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3.1.72 2023-12-27

HuaweiCloud SDK AAD

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • CreateAadDomain
      • CreateCertificate
      • ModifyDomainWebSwitch
      • ListSourceIps
      • AddBlackWhiteIpList
      • DeleteBlackWhiteIpList
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK APIG

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListMetricData
      • changes of response param
        • * datapoints.timestamp: int32 -> int64
    • ListApisV2
      • changes of request param
        • + return_data_mode: enum value [brief,include_group,include_group_backend]

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsArtifact

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • BatchRestoreRepo
      • BatchDeleteTrashes
      • CreateMavenRepo
      • ShowProjectList
      • ModifyRepository
      • ShowRepositoryInfo
      • CreateDockerRepositories
      • DeleteRepository
      • ShowStorage
      • ShowMavenInfo
      • CreateProjectRelatedRepository
      • SearchByChecksum
      • SearchArtifacts
      • ResetUserPassword
      • ShowFileTree
      • ListArtifactoryComponent
      • ListAllRepositories
      • ShowAudit
      • ShowRepository
      • ListArtifactoryStorageStatistic
      • CreateAttention
      • ListAttentions
      • UpdateArtifactory
      • CreateArtifactory
      • DeleteArtifactFile
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK CSMS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListResourceInstances
      • changes of response param
        • + resources.sys_tags

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ListFactoryJobs, CreateFactoryJob, ListFactoryAlarmInfo
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ShowInstanceSslDetail, UpdateSslSwitch, DownloadSslCert
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK DDS

  • Features
    • Support the API ShowClientNetwork
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL

  • Features
    • Support the API ListJobs
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK HSS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowAssetStatistic
      • changes of response param
        • + environment_num
        • + core_conf_file_num
    • ListPorts
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.agent_id
        • + data_list.container_id
    • ListSwrImageRepository
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.instance_name
        • + data_list.instance_id
        • + data_list.instance_url

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • Support the APIs CreateShrinkageJob, ShowShrinkCheckResult
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK MetaStudio

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListDigitalHumanVideo
      • ListInteractionRuleGroups
      • CreateInteractionRuleGroup
      • UpdateInteractionRuleGroup
      • DeleteInteractionRuleGroup
      • CheckTextLanguage
      • CreateFacialAnimations
      • ListFacialAnimationsData
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateFile
      • changes of response param
        • - file_id
        • - upload_url
    • ExecuteSmartLiveCommand
      • changes of request param
        • + review_config
        • + command: enum value [GET_CURRENT_PLAYING_SCRIPTS]
    • CreatePictureModelingByUrlJob
      • changes of request param
        • - X-User-Privilege
    • ListAssetSummary
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_list.asset_type: enum value [AUDIO]
    • Create2DDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of request param
        • + review_config
        • + callback_config
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
    • Show2DDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of response param
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
    • CreatePhotoDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of request param
        • + review_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
    • ShowPhotoDigitalHumanVideo
      • changes of response param
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
    • LiveEventReport
      • changes of request param
        • + review_config
    • CreateTtsa
      • changes of request param
        • - X-User-Privilege
        • + script_type
        • + audio_file_download_url
        • + job_type
        • - parent_job_id
        • - auto_motion
    • ListTtsaJobs
      • changes of response param
        • + ttsa_jobs.job_type
    • ListTtsaData
      • changes of response param
        • + start_time
        • + end_time
        • + is_tail
    • ListStyles
      • changes of response param
        • - styles.extra_meta.edit_value_items
        • - styles.extra_meta.edit_color_items
        • - styles.extra_meta.edit_components
        • - styles.extra_meta.modelling_algorithm
    • CreateDigitalHumanBusinessCard
      • changes of request param
        • + introduction_type
        • + introduction_audio_asset_id
        • + review_config
      • changes of response param
        • - job_id
    • UpdateDigitalHumanBusinessCard
      • changes of request param
        • + introduction_type
        • + introduction_audio_asset_id
        • + review_config
      • changes of response param
        • - job_id
    • ShowDigitalHumanBusinessCard
      • changes of response param
        • + introduction_audio_asset_id
        • + introduction_type
    • ShowSmartLive
      • changes of response param
        • + stream_duration
        • + block_reason
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + state: enum value [BLOCKED]
        • + rtc_room_info.users.user_type: enum value [INFERENCE_USER,END_USER]
    • ListVideoScripts
      • changes of request param
        • + name
        • + script_catalog
        • + view_mode
      • changes of response param
        • + video_scripts.script_cover_url
        • + video_scripts.script_type
        • + video_scripts.text
        • - video_scripts.video_making_type
        • - video_scripts.human_image
    • ShowVideoScript
      • changes of response param
        • + script_cover_url
        • + review_config
        • - video_making_type
        • - human_image
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
        • * shoot_scripts: list<ShootScriptItem> -> list<ShootScriptShowItem>
    • CreatePictureModelingJob
      • changes of request param
        • - X-User-Privilege
      • changes of response param
        • - model_asset_id
        • - job_id
    • ShowVideoMotionCaptureJob
      • changes of response param
        • + input_info.rtc_room_info.users.user_type: enum value [INFERENCE_USER,END_USER]
    • ShowAsset
      • changes of response param
        • + reason
        • + is_need_generate_cover
        • + fail_type
        • + asset_type: enum value [AUDIO]
        • + files.state
        • + files.reason
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.speed_ratio
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.volume_ratio
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.tts_mode
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.external_voice_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.language: enum value [GER,fr,Kr,por,JPN,Ita,ESP,DBH,GT,GXH,HBH,SXH,SCH,YY,Russian,Filipino,Dutch,Indonesian,Vietnamese,Arabic,Turkish,Malay,Thai,Finnish]
        • + asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.model_resolution
        • - asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.is_realtime_matting
        • + asset_extra_meta.ppt_meta.error_info
    • UpdateDigitalAsset
      • changes of request param
        • + is_need_generate_cover
        • + review_config
        • + asset_type: enum value [AUDIO]
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.speed_ratio
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.volume_ratio
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.tts_mode
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.external_voice_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.language: enum value [GER,fr,Kr,por,JPN,Ita,ESP,DBH,GT,GXH,HBH,SXH,SCH,YY,Russian,Filipino,Dutch,Indonesian,Vietnamese,Arabic,Turkish,Malay,Thai,Finnish]
        • + asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.model_resolution
        • - asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.is_realtime_matting
        • + asset_extra_meta.ppt_meta.error_info
      • changes of response param
        • + reason
        • + is_need_generate_cover
        • + fail_type
        • + asset_type: enum value [AUDIO]
        • + files.state
        • + files.reason
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.speed_ratio
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.volume_ratio
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.tts_mode
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.external_voice_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.language: enum value [GER,fr,Kr,por,JPN,Ita,ESP,DBH,GT,GXH,HBH,SXH,SCH,YY,Russian,Filipino,Dutch,Indonesian,Vietnamese,Arabic,Turkish,Malay,Thai,Finnish]
        • + asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.model_resolution
        • - asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.is_realtime_matting
        • + asset_extra_meta.ppt_meta.error_info
    • ListSmartLiveRooms
      • changes of request param
        • + room_type
      • changes of response param
        • + smart_live_rooms.room_type
        • + smart_live_rooms.room_state
        • + smart_live_rooms.error_info
        • + smart_live_rooms.model_infos.backup_model_asset_ids
    • CreateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + stream_keys
        • + backup_model_asset_ids
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + review_config
        • + shared_config
        • + room_type: enum value [TEMPLATE]
        • + play_policy.random_play_mode
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.group_id
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
        • + interaction_rules.rule_index
        • + interaction_rules.review_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_audios
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_mode: enum value [CALLBACK,SHOW_LAYER]
    • ShowSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of response param
        • + backup_model_asset_ids
        • + error_info
        • + stream_keys
        • + shared_config
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + room_state
        • + review_config
        • + room_type: enum value [TEMPLATE]
        • + play_policy.random_play_mode
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.group_id
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
        • + interaction_rules.rule_index
        • + interaction_rules.review_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_audios
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_mode: enum value [CALLBACK,SHOW_LAYER]
    • UpdateSmartLiveRoom
      • changes of request param
        • + stream_keys
        • + backup_model_asset_ids
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + review_config
        • + shared_config
        • + room_type: enum value [TEMPLATE]
        • + play_policy.random_play_mode
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.group_id
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
        • + interaction_rules.rule_index
        • + interaction_rules.review_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_audios
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_mode: enum value [CALLBACK,SHOW_LAYER]
      • changes of response param
        • + backup_model_asset_ids
        • + error_info
        • + stream_keys
        • + shared_config
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + room_state
        • + review_config
        • + room_type: enum value [TEMPLATE]
        • + play_policy.random_play_mode
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.group_id
        • + scene_scripts.layer_config.layer_type: enum value [TEXT]
        • + interaction_rules.rule_index
        • + interaction_rules.review_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.layer_config
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_audios
        • + interaction_rules.trigger.reply_mode: enum value [CALLBACK,SHOW_LAYER]
    • StartSmartLive
      • changes of request param
        • + stream_keys
        • + interaction_callback_url
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + video_config.subtitle_config
        • - video_config.disable_system_watermark
        • + video_config.codec: enum value [VP9]
        • + play_policy.random_play_mode
      • changes of response param
        • + live_warning_info
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + rtc_room_info.users.user_type: enum value [INFERENCE_USER,END_USER]
    • ListSmartLive
      • changes of response param
        • + stream_duration
        • + block_reason
        • + live_event_callback_config
        • + smart_live_jobs.live_event_callback_config
        • + smart_live_jobs.stream_duration
        • + smart_live_jobs.block_reason
        • + smart_live_jobs.state: enum value [BLOCKED]
        • + smart_live_jobs.rtc_room_info.users.user_type: enum value [INFERENCE_USER,END_USER]
    • CreateVideoMotionCaptureJob
      • changes of request param
        • + input_info.rtc_room_info.users.user_type: enum value [INFERENCE_USER,END_USER]
      • changes of response param
        • - rtc_room_info
        • - job_id
        • + rtc_room_info.users.user_type: enum value [INFERENCE_USER,END_USER]
    • ListVideoMotionCaptureJobs
      • changes of response param
        • + video_motion_capture_jobs.input_info.rtc_room_info.users.user_type: enum value [INFERENCE_USER,END_USER]
    • CreateDigitalAsset
      • changes of request param
        • + is_need_generate_cover
        • + review_config
        • + asset_type: enum value [AUDIO]
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.speed_ratio
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.volume_ratio
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.tts_mode
        • - asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.external_voice_meta
        • + asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.language: enum value [GER,fr,Kr,por,JPN,Ita,ESP,DBH,GT,GXH,HBH,SXH,SCH,YY,Russian,Filipino,Dutch,Indonesian,Vietnamese,Arabic,Turkish,Malay,Thai,Finnish]
        • + asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.model_resolution
        • - asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.is_realtime_matting
        • + asset_extra_meta.ppt_meta.error_info
    • ListAssets
      • changes of request param
        • - asset_manage_type
        • - X-User-MePrivilege
      • changes of response param
        • + reason
        • + is_need_generate_cover
        • + fail_type
        • + assets.fail_type
        • + assets.reason
        • + assets.is_need_generate_cover
        • + assets.asset_type: enum value [AUDIO]
        • + assets.system_properties.key: enum value [MATERIAL_IMG,MATERIAL_VIDEO,BUSSINESS_CARD_VIDEO,TO_BE_TRANSLATED_VIDEO]
        • + assets.files.state
        • + assets.files.reason
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.speed_ratio
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.volume_ratio
        • - assets.asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.tts_mode
        • - assets.asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.external_voice_meta
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.voice_model_meta.language: enum value [GER,fr,Kr,por,JPN,Ita,ESP,DBH,GT,GXH,HBH,SXH,SCH,YY,Russian,Filipino,Dutch,Indonesian,Vietnamese,Arabic,Turkish,Malay,Thai,Finnish]
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.model_resolution
        • - assets.asset_extra_meta.human_model_2d_meta.is_realtime_matting
        • + assets.asset_extra_meta.ppt_meta.error_info

