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Comparing version 2.5.1 to 3.0.0-beta.1



@@ -0,1 +1,41 @@

# [3.0.0-beta.1]( (2022-02-21)
### Bug Fixes
* **Exports:** Namespace all exports to AddressFinder ([9d64f93](
### Features
* **AddressFinder:** 3.0.0 ([8bdb008](
* **Countries:** Allow user to restrict to specific countries ([4809a25](
* **Hints:** Add hints in placeholder ([c5ba376](
* **Resolver:** Use new resolve API ([609b359](
* **Styling:** Automatically offset AF if input has bottom margin ([3ed3a78](
* **Typings:** Drop api-typings for OpenApi typings ([baa469a](
* **USA:** Add support for US Address Search ([b04bd89](
* **USA:** Add USA support ([589f0ab](
* **View:** View brought into main scope ([01781ac](
* **AddressFinder:** - A parent element which wraps both the address finder suggestion list
and toolbar
- Controller no longer provides `view` attribute. References to DOM
Elements are stored directly on the instance
- `next()` and `previous()` only update internal state but do not
advance the state machine
* **Exports:** All exports have been namespaced to AddressFinder
* **View:** Removed controller.view. View components are incorporated into main
Address Finder instance. e.g. `controller.view.input` becomes
* **Resolver:** Address Finder now completes addresses using the
/autocomplete/addresses/:id API
* **Typings:** Address Finder now uses the typings found at
* **USA:** Adds USA support. Underlying API Client upgraded to
## [2.5.1]( (2022-01-06)

@@ -2,0 +42,0 @@


import { Client } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
export declare type QueryOptions = Record<string, string>;

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /**

@@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ "use strict";

resolve(suggestion) {
const { umprn, udprn } = suggestion;
if (umprn !== undefined)
return core_axios_1.lookupUmprn({ client: this.client, umprn });
return core_axios_1.lookupUdprn({ client: this.client, udprn });
return core_axios_1.autocomplete
.gbr(this.client,, {
query: { api_key: this.client.config.api_key },
.then((response) => response.body.result);
exports.ApiCache = ApiCache;
* @module Controller
import { View } from "./view";
import { Announce } from "./announcer";
import { Callbacks, Listener } from "./callbacks";
import { Context, Details, ContextDetails } from "./contexts";
import { DebouncedFunc } from "lodash";
import { ApiCache, QueryOptions } from "./cache";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { ControllerOptions } from "./index";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { Client } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";
import { Config } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios/dist/client";
import { ViewService, CloseReason } from "./state";
import { SelectorNode, CSSStyle, OutputFields, NamedFields, IdGen } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
* Configuration options for an Address Finder instance
export interface ControllerOptions extends Partial<Callbacks>, Partial<Omit<Config, "api_key">> {
* CSS selector or HTML Element which specifies the `<input>` field which the
* Address Finder View should bind.
inputField?: SelectorNode;
* API Key from your Ideal Postcodes account. Typically begins `ak_`
apiKey: string;
* Scopes the operable area of the DOM
* @default
* `window.document`
scope?: Document | HTMLElement | string;
* Specify the Document to operate on
* @default
* `window.document`
document?: Document;
* Default Country
* @default
* `"GBR"`
defaultCountry?: Context;
* Narrow the countries you wish to support
* Setting this to an empty array (default) will enable all countries
* Setting this to a single country will disable country selection and hide the country selection toolbar
* @default
* `[]`
restrictCountries?: Context[];
* Provide a custom list of possible contexts to select a new country or context from
contexts?: Record<string, Details>;
* Specify parent element for output fields to looking for them to narrow search area
outputScope?: string | HTMLElement | Document | null;
* An object specifying where address field data points should be piped.
* The attribute of the document should be the same as the address attribute
* as found in the documentation. E.g. `line_1`, `post_town`, `postcode`.
* You may use a CSS selector `string` or a `HTMLElement`. E.g.
* `{ line_1: "#line_1" }` or `{ line_1: document.getElementById("line_1") }`
* Using an `HTMLElement` as an `outputField` selector has the effect of eagerly binding the Address Finder instance to your output fields. When using `string` selectors, Address Finder will bind to your ouput fields when when an address is selected.
outputFields?: OutputFields;
* An object specifying the `name`s of HTML Input Elements to target for address population
* This will fallback to `aria-name` if a name cannot be detected
names?: NamedFields;
* An object specifying the labels associated with HTML Input Elements to target for address population
labels?: NamedFields;
* Optional. An optional field to remove organisation name from address lines.
* This is `false` by default.
removeOrganisation?: boolean;
* An optional field to check whether the key is usable against the Ideal
* Postcodes API. This should be used in conjunction with the
* `onFailedCheck` callback to specify the necessary behaviour when the API
* Key is not in a usable state. This is `true` by default.
checkKey?: boolean;
* Configures which WAI-ARIA specification version Address Finder should target.
* - `"1.1"` will target the most recent spec
* - `"1.0"` will enable some regressions to support the 1.0 spec.
* Although 1.1 was released in 2017, this currently defaults to "1.0" as it receives the widest support among screen readers. VoiceOver (for MacOS and iOS) and NVDA in particular benefit from this.
* Defaults to "1.0"
aria?: "1.0" | "1.1";
* Automatically aligns address finder
* @default true
alignToInput?: boolean;
* Offset of AddressFinder from input in pixels
* @default 2
offset?: number;
* An optional field to convert the case of the Post Town from upper case
* into title case. E.g. `"LONDON"` becomes `"London".` Default is `true`
titleizePostTown?: boolean;
* Optional configuration object to apply to address queries
queryOptions?: QueryOptions;
* Sets the `autocomplete=` attribute of the input element. Setting this attribute aims to prevent some browsers (particularly Chrome) from providing a clashing autofill overlay.
* The best practice for this attribute breaks over time (see and is specific to different forms. If you are observing chrome's autofill clashing on your form, update this attribute to the best practice du jour.
* @default `"none"`
autocomplete?: string;
* Inject stylesheet into DOM to style Address Finder with default theme. Default is `true`
* Styling of the Address Finder can be achieved using a CSS file. Set this to `false` if you wish to do this
* - `true` Injects the default styles into the DOM
* - `string` e.g. `` will include a CSS Stylesheet in the DOM with the src set as the string
injectStyle?: boolean | string;
* Message in input placeholder when address results are suggested
* Defaults to `"Try the first line or postal code of your address"`
msgPlaceholder?: string;
* Message in input placeholder when country suggestions are presented
* Defaults to `"Select your country"`
msgPlaceholderCountry?: string;
* Fallback message in case communication message with API fails
* Defaults to `"Please enter your address manually"`
msgFallback?: string;
* Initial message when Address Finder opens an no query is available
* Defaults to `"Start typing to find address"`
msgInitial?: string;
* Aria-label attached to country select bytton
* Defaults to `"Click to change your country"`
msgCountryToggle?: string;
* Message presented when no matches found for a particular query
* Defaults to `"No matches found"`
msgNoMatch?: string;
* Aria-label attached to the suggestion list. Prompts screen reader user on how to operate list
* Defaults to `"Select your address"`
* @default `"Select your address"`
msgList?: string;
* CSS class assigned to Address Finder element. This element is the main visible element containing address suggestions, messages and toolbar underneath the address finder
* Defaults to `"idpc_af"`
* @default `"idpc_af"`
mainClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to message box
* Defaults to `"idpc_error"`
* @default `"idpc_error"`
messageClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to the AddressFinder container/wrapper
* Defaults to `"idpc_autocomplete"`
* @default `"idpc_autocomplete"`
containerClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to suggestion list
* Defaults to `"idpc_ul"`
* @default `"idpc_ul"`
listClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to toolbar at bottom of Address Finder
* @default `"idpc_toolbar"`
toolbarClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to country toggle button
* @default `"idpc_country"`
countryToggleClass?: string;
* Suppresses `county` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateCounty?: boolean;
* Suppresses `organisation_name` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateOrganisation?: boolean;
* Applies additional styling to the input field. Ideal for quick tweaks. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* Input styles are restored to original when controller is detached from DOM
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* inputStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
inputStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the suggestion list. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* `style` encapsulates all visible elements of Address Finder. This element is actively shown/hidden when AddressFinder is toggled
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* listStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
listStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the Address Finder container element. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* `containerStyle encapsulates all elements of Address Finder including the input, ARIA controls
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* containerStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
containerStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the Address Finder Main Component. The Main Component contains the visible elements of the Address Finder such as the address suggestion list, toolbar and messages which appears underneath the input field.
* Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* mainStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
mainStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the Address Finder list element. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* liStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
liStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Hide a list of HTML elements when Postcode Lookup is instantiated
* Specify these elements using query selectors or direct HTMLElement references
* @default []
hide?: (string | HTMLElement)[];
* Message shown to user to unhide address fields if `hide` attribute is configured
* @default "Enter address manually"
msgUnhide?: string;
* Specify a clickable element to unhide elements hidden with `hide`
* @default null
unhide?: string | HTMLElement | null;
* Class of clickable unhide element
* @default "idpc-unhide"
unhideClass?: string;
* @hidden

@@ -17,2 +385,8 @@ */

interface RetrieveSuggestions {
(event: Event): Promise<Controller>;
* @hidden
export interface StoredOptions extends Required<Omit<ControllerOptions, keyof Config>>, Omit<Config, "api_key"> {

@@ -34,6 +408,2 @@ }

* More concretely, the instantiation of a controller instance creates:
* - A user interface instance `View`
* - An instance of the [Ideal Postcodes Browser Client](
* The role of the controller is to bind to events produced by the user

@@ -69,9 +439,127 @@ * interface and take appropriate action including querying the API,

* View instance
* Caches previous placeholder value for input
view: View;
placeholderCache: string | undefined;
* Reference to input DOM element
input: HTMLInputElement;
* Reference to Address Finder message DOM element
message: HTMLLIElement;
* Reference to container wrapping AddressFinder elements DOM element. This includes the main component, input fields and WAI-ARIA controls
container: HTMLDivElement;
* Reference to inner container wrapping list and toolbar
mainComponent: HTMLDivElement;
* Reference to Address Suggestion list DOM element
list: HTMLUListElement;
* Reference to toolbar at bottom of finder list
toolbar: HTMLDivElement;
* Reference to country select toggle button
countryToggle: HTMLSpanElement;
* Reference to country icon
countryIcon: HTMLSpanElement;
* Reference to country toggle message
countryMessage: HTMLSpanElement;
* Reference to clickable Unhide link
unhide: HTMLElement;
* Input element input event listener
inputListener: Listener<"input">;
* Input blur event listener
blurListener: Listener<"blur">;
* Input focus event listener
focusListener: Listener<"focus">;
* Input keydown event listener
keydownListener: Listener<"keydown">;
* Unhide click event listener
unhideEvent: Listener<"click">;
* Address Finder state machine
fsm: ViewService;
* ID generation method
ids: IdGen;
* Reference to accessibility announcer
announce: Announce;
* Reference to alerts container
alerts: HTMLDivElement;
* Caches input style prior to Address Finder attachment
inputStyle: string | null;
* Debounced method used to retrieve suggestions
retrieveSuggestions: DebouncedFunc<RetrieveSuggestions>;
* Current search context
context: string;
* Current list of address suggestions
suggestions: AddressSuggestion[];
* Current list of context suggestions
contextSuggestions: ContextDetails[];
* Current notification to be shown to user
notification: string;
* Index of current elem in list selected
current: number;
constructor(options: ControllerOptions);
* Sets placeholder and caches previous result
* @hidden
setPlaceholder(msg: string): void;
* Unsets any placeholder value to original
* @hidden
unsetPlaceholder(): void;
* Returns current highlighted context
* @hidden
currentContext(): ContextDetails;
* Binds to DOM and begin DOM mutations
* @hidden

@@ -87,19 +575,27 @@ */

* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* It executes suggestion search when address input is updated
* @private
* Render available country options
_onInput(): (this: View, event: Event) => Promise<View>;
renderContexts(): void;
* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* Populates fields with correct address when suggestion selected
* @private
* Render current address suggestions
_onSelect(): (this: View, suggestion: AddressSuggestion) => Promise<View>;
renderSuggestions(): void;
* Updates current li in list to active descendant
goToCurrent(): void;
* Marks aria component as opened
ariaExpand(): void;
* Marks aria component as closed
ariaContract(): void;
* Resolves a suggestion to full address and apply results to form
applySuggestion(suggestion: AddressSuggestion): Promise<Controller>;
* Writes a selected to the input fields specified in the controller config
* @public

@@ -110,6 +606,122 @@ populateAddress(address: Address): void;

