List",Cancel:"Cancel","Cedi sign":"Cedi sign","Cent sign":"Cent sign","Character categories":"Character categories","Characters: %0":"Characters: %0","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Code:"Code","Colon sign":"Colon sign",Column:"Column","Contains as member":"Contains as member","Copyright sign":"Copyright sign","Cruzeiro sign":"Cruzeiro sign",Currency:"Currency","Currency sign":"Currency sign","Degree sign":"Degree sign","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey","Division sign":"Division sign","Dollar sign":"Dollar sign","Dong sign":"Dong sign","Double dagger":"Double dagger","Double exclamation mark":"Double exclamation mark","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Double low-9 quotation mark","Double question mark":"Double question mark",Downloadable:"Downloadable","downwards arrow to bar":"downwards arrow to bar","downwards dashed arrow":"downwards dashed arrow","downwards double arrow":"downwards double arrow","downwards simple arrow":"downwards simple arrow","Drachma sign":"Drachma sign","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual toolbar":"Editor contextual toolbar","Editor editing area: %0":"Editor editing area: %0","Editor toolbar":"Editor toolbar","Element of":"Element of","Em dash":"Em dash","Empty set":"Empty set","En dash":"En dash","end with leftwards arrow above":"end with leftwards arrow above","Euro sign":"Euro sign","Euro-currency sign":"Euro-currency sign","Exclamation question mark":"Exclamation question mark","For all":"For all","Fraction slash":"Fraction slash","French franc sign":"French franc sign","German penny sign":"German penny sign","Greater-than or equal to":"Greater-than or equal to","Greater-than sign":"Greater-than sign",Green:"Green","Green marker":"Green marker","Green pen":"Green pen",Grey:"Grey","Guarani sign":"Guarani sign","Header column":"Header column","Header row":"Header row",Heading:"Heading","Heading 1":"Heading 1","Heading 2":"Heading 2","Heading 3":"Heading 3","Heading 4":"Heading 4","Heading 5":"Heading 5","Heading 6":"Heading 6",Highlight:"Highlight","Horizontal ellipsis":"Horizontal ellipsis","Horizontal line":"Horizontal line","Hryvnia sign":"Hryvnia sign","Identical to":"Identical to","Indian rupee sign":"Indian rupee sign",Infinity:"Infinity","Insert column left":"Insert column left","Insert column right":"Insert column right","Insert paragraph after block":"Insert paragraph after block","Insert paragraph before block":"Insert paragraph before block","Insert row above":"Insert row above","Insert row below":"Insert row below","Insert table":"Insert table",Integral:"Integral",Intersection:"Intersection","Inverted exclamation mark":"Inverted exclamation mark","Inverted question mark":"Inverted question mark",Italic:"Italic","Kip sign":"Kip sign",Latin:"Latin","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Latin capital letter a with breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Latin capital letter a with macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Latin capital letter a with ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Latin capital letter c with acute","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Latin capital letter c with caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Latin capital letter c with circumflex","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Latin capital letter c with dot above","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Latin capital letter d with caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Latin capital letter d with stroke","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Latin capital letter e with breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Latin capital letter e with caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Latin capital letter e with dot above","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Latin capital letter e with macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Latin capital letter e with ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Latin capital letter eng","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Latin capital letter g with breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Latin capital letter g with cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Latin capital letter g with circumflex","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Latin capital letter g with dot above","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Latin capital letter h with circumflex","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Latin capital letter h with stroke","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Latin capital letter i with breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Latin capital letter i with dot above","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Latin capital letter i with macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Latin capital letter i with ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Latin capital letter i with tilde","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Latin capital letter j with circumflex","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Latin capital letter k with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Latin capital letter l with acute","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Latin capital letter l with caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Latin capital letter l with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Latin capital letter l with middle dot","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Latin capital letter l with stroke","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Latin capital letter n with acute","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Latin capital letter n with caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Latin capital letter n with cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Latin capital letter o with breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Latin capital letter o with double acute","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Latin capital letter o with macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Latin capital letter r with acute","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Latin capital letter r with caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Latin capital letter r with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Latin capital letter s with acute","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latin capital letter s with caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latin capital letter s with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latin capital letter s with circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latin capital letter t with caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latin capital letter t with cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latin capital letter t with stroke","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latin capital letter u with breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latin capital letter u with double acute","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latin capital letter u with macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latin capital letter u with ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latin capital letter u with ring above","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latin capital letter u with tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latin capital letter w with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latin capital letter y with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latin capital letter y with diaeresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latin capital letter z with acute","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latin capital letter z with caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latin capital letter z with dot above","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latin capital ligature ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latin capital ligature oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latin small letter a with breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latin small letter a with macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latin small letter a with ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latin small letter c with acute","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latin small letter c with caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latin small letter c with circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latin small letter c with dot above","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latin small letter d with caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latin small letter d with stroke","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latin small letter dotless i","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latin small letter e with breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latin small letter e with caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latin small letter e with dot above","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latin small letter e with macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latin small letter e with ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latin small letter eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latin small letter f with hook","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latin small letter g with breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latin small letter g with cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latin small letter g with circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latin small letter g with dot above","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latin small letter h with circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latin small letter h with stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latin small letter i with breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latin small letter i with macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latin small letter i with ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latin small letter i with tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latin small letter j with circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latin small letter k with cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Latin small letter kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latin small letter l with acute","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latin small letter l with caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latin small letter l with cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latin small letter l with middle dot","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latin small letter l with stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latin small letter long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latin small letter n with acute","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latin small letter n with caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latin small letter n with cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latin small letter o with breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latin small letter o with double acute","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latin small letter o with macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latin small letter r with acute","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latin small letter r with caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latin small letter r with cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latin small letter s with acute","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latin small letter s with caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latin small letter s with cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latin small letter s with circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latin small letter t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small ligature ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latin small ligature oe","Left double quotation mark":"Left double quotation mark","Left single quotation mark":"Left single quotation mark","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Left-pointing double angle 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sheqel sign",Next:"Next","Nordic mark sign":"Nordic mark sign","Not an element of":"Not an element of","Not equal to":"Not equal to","Not sign":"Not sign","Numbered List":"Numbered List","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in new tab",Orange:"Orange",Overline:"Overline",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paragraph sign":"Paragraph sign","Partial differential":"Partial differential","Per mille sign":"Per mille sign","Per ten thousand sign":"Per ten thousand sign","Peseta sign":"Peseta sign","Peso sign":"Peso sign","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plus-minus sign":"Plus-minus sign","Pound sign":"Pound sign","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget",Previous:"Previous","Proportional to":"Proportional to",Purple:"Purple","Question exclamation mark":"Question exclamation mark",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Registered sign":"Registered sign","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight","Reversed paragraph sign":"Reversed paragraph sign","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor","Rich Text Editor. Editing area: %0":"Rich Text Editor. 