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs SetInstancesNewDbShrink, StopBackup
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None
published 3.1.71 •



3.1.71 2023-12-22

HuaweiCloud SDK Config

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowTrackerConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + channel.obs.bucket_prefix
    • CreateTrackerConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + channel.obs.bucket_prefix

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowGroups
      • changes of response param
        • * group.group_message_offsets.lag: int32 -> int64
    • ShowInstanceTopicDetail
      • changes of response param
        • * partitions.replicas.lag: int32 -> int64
published 3.1.70 •



3.1.70 2023-12-21

HuaweiCloud SDK AS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateScalingConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_config.disk.iops
        • + instance_config.disk.throughput
        • + instance_config.disk.volume_type: enum value [GPSSD2,ESSD2]
    • ListScalingConfigs
      • changes of response param
        • + scaling_configurations.instance_config.disk.iops
        • + scaling_configurations.instance_config.disk.throughput
        • + scaling_configurations.instance_config.disk.volume_type: enum value [GPSSD2,ESSD2]
    • ShowScalingConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + scaling_configuration.instance_config.disk.iops
        • + scaling_configuration.instance_config.disk.throughput
        • + scaling_configuration.instance_config.disk.volume_type: enum value [GPSSD2,ESSD2]

HuaweiCloud SDK CloudTable

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateCloudTableCluster
      • changes of request param
        • + cluster_name
        • + datastore
        • + availability_zone
        • + nics
        • + cluster_info
        • + enterprise_project_id
        • + vpc_id
        • + dbuser
        • + dbuserpwd
        • - cluster
        • * body: object<CreateClusterRequestBody> -> object<CreateClusterReqBody>
      • changes of response param
        • + jobId
        • + getJobEndpoint
    • CreateCluster
      • changes of request param
        • * cluster.instance.nics: list<Nics> -> list<nic>

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsPipeline

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowPipelineRunDetail
      • changes of response param
        • * current_system_time: string -> int64
        • * stages.pre.endpoint_ids: string -> list<string>

HuaweiCloud SDK DC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateVifPeer
      • changes of response param
        • + vif_peer.enable_nqa
        • + vif_peer.enable_bfd
    • CreateVifPeer
      • changes of response param
        • + vif_peer.enable_nqa
        • + vif_peer.enable_bfd
    • ShowDirectConnect
      • changes of response param
        • + direct_connect.signed_agreement_time
        • + direct_connect.locales
        • + direct_connect.support_feature
        • + direct_connect.ies_id
        • + direct_connect.reason
        • +
        • + direct_connect.onestop_product_id
        • + direct_connect.building_line_product_id
        • + direct_connect.last_onestop_product_id
        • + direct_connect.last_building_line_product_id
        • + direct_connect.modified_bandwidth
        • + direct_connect.change_mode
        • + direct_connect.onestopdc_status
        • + direct_connect.public_border_group
        • + direct_connect.auto_renew
        • + direct_connect.ratio_95peak
        • + direct_connect.type: enum value [onestop_standard,onestop_hosted]
        • - direct_connect.status: enum value [ORDERING,ACCEPT,REJECTED]
    • UpdateDirectConnect
      • changes of response param
        • + direct_connect.signed_agreement_time
        • + direct_connect.locales
        • + direct_connect.support_feature
        • + direct_connect.ies_id
        • + direct_connect.reason
        • +
        • + direct_connect.onestop_product_id
        • + direct_connect.building_line_product_id
        • + direct_connect.last_onestop_product_id
        • + direct_connect.last_building_line_product_id
        • + direct_connect.modified_bandwidth
        • + direct_connect.change_mode
        • + direct_connect.onestopdc_status
        • + direct_connect.public_border_group
        • + direct_connect.auto_renew
        • + direct_connect.ratio_95peak
        • + direct_connect.type: enum value [onestop_standard,onestop_hosted]
        • - direct_connect.status: enum value [ORDERING,ACCEPT,REJECTED]
    • ListDirectConnects
      • changes of response param
        • + direct_connects.signed_agreement_time
        • + direct_connects.locales
        • + direct_connects.support_feature
        • + direct_connects.ies_id
        • + direct_connects.reason
        • +
        • + direct_connects.onestop_product_id
        • + direct_connects.building_line_product_id
        • + direct_connects.last_onestop_product_id
        • + direct_connects.last_building_line_product_id
        • + direct_connects.modified_bandwidth
        • + direct_connects.change_mode
        • + direct_connects.onestopdc_status
        • + direct_connects.public_border_group
        • + direct_connects.auto_renew
        • + direct_connects.ratio_95peak
        • + direct_connects.type: enum value [onestop_standard,onestop_hosted]
        • - direct_connects.status: enum value [ORDERING,ACCEPT,REJECTED]
    • ListHostedDirectConnects
      • changes of response param
        • + hosted_connects.port_type
        • + hosted_connects.type
        • + hosted_connects.status: enum value [PENDING_UPDATE,PENDING_CREATE]
    • CreateHostedDirectConnect
      • changes of response param
        • + hosted_connect.port_type
        • + hosted_connect.type
        • + hosted_connect.status: enum value [PENDING_UPDATE,PENDING_CREATE]
    • ShowHostedDirectConnect
      • changes of response param
        • + hosted_connect.port_type
        • + hosted_connect.type
        • + hosted_connect.status: enum value [PENDING_UPDATE,PENDING_CREATE]
    • UpdateHostedDirectConnect
      • changes of response param
        • + hosted_connect.port_type
        • + hosted_connect.type
        • + hosted_connect.status: enum value [PENDING_UPDATE,PENDING_CREATE]
    • ShowVirtualGateway
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_gateway.device_id
        • + virtual_gateway.redundant_device_id
        • + virtual_gateway.public_border_group
    • UpdateVirtualGateway
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_gateway.device_id
        • + virtual_gateway.redundant_device_id
        • + virtual_gateway.public_border_group
    • ListVirtualGateways
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_gateways.device_id
        • + virtual_gateways.redundant_device_id
        • + virtual_gateways.public_border_group
    • CreateVirtualGateway
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_gateway.device_id
        • + virtual_gateway.redundant_device_id
        • + virtual_gateway.public_border_group
    • ShowVirtualInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interface.local_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interface.remote_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interface.ies_id
        • + virtual_interface.reason
        • + virtual_interface.rate_limit
        • + virtual_interface.address_family
        • + virtual_interface.local_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interface.remote_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interface.lgw_id
        • + virtual_interface.gateway_id
        • + virtual_interface.remote_ep_group
        • + virtual_interface.service_ep_group
        • + virtual_interface.bgp_route_limit
        • + virtual_interface.priority
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.enable_nqa
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.enable_bfd
    • UpdateVirtualInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interface.local_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interface.remote_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interface.ies_id
        • + virtual_interface.reason
        • + virtual_interface.rate_limit
        • + virtual_interface.address_family
        • + virtual_interface.local_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interface.remote_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interface.lgw_id
        • + virtual_interface.gateway_id
        • + virtual_interface.remote_ep_group
        • + virtual_interface.service_ep_group
        • + virtual_interface.bgp_route_limit
        • + virtual_interface.priority
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.enable_nqa
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.enable_bfd
    • ListVirtualInterfaces
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interfaces.local_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interfaces.remote_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interfaces.ies_id
        • + virtual_interfaces.reason
        • + virtual_interfaces.rate_limit
        • + virtual_interfaces.address_family
        • + virtual_interfaces.local_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interfaces.remote_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interfaces.lgw_id
        • + virtual_interfaces.gateway_id
        • + virtual_interfaces.remote_ep_group
        • + virtual_interfaces.service_ep_group
        • + virtual_interfaces.bgp_route_limit
        • + virtual_interfaces.priority
        • + virtual_interfaces.vif_peers.enable_nqa
        • + virtual_interfaces.vif_peers.enable_bfd
    • CreateVirtualInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interface.local_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interface.remote_gateway_v4_ip
        • + virtual_interface.ies_id
        • + virtual_interface.reason
        • + virtual_interface.rate_limit
        • + virtual_interface.address_family
        • + virtual_interface.local_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interface.remote_gateway_v6_ip
        • + virtual_interface.lgw_id
        • + virtual_interface.gateway_id
        • + virtual_interface.remote_ep_group
        • + virtual_interface.service_ep_group
        • + virtual_interface.bgp_route_limit
        • + virtual_interface.priority
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.enable_nqa
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.enable_bfd

