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File Explorer

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9.7.0 (2023-11-21)


  • added date time formatter in resource explorer table #2140 (10137b7)
  • added delete option for empty widget #2139 (bbab890)
  • charts legend resize drag-handle improvements #2055 (9e9db52)
  • dashboard: add e2e tests (a52242e)
  • dashboard: add model based query support (b95b60c)
  • dashboard: adding watch mode for dashboard (bc6fd3a)
  • dashboard: csv data hook (33379af)
  • dashboard: fit and finish for model-based-queries (1a2bbaf)
  • dashboard: gated CSV download button (645fb1c)
  • dashboard: json to csv package (918515d)
  • dashboard: move mock service worker to mock storybook story (aae9f2b)
  • dashboard: query for describing unmodeled data stream (2d1226d)
  • disable add button when more than one widgets are selected #2115 (c1ec145)
  • disable add button when no widget and propertyselected #2115 (276309b)
  • draw box align with mouse pointer #2137 (a93613a)
  • experimental plugins registry; logger and metrics recorder plugins (95b904f)
  • fake sitewise (5fc9557)
  • fixed the add and reset buttons to bottom right #2114 (15108b0)
  • format latest value time in resource explorer #2140 (51be7da)
  • header design update (700a913)
  • react-components: adding significant digits to trendcursors (ef4c987)
  • react-components: brush zoom (bddb7e1)
  • remove stretch to fit from dashboard #2255 (e8d7778)
  • updated the chart legend ux #1930 (68b8618)
  • widget configuration improvements, per property, and general UX #2243 (94f0490)

Bug Fixes

  • add tests for CSV (28c6ca9)
  • better disabled states and error handling CSV (3bae192)
  • bugfix for overlapping colors in color palette (7b4c95b)
  • change test id for download button (88c16b9)
  • chart gesture performance (cdd52c6)
  • composer: cannot delete node entity with child (a7976bb)
  • copy paste issue on macos #2136 (b7e8574)
  • dashboard: bugfix for barchart positioning (16babf6)
  • dashboard: conditionally start msw for mocked data stories (b9fb349)
  • dashboard: csv will download if viewport has no data (b0cbbad)
  • dashboard: remove hide/show from dashboard definition and config panel (1919341)
  • dashboard: toggle from hide to show for unmodeled datastreams (cea7c30)
  • dashboard: update styling for model based query editor (cb0d969)
  • download button and zoom undo button (a60a81b)
  • immediately change the line chart viewport when updating relative time range (5ebb2f1)
  • immediately change the line chart viewport when updating relative time range (95b5b7d)
  • increase the text widget initial size (7d7918d)
  • missing raect key internal space between (9cbb214)
  • pagination default pagesize is set to 250 and error message update #2242 (3a2d632)
  • panel resizing issue fix #2256 (21dcb51)
  • pasting at the edge of dashboard should paste widget within the grid #2141 (ad1dde7)
  • react-components: adding handling of Yminmax for TC and fixing styling issues (1581b9f)
  • react-components: echarts grab on canvas update cursor and tooltip (bfef4e8)
  • react-components: pagination can move forward on first click from relative range (fcb04f7)
  • react-components: removing animation for series lines (b245995)
  • remove size and position settings - #2249 (276a1a1)
  • remove widget panel from text widget (0620284)
  • twitchy widget icons #2143 (60e7ad3)
  • ungate CSV download feature (ec11c82)
  • unit test fail fix - #2249 (b3a574c)
  • updated the wcag compliance for dashboard resource explorer pane #2173 (26bd618)

Performance Improvements

  • use requestAnimationFrame when dragging widgets on the dashboard (ef3fc4e)


  • filter query on asset models (c5aa946)
  • reverting fix(dashboard): remove hide/show from dashboard definition and config panel (7f63922)
published 9.6.0 •



9.6.0 (2023-11-16)


  • composer: enable auto query feature (661af11)
  • scene: add ground plane button (c282c41)

Bug Fixes

published 9.5.0 •



9.5.0 (2023-11-08)


  • scene-composer: support tag occlusion (3764013)

Bug Fixes

  • composer: get entityBinding in different query (b4e4a22)
  • composer: persist new dynamic node world transform (cb6704f)
  • composer: tag style field is empty when creating a new tag instead of info (595147b)
  • example: roll back unneeded package json changes (39f8324)
  • react-components: update viewportAdapter tests for month and minutes (a269626)
  • scene-composer: sync tag icon from Matterport (e0aa7a7)
  • scene: add overlay close button back (24f0d94)
  • Scene: animation components added at correct time behind flag (da149cc)
  • scene: comment tweak (234b703)
  • scene: ensure the selected overlay is always the one at front (7a15943)
  • scene: only show selected tags overlay (20b7c57)
  • scene: stop scene composer from forcing dark mode on page (40ef97b)
  • TMDT: change role name to match console, revert GLB code to fix bug, add error handling for IAM (66f5d83)
published 9.4.0 •



9.4.0 (2023-10-26)


  • component: allow disable/enable layer auto refresh (5278b9c)

Bug Fixes

published 9.3.0 •



9.3.0 (2023-10-26)


