Intelie ESLint config
Install the package
yarn add -D @intelie/eslint-config
Install the peer dependencies
npx install-peerdeps@2.0.1 --dev -o --yarn @intelie/eslint-config
On your package.json
"prettier": "@intelie/prettier-config",
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "@intelie"
Editor notes:
Make sure you typescript validation is enabled - it is enabled by default.
"typescript.validate.enable": true
If for some reason you want to turn it off, configure eslint specific validation on your settings:
"eslint.validate": ["javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact"]
Working directories
If your Frontend project is not on the root of the open project you must define the workingDirectories
setting of the VSCode ESLint plugin to make it work.