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • Support the API ValidateDeletableReplica
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowExpireKeyScanInfo
      • changes of request param
        • + offset
        • + limit
        • + status

HuaweiCloud SDK DRS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • BatchCreateJobs
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.engine_type: enum value [mysql-to-kafka,taurus-to-kafka,gaussdbv5ha-to-kafka]
        • + jobs.source_endpoint.db_type: enum value [taurus]
    • BatchValidateConnections
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.db_type: enum value [taurus]
    • ShowJobList
      • changes of request param
        • + engine_type: enum value [gaussdbv5,postgresql,mysql-to-kafka,taurus-to-kafka,gaussdbv5ha-to-kafka]
    • BatchUpdateJob
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.engine_type: enum value [gaussdbv5,postgresql,mysql-to-kafka,taurus-to-kafka,gaussdbv5ha-to-kafka]
        • + jobs.source_endpoint.db_type: enum value [taurus]
    • BatchListJobDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + results.source_endpoint.db_type: enum value [taurus]
        • + results.inst_info.engine_type: enum value [gaussdbv5,postgresql,mysql-to-kafka,taurus-to-kafka,gaussdbv5ha-to-kafka]
    • ShowJobDetail
      • changes of request param
        • + type: enum value [compare]
        • + type: enum value [comapre]
        • + query_type: enum value [diff]

HuaweiCloud SDK ECS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • BatchCreateServerTags
      • changes of request param
        • * tags: list<ServerTag> -> list<BatchAddServerTag>
    • UpdateServer
      • changes of request param
        • + server.user_data

HuaweiCloud SDK EIP

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the APIs UpdateDisassociatePublicip, UpdateAssociatePublicip

HuaweiCloud SDK HSS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListProcessesHost
      • ListPortHost
      • ChangeCheckRuleAction
      • ListVulScanTask
      • CreateVulnerabilityScanTask
      • ListVulScanTaskHost
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowAssetStatistic
      • changes of request param
        • + category
      • changes of response param
        • + web_app_num
        • + database_num
        • + web_service_num
    • ChangeVulScanPolicy
      • changes of request param
        • + scan_vul_types
    • ListJarPackageHostInfo
      • changes of request param
        • + part_match
    • ListUserStatistics
      • changes of request param
        • + category
    • ListPortStatistics
      • changes of request param
        • + category
    • ListProcessStatistics
      • changes of request param
        • + category
    • ListAppStatistics
      • changes of request param
        • + category
    • ListUsers
      • changes of request param
        • + category
        • + part_match
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.container_id
        • + data_list.container_name
    • ListPorts
      • changes of request param
        • + category
    • ListApps
      • changes of request param
        • + category
        • + part_match
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.container_id
        • + data_list.container_name
    • ListAutoLaunchs
      • changes of request param
        • + part_match
    • ListProtectionServer
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.agent_version
    • ListContainerNodes
      • changes of request param
        • + container_tags
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.protect_interrupt
        • + data_list.container_tags
        • + data_list.private_ip
        • + data_list.public_ip
        • + data_list.resource_id
        • + data_list.group_name
        • + data_list.enterprise_project_name
        • + data_list.detect_result
        • + data_list.asset
        • + data_list.vulnerability
        • + data_list.intrusion
        • + data_list.policy_group_id
        • + data_list.policy_group_name
    • ListHostStatus
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.expire_time
        • + data_list.protect_interrupt
    • BatchScanSwrImage
      • changes of request param
        • + image_size
        • + start_latest_update_time
        • + end_latest_update_time
        • + start_latest_scan_time
        • + end_latest_scan_time
        • + image_info_list.instance_id
        • + image_info_list.instance_url
    • ListImageVulnerabilities
      • changes of request param
        • + type
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.app_path
    • ListImageRiskConfigs
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_id
    • ListImageRiskConfigRules
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_id
    • ShowImageCheckRuleDetail
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_id
    • ListAlarmWhiteList
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.white_field
        • + data_list.field_value
        • + data_list.judge_type
    • ListSwrImageRepository
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_name
        • + image_size
        • + start_latest_update_time
        • + end_latest_update_time
        • + start_latest_scan_time
        • + end_latest_scan_time
        • + has_malicious_file
        • + has_unsafe_setting
        • + has_vul
        • + instance_id
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.scan_failed_desc
    • ListSecurityEvents
      • changes of request param
        • + public_ip
        • + event_name
      • changes of response param
        • + data_list.event_count
    • ChangeEvent
      • changes of request param
        • + event_white_rule_list

HuaweiCloud SDK IVS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • DetectStandardByNameAndId
      • changes of request param
        • + data.req_data.detail
        • + data.req_data.crop
    • DetectStandardByIdCardImage
      • changes of request param
        • + data.req_data.detail
        • + data.req_data.crop
    • DetectStandardByVideoAndIdCardImage
      • changes of request param
        • + data.req_data.detail
    • DetectStandardByVideoAndNameAndId
      • changes of request param
        • + data.req_data.detail

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • Support the API SendKafkaMessage
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the API CreatePartition
    • UpdateInstanceTopic
      • changes of request param
        • + topics.new_partition_brokers
    • ListInstanceConsumerGroups
      • changes of response param
        • * groups.lag: int32 -> int64
    • ListInstances
      • changes of request param
        • + status: enum value [UPGRADING,UPGRADINGFAILED]

HuaweiCloud SDK MPC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateTranscodingTask
      • changes of request param
        • + video_process.hls_storage_type

HuaweiCloud SDK SFSTurbo

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListFsTasks
      • changes of response param
        • * tasks: list<object> -> list<OneFsTaskResp>
    • ShowShare
      • changes of response param
        • + tags
        • + enterprise_project_id
    • DeleteBackendTarget
      • changes of response param
        • + lifecycle: enum value [FAILED]
    • CreateShare
      • changes of request param
        • + share.tags
    • ListShares
      • changes of response param
        • + tags
        • + enterprise_project_id
        • + shares.enterprise_project_id
        • + shares.tags

HuaweiCloud SDK TICS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowAgentDetail
      • changes of response param
        • * agent_deploy.aom_flag: byte -> boolean
        • * agent_deploy.bcs_flag: byte -> boolean
        • * agent_deploy.high_avail: byte -> boolean
        • + agent_deploy_detail.ief_instance_id
        • + agent_deploy_node.agent_vpcep_eps_id
        • + agent_deploy_node.league_server_ip_security_group_rule
        • + agent_deploy_node.league_server_snat_ip
        • + agent_deploy_node.server_to_agent_vpcep_epi_id
        • + agent_deploy_node.server_to_agent_vpcep_epi_ip
        • + agent_deploy_node.snat_rule_id

HuaweiCloud SDK VOD

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ListAssetDailySummaryLog, UpdateStorageMode, ShowVodRetrieval
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowTakeOverAssetDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + transcode_info.output.group_id
        • + transcode_info.output.group_name
    • PublishAssets
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_info_array.is_multi_transcode
        • + asset_info_array.play_info_array.group_id
        • + asset_info_array.play_info_array.group_name
    • UnpublishAssets
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_info_array.is_multi_transcode
        • + asset_info_array.play_info_array.group_id
        • + asset_info_array.play_info_array.group_name
    • ShowAssetMeta
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_info_array.is_multi_transcode
        • + asset_info_array.play_info_array.group_id
        • + asset_info_array.play_info_array.group_name
    • ShowAssetDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + transcode_info.output.group_id
        • + transcode_info.output.group_name
    • ShowTakeOverTaskDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + assets.transcode_info.output.group_id
        • + assets.transcode_info.output.group_name
published 3.1.69 •



3.1.69 2023-12-14

HuaweiCloud SDK BMS

  • Features
    • Support the API DeleteBaremetalServer
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateBareMetalServers
      • changes of request param
        • + server.root_volume.volumetype: enum value [GPSSD]
        • + server.data_volumes.volumetype: enum value [GPSSD]

HuaweiCloud SDK CES

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListAlarmTemplates
      • changes of request param
        • + template_type: enum value [system_event,custom_event,system_custom_event]
    • CreateAlarmTemplate
      • changes of request param
        • + template_type
        • + policies.period: enum value [0]
    • UpdateAlarmTemplate
      • changes of request param
        • + policies.period: enum value [0]

HuaweiCloud SDK CFW

  • Features
    • Support the APIs CreateFirewall, ListJob, DeleteFirewall
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK CloudTable

  • Features
    • Support the API CreateCloudTableCluster
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsPipeline

  • Features
    • Support the API ShowPipelineDetail
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK Config

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListTrackedResources
      • CountTrackedResources
      • ListTrackedResourceTags
      • CollectTrackedResourcesSummary
      • ShowTrackedResourceDetail
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • Support the APIs DeleteRouteFromEnhancedConnection, CreateRouteToEnhancedConnection
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK DWS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListLogicalClusterVolumes
      • ResizeClusterWithExistedNodes
      • RestartLogicalCluster
      • ListTopoRings
      • UpdateLogicalCluster
      • DeleteLogicalCluster
      • EnableLogicalCluster
      • ListClusterNodes
      • ConvertToLogicalCluster
      • RestoreRedistribution
      • StopRedistribution
      • ListLogicalClusterTasks
      • ListLogicalClusters
      • CreateLogicalCluster
      • DeleteClusterNodes
      • ListLogicalClusterRings
      • ListLtsLogs
      • ListQueries
      • ListTablesStatistic
      • ShowQueryDetail
      • DisableLtsLogs
      • EnableLtsLogs
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListHostDisk
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_id
      • changes of response param
        • + instance_id