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!function(t){const e=t.en=t.en||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"%0 of %1",All:"All","Almost equal to":"Almost equal to",Angle:"Angle","Approximately equal to":"Approximately equal to",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine",Arrows:"Arrows","Asterisk operator":"Asterisk operator","Austral sign":"Austral sign","back with leftwards arrow above":"back with leftwards arrow above","Bitcoin sign":"Bitcoin sign",Black:"Black","Block quote":"Block quote",Blue:"Blue","Blue marker":"Blue marker",Bold:"Bold","Break text":"Break text","Bulleted List":"Bulleted List",Cancel:"Cancel","Caption for image: %0":"Caption for image: %0","Caption for the image":"Caption for the image","Cedi sign":"Cedi sign","Cent sign":"Cent sign","Centered image":"Centered image","Change image text alternative":"Change image text alternative","Character categories":"Character categories","Characters: %0":"Characters: %0","Choose heading":"Choose heading",Code:"Code","Colon sign":"Colon sign",Column:"Column","Contains as member":"Contains as member","Copyright sign":"Copyright sign","Cruzeiro sign":"Cruzeiro sign",Currency:"Currency","Currency sign":"Currency sign","Degree sign":"Degree sign","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey","Division sign":"Division sign","Dollar sign":"Dollar sign","Dong sign":"Dong sign","Double dagger":"Double dagger","Double exclamation mark":"Double exclamation mark","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Double low-9 quotation mark","Double question mark":"Double question mark",Downloadable:"Downloadable","downwards arrow to bar":"downwards arrow to bar","downwards dashed arrow":"downwards dashed arrow","downwards double arrow":"downwards double arrow","downwards simple arrow":"downwards simple arrow","Drachma sign":"Drachma sign","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Editor block content toolbar":"Editor block content toolbar","Editor contextual 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sign",Latin:"Latin","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Latin capital letter a with breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Latin capital letter a with macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Latin capital letter a with ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Latin capital letter c with acute","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Latin capital letter c with caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Latin capital letter c with circumflex","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Latin capital letter c with dot above","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Latin capital letter d with caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Latin capital letter d with stroke","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Latin capital letter e with breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Latin capital letter e with caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Latin capital letter e with dot above","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Latin capital letter e with macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Latin capital letter e with ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Latin capital letter eng","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Latin capital letter g with breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Latin capital letter g with cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Latin capital letter g with circumflex","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Latin capital letter g with dot above","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Latin capital letter h with circumflex","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Latin capital letter h with stroke","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Latin capital letter i with breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Latin capital letter i with dot above","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Latin capital letter i with macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Latin capital letter i with ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Latin capital letter i with tilde","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Latin capital letter j with circumflex","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Latin capital letter k with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Latin capital letter l with acute","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Latin capital letter l with caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Latin capital letter l with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Latin capital letter l with middle dot","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Latin capital letter l with stroke","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Latin capital letter n with acute","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Latin capital letter n with caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Latin capital letter n with cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Latin capital letter o with breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Latin capital letter o with double acute","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Latin capital letter o with macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Latin capital letter r with acute","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Latin capital letter r with caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Latin capital letter r with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Latin capital letter s with acute","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latin capital letter s with caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latin capital letter s with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latin capital letter s with circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latin capital letter t with caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latin capital letter t with cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latin capital letter t with stroke","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latin capital letter u with breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latin capital letter u with double acute","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latin capital letter u with macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latin capital letter u with ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latin capital letter u with ring above","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latin capital letter u with tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latin capital letter w with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latin capital letter y with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latin capital letter y with diaeresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latin capital letter z with acute","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latin capital letter z with caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latin capital letter z with dot above","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latin capital ligature ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latin capital ligature oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latin small letter a with breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latin small letter a with macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latin small letter a with ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latin small letter c with acute","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latin small letter c with caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latin small letter c with circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latin small letter c with dot above","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latin small letter d with caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latin small letter d with stroke","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latin small letter dotless i","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latin small letter e with breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latin small letter e with caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latin small letter e with dot above","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latin small letter e with macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latin small letter e with ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latin small letter eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latin small letter f with hook","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latin small letter g with breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latin small letter g with cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latin small letter g with circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latin small letter g with dot above","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latin small letter h with circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latin small letter h with stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latin small letter i with breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latin small letter i with macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latin small letter i with ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latin small letter i with tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latin small letter j with circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latin small letter k with cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Latin small letter kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latin small letter l with acute","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latin small letter l with caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latin small letter l with cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latin small letter l with middle dot","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latin small letter l with stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latin small letter long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latin small letter n with acute","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latin small letter n with caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latin small letter n with cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latin small letter o with breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latin small letter o with double acute","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latin small letter o with macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latin small letter r with acute","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latin small letter r with caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latin small letter r with cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latin small letter s with acute","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latin small letter s with caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latin small letter s with cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latin small letter s with circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latin small letter t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small ligature ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latin small ligature oe","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Left double quotation mark":"Left double quotation mark","Left single quotation mark":"Left single quotation mark","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark","leftwards arrow to bar":"leftwards arrow to bar","leftwards dashed arrow":"leftwards dashed arrow","leftwards double arrow":"leftwards double arrow","leftwards simple arrow":"leftwards simple arrow","Less-than or equal to":"Less-than or equal to","Less-than sign":"Less-than sign","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link URL":"Link URL","Lira sign":"Lira sign","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois sign","Logical and":"Logical and","Logical or":"Logical or",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Manat sign",Mathematical:"Mathematical","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge cell left":"Merge cell left","Merge cell right":"Merge cell right","Merge cell up":"Merge cell up","Merge cells":"Merge cells","Mill sign":"Mill sign","Minus sign":"Minus sign","Multiplication sign":"Multiplication sign","N-ary product":"N-ary product","N-ary summation":"N-ary summation",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Naira sign","New sheqel sign":"New sheqel sign",Next:"Next","Nordic mark sign":"Nordic mark sign","Not an element of":"Not an element of","Not equal to":"Not equal to","Not sign":"Not sign","Numbered List":"Numbered List","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above","Open in a new tab":"Open in a new tab","Open link in new tab":"Open link in 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