* cache to prevent stale searches
setQueryOptions(options: QueryOptions): void;
* Adds Address Finder to DOM
* - Wraps input with container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Starts FSM
attach(): Controller;
* Removes Address Finder from DOM
* - Disable listeners
* - Removes sugestion list from container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Stops FSM
detach(): Controller;
* Sets message as a list item, no or empty string removes any message
setMessage(notification: string): Controller;
* Returns HTML Element which recevies key aria attributes
* @public
* @hidden
setQueryOptions(options: QueryOptions): void;
ariaAnchor(): HTMLElement;
* Returns current address query
query(): string;
* Set address finder suggestions
setSuggestions(suggestions: AddressSuggestion[], query: string): Controller;
* Close address finder
close(reason?: CloseReason): void;
* Updates suggestions and resets current selection
* @hidden
updateSuggestions(s: AddressSuggestion[]): void;
* Applies context to API cache
* @hidden
applyContext(details: ContextDetails): void;
* Renders notification box
* @hidden
renderNotice(): void;
* Open address finder
* @hidden
open(): void;
* Sets next suggestion as current
* @hidden
next(): Controller;
* Sets previous suggestion as current
* @hidden
previous(): Controller;
* Given a HTMLLiElement, scroll parent until it is in view
* @hidden
scrollToView(li: HTMLElement): Controller;
* Moves currently selected li into view
* @hidden
goto(i: number): Controller;
* Returns true if address finder is open
opened(): boolean;
* Returs false if address finder is closed
closed(): boolean;
* Creates a clickable element that can trigger unhiding of fields
createUnhide(): HTMLElement;
* Removes unhide elem from DOM
unmountUnhide(): void;
hiddenFields(): HTMLElement[];
* Hides fields marked for hiding
hideFields(): void;
* Unhides fields marked for hiding
unhideFields(): void;
* Event handler: Fires on "keyDown" event of search field
* @hidden
export declare const _onKeyDown: (c: Controller) => Listener<"keydown">;
* Retrieve Element
* - If string, assumes is valid and returns first match within scope
* - If null, invokes the create method to return a default
* - If HTMLElement returns instance
* @hidden
export declare const findOrCreate: <T>(scope: HTMLElement | Document, q: string | T | null, create?: (() => T) | undefined) => T;
export {};

@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Controller = exports.defaults = exports.NOOP = void 0;
exports.findOrCreate = exports._onKeyDown = exports.Controller = exports.defaults = exports.NOOP = void 0;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
const view_1 = require("./view");
const announcer_1 = require("./announcer");
const debounce_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/debounce"));
const contexts_1 = require("./contexts");
const cache_1 = require("./cache");
const css_1 = require("./css");
const core_axios_1 = require("@ideal-postcodes/core-axios");
const fsm_1 = require("@xstate/fsm");
const state_1 = require("./state");
const jsutil_1 = require("@ideal-postcodes/jsutil");

@@ -46,2 +49,8 @@ /**

queryOptions: {},
alignToInput: true,
offset: 2,
// Country
defaultCountry: "GBR",
restrictCountries: [],
contexts: contexts_1.defaultContexts,
// Messages

@@ -52,7 +61,15 @@ msgFallback: "Please enter your address manually",

msgList: "Select your address",
msgCountryToggle: "Change Country",
// Placeholder Messages
msgPlaceholder: "Type the first line or postal code of your address",
msgPlaceholderCountry: "Select your country",
// View classes
messageClass: "idpc_error",
containerClass: "idpc_autocomplete",
mainClass: "idpc_af",
listClass: "idpc_ul",
toolbarClass: "idpc_toolbar",
countryToggleClass: "idpc_country",
// Syles
mainStyle: {},
inputStyle: {},

@@ -87,2 +104,3 @@ listStyle: {},

onUnhide: exports.NOOP,
onCountrySelected: exports.NOOP,

@@ -99,6 +117,2 @@ /**

* More concretely, the instantiation of a controller instance creates:
* - A user interface instance `View`
* - An instance of the [Ideal Postcodes Browser Client](
* The role of the controller is to bind to events produced by the user

@@ -128,25 +142,159 @@ * interface and take appropriate action including querying the API,

// Assign a document or DOM subtree to scope outputs. Defaults to controller scope
this.outputScope = view_1.findOrCreate(this.scope, this.options.outputScope, () => this.scope);
this.outputScope = exports.findOrCreate(this.scope, this.options.outputScope, () => this.scope);
// Initialise state
this.context = this.options.defaultCountry;
this.notification = this.options.msgInitial;
this.current = -1;
this.suggestions = [];
this.contextSuggestions = contexts_1.toContextList(this.options.contexts, this.options.restrictCountries);
this.client = new core_axios_1.Client({ ...this.options, api_key: this.options.apiKey });
this.cache = new cache_1.ApiCache(this.client);
this.view = new view_1.View({
scope: this.scope,
document: this.document,
onInput: debounce_1.default(this._onInput(), 100, {
leading: true,
trailing: true,
maxWait: 100,
onSelect: this._onSelect(),
this.retrieveSuggestions = debounce_1.default((event) => {, event);
const query = this.query();
if (query.trim().length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(this);
return this.cache
.query(query, this.options.queryOptions)
.then((suggestions) => {, suggestions);
return this.setSuggestions(suggestions, query);
.catch((error) => {
if (this.query() === query)
this.setMessage(this.options.msgFallback);, error);
return this;
}, 100, {
leading: true,
trailing: true,
maxWait: 100,
this.ids = jsutil_1.idGen("idpcaf");
// Configure container
this.container = this.options.document.createElement("div");
this.container.className = this.options.containerClass; = this.ids();
this.container.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "listbox");
// Create message element
this.message = this.options.document.createElement("li");
this.message.textContent = this.options.msgInitial;
this.message.className = this.options.messageClass;
// Create button to toggle country selection
this.countryToggle = this.options.document.createElement("span");
this.countryToggle.className = this.options.countryToggleClass;
this.countryToggle.addEventListener("mousedown", _onCountryToggle(this));
this.countryIcon = this.options.document.createElement("span");
this.countryIcon.className = "idpc_icon";
this.countryIcon.innerText = this.currentContext().icon;
this.countryMessage = this.options.document.createElement("span");
this.countryMessage.innerText = "Select Country";
this.countryMessage.className = "idpc_country";
// Create toolbar (for country selection)
this.toolbar = this.options.document.createElement("div");
this.toolbar.className = this.options.toolbarClass;
// Configure UL
this.list = this.options.document.createElement("ul");
this.list.className = this.options.listClass; = this.ids();
this.list.setAttribute("aria-label", this.options.msgList);
this.list.setAttribute("role", "listbox");
this.mainComponent = this.options.document.createElement("div");
this.mainComponent.className = this.options.mainClass;
//configure unhide
this.unhideEvent = this.unhideFields.bind(this);
this.unhide = this.createUnhide();
// Configure input
let input;
if (jsutil_1.isString(this.options.inputField)) {
input = this.scope.querySelector(this.options.inputField);
else {
input = this.options.inputField;
if (!input)
throw new Error("Address Finder: Unable to find valid input field");
this.input = input;
this.input.setAttribute("autocomplete", this.options.autocomplete);
this.input.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "list");
this.input.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "list");
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
this.input.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off");
this.input.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off");
this.input.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false");
if (! = this.ids();
// Apply additional accessibility improvments
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("role", "combobox");
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
this.placeholderCache = this.input.placeholder;
// Create listeners
this.inputListener = _onInput(this);
this.blurListener = _onBlur(this);
this.focusListener = _onFocus(this);
this.keydownListener = exports._onKeyDown(this);
const { container, announce } = announcer_1.announcer({
idA: this.ids(),
idB: this.ids(),
document: this.options.document,
this.announce = announce;
this.alerts = container;
this.inputStyle = jsutil_1.setStyle(this.input, this.options.inputStyle);
jsutil_1.setStyle(this.container, this.options.containerStyle);
jsutil_1.setStyle(this.list, this.options.listStyle);
// Apply an offset based off any margin
const offset = css_1.computeOffset(this);
jsutil_1.setStyle(this.mainComponent, {
this.fsm = state_1.create({ c: this });
* Sets placeholder and caches previous result
* @hidden
setPlaceholder(msg) {
this.input.placeholder = msg;
* Unsets any placeholder value to original
* @hidden
unsetPlaceholder() {
if (this.placeholderCache === undefined)
return this.input.removeAttribute("placeholder");
this.input.placeholder = this.placeholderCache;
* Returns current highlighted context
* @hidden
currentContext() {
const c = this.options.contexts[this.context];
return {
code: this.context,
icon: c.icon,
* Binds to DOM and begin DOM mutations
* @hidden
load() {

@@ -181,64 +329,109 @@;

* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* It executes suggestion search when address input is updated
* @private
* Render available country options
_onInput() {
const self = this;
return function (event) {, event);
const query = this.query();
if (query.trim().length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(this);
return self.cache
.query(query, self.options.queryOptions)
.then((suggestions) => {, suggestions);
return this.setSuggestions(suggestions, query);
.catch((error) => {
if (this.query() === query)
this.setMessage(self.options.msgFallback);, error);
return self.view;
renderContexts() {
this.list.innerHTML = "";
this.contextSuggestions.forEach((contextDetails, i) => {
const { name } = contextDetails;
const li = this.options.document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = name;
li.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
li.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
li.setAttribute("aria-posinset", `${i + 1}`);
li.setAttribute("aria-setsize", this.contextSuggestions.length.toString());
li.setAttribute("role", "option");
jsutil_1.setStyle(li, this.options.liStyle);
li.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
e.preventDefault();, e);
this.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_COUNTRY", contextDetails });
}; = `${}_${i}`;
this.announce(`${this.contextSuggestions.length} countries available`);
* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* Populates fields with correct address when suggestion selected
* @private
* Render current address suggestions
_onSelect() {
const self = this;
return function (suggestion) {, suggestion);
return self.cache
.then((address) => {
if (address === null)
throw "Unable to retrieve address";, address);
return this;
.catch((error) => {;
this.setMessage(self.options.msgFallback);, error);
return error;
renderSuggestions() {
this.list.innerHTML = "";
const s = this.suggestions;
s.forEach((suggestion, i) => {
const li = this.options.document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = suggestion.suggestion;
li.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
li.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
li.setAttribute("title", suggestion.suggestion);
li.setAttribute("aria-posinset", `${i + 1}`);
li.setAttribute("aria-setsize", s.length.toString());
li.setAttribute("role", "option");
jsutil_1.setStyle(li, this.options.liStyle);
li.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
e.preventDefault();, e);
this.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_ADDRESS", suggestion });
}; = `${}_${i}`;
this.announce(`${s.length} addresses available`);
* Updates current li in list to active descendant
goToCurrent() {
const lis = this.list.children;
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
for (let i = 0; i < lis.length; i += 1) {
if (i === this.current) {
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", lis[i].id);
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
else {
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
* Marks aria component as opened
ariaExpand() {
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
* Marks aria component as closed
ariaContract() {
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
* Resolves a suggestion to full address and apply results to form
applySuggestion(suggestion) {, suggestion);, suggestion);
this.announce(`The address ${suggestion.suggestion} has been applied to this form`);
return this.cache
.then((address) => {
if (address === null)
throw "Unable to retrieve address";, address);
return this;
.catch((error) => {;
this.setMessage(this.options.msgFallback);, error);
return error;
* Writes a selected to the input fields specified in the controller config
* @public
populateAddress(address) {