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowResInstanceInfo
      • changes of response param
        • + resources.resource_detail.detailId
        • - resources.resource_detail.resource_id
        • - resources.resource_detail.func_urn
        • - resources.resource_detail.func_name
        • - resources.resource_detail.domain_id
        • - resources.resource_detail.namespace
        • - resources.resource_detail.project_name
        • - resources.resource_detail.package
        • - resources.resource_detail.runtime
        • - resources.resource_detail.timeout
        • - resources.resource_detail.handler
        • - resources.resource_detail.memory_size
        • - resources.resource_detail.gpu_memory
        • - resources.resource_detail.cpu
        • - resources.resource_detail.code_type
        • - resources.resource_detail.code_url
        • - resources.resource_detail.code_filename
        • - resources.resource_detail.code_size
        • - resources.resource_detail.user_data
        • - resources.resource_detail.encrypted_user_data
        • - resources.resource_detail.digest
        • - resources.resource_detail.version
        • - resources.resource_detail.image_name
        • - resources.resource_detail.xrole
        • - resources.resource_detail.app_xrole
        • - resources.resource_detail.description
        • - resources.resource_detail.last_modified
        • - resources.resource_detail.func_vpc_id
        • - resources.resource_detail.strategy_config
        • - resources.resource_detail.extend_config
        • - resources.resource_detail.initializer_handler
        • - resources.resource_detail.initializer_timeout
        • - resources.resource_detail.pre_stop_handler
        • - resources.resource_detail.pre_stop_timeout
        • - resources.resource_detail.enterprise_project_id
        • - resources.resource_detail.long_time
        • - resources.resource_detail.log_group_id
        • - resources.resource_detail.log_stream_id
        • - resources.resource_detail.type
        • - resources.resource_detail.fail_count
        • - resources.resource_detail.is_bridge_function
        • - resources.resource_detail.bind_bridge_funcUrns
        • * resources.resource_detail: object<ListFunctionResult> -> object<ListEnterpriseResourceDetail>

HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateAsyncCommand
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • ShowAsyncDeviceCommand
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • BroadcastMessage
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • CreateCommand
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • ListProperties
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
      • changes of response param
        • + request_id
    • UpdateProperties
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
      • changes of response param
        • + request_id
    • CloseDeviceTunnel
      • changes of request param
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • DeleteDeviceTunnel
      • changes of request param
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • ShowDeviceTunnel
      • changes of request param
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • AddTunnel
      • changes of request param
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • ListDeviceTunnels
      • changes of request param
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • ShowDeviceMessage
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • CreateMessage
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token
    • ListDeviceMessages
      • changes of request param
        • + Stage-Auth-Token
        • + Sp-Auth-Token

HuaweiCloud SDK Live

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListDelayConfig
      • UpdateDelayConfig
      • ShowPullSourcesConfig
      • UpdatePullSourcesConfig
      • ListGeoBlockingConfig
      • UpdateGeoBlockingConfig
      • CreateUrlAuthchain
      • ListIpAuthList
      • UpdateIpAuthList
      • ListPublishTemplate
      • UpdatePublishTemplate
      • DeletePublishTemplate
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListRecordContents
      • changes of request param
        • + record_type: enum value [PLAN_RECORD,ON_DEMAND_RECORD]
      • changes of response param
        • - record_contents.record_type: enum value [PLAN_RECORD,ON_DEMAND_RECORD]

HuaweiCloud SDK LTS

  • Features
    • Support the API CreateAgencyAccess
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListSqlAlarmRules
      • changes of response param
        • + sql_alarm_rules.is_css_sql
        • + sql_alarm_rules.notification_frequency
        • + sql_alarm_rules.alarm_action_rule_name
        • + sql_alarm_rules.status: enum value [RUNNING 启用,STOPPING 停止]
        • - sql_alarm_rules.status: enum value [RUNNING,STOPPING]
        • * sql_alarm_rules.frequency: object<Frequency> -> object<FrequencyRespBody>
    • UpdateSqlAlarmRule
      • changes of request param
        • + is_css_sql
        • + notification_frequency
        • + alarm_action_rule_name
        • * frequency: object<Frequency> -> object<CreateSqlAlarmRuleFrequency>
      • changes of response param
        • + is_css_sql
        • + alarm_action_rule_name
        • + notification_frequency
        • + language: enum value [zh-cn,en-us]
        • * frequency: object<Frequency> -> object<FrequencyRespBody>
    • CreateSqlAlarmRule
      • changes of request param
        • + is_css_sql
        • + notification_frequency
        • + alarm_action_rule_name
        • * frequency: object<Frequency> -> object<CreateSqlAlarmRuleFrequency>
    • ListKeywordsAlarmRules
      • changes of response param
        • + keywords_alarm_rules.notification_frequency
        • + keywords_alarm_rules.alarm_action_rule_name
        • + keywords_alarm_rules.status: enum value [RUNNING 启用,STOPPING 停止]
        • - keywords_alarm_rules.status: enum value [RUNNING,STOPPING]
    • UpdateKeywordsAlarmRule
      • changes of request param
        • + notification_frequency
        • + alarm_action_rule_name
      • changes of response param
        • + alarm_action_rule_name
        • + notification_frequency
        • + language: enum value [zh-cn,en-us]
        • - keywords_requests.search_time_range_unit: enum value [minute]
        • * keywords_requests: list<KeywordsRequest> -> list<KeywordsResBody>
        • * frequency: object<Frequency> -> object<FrequencyRespBody>
    • CreateKeywordsAlarmRule
      • changes of request param
        • + notification_frequency
        • + alarm_action_rule_name
        • + keywords_alarm_level: enum value [Critical]
        • - keywords_alarm_level: enum value [CRITICAL]

HuaweiCloud SDK MRS

  • Features
    • Support the API ShowMrsVersionMetadata, SwitchClusterTags, ShowTagStatus, ShowTagQuota
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK NAT

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateNatGatewayTag
      • changes of request param
        • + tag.key
        • + tag.value
        • * tag: object -> object<TagBody>

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ListLogLtsConfigs, SetLogLtsConfigs, DeleteLogLtsConfigs
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK RocketMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateRocketMqMigrationTask
      • changes of request param
        • + topicConfigTable
        • + subscriptionGroupTable
        • + vhosts
        • + queues
        • + exchanges
        • + bindings
        • * body: map<string, object> -> object<CreateRocketMqMigrationTaskReq>

HuaweiCloud SDK SecMaster

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListAlerts
      • changes of request param
        • * list<object> -> list<string>
        • * condition.logics: list<object> -> list<string>
    • ListIncidents
      • changes of request param
        • * list<object> -> list<string>
        • * condition.logics: list<object> -> list<string>
    • ListIndicators
      • changes of request param
        • * condition: string -> object
    • ListDataobjectRelations
      • changes of request param
        • * list<object> -> list<string>
        • * condition.logics: list<object> -> list<string>

HuaweiCloud SDK SMS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ShowConsistencyResult, UpdateConsistencyResult
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateTaskStatus
      • changes of request param
        • + is_need_consistency_check
    • ListServers
      • changes of request param
        • + is_consistency_result_exist
      • changes of response param
        • + source_servers.is_consistency_result_exist
published 3.1.68 •



3.1.68 2023-12-07

HuaweiCloud SDK AOS

  • Features
    • Support the API DeleteStackInstance
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListStackSetOperations
      • changes of response param
        • + stack_set_operations.action: enum value [UPDATE_STACK_INSTANCES]
    • ShowStackSetOperationMetadata
      • changes of response param
        • + action: enum value [UPDATE_STACK_INSTANCES]

HuaweiCloud SDK APIG

  • Features
    • Support the API CheckApiGroupsV2
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreatePrepayResize
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_id
    • ListPluginAttachableApis
      • changes of request param
        • * env_id: optional -> required
    • ListApisV2
      • changes of request param
        • + return_data_mode

HuaweiCloud SDK CBH

  • Features
    • Support the API LoginCbh
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowAvailableZoneInfo
      • changes of response param
        • * availability_zone: object<AvailabilityZones> -> list<AvailabilityZones>

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsPipeline

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowPipelineLog
      • changes of request param
        • - level
        • - job_run_id

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • SetFactoryJobTags
      • ListSecurityPermissionSets
      • CreateSecurityPermissionSet
      • ShowSecurityPermissionSet
      • UpdateSecurityPermissionSet
      • DeleteSecurityPermissionSet
      • ListSecurityPermissionSetMembers
      • CreateSecurityPermissionSetMember
      • BatchDeleteSecurityPermissionSetMembers
      • ListSecurityPermissionSetPermissions
      • CreateSecurityPermissionSetPermission
      • BatchDeleteSecurityPermissionSetPermissions
      • UpdateSecurityPermissionSetPermission
      • ListSecurityDataClassificationRules
      • CreateSecurityDataClassificationRule
      • ShowSecurityDataClassificationRule
      • UpdateSecurityDataClassificationRule
      • DeleteSecurityDataClassificationRule
      • BatchDeleteSecurityDataClassificationRule
      • UpdateSecurityRuleEnableStatus
      • ListSecurityDataClassificationRuleGroups
      • ShowSecurityDataClassificationRuleGroup
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • DeleteApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • PublishApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowApplyDetail
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowMessageDetail
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowCatalogDetail
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • UpdateCatalog
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • CreateServiceCatalog
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • DeleteServiceCatalog
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • MigrateCatalog
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • MigrateApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • SearchIdByPath
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowPathById
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • PublishApiToInstance
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ExecuteApiToInstance
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • AuthorizeApiToInstance
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • AuthorizeActionApiToInstance
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • DeleteApp
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowAppInfo
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • UpdateApp
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowApisOverview
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowAppsOverview
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowApisDetail
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowAppsDetail
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • UpdateFactoryJobName
      • changes of request param
        • - x-Auth-Token
    • BatchApproveApply
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApply
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ConfirmMessage
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListMessage
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListAllCatalogList
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListCatalogList
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowPathObjectById
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • DebugApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • SearchPublishInfo
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListInstanceList
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • SearchDebugInfo
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApicInstances
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApicGroups
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • CreateApp
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApps
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApisTop
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListAppsTop
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowApisDashboard
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowApiDashboard
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowAppsDashboard
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApiTopN
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApis
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • CreateApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ShowApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • UpdateApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • ListApiCatalogList
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • SearchAuthorizeApp
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional
    • SearchBindApi
      • changes of request param
        • * Dlm-Type: required -> optional

