Simple interactive command line prompt to gather boolean input from users.

npm | yarn |
npm install @inquirer/prompts
yarn add @inquirer/prompts
Or |
npm install @inquirer/confirm
yarn add @inquirer/confirm
import { confirm } from '@inquirer/prompts';
const answer = await confirm({ message: 'Continue?' });
message | string | yes | The question to ask |
default | boolean | no | Default answer (true or false) |
transformer | (boolean) => string | no | Transform the prompt printed message to a custom string |
theme | See Theming | no | Customize look of the prompt. |
You can theme a prompt by passing a theme
object option. The theme object only need to includes the keys you wish to modify, we'll fallback on the defaults for the rest.
type Theme = {
prefix: string | { idle: string; done: string };
spinner: {
interval: number;
frames: string[];
style: {
answer: (text: string) => string;
message: (text: string, status: 'idle' | 'done' | 'loading') => string;
defaultAnswer: (text: string) => string;
Copyright (c) 2023 Simon Boudrias (twitter: @vaxilart)
Licensed under the MIT license.