@@ -256,4 +449,2 @@ address,

* cache to prevent stale searches
* @public

@@ -264,3 +455,369 @@ setQueryOptions(options) {

* Adds Address Finder to DOM
* - Wraps input with container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Starts FSM
attach() {
if (this.fsm.status === fsm_1.InterpreterStatus.Running)
return this;
this.input.addEventListener("input", this.inputListener);
this.input.addEventListener("blur", this.blurListener);
this.input.addEventListener("focus", this.focusListener);
this.input.addEventListener("keydown", this.keydownListener);
const parent = this.input.parentNode;
if (parent) {
// Wrap input in a div and append suggestion list
parent.insertBefore(this.container, this.input);
if (this.options.hide.length > 0 && this.options.unhide == null)
return this;
* Removes Address Finder from DOM
* - Disable listeners
* - Removes sugestion list from container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Stops FSM
detach() {
if (this.fsm.status !== fsm_1.InterpreterStatus.Running)
return this;
this.input.removeEventListener("input", this.inputListener);
this.input.removeEventListener("blur", this.blurListener);
this.input.removeEventListener("focus", this.focusListener);
this.input.removeEventListener("keydown", this.keydownListener);
const parent = this.container.parentNode;
if (parent) {
parent.insertBefore(this.input, this.container);
jsutil_1.restoreStyle(this.input, this.inputStyle);;
return this;
* Sets message as a list item, no or empty string removes any message
setMessage(notification) {
this.fsm.send({ type: "NOTIFY", notification });
return this;
* Returns HTML Element which recevies key aria attributes
* @hidden
ariaAnchor() {
if (this.options.aria === "1.0")
return this.input;
return this.container;
* Returns current address query
query() {
return this.input.value;
* Set address finder suggestions
setSuggestions(suggestions, query) {
if (query !== this.query())
return this;
if (suggestions.length === 0)
return this.setMessage(this.options.msgNoMatch);
this.fsm.send({ type: "SUGGEST", suggestions });
return this;
* Close address finder
close(reason = "blur") {
if (reason === "esc")
jsutil_1.update(this.input, "");, reason);
* Updates suggestions and resets current selection
* @hidden
updateSuggestions(s) {
this.suggestions = s;
this.current = -1;
* Applies context to API cache
* @hidden
applyContext(details) {
const context = details.code;
this.context = context;
this.setQueryOptions({ ...this.options.queryOptions, context });
this.countryIcon.innerText = details.icon;
this.announce(`Country switched to ${}`);
* Renders notification box
* @hidden
renderNotice() {
this.list.innerHTML = "";
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
this.message.textContent = this.notification;
* Open address finder
* @hidden
open() {;;
* Sets next suggestion as current
* @hidden
next() {
if (this.current + 1 > this.list.children.length - 1) {
// Goes over edge of list and back to start
this.current = 0;
else {
this.current += 1;
return this;
* Sets previous suggestion as current
* @hidden
previous() {
if (this.current - 1 < 0) {
this.current = this.list.children.length - 1; // Wrap to last elem
else {
this.current += -1;
return this;
* Given a HTMLLiElement, scroll parent until it is in view
* @hidden
scrollToView(li) {
const liOffset = li.offsetTop;
const ulScrollTop = this.list.scrollTop;
if (liOffset < ulScrollTop) {
this.list.scrollTop = liOffset;
const ulHeight = this.list.clientHeight;
const liHeight = li.clientHeight;
if (liOffset + liHeight > ulScrollTop + ulHeight) {
this.list.scrollTop = liOffset - ulHeight + liHeight;
return this;
* Moves currently selected li into view
* @hidden
goto(i) {
const lis = this.list.children;
const suggestion = lis[i];
if (i > -1 && lis.length > 0) {
else {
return this;
* Returns true if address finder is open
opened() {
return !this.closed();
* Returs false if address finder is closed
closed() {
return this.fsm.state.matches("closed");
* Creates a clickable element that can trigger unhiding of fields
createUnhide() {
const e = exports.findOrCreate(this.scope, this.options.unhide, () => {
const e = this.options.document.createElement("p");
e.innerText = this.options.msgUnhide;
e.setAttribute("role", "button");
e.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
if (this.options.unhideClass)
e.className = this.options.unhideClass;
return e;
e.addEventListener("click", this.unhideEvent);
return e;
* Removes unhide elem from DOM
unmountUnhide() {
this.unhide.removeEventListener("click", this.unhideEvent);
if (this.options.unhide == null && this.options.hide.length)
hiddenFields() {
return this.options.hide
.map((e) => {
if (jsutil_1.isString(e))
return jsutil_1.toHtmlElem(this.options.scope, e);
return e;
.filter((e) => e !== null);
* Hides fields marked for hiding
hideFields() {
* Unhides fields marked for hiding
unhideFields() {
exports.Controller = Controller;
* Event handler: Fires when focus moves away from input field
* @hidden
const _onBlur = (c) => function () {;
c.fsm.send({ type: "CLOSE", reason: "blur" });
* Event handler: Fires when input field is focused
* @hidden
const _onFocus = (c) => function (_) {;
* Event handler: Fires when input is detected on input field
* @hidden
const _onInput = (c) => function (event) {
if (c.query().toLowerCase() === ":c") {
jsutil_1.update(c.input, "");
return c.fsm.send({ type: "CHANGE_COUNTRY" });
c.fsm.send({ type: "INPUT", event });
* Event handler: Fires when country selection is clicked
* Triggers:
* - Country selection menu
* @hidden
const _onCountryToggle = (c) => function (e) {
c.fsm.send({ type: "CHANGE_COUNTRY" });
* Event handler: Fires on "keyDown" event of search field
* @hidden
const _onKeyDown = (c) => function (event) {
// Dispatch events based on keys
const key = jsutil_1.toKey(event);
if (key === "Enter")
event.preventDefault();, event);
if (c.closed())
return c.fsm.send("AWAKE");
// When suggesting country
if (c.fsm.state.matches("suggesting_country")) {
if (key === "Enter") {
const contextDetails = c.contextSuggestions[c.current];
if (contextDetails)
c.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_COUNTRY", contextDetails });
if (key === "Backspace")
c.fsm.send({ type: "INPUT", event });
if (key === "ArrowUp") {
if (key === "ArrowDown") {
// When suggesting address
if (c.fsm.state.matches("suggesting")) {
if (key === "Enter") {
const suggestion = c.suggestions[c.current];
if (suggestion)
c.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_ADDRESS", suggestion });
if (key === "Backspace")
c.fsm.send({ type: "INPUT", event });
if (key === "ArrowUp") {
if (key === "ArrowDown") {
if (key === "Escape")
c.fsm.send({ type: "CLOSE", reason: "esc" });
if (key === "Home")
c.fsm.send({ type: "RESET" });
if (key === "End")
c.fsm.send({ type: "RESET" });
exports._onKeyDown = _onKeyDown;
* Retrieve Element
* - If string, assumes is valid and returns first match within scope
* - If null, invokes the create method to return a default
* - If HTMLElement returns instance
* @hidden
const findOrCreate = (scope, q, create) => {
if (jsutil_1.isString(q))
return scope.querySelector(q);
if (create && q === null)
return create();
return q;
exports.findOrCreate = findOrCreate;

@@ -10,1 +10,12 @@ import { Controller } from "./controller";

export declare const addStyle: (c: Controller) => undefined | HTMLStyleElement | HTMLLinkElement;
interface Offset {
marginTop: string;
interface Empty {
* Returns a negative offset which can be used to correctly align input box
* @hidden
export declare const computeOffset: (c: Controller) => Offset | Empty;
export {};
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.addStyle = void 0;
exports.computeOffset = exports.addStyle = void 0;
const jsutil_1 = require("@ideal-postcodes/jsutil");

@@ -10,3 +10,103 @@ /**

const d = ".idpc_ul.hidden{display:none}div.idpc_autocomplete{position:relative;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}div.idpc_autocomplete>input{display:block}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul{position:absolute;left:0;z-index:999;min-width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;list-style:none;padding:0;border-radius:.3em;margin:.2em 0 0;background:#fff;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3);box-shadow:.05em .2em .6em rgba(0,0,0,.2);text-shadow:none;max-height:250px;overflow-y:scroll}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li{position:relative;padding:.2em .5em;cursor:pointer}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li:hover{background:#b8d3e0;color:#000}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li.idpc_error{font-style:italic;background-color:#eee;cursor:default!important}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li[aria-selected=true]{background:#3d6d8f;color:#fff;z-index:1000}div.idpc_autocomplete>.idpc-unhide{font-size:90%;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer}@supports (transform:scale(0)){div.idpc_autocomplete>ul{transition:.3s cubic-bezier(.4, .2, .5, 1.4);transform-origin:1.43em -0.43em}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul:empty,div.idpc_autocomplete>ul[hidden]{opacity:0;transform:scale(0);display:block;transition-timing-function:ease}}";
const d = `
margin:0 0 0 0 !important;
color: #28282B;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3);
box-shadow:.05em .2em .6em rgba(0,0,0,.2);
overflow-y: scroll;
margin: 0 0 0 0 !important;
padding:.2em .5em;
margin:0 0 0 0 !important;
padding: .3em .5em;
border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
text-align: right;
background-color: #E5E4E2;
padding: .5em;
text-align: center;
background: #fff;
background-color: #E5E4E2;
padding: .2em .5em;
border-radius: 3px;
font-size: 110%;
span.idpc_icon {
line-height: 1em;
vertical-align: middle;
div.idpc_toolbar>span span.idpc_country {
margin-right: 0.3em;
max-width: 0;
font-size: 0.9em;
-webkit-transition: max-width 500ms ease-out;
transition: max-width 500ms ease-out;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
div.idpc_autocomplete>div>div>span:hover span.idpc_country {
max-width: 7em;
background-color: #E5E4E2;
-webkit-transition: background-color 500ms ease;
-ms-transition: background-color 500ms ease;
transition: background-color 500ms ease;