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with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «A» con macrón","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «A» con ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con punto superior","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «D» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «D» con barra horizontal","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «e» con acento breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con punto superior","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con macrón","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Letra latina mayúscula «Eng»","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con acento breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con punto superior","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «H» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «H» con barra horizontal","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con acento breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con punto superior","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con macrón","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con tilde","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «J» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «K» con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «L» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Letra latina mayúscula «L» con punto medio","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «L» con barra diagonal","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «N» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «n» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «N» con cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «O» con acento breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «O» con doble acento agudo","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «O» con macrón","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «R» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «R» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «R» con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «T» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «T» con cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «T» con barra horizontal","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con acento breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con doble acento agudo","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con macrón","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con anillo superior","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «W» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «Y» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Letra latina mayúscula «Y» con diéresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «Z» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «Z» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter z 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punto","Latin small letter e with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con acento breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con punto superior","Latin small letter e with macron":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con macrón","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Letra latina minúscula «eng»","Latin small letter f with hook":"Letra latina minúscula «f» con gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con acento breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con punto superior","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «h» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Letra latina minúscula «h» con barra horizontal","Latin small letter i with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con acento breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con macrón","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «j» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «k» con cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Letra latina minúscula «kra»","Latin small letter l with acute":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con acento agudo","Latin small letter l with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con punto medio","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con barra 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hacia la izquierda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor que o igual a","Less-than sign":"Signo de menor que","Light blue":"Azul Claro","Light green":"Verde Claro","Light grey":"Gris Claro",Link:"Enlace","Link URL":"URL del enlace","Lira sign":"Signo de la lira","Livre tournois sign":"Signo de libra tornesa","Logical and":"Y lógico","Logical or":"O lógico",Macron:"Macrón","Manat sign":"Signo de manat",Mathematical:"Matemáticas","Merge cell down":"Combinar celda inferior","Merge cell left":"Combinar celda izquierda","Merge cell right":"Combinar celda derecha","Merge cell up":"Combinar celda superior","Merge cells":"Combinar celdas","Mill sign":"Signo de milésima","Minus sign":"Signo de resta","Multiplication sign":"Signo de multiplicación","N-ary product":"Productorio","N-ary summation":"Sumatoria",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Signo de naira","New sheqel sign":"Signo del nuevo séquel",Next:"Siguiente","Nordic mark sign":"Signo de marco nórdico","Not an element of":"No es un elemento de","Not 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mark":"Signo de exclamación interrogativa",Red:"Rojo","Red pen":"Texto rojo",Redo:"Rehacer","Registered sign":"Signo de marca registrada","Remove Format":"Quitar Formato","Remove highlight":"Quitar resaltado","Reversed paragraph sign":"Signo de antígrafo invertido","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de Texto Enriquecido","Rich Text Editor. 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!function(a){const||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"%0 de %1",All:"Todos","Almost equal to":"Casi igual a",Angle:"Ángulo","Approximately equal to":"Aproximadamente igual a",Aquamarine:"Aguamarina",Arrows:"Flechas","Asterisk operator":"Operador asterisco","Austral sign":"Signo de austral","back with leftwards arrow above":"«back» con una flecha hacia la izquierda arriba","Bitcoin sign":"Signo del bitcóin",Black:"Negro","Block quote":"Cita de bloque",Blue:"Azul","Blue marker":"Marcador azul",Bold:"Negrita","Break text":"Permitir quebrar texto","Bulleted List":"Lista con viñetas",Cancel:"Cancelar","Caption for image: %0":"Título de la imagen: %0","Caption for the image":"Descripción de la imagen","Cedi sign":"Signo de cedi","Cent sign":"Signo del centavo","Centered image":"Imagen centrada","Change image text alternative":"Cambiar el texto alternativo de la imagen","Character categories":"Categorías de caracteres","Characters: %0":"Caracteres: %0","Choose 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a","Greater-than sign":"Signo de mayor que",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Texto verde",Grey:"Gris","Guarani sign":"Signo del guaraní","Header column":"Columna de encabezado","Header row":"Fila de encabezado",Heading:"Encabezado","Heading 1":"Encabezado 1","Heading 2":"Encabezado 2","Heading 3":"Encabezado 3","Heading 4":"Encabezado 4","Heading 5":"Encabezado 5","Heading 6":"Encabezado 6",Highlight:"Resaltar","Horizontal ellipsis":"Puntos suspensivos horizontales","Horizontal line":"Línea horizontal","Hryvnia sign":"Signo de grivna","Identical to":"Idéntico