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ListJobAuthInfos, UpdateJobAuthInfo, CreateJobAuthInfo, DeleteJobAuthInfo
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Deprecate the following APIs:
      • ShowDliAgency
      • CreateDliAgency
      • DeleteResource
      • ShowResourceInfo
      • UpdateGroupOrResourceOwner
      • ShowBatchLog
      • ExportTable
      • ImportTable
      • ExportSqlJobResult
      • UpdateDatabaseOwner
      • DeleteDatabase
      • RegisterAuthorizedQueue
      • UpdateTableOwner
      • ShowTableContent
      • UpdateQueueCidr
      • BatchDeleteQueuePlans
      • ChangeQueuePlan
      • DeleteQueuePlan
      • DeleteAuthInfo
      • DeleteEnhancedConnectionRoutes
      • CreateEnhancedConnectionRoutes
      • RegisterBucket
      • CreateIefMessageChannel
      • UploadFiles
      • UploadPythonFiles
      • ListResources
      • UploadResources
      • UploadJars
      • ListDatabases
      • CreateDatabase
      • ListTableUsers
      • ChangeAuthorization
      • ListTablePrivileges
      • ListDatabaseUsers
      • ListQueueUsers
      • ListAllTables
      • CreateTable
      • DeleteTable
      • ShowDescribeTable
      • CreateQueuePlan
      • ListQueuePlans
      • UpdateAuthInfo
      • CreateAuthInfo
      • ListAuthInfo
      • ChangeFlinkJobStatusReport
      • RunIefJobActionCallBack
      • CreateIefSystemEvents
      • ListDatasourceConnections
      • CreateDatasourceConnection
      • DeleteDatasourceConnection
      • ShowDatasourceConnection
      • ShowSqlSampleTemplates
      • ShowPartitions
      • ShowFlinkMetric

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the following APIs:
      • ShowDependcy
      • UpdateDependcy
      • DeleteDependency
      • AsyncInvokeReservedFunction
      • CreateDependency
    • ShowFuncReservedInstanceMetrics
      • changes of request param
        • + marker
        • + limit
    • ListFunctionApplications
      • changes of request param
        • + limit
        • + marker
    • ListStatistics
      • changes of request param
        • + limit
        • + marker

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ListGaussMySqlInstancesUnifyStatus, ShowGaussMySqlInstanceInfoUnifyStatus, ListGaussMySqlInstanceDetailInfoUnifyStatus, SwitchGaussMySqlProxySsl
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowGaussMySqlProxyList
      • changes of response param
        • + proxy_list.proxy.ssl_option

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL

  • Features
    • Support the API OfflineNodes
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListLtsConfigs
      • changes of response param
        • * instance_lts_configs.instance.supported_log_types: string -> list<string>

HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ResetDeviceSecret
      • changes of request param
        • + secret_type
      • changes of response param
        • + secret_type
    • ResetFingerprint
      • changes of request param
        • + fingerprint_type
      • changes of response param
        • + fingerprint_type
    • ShowDevice
      • changes of response param
        • + auth_info.secondary_secret
        • + auth_info.secondary_fingerprint
        • * auth_info: object<AuthInfo> -> object<AuthInfoRes>
    • UpdateDevice
      • changes of response param
        • + auth_info.secondary_secret
        • + auth_info.secondary_fingerprint
        • * auth_info: object<AuthInfo> -> object<AuthInfoRes>
    • AddDevice
      • changes of response param
        • + auth_info.secondary_secret
        • + auth_info.secondary_fingerprint
        • * auth_info: object<AuthInfo> -> object<AuthInfoRes>

HuaweiCloud SDK MRS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs UpdateAutoScalingPolicy, CreateAutoScalingPolicy, DeleteAutoScalingPolicy
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowAutoScalingPolicy
      • changes of response param
        • + auto_scaling_policy.tags
        • - auto_scaling_policy.exec_scripts
        • * auto_scaling_policy: object<AutoScalingPolicy> -> object<AutoScalingPolicyInfo>

HuaweiCloud SDK NAT

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListNatGatewayByTag
      • BatchCreateDeleteNatGatewayTag
      • ShowNatGatewayTag
      • CreateNatGatewayTag
      • DeleteNatGatewayTag
      • ListNatGatewayTag
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK OMS

  • Features
    • Support the API BatchUpdateTasks
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowSyncTask
      • changes of response param
        • + dst_storage_policy
        • + object_overwrite_mode
    • ListSyncTasks
      • changes of response param
        • + tasks.object_overwrite_mode
        • + tasks.dst_storage_policy

HuaweiCloud SDK RocketMQ

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ShowRocketMqConfigs, UpdateRocketMqConfigs
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstances
      • changes of request param
        • + status: enum value [UPGRADING,UPGRADINGFAILED]

HuaweiCloud SDK SFSTurbo

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • SetHpcCacheBackend
      • changes of request param
        • * object -> string
        • * object -> string
published 3.1.67 •



3.1.67 2023-11-30

HuaweiCloud SDK AOM

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListPermissions
      • changes of response param
        • * : map<string, AuthModel> -> string
    • ListAccessCode
      • changes of response param
        • - access_codes.status: enum value [enable,unenable]

HuaweiCloud SDK CC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListBandwidthPackageTags
      • changes of response param
        • + tags.values
        • - tags.value
        • * tags: list<Tag> -> list<MultivaluedTag>

HuaweiCloud SDK CCE

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ShowClusterConfig
      • UpdateClusterLogConfig
      • ListPartitions
      • CreatePartition
      • ShowPartition
      • UpdatePartition
      • ShowNodePoolConfigurations
      • UpdateNodePoolConfiguration
      • ShowClusterConfigurationDetails
      • ListCharts
      • UploadChart
      • ShowChart
      • UpdateChart
      • DeleteChart
      • DownloadChart
      • ShowChartValues
      • ShowUserChartsQuotas
      • ListReleases
      • CreateRelease
      • ShowRelease
      • UpdateRelease
      • DeleteRelease
      • ShowReleaseHistory
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ResizeCluster
      • changes of request param
        • * extendParam: object<ResizeClusterRequestExtendParam> -> object
    • UpdateClusterEip
      • changes of request param
        • * spec: object -> object<MasterEIPRequestSpec>
      • changes of response param
        • * spec: object -> object<MasterEIPResponseSpec>
    • ShowClusterEndpoints
      • changes of response param
        • * spec: object -> object<OpenAPISpec>
    • ShowAddonInstance
      • changes of response param
        • - status.status: enum value [unknown]
    • UpdateAddonInstance
      • changes of response param
        • - status.status: enum value [unknown]
    • RollbackAddonInstance
      • changes of response param
        • - status.status: enum value [unknown]
    • ShowCluster
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.enableMasterVolumeEncryption
    • UpdateCluster
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.enableMasterVolumeEncryption
    • DeleteCluster
      • changes of request param
        • + ondemand_node_policy
        • + periodic_node_policy
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.enableMasterVolumeEncryption
    • CreateAddonInstance
      • changes of response param
        • - status.status: enum value [unknown]
    • ListAddonInstances
      • changes of response param
        • - items.status.status: enum value [unknown]
    • CreateCluster
      • changes of request param
        • + spec.enableMasterVolumeEncryption
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.enableMasterVolumeEncryption
    • ListClusters
      • changes of request param
        • + status: enum value [Hibernating,Hibernation,Awaking]
      • changes of response param
        • + items.spec.enableMasterVolumeEncryption
    • ShowNode
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • UpdateNode
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • DeleteNode
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • CreateNode
      • changes of request param
        • + spec.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • ListNodes
      • changes of response param
        • + items.spec.hostnameConfig
        • + items.spec.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + items.spec.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + items.spec.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - items.spec.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - items.spec.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • ShowNodePool
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • UpdateNodePool
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • DeleteNodePool
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • AddNode
      • changes of request param
        • + nodeList.spec.hostnameConfig
    • ResetNode
      • changes of request param
        • + nodeList.spec.hostnameConfig
    • CreateNodePool
      • changes of request param
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
      • changes of response param
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.hostnameConfig
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.system-reserved-mem
    • ListNodePools
      • changes of response param
        • + items.spec.nodeTemplate.hostnameConfig
        • + items.spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kubeReservedMem
        • + items.spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.systemReservedMem
        • + items.spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.init-node-password
        • - items.spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.kube-reserved-mem
        • - items.spec.nodeTemplate.extendParam.system-reserved-mem