@@ -39,1 +139,32 @@ * Injects CSS style into DOM

exports.addStyle = addStyle;
* Returns a negative offset which can be used to correctly align input box
* @hidden
const computeOffset = (c) => {
let offset;
const input = c.input;
if (c.options.alignToInput === false)
return {};
try {
const w = c.options.document.defaultView;
if (!w)
return {};
offset = w.getComputedStyle(input).marginBottom;
catch (_) {
return {};
if (!offset)
return {};
const nOffset = parseInt(offset.replace("px", ""), 10);
if (isNaN(nOffset))
return {};
if (nOffset === 0)
return {};
const negativeOffset = nOffset * -1 + c.options.offset;
return {
marginTop: negativeOffset + "px",
exports.computeOffset = computeOffset;
* @module Address-Finder Exports
import { Address, AddressSuggestion } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { watch } from "./watch";
import { Config } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios/dist/client";
import { Controller, defaults } from "./controller";
import { QueryOptions } from "./cache";
import { SelectorNode, OutputFields, NamedFields } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { View, ViewOptions, OnOpen, OnBlur, OnClose, OnFocus, OnInput, OnSelect, OnUnhide } from "./view";
export interface OnLoaded {
(this: Controller): void;
export interface OnFailedCheck {
(this: Controller, error: Error): void;
export interface OnSuggestionsRetrieved {
(this: Controller, suggestion: AddressSuggestion[]): void;
export interface OnAddressRetrieved {
(this: Controller, address: Address): void;
export interface OnSearchError {
(this: Controller, error: Error): void;
export interface OnSuggestionError {
(this: Controller, error: Error): void;
export interface OnMounted {
(this: View): void;
export interface OnRemove {
(this: View): void;
export interface OnAddressSelected {
(this: Controller, suggestion: AddressSuggestion): void;
export interface OnAddressPopulated {
(this: Controller, address: Address): void;
import { Controller } from "./controller";
* Configuration options for an Address Finder instance
export interface ControllerOptions extends Partial<Omit<Config, "api_key">>, Partial<Omit<ViewOptions, "scope" | "document">> {
* CSS selector or HTML Element which specifies the `<input>` field which the
* Address Finder View should bind.
inputField?: SelectorNode;
* API Key from your Ideal Postcodes account. Typically begins `ak_`
apiKey: string;
* Scopes the operable area of the DOM
* @default
* `window.document`
scope?: Document | HTMLElement | string;
* Specify the Document to operate on
* @default
* `window.document`
document?: Document;
* Specify parent element for output fields to looking for them to narrow search area
outputScope?: string | HTMLElement | Document | null;
* An object specifying where address field data points should be piped.
* The attribute of the document should be the same as the address attribute
* as found in the documentation. E.g. `line_1`, `post_town`, `postcode`.
* You may use a CSS selector `string` or a `HTMLElement`. E.g.
* `{ line_1: "#line_1" }` or `{ line_1: document.getElementById("line_1") }`
* Using an `HTMLElement` as an `outputField` selector has the effect of eagerly binding the Address Finder instance to your output fields. When using `string` selectors, Address Finder will bind to your ouput fields when when an address is selected.
outputFields?: OutputFields;
* An object specifying the `name`s of HTML Input Elements to target for address population
* This will fallback to `aria-name` if a name cannot be detected
names?: NamedFields;
* An object specifying the labels associated with HTML Input Elements to target for address population
labels?: NamedFields;
* Optional. An optional field to remove organisation name from address lines.
* This is `false` by default.
removeOrganisation?: boolean;
* An optional field to check whether the key is usable against the Ideal
* Postcodes API. This should be used in conjunction with the
* `onFailedCheck` callback to specify the necessary behaviour when the API
* Key is not in a usable state. This is `true` by default.
checkKey?: boolean;
* Configures which WAI-ARIA specification version Address Finder should target.
* - `"1.1"` will target the most recent spec
* - `"1.0"` will enable some regressions to support the 1.0 spec.
* Although 1.1 was released in 2017, this currently defaults to "1.0" as it receives the widest support among screen readers. VoiceOver (for MacOS and iOS) and NVDA in particular benefit from this.
* Defaults to "1.0"
aria?: "1.0" | "1.1";
* An optional field to convert the case of the Post Town from upper case
* into title case. E.g. `"LONDON"` becomes `"London".` Default is `true`
titleizePostTown?: boolean;
* Optional configuration object to apply to address queries
queryOptions?: QueryOptions;
* Sets the `autocomplete=` attribute of the input element. Setting this attribute aims to prevent some browsers (particularly Chrome) from providing a clashing autofill overlay.
* The best practice for this attribute breaks over time (see and is specific to different forms. If you are observing chrome's autofill clashing on your form, update this attribute to the best practice du jour.
* @default "none"
autocomplete?: string;
* Inject stylesheet into DOM to style Address Finder with default theme. Default is `false`
* Styling of the Address Finder can be achieved using a CSS file. Set this to `false` if you wish to do this
* - `true` Injects the default styles into the DOM
* - `string` e.g. `` will include a CSS Stylesheet in the DOM with the src set as the string
injectStyle?: boolean | string;
* Fallback message in case communication message with API fails
* Defaults to `"Please enter your address manually"`
msgFallback?: string;
* Initial message when Address Finder opens an no query is available
* Defaults to `"Start typing to find address"`
msgInitial?: string;
* Message presented when no matches found for a particular query
* Defaults to `"No matches found"`
msgNoMatch?: string;
* Aria-label attached to the suggestion list. Prompts screen reader user on how to operate list
* Defaults to `"Select your address"`
msgList?: string;
* CSS class assigned to message box
* Defaults to `"idpc_error"`
* Note this doesn't necessarily indicate an error
messageClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to the AddressFinder container/wrapper
* Defaults to `"idpc_autocomplete"`
containerClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to suggestion list (bound to `<ul>`)
* Defaults to `"idpc_ul"`
listClass?: string;
* Invoked when Address Finder has been successfully attached to the input element.
onLoaded?: OnLoaded;
* Invoked when `checkKey` is enabled and the key is discovered to be in an
* unusable state (e.g. daily limit reached, no balance, etc).
onFailedCheck?: OnFailedCheck;
* Invoked immediately after address suggestions are retrieved from the API.
* The first argument is an array of address suggestions.
onSuggestionsRetrieved?: OnSuggestionsRetrieved;
* Invoked when the Address Finder client has retrieved a full address from
* the API following a user accepting a suggestion. The first argument is
* an object representing the address that has been retrieved.
onAddressRetrieved?: OnAddressRetrieved;
* Invoked when view is attached to the DOM
onMounted?: OnMounted;
* Invoked when view is detached from the DOM
onRemove?: OnRemove;
* Invoked immediately after the user has selected a suggestion (either by
* click or keypress). The first argument is an object which represents the
* suggestion selected.
onAddressSelected?: OnAddressSelected;
* Invoked when selected address is populated into address fields of user
* address form
onAddressPopulated?: OnAddressPopulated;
* Invoked when an error has occurred following an attempt to retrieve a full
* address. i.e. the API request made after the user selects a suggestion.
* The first argument is an error instance (i.e. inherits from `Error`)
* representing the error which has occurred.
* In this scenario the user will also receive a message to manually input an
* address if address retrieval fails.
onSearchError?: OnSearchError;
* Invoked when an address suggestion retrieval request has failed.
* In this scenario the user will be alerted that no address suggestions
* could be found and to manually input an address.
onSuggestionError?: OnSuggestionError;
* Invoked when the Address Finder view opens (i.e. appears)
onOpen?: OnOpen;
* Invoked when `blur` event is dispatched by Address Finder input field
onBlur?: OnBlur;
* Invoked when the Address Finder view closes (i.e. disappears)
onClose?: OnClose;
* Invoked when `focus` event is dispatched by Address Finder input field
onFocus?: OnFocus;
* Invoked when `input` event is dispatched by Address Finder input field
onInput?: OnInput;
* Invoked when a suggestion has been selected
onSelect?: OnSelect;
* Invoked when hidden fields are unhidden (i.e. user selects an address or opts for manual input)
onUnhide?: OnUnhide;
* Suppresses `county` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateCounty?: boolean;
* Suppresses `organisation_name` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateOrganisation?: boolean;
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This method will create and return a new AddressFinder instance. It will also add a global reference to the controller at `AddressFinder.controllers`
export declare const setup: (config: ControllerOptions) => Controller;
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This is equivalent to invoking `setup` except inside a DOMContentLoaded event callback
export declare const go: (config: ControllerOptions, d?: Document | undefined) => Promise<Controller | null>;
* Cache of Address Finder controllers
export declare const controllers: Controller[];
* Namespace that exports Address Finder methods and classes
export declare const AddressFinder: {
setup: (config: ControllerOptions) => Controller;
setup: (config: import("./controller").ControllerOptions) => Controller;
controllers: Controller[];

@@ -313,16 +14,3 @@ Controller: typeof Controller;

watch: import("./watch").Watch;
go: (config: ControllerOptions, d?: Document | undefined) => Promise<Controller | null>;
go: (config: import("./controller").ControllerOptions, d?: Document | undefined) => Promise<Controller | null>;
* Configure Address Finder to watch for available address fields to bind
export { watch };
* Default Address Finder Controller configuration
export { defaults };
export { ViewOptions };
* Controller Export
export { Controller };

@@ -6,45 +6,16 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Controller = exports.defaults = = exports.AddressFinder = exports.controllers = exports.go = exports.setup = void 0;
exports.AddressFinder = void 0;
const setup_1 = require("./setup");
const watch_1 = require("./watch");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "watch", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return; } });
const controller_1 = require("./controller");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Controller", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return controller_1.Controller; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "defaults", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return controller_1.defaults; } });
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This method will create and return a new AddressFinder instance. It will also add a global reference to the controller at `AddressFinder.controllers`
const setup = (config) => {
const c = new controller_1.Controller(config);
return c;
exports.setup = setup;
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This is equivalent to invoking `setup` except inside a DOMContentLoaded event callback
const go = (config, d) => new Promise((resolve, _) => {
(d || document).addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (_) => {
const c = exports.setup(config);
return resolve(c);
}).catch((_) => null);
exports.go = go;
* Cache of Address Finder controllers
exports.controllers = [];
* Namespace that exports Address Finder methods and classes
exports.AddressFinder = {
setup: exports.setup,
controllers: exports.controllers,
setup: setup_1.setup,
controllers: setup_1.controllers,
Controller: controller_1.Controller,
defaults: controller_1.defaults,
go: exports.go,
go: setup_1.go,
import { StateMachine } from "@xstate/fsm";
import { AddressSuggestion } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { View, CloseReason } from "./view";
import { AddressSuggestion } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { ContextDetails } from "./contexts";
import { Controller } from "./controller";
export declare type CloseReason = "select" | "esc" | "blur";

@@ -13,4 +15,4 @@ * @hidden

} | {
type: "SELECT";
suggestion: AddressSuggestion;
suggestion: AddressSuggestion | undefined;
} | {

@@ -26,2 +28,7 @@ type: "NEXT";

} | {
} | {
contextDetails: ContextDetails | undefined;
} | {
type: "CLOSE";

@@ -31,3 +38,3 @@ reason: CloseReason;

type: "NOTIFY";
message: string;
notification: string;

@@ -38,5 +45,2 @@ /**

export interface Context {
message: string;
suggestions: AddressSuggestion[];
current: number;

@@ -50,2 +54,5 @@ /**

} | {
value: "suggesting_country";
context: Context;
} | {
value: "notifying";

@@ -75,8 +82,9 @@ context: Context;

export interface CreateOptions {
view: View;
c: Controller;
* Creates a finite state machine that drives Address Finder UI
* @hidden
export declare const create: Create;
export {};

@@ -5,3 +5,2 @@ "use strict";

const fsm_1 = require("@xstate/fsm");
const jsutil_1 = require("@ideal-postcodes/jsutil");

@@ -28,12 +27,26 @@ * @hidden

* @hidden
const NEXT = { NEXT: { actions: ["next", "gotoCurrent"] } };
* @hidden
const PREVIOUS = { PREVIOUS: { actions: ["previous", "gotoCurrent"] } };
* @hidden
const RESET = { RESET: { actions: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent"] } };
* @hidden
CHANGE_COUNTRY: { target: "suggesting_country" },
* Creates a finite state machine that drives Address Finder UI
* @hidden
const create = ({ view }) => {
const create = ({ c }) => {
const machine = fsm_1.createMachine({
initial: "closed",
context: {
suggestions: [],
message: view.options.msgInitial,
current: -1,
states: {

@@ -47,3 +60,3 @@ closed: {

target: "suggesting",
cond: (c) => c.suggestions.length > 0,
cond: () => c.suggestions.length > 0,

@@ -64,7 +77,26 @@ {

suggesting_country: {
entry: ["renderContexts", "gotoCurrent", "expand", "addCountryHint"],
exit: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent", "contract", "clearHint"],
on: {
actions: ["countryInput"],
target: "notifying",
actions: ["selectCountry"],
suggesting: {
entry: ["renderSuggestions", "gotoCurrent", "expand"],
exit: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent", "contract"],
entry: ["renderSuggestions", "gotoCurrent", "expand", "addHint"],
exit: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent", "contract", "clearHint"],
on: {

@@ -75,6 +107,7 @@ ...CLOSE,

NEXT: { actions: ["next", "gotoCurrent"] },
PREVIOUS: { actions: ["previous", "gotoCurrent"] },
RESET: { actions: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent"] },
SELECT: { target: "closed", actions: ["select"] },
SELECT_ADDRESS: { target: "closed", actions: ["selectAddress"] },

@@ -85,18 +118,16 @@ },

actions: {
addHint: () => {
addCountryHint: () => {
clearHint: () => {
* Updates current li in list to active descendant
gotoCurrent: (c) => {
const lis = view.list.children;
view.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
for (let i = 0; i < lis.length; i += 1) {
if (i === c.current) {
view.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", lis[i].id);
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
else {
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
gotoCurrent: () => {

@@ -106,3 +137,5 @@ /**

resetCurrent: fsm_1.assign({ current: -1 }),
resetCurrent: () => {
c.current = -1;

@@ -114,42 +147,38 @@ * Triggers onInput callback

return;, e.event);
* Narrows country search box
countryInput: () => { },
* Clears ARIA announcement fields
clearAnnouncement: () => view.announce(""),
clearAnnouncement: () => {
* Renders suggestion within list
renderSuggestions: (c, e) => {
renderContexts: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "CHANGE_COUNTRY")
* Renders suggestion within list
renderSuggestions: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SUGGEST")
view.list.innerHTML = "";
const id =;
const s = c.suggestions;
s.forEach(({ suggestion }, i) => {
const li = view.options.document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = suggestion;
li.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
li.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
li.setAttribute("aria-posinset", `${i + 1}`);
li.setAttribute("aria-setsize", s.length.toString());
li.setAttribute("role", "option");
jsutil_1.setStyle(li, view.options.liStyle); = `${id}_${i}`;
view.announce(`${s.length} addresses available`);
* Update context.suggestions
* Update suggestions
updateSuggestions: fsm_1.assign({
suggestions: (c, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SUGGEST")
return c.suggestions;
return e.suggestions;
current: () => -1,
updateSuggestions: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SUGGEST")

@@ -159,9 +188,5 @@ * Hides list and runs callback

close: (_, e) => {
let reason = "blur";
if (e.type === "CLOSE")
reason = e.reason;
if (e.type === "CLOSE" && e.reason === "esc")
jsutil_1.update(view.input, "");, reason);
return c.close(e.reason);

@@ -172,4 +197,3 @@ /**

open: () => {;;;

@@ -180,3 +204,3 @@ /**

expand: () => {
view.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");

@@ -187,23 +211,17 @@ /**

contract: () => {
view.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
* Assigns context.message
* Assigns notification message
updateMessage: fsm_1.assign({
message: (c, e) => {
if (e.type !== "NOTIFY")
return c.message;
return e.message;
updateMessage: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "NOTIFY")
c.notification = e.notification;
* Renders message container and current message
renderNotice: (c) => {
view.list.innerHTML = "";
view.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
view.message.textContent = c.message;
renderNotice: () => {

@@ -213,23 +231,33 @@ /**

next: fsm_1.assign({
current: (c) => c.current + 1 > view.list.children.length - 1
? 0 // Wrap to first elem
: c.current + 1,
next: () => {;
* Selects previous element in list. Wraps to bottom if at top
previous: fsm_1.assign({
current: (c) => c.current - 1 < 0
? view.list.children.length - 1 // Wrap to last elem
: c.current - 1,
previous: () => {
* Triggers select on current context or clicked element
selectCountry: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SELECT_COUNTRY")
const co = e.contextDetails;
if (!co)
c.notification = `Country switched to ${} ${co.icon}`;
* Triggers select on current suggestion or clicked element
select: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SELECT")
selectAddress: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SELECT_ADDRESS")
return;, e.suggestion);
view.announce(`The address ${e.suggestion.suggestion} has been applied to this form`);
const s = e.suggestion;
if (!s)

@@ -236,0 +264,0 @@ },

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import { Controller } from "./controller";
import { ControllerOptions } from "./index";
import { ControllerOptions, Controller } from "./controller";
interface OnBindOptions {