a","Image resize list":"Listado para redimensionar imagen","Image toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de imagen","image widget":"Widget de imagen","In line":"En línea","Indian rupee sign":"Signo de rupia india",Infinity:"Infinito",Insert:"Insertar","Insert column left":"Insertar columna izquierda","Insert column right":"Insertar columna derecha","Insert image":"Insertar imagen","Insert image via URL":"Insertar imagen vía URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Insertar párrafo después del bloque","Insert paragraph before block":"Insertar párrafo antes del bloque","Insert row above":"Insertar fila encima","Insert row below":"Insertar fila debajo","Insert table":"Insertar tabla",Integral:"Integral",Intersection:"Intersección","Inverted exclamation mark":"Signo de exclamación de apertura","Inverted question mark":"Signo de interrogación de apertura",Italic:"Cursiva","Kip sign":"Signo de kip",Latin:"Latín","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «A» con acento breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «A» con macrón","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «A» con ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «C» con punto superior","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «D» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «D» con barra horizontal","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «e» con acento breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con punto superior","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con macrón","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «E» con ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Letra latina mayúscula «Eng»","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con acento breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «G» con punto superior","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «H» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «H» con barra horizontal","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con acento breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con punto superior","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con macrón","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con tilde","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «J» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «K» con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «L» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «I» con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Letra latina mayúscula «L» con punto medio","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «L» con barra diagonal","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «N» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «n» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «N» con cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «O» con acento breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «O» con doble acento agudo","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «O» con macrón","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «R» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «R» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «R» con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «S» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «T» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Letra latina mayúscula «T» con cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Letra latina mayúscula «T» con barra horizontal","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con acento breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con doble acento agudo","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con macrón","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con anillo superior","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Letra latina mayúscula «U» con tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «W» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Letra latina mayúscula «Y» con acento circunflejo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Letra latina mayúscula «Y» con diéresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Letra latina mayúscula «Z» con acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Letra latina mayúscula «Z» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Letra latina mayúscula «Z» con punto superior","Latin capital ligature ij":"Ligadura latina mayúscula «IJ»","Latin capital ligature oe":"Ligadura latina mayúscula «OE»","Latin small letter a with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «a» con acento breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Letra latina minúscula «a» con macrón","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Letra latina minúscula «a» con ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Letra latina minúscula «c» con acento agudo","Latin small letter c with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «c» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «c» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Letra latina minúscula «c» con punto superior","Latin small letter d with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «d» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Letra latina minúscula «d» con barra horizontal","Latin small letter dotless i":"Letra latina minúscula «i» sin punto","Latin small letter e with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con acento breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con punto superior","Latin small letter e with macron":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con macrón","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Letra latina minúscula «e» con ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Letra latina minúscula «eng»","Latin small letter f with hook":"Letra latina minúscula «f» con gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con acento breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Letra latina minúscula «g» con punto superior","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «h» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Letra latina minúscula «h» con barra horizontal","Latin small letter i with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con acento breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con macrón","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «j» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «k» con cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Letra latina minúscula «kra»","Latin small letter l with acute":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con acento agudo","Latin small letter l with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «i» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con punto medio","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Letra latina minúscula «l» con barra diagonal","Latin small letter long s":"Letra latina minúscula «s» larga","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Letra latina minúscula «n» precedida de apóstrofo","Latin small letter n with acute":"Letra latina minúscula «n» con acento agudo","Latin small letter n with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «n» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «n» con cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «o» con acento breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Letra latina minúscula «o» con doble acento agudo","Latin small letter o with macron":"Letra latina minúscula «o» con