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsPipeline

  • Features
    • Support the API ShowPipelineLog
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdatePluginBaseInfo
      • changes of request param
        • + plugin_composition_type
    • CreatePublisher
      • changes of request param
        • + description
    • ListPublisher
      • changes of response param
        • + total
        • + offset
        • + data
        • + limit
        • - tenant_id
        • - website
        • - logo_url
        • - description
        • - last_update_user_id
        • - source_url
        • - is_delete
        • - last_update_time
        • - support_url
        • - user_id
        • - name
        • - en_name
        • - auth_status
        • - publisher_unique_id
        • - last_update_user_name
    • ListBasePluginsNewPost
      • changes of response param
        • + data.business_type
        • + data.display_name
        • + data.unique_id
        • - data.businessType
        • - data.displayName
        • - data.uniqueId
        • + data.plugins_list.publisher_unique_id
        • + data.plugins_list.manifest_version
        • - data.plugins_list.publisherUniqueId
        • - data.plugins_list.manifestVersion
    • ListPlugins
      • changes of response param
        • + data.plugin_name
        • + data.display_name
        • + data.version_description
        • + data.version_attribution
        • + data.unique_id
        • + data.op_user
        • + data.op_time
        • + data.plugin_composition_type
        • + data.plugin_attribution
        • + data.workspace_id
        • + data.business_type
        • + data.business_type_display_name
        • + data.icon_url
        • + data.refer_count
        • + data.usage_count
        • + data.runtime_attribution
        • - data.pluginName
        • - data.displayName
        • - data.versionDescription
        • - data.versionAttribution
        • - data.uniqueId
        • - data.opUser
        • - data.opTime
        • - data.pluginCompositionType
        • - data.pluginAttribution
        • - data.workspaceId
        • - data.businessType
        • - data.businessTypeDisplayName
        • - data.iconUrl
        • - data.referCount
        • - data.usageCount
        • - data.runtimeAttribution
        • * data: list<object> -> list<PluginBasicVO>
    • ListPLuginVersion
      • changes of response param
        • + data.plugin_name
        • + data.display_name
        • + data.version_description
        • + data.version_attribution
        • + data.unique_id
        • + data.op_user
        • + data.op_time
        • + data.plugin_composition_type
        • + data.plugin_attribution
        • + data.workspace_id
        • + data.business_type
        • + data.business_type_display_name
        • + data.icon_url
        • + data.refer_count
        • + data.usage_count
        • + data.runtime_attribution
        • - data.pluginName
        • - data.displayName
        • - data.versionDescription
        • - data.versionAttribution
        • - data.uniqueId
        • - data.opUser
        • - data.opTime
        • - data.pluginCompositionType
        • - data.pluginAttribution
        • - data.workspaceId
        • - data.businessType
        • - data.businessTypeDisplayName
        • - data.iconUrl
        • - data.referCount
        • - data.usageCount
        • - data.runtimeAttribution
        • * data: list<object> -> list<PluginBasicVO>
    • ShowPublisher
      • changes of response param
        • + publisher_detail_map
        • - body
    • CreateBasicPlugin
      • changes of request param
        • + plugin_composition_type
    • UpdateBasicPlugin
      • changes of request param
        • + plugin_composition_type
    • CreateStrategy
      • changes of request param
        • - type
        • - rules.type
        • -
        • - rules.layout_content
        • - rules.plugin_id
        • - rules.plugin_name
        • - rules.plugin_version
        • - rules.content
    • UpdateStrategy
      • changes of request param
        • - parent_id
        • - rules.type
        • -
        • - rules.layout_content
        • - rules.plugin_id
        • - rules.plugin_name
        • - rules.plugin_version
        • - rules.content

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • SearchAtomicIndexes
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ShowAtomicIndexById
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ListDerivativeIndexes
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ShowDerivativeIndexById
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ListCompoundMetrics
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ShowCompoundMetricById
      • changes of response param
        • + data.value
    • ListApiCatalogList
      • changes of response param
        • + apis.publish_messages
    • ParseUserBehavior
      • changes of request param
        • + params.filter.attribute: enum value [base.DataAsset.sourceType,typeName,,,,workspaceId]
        • + params.filter.operator: enum value [IN,EQ]
        • * params.filter.value: object -> list<string>
        • * params.filter.condition: object<ConditionInfo> -> string
    • ShowDataSets
      • changes of request param
        • + filter.attribute: enum value [base.DataAsset.sourceType,typeName,,,,workspaceId]
        • + filter.operator: enum value [IN,EQ]
        • * filter.value: object -> list<string>
        • * filter.condition: object<ConditionInfo> -> string
      • changes of response param
        • * facets: object -> list<object>
    • ListApis
      • changes of request param
        • + x-return-publish-messages
      • changes of response param
        • + records.publish_messages
    • ShowApi
      • changes of response param
        • + publish_messages

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListSlowlog
      • changes of response param
        • + total_num

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • Support the API ShowQuota
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListQueueProperties
      • changes of request param
        • + offset
        • + limit
        • - page
        • - page_size

HuaweiCloud SDK EIP

  • Features
    • Support the APIs BatchModifyBandwidth, ListEipBandwidths, ListBandwidthsLimit, UpdatePublicip
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL

  • Features
    • Support the API ListInfluxdbSlowLogs
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListLtsConfigs
      • changes of response param
        • + instance_lts_configs.instance.supported_log_types

HuaweiCloud SDK Moderation

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • RunQueryDocumentModerationJob
      • changes of response param
        • + result.details.start_position
        • + result.details.end_position
        • + result.details.image_url

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the API SetInstancesDbShrink
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpgradeDbMajorVersion
      • changes of response param
        • + job_id
    • ShowUpgradeDbMajorVersionStatus
      • changes of response param
        • + check_expiration_time
        • - report_expiration_time
    • StartResizeFlavorAction
      • changes of response param
        • + order_id
    • StartInstanceEnlargeVolumeAction
      • changes of response param
        • + order_id
    • StartInstanceSingleToHaAction
      • changes of response param
        • + order_id
    • ListHistoryDatabase
      • changes of request param
        • + engine
        • - database_name

HuaweiCloud SDK RocketMQ

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ShowEngineInstanceExtendProductInfo, ResizeInstance
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK SIS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • RecognizeFlashAsr
      • changes of request param
        • * obs_bucket_name: optional -> required
        • * obs_object_key: optional -> required
published 3.1.66 •



3.1.66 2023-11-23

HuaweiCloud SDK CFW

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ListLogConfig, UpdateLogConfig, AddLogConfig, CreateEastWestFirewall
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListFlowLogs
      • changes of response param
        • * data.records.start_time: int32 -> int64
        • * data.records.end_time: int32 -> int64
        • * data.records.src_port: string -> int32
        • * data.records.dst_port: string -> int32
    • ListAccessControlLogs
      • changes of response param
        • * data.records.hit_time: int32 -> int64
        • * data.records.src_port: string -> int32
        • * data.records.dst_port: string -> int32
    • ChangeIpsSwitchStatus
      • changes of request param
        • + X-Language
    • ListAttackLogs
      • changes of response param
        • * data.records.event_time: string -> int64
        • * data.records.attack_rule_id: int32 -> string
        • * data.records.packet: object<Packet> -> string
published 3.1.65 •



3.1.65 2023-11-23

HuaweiCloud SDK AOM

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListPromInstance
      • CreatePromInstance
      • DeletePromInstance
      • CreateRecordingRule
      • ListPermissions
      • ListAccessCode
      • ListAgents
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsPipeline

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • UpdatePluginBaseInfo
      • CreatePluginDraft
      • PublishPluginDraft
      • CreatePluginVersion
      • UpdatePluginDraft
      • CreatePublisher
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • SwitchStrategy
      • changes of response param
        • + rule_set_id
        • - rule_template_instance_id
    • SwitchOpenSourceStrategy
      • changes of response param
        • + rule_set_id
        • - rule_template_instance_id
    • ShowPublisher
      • changes of response param
        • + body
    • CreatePipelineNew
      • changes of request param
        • + group_id
        • + id
        • * schedules.days_of_week: string -> list<integer>
    • UpdateStrategy
      • changes of response param
        • + rule_set_id
        • - rule_template_instance_id
    • UpdateOpenSourceStrategy
      • changes of response param
        • + rule_set_id
        • - rule_template_instance_id

HuaweiCloud SDK CSE

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpgradeEngineConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + authType
        • - version
    • ShowEngine
      • changes of response param
        • + specType
        • + enterpriseProjectId
        • + externalEntrypoint
        • + beDefault
        • + engineAdditionalActions
        • + cceSpec
        • + vmIds
        • + latestVersion
        • + createTime
        • + createUser
        • + authType
        • + latestJobId
        • + projectId
        • + enterpriseProjectName
        • - auth_type
        • - create_time
        • - be_default
        • - enterprise_project_name
        • - latest_job_id
        • - spec_type
        • - external_entrypoint
        • - cce_spec
        • - enterprise_project_id
        • - latest_version
        • - project_id
        • - vm_ids
        • - engine_additional_actions
        • - create_user
        • + reference.azList
        • + reference.networkId
        • + reference.subnetCidr
        • + reference.subnetCidrV6
        • + reference.subnetGateway
        • + reference.publicIpId
        • + reference.serviceLimit
        • + reference.instanceLimit
        • - reference.az_list
        • - reference.network_id
        • - reference.subnet_cidr
        • - reference.subnet_cidr_v6
        • - reference.subnet_gateway
        • - reference.public_ip_id
        • - reference.service_limit
        • - reference.instance_limit
    • CreateEngine
      • changes of request param
        • + vpcId
    • ListEngines
      • changes of response param
        • + data.enterpriseProjectId
        • + data.enterpriseProjectName
        • + data.authType
        • + data.externalAddress
        • + data.serviceEndpoint
        • + data.publicAddress
        • + data.publicServiceEndpoint
        • + data.totalInstance
        • + data.usedInstance
        • + data.availableInstance
        • + data.latestVersion
        • + data.createTime
        • + data.dueTo
        • + data.latestJobId
        • + data.engineAdditionalActions
        • + data.specType
        • - data.enterpris_project_id
        • - data.enterprise_project_name
        • - data.auth_type
        • - data.external_address
        • - data.service_endpoint
        • - data.public_address
        • - data.public_service_endpoint
        • - data.total_instance
        • - data.used_instance
        • - data.available_instance
        • - data.latest_version
        • - data.create_time
        • - data.due_to
        • - data.latest_job_id
        • - data.engine_additional_actions
        • - data.spec_type
        • + data.reference.azList
        • + data.reference.networkId
        • + data.reference.subnetCidr
        • + data.reference.subnetCidrV6
        • + data.reference.subnetGateway
        • + data.reference.publicIpId
        • + data.reference.serviceLimit
        • + data.reference.instanceLimit
        • - data.reference.az_list
        • - data.reference.network_id
        • - data.reference.subnet_cidr
        • - data.reference.subnet_cidr_v6
        • - data.reference.subnet_gateway
        • - data.reference.public_ip_id
        • - data.reference.service_limit
        • - data.reference.instance_limit
    • ShowEngineJob
      • changes of response param
        • + createUser
        • + startTime
        • + endTime
        • + engineId
        • - start_time
        • - engine_id
        • - end_time
        • - create_user
        • + tasks.taskName
        • + tasks.taskNames
        • + tasks.startTime
        • + tasks.endTime
        • + tasks.taskExecutorBrief
        • - tasks.task_name
        • - tasks.task_names
        • - tasks.start_time
        • - tasks.end_time
        • - tasks.task_executor_brief
        • + tasks.tasks.jobId
        • + tasks.tasks.taskName
        • + tasks.tasks.engineName
        • + tasks.tasks.taskOrder
        • + tasks.tasks.startTime
        • + tasks.tasks.endTime
        • + tasks.tasks.createTime
        • + tasks.tasks.updateTime
        • + tasks.tasks.taskExecutorBrief
        • - tasks.tasks.job_id
        • - tasks.tasks.task_name
        • - tasks.tasks.engine_name
        • - tasks.tasks.task_order
        • - tasks.tasks.start_time
        • - tasks.tasks.end_time
        • - tasks.tasks.create_time
        • - tasks.tasks.update_time
        • - tasks.tasks.task_executor_brief
    • CreateMicroserviceRouteRule
      • changes of request param
        • + match.headers.<header>
        • - match.headers.aaaa
        • + route.tags.<tag>
        • - route.tags.version