@@ -4,0 +3,0 @@ config: ControllerOptions;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ "use strict";

const jsutil_1 = require("@ideal-postcodes/jsutil");
const index_1 = require("./index");
const setup_1 = require("./setup");
const isTrue = () => true;

@@ -46,3 +46,3 @@ const getAnchors = (config, marker) => {

onAnchorFound({ anchor, scope, config: newConfig });
const c = index_1.setup(newConfig);
const c = setup_1.setup(newConfig);
jsutil_1.markLoaded(anchor, marker);

@@ -49,0 +49,0 @@ onBind(c);

import { Client } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
export declare type QueryOptions = Record<string, string>;

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { autocomplete, lookupUdprn, lookupUmprn, } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";
import { autocomplete } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";

@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ * @hidden

resolve(suggestion) {
const { umprn, udprn } = suggestion;
if (umprn !== undefined)
return lookupUmprn({ client: this.client, umprn });
return lookupUdprn({ client: this.client, udprn });
return autocomplete
.gbr(this.client,, {
query: { api_key: this.client.config.api_key },
.then((response) => response.body.result);
* @module Controller
import { View } from "./view";
import { Announce } from "./announcer";
import { Callbacks, Listener } from "./callbacks";
import { Context, Details, ContextDetails } from "./contexts";
import { DebouncedFunc } from "lodash";
import { ApiCache, QueryOptions } from "./cache";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { ControllerOptions } from "./index";
import { AddressSuggestion, Address } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { Client } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";
import { Config } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios/dist/client";
import { ViewService, CloseReason } from "./state";
import { SelectorNode, CSSStyle, OutputFields, NamedFields, IdGen } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
* Configuration options for an Address Finder instance
export interface ControllerOptions extends Partial<Callbacks>, Partial<Omit<Config, "api_key">> {
* CSS selector or HTML Element which specifies the `<input>` field which the
* Address Finder View should bind.
inputField?: SelectorNode;
* API Key from your Ideal Postcodes account. Typically begins `ak_`
apiKey: string;
* Scopes the operable area of the DOM
* @default
* `window.document`
scope?: Document | HTMLElement | string;
* Specify the Document to operate on
* @default
* `window.document`
document?: Document;
* Default Country
* @default
* `"GBR"`
defaultCountry?: Context;
* Narrow the countries you wish to support
* Setting this to an empty array (default) will enable all countries
* Setting this to a single country will disable country selection and hide the country selection toolbar
* @default
* `[]`
restrictCountries?: Context[];
* Provide a custom list of possible contexts to select a new country or context from
contexts?: Record<string, Details>;
* Specify parent element for output fields to looking for them to narrow search area
outputScope?: string | HTMLElement | Document | null;
* An object specifying where address field data points should be piped.
* The attribute of the document should be the same as the address attribute
* as found in the documentation. E.g. `line_1`, `post_town`, `postcode`.
* You may use a CSS selector `string` or a `HTMLElement`. E.g.
* `{ line_1: "#line_1" }` or `{ line_1: document.getElementById("line_1") }`
* Using an `HTMLElement` as an `outputField` selector has the effect of eagerly binding the Address Finder instance to your output fields. When using `string` selectors, Address Finder will bind to your ouput fields when when an address is selected.
outputFields?: OutputFields;
* An object specifying the `name`s of HTML Input Elements to target for address population
* This will fallback to `aria-name` if a name cannot be detected
names?: NamedFields;
* An object specifying the labels associated with HTML Input Elements to target for address population
labels?: NamedFields;
* Optional. An optional field to remove organisation name from address lines.
* This is `false` by default.
removeOrganisation?: boolean;
* An optional field to check whether the key is usable against the Ideal
* Postcodes API. This should be used in conjunction with the
* `onFailedCheck` callback to specify the necessary behaviour when the API
* Key is not in a usable state. This is `true` by default.
checkKey?: boolean;
* Configures which WAI-ARIA specification version Address Finder should target.
* - `"1.1"` will target the most recent spec
* - `"1.0"` will enable some regressions to support the 1.0 spec.
* Although 1.1 was released in 2017, this currently defaults to "1.0" as it receives the widest support among screen readers. VoiceOver (for MacOS and iOS) and NVDA in particular benefit from this.
* Defaults to "1.0"
aria?: "1.0" | "1.1";
* Automatically aligns address finder
* @default true
alignToInput?: boolean;
* Offset of AddressFinder from input in pixels
* @default 2
offset?: number;
* An optional field to convert the case of the Post Town from upper case
* into title case. E.g. `"LONDON"` becomes `"London".` Default is `true`
titleizePostTown?: boolean;
* Optional configuration object to apply to address queries
queryOptions?: QueryOptions;
* Sets the `autocomplete=` attribute of the input element. Setting this attribute aims to prevent some browsers (particularly Chrome) from providing a clashing autofill overlay.
* The best practice for this attribute breaks over time (see and is specific to different forms. If you are observing chrome's autofill clashing on your form, update this attribute to the best practice du jour.
* @default `"none"`
autocomplete?: string;
* Inject stylesheet into DOM to style Address Finder with default theme. Default is `true`
* Styling of the Address Finder can be achieved using a CSS file. Set this to `false` if you wish to do this
* - `true` Injects the default styles into the DOM
* - `string` e.g. `` will include a CSS Stylesheet in the DOM with the src set as the string
injectStyle?: boolean | string;
* Message in input placeholder when address results are suggested
* Defaults to `"Try the first line or postal code of your address"`
msgPlaceholder?: string;
* Message in input placeholder when country suggestions are presented
* Defaults to `"Select your country"`
msgPlaceholderCountry?: string;
* Fallback message in case communication message with API fails
* Defaults to `"Please enter your address manually"`
msgFallback?: string;
* Initial message when Address Finder opens an no query is available
* Defaults to `"Start typing to find address"`
msgInitial?: string;
* Aria-label attached to country select bytton
* Defaults to `"Click to change your country"`
msgCountryToggle?: string;
* Message presented when no matches found for a particular query
* Defaults to `"No matches found"`
msgNoMatch?: string;
* Aria-label attached to the suggestion list. Prompts screen reader user on how to operate list
* Defaults to `"Select your address"`
* @default `"Select your address"`
msgList?: string;
* CSS class assigned to Address Finder element. This element is the main visible element containing address suggestions, messages and toolbar underneath the address finder
* Defaults to `"idpc_af"`
* @default `"idpc_af"`
mainClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to message box
* Defaults to `"idpc_error"`
* @default `"idpc_error"`
messageClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to the AddressFinder container/wrapper
* Defaults to `"idpc_autocomplete"`
* @default `"idpc_autocomplete"`
containerClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to suggestion list
* Defaults to `"idpc_ul"`
* @default `"idpc_ul"`
listClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to toolbar at bottom of Address Finder
* @default `"idpc_toolbar"`
toolbarClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to country toggle button
* @default `"idpc_country"`
countryToggleClass?: string;
* Suppresses `county` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateCounty?: boolean;
* Suppresses `organisation_name` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateOrganisation?: boolean;
* Applies additional styling to the input field. Ideal for quick tweaks. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* Input styles are restored to original when controller is detached from DOM
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* inputStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
inputStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the suggestion list. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* `style` encapsulates all visible elements of Address Finder. This element is actively shown/hidden when AddressFinder is toggled
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* listStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
listStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the Address Finder container element. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* `containerStyle encapsulates all elements of Address Finder including the input, ARIA controls
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* containerStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
containerStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the Address Finder Main Component. The Main Component contains the visible elements of the Address Finder such as the address suggestion list, toolbar and messages which appears underneath the input field.
* Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* mainStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
mainStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Applies additional styling to the the Address Finder list element. Accepts CSSStyleDeclaration object
* @default
* `{}`
* @example
* ```javascript
* {
* liStyle: {
* backgroundColor: "#000",
* },
* }
* ```
liStyle?: CSSStyle;
* Hide a list of HTML elements when Postcode Lookup is instantiated
* Specify these elements using query selectors or direct HTMLElement references
* @default []
hide?: (string | HTMLElement)[];
* Message shown to user to unhide address fields if `hide` attribute is configured
* @default "Enter address manually"
msgUnhide?: string;
* Specify a clickable element to unhide elements hidden with `hide`
* @default null
unhide?: string | HTMLElement | null;
* Class of clickable unhide element
* @default "idpc-unhide"
unhideClass?: string;
* @hidden

@@ -17,2 +385,8 @@ */

interface RetrieveSuggestions {
(event: Event): Promise<Controller>;
* @hidden
export interface StoredOptions extends Required<Omit<ControllerOptions, keyof Config>>, Omit<Config, "api_key"> {

@@ -34,6 +408,2 @@ }

* More concretely, the instantiation of a controller instance creates:
* - A user interface instance `View`
* - An instance of the [Ideal Postcodes Browser Client](
* The role of the controller is to bind to events produced by the user

@@ -69,9 +439,127 @@ * interface and take appropriate action including querying the API,

* View instance
* Caches previous placeholder value for input
view: View;
placeholderCache: string | undefined;
* Reference to input DOM element
input: HTMLInputElement;
* Reference to Address Finder message DOM element
message: HTMLLIElement;
* Reference to container wrapping AddressFinder elements DOM element. This includes the main component, input fields and WAI-ARIA controls
container: HTMLDivElement;
* Reference to inner container wrapping list and toolbar
mainComponent: HTMLDivElement;
* Reference to Address Suggestion list DOM element
list: HTMLUListElement;
* Reference to toolbar at bottom of finder list
toolbar: HTMLDivElement;
* Reference to country select toggle button
countryToggle: HTMLSpanElement;
* Reference to country icon
countryIcon: HTMLSpanElement;
* Reference to country toggle message
countryMessage: HTMLSpanElement;
* Reference to clickable Unhide link
unhide: HTMLElement;
* Input element input event listener
inputListener: Listener<"input">;
* Input blur event listener
blurListener: Listener<"blur">;
* Input focus event listener
focusListener: Listener<"focus">;
* Input keydown event listener
keydownListener: Listener<"keydown">;
* Unhide click event listener
unhideEvent: Listener<"click">;
* Address Finder state machine
fsm: ViewService;
* ID generation method
ids: IdGen;
* Reference to accessibility announcer
announce: Announce;
* Reference to alerts container
alerts: HTMLDivElement;
* Caches input style prior to Address Finder attachment
inputStyle: string | null;
* Debounced method used to retrieve suggestions
retrieveSuggestions: DebouncedFunc<RetrieveSuggestions>;
* Current search context
context: string;
* Current list of address suggestions
suggestions: AddressSuggestion[];
* Current list of context suggestions
contextSuggestions: ContextDetails[];
* Current notification to be shown to user
notification: string;
* Index of current elem in list selected
current: number;
constructor(options: ControllerOptions);
* Sets placeholder and caches previous result
* @hidden
setPlaceholder(msg: string): void;
* Unsets any placeholder value to original
* @hidden
unsetPlaceholder(): void;
* Returns current highlighted context
* @hidden
currentContext(): ContextDetails;
* Binds to DOM and begin DOM mutations
* @hidden

@@ -87,19 +575,27 @@ */

* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* It executes suggestion search when address input is updated
* @private
* Render available country options
_onInput(): (this: View, event: Event) => Promise<View>;
renderContexts(): void;
* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* Populates fields with correct address when suggestion selected
* @private
* Render current address suggestions
_onSelect(): (this: View, suggestion: AddressSuggestion) => Promise<View>;
renderSuggestions(): void;
* Updates current li in list to active descendant
goToCurrent(): void;
* Marks aria component as opened
ariaExpand(): void;
* Marks aria component as closed
ariaContract(): void;
* Resolves a suggestion to full address and apply results to form
applySuggestion(suggestion: AddressSuggestion): Promise<Controller>;
* Writes a selected to the input fields specified in the controller config
* @public

@@ -110,6 +606,122 @@ populateAddress(address: Address): void;