macrón","Latin small letter r with acute":"Letra latina minúscula «r» con acento agudo","Latin small letter r with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «r» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «r» con cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"Letra latina minúscula «s» con acento agudo","Latin small letter s with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «s» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «s» con cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «s» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter t with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «t» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Letra latina minúscula «t» con cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Letra latina minúscula «t» con barra horizontal","Latin small letter u with breve":"Letra latina minúscula «u» con acento breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Letra latina minúscula «u» con doble acento agudo","Latin small letter u with macron":"Letra latina minúscula «u» con macrón","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Letra latina minúscula «u» con ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Letra latina minúscula «u» con anillo superior","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Letra latina minúscula «u» con tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «w» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Letra latina minúscula «y» con acento circunflejo","Latin small letter z with acute":"Letra latina minúscula «z» con acento agudo","Latin small letter z with caron":"Letra latina minúscula «z» con acento anticircunflejo","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Letra latina minúscula «z» con punto superior","Latin small ligature ij":"Ligadura latina minúscula «ij»","Latin small ligature oe":"Ligadura latina minúscula «oe»","Left aligned image":"Imagen alineada a la izquierda","Left double quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica doble de apertura","Left single quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica de apertura","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica doble angular de apertura","leftwards arrow to bar":"flecha hacia la izquierda hasta una barra","leftwards dashed arrow":"flecha punteada hacia la izquierda","leftwards double arrow":"flecha doble hacia la izquierda","leftwards simple arrow":"flecha simple hacia la izquierda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor que o igual a","Less-than sign":"Signo de menor que","Light blue":"Azul Claro","Light green":"Verde Claro","Light grey":"Gris Claro",Link:"Enlace","Link URL":"URL del enlace","Lira sign":"Signo de la lira","Livre tournois sign":"Signo de libra tornesa","Logical and":"Y lógico","Logical 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nueva",Orange:"Anaranjado",Original:"Original",Overline:"Línea alta",Paragraph:"Párrafo","Paragraph sign":"Signo de párrafo","Partial differential":"Diferencial parcial","Per mille sign":"Signo de por mil","Per ten thousand sign":"Signo de por diez mil","Peseta sign":"Signo de la peseta","Peso sign":"Signo del peso","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plus-minus sign":"Signo más-menos","Pound sign":"Signo de la libra","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Pulse Intro para escribir después o pulse Mayús + Intro para escribir antes del «widget».",Previous:"Anterior","Proportional to":"Proporcional a",Purple:"Morado","Question exclamation mark":"Signo de exclamación interrogativa",Red:"Rojo","Red pen":"Texto rojo",Redo:"Rehacer","Registered sign":"Signo de marca registrada","Remove Format":"Quitar Formato","Remove highlight":"Quitar resaltado","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagen","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar imagen al %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar imagen al tamaño original","Reversed paragraph sign":"Signo de antígrafo invertido","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de Texto Enriquecido","Rich Text Editor. Editing area: %0":"Editor de texto enriquecido. Área de edición: %0","Right aligned image":"Imagen alineada a la derecha","Right double quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica de cierre","Right single quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica de cierre","Right-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica dobe angular de cierre","rightwards arrow to bar":"flecha hacia la derecha hasta una barra","rightwards dashed arrow":"flecha punteada hacia la derecha","rightwards double arrow":"flecha doble hacia la derecha","rightwards simple arrow":"flecha simple hacia la derecha",Row:"Fila","Ruble sign":"Signo del rublo","Rupee sign":"Signo de la rupia",Save:"Guardar","Section sign":"Signo de sección","Select all":"Seleccionar todo","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Mostrar más elementos","Side image":"Imagen lateral","Single left-pointing angle quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica simple angular de apertura","Single low-9 quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica en forma de 9 simple y baja","Single right-pointing angle quotation mark":"Comilla tipográfica simple angular de cierre","soon with rightwards arrow above":"«soon» con una flecha hacia la derecha arriba","Special characters":"Caracteres especiales","Spesmilo sign":"Signo de spesmilo","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir celdas horizontalmente","Split cell vertically":"Dividir celdas verticalmente","Square root":"Raíz cuadrada",Strikethrough:"Tachado",Subscript:"Subíndice",Superscript:"Superíndice","Table toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de tabla","Tenge sign":"Signo de tenge",Text:"Texto","Text alternative":"Texto alternativo","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra de herramientas de resaltado de texto","There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Este enlace no tiene URL","Tilde operator":"Operador de tilde","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar título","Toggle caption on":"Activar título","top with upwards arrow above":"«top» con una flecha hacia arriba arriba","Trade mark sign":"Signo de marca comercial","Tugrik sign":"Signo de tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Signo de lira turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Punto de inicio doble",Undo:"Deshacer",Union:"Unión",Unlink:"Quitar enlace","up down arrow with base":"flecha hacia arriba y abajo con una base",Update:"Actualizar","Update image URL":"Actualizar imagen vía URL","Upload failed":"Fallo en la subida","Upload in progress":"Subida en progreso","upwards arrow to bar":"flecha hacia arriba hasta una barra","upwards dashed arrow":"flecha punteada hacia arriba","upwards double arrow":"flecha doble hacia arriba","upwards simple arrow":"flecha simple hacia arriba","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fracción ordinaria de un medio","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fracción ordinaria de un cuarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fracción ordinaria de tres cuartos",White:"Blanco","Widget toolbar":"Barra de herramientas del widget","Won sign":"Signo del won","Words: %0":"Palabras: %0","Wrap text":"Mantener texto unido",Yellow:"Amarillo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarillo","Yen sign":"Signo del yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1==a?0:0!=a&&a%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

