IBM Cloud Key Protect Node.js SDK
Node.js client library to interact with various Key Protect APIs.
Table of Contents
The IBM Cloud Key Protect Node.js SDK allows developers to programmatically interact with the following
IBM Cloud services:
Key protect Service
npm install @ibm-cloud/ibm-key-protect
Key Protect uses token-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication. With IAM authentication, you supply an API key that is used to generate an access token.
Authentication for this SDK is accomplished by
using IAM authenticators.
To learn more about IAM authenticators and how to use them in your Node.js application, see
the IBM Node.js SDK Core documentation.
Using the SDK
Basic usage
All methods return a Promise that either resolves with the response from the service or rejects with an Error. The
response contains the body, the headers, the status code, and the status text.
Use the serviceUrl
parameter to set the endpoint URL that is specific to your Key Protect service instance. The
endpoint can be either public or private, for example:
serviceUrl: 'https://us-south.kms.cloud.ibm.com'
serviceUrl: 'https://private.us-south.kms.cloud.ibm.com'
const KeyProtectV2 = require('@ibm-cloud/ibm-key-protect/ibm-key-protect-api/v2');
const { IamAuthenticator } = require('@ibm-cloud/ibm-key-protect/auth');
const envConfigs = {
apiKey: process.env.IBMCLOUD_API_KEY,
iamAuthUrl: process.env.IAM_AUTH_URL,
serviceUrl: process.env.KP_SERVICE_URL,
bluemixInstance: process.env.KP_INSTANCE_ID,
async function keyProtectSdkExample() {
let response;
const authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({
apikey: envConfigs.apiKey,
url: envConfigs.iamAuthUrl,
const keyProtectClient = new KeyProtectV2({
serviceUrl: envConfigs.serviceUrl,
const body = {
metadata: {
collectionType: 'application/vnd.ibm.kms.key+json',
collectionTotal: 1,
resources: [
type: 'application/vnd.ibm.kms.key+json',
name: 'nodejsKey',
extractable: false,
const createParams = Object.assign({}, envConfigs);
createParams.body = body;
response = await keyProtectClient.createKey(createParams);
const keyId = response.result.resources[0].id;
console.log('Key created, id is: ' + keyId);
const getKeyParams = Object.assign({}, envConfigs);
getKeyParams.id = keyId;
response = await keyProtectClient.getKey(getKeyParams);
console.log('Get key result: ');
response = await keyProtectClient.getKeys(envConfigs);
console.log('Get keys result:');
for(let resource of response.result.resources){
const samplePlaintext = 'dGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBzdHJpbmcK';
const wrapKeyParams = Object.assign({}, envConfigs);
wrapKeyParams.id = keyId;
wrapKeyParams.keyActionWrapBody = {
plaintext: samplePlaintext,
response = await keyProtectClient.wrapKey(wrapKeyParams);
console.log('Wrap key response status: ' + response.status);
const ciphertextResult = response.result.ciphertext;
const unwrapKeyParams = Object.assign({}, envConfigs);
unwrapKeyParams.id = keyId;
unwrapKeyParams.keyActionUnwrapBody = {
ciphertext: ciphertextResult,
response = await keyProtectClient.unwrapKey(unwrapKeyParams);
console.log('Key plain text is: ' + response.result.plaintext);
const deleteKeyParams = Object.assign({}, envConfigs);
deleteKeyParams.id = keyId;
deleteKeyParams.prefer = 'return=representation';
response = await keyProtectClient.deleteKey(deleteKeyParams);
console.log('Delete key response status: ' + response.status);
For more information and IBM Cloud SDK usage examples for Node.js, see
the IBM Cloud SDK Common documentation
This project includes unit tests test/unit
and integration tests test/integration
The integration tests require the auth.js file with proper configuration values to be added under test/resources,
use auth.example.js under the same directory as example to create the auth.js file.
To run the tests:
npm run test
npm run test-unit
npm run test-integration
If you are having difficulties using this SDK or have a question about the IBM Cloud services,
please ask a question at
Stack Overflow.
You can also check out the Key Protect documentation
and API reference for more information about the service.
If you encounter an issue with the SDK, you are welcome to submit
a bug report.
Before that, please search for similar issues. It's possible someone has
already encountered this issue.
For general contribution guidelines, see CONTRIBUTING.
This SDK project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The license's full text can be found in LICENSE.