* cache to prevent stale searches
setQueryOptions(options: QueryOptions): void;
* Adds Address Finder to DOM
* - Wraps input with container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Starts FSM
attach(): Controller;
* Removes Address Finder from DOM
* - Disable listeners
* - Removes sugestion list from container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Stops FSM
detach(): Controller;
* Sets message as a list item, no or empty string removes any message
setMessage(notification: string): Controller;
* Returns HTML Element which recevies key aria attributes
* @public
* @hidden
setQueryOptions(options: QueryOptions): void;
ariaAnchor(): HTMLElement;
* Returns current address query
query(): string;
* Set address finder suggestions
setSuggestions(suggestions: AddressSuggestion[], query: string): Controller;
* Close address finder
close(reason?: CloseReason): void;
* Updates suggestions and resets current selection
* @hidden
updateSuggestions(s: AddressSuggestion[]): void;
* Applies context to API cache
* @hidden
applyContext(details: ContextDetails): void;
* Renders notification box
* @hidden
renderNotice(): void;
* Open address finder
* @hidden
open(): void;
* Sets next suggestion as current
* @hidden
next(): Controller;
* Sets previous suggestion as current
* @hidden
previous(): Controller;
* Given a HTMLLiElement, scroll parent until it is in view
* @hidden
scrollToView(li: HTMLElement): Controller;
* Moves currently selected li into view
* @hidden
goto(i: number): Controller;
* Returns true if address finder is open
opened(): boolean;
* Returs false if address finder is closed
closed(): boolean;
* Creates a clickable element that can trigger unhiding of fields
createUnhide(): HTMLElement;
* Removes unhide elem from DOM
unmountUnhide(): void;
hiddenFields(): HTMLElement[];
* Hides fields marked for hiding
hideFields(): void;
* Unhides fields marked for hiding
unhideFields(): void;
* Event handler: Fires on "keyDown" event of search field
* @hidden
export declare const _onKeyDown: (c: Controller) => Listener<"keydown">;
* Retrieve Element
* - If string, assumes is valid and returns first match within scope
* - If null, invokes the create method to return a default
* - If HTMLElement returns instance
* @hidden
export declare const findOrCreate: <T>(scope: HTMLElement | Document, q: string | T | null, create?: (() => T) | undefined) => T;
export {};

@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ /**

/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
import { View, findOrCreate } from "./view";
import { announcer } from "./announcer";
import debounce from "lodash/debounce";
import { defaultContexts, toContextList, } from "./contexts";
import { ApiCache } from "./cache";
import { addStyle } from "./css";
import { addStyle, computeOffset } from "./css";
import { Client, checkKeyUsability } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";
import { getScope, getDocument, populateAddress, } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { InterpreterStatus } from "@xstate/fsm";
import { create } from "./state";
import { getScope, setStyle, show, toKey, update, toHtmlElem, getDocument, hide, remove, restoreStyle, isString, populateAddress, idGen, } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";

@@ -39,2 +42,8 @@ * @hidden

queryOptions: {},
alignToInput: true,
offset: 2,
// Country
defaultCountry: "GBR",
restrictCountries: [],
contexts: defaultContexts,
// Messages

@@ -45,7 +54,15 @@ msgFallback: "Please enter your address manually",

msgList: "Select your address",
msgCountryToggle: "Change Country",
// Placeholder Messages
msgPlaceholder: "Type the first line or postal code of your address",
msgPlaceholderCountry: "Select your country",
// View classes
messageClass: "idpc_error",
containerClass: "idpc_autocomplete",
mainClass: "idpc_af",
listClass: "idpc_ul",
toolbarClass: "idpc_toolbar",
countryToggleClass: "idpc_country",
// Syles
mainStyle: {},
inputStyle: {},

@@ -80,2 +97,3 @@ listStyle: {},

onUnhide: NOOP,
onCountrySelected: NOOP,

@@ -92,6 +110,2 @@ /**

* More concretely, the instantiation of a controller instance creates:
* - A user interface instance `View`
* - An instance of the [Ideal Postcodes Browser Client](
* The role of the controller is to bind to events produced by the user

@@ -122,24 +136,158 @@ * interface and take appropriate action including querying the API,

this.outputScope = findOrCreate(this.scope, this.options.outputScope, () => this.scope);
// Initialise state
this.context = this.options.defaultCountry;
this.notification = this.options.msgInitial;
this.current = -1;
this.suggestions = [];
this.contextSuggestions = toContextList(this.options.contexts, this.options.restrictCountries);
this.client = new Client({ ...this.options, api_key: this.options.apiKey });
this.cache = new ApiCache(this.client);
this.view = new View({
scope: this.scope,
document: this.document,
onInput: debounce(this._onInput(), 100, {
leading: true,
trailing: true,
maxWait: 100,
onSelect: this._onSelect(),
this.retrieveSuggestions = debounce((event) => {, event);
const query = this.query();
if (query.trim().length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(this);
return this.cache
.query(query, this.options.queryOptions)
.then((suggestions) => {, suggestions);
return this.setSuggestions(suggestions, query);
.catch((error) => {
if (this.query() === query)
this.setMessage(this.options.msgFallback);, error);
return this;
}, 100, {
leading: true,
trailing: true,
maxWait: 100,
this.ids = idGen("idpcaf");
// Configure container
this.container = this.options.document.createElement("div");
this.container.className = this.options.containerClass; = this.ids();
this.container.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "listbox");
// Create message element
this.message = this.options.document.createElement("li");
this.message.textContent = this.options.msgInitial;
this.message.className = this.options.messageClass;
// Create button to toggle country selection
this.countryToggle = this.options.document.createElement("span");
this.countryToggle.className = this.options.countryToggleClass;
this.countryToggle.addEventListener("mousedown", _onCountryToggle(this));
this.countryIcon = this.options.document.createElement("span");
this.countryIcon.className = "idpc_icon";
this.countryIcon.innerText = this.currentContext().icon;
this.countryMessage = this.options.document.createElement("span");
this.countryMessage.innerText = "Select Country";
this.countryMessage.className = "idpc_country";
// Create toolbar (for country selection)
this.toolbar = this.options.document.createElement("div");
this.toolbar.className = this.options.toolbarClass;
// Configure UL
this.list = this.options.document.createElement("ul");
this.list.className = this.options.listClass; = this.ids();
this.list.setAttribute("aria-label", this.options.msgList);
this.list.setAttribute("role", "listbox");
this.mainComponent = this.options.document.createElement("div");
this.mainComponent.className = this.options.mainClass;
//configure unhide
this.unhideEvent = this.unhideFields.bind(this);
this.unhide = this.createUnhide();
// Configure input
let input;
if (isString(this.options.inputField)) {
input = this.scope.querySelector(this.options.inputField);
else {
input = this.options.inputField;
if (!input)
throw new Error("Address Finder: Unable to find valid input field");
this.input = input;
this.input.setAttribute("autocomplete", this.options.autocomplete);
this.input.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "list");
this.input.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "list");
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
this.input.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off");
this.input.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off");
this.input.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false");
if (! = this.ids();
// Apply additional accessibility improvments
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("role", "combobox");
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
this.placeholderCache = this.input.placeholder;
// Create listeners
this.inputListener = _onInput(this);
this.blurListener = _onBlur(this);
this.focusListener = _onFocus(this);
this.keydownListener = _onKeyDown(this);
const { container, announce } = announcer({
idA: this.ids(),
idB: this.ids(),
document: this.options.document,
this.announce = announce;
this.alerts = container;
this.inputStyle = setStyle(this.input, this.options.inputStyle);
setStyle(this.container, this.options.containerStyle);
setStyle(this.list, this.options.listStyle);
// Apply an offset based off any margin
const offset = computeOffset(this);
setStyle(this.mainComponent, {
this.fsm = create({ c: this });
* Sets placeholder and caches previous result
* @hidden
setPlaceholder(msg) {
this.input.placeholder = msg;
* Unsets any placeholder value to original
* @hidden
unsetPlaceholder() {
if (this.placeholderCache === undefined)
return this.input.removeAttribute("placeholder");
this.input.placeholder = this.placeholderCache;
* Returns current highlighted context
* @hidden
currentContext() {
const c = this.options.contexts[this.context];
return {
code: this.context,
icon: c.icon,
* Binds to DOM and begin DOM mutations
* @hidden
load() {

@@ -174,64 +322,109 @@;

* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* It executes suggestion search when address input is updated
* @private
* Render available country options
_onInput() {
const self = this;
return function (event) {, event);
const query = this.query();
if (query.trim().length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(this);
return self.cache
.query(query, self.options.queryOptions)
.then((suggestions) => {, suggestions);
return this.setSuggestions(suggestions, query);
.catch((error) => {
if (this.query() === query)
this.setMessage(self.options.msgFallback);, error);
return self.view;
renderContexts() {
this.list.innerHTML = "";
this.contextSuggestions.forEach((contextDetails, i) => {
const { name } = contextDetails;
const li = this.options.document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = name;
li.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
li.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
li.setAttribute("aria-posinset", `${i + 1}`);
li.setAttribute("aria-setsize", this.contextSuggestions.length.toString());
li.setAttribute("role", "option");
setStyle(li, this.options.liStyle);
li.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
e.preventDefault();, e);
this.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_COUNTRY", contextDetails });
}; = `${}_${i}`;
this.announce(`${this.contextSuggestions.length} countries available`);
* Produces a function to be bound to an instance of `Autocomplete.View`.
* Populates fields with correct address when suggestion selected
* @private
* Render current address suggestions
_onSelect() {
const self = this;
return function (suggestion) {, suggestion);
return self.cache
.then((address) => {
if (address === null)
throw "Unable to retrieve address";, address);
return this;
.catch((error) => {;
this.setMessage(self.options.msgFallback);, error);
return error;
renderSuggestions() {
this.list.innerHTML = "";
const s = this.suggestions;
s.forEach((suggestion, i) => {
const li = this.options.document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = suggestion.suggestion;
li.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
li.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
li.setAttribute("title", suggestion.suggestion);
li.setAttribute("aria-posinset", `${i + 1}`);
li.setAttribute("aria-setsize", s.length.toString());
li.setAttribute("role", "option");
setStyle(li, this.options.liStyle);
li.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
e.preventDefault();, e);
this.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_ADDRESS", suggestion });
}; = `${}_${i}`;
this.announce(`${s.length} addresses available`);
* Updates current li in list to active descendant
goToCurrent() {
const lis = this.list.children;
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
for (let i = 0; i < lis.length; i += 1) {
if (i === this.current) {
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", lis[i].id);
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
else {
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
* Marks aria component as opened
ariaExpand() {
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
* Marks aria component as closed
ariaContract() {
this.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
* Resolves a suggestion to full address and apply results to form
applySuggestion(suggestion) {, suggestion);, suggestion);
this.announce(`The address ${suggestion.suggestion} has been applied to this form`);
return this.cache
.then((address) => {
if (address === null)
throw "Unable to retrieve address";, address);
return this;
.catch((error) => {;
this.setMessage(this.options.msgFallback);, error);
return error;
* Writes a selected to the input fields specified in the controller config
* @public
populateAddress(address) {