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рядок зверху","Insert table":"Вставити таблицю",Integral:"Інтеграл",Intersection:"Перетин","Inverted exclamation mark":"Перевернутий знак оклику","Inverted question mark":"Перевернутий знак питання",Italic:"Курсив","Kip sign":"Символ кіпа",Latin:"Латинські","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Латинська велика літера а з бревісом","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Латинська велика літера а зі знаком довготи","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Латинська велика літера а з хвостиком","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Латинська велика літера с з гострим наголосом","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Латинська велика літера с з пташкою","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера с з дашком","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Латинська велика літера с з крапкою згори","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Латинська велика літера d з пташкою","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Латинська велика літера d з рискою","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Латинська велика літера е з бревісом","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Латинська велика літера е з пташкою","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Латинська велика літера е з крапкою вгорі","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Латинська велика літера е зі знаком довготи","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Латинська велика літера е з хвостиком","Latin capital letter eng":"Латинські великі літери eng","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Латинська велика літера g з бревісом","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Латинська велика літера g з седилем","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера g з дашком","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Латинська велика літера g з крапкою вгорі","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера h з дашком","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Латинська велика літера h з рискою","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Латинська велика літера і з бревісом","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Латинська велика літера і з крапкою вгорі","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Латинська велика літера і зі знаком довготи","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Латинська велика літера і з пташкою","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Латинська велика літера і з тильдою","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера j з дашком","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Латинська велика літера k з седилем","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Латинська велика літера l з гострим наголосом","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Латинська велика літера l із пташкою","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Латинська велика літера l із седилем","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Латинська велика літера l з середньою крапкою","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Латинська велика літера l з рискою","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Латинська велика літера n з гострим наголосом","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Латинська велика літера n із пташкою","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Латинська велика літера n із седилем","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Латинська велика літера о з бревісом","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Латинська велика літера о з подвійним наголосом","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Латинська велика літера о зі знаком довготи","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Латинська велика літера r з гострим наголосом","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Латинська велика літера r із пташкою","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Латинська велика літера r із седилем","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Латинська велика літера s із гострим наголосом","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Латинська велика літера s із пташкою","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Латинська велика літера s із седилем","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера s із дашком","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Латинська велика літера t із пташкою","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Латинська велика літера t із седилем","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Латинська велика літера t із рискою","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Латинська велика літера u із бревісом","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Латинська велика літера u із подвійним наголосом","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Латинська велика літера u зі знаком довготи","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Латинська велика літера u з хвостиком","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Латинська велика літера u із кільцем вгорі","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Латинська велика літера u із тильдою","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера w із дашком","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера y із дашком","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Латинська велика літера y з умляутом","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Латинська велика літера z з гострим наголосом","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Латинська велика літера z з пташкою","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Латинська велика літера z з крапкою вгорі","Latin capital ligature ij":"Латинська велика лігатура ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Латинська велика лігатура ое","Latin small letter a with breve":"Латинська мала літера а з бревісом","Latin small letter a with macron":"Латинська мала літера а зі знаком довготи","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Латинська