HuaweiCloud SDK CSS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListCerts
      • changes of response param
        • * defaultCerts: object<DefaultCertsResource> -> list<DefaultCertsResource>
        • * customCerts: object<CustomCertsResource> -> list<CustomCertsResource>

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • Support the API LogoffWebCli
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListSlowlog
      • changes of response param
        • + slowlogs.database_id
        • + slowlogs.username

HuaweiCloud SDK DDS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListLtsConfigs
      • UpdateLtsConfig
      • DeleteLtsConfig
      • ListLtsErrorLogs
      • ShowKillOpRuleRuleList
      • UpdateKillOpRule
      • CreateKillOpRule
      • DeleteKillOpRuleList
      • SwitchInstancePrimary
      • DeleteReadonlyNode
      • StopBackup
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK DRS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • BatchDeleteJobs
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.is_show_breakpoint_position
    • BatchSetPolicy
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.file_and_position
        • + jobs.gtid_set
    • BatchListProgresses
      • changes of response param
        • + results.incre_trans_delay_millis
    • ShowJobList
      • changes of request param
        • + instance_ids
        • + instance_ip

HuaweiCloud SDK DRS

  • Features
    • Support the APIs UploadJdbcDriver, ListJdbcDrivers, DeleteJdbcDriver, SyncJdbcDriver
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • BatchCreateJobsAsync
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.policy_config.dml_types
    • ListAsyncJobDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + jobs.connection_management
        • + jobs.policy_config.dml_types
    • UpdateBatchAsyncJobs
      • changes of request param
        • + jobs.params.policy_config.dml_types
    • ShowJobDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + job.connection_management
        • + job.policy_config.dml_types
    • UpdateJob
      • changes of request param
        • + job.params.policy_config.dml_types

HuaweiCloud SDK ELB

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • BatchAddAvailableZones
      • BatchRemoveAvailableZones
      • ListMasterSlavePools
      • CreateMasterSlavePool
      • ShowMasterSlavePool
      • DeleteMasterSlavePool
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowLoadBalancer
      • changes of response param
        • + loadbalancer.charge_mode
        • + loadbalancer.log_group_id
        • + loadbalancer.log_topic_id
    • UpdateLoadBalancer
      • changes of request param
        • + loadbalancer.charge_mode
        • + loadbalancer.ipv6_vip_address
      • changes of response param
        • + loadbalancer.charge_mode
        • + loadbalancer.log_group_id
        • + loadbalancer.log_topic_id
    • ListListeners
      • changes of response param
        • + listeners.ssl_early_data_enable
    • CreateListener
      • changes of request param
        • + listener.ssl_early_data_enable
      • changes of response param
        • + listener.ssl_early_data_enable
    • ShowListener
      • changes of response param
        • + listener.ssl_early_data_enable
    • UpdateListener
      • changes of request param
        • + listener.ssl_early_data_enable
      • changes of response param
        • + listener.ssl_early_data_enable
    • ListLoadBalancers
      • changes of request param
        • + log_topic_id
        • + log_group_id
      • changes of response param
        • + loadbalancers.charge_mode
        • + loadbalancers.log_group_id
        • + loadbalancers.log_topic_id
    • CreateLoadBalancer
      • changes of request param
        • + loadbalancer.charge_mode
        • + loadbalancer.ipv6_vip_address
      • changes of response param
        • + loadbalancer.charge_mode
        • + loadbalancer.log_group_id
        • + loadbalancer.log_topic_id

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListAppTemplates
      • ShowAppTemplate
      • ListFunctionApplications
      • CreateFunctionApp
      • ShowFunctionApp
      • DeleteFunctionApp
      • CreateCallbackWorkflow
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ImportFunction
      • changes of response param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
    • ListFunctions
      • changes of response param
        • + functions.pre_stop_handler
        • + functions.pre_stop_timeout
    • CreateFunction
      • changes of request param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
      • changes of response param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
    • ShowFunctionConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
    • UpdateFunctionConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
      • changes of response param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
    • UpdateFunctionMaxInstanceConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
    • ListBridgeFunctions
      • changes of response param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
    • ShowResInstanceInfo
      • changes of response param
        • + resources.resource_detail.pre_stop_handler
        • + resources.resource_detail.pre_stop_timeout
    • CreateFunctionVersion
      • changes of response param
        • + pre_stop_handler
        • + pre_stop_timeout
    • ListFunctionVersions
      • changes of response param
        • + versions.pre_stop_handler
        • + versions.pre_stop_timeout

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB

  • Features
    • Support the API ShowRestoreTables
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDBforNoSQL

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ShowElbIpGroup
      • SwitchIpGroup
      • ListInstancesSession
      • DeleteInstancesSession
      • ListInstancesSessionStatistics
      • ResetParamGroupTemplate
      • ListRedisSlowLogs
      • ListCassandraSlowLogs
      • ListMongodbSlowLogs
      • ListLtsConfigs
      • SaveLtsConfigs
      • DeleteLtsConfigs
      • ListRestoreDatabases
      • ListRestoreTables
      • ListMongodbErrorLogs
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • Support the APIs ShowKafkaUserClientQuota, UpdateKafkaUserClientQuotaTask, CreateKafkaUserClientQuotaTask, DeleteKafkaUserClientQuotaTask
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstances
      • changes of request param
        • + status: enum value [FAULTY,RESIZING,RESIZING FAILED]

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • RecognizeIdCard
      • changes of request param
        • + return_portrait_location
      • changes of response param
        • + result.portrait_location

HuaweiCloud SDK OMS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListSyncTasks
      • CreateSyncTask
      • ShowSyncTask
      • DeleteSyncTask
      • ListSyncTaskStatistic
      • StopSyncTask
      • StartSyncTask
      • ShowBucketObjects
      • ShowCdnInfo
      • ShowCloudType
      • ShowRegionInfo
      • ShowBucketList
      • ShowBucketRegion
      • CheckPrefix
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowTask
      • changes of response param
        • + source_cdn.authentication_type: enum value [TENCENT_COS_A,TENCENT_COS_B,TENCENT_COS_C,TENCENT_COS_D]
    • ShowTaskGroup
      • changes of response param
        • + source_cdn.authentication_type: enum value [TENCENT_COS_A,TENCENT_COS_B,TENCENT_COS_C,TENCENT_COS_D]
    • CreateTask
      • changes of request param
        • + source_cdn.authentication_type: enum value [TENCENT_COS_A,TENCENT_COS_B,TENCENT_COS_C,TENCENT_COS_D]
    • ListTasks
      • changes of response param
        • + tasks.source_cdn.authentication_type: enum value [TENCENT_COS_A,TENCENT_COS_B,TENCENT_COS_C,TENCENT_COS_D]
    • CreateTaskGroup
      • changes of request param
        • + source_cdn.authentication_type: enum value [TENCENT_COS_A,TENCENT_COS_B,TENCENT_COS_C,TENCENT_COS_D]
    • ListTaskGroup
      • changes of response param
        • + taskgroups.source_cdn.authentication_type: enum value [TENCENT_COS_A,TENCENT_COS_B,TENCENT_COS_C,TENCENT_COS_D]

HuaweiCloud SDK RabbitMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstancesDetails
      • changes of request param
        • + status: enum value [STARTING,CLOSING]

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • UpgradeDbMajorVersion
      • ShowAvailableVersion
      • UpgradeDbMajorVersionPreCheck
      • ListInspectionHistories
      • ListUpgradeHistories
      • ShowUpgradeDbMajorVersionStatus
      • UpdateTdeStatus
      • ShowTdeStatus
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK RocketMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstances
      • changes of request param
        • + status: enum value [FAULTY,RESIZING,RESIZING FAILED]

HuaweiCloud SDK SecMaster

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListDataclass
      • ListDataclassFields
      • ListWorkflows
      • CreateDataspace
      • CreatePipe
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK ServiceStage

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateInstance
      • changes of request param
        • + configuration.container_spec
    • ChangeInstance
      • changes of request param
        • + configuration.container_spec