@@ -249,4 +442,2 @@ address,

* cache to prevent stale searches
* @public

@@ -257,2 +448,366 @@ setQueryOptions(options) {

* Adds Address Finder to DOM
* - Wraps input with container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Starts FSM
attach() {
if (this.fsm.status === InterpreterStatus.Running)
return this;
this.input.addEventListener("input", this.inputListener);
this.input.addEventListener("blur", this.blurListener);
this.input.addEventListener("focus", this.focusListener);
this.input.addEventListener("keydown", this.keydownListener);
const parent = this.input.parentNode;
if (parent) {
// Wrap input in a div and append suggestion list
parent.insertBefore(this.container, this.input);
if (this.options.hide.length > 0 && this.options.unhide == null)
return this;
* Removes Address Finder from DOM
* - Disable listeners
* - Removes sugestion list from container
* - Appends suggestion list to container
* - Enables listeners
* - Stops FSM
detach() {
if (this.fsm.status !== InterpreterStatus.Running)
return this;
this.input.removeEventListener("input", this.inputListener);
this.input.removeEventListener("blur", this.blurListener);
this.input.removeEventListener("focus", this.focusListener);
this.input.removeEventListener("keydown", this.keydownListener);
const parent = this.container.parentNode;
if (parent) {
parent.insertBefore(this.input, this.container);
restoreStyle(this.input, this.inputStyle);;
return this;
* Sets message as a list item, no or empty string removes any message
setMessage(notification) {
this.fsm.send({ type: "NOTIFY", notification });
return this;
* Returns HTML Element which recevies key aria attributes
* @hidden
ariaAnchor() {
if (this.options.aria === "1.0")
return this.input;
return this.container;
* Returns current address query
query() {
return this.input.value;
* Set address finder suggestions
setSuggestions(suggestions, query) {
if (query !== this.query())
return this;
if (suggestions.length === 0)
return this.setMessage(this.options.msgNoMatch);
this.fsm.send({ type: "SUGGEST", suggestions });
return this;
* Close address finder
close(reason = "blur") {
if (reason === "esc")
update(this.input, "");, reason);
* Updates suggestions and resets current selection
* @hidden
updateSuggestions(s) {
this.suggestions = s;
this.current = -1;
* Applies context to API cache
* @hidden
applyContext(details) {
const context = details.code;
this.context = context;
this.setQueryOptions({ ...this.options.queryOptions, context });
this.countryIcon.innerText = details.icon;
this.announce(`Country switched to ${}`);
* Renders notification box
* @hidden
renderNotice() {
this.list.innerHTML = "";
this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
this.message.textContent = this.notification;
* Open address finder
* @hidden
open() {
* Sets next suggestion as current
* @hidden
next() {
if (this.current + 1 > this.list.children.length - 1) {
// Goes over edge of list and back to start
this.current = 0;
else {
this.current += 1;
return this;
* Sets previous suggestion as current
* @hidden
previous() {
if (this.current - 1 < 0) {
this.current = this.list.children.length - 1; // Wrap to last elem
else {
this.current += -1;
return this;
* Given a HTMLLiElement, scroll parent until it is in view
* @hidden
scrollToView(li) {
const liOffset = li.offsetTop;
const ulScrollTop = this.list.scrollTop;
if (liOffset < ulScrollTop) {
this.list.scrollTop = liOffset;
const ulHeight = this.list.clientHeight;
const liHeight = li.clientHeight;
if (liOffset + liHeight > ulScrollTop + ulHeight) {
this.list.scrollTop = liOffset - ulHeight + liHeight;
return this;
* Moves currently selected li into view
* @hidden
goto(i) {
const lis = this.list.children;
const suggestion = lis[i];
if (i > -1 && lis.length > 0) {
else {
return this;
* Returns true if address finder is open
opened() {
return !this.closed();
* Returs false if address finder is closed
closed() {
return this.fsm.state.matches("closed");
* Creates a clickable element that can trigger unhiding of fields
createUnhide() {
const e = findOrCreate(this.scope, this.options.unhide, () => {
const e = this.options.document.createElement("p");
e.innerText = this.options.msgUnhide;
e.setAttribute("role", "button");
e.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
if (this.options.unhideClass)
e.className = this.options.unhideClass;
return e;
e.addEventListener("click", this.unhideEvent);
return e;
* Removes unhide elem from DOM
unmountUnhide() {
this.unhide.removeEventListener("click", this.unhideEvent);
if (this.options.unhide == null && this.options.hide.length)
hiddenFields() {
return this.options.hide
.map((e) => {
if (isString(e))
return toHtmlElem(this.options.scope, e);
return e;
.filter((e) => e !== null);
* Hides fields marked for hiding
hideFields() {
* Unhides fields marked for hiding
unhideFields() {
* Event handler: Fires when focus moves away from input field
* @hidden
const _onBlur = (c) => function () {;
c.fsm.send({ type: "CLOSE", reason: "blur" });
* Event handler: Fires when input field is focused
* @hidden
const _onFocus = (c) => function (_) {;
* Event handler: Fires when input is detected on input field
* @hidden
const _onInput = (c) => function (event) {
if (c.query().toLowerCase() === ":c") {
update(c.input, "");
return c.fsm.send({ type: "CHANGE_COUNTRY" });
c.fsm.send({ type: "INPUT", event });
* Event handler: Fires when country selection is clicked
* Triggers:
* - Country selection menu
* @hidden
const _onCountryToggle = (c) => function (e) {
c.fsm.send({ type: "CHANGE_COUNTRY" });
* Event handler: Fires on "keyDown" event of search field
* @hidden
export const _onKeyDown = (c) => function (event) {
// Dispatch events based on keys
const key = toKey(event);
if (key === "Enter")
event.preventDefault();, event);
if (c.closed())
return c.fsm.send("AWAKE");
// When suggesting country
if (c.fsm.state.matches("suggesting_country")) {
if (key === "Enter") {
const contextDetails = c.contextSuggestions[c.current];
if (contextDetails)
c.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_COUNTRY", contextDetails });
if (key === "Backspace")
c.fsm.send({ type: "INPUT", event });
if (key === "ArrowUp") {
if (key === "ArrowDown") {
// When suggesting address
if (c.fsm.state.matches("suggesting")) {
if (key === "Enter") {
const suggestion = c.suggestions[c.current];
if (suggestion)
c.fsm.send({ type: "SELECT_ADDRESS", suggestion });
if (key === "Backspace")
c.fsm.send({ type: "INPUT", event });
if (key === "ArrowUp") {
if (key === "ArrowDown") {
if (key === "Escape")
c.fsm.send({ type: "CLOSE", reason: "esc" });
if (key === "Home")
c.fsm.send({ type: "RESET" });
if (key === "End")
c.fsm.send({ type: "RESET" });
* Retrieve Element
* - If string, assumes is valid and returns first match within scope
* - If null, invokes the create method to return a default
* - If HTMLElement returns instance
* @hidden
export const findOrCreate = (scope, q, create) => {
if (isString(q))
return scope.querySelector(q);
if (create && q === null)
return create();
return q;

@@ -10,1 +10,12 @@ import { Controller } from "./controller";

export declare const addStyle: (c: Controller) => undefined | HTMLStyleElement | HTMLLinkElement;
interface Offset {
marginTop: string;
interface Empty {
* Returns a negative offset which can be used to correctly align input box
* @hidden
export declare const computeOffset: (c: Controller) => Offset | Empty;
export {};

@@ -7,3 +7,103 @@ import { idpcState, loadStyle, isString, injectStyle, } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";

const d = ".idpc_ul.hidden{display:none}div.idpc_autocomplete{position:relative;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}div.idpc_autocomplete>input{display:block}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul{position:absolute;left:0;z-index:999;min-width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;list-style:none;padding:0;border-radius:.3em;margin:.2em 0 0;background:#fff;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3);box-shadow:.05em .2em .6em rgba(0,0,0,.2);text-shadow:none;max-height:250px;overflow-y:scroll}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li{position:relative;padding:.2em .5em;cursor:pointer}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li:hover{background:#b8d3e0;color:#000}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li.idpc_error{font-style:italic;background-color:#eee;cursor:default!important}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul>li[aria-selected=true]{background:#3d6d8f;color:#fff;z-index:1000}div.idpc_autocomplete>.idpc-unhide{font-size:90%;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer}@supports (transform:scale(0)){div.idpc_autocomplete>ul{transition:.3s cubic-bezier(.4, .2, .5, 1.4);transform-origin:1.43em -0.43em}div.idpc_autocomplete>ul:empty,div.idpc_autocomplete>ul[hidden]{opacity:0;transform:scale(0);display:block;transition-timing-function:ease}}";
const d = `
margin:0 0 0 0 !important;
color: #28282B;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3);
box-shadow:.05em .2em .6em rgba(0,0,0,.2);
overflow-y: scroll;
margin: 0 0 0 0 !important;
padding:.2em .5em;
margin:0 0 0 0 !important;
padding: .3em .5em;
border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
text-align: right;
background-color: #E5E4E2;
padding: .5em;
text-align: center;
background: #fff;
background-color: #E5E4E2;
padding: .2em .5em;
border-radius: 3px;
font-size: 110%;
span.idpc_icon {
line-height: 1em;
vertical-align: middle;
div.idpc_toolbar>span span.idpc_country {
margin-right: 0.3em;
max-width: 0;
font-size: 0.9em;
-webkit-transition: max-width 500ms ease-out;
transition: max-width 500ms ease-out;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
div.idpc_autocomplete>div>div>span:hover span.idpc_country {
max-width: 7em;
background-color: #E5E4E2;
-webkit-transition: background-color 500ms ease;
-ms-transition: background-color 500ms ease;
transition: background-color 500ms ease;

@@ -35,1 +135,31 @@ * Injects CSS style into DOM

* Returns a negative offset which can be used to correctly align input box
* @hidden
export const computeOffset = (c) => {
let offset;
const input = c.input;
if (c.options.alignToInput === false)
return {};
try {
const w = c.options.document.defaultView;
if (!w)
return {};
offset = w.getComputedStyle(input).marginBottom;
catch (_) {
return {};
if (!offset)
return {};
const nOffset = parseInt(offset.replace("px", ""), 10);
if (isNaN(nOffset))
return {};
if (nOffset === 0)
return {};
const negativeOffset = nOffset * -1 + c.options.offset;
return {
marginTop: negativeOffset + "px",
* @module Address-Finder Exports
import { Address, AddressSuggestion } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { watch } from "./watch";
import { Config } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios/dist/client";
import { Controller, defaults } from "./controller";
import { QueryOptions } from "./cache";
import { SelectorNode, OutputFields, NamedFields } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { View, ViewOptions, OnOpen, OnBlur, OnClose, OnFocus, OnInput, OnSelect, OnUnhide } from "./view";
export interface OnLoaded {
(this: Controller): void;
export interface OnFailedCheck {
(this: Controller, error: Error): void;
export interface OnSuggestionsRetrieved {
(this: Controller, suggestion: AddressSuggestion[]): void;
export interface OnAddressRetrieved {
(this: Controller, address: Address): void;
export interface OnSearchError {
(this: Controller, error: Error): void;
export interface OnSuggestionError {
(this: Controller, error: Error): void;
export interface OnMounted {
(this: View): void;
export interface OnRemove {
(this: View): void;
export interface OnAddressSelected {
(this: Controller, suggestion: AddressSuggestion): void;
export interface OnAddressPopulated {
(this: Controller, address: Address): void;
import { Controller } from "./controller";
* Configuration options for an Address Finder instance
export interface ControllerOptions extends Partial<Omit<Config, "api_key">>, Partial<Omit<ViewOptions, "scope" | "document">> {
* CSS selector or HTML Element which specifies the `<input>` field which the
* Address Finder View should bind.
inputField?: SelectorNode;
* API Key from your Ideal Postcodes account. Typically begins `ak_`
apiKey: string;
* Scopes the operable area of the DOM
* @default
* `window.document`
scope?: Document | HTMLElement | string;
* Specify the Document to operate on
* @default
* `window.document`
document?: Document;
* Specify parent element for output fields to looking for them to narrow search area
outputScope?: string | HTMLElement | Document | null;
* An object specifying where address field data points should be piped.
* The attribute of the document should be the same as the address attribute
* as found in the documentation. E.g. `line_1`, `post_town`, `postcode`.
* You may use a CSS selector `string` or a `HTMLElement`. E.g.
* `{ line_1: "#line_1" }` or `{ line_1: document.getElementById("line_1") }`
* Using an `HTMLElement` as an `outputField` selector has the effect of eagerly binding the Address Finder instance to your output fields. When using `string` selectors, Address Finder will bind to your ouput fields when when an address is selected.
outputFields?: OutputFields;
* An object specifying the `name`s of HTML Input Elements to target for address population
* This will fallback to `aria-name` if a name cannot be detected
names?: NamedFields;
* An object specifying the labels associated with HTML Input Elements to target for address population
labels?: NamedFields;
* Optional. An optional field to remove organisation name from address lines.
* This is `false` by default.
removeOrganisation?: boolean;
* An optional field to check whether the key is usable against the Ideal
* Postcodes API. This should be used in conjunction with the
* `onFailedCheck` callback to specify the necessary behaviour when the API
* Key is not in a usable state. This is `true` by default.
checkKey?: boolean;
* Configures which WAI-ARIA specification version Address Finder should target.
* - `"1.1"` will target the most recent spec
* - `"1.0"` will enable some regressions to support the 1.0 spec.
* Although 1.1 was released in 2017, this currently defaults to "1.0" as it receives the widest support among screen readers. VoiceOver (for MacOS and iOS) and NVDA in particular benefit from this.
* Defaults to "1.0"
aria?: "1.0" | "1.1";
* An optional field to convert the case of the Post Town from upper case
* into title case. E.g. `"LONDON"` becomes `"London".` Default is `true`
titleizePostTown?: boolean;
* Optional configuration object to apply to address queries
queryOptions?: QueryOptions;
* Sets the `autocomplete=` attribute of the input element. Setting this attribute aims to prevent some browsers (particularly Chrome) from providing a clashing autofill overlay.
* The best practice for this attribute breaks over time (see and is specific to different forms. If you are observing chrome's autofill clashing on your form, update this attribute to the best practice du jour.
* @default "none"
autocomplete?: string;
* Inject stylesheet into DOM to style Address Finder with default theme. Default is `false`
* Styling of the Address Finder can be achieved using a CSS file. Set this to `false` if you wish to do this
* - `true` Injects the default styles into the DOM
* - `string` e.g. `` will include a CSS Stylesheet in the DOM with the src set as the string
injectStyle?: boolean | string;
* Fallback message in case communication message with API fails
* Defaults to `"Please enter your address manually"`
msgFallback?: string;
* Initial message when Address Finder opens an no query is available
* Defaults to `"Start typing to find address"`
msgInitial?: string;
* Message presented when no matches found for a particular query
* Defaults to `"No matches found"`
msgNoMatch?: string;
* Aria-label attached to the suggestion list. Prompts screen reader user on how to operate list
* Defaults to `"Select your address"`
msgList?: string;
* CSS class assigned to message box
* Defaults to `"idpc_error"`
* Note this doesn't necessarily indicate an error
messageClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to the AddressFinder container/wrapper
* Defaults to `"idpc_autocomplete"`
containerClass?: string;
* CSS class assigned to suggestion list (bound to `<ul>`)
* Defaults to `"idpc_ul"`
listClass?: string;
* Invoked when Address Finder has been successfully attached to the input element.
onLoaded?: OnLoaded;
* Invoked when `checkKey` is enabled and the key is discovered to be in an
* unusable state (e.g. daily limit reached, no balance, etc).
onFailedCheck?: OnFailedCheck;
* Invoked immediately after address suggestions are retrieved from the API.
* The first argument is an array of address suggestions.
onSuggestionsRetrieved?: OnSuggestionsRetrieved;
* Invoked when the Address Finder client has retrieved a full address from
* the API following a user accepting a suggestion. The first argument is
* an object representing the address that has been retrieved.
onAddressRetrieved?: OnAddressRetrieved;
* Invoked when view is attached to the DOM
onMounted?: OnMounted;
* Invoked when view is detached from the DOM
onRemove?: OnRemove;
* Invoked immediately after the user has selected a suggestion (either by
* click or keypress). The first argument is an object which represents the
* suggestion selected.
onAddressSelected?: OnAddressSelected;
* Invoked when selected address is populated into address fields of user
* address form
onAddressPopulated?: OnAddressPopulated;
* Invoked when an error has occurred following an attempt to retrieve a full
* address. i.e. the API request made after the user selects a suggestion.
* The first argument is an error instance (i.e. inherits from `Error`)
* representing the error which has occurred.
* In this scenario the user will also receive a message to manually input an
* address if address retrieval fails.
onSearchError?: OnSearchError;
* Invoked when an address suggestion retrieval request has failed.
* In this scenario the user will be alerted that no address suggestions
* could be found and to manually input an address.
onSuggestionError?: OnSuggestionError;
* Invoked when the Address Finder view opens (i.e. appears)
onOpen?: OnOpen;
* Invoked when `blur` event is dispatched by Address Finder input field
onBlur?: OnBlur;
* Invoked when the Address Finder view closes (i.e. disappears)
onClose?: OnClose;
* Invoked when `focus` event is dispatched by Address Finder input field
onFocus?: OnFocus;
* Invoked when `input` event is dispatched by Address Finder input field
onInput?: OnInput;
* Invoked when a suggestion has been selected
onSelect?: OnSelect;
* Invoked when hidden fields are unhidden (i.e. user selects an address or opts for manual input)
onUnhide?: OnUnhide;
* Suppresses `county` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateCounty?: boolean;
* Suppresses `organisation_name` from being populated if set to `false`
* @default true
populateOrganisation?: boolean;
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This method will create and return a new AddressFinder instance. It will also add a global reference to the controller at `AddressFinder.controllers`
export declare const setup: (config: ControllerOptions) => Controller;
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This is equivalent to invoking `setup` except inside a DOMContentLoaded event callback
export declare const go: (config: ControllerOptions, d?: Document | undefined) => Promise<Controller | null>;
* Cache of Address Finder controllers
export declare const controllers: Controller[];
* Namespace that exports Address Finder methods and classes
export declare const AddressFinder: {
setup: (config: ControllerOptions) => Controller;
setup: (config: import("./controller").ControllerOptions) => Controller;
controllers: Controller[];