  • add line style thickness per property (fb19652)
  • added line style customization per property (abe942f)
  • added widget text in the widget panel #2036 (a46da1d)
  • charts legend resize drag handle improvements #2055 (0c69b75)
  • component: utils to handle light component in entity (26a1494)
  • composer: append scene node action creates entity for dynamic scene (4ebe88a)
  • composer: support tag custom icon in entity (dc07a1d)
  • composer: utils to handle subModelRef component in entity (d425c57)
  • decimal round of in resource table (a5da972)
  • handle long properties name in properties section in config panel #1984 (fda011f)
  • react-components: refactoring echarts (83e505f)
  • scene: add fog settings to scene (78c6e75)
  • scene: enable scene backgrounds (e630ff2)

Bug Fixes

  • added proper error handling for S3 Bucket ACL issues found by customer, updated README (bbc0aa3)
  • cloudscape dependency resolution failure (7b13ed4)
  • composer: custom tag rendered slightly off the center (0cecac1)
  • composer: update Polaris package version (592c435)
  • dashboard: tc sync is broken in prod (c357902)
  • do not override selected data stream preferences (02b80fe)
  • react-components: fixing the prod issue of dashboard throwing exception (7ecd252)
  • react-components: hitbox spans entire pagination button (6a5b2f8)
  • react-components: pagination over time + tooltip (ff052c9)
  • react-components: toggle legend hides container (8d0ae53)
  • react-component: updating TC to have a drag area instead of just drag on the line (05068bd)
  • scene composer: restoring dark mode in stotybook (94e9ac4)
  • scene composer: show correct Icon field for tags with Custom Style (a2239b8)
  • scene-composer: add scroll bar to show all tag icons by default (15c5dee)
  • scene-composer: restore the grid line colors (be53320)
  • synchronize intervals when new intervals are created (cbc0fa6)
  • synchronize requests after switching tabs (14f89d9)
published 9.2.0 •



9.2.0 (2023-10-17)


  • set tagStyle flag to true for viewer (af5357f)
  • setting the sizes, and sizing behavior of the left and right side panels within the dashboard (8cec7c0)

Bug Fixes

  • composer: floating toolbar orientation dependent on screen size (228037d)
  • core: fix for duplicate data per timestamp issue (9cca8b1)
  • react-components: echarts grab on canvas update cursor and tooltip (a29da3a)
  • synchronize batching (dd0c0c6)
published 9.1.0 •



9.1.0 (2023-10-13)


  • composer: convert nodes to entities UI (43f5e66)
  • composer: utils to handle model shader component in entity (95a4be6)
  • scene composer: fix for icon rules and save icon metadata (0ac8508)
  • side-panels toggle open hit and tooltip on mouseover #2003 (a974964)

Bug Fixes

  • composer: split overlay content into parts (328a33c)
  • dashboard: fix toggle hide thresholds (0abb1b2)
  • dashboard: improve widget drag and resize (fcdc586)
  • dashboard: update unmodeled latest value to timestamp.timeInSeconds (70bd004)
  • echarts: improved x+y axis min and max (38741e2)
  • firefox dnd (5fd8b4f)
  • latest value filtering and sorting (6610382)
  • line charts colors too quickly choose similar colors (0af5465)
  • react-components: fixing the xaxis and viewport dependency (139bcc1)
  • style updates and bugfixes for multi y axis (e11fd3e)
published 9.0.0 •



9.0.0 (2023-10-10)


  • dashboard: widget type change from line-scatter-chart -> xy-plot


  • composer: add utils to convert all nodes to entities (4e305d4)
  • resource explorer table preferences columns visibility #1980 (22d7028)
  • updated the chart legend ux(spacing, legend border color, width, tooltip) (390cbe3)

Bug Fixes

  • dashboard: bar chart default aggregation+resolution (44fd991)
  • dashboard: minor threshold fixes (5b5c570)
  • line chart progresses in time (15876a8)


  • updated the chart legend ux(spacing, legend border color, width, tooltip) (6bbe391)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • dashboard: change line-scatter-chart to xy-plot (70593da)
published 8.1.1 •



8.1.1 (2023-10-05)

Bug Fixes

  • add eslint rule for hooks (de7cc0d)
  • aggregation and resolution settings (06207f9)
  • camera: stop camera view inspector panel from overwriting changes unexpectedly (37a8122)
  • composer: add aria labels to buttons in hierarchy panel (24c8c30)
  • dashboard: chart respects absolute min and max between data and thresholds (db16712)
  • default resolution and aggregation (e5afdc0)
  • fix bug, update test (24c8c30)
  • scene: fix transform controls being clickable (b846730)
published 8.1.0 •



8.1.0 (2023-10-04)


  • composer: add keyboard nav to floating toolbar (efd375f)
  • composer: utils to handle camera component in entity (7ad3bf5)
  • composer: utils to handle motion indicator component in entity (4a1a8b4)
  • dynamic scene: crud functionalities for model ref (2314926)
  • scene composer: icon picker rule changes (e126b53)

Bug Fixes

  • composer: bug fixes for dynamic scene (2f3b396)
  • composer: remove useCallback from menu event handlers (0a7c133)
  • dashboard: correctly update aggregation and resolution configs (e749d48)
  • icon rules: align icon-picker layout with target editor (536f391)
  • remove slashes from property alias when requesting latest in query editor (fbead83)
  • remove viewport and query from widget render key (1587e2a)
  • scene: fix camera returning to last target on mode change (08e608d)
  • scene: remove transform controls from raycast (9cd9861)
  • update HistoryItemGroup snap (ff64273)
  • video player: correcting the VideoPlayer export (18213d7)
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