мала літера а з хвостиком","Latin small letter c with acute":"Латинська мала літера с з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter c with caron":"Латинська мала літера с з пташкою","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера с з дашком","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Латинська мала літера с з крапкою згори","Latin small letter d with caron":"Латинська мала літера d з пташкою","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Латинська мала літера d з рискою","Latin small letter dotless i":"Латинська мала літера і без крапки","Latin small letter e with breve":"Латинська мала літера е з бревісом","Latin small letter e with caron":"Латинська мала літера е з пташкою","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Латинська мала літера е з крапкою вгорі","Latin small letter e with macron":"Латинська мала літера е зі знаком довготи","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Латинська мала літера е з хвостиком","Latin small letter eng":"Латинські малі літери eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Латинська мала літера f з гачком","Latin small letter g with breve":"Латинська мала літера g з бревісом","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера g з седилем","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера g з дашком","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Латинська мала літера g з крапкою вгорі","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера h з дашком","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Латинська мала літера h з рискою","Latin small letter i with breve":"Латинська мала літера і з бревісом","Latin small letter i with macron":"Латинська мала літера і зі знаком довготи","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Латинська мала літера і з пташкою","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Латинська мала літера і з тильдою","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера j з дашком","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера k з седилем","Latin small letter kra":"Латинська мала літера kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Латинська мала літера l з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter l with caron":"Латинська мала літера l із пташкою","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера l із седилем","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Латинська мала літера l з середньою крапкою","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Латинська мала літера l з рискою","Latin small letter long s":"Латинська мала літера довга s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Латинська мала літера n з апострофом","Latin small letter n with acute":"Латинська мала літера n з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter n with caron":"Латинська мала літера n із пташкою","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера n із седилем","Latin small letter o with breve":"Латинська мала літера о з бревісом","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Латинська мала літера о з подвійним наголосом","Latin small letter o with macron":"Латинська мала літера о зі знаком довготи","Latin small letter r with acute":"Латинська мала літера r з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter r with caron":"Латинська мала літера r із пташкою","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера r із седилем","Latin small letter s with acute":"Латинська мала літера s із гострим наголосом ","Latin small letter s with caron":"Латинська мала літера s із пташкою","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера s із седилем","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера s із дашком","Latin small letter t with caron":"Латинська мала літера t із пташкою","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера t із седилем","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Латинська мала літера t із рискою","Latin small letter u with breve":"Латинська мала літера u із бревісом","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Латинська мала літера uіз подвійним наголосом","Latin small letter u with macron":"Латинська мала літера u зі знаком довготи","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Латинська мала літера u з хвостиком","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Латинська мала літера u із кільцем вгорі","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Латинська мала літера u із тильдою","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера w із дашком","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера y із дашком","Latin small letter z with acute":"Латинська мала літера z з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter z with caron":"Латинська мала літера z з пташкою","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Латинська мала літера z з крапкою вгорі","Latin small ligature ij":"Латинська мала лігатура ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Латинська мала лігатура ое","Left aligned image":"Зображення ліворуч","Left double quotation mark":"Подвійні ліві лапки","Left single quotation mark":"Одинарна ліва лапка","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Подвійні лівосторонні кутові лапки","leftwards arrow to bar":"стрілка вліво до блоку","leftwards dashed arrow":"пунктирна стрілка вліво","leftwards double arrow":"подвійна стрілка вліво","leftwards simple arrow":"проста стрілка вліво","Less-than or equal to":"Менше або дорівнює","Less-than sign":"Знак менше","Light blue":"Світло-синій","Light green":"Світло-зелений","Light grey":"Світло-сірий",Link:"Посилання","Link URL":"URL посилання","Lira sign":"Символ ліри","Livre tournois sign":"Символ турського лівру","Logical and":"Логічний сполучник and","Logical or":"Логічний сполучник or",Macron:"Знак довготи","Manat sign":"Символ маната",Mathematical:"Математичні","Merge cell down":"Поєднати комірки внизу","Merge cell left":"Поєднати комірки ліворуч","Merge cell right":"Поєднати комірки праворуч","Merge cell up":"Поєднати комірки вгору","Merge cells":"Поєднати комірки","Mill sign":"Символ мільйона","Minus sign":"Знак мінус","Multiplication