@@ -313,16 +14,3 @@ Controller: typeof Controller;

watch: import("./watch").Watch;
go: (config: ControllerOptions, d?: Document | undefined) => Promise<Controller | null>;
go: (config: import("./controller").ControllerOptions, d?: Document | undefined) => Promise<Controller | null>;
* Configure Address Finder to watch for available address fields to bind
export { watch };
* Default Address Finder Controller configuration
export { defaults };
export { ViewOptions };
* Controller Export
export { Controller };
* @module Address-Finder Exports
import { setup, go, controllers } from "./setup";
import { watch } from "./watch";
import { Controller, defaults } from "./controller";
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This method will create and return a new AddressFinder instance. It will also add a global reference to the controller at `AddressFinder.controllers`
export const setup = (config) => {
const c = new Controller(config);
return c;
* Configure and launch an instance of the Address Finder
* This is equivalent to invoking `setup` except inside a DOMContentLoaded event callback
export const go = (config, d) => new Promise((resolve, _) => {
(d || document).addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (_) => {
const c = setup(config);
return resolve(c);
}).catch((_) => null);
* Cache of Address Finder controllers
export const controllers = [];
* Namespace that exports Address Finder methods and classes

@@ -42,13 +18,1 @@ */

* Configure Address Finder to watch for available address fields to bind
export { watch };
* Default Address Finder Controller configuration
export { defaults };
* Controller Export
export { Controller };
import { StateMachine } from "@xstate/fsm";
import { AddressSuggestion } from "@ideal-postcodes/api-typings";
import { View, CloseReason } from "./view";
import { AddressSuggestion } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { ContextDetails } from "./contexts";
import { Controller } from "./controller";
export declare type CloseReason = "select" | "esc" | "blur";

@@ -13,4 +15,4 @@ * @hidden

} | {
type: "SELECT";
suggestion: AddressSuggestion;
suggestion: AddressSuggestion | undefined;
} | {

@@ -26,2 +28,7 @@ type: "NEXT";

} | {
} | {
contextDetails: ContextDetails | undefined;
} | {
type: "CLOSE";

@@ -31,3 +38,3 @@ reason: CloseReason;

type: "NOTIFY";
message: string;
notification: string;

@@ -38,5 +45,2 @@ /**

export interface Context {
message: string;
suggestions: AddressSuggestion[];
current: number;

@@ -50,2 +54,5 @@ /**

} | {
value: "suggesting_country";
context: Context;
} | {
value: "notifying";

@@ -75,8 +82,9 @@ context: Context;

export interface CreateOptions {
view: View;
c: Controller;
* Creates a finite state machine that drives Address Finder UI
* @hidden
export declare const create: Create;
export {};

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import { createMachine, interpret, assign } from "@xstate/fsm";
import { update, hide, show, setStyle } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { createMachine, interpret } from "@xstate/fsm";

@@ -24,12 +23,26 @@ * @hidden

* @hidden
const NEXT = { NEXT: { actions: ["next", "gotoCurrent"] } };
* @hidden
const PREVIOUS = { PREVIOUS: { actions: ["previous", "gotoCurrent"] } };
* @hidden
const RESET = { RESET: { actions: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent"] } };
* @hidden
CHANGE_COUNTRY: { target: "suggesting_country" },
* Creates a finite state machine that drives Address Finder UI
* @hidden
export const create = ({ view }) => {
export const create = ({ c }) => {
const machine = createMachine({
initial: "closed",
context: {
suggestions: [],
message: view.options.msgInitial,
current: -1,
states: {

@@ -43,3 +56,3 @@ closed: {

target: "suggesting",
cond: (c) => c.suggestions.length > 0,
cond: () => c.suggestions.length > 0,

@@ -60,7 +73,26 @@ {

suggesting_country: {
entry: ["renderContexts", "gotoCurrent", "expand", "addCountryHint"],
exit: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent", "contract", "clearHint"],
on: {
actions: ["countryInput"],
target: "notifying",
actions: ["selectCountry"],
suggesting: {
entry: ["renderSuggestions", "gotoCurrent", "expand"],
exit: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent", "contract"],
entry: ["renderSuggestions", "gotoCurrent", "expand", "addHint"],
exit: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent", "contract", "clearHint"],
on: {

@@ -71,6 +103,7 @@ ...CLOSE,

NEXT: { actions: ["next", "gotoCurrent"] },
PREVIOUS: { actions: ["previous", "gotoCurrent"] },
RESET: { actions: ["resetCurrent", "gotoCurrent"] },
SELECT: { target: "closed", actions: ["select"] },
SELECT_ADDRESS: { target: "closed", actions: ["selectAddress"] },

@@ -81,18 +114,16 @@ },

actions: {
addHint: () => {
addCountryHint: () => {
clearHint: () => {
* Updates current li in list to active descendant
gotoCurrent: (c) => {
const lis = view.list.children;
view.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
for (let i = 0; i < lis.length; i += 1) {
if (i === c.current) {
view.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", lis[i].id);
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
else {
lis[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
gotoCurrent: () => {

@@ -102,3 +133,5 @@ /**

resetCurrent: assign({ current: -1 }),
resetCurrent: () => {
c.current = -1;

@@ -110,42 +143,38 @@ * Triggers onInput callback

return;, e.event);
* Narrows country search box
countryInput: () => { },
* Clears ARIA announcement fields
clearAnnouncement: () => view.announce(""),
clearAnnouncement: () => {
* Renders suggestion within list
renderSuggestions: (c, e) => {
renderContexts: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "CHANGE_COUNTRY")
* Renders suggestion within list
renderSuggestions: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SUGGEST")
view.list.innerHTML = "";
const id =;
const s = c.suggestions;
s.forEach(({ suggestion }, i) => {
const li = view.options.document.createElement("li");
li.textContent = suggestion;
li.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
li.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
li.setAttribute("aria-posinset", `${i + 1}`);
li.setAttribute("aria-setsize", s.length.toString());
li.setAttribute("role", "option");
setStyle(li, view.options.liStyle); = `${id}_${i}`;
view.announce(`${s.length} addresses available`);
* Update context.suggestions
* Update suggestions
updateSuggestions: assign({
suggestions: (c, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SUGGEST")
return c.suggestions;
return e.suggestions;
current: () => -1,
updateSuggestions: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SUGGEST")

@@ -155,9 +184,5 @@ * Hides list and runs callback

close: (_, e) => {
let reason = "blur";
if (e.type === "CLOSE")
reason = e.reason;
if (e.type === "CLOSE" && e.reason === "esc")
update(view.input, "");, reason);
return c.close(e.reason);

@@ -168,4 +193,3 @@ /**

open: () => {

@@ -176,3 +200,3 @@ /**

expand: () => {
view.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");

@@ -183,23 +207,17 @@ /**

contract: () => {
view.ariaAnchor().setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
* Assigns context.message
* Assigns notification message
updateMessage: assign({
message: (c, e) => {
if (e.type !== "NOTIFY")
return c.message;
return e.message;
updateMessage: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "NOTIFY")
c.notification = e.notification;
* Renders message container and current message
renderNotice: (c) => {
view.list.innerHTML = "";
view.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "");
view.message.textContent = c.message;
renderNotice: () => {

@@ -209,23 +227,33 @@ /**

next: assign({
current: (c) => c.current + 1 > view.list.children.length - 1
? 0 // Wrap to first elem
: c.current + 1,
next: () => {;
* Selects previous element in list. Wraps to bottom if at top
previous: assign({
current: (c) => c.current - 1 < 0
? view.list.children.length - 1 // Wrap to last elem
: c.current - 1,
previous: () => {
* Triggers select on current context or clicked element
selectCountry: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SELECT_COUNTRY")
const co = e.contextDetails;
if (!co)
c.notification = `Country switched to ${} ${co.icon}`;
* Triggers select on current suggestion or clicked element
select: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SELECT")
selectAddress: (_, e) => {
if (e.type !== "SELECT_ADDRESS")
return;, e.suggestion);
view.announce(`The address ${e.suggestion.suggestion} has been applied to this form`);
const s = e.suggestion;
if (!s)

@@ -232,0 +260,0 @@ },

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import { Controller } from "./controller";
import { ControllerOptions } from "./index";
import { ControllerOptions, Controller } from "./controller";
interface OnBindOptions {

@@ -4,0 +3,0 @@ config: ControllerOptions;

import { Client, checkKeyUsability } from "@ideal-postcodes/core-axios";
import { NOOP } from "./controller";
import { loaded, toArray, getParent, generateTimer, markLoaded, getScope, } from "@ideal-postcodes/jsutil";
import { setup } from "./index";
import { setup } from "./setup";
const isTrue = () => true;

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ const getAnchors = (config, marker) => {

"name": "@ideal-postcodes/address-finder",
"version": "2.5.1",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "Address Finder JS library backed by the Ideal Postcodes UK address search API",

@@ -29,3 +29,6 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"name": "beta",
"prerelease": true

@@ -101,4 +104,4 @@ },

"dependencies": {
"@ideal-postcodes/core-axios": "~3.0.7",
"@ideal-postcodes/jsutil": "~4.6.1",
"@ideal-postcodes/core-axios": "4.0.0",
"@ideal-postcodes/jsutil": "5.0.0",
"@xstate/fsm": "~1.6.0",

@@ -116,4 +119,3 @@ "lodash": "~4.17.20"

"@ideal-postcodes/api-fixtures": "~1.3.0",
"@ideal-postcodes/api-typings": "~2.1.0",
"@ideal-postcodes/doc-assets": "~1.0.6",
"@ideal-postcodes/openapi": "1.1.0",
"@ideal-postcodes/supported-browsers": "~2.5.0",

@@ -120,0 +122,0 @@ "@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "~21.0.0",

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