HuaweiCloud SDK VOD

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateAssetByFileUpload
      • changes of request param
        • + thumbnail.quantity
        • + thumbnail.quantity_time
        • + thumbnail.type: enum value [quantity]
    • PublishAssetFromObs
      • changes of request param
        • + thumbnail.quantity
        • + thumbnail.quantity_time
        • + thumbnail.type: enum value [quantity]
    • CreateAssetProcessTask
      • changes of request param
        • + thumbnail.quantity
        • + thumbnail.quantity_time
        • + thumbnail.type: enum value [quantity]
    • ListTopStatistics
      • changes of response param
        • + top_urls.duration_ms
    • UploadMetaDataByUrl
      • changes of request param
        • + upload_metadatas.thumbnail.quantity
        • + upload_metadatas.thumbnail.quantity_time
        • + upload_metadatas.thumbnail.type: enum value [quantity]
    • ListAssetList
      • changes of response param
        • + assets.duration_ms
    • ShowTakeOverAssetDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + base_info.meta_data.duration_ms
    • PublishAssets
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_info_array.base_info.meta_data.duration_ms
    • UnpublishAssets
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_info_array.base_info.meta_data.duration_ms
    • ShowAssetMeta
      • changes of response param
        • + asset_info_array.base_info.meta_data.duration_ms
    • ShowAssetDetail
      • changes of response param
        • + base_info.meta_data.duration_ms
        • + thumbnail_info.quantity
    • ShowTakeOverTaskDetails
      • changes of response param
        • + assets.base_info.meta_data.duration_ms
published 3.1.64 •



3.1.64 2023-11-16

HuaweiCloud SDK CDN

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowDomainFullConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + configs.business_type
        • + configs.service_area
        • + configs.remark
        • + configs.flexible_origin
        • + configs.slice_etag_status
        • + configs.origin_receive_timeout
        • + configs.remote_auth
        • + configs.websocket
        • + configs.video_seek
        • + configs.request_limit_rules
        • + configs.ip_frequency_limit
        • + configs.hsts
        • + configs.quic
        • + configs.url_auth.sign_method
        • + configs.url_auth.match_type
        • + configs.url_auth.inherit_config
        • + configs.url_auth.key
        • + configs.url_auth.backup_key
        • + configs.url_auth.sign_arg
        • + configs.https.expire_time
        • + configs.https.certificate_type
        • + configs.https.ocsp_stapling_status
        • + configs.sources.weight
        • + configs.sources.obs_bucket_type
        • + configs.sources.bucket_access_key
        • + configs.sources.bucket_secret_key
        • + configs.sources.bucket_region
        • + configs.sources.bucket_name
        • + configs.compress.file_type
        • + configs.user_agent_filter.ua_list
    • UpdateDomainFullConfig
      • changes of request param
        • + configs.sources.weight
        • + configs.sources.obs_bucket_type
        • + configs.sources.bucket_access_key
        • + configs.sources.bucket_secret_key
        • + configs.sources.bucket_region
        • + configs.sources.bucket_name
        • + configs.compress.file_type
        • + configs.user_agent_filter.ua_list

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsBuild

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • DownloadBuildLog
      • DownloadTaskLog
      • ShowFlowGraph
      • ShowRecordDetail
      • ShowOutputInfo
      • StopJob
      • CreateBuildJob
      • UpdateBuildJob
      • ListTemplates
      • CreateTemplates
      • DeleteTemplates
      • ListNotice
      • UpdateNotice
      • DisableNotice
      • ListJobConfig
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowRecordInfo
      • changes of response param
        • + result.duration

HuaweiCloud SDK CodeArtsPipeline

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • CreatePipelineTemplate
      • ShowProjectOpenSourceStrategy
      • ListProjectStrategy
      • ListProjectOpenSourceStrategy
      • ShowProjectStrategy
      • ShowRule
      • ListRule
      • UpdateRule
      • DeleteRule
      • CreateRule
      • CreateStrategy
      • UpdateStrategy
      • ShowStrategy
      • ListStrategy
      • DeleteStrategy
      • SwitchStrategy
      • CreateOpenSourceStrategy
      • UpdateOpenSourceStrategy
      • ShowOpenSourceStrategy
      • ListOpenSourceStrategy
      • DeleteOpenSourceStrategy
      • SwitchOpenSourceStrategy
      • CreatePipelineGroup
      • UpdatePipelineGroup
      • DeletePipelineGroup
      • ShowPipelineGroupTree
      • BatchMovePipelineToGroup
      • PublishPlugin
      • PublishPluginBind
      • UploadPluginIcon
      • UploadPublisherIcon
      • DeletePluginDraft
      • ListPublisher
      • ListAvailablePublisher
      • ListStagePlugins
      • ListBasePlugins
      • ListBasePluginsNewPost
      • ListPlugins
      • ShowPluginMetrics
      • ShowPluginInputs
      • ShowPluginOutputs
      • ListPLuginVersion
      • ShowPluginVersion
      • ListPluginVersionNumber
      • DeletePublisher
      • ShowPublisher
      • CreateBasicPlugin
      • UpdateBasicPlugin
      • DeleteBasicPlugin
      • UploadBasicPlugin
      • ShowBasicPlugin
      • UpdatePipelineTemplate
      • DeletePipelineTemplate
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListPipelines
      • changes of response param
        • + pipelines.project_name
    • CreatePipelineNew
      • changes of request param
        • + variables
        • + schedules
        • + triggers
        • + manifest_version
        • + definition
        • + project_name

HuaweiCloud SDK CSE

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListGovernancePolicy
      • CreateGovernancePolicy
      • ListGovernancePolicyByPolicyId
      • UpdateGovernancePolicy
      • DeleteGovernancePolicy
      • ListMicroserviceRouteRule
      • CreateMicroserviceRouteRule
      • DeleteMicroserviceRouteRule
      • ListGovernancePolicys
      • UpgradeEngineConfig
      • ResizeEngine
      • ListNacosNamespaces
      • UpdateNacosNamespaces
      • CreateNacosNamespaces
      • DeleteNacosNamespaces
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK CSMS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListSecretTags
      • changes of response param
        • + sys_tags.value
        • - sys_tags.values
    • ListNotificationRecords
      • changes of request param
        • + limit
        • + marker

HuaweiCloud SDK DataArtsStudio

  • Features
    • Support the API UpdateFactoryJobName
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK DC

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • UpdateVifPeer
      • changes of response param
        • + vif_peer.receive_route_num
    • CreateVifPeer
      • changes of response param
        • + vif_peer.receive_route_num
    • ShowVirtualInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.receive_route_num
    • UpdateVirtualInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.receive_route_num
    • ListVirtualInterfaces
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interfaces.vif_peers.receive_route_num
    • CreateVirtualInterface
      • changes of response param
        • + virtual_interface.vif_peers.receive_route_num

HuaweiCloud SDK DLI

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowSqlJobStatus
      • changes of response param
        • + result_format
        • + result_path

HuaweiCloud SDK DNS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreatePrivateZone
      • changes of request param
        • + router.status
    • AssociateRouter
      • changes of request param
        • + router.status
    • DisassociateRouter
      • changes of request param
        • + router.status
    • ShowPrivateZone
      • changes of response param
        • + routers.status

HuaweiCloud SDK FunctionGraph

  • Features
    • Support the following APIs:
      • ListFunctionTags
      • ListBridgeFunctions
      • ListBridgeVersions
      • UpdateFunctionCollectState
      • ListFunctionTemplate
      • ShowFunctionTemplate
      • ShowFuncReservedInstanceMetrics
      • ShowFunctionMetrics
      • EnableAsyncStatusLog
      • ShowProjectAsyncStatusLogInfo
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListFunctions
      • changes of response param
        • + functions.resource_id
    • ShowFunctionConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + func_id
        • + resource_id
    • UpdateFunctionConfig
      • changes of response param
        • + func_id
        • + resource_id
    • ShowResInstanceInfo
      • changes of response param
        • + resources.resource_detail.resource_id

HuaweiCloud SDK GaussDB

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • CreateGaussMySqlInstance
      • changes of response param
        • * instance.volume.size: string -> int32

HuaweiCloud SDK IoTDA

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ShowRuleAction
      • changes of response param
        • + channel_detail.dms_kafka_forwarding.security_protocol
    • UpdateRuleAction
      • changes of request param
        • + channel_detail.dms_kafka_forwarding.security_protocol
      • changes of response param
        • + channel_detail.dms_kafka_forwarding.security_protocol
    • CreateRuleAction
      • changes of request param
        • + channel_detail.dms_kafka_forwarding.security_protocol
      • changes of response param
        • + channel_detail.dms_kafka_forwarding.security_protocol
    • ListRuleActions
      • changes of response param
        • + actions.channel_detail.dms_kafka_forwarding.security_protocol

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstanceConsumerGroups
      • changes of response param
        • * groups.createdAt: int32 -> int64

HuaweiCloud SDK LTS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListTopnTrafficStatistics
      • changes of response param
        • + results.cold_storage

HuaweiCloud SDK MRS

  • Features
    • Support the API AddComponent
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK OCR

  • Features
    • Support the API RecognizePeruIdCard
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK RabbitMQ

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the API ShowRabbitMqProductCores

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the API RevokePostgresqlDbPrivilege
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK ServiceStage

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ChangeInstance
      • changes of request param
        • + configuration.env
        • +
        • + configuration.strategy
        • + configuration.lifecycle
        • + configuration.scheduler
        • + configuration.probes
        • * configuration: map<string, object> -> object<InstanceConfiguration>
published 3.1.63 •



3.1.63 2023-11-13

HuaweiCloud SDK DCS

  • Features
    • Support the interfaces ShowNodesInformation, DeleteCenterTask, DeleteDiagnosisTask
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK Kafka

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • ListInstanceTopics
      • changes of request param
        • + offset
        • + limit

HuaweiCloud SDK LTS

  • Features
    • None
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Createfavorite
      • changes of request param
        • + is_global
      • changes of response param
        • + is_global

HuaweiCloud SDK RabbitMQ

  • Features
    • Support the interfaces ShowRabbitMqProductCores, ShowCesHierarchy
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • None

HuaweiCloud SDK RDS

  • Features
    • Support the interfaces ListPostgresqlListHistoryTables, ListHistoryDatabase, BatchRestorePostgreSqlTables, BatchRestoreDatabase
  • Bug Fix
    • None
  • Change
    • Remove the interfaces ListInstancesResourceMetrics, ListInstancesRecommendation
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