sign":"Знак множення","N-ary product":"Пі","N-ary summation":"Сигма",Nabla:"Набла","Naira sign":"Символ найри","New sheqel sign":"Символ нового шекеля",Next:"Наступний","Nordic mark sign":"Символ нордичної марки","Not an element of":"Не елемент","Not equal to":"Не дорівнює","Not sign":"Знак не","Numbered List":"Нумерований список","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on зі знаком оклику зі стрілкою вліво-вправо зверху","Open in a new tab":"Вікрити у новій вкладці","Open link in new tab":"Відкрити посилання у новій вкладці",Orange:"Помаранчевий",Original:"Оригінал",Overline:"Риска згори",Paragraph:"Параграф","Paragraph sign":"Знак абзацу","Partial differential":"Частинні похідні","Per mille sign":"Знак проміле","Per ten thousand sign":"Знак на десять тисяч","Peseta sign":"Символ песети","Peso sign":"Символ песо","Pink marker":"Рожевий маркер","Plus-minus sign":"Знак плюс-мінус","Pound sign":"Символ фунта","Press Enter to type after or press Shift + Enter to type before the widget":"Натисніть Enter, щоб друкувати після або натисніть Shift + Enter, щоб друкувати перед віджетом",Previous:"Попередній","Proportional to":"Пропорційно до",Purple:"Фіолетовий","Question exclamation mark":"Знак питання і знак оклику",Red:"Червоний","Red pen":"Червоний маркер",Redo:"Повтор","Registered sign":"Знак реєстрації","Remove Format":"Видалити форматування","Remove highlight":"Видалити виділення","Resize image":"Розтягнути зображення","Resize image to %0":"Розтягнути зображення до %0","Resize image to the original size":"Розтягнути зображення до оригінального розміру","Reversed paragraph sign":"Перевернутий знак абзацу","Rich Text Editor":"Розширений текстовий редактор","Rich Text Editor. Editing area: %0":"Редактор Rich Text. Область редагування: %0","Right aligned image":"Зображення праворуч","Right double quotation mark":"Подвійні праві лапки","Right single quotation mark":"Одинарна права лапка","Right-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Подвійні правосторонні кутові лапки","rightwards arrow to bar":"стрілка вправо до блоку","rightwards dashed arrow":"пунктирна стрілка вправо","rightwards double arrow":"подвійна стрілка вправо","rightwards simple arrow":"проста стрілка вправо",Row:"Рядок","Ruble sign":"Символ рубля","Rupee sign":"Символ рупії",Save:"Зберегти","Section sign":"Знак розділу","Select all":"Вибрати все","Select column":"Виберіть стовпчик","Select row":"Виберіть рядок","Show more items":"Показати більше","Side image":"Бокове зображення","Single left-pointing angle quotation mark":"Одинарна лівостороння кутова лапка","Single low-9 quotation mark":"Одинарна нижня лапка","Single right-pointing angle quotation mark":"Одинарна правостороння кутова лапка","soon with rightwards arrow above":"soon зі стрілкою вправо зверху","Special characters":"Спеціальні символи","Spesmilo sign":"Символ спесміло","Split cell horizontally":"Розділити комірки горизонтально","Split cell vertically":"Розділити комірки вертикально","Square root":"Квадратний корінь",Strikethrough:"Закреслений",Subscript:"Нижній індекс",Superscript:"Верхній індекс","Table toolbar":"Панель інструментів таблиці","Tenge sign":"Символ тенге",Text:"Текст","Text alternative":"Текстова альтернатива","Text highlight toolbar":"Панель виділення тексту","There exists":"Там існує","This link has no URL":"Це посилання не має URL","Tilde operator":"Оператор тильди","Toggle caption off":"Вимкнути підпис","Toggle caption on":"Увімкнути підпис","top with upwards arrow above":"top зі стрілкою вгору зверху","Trade mark sign":"Знак торгової марки","Tugrik sign":"Символ тугрика","Turkish lira sign":"Символ турецької ліри",Turquoise:"Бірюзовий","Two dot leader":"Лідер із двох крапок",Undo:"Відміна",Union:"Юніон",Unlink:"Видалити посилання","up down arrow with base":"стрілка вгору-вниз із основою",Update:"Оновити","Update image URL":"Оновити посилання на зображення","Upload failed":"Завантаження не вдалось","Upload in progress":"Виконується завантаження","upwards arrow to bar":"стрілка вгору до блоку","upwards dashed arrow":"пунктирна стрілка вгору","upwards double arrow":"подвійна стрілка вгору","upwards simple arrow":"проста стрілка вгору","Vulgar fraction one half":"Звичайний дріб одна друга","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Звичайний дріб одна четверта","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Звичайний дріб три четвертих",White:"Білий","Widget toolbar":"Панель інструментів віджетів","Won sign":"Символ вони","Words: %0":"Слова: %0","Wrap text":"Обернути текст",Yellow:"Жовтий","Yellow marker":"Жовтий маркер","Yen sign":"Символ єни"}),e.getPluralForm=function(t){return t%1==0&&t%10==1&&t%100!=11?0:t%1==0&&t%10>=2&&t%10<=4&&(t%100<12||t%100>14)?1:t%1==0&&(t%10==0||t%10>=5&&t%10<=9||t%100>=11&&t%100<=14)?2:3}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={}));
"name": "@hpi-schul-cloud/ckeditor",
"version": "0.4.0",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Custom version of CKEditor5 for the Schulcloud-Verbund-Software-Client",

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ "author": "Dataport Schulcloud-Verbund-Software Team",

"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-balloon": "^37.1.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-editor-classic": "^37.1.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-essentials": "^37.1.0",

@@ -34,2 +35,3 @@ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-heading": "^37.1.0",

"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-horizontal-line": "^37.1.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image": "^37.1.0",
"@ckeditor/ckeditor5-link": "^37.1.0",

@@ -36,0 +38,0 @@ "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-list": "^37.1.0",

@@ -11,2 +11,7 @@ # CKEditor

## Supported editor modes
- classic toolbar
- balloon toolbar
## Built-in plugins

@@ -22,2 +27,4 @@

- HorizontalLine
- Image
- ImageInsertViaUrl
- Italic

@@ -37,2 +44,4 @@ - Link

Note: the included image plugins only support an image insertion via URL, not via upload
## Supported languages

@@ -39,0 +48,0 @@

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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